Energy Conversion and Management: Seydi Vakkas Ustun, Metin Demirtas

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Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791

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Modeling and control of V/f controlled induction motor

using genetic-ANFIS algorithm
Seydi Vakkas Ustun a,1, Metin Demirtas b,*
Vocational High School, Adiyaman University, Adiyaman/Turkey
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Balikesir University, Balikesir/Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper deals with modeling and performance analysis of the voltage/frequency (V/f) control of induc-
Received 18 June 2007 tion motor drives. The V/f control, which realizes a low cost and simple design, is advantageous in the
Received in revised form 26 February 2008 middle to high-speed range. Its torque response depends on the electrical time constant of the motor
Accepted 20 September 2008
and adjustments of the control parameters are not need. Therefore, V/f control of induction motor is car-
Available online 29 November 2008
ried out. Space vector pulse width modulation is used for controlling the motor because of including min-
imum harmonics according to the other PWM techniques.
Proportional Integral (PI) controller is used to control speed of induction motor. In this work, optimi-
zation of PI coefficients is carried out by Ziegler-Nichols model and Genetic-Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Infer-
Induction motor ence System (ANFIS) model. These controllers are applied to drive system with 0.55 kW induction motor.
Optimization A digital signal processor controller (dsPIC30F6010) is used to carry out control applications. The pro-
DSP posed method is compared Ziegler-Nichols model. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the
proposed control method.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The motor control issues are traditionally handled by fixed gain
PI and PID controllers. However, the fixed gain controllers are very
The benefits of squirrel-cage induction motors – high robust- sensitivity to parameter variations, load disturbances, etc. So, the
ness and low maintenance – make it widely used through various controller parameters have to be continually adapted. The problem
industrial modern processes, with growing economical and per- can be solved by several adaptive control techniques such as model
forming demands. reference adaptive control [3], sliding mode control [4], variable
The V/f control, which realizes a low cost and simple design, is structure control [5] and self tuning PI controllers [6]. The design
advantageous in the middle to high-speed range. Its torque re- of all of the above controllers depends on the exact system math-
sponse depends on the electrical time constant of the motor and ematical model. However, it is often difficult to develop an accu-
adjustments of the control parameters are not need. V/f control rate system mathematical model due to unknown load variation,
is the best choice for simple variable speed applications like fans, unknown and unavoidable parameter variations due to saturation,
pumps and it is control more effective in the high-speed range [1]. temperature variations and system disturbances [7].
It is obvious that the use of proportional integral derivative PID In high performance applications, it is useful automatically ex-
control has a long history in control engineering and is acceptable tract the complex relations that represent the drive behavior. The
for most of real applications because of its simplicity in architec- use of learning through example algorithms can be a powerful toll
ture, even though a great number of advanced control techniques for automatic modeling variable speed drives [8].
have been exhibited successively. The key of designing a PID con- PI controller is unquestionably the most commonly used con-
troller is to determine three PID control gains, i.e., proportional trol algorithm the process control industry [9]. The main reason
gain Kp, integral gain Ki, and derivative gain Kd. For a single-in- is its relatively simple structure, which can be easily understood
put–single-output system, the tuning methods of Cohen-Coon and implemented in practice, and that many sophisticated control
and Ziegler-Nichols models are frequently used to find these gains strategies, such as model predictive control, are based on it. In spite
[2]. of its wide spread use there exists no generally accepted design
method for the controller [10].
System model is necessary for tuning controller coefficients in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 266 6121194; fax: +90 266 6121257.
E-mail addresses: (S.V. Ustun), (M.
an appropriate manner (e.g., percent overshoot, settling time).
Demirtas). Because of neglecting some parameters, the mathematical
Tel.: +90 416 2232125; fax: +90 416 2232129. model cannot represent the physical system exactly in most

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.V. Ustun, M. Demirtas / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791 787

applications. That’s why, controller coefficients cannot be tuned are adjustable in these nodes, whereas fixed nodes, denoted by cir-
appropriately. cles, represent the parameter sets that are fixed in the system. The
Many of the recent developed computer control techniques are output data from the nodes in the previous layers will be the input
grouped into a research area called Intelligent Control, that result in the present layer [2].
from the integration of Fuzzy Logic techniques within automatic Consider a first-order Sugeno model fuzzy inference system
control systems. The problem with Fuzzy Logic comes when trying which contains two rules
to determine the membership functions and the rules for which a
specialist is needed. To solve that problem Neural Networks are Rule 1: If X is A1 and Y is B1, then f1 = p1x + q1y + r1.
used and the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) de- Rule 2: If X is A2 and Y is B2, then f2 = p2x + q2y + r2.
sign technique has a lot of sense [11].
The tuning of electric drive controller is a complex problem due Fig. 1 illustrates graphically the fuzzy reasoning mechanism to
to the many non-linearities of the machines, power converter and derive an output f from a given input vector [x, y]. The firing
controller. Artificial intelligence consists of two major branches strengths w1 and w2 are usually obtained as the product of the
such as the study of ANNs and expert systems. Recently, there membership grades in the premise part, and the output f is the
has been a substantial increase in the interest on ANNs. ANNs have weighted average of each rule’s output. More explicitly, the output
been successfully used in modeling complex physical phenomena f can be expressed as
in various fields [12].
w1 f1 þ w2 f2
The ANFIS can help us find the mapping relation between the f ¼ ; or
w1 þ w2
input and output data through hybrid learning to determine the
optimal distribution of membership functions [13]. Therefore,
l ðxÞlB1 ðyÞðp1 x þ q1 y þ r1 Þ þ lA2 ðxÞlB2 ðyÞðp2 x þ q2 y þ r2 Þ
f ¼ A1
system model can be obtained by using the ANFIS methods. AN- lA1 ðxÞlB1 ðyÞ þ lA2 ðxÞlB2 ðyÞ
FIS uses neural networks to tune a Fuzzy Logic Sugeno model ð1Þ
type controller [14]. To obtain the membership functions and
The Sugeno model fuzzy is well-suited for adaptive network based
the rules it presents hybrid learning with back propagation algo-
learning introduced below.
rithm to tune them and the least-squares method to identify
To facilitate the learning (or adapting) of the Sugeno model fuz-
zy, it is convenient to put the fuzzy model into the framework of
Matlab ANFIS editor toolbox is used for training the ANFIS. The
adaptive networks that can compute gradient vectors systemati-
ANFIS input used with 3 triangle membership function, looking for
cally. The resultant network architecture, as shown in Fig. 2, is
a linear membership function at the output, an error tolerance
called ANFIS. Nodes within a layer of ANFIS perform similar tasks
equals to zero and only 2 epochs are needed.
that are specified by their node functions, as described below (note
In the 1950s and 1960s, computer scientists were toying with
that Oji denotes the output of the ith node in layer j.)
the idea that evolution could be used as a model for optimization
in engineering problems. The main idea is to evolve a solution
2.1. Layer 1:
using operators inspired by genetic variation and natural selection.
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) for optimization is different from ‘‘clas-
Each node in this layer generates membership grades of a lin-
sical’’ optimization methods in several ways: random versus deter-
guistic label. For instance, the node functions of the ith node might
ministic operation, population versus single best solution and
selecting solutions via ‘‘survival of the fittest’’ [15]. In this paper,
a simple GA is used for optimization process. 1
O1i ¼ lAi ðxÞ ¼   bi ð2Þ
The paper is organized in the following manner. In Section 2, 2
ANFIS architecture is presented. In Section 3, experimental setup 1þ ai
is given. Section 4 illustrates modeling of the induction motor
using ANFIS. In Section 5, optimization process of PI coefficients where x is the input to node i, and Ai is the linguistic label (small,
using GA is explained. Results and discussion are given in Section large, etc.) associated with this node function. In other words, Oji
7. Finally, conclusion is presented in last section. is the membership function of Ai and it specifies the degree to which
the given x satisfies the quantifier Ai. {ai, bi, ci} is the parameter set
that changes the shapes of the MF. Parameters in this layer are
2. ANFIS architecture referred to as the premise parameters. lA(x) is chosen to be triangu-
lar-shaped with the maximum equal to 1 and minimum equal to
ANFIS constitutes an appropriate combination of neural and 0.
fuzzy systems. This hybrid combination enables to deal with both
the verbal and the numeric power of intelligent systems. As is 2.2. Layer 2:
known from the theory of fuzzy systems, different fuzzification
and defuzzification mechanisms with different rule base structures Every node in this layer calculates the firing strength of each
can propose various solutions to a given task [16]. This paper con- rule via multiplication:
siders the ANFIS structure with first-order Sugeno model contain-
O2i ¼ wi ¼ lAi ðxÞlBi ðyÞ; i ¼ 1; 2 ð3Þ
ing 49 rules. Triangular membership functions with product
inference rule are used at the fuzzification level. The fuzzifier out-
puts the firing strength for each rule. The vector of firing strengths 2.3. Layer 3:
is normalized. The resulting vector is defuzzified by utilising the
first-order Sugeno model. The procedure is explained briefly in The ith node of this layer calculates the ratio of the ith rule’s fir-
the following for the type-3 fuzzy reasoning and the corresponding ing strength to the sum of all rule’s firing strengths:
ANFlS architecture shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. wi
Five layers are used to construct this inference system. Each O3i ¼ wi ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2 ð4Þ
w1 þ w2
layer contains several nodes described by the node function. Adap-
tive nodes, denoted by squares, represent the parameter sets that Outputs of this layer are known as normalized firing strengths.
788 S.V. Ustun, M. Demirtas / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791

Fig. 1. ANFIS with type-3 fuzzy reasoning.

Fig. 2. ANFIS architecture for two rules.

2.4. Layer 4: Error is calculated from difference between reference speed and
actual speed taken from incremental encoder. Then, PI generates
Every node i in this layer is a square node with a node function new control data according to this error. Amplitude and speed
values are generated using the control data compared with V/f rate.
O4i ¼ wi fi ¼ wi ðpi x þ qi y þ ri Þ ð5Þ Required values for PWM output of the DSP controller are
where wi is the output of layer 3, and {pi, i, ri} is the parameter set. A calculated by using two values (amplitude and speed) and SVPWM
parameter in this layer is known as consequent parameter. technique. PWM time base is 200 millisecond (ms) for this
application. The control loop is carried out once during each ten
2.5. Layer 5: PWM time base. Dead time is formed by the controller. The value
of dead time determined by a register is taken 7 milliseconds.
The single node in this layer computes the overall outputs as The DSP controller program for the control process is written in
the summation of all incoming signals, i.e., dsPIC30F6010 assembly language and C30 language. Controlling
and compiling process are performed by a compiler program. The
wf experimental setup is shown in Fig. 4.
O5i ¼ overall output ¼ w f ¼ Pi i i ð6Þ
i i i
i wi
4. Modeling of the induction motor using the ANFIS
Therefore, the ANFIS output is clearly a linear function of the adjust-
able defuzzifier parameters. ANFIS is a fuzzy system and used in classification, modeling and
control problems. It is based on Takagi and Sugeno model fuzzy if-
3. Experimental setup then rules representation [17], which is different from commonly
used fuzzy logic controllers [17,18]. The consequent part of the rule
The experimental setup consisted of a motor and generator that is a function of input variables. The system considered in this paper
is connected to it by a connecting element. The motor used is a has two inputs (Kp and Ki) and the fitness value is the only output.
0.55 kW, 1.34 A, 50 Hz, Cosu = 0.84, three phase squirrel-cage Kp and Ki are proportional and integral coefficients of the proposed
induction motor. The processor used in this work is a 7.38 MHz controller, respectively. The inference mechanism of ANFIS is
dsPIC30F6010 Digital Signal Processor Controller (DSP Controller). mathematically expressed by the set of the rules.
The processor communicated with the PC via USB port. The block In this study, ANFIS outputs are obtained by using maximum
diagram of this application circuit is shown in Fig. 3. The stator overshoot (Mo) and settling time (Ts) in fitness function in Eq.
voltage and frequency are adjusted using a Space Vector Pulse (7). The rules and adjusting of the membership function parame-
Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique. ters are performed by applying Kp–Ki pairs to ANFIS input and
S.V. Ustun, M. Demirtas / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791 789

Fig. 3. The block diagram of the application circuit.

0,002 Actual output

ANFIS output

Fitness values



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34
Number of reference sets

Fig. 5. The change in the actual system output and ANFIS model output.

Fig. 4. The experimental setup.

the formed membership functions. Output parameter variable fit-

ness function is estimated accurately.
obtaining fitness function using Mo and Ts values. After training
The ANFIS model follows the system output, with a small error
process finished, Kp–Ki pairs is given to ANFIS input and fitness
that arises from differences between experimental conditions and
function is produced.
the model of the non-linear system. It shows that the ANFIS model
The fuzzy rules are determined from fitness function, f, in Eq.
created for the system models it successfully.
1 5. Optimization of PI coefficients using GA
f¼ ð7Þ
ðMo þ 2  Ts þ 1Þ
The obtained value from Eq. (7) is taken as an ANFIS output. Data GAs are based on an analogy to the genetic code in our own
used for ANFIS model are given in Table 1. The obtained results DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) structure, where its coded chromo-
are shown in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5, there are small differences some is composed of many genes [19,20]. GA approach involves
between the actual values and ANFIS output values. This also shows a population of individuals represented by strings of characters
that the ANFIS model approach for modeling the nonlinear system or digits. Each string is, however, coded with a search point in
is very good. the hyper search-space. From the evolutionary theory, only the
Input parameter variables in Table 1 are used for training in AN- most suited individuals in the population are likely to survive
FIS. The output parameter variable is accurately estimated from and generate off-spring that passes their genetic material to the
next generation.
GA is a search mechanism based on the principle of natural
selection and population genetics that are transformed by three
Table 1
genetic operators: selection, crossover and mutation. Each string
Data used for the ANFIS model
(chromosome) is a possible solution to the problem being opti-
Data set Kp Ki f = 1/(1 + Mo(rpm) + 2*Ts(ms)) mized and each bit (or group of bits) represents a value or some
1 3.19 0.97 0.000639 variable of the problem (gene). These solutions are classified by
2 3.19 1.1 0.000796 an evaluation function, giving better values, or fitness, to better
3 3.38 0.85 0.001725 solutions. Each solution must be evaluated by the fitness function
4 3.38 0.80 0.001725
5 3.58 0.44 0.001733
to produce a value [21].
6 3.77 0.48 0.001758 Different crossover and mutation rates are used for processing
7 3.77 0.024 0.001704 of optimization of genetic algorithms. Ten of the fitness values ob-
8 3.77 0.006 0.001566 tained, listed from the largest fitness value to the smallest, and the
9 4.94 0.049 0.001673
fitness values of the members of the first generation are shown in
10 4.94 0.012 0.001732
Table 2. The flow chart of the GA is shown in Fig. 6.
35 6.5 1.26 0.000654
A PI controller with the transfer function Gc ðsÞ ¼ kp þ ksi is em-
36 6.5 1.1 0.000644
ployed to control the process.
790 S.V. Ustun, M. Demirtas / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791

Table 2
Fitness values of the members, and GA parameters in the first generation  Population Size: 30
Parameter Value  Number of generations: 60
Fitness of member 1 0.001791  Crossover rate: 0.80
Fitness of member 2 0.001730  Mutation rate: 0.20
Fitness of member 3 0.001721  Chromosome length: 30 bits (15 bits for Kp and 15 bits for Ki).
Fitness of member 4 0.001658
Fitness of member 5 0.001582
Fitness of member 6 0.001469
Fitness of member 7 0.001455 6. Results and discussion
Fitness of member 8 0.001383
Fitness of member 9 0.001223
The experimental setup is consisted of induction motor, power
Fitness of member 10 0.001200
module and load (generator). Mathematical modeling of this sys-
tem is very complex and can not represent the physical system ex-
actly because the system is nonlinear and depends on a lot of
parameters. Some parameters are often neglected in similar appli-
cations. In this study, it is not necessary the mathematical model of
the system. The whole system (induction motor, power module
and load) is modeled using MATLAB ANFIS editor toolbox. The AN-
FIS model is systematically constructed from the input–output
During this work the only first 36 samples of data are used to
model the system. The system is worked at 1000 rpm as open-loop
control. The controller is applied to the system for 2000 rpm while
the induction motor is working at 1000 rpm. That is, the controllers
is switching-on while speed is increased from 1000 rpm to
2000 rpm. To show the validation of the proposed method, speed
responses are demonstrated for different Kp and Ki pairs in Figs.
7–9. Kp and Ki pairs are randomly selected and applied to the
In Fig. 7, the rotor speed cannot reach the reference speed for
Kp = 3.35 and Ki = 0.88. This is not good result. As shown in Fig. 8,
the rotor speed is over the reference speed for Kp = 3.35 and
Ki = 0.88. This is not also good result.



Fig. 6. The flow chart of the GA.

The optimum values for the Kp and Ki pairs are obtained using a
computer program written in C++ language for the GA. This process 0
executes with three different operators at bit level. 30 of the Kp and 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Ki pairs are determined at random. Kp and Ki pairs consisted of millisecond
15 bits and 15 bits, respectively. These Kp and Ki pairs are entered
Fig. 7. Speed of the rotor for Kp = 3.35 and Ki = 0.88.
to ANFIS model as input. The fitness values are obtained from the
ANFIS output. These values are then used as the fitness function.
The one-point crossover method is used on the crossover oper-
ator. Mutual parameters of two random members on the crossover 2500
are divided into two parts and their positions are changed. A ran-
dom bit of a random number on the mutation process is changed
0 to 1 and 1 to 0. For the optimization process, mutation rate is in-

creased when converge occurs in 5–10 generation. Therefore, early
converge is prevented, and in addition, members that have high fit-
ness values are obtained.
The range of Kp and Ki values chosen lay between (3–6.5) and 500
(0.1–1.1), respectively. The fitness function is defined as
1 0
f ¼ 0 500 1000 1500 2000
ðMo þ 2 Ts þ 1Þ
In this algorithm, the genetic algorithm parameters are selected for
the training cycles are: Fig. 8. Speed of the rotor for Kp = 4.05 and Ki = 0.18.
S.V. Ustun, M. Demirtas / Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 786–791 791

2500 overshoot and settling time are very small if the system is con-
trolled by control parameters obtained from the optimization pro-
2000 cess which uses GA.
The experimental results show that the ANFIS is able to produce

1500 accurate dynamic models of process response directly from I/O

data (I: Kp–Ki, O: f (Mo,Ts)), and GA is suitable for optimization of
1000 controller coefficients by the performance criteria considered.
This process can be also applied for nonlinear systems con-
trolled by PD and PID controller, or a number of applications such
a machine tool, robotics and servo drives.
0 500 1000 1500 2000

Fig. 9. Speed of the rotor for Kp = 4.93 and Ki = 0.44.

The project is supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific & Techno-
logical Research Council of Turkey). The authors would like to
acknowledge the financial support provides by TUBITAK.
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