Edu 214 Administrative Interview 1

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Steve Esper

EDU 214

Professor Joni Flowers

27 September 2021

Interview with Mrs. Delgado

For my teacher interview, I was able to interview Mrs. Delgado. Mrs. Delgado is

currently the principal for Rancho High School. Before Rancho High School, Mrs. Delgado was

the principal at East Career and Technical Academy for four years. It’s such a honor being able

to interview Mrs. Delgado since she was my principal for my entire high school experience.

I was able to start off my interview by asking Mrs. Delgado questions regarding their

technology plan as well as decision making when it comes to technology. Mrs. Delgado explains

her school has a technology plan, where each student has access to all the technical resources the

school has to offer. Students have access to chromebooks as well as other technical resources.

Mrs. Delgado explains how online classes really affected the technology plan. Before the

pandemic, students weren’t able to take chromebooks home. With the pandemic, it was important

that her students, as well as other students around the county, were able to access these resources.

Mrs. Delgado explains how if a teacher were to like a specific technology in their classroom,

there would have to be a request form, which is then critiqued to make sure it is appropriate for

the lesson.

I proceeded to ask Mrs. Delgado questions about technical difficulties. Mrs. Delgado

explains that with technical difficulties, that is something that can be talked to with the school's

technician. The technician will first identify the problem and see if they will be able to resolve it.

If not, it will be sent to the school district to see what can be done with it. Mrs. Delgado proceeds

to explain how CCSD offers professional development courses to teach teachers about
Steve Esper

EDU 214

Professor Joni Flowers

27 September 2021

technology. She believes it’s important that teachers take these courses since technology plays a

huge part in classrooms.

I continued by asking if there are any events or activities with the involvement of the

school's technology. Mrs. Delgado explained how this was a huge thing when the children were

learning from home due to the pandemic. Technology was the only way to get in touch and

create that high school experience for all the high schoolers. Mrs. Delgado proceeded to talk

about the best features of technology in learning. She was able to list resources such as Google

and explain the positive attributes it brings to make school more organized and a breezy

enviornment. With the positive, there’s also problems. Mrs. Delgado explains how there are

moments where the wifi will unfortunately crash, causing a problem if the students are assigned

something online. I then proceeded to ask Mrs. Delgado her beliefs on digital divide. She

believes that some schools have better access with technology, but that doesn’t play a huge role

into learning. She continued to explain that, you don’t need all the technology and resources to

learn. Technology is a thing that had trouble growing, but eventually grew rapidly. People back

then didn’t have the resources that are available now, but they made it. Mrs. Delgado comments

on how schools can ensure equal opportunity to learn how to use computers by offering an

elective or a class to teach students. Mrs. Delgado believes it’s important for students to get the

same equal opportunity to learn technology, something that is now becoming a part of everyone’s


Before wrapping up our interview, I was able to ask Mrs. Delgado three original

questions. The first question I had for Mrs. Delgado was, “How has technology progressed in a
Steve Esper

EDU 214

Professor Joni Flowers

27 September 2021

school environment?”. Mrs. Delgado explains how technology has always been a thing in a

school environment, but now, there’s more access to resources. She uses COVID-19 as an

example on how technology played a huge role in. “If we didn’t have access to technology, how

would these students learn during a pandemic?”. My second question I had for Mrs. Delgado

was, “Do you see technology more as a privilege or an advantage?”. Mrs. Delgado responds

with, “Both.”. She explains how there are other schools who struggle to have access to

technology, so she hopes her students realize that they have access to the best resources they

have available. My last question I had for Mrs. Delgado was, “Do you believe it’s an advantage

to use technology the entire school day?”. Mrs. Delgado goes into detail with how though they

have access to technology, it doesn’t hurt to go back to using tools such as textbooks, papers, etc.

Her school still uses physical media. She sees technology more as a “bonus ticket”.

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