Horace Walpole The Castle of Otranto

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metaphysical poets

John donne flea

- about a man that loves a woman but they can't be together because of death the
disagreement between their parents
- symbolism- the flea is a metaphor of their unfulfilled love affair-they love can be realized
only when their blood mixes inside the flea
- a society’s idea of being married and virginity is false
- the poem is adressed to women because she doesn't want to have sex with the author
because of convenances- it could be as bad as being bitten by flea
- women wants to kill the flea- this would mean killing their love which is inside the flea

metaphysical conceit- relying on weird metaphor that joins two very different spheres-
abstract ideas+ material ideas
flea( profanum)+ love( sacrum)
the author Compares spiritual quality to material/ physical quality
the things are so different but they actually have similarities

Elegy 19
- Author speaks about the lady undressing in front of him- he compares her to religious
things- angels, Mahomet’s paradise- to a continent,
- America- beginning of colonialism, there were many geographical discoveries and that time
-previous stories
- Atlanta’s balls- from Greek mythology
- book coverings= dresses for regular people
- what is inside the book is only for scientists
comparison of the scientists and laymen - laymen we're only interested in the visual aspect
but scientist we're the only ones to see more- body
- metaphor of reading

metaphysical conceit- Donne reverses the logic of the flea

- love was compared to material idea
- material idea is compared to sacrum
the author compares undressing somebody to education (for example science) and learning

-The glorification of human body- the Angelic aspect of humanity

neoplatonism- world consisted of two spheres, the world that we live in is a reflection of the
ideal world- he returned to neoplatonism because John Donne joins together the ideal
sphere( sacrum) and the material world we live in(profanum)

George Herbert the collar

- what the collar is- a thing that priest would wear( religious)
- submission and control- dogs(beastly)
- Defines one’s position- slaves
- you can also put a collar on somebody that is raging.- choleric
- the author is angry because he lives according to the rules of his religion and gets no
-faith crisis- he doesn't wants to be a submissive animal
the poem concludes with speaker hearing the God calling him as” child”- the reunion of
human and God- Crisis ends.

metaphysical conceit- religiosity is compared to a collar- spiritual quality compared to a very

profane thing

- when he realizes he may lose the joys of Heaven he rebounds with God and even calls
him” Lord”

-discordia concors - logic behind the metaphysical poetry

- founding a similarity between two very dissimilar, different ideas
- example spiritual and material

paradox- it seems like it doesn't have any logic but it is presented as logical
-angelic nature of human contrasted with beastly side

John Milton Paradise Lost

Milton was imprisoned because he argued about censorship and in the favour of divorce.
He was religious but not obsessed, he was a misogynist - he went blind, he dictated the
because of controversies it was published after the fall of puritanism

historical context- Civil War- conflict between the monarch- Charles I and the Parliament
that was dominated by Puritans- Oliver Cromwell

puritanism- the philosophy that claimed that the Reformation was wrong, they wanted to”
purify” the christianism
- modest dressing, christmas was banned
- theological approach to religion- they believed in predestination(term covered by John
- someone is created to do certain things
- Providence- Christians are still protected by God, God was omision so he decided about
everything- something bad happens= we offended God's will so we are sinners and we
deserved it

Free Will and predestination were contrasting

- you can be saved through hard work- there are few occasions to sin when you are
committed to work
- selective approach- due to predestination it is already decided who will be salveted
lack of coherence
- money was a side effect of working hard- the main goal was to focus on the work so that
you don't have any distractions

invocation- adresser is invoking the Heavenly Muse- it is not Christian- classical element
-Aonian Mount -sacred to the classical muses
-Sion - the Greeks believed it is at home of the nine muses
- the comparison of Eden to Arcadia - it has postoral features
- genre- epic poem- borrowing from classical tradition (Homer)
Christian epic poem because it is about christianism and Jesus
- evangelical mission- explanation of why is behaving is certain a way

elements of epic poem

- narrative story that tells about certain events
- plot

Adam, Eve,God, Satan- Fallen Angel, Michael

in beowulf the title character was the epic hero, Central character. here it is Satan, he also
may be called antihero

- He is in the place of Darkness, sorrow and unhappiness
- he used to be one of God's angels, had a high position but he felt because of his pride and
ambition- he wanted to be God himself and thought his equal and even better- he has no
chance to come back- hubris
- he regrets betraying.
- he hates the sun because his remains him how great he was in heaven
- he asked questions, if he had free will or was just predestined to fall. tragedy of Satan
- if he wants more he has to fall. by refusing to serving God, he has to be in hell
- he feels predestined to do what he did
human-like figure

- he defines Hell as himself- it's not a place but a state( it is similar in doctor Faustus)
- whenever he goes, hell appears- the state of eternal despair is him, he embodies it
- he becomes the lord, seduces other angels to rebel, but no one realize how much he
suffers and there is no way out
- epic hero- he fights battles
- tragic hero-he is trapped theological paradox

written in iambic pentameter

blank verse- we don't have rhymes- references to ancient poems

Milton criticised the use of rhymes- he called it an element of lowculture and it needed to be
William wycherley country wife
restoration- end of puritanism
- monarchy was restored
- Charles II
- Return of Theaters
- image of society changed
- two different mindsets at the same time.
- social structure changed- rise of the middle classes
- conflict between aristocratic world and middle-class world

-Before they were Outdoors they didn't have a roof the plays were performed at 3pm to have
natural light
- they became smaller they were indoors, plays started later- 8 p.m.- and they started to use
-Woman perform for the first time

genre- a comedy of manners- can be uncritical so it just represents how certain people
behaved, it can also be critical- as this one- which is satirical
Country wife has established a long tradition in theater
- sex comedy
- horner, Alithea, Pinch wife, Mergery, Sparkish, Harcourt, Lady Fidget
-a skim- a secret -Horner pretends to be an impotent due to his treatment
- symbolic of name=Horner- he gives other men horns by making them cuckolds and having
sex with their wifes
- Pinchwife- he is overprotective over his wife-pinched .= stolen- his wife will be
- his wife- completely oblivious, Countryside, naive,doesn’t know how the society

Why did Pinchwife choose Mergery?

-She is perfect because she is stupid, ugly and she's from Countryside, she is nice and easy
manipulated-Mergery doesn't know what is siffilis- she doesn't speak a distinction between
small pokes(norma disease) and big( siffilis)

the punch in the title-”the country wife”

-Not only she comes from the country but also is unloyal

- sir fidget and Lady fidget- husband always running errands, whereas his wife was the
fidgety because she is always looking for sex
Horner was supposed to be impotent because of mercury treatment for syphilis

Horner is a rake - a man who was seducing women

Alithea( pinch wife's sister) is engaged to Sparkish but Harcout falls in love with her
-Sparkish gets married with Alithea but it's not really her
Sparkish tries to be funny and everybody hates him- satirical representation of wit- wit has a
bright humor,sparkish is a wannabe.- always wants to be fashionable
- always wants to be fashionable

fop- person who loves France, fashion and sex

main characters types in restoration comedy

representation of marriage
- satire on Puritan morality- marriage was supposed to be about owning another person
- here people are getting married just to own something
- pinchwife wants to possess his wife
- to have money, stayed of property
- Harcourt and Alithea are an exception- they get married because of love

aristocracy thinking
- libertinism- no moral rule apply to them
- Ultimate freedom
-later examples- don juan
- aristocrats were bored they didn't have any obligations

the end of the play

- some of people realized that Horner is lying
-Margery says she wants to sleep with him
- everyone remains cuckolds
Horner is sleeping with every wife

Gulliver's Travel Jonathan Smith

mr. Simpson -publisher, distant cousin of Gulliver's. they exchanged the letters in which
Simpson explain that he made changes in the book to not…... audience’s time, which
makes the author upset
The letter is included in the book which is very bizarre
parody of realism- there are no real geographical names
- about travels- deliver meets creatures that are very different from people
- in contrary to Robinson Crusoe, deliver weren't alone
- quasi novel- pretends to be a novel
- satirical version of crusoe- it makes it, crusoe was similar but everything was what's
credible and realistic, whereas Gulliver's stories are absurd- complete fantasy
it laughs at the convention of former realism

3 structure
- in crusoe every action has a date, there we're not many gaps, everything was documented.
- Gulliver- no historical context, gaps, not many dates.
-Between the books Gulliver stayed with his family, but It's not described in details,he
checked the family's health. but went back on travel immediately
- he goes to the horse creatures Island
episodic structure- which happens between his travel is not important

III Book
- she visits people living on an island in the middle of it nobility lives with the king- they are
similar to England but they are interested in music
- it's called La Puta which means whore in Spanish
- they were obsessed with mathematics( impractical), experiments- extracting sunlight from
cucumbers, reusing food- pointless experiments
- very anxious people with no ability to calm down- people were consumed by the
is the satire of the obsession with rationalism and enligtement’s obsession with calibrating
and knowledge

- women on the island- they only had money and privileges while their husbands were
occupied by useless experiments they were cheating on them
- King- how he dealt with Rebels?
He was the most absolute king in the universe- it's a metaphor of England during the crisis-
the English crown disgust. the king could torture the rebellions

IV Book
Yahoos- human like they are no civilized, horses things that Oliver is one of them but he
doesn't want to be associated with them
- houyhnhnms - human- horses- they don't like Yahoo's, they don't know how to lie so
they always tell the truth, they are honorable, they don't commit crimes- rational they
don't need law because they are good- they embody all the best qualities
utopic- preferred Society- Thomas More- no private property, no room for disputes, for
someone's opinion
Yahoos- think that horses are stupid and unreasonable, horses wanted to exterminate
Yahoo's because they thought of them as their most filthy and bestail creatures
obsession with rationalisation may lead to racism, lack of understatement and having
exterminating tendentions
joke on the situation- people who are absurdly untrue are still publicated, so the question
rises- who to trust?
( there was supposed to be a law that would prohibit publishing novels)

colonialism- he was against it, mocks people for pretending to be tolerant while they are
literally killing people
parody of the realist novel

Horace Walpole the castle of Otranto

Gothic fiction
originates in Britain
Frankenstein Dracula
Victorian Gothic Fiction became very popular,
architecture style links to the literature it is impressive, mysterious and dark

The novel starts in unusual circumstances there is a wedding in the castle but the prince
dies - a huge helmet falls on him and killes him on the spot, his father tries living his life by
seducing his adopted daughter

The first edition’s preface written from the perspective of the Catholic Family that has a
library and plot is set in the south of Europe Italy author claims to be translator - is not

it happens often in Gothic novel

- Catholic elements lots of big ceremonies or ornaments
- based in France or Italy this places were exciting not too much
There has to be a feeling that something magical it's happening it had to be mysterious
- The fear of catholicism and being converted but at the same time people were fascinated
by its view on the religion
The English language is deficient
It was written during Crusades’ time( manuscripts
What is very simple and direct - no subplots , everything tends directly to the catastrophe
We can expect dreams or necromancy
The Gothic Manifesto - first text to explain how to write a gothic fiction
The fielding's rules are violated. The impossible is happening

Second preface author is not the translator and anymore and he admits to be the author and
apologizes for lying - he was scared to reveal himself he wasn't sure if the audience will like
The nature according to Walpole
- The ancient Romance - Sir Gawain Homer Etc -the epic poem
The modern romance and novel
The Nature become the ruling force- it was absent in the epic poem
Nature= realism= propable and possible
If the writer.uses nature in his works, his imagination is limited - Author finds it problematic
-in the ancient romance everything was too unrealistic even characters are not relatable and
not convincing
In the modern romance everything is too realistic to the point it is too boring
author mixes it all together to create a relatable yet interesting story
-he borrows Supernatural elements from the ancient romance

1 situations- Supernatural, impossible

2 characters- Ordinary People bounded by the rules of probability
=ghotic romance
Shakespeare is his master
he goes into an argument- according to him, Shakespeare used contrasting characters from
the upper and lower class that is why authors should do the same and borrow from different
styles as well. the language shouldn't be too sophisticated to make situations more realistic.
The Sublime - Defined by Edmond Borke- the profoundest feeling that we can ever
experience, it is much more than pleasure
Two types of sensation
1 Pleasurable moments- for example reading a book, looking at something beautiful
2The sublime- produced by danger, expectation of death or pain are usually viewed as
negative but they are much stronger than pleasure therefore they are superior
-This feelings are way more captivating because they cause pain
Emmanuel Kant -feeling the sublime is the foundation of Gothic novel

certain types of characters in Gothic novel

1 the gothic heroine - young woman, innocent , virgin
2 the gothic villain- a man that wants to rape his adopted daughter - a monkin „the Monk”-
agressive, kind of possessed, male antihero

Twilight is aspiration of Gothic novel- Edward becomes a hero

The Radcliff’s essay

-Terror not just by looking at horrible things- you expect to be afraid because the knowing
that something can really happened it's more captivating

-The gothic fiction should use Terror instead of horror the fear comes from anticipation
something might be behind the curtain in the darkroom but doesn't have to
-There should be rational explanation behind everything
- medical substances, bad mental health condition
Henry Fielding
Tom Jones Book VIII ch I
picaresque novel
- characters from lower backgrounds
- a child that was abandoned by its parents- an orphan
- lots of plot twists - he travels, he gets banished by his adopted parents for drinking
too much and having too much sex, he thought he had sex with his mother but it
wasn’t her

self conscious novel- the novel realizes that is just a piece of fiction - intervention from the
outside- breaking the fourth wall- in drama it was metatheatrical devices. The plot is
interrupted by metatheatrical device- it is commenting on the plot and process of writing

How to write a novel

- Don't write about supernatural things
- write about things that people can understand
- how to write fantasy- possibility and probability( to że coś jest możliwe nie oznacza
że jest prawdopodobne, ale jeżeli coś jest prawdopodobne to musi być możliwe)
- the marvelous- the historian cannot lie and cannot fictionalize- marvelous is possible
but it is not probable- historians sometimes write about it
- the incredible- impossible and improbable
- history is an exception for possible and probable- it is marvelous
- the old fantasy stories are incredible- people shouldn’t write them

Joseph Andrews-preface
the comic epic in prose
+it has a plot, characters, a lot of actions( elements visible in beowulf for ex.)
+long narrative poem
- meter is missing- its not written in verses- written in a prose

comic elements- a comic romance

- in serious ones the protagonist is from higher class, in comedy we are getting
characters from lower class- characters of inferior rank
- Jokes were sexual- not sophisticated
- the subject-not about the great deeds, it is usually light, we don’t have great matters
discussed, not sublime- just ridiculous everyday stuff
- action- how is it different from an epic poem
epic poem was about one issue, it wasn’t complex, there were no subplots. Now we
have a number of subplots, which is borrowed from drama
- exceptions- stories about God - but seldom
- but! novel shouldn’t be boring even though it is about possible things- everyday life
- we should follow the probable but we can make some exceptions- marvelous
- we shouldn’t be describing boring things
- we have to give readers more than. everyday reality

William Blake
-he was a painter, a poet and a visionary- he had religious visions. They were related to
Christianity but not quite.He created his own mythology, Cosmos Etc.
- he thought we are innocent in the beginning but then as we become wiser we become less
- he didn't believe in the distinction between hell and heaven and in the God that is always
- he believed in Urizen- he was a divine architect of the world- he creates the world and
demands certain things from people
-Being Divine isn't connected with innocence
- he was interested in Milton's vision of Satan- human-like problems and desires.

Robert Burns- he had the very modern ideas about poetry writing, Scottish

to a mouse
-nature, language, how it is different from neoclassical poetry
- nature is dominated by man in negative sense
-domination means destroying it
The speaker is sorry for destroying the Mouse's house by accident, he's worried because the
winter is coming and the mouse won't have any time to create a new house for itself. the
speaker also notices that it was stealing some parts of corn from his store but that's okay
with him
-language- Scottish
-according to Pope nature should be methodized - everything needs to be categorized and
-Here we have sympathy towards Mouse , feelings- it doesn't follow the rules
- neoclassical poets would focus more on civilisations, culture and people. Here the main
focus is on such small unit as Mouse
-Lament of the poet
- he doesn't focuses on great deeds
-humans are distancing themselves from nature and enclosed themselves in cities and
industries- Industrial Revolution- rapid reorganization
- revalorizing nature- people experience the changes
- language- simple and spoken- written in the language of mass
- it it's not organized

William Blake lamb

- about God's creation
- association between Jesus Christ and lamb
- nature- innocent, pure,but its nature is lacking the self-awareness, it is defenceless
-Neoclassical elements- ancient rules of beauty - it's harmonious, bright, organized
-language- is simple- opposite to neoclassicism, it's very childish, full of rhymes-
associations with nursery songs that children are used to hear
- First part looks like a question- about creation- who created it
-second part looks like an answer

William Blake tiger

-the Sublime- being terrified, but full of admiration,it terrifies us, but we cant keep ourselves
from looking and wondering who created such an animal
-fire- it was mesmerizing, even though it was dangerous-association with tiger
-nature- people admire its beauty
- mythological association- fire- prometeus
-history- the revolution is starting(American and French)
- the tiger is the symbol of revolution- it's beautiful but it can destroy the world while changing
-sophisticated language

the changes from neoclassicism---> preromanticism

- nature isn’t perfect, even though, it may looks harmonious- nature was methodized
- rationalism---> emotionalism
- -proper language, sophistication——> language spoken by the people, some of them
didn’t even know how to read
- Subject- about great deeds——>about real nature and people’s life during revolution
- simplifying the language to get close to the masses
- going forward the misticism

Romanticism- Preface to Lyrical ballads- William Wordsworth

Romanticism-how it is different from neo-classiscism

-clear focus on emotions- no more focus on rationalism
-back to nature
-struggle For Independence in break- Byron( he took part in war)
- the birth of nationalism - The spring of Nations(Wiosna Ludów mother)- People want to
rule instead of monarchs
- French Revolution, American Revolution- Rebellion against British rule in the colonies,
focusing on people rather than aristocracy because of the historical background

William Wordsworth
- defined what romantic poetry could be about
- Manifesto, theoretical text
1 subject of romantic poetry
2 language of romantic poetry
3 definition ( the end of the Preface)
4 role of poet in society

4 role of the poet in society

- language has to be simple and understandable, so that people can understand it, because
it is his main purpose
-poet is equal to all other people
- writing about emotions makes text more relatable so people would understand the poems
- Poet translate feelings to regular people
- man talking to a man ”poets do not write for poets alone, but for men”
- The poet does not really express the poetry daily, he keeps it to create
- it is a role of a poet to represent ideas and conceptions so it would be simple for an
average person to understand

1 subject of romantic poetry

- simple subject, everyday situations
common life/reality translated into poetry
- Pope proposed lofty topics- now we can have simple things
- emotions, so that people are able to relate to the poem

2 language
-Simple, Universal, it has to be understandable for people from all classes
- language really used by Common People, average men
- more emphatic language( the matter of feelings
- not sophisticated
- the feelings are more directly broadcasted because of the Simplicity of language
- sense of unity- collectiveness - poetry is for everyone

3 definition of romantic poetry

- similar to prose
- should comment on nature
- doesn't create the reality - it's comments on there existing one
-” the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
- are no longer restrain our emotions- we let our feelings spill out

democratization of poetry comparing to neoclassicism

- poetry shouldn't be exclusive, pope insisted to use sophisticated language only
-poetic diction- special kind of language used in writing poetry, meter, sophisticated
vocabulary- neoclassicism
what's worth is doing the exact opposite

we are seven
- very simple language translated into poetry
- ballad- medieval genre loved by Romantics say say say we're fascinated by medieval
Simplicity and folklore
- lyrical poem- something that could be a song, it tells a story in simple language has a
connection to Folklore
- a conversation between a 8 year old girl with man
- she doesn't recognize something like death- she still counts her dead siblings and tells the
man she has 6 siblings- she is still singing to them Etc
- conflict between adults and child's perspective
- man's perspective is neoclassical where a girl has a romantic mindset
- Supernatural elements- ghosts
- innocence of the child

tintern Abbey
- poet is a person who contemplates with nature he is trying to renew his relation with nature
- nature is connected with being young and innocent, it is such a blissful state that we had,
but we forget about it as we become older. the absence of death is clear. the nature is
connected with life
- he was in a city for 5 years and City Life destroyed him, affected his mindset negatively,
- how he came back to Countryside to restore everything that was taken away from him
- nature offers him healing- it gives him peace of mind
- nature also reminds him of kindness, Loved, innocent
- nature is generous and also teaches generosity
- he mentions the Sublime- nature makes him feel insignificant- he respects nature
on the other hand nature is soothing and healing, but someone also fels the sublime
-living in the city dehumanizes a person, whereas countryside heals
- 3 gifts from nature- spiritual health
-tranquility-restores balance
-peace of mind- abandoned recompenses
- elevated thoughts

Samuel Taylor Colridge- the rime of the

ancient mariner
there was a wedding and one of the guest was stopped by the mariner, and he had to listen

-the dreamvision- coleridge was known for taking drugs

- The story is about the sea. The albatross hangs out with them, they feed it, but one day for
some reason, the man kills it. One day man goes mad, the wind stops, so the boat is stuck
on the water. They are thirsty and have nothing to drink.
The albatross is hung on man’s neck as a symbol of his sin
-supernatural element- the presence of death who is here to take the crew’s souls, but she
doesn’t take the soul of the mariner. She rolls dice to play with the mariner and she wins, she
also looks like a human woman, has white skin and yellow hair. The mariner didn’t live nor
die. He ended up being suspended in between death and life
- He was trying to pray but he was surrounded by his dead cew and he couldn't. He spotted
two snakes, admired them and they gave him courage to pray. When he prayed, the
albatross fell off his neck. He was amazed by the sea creatures and because of this, he was
made free again

Albatross symbolizes nature, in some religions he is praised. here it symbolizes the royalty
among the sea. As long as they fed albatros there was wind and they could sail. He went
against nature by killing the albatross, he had to be punished by living between life and
death. When he appreciated the power of nature again, he could have his freedom back- the
moment of absolution.

-the wind started to blow again, the crew was raised from the dead and started to sail again

Connection between albatross and christ

- it wasn’t over for the mariner, he was still cursed he thought that he reached the
shore, but his ship sank. Hermit thought that he is dead, but he wasn’t
A bit nightmarish dream vision- it is not important what you see but how you feel
- he tells the Hermit what happened at the sea, he feels urged to do it
- the other part of the mariners repentance- having to tell the story over and over again
- the wedding guest feels smarter, but much sadder, it is connected with losing the

Genre- ballad- narrative lyrical poem, etc. every element is visible

The role of supernatural elements

- death- the woman
- impact that the albatross has on wind and nature
the nature makes us feel insignificant - if one won’t respect nature, he will be punished, so
people should fear the power of nature
- sublime- beauty of nature has to be admired, respected, appreciated, it amazes

Role of a poet in the society

- educating people by telling stories
- poet has access to knowledge that other humans don’t, therefore he is obliged to to
- the only way to lighten the weight of the poet’s knowledge is by telling it over and
over again, to get a little bit of relief, feel free for a while
- becoming wiser is bound with becoming sadder

2 types of imagination by coleridge

- primary
- secondary

Comparison with wordsworth

- Wordsworth says that poets are from masses, he is equal
- colridge says that poet has more responsibility because he has to translate the world
of imagination to people
Language- still simple, yet a bit more sophisticated

2nd Generation of Romantic Poets

Ode to The West Wind- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- addressed to the wind
- he is intimidated by the wind -sublime
- he praises the wind, he is appreciating it, but at the sametime fears it
- wind may preserve, but may also destroy
- comparison to divinity- wind is a supernatural force
- the role of the wind- without wind nothing would exist, but at the same time it can
destroy everything- through the destruction, it saves life because it gives the chance
to be reborn- duality
- narration changes i 4 stanza- narrator wants to become one with wind
- The wind is uncontrollable and so free(sublime)that is fascinating. Author wants to be
carried as a dead leaf
- - he wants to become one with the wind, because wind can impose his poetry on
people and make it known. The wind is so strong that it even have the power to
enforce the words
- role of the poet
- he wants to be a destroyer and preserver himself- he wants to be a leader over
The role of the romantic poet revolved
-he was a mediator between imagination and reality - now he is a leader
- revolution is like a wind- it first destroys then makes the society reborn through
- he wants to be part of that

Neplatonical poems
- neoplatonism- everything is just a reflection
- transcendence- poet wants to become one with the wind. Platon believed that
everything origins from one reality
- word disordinated in two realities, but in the one of the day, we will become
one again
- structure
- 5 stanzas
-verses -3 in each fragments
-rhymes- aba-bcb-cdc- and so on - terza rima- used by Dante

-genre- Ode

- festive, formal poem
- lyrical poem- it can be a song
- ist addresses sth or sb
- it glorifies, praises sb
- written in high tone
- a bit more sophisticated language than in Ballads

Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats

- about a bird called Nightingale
- pastoral setting- peaceful associations caused by the bird’s singing
- he had a vision- beautiful memories, pleasant moment of drinking wine
- praising the bird however is sth more
- nature is immortal- nature injured people who are dead and alive
- all of this things are n one bird
- author's heart aches- he feels drunk or drugged because of the bird’s singing
- dreamlike vision- he is levitating between the real and imaginary
- he was sick- when he wa in the middle of the treatment he saw a bird behind his
- he is suffering because of the disease- the bird is his way to escape
- sublime- the insignificance of human life, nature is immortal, is above that, its always
- escapism into nature- people feel insignificant in the face.of it
- the role of art- it shouldn’t bring any consolation but also make us contemplate and
cause higher emotions- makes us face our emotions

Ode on a Grecian Urn - John Keats

- ode on an object
- praise to a greek civilization that doesn’t exist no more
- he gain access to these vision by looking at what is painted on the Urn
- he can see scenes from the Greek’s reality- nature animals, people, music(someone
is playing on the pipe), everybody is happy, it seems like a perfect day
pastoral scene- beautiful day, harmony of people and nature
- people are in the middle of doing something
- lovers can’t kiss no more- they are frozen and also immortal
- marriage scene- might be
- at one hand is beautiful-the kiss- but it will never happen- it is frozen- an impasse
oxymoron- pastoral frozen in marble- something connected with pleasure and warmth is
mixed with something cold
immortalizing life through art

Ekphrasis- technique used in piece of arth, when one piece of art comments on the another
piece of art
- commentary on the relationship between life and art
- art can immortalise life but it will be emotionless, it won
‘t be real life itself, will be dead

Victorian Era- Charles Dickens

- victorian era started in- 1837- queen Victoria
- or earlier - when reforms started
- 1901-end

pozytywizm-obsession with progress, if you prove and learn things

utilitarianism - everyone should be productive, everything should be useful and practical.
By hard work and improvement you can achieve happiness

-economy should be liberated-classical libertarianism

- lack of governmental control over economy
development of infrastructure-rapid development of science
-religion- important from the perspective of morality
- promiscuity - all sexual things were repressed, which led to, paradoxically, people
thinking about sex even more but secretaly
-clothing-women had to wear various layers
- middle classes are becoming the main source of culture and information- aristocracy is no
longer important
-morality was so important for middle class, because by limiting themselves they could focus
on working hard
-aristocracy was known for their laziness, living without any control
- people benefit from slavery
-abolishment movement started first in Britain, then in America
Charles dickens- Hard times
- about a family living in Manchester. Gradgrind is a retired manufacturer. He is against
using the imagination and should only be saying things based on real happenings.
his daughter Louisa who is pretty is forced to marry his friend- Mr Bounderby. he's 50
years old see ho, he also has a son
- working class character-Mr Blackpool -unhappily married to his alcoholic wife he
can’t divorce her but he is in love with Rachel
- Gradgrind - has a school for children that is totally based on his philosophy- he
imposes his utilitarian philosophy on children he has access to young minds. Mr
Blackpool is realization of his ideas
- mr ……..was visited by…………………… and was…………..to see

In English imagination the south was idyllic, the north on the other hand was associated with
the revolution, pollution, poverty Etc
perspective of our writer is visible
no perspective- if you get harm in the factory the only responsibility is on you
- someone could be fired everyday with no consequences
the strikes because of poor work conditions
MRS Peggler-Mr Bounderby’s mother, it turns out at the end of the novel she is always
asking questions about him she's thought to be a poor beggar

Mr Spoucet

-cold and uncaring
- Factory owners only are about making money and making progress they don't care about
environmental disaster, the only one to take and notes to give they also ignored factors
- the characters can't move from class to class
- divided according to women- the set of duties s for men and women
- sacration of the sphere- private- house-woman
- public-work-man
Luisa doesn't really fit to that picture
-patriarchal division of gender roles
-that happened because of capitalism
mr ….. -obsessed with science,with facts, he is satisfied by observing the technical details

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