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Homework – Disney plus.

Netflix (a big competitor of Disney) offers a large, higher-quality video store with complete
copyright and apps to be used on smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs,... At
that time consumers can conveniently enjoy digital content from Netflix only with an internet
connection and a smart device.

Netflix's material is primarily TV series and TV shows from all sectors, both produced by
Netflix and by other manufacturers and Netflix is evolving rapidly with material that enriches
and excites.

To understand intensively, we did a focus group with some members of our class to find what
they think about an available platform to find some weaknesses, so we will built some
suggestions to help Disney become more suitable in Vietnam. When registering as a member,
Netflix offers a free one-month trial, but all of them do not own Netflix accounts. In which, two
of them had FPT Play accounts and others using to watch movies – it is a free
movie viewing platform in Vietnam without copyright. This is because of some reason:
1. They had a free movie platform ( with a big data, high quality, and quickly
updated, so they thought that spending a sum of money is not necessary.
2. Complicated payment process – compared to the general basis, Netflix has a quite high
price at this time, and even if you wish to register to use Netflix's service, you must have
an international payment account. This makes it difficult for customers, because not
everyone has an international account, specially students.
3. Movie warehouse is not diverse – they own a diverse range of films and TV shows, but
most of the films are mostly American and Korean, and there are a few Hong Kong,
Indian, Japanese, and Thai movies like Vietnam's movie portals. Not only that but the
latest movie update pace of Netflix is a little sluggish, suitable mostly for those who want
to watch old movies again. Moreover, most blockbuster movies belong to Disney and
Marvel, and they are not available on Netflix.
When asked about Netflix offers a free one-month trial, but all of them do not own Netflix’s
account if registering as a member, but all of them had not owned any account. This is because in
that month, if they have unexpected things needed to do, they will waste a free-month trial.
Besides that, when registering, we must add our card, and if we forget to cancel the renewal,
Netflix will automatically charge the fee for next month.

And there are some suggestions for subscription plan in Vietnam.

1. First stage
The first Disney that could create a "network effect" was a popular refrain explaining the rise of
Facebook, Google, Uber, Airbnb and Alibaba. In each of these cases, the company takes on a
"double-sided" role, both facilitating supply-side sales and buying on the demand-side, to enable
the exchange of goods or services. . The value of such a platform depends largely on the number
of users on both sides of the exchange. That is, the more people using the same platform, the
more attractive the platform becomes - attracting more and more people to use it. Due to this
network effect, users are willing to pay more for access to a larger network, and therefore
corporate profits will improve as the user base grows.

However, Disney should be driven to better serve its customers. Disney could build a proprietary
algorithm that surveyed customers about their interests through a simple survey. The system will
recommend available and attractive movies. Therefore, customers will not be disturbed because
the system will not show which movies are out of stock.

2. Focusing mainly on customer data

Disney may use its data - from general numbers to specific, detailed information - to support
almost every business decision. Because most people know that Disney regularly supplies
cartoons, Disney can now survey customers to find out which movies they love and have tight
age limits. Disney's use of big data can help them understand what its customers need or are
missing. Disney may collect information regarding:

- When the viewer pauses, rewinds or fast-forward

- Completion rate for all viewed content
- Logistic services such as the equipment used, time of day view and location
- User age
- Vietnamese people tend to like to watch movies of which country
Understanding what customers are looking to see can help them collaborate and buy the
copyrights of the film and production, and they can buy live shows from foreign and Vietnamese
artists like Son Tung.

3. Factors to attract customers

Firstly, Disney can create a page where people can freely comment on the quality and content of
the movie.

Secondly, because of the problem of improving English in Vietnam, especially for young people,
Disney should add the parallel translation function of subtitles as some websites in Vietnam are
doing. The reality in Vietnam is that young people are always conscious of learning English, but
traditional methods are quite boring for them, so they are always looking for new ways to learn.
Disney can hire Vietnamese to write the translation code, which will make the translation more
coherent and fluent. To compete with English learning apps in Vietnam, Disney can create trends
to watch copyright movies and raise awareness of respect for copyright. Moreover, the demand
for enjoying online entertainment has increased sharply during the Covid-19 epidemic, especially
the need to watch movies of the people in socially isolated days. The growing popularity of
online television services shows that Vietnamese people are willing to spend money on quality,
copyrighted content. Therefore, Disney can put a strong emphasis on watching copyrighted
movies with ad-free and ad-free quality, as well as bilingual translations allowing people to learn
English more actively.

Thirdly, Payments are always a problem with movie streaming apps. Disney can facilitate its
users with a variety of payment methods. Disney may create a headquarters where customers can
pay with cash or transfer via Disney accounts. It should also send email to remind the user to
renew the account.

Finally, Most of the sample admit that they would not likely spend a considerable amount of
money for a month of experience because they only spend a few days to watch their favorite
movies or shows. This will lead to wasting money for the day they do not watch it. Therefore,
Disney can Allow users to buy which movies they want to see with affordable cost or Have a
variety of choices for subscription plans.

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