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(Đề thi có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. rained B. jumped C. arrived D. followed
Question 2: A. sun B. fun C. hunt D. put
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. actor B. adult C. effort D. area
Question 4: A. recommend B. fortunate C. entertain D. disappear
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: He is very handsome, ________?
A. is he B. are they C. isn’t he D. aren’t they
Question 6: This house is going ______ by my mother
A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell
Question 7: She likes reading books ________the library.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
Question 8: ______ he worked, the more he earned.
A. The more hard B. The hard C. The harder D. The hardest
Question 9: Indiana University, one of the largest in the nation, is located in a ______town.
A. small beautiful Midwestern B. beautiful Midwestern small
C. Midwestern beautiful small D. beautiful small Midwestern
Question 10: At this time last night when she came home, he _______ the newspaper.
A. is reading B. was reading C. is reading D. read
Question 11: People should stop smoking ________ it is extremely detrimental to health.
A. although B. despite C. because D. because of
Question 12: She will take management training course ________.
A. right after the epidemic has been controlled
B. as soon as the epidemic was controlled
C. when the epidemic had been controlled
D. until the epidemic will be controlled
Question 13: ______ the email - supposedly from Boyd's Bank - to be genuine, she was tricked into
disclosing her credit card details.
A. Believe B. Being believed C. To believe D. Having believed
Question 14: The Internet has made ______ between distant parts of the world easier
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicatively
Question 15: That’s the trouble with the night shift. It ________your private life too much.
A. breaks in: interrupt B. breaks into C. breaks through D. breaks up
Question 16: Foreign students who are ________a decision about which school to attend may not know
exactly where the choices are located
A. doing B. making C. taking D. having
Question 17: The ________ of toothpaste are located in the health and beauty section of the
A. tubes B. pints C. sticks D. quarts
Question 18: At the ________level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.
A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate
Question 19: Alex dreams of going on tour – he’s just waiting for his big ________ to get his foot in
the door of the music industry.
A. deal B. break C. cake D. cheese

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s)in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Changes in attitudes, family values, generational status can occur in both the majority and
minority cultures as the two interact; however, typically one culture dominates.
A. normally B. rarely C. specially D. uncommonly
Question 21: : Flats which crucial tare both comfortable and reasonably priced are rare in the current
context of economic crisis.
A. unusual B. uncommon C. non–standard D. non–existent
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s)in each of the following questions.
Question 22: We are very grateful to Professor Humble for his generosity in donating this wonderful
painting to the museum.
A. meanness B. sympathy C. gratitude D. churlishness
Question 23: The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modern sense.
A. terminate B. prevent C. initiate D. lighten
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges
Question 24: Two students Jean and Daniel are talking about English.
- Jean: “Would you say that English is a global language?”
- Daniel: “________. ”
A. Yes, it has. B. I like it. C. Oh, absolutely. D. Yes, it was ever.
Question 25: Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children
Sarah: “Children under ten shouldn't stay up late to play computer games. ”
Kathy: “______. It’s not good for their health.”
A. I don't quite agree with you B. Yes, I share your opinion.
C. You are absolute wrong. D. Surely, they shouldn't
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The video loggers
One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a shortened form of “web
log”. A blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person writing it – the blogger (26)__________
presumably expects (27)__________ people to read it. It is ironical that modern technology is being
used to (28)__________ new life into such an old-fashioned form as the personal journal. And now,
as the technology about video camera is making easier to use, we have the video log, or “vlog”.
Vlogging does not require highly sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed
Internet connection and a host are all that is needed. Vloggers can put anything that takes their fancy
onto their personal website. Some vloggers have no ambitions rather than to show films they have
shot while on holiday in exotic places. (29)__________vlogs can also serve more ambitious
purposes. For instance, amateur film-makers who want to make a (30)__________ for themselves
might publish their work on the Internet. And increasingly, vlogs are being used to publicize political
and social issues that are not newsworthy enough to get coverage by the mass media. It is still too
early to predict whether vlogging will ever take off in a major way or if it is just a passing fad, but its
potential is only now becoming apparent.
(Adapted from weblog – Wikipedia – The free encyclopedia)
Question 26: A. who B. which C. whom D. when
Question 27: A. the others B. other C. another D. others
Question 28: A. add B. inhale C. insert D. breathe
Question 29: A. However B. Hence C. Moreover D. Therefore
Question 30: A. publicity B. fame C. name D. promotion

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It
can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It
includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal
learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics
on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability,
education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to
discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education in infancy. Education,
then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of
school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from
one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time,
take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on.
The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the
workings of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subjects being taught.  For
example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about
political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There
are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
Question 31: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The more years students go to school, the better their education is.
B. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework.
C. The best school teach a wide variety of subject.
D. Education and schooling are quite different experiences.
Question 32: The word “chance” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. lively B. unexpected C. passive D. usual
Question 33: The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers________.
A. slices of reality B. similar textbooks C. boundaries D. seats
Question 34: The passage support which of the following conclusions?
A. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
B. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
C. Education involves many years of professional training.
D. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
Question 35: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as agents of education?
A. a distinguished eminent scientist B. a respected grandparent
C. the people debating politics on the radio D. political problems
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Cambridge University is considering axing compulsory written exams, allowing students to use laptops
or iPads instead, after tutors complained that students' handwriting is becoming illegible. Academics say
the move, which would bring an end to over 800 years of tradition, has come about because students
rely too heavily on laptops in lectures, and are losing the ability to write by hand.
Dr Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge University, said handwriting is becoming a ''lost art''
among the current generation of students. She added, ''It's increasingly hard for our examiners to read
students' scripts. Those with illegible writing are forced to come back to their college during the
summer holidays to read their answers aloud in the presence of two university administrators. It's
extraordinarily commendable that the University is considering reforms to its examination practices.''
Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, said it is inevitable that
universities will move to computers as handwriting deteriorates in the coming years. ''We have to
accept the reality. Handwriting has now become an optional, not a necessary, part of education. There
simply isn't the same time in the curriculum for learning elegant, beautiful handwriting. Life is so quick
now. Everybody writes as if they were a doctor writing a prescription, '' he said. ''Handwriting is not
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necessary for great thought, great English, or great intelligence. Some of our finest wordsmiths today
write using laptops, and we have to fight to preserve what is really important, such as the use of great
English or great sentence structures. ''
Others, however, were not very positive about the move. Tracey Trussell, a handwriting expert, urged
Cambridge to ensure that students continue to write by hand. She said, ''It's vital that people continue to
write by hand. Writing by hand improves memory and equates to a higher rate of comprehension and
information retention. '' There is also concern that schools could follow Cambridge's example by
moving away from handwriting. Dr Jane Medwell, Associate Professor of Education at the University
of Nottingham, is concerned that scrapping handwritten exams in universities could prompt
''downward curriculum pressure'' on primary and secondary schools to follow suit.
(Adapted from http: //www. telegraph. co. uk)
Question 36: Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Cambridge University in an Attempt to Improve Students' Handwriting
B. Cambridge University Pondering Changes to its Exam Practices
C. Cambridge University Attacked again for Abolishing Written Exams
D. Cambridge University to Replace Written with Oral Exams
Question 37: According to paragraph 1, Cambridge University has a long-standing tradition
A. offering academic tutorials B. organising handwritten exams
C. relying heavily on technology D. training students in legible handwriting
Question 38: The word ''Those'' in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. examiners B. students C. scripts D. administrators
Question 39: The word "deteriorates'' in paragraph 3 mostly means________.
A. remains unchanged B. becomes more important
C. improves gradually D. gets worse and worse
Question 40: It can be inferred from what Sir Anthony Seldon said in paragraph 3 that________
A. schools in the country used to have more time for handwriting practice
B. schools in the country have failed to preserve the beauty of English
C. people's handwriting generally reflects their intelligence and linguistic competence
D. the majority of doctors these days no longer write prescriptions by hand
Question 41: The word ''scrapping'' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. reconsidering B. eliminating C. introducing D. discouraging
Question 42: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Cambridge University’s move away from handwriting has already set an unprecedented example for
other schools to follow.
B. Sarah Pearsall acknowledged handwriting as an art form to be preserved among the current
generation of students at Cambridge University.
C. Sir Anthony Seldon claimed that learning to use great English was more important than learning to
write by hand beautifully.
D. Most of the tutors at Cambridge are skeptical of the university's decision regarding handwritten
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43: Physics is one of my favorite subjects when I was a student.
Question 44: Some manufacturers are not only raising their prices but also decreasing the production of
its products.
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Question 45: The whole matter is farther complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to
speak to each other.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions
Question 46: She started to play the piano 5 years ago.
A. She didn’t play the piano 5 years ago.
B. She has known how to play the piano for 5 years.
C. She played the piano 5 years ago.
D. The last time she played the piano was 5 years ago.
Question 47: Conan said to me, “If I were you, I would read different types of books in different ways.”
A. Conan ordered me to read different types of books in different ways.
B. I said to Conan to read different types of books in different ways to me.
C. I read different types of books in different ways to Conan as he told me.
D. Conan advised me to read different types of books in different ways.
Question 48: John is not here, perhaps he is ill.
A. John needn't be here because he is ill.
B. Because of his illness, John shouldn't have been here.
C. John might be ill, so he is not here.
D. John must be ill, so he is not here.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions
Question 49: Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
A. Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night.
B. Nam regrets having so rude to them last night.
C. Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night.
D. Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night.
Question 50. He has great intelligence. He can solve all the problems very quicky
A. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems very quickly.
B. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems very quickly.
C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems very quickly
D. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems very quickly.

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