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Etapa 2_Reconocimiento

Presentado por:

Yuribel Lombana cód. 1.118.775.425


Presentado a tutora:

María Mercedes Narváez

UNAD- Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocios

Servicio al cliente

CEAD- Yopal Casanare

Septiembre 2021

1. Dar respuesta a las preguntas

 Define what is a customer service from your viewpoint.

Customer service is the attention that is given to the customer who arrives either looking for a
producto or service, the way in which he is attended so that he leaves satisfied with both the
attention and what he acquired.

 Develop a scheme about customers types.




Is the Are all Are those They are They are

Is the Is the person
person employ They are that make those who do characterized by
person who who acquires a
who uses ees. the purchases not make producing a
acquires a Good, a
the Good, potential from purchases positive or
Good, a producto or
the service consume commpani from the negative
service or a service in the
or the rs or es on a company at perception in a
producto for market to
producto buyers. regular present, but large group of
consumptio consume it.
that has basis or who are people towards a
n or otrher
been that did so viewed as producto or
acquired, recently. potential service.
even if they
do not use which does customers in
it. not have to the future.
with the

 Actually there are new trends for customer service, ¿why this happen?

This happens because customers are becoming more and more demanding and their behavior is
diverse, so it is necessary to identify this type of customer and update our selves in order top ay
adequate attention to them.
 Explain why enterprises should have customer support protocols.

Companies should have customer service protocols so that all those who serve customers speak
the same language, in such a way that everyone is served equally and they feel comfortable and
satisfied regadless of who attended them and who they attended. The Brand of the company is in
its Good service from the personnel who work there.

2. Storytelling

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