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6TH Floor Derm House Kijitonyama; Box 100035 Daressalaam

Service Breakdown
“Egypt Business Delegation to Tanzania” which will comprise of over 22 Egypt companies who will be on
a business trip to Tanzania between the Dates TBD in July 2021 in order to introduce themselves andto
explore business ties and the possibilities of cooperation with companies in Tanzania.
B2B Meetings + Market Visits, focusing in particular on developing the export capabilities of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing and transition economies
Total USD
Participating of Potential Institution that details with entire Trade sector and express invitation and the
1 detailed list of companies and agenda will be annexed with this invitation. 4,500
TAHA, TPSF, TDAP, FPCCI, CTI, TCCIA, TIC, EPZA, International Trade Center, Asali ya Bibi, Bibi
Spices, Tanzanian tea processing and exports, Agri Business, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security,
Hadija Jabir, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Tanzania Board of External Trade (All undersigned by the
Embassy office before dispatch) Registration Desk
2 Weekly report on the ongoing updates
One day organizes Business Exhibition showcasing various Agri-Productions from both Mainland and
3 Zanzibar ( Exhibition Area, tents, Tables, and entire logistics)
Full cooperation in arranging meetings of the delegates with leading exporters of identified sectors for
4 enhancing business between the two countries
Other Market Access Initiative
During stay in Dar es Salaam, the delegation would visit several manufacturing units , MO Dweji,
Bakharesa, Nature Ripe, Artwork gallery, Asali ya Bibi, POA Rice Market
Past high-level visits
Kariaoko Market & Fish Market Ferry

Communication in House:
PRESS RELEASE: Media House, Social Media, TV and Newspapers 900
Protocol assistant during the entire visit
Photographer and Videographer with one Media House for Interview session
For comfortability we suggest for hiring a luxuries costal bus @ per day 150
Advertising & Branding
For discussion if it will done in house or the consultant should handle the Branding or banners,
sessions in Radio, TV, posters, Nametags,

NB: A Wrap report will be submit with a flash of the entire visit documentary
Subtotal Amount: 5550
The two expected outcomes of the Delegation Visits are as follows:

i. Outcome 1: Increased export competitiveness of SMEs in selected agro-food value chains

ii. Outcome 2: Enhanced performance for trade and business support service providers in
selected Agri-food value chains at national and regional levels

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