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3. THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 3.1. THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE - FORMS NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE c/n am not writing | amI writing? | am I not writing? aren’t I writing? are not writing | are you writing? | are you not writing? aren’t you,’ writing? is he/she/it not writing? isn’t he/she/it writing? are we/you/they not writing? aren't we/you/ they writing? 3.2. THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE - USE 1. Actions happening at the moment of speaking: What's going on here? The kids are playing at war.- Be quiet! I’m trying to get some sleep. 2. Temporary actions extended over a period of time: “Have a cookie.” “No, thank you. I'm slimming.” We are doing decimal fractions at school now. They are not using the back door in winter. 3. Definite actions planned for the near future: I’m flying to Rome on Monday. And what are you doing tonight? I'm meeting Chris at seven o'clock. We're going to the movies a Scanned with CamScanner epeated actions which are often annoying or unreasonable. *n He is always phoning when I’min the bath. am constantly losing my gloves. This little girl is forever asking questions. Exercises I. Change into the Present Continuous where possible. Translate into Rome. He teaches physics and biology. Do you watch satellite television? They carry heavy bags. The gardener mows the grass. She agrees with you. Do you recognize that man? Do you believe in reincamation? Why do we always hurry to work? He dances very well. 10. They only shoot rabbits. 11. I‘hate this fish. It smells. 12. I’m afraid the boy lies. 13. Why do you drive so fast? 14. That music sounds good to me. 15. I suppose she wants a new car. 16. We prefer to live in the city. 17. Our granny bakes delicious cookies. 18. We have lunch at one o’clock. 19. The boys are very quiet. I wonder what’s wrong. 20. I think they remember you very well. IL. Write questions to the following statements: 1. Rita is coming to see us on Sunday. a. When.....? b. Who.....? 2. Ralph is bringing some wine and crackers. a. What.....? b. Who.....? 3. I think the Lond is playi 2 What nin orchestra is Playing Mozart now. eas ae So 28 Scanned with CamScanner 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. PEN ATPReNe 7 Win meee . Merete erased ca a.Where.....2 b. What..... The inciting boat new eno plan a. What..... ? b. Who . The Austzalian yacht is saling north, a. Which..... 2? b. Which way a. Who. eeees ? a. What..... ? b. Whose..... 2 Se ees es ease ns calle How many..... ? Your mother is feeling fine. How..... ? They are making sports cars in this factory now. What sort..... 2 He's learning Chinese to impress his girlfriend. She is washing the Boor with a mop. What.....? |. Ask questions about the underlined parts of the following sentences: . The cooks are roasting the meat. The waiters are pouring drinks. . The orchestra is playing pop music. |. The Sandersons are dancing in the fountain. Sir George is kissing a young girl. She is wearing a blue dress. The children are playing at cowboys and Indians. Jim is entertaining his guests in his parents’ bedroom. Lady Morley is talking to her dog in Japanese. oo Scanned with CamScanner is tryii lamp. ). Maj Watkins is trying to shoot at a street Jamp. ue A eacaper reporter is climbing the gate because he wants to take some pictures. ; 12. Max is jumping over the grill on his horse. 13. Seven guests are sleeping in the kitchen. 14. Those three young men are dropping champagne bottles from the roof. 15. Yes, the neighbours are calling the police. IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the Present Continuous: Rick Walker is a private detective. Today he is following Mr. Gimbell’s wife and reporting to him everything she is doing. Rick is now talking to Mr. Gimbell over his car phone. He has a pair of binoculars in his right hand. “This is Rick.I___ 1. outside the Marina hotel. Your wife__2. toa hotel porter. I think she___3. him to bring her the car. Yes, she _ 4. him the keys. Now the porter is back, your wife__5. him and she ____6. into the car.We ___ 7. down Fulton Street and your wife _ 8. left into Sunset Avenue. She ___ 9. rather fast | must say. We ___ 10. seventy miles an hour now! And it___11. to rain. We ____ 12. the Transworld Building and____ 13. the Bay Bridge. Itlooks like your wife ____ 14. for the airport. But I’m not sure. The wind ____ 15. hard and we __ 16. down alittle ak fact your wife ___ 17. There's a small shop here. She ____ 18. out of the carandshe____ 19. the shop. I’m not sure what she _____20. I don’t believe it! Is it a gun? She ____ 21. for it now with her credit card. Now Mrs. Gimbell is back in her car and we ___ 22. slowly again. There's heavy traf- fic here in Grant Avenue and a big truck ____ 23. the road in the middle. I wonder what the police __ 24. We ____ 25. into a small side street and she___26. up in front of a large Victorian house. Wait a minute! Isn't that your house, Mr. Gimbell? She __ 27. for something in her handbag. Yes, the key. But she ___ 28. something else in her hand, too. She looks very happy. In fact I think she __ 29.! Now she ___ 30. the door and she is inside. Mr. Gimbell ...? Mr. Gimbell ...?” . V. Put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous: 1. Cathy? What the children (do)? I (think) they (play) in the backyard. You (hear) the noise? Yes, it (sound) like something (splash) in the wat. Well, I (hope) th iture into the swinmi vl Pe) they (not throw) my furniture into the swimming-poo! Scanned with CamScanner

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