Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) : Your Ticket To A Career in Aviation

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Your Ticket to a Career in Aviation


Obtaining a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) is your

�cket to an avia�on career, as it will allow you to take
on paid flying work as a professional pilot.

This course is designed for students who have li�le or no

flying experiences. The course follows standard CASA
syllabus and on comple�on you will receive a Commercial
Pilot Licence (CPL).

There are a range of different career pathways

available to pilots with a Commercial Pilot Licence

Aside from working towards a career with a

commercial airline, there are also opportuni�es
in a range of different industries including
tourism, flight training, agriculture and
passenger transport.
CPL Training
RPL Training
RPL training includes basic
controls and manouevres,
leading to your first solo flight
Build Flying Hours
After receiving your PPL, you

1 First Solo Flight

will build your flying hours in
preparation for CPL training
Your first time flying in the
cockpit yourself, without your
instructor next to you CPL Training

2 6 Includes advanced navigation

and solo exercises in preparation
for your CPL flight test

3 7
Obtain RPL

CPL Flight Test

On successful completion of
Obtain PPL
your RPL training and flight test,
you will receive your RPL On successful completion of
navigational training and flight
test, you will receive your PPL

Navigation Training RPL Training Syllabus

Your PPL training includes a
range of navigational exercises PPL Training Syllabus
and navigational solo flights
CPL Training Syllabus
Module 1 - RPL Flying Syllabus (1/2)
Effects of Controls Advanced Stall
Hands on prac�ce in flying the airplane by using the primary, Learn the effects of power and flap on the stall, stalling during a
secondary and ancillary controls climbing turn, and wing drop recovery

Straight & Level Circuit Introduc�on

Learn to maintain the airplane in straight and level flight without Consolidate and revise previous lessons before being introduced to
con�nuous ascent/descent mo�on the circuit pa�ern for an aerodrome

Climbing & Descending Circuit Normal

Learn to climb and descend the airplane within specified tolerances Prac�ce takeoff, landing and circuit pa�ern including upwind,
as well as level off at a nominated al�tude crosswind, downwind, base and final approach legs

Turning Circuit Flapless & Normal

Learn and prac�ce entering, maintaining and rolling out of a medium Consolidate previous circuit training with the addi�on of managing
level turn abnormal situa�ons such as flap switch failure

Climbing & Descending Turn Circuit Emergency Procedures

Learn how to enter, maintain and roll out of a climbing turn and a Learn to manage engine failure a�er takeoff, missed landing,
descending turn mid-flight engine failure, and glide approach landing

Stall Pre-Solo Check

Recognise the symptoms and dynamics of a stall, and recover the Consolidate prervious circuit lessons in prepara�on for your first solo
airplane with minimal loss of al�tude circuit flight
Module 1 - RPL Flying Syllabus (2/2)
Circuit First Solo Training Area Solo
Your FIRST SOLO flight (without your instructor in the cockpit) will If your instructor deems you competent a�er your Training Area Solo
involve takeoff, circuit pa�ern flight, and full stop landing Check, you will complete a solo training area flight

Circuit Solo Checks & Second/Third Solo Precau�onary Search

Your instructor will fly with you in the circuit and if deemed Learn to check and assess unfamiliar landing strips for poten�al
competent, you will fly two subsequent (longer) solo flights hazards before commi�ng to landing

Steep Turns Short Field Takeoff & Landing

Learn to perform steep level and descending turns, and use correct Include advanced short takeoff and landing techniques and
technique to recover from a spiral dive procedures into circuit pa�ern flying

Prac�ced Forced Landing Basic Instrument Flying

Learn to control the aircra� in the event of an engine failure by Perform instrument scan and manoeuvre the aircra� solely using
maintaining glide speed and performing emergency checks instruments, and recover from unusual aircra� a�tudes

Crosswind Circuits Training Area Solo Checks & Second/Third Solo

You will learn about the effects of crosswind and use correct Consolidate previous training area flight sequences and if deemed
crosswind technique during takeoff, circuit pa�ern and landing competent, you will fly two subsequent solo flights

Training Area Solo Check Pre-Licence Check

Demonstrate correct outbound and inbound procedures along with A summary flight, where the instructor will check if you are up to RPL
stall, forced landing and steep turn techniques standard before sending you for your flight test
Module 2 - PPL Flying Syllabus
Naviga�on Exercise 1 Naviga�on Exercise 6
Basic naviga�on technique, CLEAROFF checks and CTAF joining Introduce Class C Controlled Airspace procedures.
Naviga�on Exercise 7
Naviga�on Exercise 2 This lesson consolidates your Second Naviga�on Solo Check and
CTAF joins, inclusive of a full stop and taxi. Introduce en-route if your instructor believes you are competent to navigate and
PFL. Introduce Melbourne Inland and Coastal Route. return back to your home aerodrome you will be sent on your
Second Naviga�on Solo.
Naviga�on Exercise 3
Introduce Class E Airspace. Introduce low level flying, Lost Second Naviga�on Solo Flight (Naviga�on Exercise 8)
Procedure and Diversion. Your second solo naviga�on flight will be longer than the first
one. You are required to land at the des�na�on airport, refuel
Naviga�on Exercise 4 and return back to Moorabbin Airport.
This lesson consolidates your First Naviga�on Solo Check and if
your instructor believes you are competent to navigate and Naviga�on Exercise 9
return back to your home aerodrome you will be sent on your A summary flight, where the instructor will check if you are up to
First Naviga�on Solo. PPL standard before sending you for your flight test.

First Solo Naviga�on Flight (Naviga�on Exercise 5) PPL Flight Test

Your First Solo Naviga�on Flight will be a short one, in which you The tes�ng officer will check if you can effec�vely demonstrate all
will overfly the des�na�on airport and return back to Moorabbin that you have learnt through you flight training. If they are
Airport. sa�sfied with your knowledge and skills, you will be awarded your
Private Pilot Licence.
Module 3 - CPL Flying Syllabus
Aircra� Familiarisa�on CPL Flight Test
Learn how to fly and get familiar with the CPL training aircra�. The tes�ng officer will check if you can effec�vely demonstrate all
The CPL training aircra� will be faster and will have addi�onal that you have learnt through you flight training. If they are
features such as Constant Speed Unit (CSU) propeller. sa�sfied with your knowledge and skills, you will be awarded your
Commercial Pilot Licence.
CPL Naviga�on Exercise
The CPL flight training consists of naviga�on exercises, including a Mul�-Engine Ra�ng (Op�onal)
cross-country flight totalling at least 540km (300NM) in the Student can choose to use the Diamond DA42 to conduct the CPL
course of with full stop landings at two aerodromes different training. By doing so, student will also receive the Mul�-Engine
from the areodromes of departure. Class Ra�ng a�er passing the CPL flight test.

Hours Building The ini�al training in the Diamond DA42 will cover all aspects of
You are required a total of 150 hours with 70 flown solo as a legal opera�ng a mul�-engine aeroplane, including normal and
minimum. In order to gain the required 70 hours of abnormal opera�ons. It is important to understand the
Pilot-In-Command �me, you will be given planned naviga�on defini�ons rela�ng to mul�-engine flying, performance, engine
exercises. failure and asymmetric (single-engine) handling

A summary flight, where the instructor will check if you are up to
CPL standard before sending you for your CPL flight test.
CPL Course Duration


Flying and studying 4-5 days per week


Flying and studying 1-2 days per week
The Airplane Factory

Rotax 912 ULS Engine

Garmin G3X Touch-Screen Avionics
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) 600kgs
Cruising Speed 110kts
2 Seater
Diamond Aircra�

Con�nental CD-135 Engine/Lycoming IO-360

Garmin G500 or Garmin G1000 Avionics
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) 1150/1200kgs
Cruising Speed 130kts
4 Seater
Diamond Aircra�

Con�nental CD-135 Engine x 2

FADEC single lever power controls
Garmin G1000 Avionics
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) 2000kgs
Cruising Speed 150kts @ 60% Power
4 Seater
172 Skyhawk

Lycoming IO-360-L2A Engine

Garmin G430 Avionics + Analogue Instruments
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) 1100kgs
Cruising Speed 122kts
4 Seater
PACKAGE 150 Hours Integrated Mul�-Engine CPL
Dual Flight Training Hours - Single Engine 70 Hours 50 Hours

Dual Flight Training Hours - Mul�-Engine -- 20 hours

Pilot In Command Hours - Single Engine 70 Hours 70 Hours

Simula�on Training 10 Hours 10 Hours

RPL + PPL + CPL Theory Books  

RPL + PPL + CPL Ground Theory Course  
CASA Theory Exam Fees  
Flight Test Tes�ng Fees  
Avia�on English Language Proficiency Test  
Naviga�on Kit - Flight Computer & Charts  
Logbook  

SLING 2 & DIAMOND DA40 $65,500** --


DIAMOND DA40 $72,500 --


DIAMOND DA40 & DA42 -- $77,500

*Ancillary costs may include Avia�on Medical Check and addi�onal competency hours (if required). Prices are subject to change and will be charged based
on the current pricing schedule at the �me of booking. Current as at January 2019. ** Sling 2 Dual Hours x 50 & Diamond DA40 Dual Hours x 20 + Sling 2
Solo Hours x 21 + Diamond DA40 Solo Hours x 49
Melbourne, Australia (Headquarters)
22-24 Northern Avenue
Moorabbin Airport, Victoria, Australia 3194
1300-532-768 |

Townsville, Australia
Gypsy Moth Court, Townsville Airport
Garbu�, Queensland, Australia 4814
1300-532-768 |

Air Transport Training College (ATTC)
70 Seletar Aerospace View
Seletar Aerospace Training Complex, 797564, Singapore
+65 6603 6600 / +65 9368 8522 |

Hong Kong
Room 406, Chung Fung Commercial Building
21-25 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 6809 4120 / +852 9450 5616 |


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