The Hamburg Rutting Test (HWTT) - Alternative Data Analysis Methods and HMA Screening Criteria

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The Hamburg Rutting Test (HWTT) - Alternative Data Analysis Methods and
HMA Screening Criteria

Article  in  International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology · October 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s42947-019-0014-3


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6 authors, including:

Abu Faruk Esraa I. Alrashydah

Texas A&M University University of Texas at San Antonio


Julius Komba
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa


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The Hamburg Rutting Test (HWTT) alternative data analysis methods and
HMA screening criteria
Lubinda F. Walubitaa,b, Abu N. M. Faruka, Jun Zhanga*, Julius J. Kombac, Esra'a I. Alrashydahd,
Geoffrey S. Simatee
a TTI – The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX 77843, USA
bCivil Engineering Dept., Universidad del Norte (UniNorte), Barranquilla, Colombia
c Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSR) / PhD Candidate, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Department of Civil Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
e University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Wits 2050, South Africa

Received 10 April 2018; received in revised form 23 September 2018; accepted 28 October 2018


The Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (HWTT) is a widely used routine laboratory test for identifying and screening hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixes that
are prone to rutting. The standard HMA pass-fail screening criterion under the current HWTT protocol is 12.5 mm rutting at 50qC. However, Texas has
experienced record high summer temperatures in the recent years (i.e., over 122°F), and several rutting failures have occurred in the field with some surface
HMA mixes that had passed the HWTT in the laboratory. These failures occurred mostly in high shear-stress locations, in particular with slow moving
(accelerating/decelerating) traffic at controlled highway intersections, stop-go sections, in areas of elevated temperatures, heavy/high traffic loading, and/or
where lower performance grade (PG) of asphalt binders have been used. This laboratory hybrid study was thus initiated to explore new data analysis methods
and introduce new alternative rutting parameters to supplement the traditional HWTT pass-fail screening criteria (d 12.5 mm rut depth at 50qC) for surface
HMA mixes. Several HMA mixes commonly used in Texas were evaluated in the laboratory and new HWTT analysis parameters, such as the ruttin g area
(ο஺ ), the normalized rutting area (RutΔ), and the shape factor (SF) with the potential to capture the HMA rutting path-history, were formulated. In addition,
a comparison between the newly formulated and traditional rutting parameters with field performance observations was conducte d and yielded plausible
results in terms of predicting the early-life rutting performance of HMA mixes.

Keywords: HMA; Rutting; High shear stress; High temperature; HWTT; Rutting area; Shape factor

1. Introduction to moisture damage under a test temperature of 50qC (122qF) in

the laboratory as per Texas specification Tex-242-F [7-10].
Rutting (or permanent deformation) is one of the major distresses However, Texas has experienced record high summer
occurring in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavements [1,2]. HMA temperatures in the recent years (i.e., over 122°F), and several
rutting is mainly attributed to shear deformation in the upper HMA rutting failures have occurred in the field with some surface HMA
layers under repeated traffic loading [3-6]. Currently, the Hamburg mixes that had passed the HWTT in the laboratory, as shown in
Wheel Tracking Test (HWTT) is used as one of the routine Fig. 1 [11]. These failures often occurred in high shear-stress
laboratory tests for screening HMA mixes and assessing their locations, especially with slow moving (accelerating/decelerating)
rutting susceptibility. traffic at controlled highway traffic intersections, in areas of
The HWTT has been proven as a reliable test method to identify elevated temperatures, heavy/high traffic loading, and/or where
and screen HMA mixes that are prone to rutting and/or susceptible lower performance grade (PG) asphalt binders have been used, etc.
Several research studies have reported different
ȗ Corresponding author variables/parameters that influence HMA rutting. Most of these
E-mail address: (Jun Zhang). studies focused on the input variables, output variables, or test
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Pavement methods. These studies include the HMA properties itself (air void
Engineering. levels, asphalt modifications, HMA aging conditions, and testing

,661 DOI: 10.1007/s42947-019-0014-3

Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Springer Nature
L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116 111

Fig. 2. The HWTT device.

10 mm rutting;
20 000 load passes
Fig. 1. Examples of shear deformation and surface rutting [11].
10 Mix-1 (Convex)
temperatures) as input variables to model the HMA rutting
response [14]. Other studies include comparing the ability of

HWTT Rut Depth

different output variables such as the flow number (FN), dynamic
modulus (DM), and uniaxial repeated load permanent deformation
(RLPD) to predict the HMA rutting resistance [15] or comparing Mix-2 (Linear)
different rut-related test methods such as the HWTT, dynamic Mix-3 (Concave) Degree of preference to
modulus, and repeated loading test [16]. Most HWTT recent Mitigate early rutting

studies also predominantly focused on evaluating test conditions HWTT Load Passes 20 000
and other variables such as setting time, sample sitting time, test
temperature variations, etc. [17-19]. Therefore, as a supplement to Fig. 3. Conceptual illustration of the HWTT rutting path-history.
the traditional rut-depth screening criteria, this study focused on
exploring alternative HWTT data analysis methods and HMA these failure criteria have some inadequacies to effectively assess
screening criteria. HMA rutting resistance for mix screening purposes, particularly
Since improper HMA mix selection due to poor laboratory for surface HMA mixes to be used in high-temperature (i.e., >
screening can undesirably lead to costly premature pavement 50qC) high shear-stress environments. Thus, as a supplement to
failures, tying laboratory testing to field performance using actual these traditional criteria, new alternative data analysis methods and
laboratory and field data is critical to ensure optimal field HMA screening parameters were derived in this study and are
performance and minimize maintenance/rehabilitation costs. Thus, discussed in the subsequent sections.
the objective of this study was to explore new data analysis
methods and parameters based on the HWTT rutting-path history 3. Alternative HWTT data analysis and screening criteria
curves in order to make the current HWTT protocol more
simulative of field conditions of severe Texas summer and As previously stated, the current HMA pass-fail screening
supplement the current Tex-242-F criteria for better assessment of criteria of the HWTT, according to the Tex-242-F specification, is
the shear deformation and rutting resistance of HMA mixes. solely based on the magnitude of the measured rut depth (< 12.5
In the subsequent sections, the Texas HWTT test protocol and mm) and the number of load passes to failure (test termination),
Tex-242-F specification are described, followed by the laboratory whichever comes first [9,20]. However, these parameters do not
experimental plan. Based on the laboratory test results analyzed, capture the rutting path-history of the HMA and therefore, fails to
the paper concludes with a synthesis and summary of the key effectively discriminate those surface HMA mixes that may be
findings and recommendations. potentially susceptible to early-life rutting (shear failure)
propensity when used in high-temperature high shear-stress
2. The HWTT test protocol and TEX-242-F specification environments. This limitation is illustrated in Fig. 3 [13,21], where
the rutting response curves of three HMA mixes have been
The current HWTT protocol of the Tex-242-F specification arbitrarily plotted as a function of the HWTT rut depth versus the
consists of the following test parameters: 72 kg (158 lb) vertical number of load passes.
load at a wheel speed of 52 passes per minute up to 20,000 passes As seen in Fig. 3, three HMA mixes have the same rutting depths
at 50 r1qC (122qF) in a water bath [9]. This test method is of 10 mm after 20,000 load passes, which means that they have the
routinely used to determine the HMA premature failure same rutting propensity based on the current HWTT criteria.
susceptibility caused by weak aggregate structure, inadequate However, it is clear that they show different path-history curves
asphalt-binder stiffness, or moisture damage (stripping). Fig. 2 with different shapes of the rutting response curves. These path-
illustrates the HWTT equipment along with the sample loading histories and shapes of the rutting response curves are meaningful
configuration. in terms of screening and quantifying the expected rutting
The HMA pass-fail screening criteria are based on the measured performance of the HMA mixes. For instance, Mix-1 with a
rut depth (< 12.5 mm) and the number of HWTT load passes to convex shaped rutting response curve suggests a higher propensity
failure (or test termination), whichever comes first. Additionally, to early-life rutting (premature shear failure) than Mix-3 with a
the number of HWTT load passes to failure is based on the asphalt concave curve; where the rutting response curve, as previously
binder performance grade (PG) as follows: PG 64/58-XX = 10,000 defined, is simply a plot of the HWTT rut depth versus the number
load passes; PG 70-XX = 15,000 load passes; and PG 76-XX of load passes. Similarly, the order of the propensity to early-life
=20,000 load passes [9,13,20]. As mentioned in the introduction, rutting and premature shear failure is as follows: Mix-1 > Mix-2 >
112 L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116

Mix-3. Thus, it is obvious that this approach of the path-history or

shape of the rutting response curve will be more effective to screen
HMA mixes as compared to the current HWTT criteria that rely
only on the magnitude of rutting depth and the number of HWTT
load passes to failure.
Rutting is often more prevalent in the early life of HMA after
construction. To mitigate the possibility of early-life rutting, Mix- Area ' A
3 with a concave-shaped rutting response curve will theoretically
be preferred over the other mixes, especially for high shear-stress
and high temperature areas, urban stop-go environments, and (a)
highway intersections. The undesirable convex shaped rutting
response curve of Mix-1 suggests that those mixes may be prone
to early-life rutting, but stabilizes over time partly due to
densification. In other words, Mix-1 would be undesirable where
early-life rutting is to be mitigated, an aspect which the current
HWTT criteria would not readily capture. Besides, it should be
noted that the linear-shaped rutting response curve illustrated for
Mix-2 (linear) hardly ever occurs due to the non-linear viscoelastic
nature of HMA [21]. Similarly, it is not so often that Mix-3’s
concave rutting-response curve occurs in the field among other
factors due to the low density and stiffness of the HMA just after
Evidently, based on the path-history curves exemplified in Fig. Area ' B
3, there is a need to explore new data analysis methods and HWTT
rutting parameters for screening surface HMA mixes as a
supplement to the current Tex-242-F criteria. Three new
alternative HWTT data analysis parameters were then formulated
and investigated in this study, namely, 1) Rutting area, 2)
Normalized rutting area, and 3) Shape factor [22]. Fig. 4. Rutting response curve – plot of rut depth versus HWTT
load passes.
3.1. Rutting area
opposed to 'A, the results in this paper are presented and discussed
The rutting area ('A) is defined as an integral area encompassed in the context of Rut'. The unit of Rut' is mm-number of passes or
under the rutting response curve of the graphical plot of the rut in.-cycle. From Eq. (1) and using Fig. 4(a), Rut' can be computed
depth versus the number of HWTT load passes. The unit of 'A is as follows [13,21]:
mm-number of passes or in.-cycle. As illustrated in Eq. (1) and ஺௥௘௔௨௡ௗ௘௥ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚௖௨௥௩௘ οಲ ଵ
ܴ‫ݐݑ‬ο ൌ ൌ ൌ ሾ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௢ ሻ ൅ ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ଵ ሻ ൅ (2)
Fig. 4, this 'A is mathematically calculated using the trapezoidal ே೏ ே೏ ଶ௡
formula by dividing the area under the rutting response curve into ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ଶ ሻ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௡ିଵ ሻ ൅ ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௡ ሻሿ
“n” number of trapezoids [4,13,21]:
Mathematically, normalizing the Rut' simply implies removing
ே೏ the Nd factor from the 'A in Eq. (1) to Eq. (2) – i.e., dividing 'A
߂஺ ൌ ሾ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௢ሻ൅ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ଵሻ൅ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ଶሻ൅‫ڮ‬൅ʹ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௡ିଵሻ൅݂ሺ‫ݔ‬௡ሻሿሺͳሻ
ଶ௡ (Eq. (1)) by Nd to get Rut' (Eq. (2)). Theoretically, higher Rut' in
magnitude indicates poor rutting resistance in the HMA mix. Thus,
a smaller Rut' in magnitude would theoretically be desired for rut-
where, f (xo) and f (xn) are rut depth values at the left and right end
resistant mixes [13,21].
of each trapezoid, respectively, and n is the number of trapezoids.
Nd is the number of HWTT failure load cycles and represents the
number of load passes to reach 12.5 mm rutting or 20,000 (test 3.3. Shape factor
termination), whichever comes first [22]. Note that while the basic
trapezoidal concept (Eq. (1)) was used for mathematically The Shape Factor (SF) is the ratio of the area under the HWTT
computing the integral area enclosed under the HWTT rutting rutting response curve to a hypothetical triangular area ('B) shown
response curve, other tools such as Matlab software can also be in Fig. 4(b) between the HWTT zero load passes and the failure or
used to compute 'A in Fig. 4 [4,13,21]. test termination point. This SF parameter was derived to capture
and account for the shape of the HMA rutting response curve when
3.2. Normalized rutting area subjected to HWTT testing. The parameter can be computed as
expressed in Eq. (3) [13,21]:
The normalized rutting area (Rut') is the area under the rutting ܵ‫ ܨ‬ൌ


஺௥௘௔௨௡ௗ௘௥௔௧௥௜௔௡௚௨௟௔௥௖௨௥௩௘ ଴Ǥହ‫כ‬ே೏ ‫כ‬ோ௨௧೘ೌೣ οಳ
response curve divided by the number of HWTT load passes to
failure (test termination), i.e., Nd; see Fig. 4(a). That is removing where Rutmax is the maximum rut depth measured at Nd, i.e., HMA
the Nd factor from Eq. (1) yields the normalized Rut'. This rutting after 20,000 load passes or 12.5 mm whichever comes first;
parameter was derived to capture and account for the rutting path- and ' B is the triangular area as illustrated in Fig. 4(b).
history of HMA when subjected to HWTT testing. Thus, as Theoretically, a numerical value of 1.0 for SF suggests a linear
L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116 113

Table 1
Materials and Mix-Design Characteristics.
Mix type District source Climatic Highway Asphalt binder
Aggregate Asphalt binder content (AC)
CG Waco M IH 35 PG 64-22 Limestone + 30% RAP 4.60%
DG Laredo DW Loop 480 PG 64-22 Crushed Gravel + 20% RAP 5.00%
DG Laredo DW US 83 PG 64-28 Limestone + 17% RAP 4.60%
DG Bryan WW SH 21 PG 64-22 Limestone + 17% RAP 4.80%
Limestone/Dolomite + 17%
DfG Paris WC US 277 PG 64-22 5.40%
DfG Atlanta WC US 59 PG 64-22 Quartzite + 20% RAP 5.20%
DfG FTW WC APT PG 64-22 Bridgeport Rock 4.80%
FG Paris WC US 271 PG 76-22 Sandstone 6.80%
CAM Paris WC SH 121 PG 64-22 Igneous/Limestone 7.00%
Limestone/Dolomite + 20%
DG Corpus Christi M US 181 PG 64-22 5.10%
FG Atlanta WC US 82 PG 70-22S Sandstone 7.80%
DG Tyler WC US 259 PG 70-22S Sandstone + 1% Lime 4.30%
Legend: CAM = Crack Attenuating Mix (Texas fine-graded crack-resistant mix); CG = Coarse-graded (Texas Type B mix); DG =
Dense-graded (Texas Type C mix); DfG = Dense to fine graded (Texas Type D mix); DW = Dry-Warm; FG = Fine-graded (Texas
Type F mix); M = Moderate; RAP = Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement materials; WC = Wet-Cold

rutting response curve (Mix-2 in Fig. 3). A SF > 1.00 indicates a parameters (Rut' and SF) for the HMA mixes (Table 1) evaluated
convex rutting response curve (e.g., Mix-1 in Fig. 3), which is are comparatively presented.
theoretically undesirable for high temperature and shear-stress In Fig. 5, the HM mixes (represented by respective in-service
locations and urban stop-go sections in terms of the early-life highways) are presented in the order of increasing Rutmax after
rutting propensity of surface HMA mixes. On the contrary, A SF 20,000 load passes.. The new parameters of the normalized rutting
< 1.00 indicates a concave rutting response curve (e.g., Mix-3 in area (RutΔ) and shape factor (SF) for each mix are also presented
Fig. 3), which would theoretically be more desirable [21]. in Fig. 5. Although it is observed that the normalized rutting area
(RutΔ) also closely follows this ranking of the mixes, there are
4. Experimental design plan ȸ materials and HMA mixes some obvious outliers. For example, the US 83 (Type C) mix ranks
worse than each of US 271 (Type F), US 181 (Type C), and US 82
Five commonly used Texas mix types, namely: Type B, Type C, (Type F) mixes based on the traditional HWTT result (Rutmax),
Type D, and CAM (Crack Attenuating Mixture) with 12 different whereas, due to a superior shape of the rutting curve, it ranks better
mix-design characteristics, were evaluated and are listed in Table than each of the three mixes (US 271, US 181, and US 82) in terms
1, which includes mix type, project site, asphalt binder PG grade of the RutΔ parameter [21]. Also, it is notable from Fig. 5 that the
and content (AC), aggregate type and addition of Reclaimed SF parameter does not seem to have any correlation with the
Asphalt Pavement (RAP). As documented elsewhere [20], these traditional HWTT parameter (Rutmax), implying that the shape of
mixes were selected to geographically cover the main climatic the curve does not depend on the final rut depth of the HMA. These
zones of Texas, namely dry-warm (DW), wet-cold (WC), wet- observations are further confirmed by the correlation curves
warm (WW), and moderate (M) climatic regions except for dry- presented in Fig. 6 [21].
cold (DC) [13,21]. As presented in Fig. 6 (excluding some outliers such as US 83),
It should be mentioned that HMA samples for the mixes listed in the correlation curves between the traditional and newly
Table 1 included field cored samples, plant mixed lab compacted introduced HWTT parameters both reconfirm the argumentsdrawn
(PMLC) samples, and lab mixed lab compacted (LMLC) samples. in the preceding paragraph. As illustrated in Fig. 6(a), the
With the exception of the field-extracted cores that were tested at parameter RutΔ has a fairly linear correlation with HWTT rut depth
the in-situ field density, all the PMLC and LMLC samples were (Rutmax). This linear-regression correlation at 92% coefficient of
molded to a target density of 93±1%, i.e., 7±1% air voids correlation may suggest that the RutΔ parameter, in addition to
(AV)[20]. Also, three replicates for each mix were tested.

5. Laboratory test results and analysis

This section presents the laboratory results and the

corresponding analysis using the new parameters based on HWTT
path-history curves. Along with the SF parameter, note that as
opposed to the mathematical rutting area ('A), the laboratory test
results herein have been presented and discussed in terms of the
normalized rutting area (Rut') that better accounted for the rutting
path-history of HMA when subjected to HWTT testing than the 'A
parameter [12,13,21]. As can be seen in Fig. 5, both the traditional Fig. 5. Comparison of traditional and newly introduced HWTT
HWTT parameter (Rutmax) and newly introduced HWTT parameters (a) Rutmax, (b) RutΔ, and (c) SF.
114 L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116

different from the traditional final rut depth. In order to implement

these new parameters in practice, the correlation between new
parameters and field performance should be investigated. Thus,
this section is mainly to compare the new and traditional
parameters with the field observations. For this purpose, five
different in-service highway test sections, randomly selected from
Table 1 because of their field data availability, were utilized to
compare and validate the laboratory test results with field
performance observations [21]. As shown in Table 2, the in-service
highway sections have varying traffic, climatic, and pavement
structural conditions, but bearing the same HMA mixes that were
tested in the laboratory as previously listed in Table 1.
Fig. 7 presents the HWTT rutting response curves of the five HMA
mixes along with their respective field rutting performances,
which were measured from the five in-service highway test
sections listed in Table 2 [21]. It is observed that the shape of the
HWTT rutting curves can be effectively implemented as a critical
tool to predict the field rutting performance of a mix, particularly
with respect to early-life rutting. For example, the US 59 and the
IH 35 HWTT and field rutting history curves up to 7 months follow
a similar pattern [21]. In order to compare the HWTT laboratory
results with field performance of the mixes, it is vital that only the
field rutting contribution of the relevant HMA layer should be
taken into account. Since a full-scale forensic evaluation was
beyond the scope of this study, the contributions of the respective
layers were estimated through mechanistic-empirical (M-E)
Fig. 6. Correlation of traditional versus newly formulated HWTT modeling (using the MEPDG software) of the in-service highway
parameters (a) RutΔ vs. Rutmax and (b) SF vs. Rutmax. pavement structures [21]. Each highway section was modeled
using the M-E PDG design software to calculate the percentage
capturing the rutting path-history, also provides the same HMA contribution of each layer towards the total surface rut depth.
rutting response data as the traditional parameter Rutmax. That is, These estimated percentages were then used to estimate the rutting
similar to the Rutmax trend, the higher the RutΔ in magnitude, the contribution of the relevant top HMA layers shown in Fig. 7 from
greater the propensity of the HMA to rutting and vice versa the total surface rut depth measured from field surveys of the in-
[13,21]. service highway test sections. Table 3 presents HWTT rutting
On the other hand, the SF in Fig. 6(b) shows no correlation parameters calculated for these HMA mixes along with their
whatsoever with the Rutmax, signifying that the shape of the curve respective field rutting performances.
does not depend on the final rut depth of the mix. In other words Based on the comparison between the HWTT results and the
and based on these results, the magnitude of the final rut depth of field rutting performance presented in Table 3, it is observed that
any given HMA mix is rutting-path independent. This was further the traditional HWTT rut depth may not be sufficient to accurately
substantiated by the low negative computed Pearson Coefficient of predict the field rutting performance of a mix. For example, the US
-0.22 that indicated no statistical correlation between SF and 59 Type D and the Loop 480 Type C mixes have almost similar
Rutmax. For a statistical correlation to exist, the Pearson Coefficient HWTT rut depths (Rutmax = 4.3 mm and 4.8 mm, respectively),
should, at minimum, be 0.6 [22]. Thus, the following mix while the early-life field rutting performance of these two HMA
screening criteria are tentatively proposed for the newly introduced mixes are widely different [21]. However, considering the HWTT
HWTT parameters as a safeguard against early-life mixture rutting path-history of the HMA mixes can lead to a better
rutting: (a) Rut' ≤ 8.0 and (b) SF ≤ 1.25 [21]. prediction of their field rutting performance. Though not very
In general, compressive loading tests such as the HWTT are pronounced, as seen in Fig. 7, the Loop 480 Type C mix has a
inherently associated with good repeatability and low variability in somewhat undesirable convex-like shape for the HWTT rutting
the test data. All the HWTT parameters plotted in Fig. 5 exhibited response curve, indicating that the mix will be more prone to early-
statistically low and acceptable variability in the test data, with a life rutting as compared to the US 59-Type D mix, which exhibits
coefficient of variation (COV) ranging from 1.3% to 12.7%, which a concave-like shape for the HWTT rutting response curve.
is considerably lower than the reference COV of 30% (i.e., COV When comparing the laboratory HWTT results of the HMA mixes
≤ 30%) [13,21]. The Rutmax parameter exhibited statistical with their respective field performances, it needs to be considered
superiority with the COV revolving between 1.3% and 6.8%. By that the five in-service highway test sections selected for this study
contrast, the Rut' and SF parameters did not show any statistical vary widely in terms of the traffic, climatic, and pavement
difference in terms of the COV values at 95% confidence level, all structural conditions, as listed previously in Table 2, which they
falling within the range 5.9% to 12.7%. are subjected to. Also, since all five test sections are at different
stages of their service lives, the field rutting performances at 7
6. Preliminary correlations with field performance data months after construction of each test section were considered for
baseline comparison of all the test sections [21].
It is seen from the previous discussions that the new parameters To obtain a truly objective correlation between laboratory and
obtained from the HWTT rutting path-history curves are somewhat field rutting performance, it is imperative that these conditions are
L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116 115

Table 2
Description of the Selected In-Service Highway Test Sections.
Highway PVMNT Type Mix Type Date of Construction
Climatic Region Max PVMNT AADTT*
US 59 Overlay-HMA-LTB DfG Apr. 2011 Wet-Cold 57.5qC 1502
Loop 480 New Construction DG Jun. 2012 Dry-Warm 63qC 60
SH 121 Overlay-HMA-CTB CAM Oct. 2011 Wet-Cold 58.6qC 468
SH 21 Overlay-HMA-FB DG Jul. 2012 Wet-Warm 53qC 560
IH 35 Frontage New Construction CG Oct. 2011 Moderate 55qC 53
LTB = Lime Treated Base; CTB = Cement Treated Base; AADTT = Average Annual Daily Truck Traffic

Table 3
Comparison of HWTT lab results with field rutting performance.
Top HMA Layer Rutting
Highway Laboratory HWTT (Tex-242-F) Field Rutting (mm)
Rutmax ΔA RutΔ 7 months after Aug. 7 months after Aug.
(mm) (in-cycle) (mm) construction 2014 construction 2014
US 59 4.3 1865 2.3 1.10 0.2 3.3 0.1 1.1
Loop 480 4.8 2700 3.3 1.43 1.6 1.6 0.2 0.2
SH 121 12.7 4928 8.0 1.32 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.9
SH 21 9.4 4050 5.0 1.10 0.8 1.5 0.1 0.3
IH 35 2.8 1708 2.3 1.50 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2

15.0 (a) HWTT Rut Measurement enable adequate and conclusive comparisons with the laboratory
test data in the future.
US 59 Loop 480
SH 121 SH 21
7. Summary and recommendations
HWTT Rutting (mm)

IH 35
7.5 In this study, the HWTT data analysis and HMA mix screening
procedure were reviewed in an attempt to generate new HWTT
5.0 data analysis methods and HMA pass-fail screening parameters
that can better predict the HMA field performance, particular the
2.5 early-life rutting performance of surface mixes to be used in high-
temperature high shear-stress environments. Based on the
0.0 evaluation of different HMA mixes, the key findings and
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 recommendations drawn from this study are summarized as
Number of Load Passes follows:
The current HWTT protocol specifies rutting performance of any
1.2 Top Layer Rutting HMA mix at the end of the test only, without considering the
(b) rutting path-history. Thus, the current HWTT protocol fails to
1.0 explain HMA mixes having similar laboratory rutting
US 59 performances but widely varied field rutting performance,
Average rutting (mm)

Loop 480 especially in terms of early-life rutting of surface mixes used in
0.6 SH 121 high-temperature high shear-stress environments. .
SH 21 To address this issue and capture the HMA rutting path-history,
0.4 three new HWTT data analysis parameters were introduced,
IH 35
namely the rutting area (ο஺ ), the normalized rutting area (RutΔ),
0.2 and the shape factor (SF). Among these parameters, the RutΔ and
0.0 the SF showed promising potential to capture the HWTT rutting
response and path-history.
0 10 20 30 40
Months after construction Analysis of the HWTT data of several commonly used Texas
mixes conceptually confirmed the superiority of the RutΔ and the
Fig.7. Comparison of HWTT output rutting curves with field SF parameters in capturing the effects of the HWTT rutting path-
rutting: (a) HWTT rutting response curves, and (b) field rutting history as well as the total rut depth.
performance curves. Based on the comparative evaluation and discussion, , it is
proposed herein that the RutΔ and SF parameters should be
kept uniform among the test sections to be compared. Thus, considered as a supplement to the traditional HWTT parameters
continued field monitoring of these test sections is warranted to (i.e., the magnitude of the measured rut depth [≤ 12.5 mm] and the
116 L.F. Walubita et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 110-116

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