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Running head: Project Integration Management

Project Integration Management Overview Draft

RyeCure Vaccine Deployment Case
412-Thanusan Baskaran #500829115
438-Christopher Matadeen # 500635480
446 -Harshit Patel # 500880348
451-Tafadzwa Rori #501006073
453-Dola Sarker #500721931
456-Yonatan Tadele #500996225
Group 5PM
Submitted to:
Claude Sam-Foh
ITM750 – IS Project Management
Submitted On:
July 3rd 2021
Ryerson University
Project Integration Management 2

Table of Contents

4.1 Develop Project Charter Chris

4.2 Develop Project Management Plan Chris
• Introduction/overview of the project
Of the 3 options proposed for the distribution of RyeCure. We have settled on using option 1 as
it is the most economical.
• Project organization
• Management and technical processes (including project lifecycle description and
development approach, as applicable)
• Work to be performed (scope)
• Schedule and budget information
• References to other project planning documents
1. Scope
- RyeCure has been created and is ready to be deployed. A robust plan is needed to
distribute the RyeCure to reduce and eliminate the spread of Covid-19. We have
decided on the use of Option 1 as the means of distribution. Which is to distribute the
RyeCure through existing infrastructure such as hospitals, clinics and pharamacies.
2. Milestones

Milestones Description Delivery Date

Business Case Approved Business case reviewed June 11th 2021

and approved by Project

Project Charter Approved

Securing financing for resources

and equipment

Assembling Project Team

3. Phases of Project

Phase Description Sequence


Project Integration Management 3




4. Scope Management Plan

5. Cost Management Plan
6. Schedule Management Plan
7. WBS

4.3 Direct & Manage Project Work Dola

4.4 Manage Project Knowledge Taf
4.5 Monitor & Control Project Work Yonatan
4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control Patel
4.7 Close Project or Phase Thanusan

Direct & Manage Project Work- Dola Sarker

What is our input:

In this section we are describing our project management plan, our documents, approved
change request, enterprise environmental factor, organizational process assets, tools and
techniques. We need to execute our plan successfully.

In this part we will manage and perform our plans for successfully deploying the RyeCure
vaccine. It will involve project management plan, the approved changes and environmental
factors and organization process assets.

Here we have successfully developed and produced the vaccine named “RyeCure”. The next
stage is to market and/or distribute the vaccine throughout the province and beyond. For this
our main plan is to use our experience in this distribution plan, use online tools to track the
inventory, train our workers to store, proper use and the risk of the vaccine. Also, our vaccine
works on the variant. So, we need to do marketing to let people know about this.

This will directly affect our execution plan of our vaccine.

Project Integration Management 4

Our project manager will mainly look into the stakeholder relationship and our team to execute
this plan successfully.

Coordinating Planning and Execution

Our focus here is to document everything and follow the strict guidelines to execute the plan.
We have a solid plan to use our years of experience which we will use in this project. But we
also documented two other options in case we need to find an alternative.

Our business case has all guidelines for this project.

Our SharePoint will always update with our new plans and our executive members will always
use them if we need to modify our plans.

Providing Strong Leadership and a Supportive Culture:

Capitalizing on Product, Business, and Application Area Knowledge:

Project Execution Tools and Techniques:

Our project managers will use specific tools and techniques. They are:

Expert judgment:
Our experts are always consulting about the tools/ software we need to use. Our team will not
hesitate to take any strong decision to execute our plan.

Our project meetings are the most important part to execute this project. It builds the trust
between our team and we are more motivated. It also helps us to be aware of any
disagreements, concerns.

Project management information systems:

Our team always has access to our shared excel documents, PowerPoints and our internal
SharePoint. Our information always gets updated for the inventories, the distribution numbers,
our budgets. The excel will have the formula to indicate to see if we are close to our target
Project Integration Management 5

points. In case we missed something we can always use that information to overcome our

Manage Project Knowledge Taf

The nationwide deployment of the RyeCure not only presents a great opportunity but also a
great challenge for RPE. Although we have a proven track record as a market leader in the
pharmaceutical industry, we have never rolled out any vaccines or drugs on such a large scale at
such a short notice. The experience from this project will be valuable and could become a key
organizational asset.

Managing project knowledge involves the use of existing knowledge and creating new
knowledge to help make current and future projects successful. To this end we have identified
key inputs, and tools and techniques to use.

As noted above we have a project SharePoint site where all our project related information and
documentation are stored and accessed. From this SharePoint site all team members can access
all the past and current project knowledge repositories.

Managing project knowledge is a process done throughout the project lifecycle. All project
members have been trained on how to update the repositories and granted access to all these
For managing the project knowledge, the key inputs we have identified several key inputs
a) lessons learned register - this is the critical section of the project knowledge
management process, and every team leader gathers their team’s reflections and
lessons learned, then evaluates and updates the register on a fortnightly basis.
b) resource breakdown structure - all team members are aware of the project resources by
category and type. Project teams have access to other allied resources within RPE
c) project team assignments - team tasks are aligned with the work breakdown structure,
and all lessons learned are rolled up by individual assignment to team assignments.
d) organizational process assets - all team members are aware of and have access to past
projects’ lessons learned registers. In addition, they know of the available assets within

In gathering, processing and documenting the lessons learned we will mainly rely on expert
judgement of both team leaders and other task specific experts within the entire project team.
We will also rely on the already designed and fully functional lessons learned register as a
guidance tool for both updating and extracting knowledge.
Project Integration Management 6

In terms of information management, we have given teams varying levels of access, with the
majority of the team getting read-only access and team leaders and managers getting access to
write or amend the lessons learned register.

Team leaders are responsible for conducting monthly reflections and networking meetings to
catch the team up on any new knowledge gained so far. In the same meeting all team members
are reminded of knowledge resources available and how to access them.

Our main goal for the project knowledge management process is to produce a value adding
lessons register, which helps capture knowledge acquired during the RyeCure marketing and
deployment project. This also enables us to provide key project management plan updates as
well. The other key output or goal of this process is to provide organizational process assets

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