Assignment 6 1

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Evaluation #1

Name of Reviewer: Steve Esper

Name of Website:
Educational Product/Software Selected: Kahoot
Web Address to the Product/Software:
Publisher: Morten Versvik, Johan Brand, and Jamie Brooker
Grade Level: Ages 13 and up
Brief Description: Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that allows students to participate in
multiple choice quizzes with their other class peers. If you get the answer correct, you will get points
added to your name. There is a ranking chart. When you get a question wrong, you don’t get points.
Strengths: Some strengths about Kahoot is that it allows the teacher to create their own questions that's
fitting to the assignment. It allows teachers to see how many students are answering correctly, as well
those who are not. Kahoot provides a colorful fun palette in their software to draw kids' attention to the
game. Kahoot offers a variety of game styles such as collaboration.
Weaknesses: Some weaknesses on Kahoot is that each question has a time limit (which is adjustable) but
each student will take their own time to answer. If a student takes longer than the timer, it automatically
counts a no answer incorrect. Another weakness is that in order to participate, students will need the use
of technology, such as a phone or computer, and sometimes students don’t have access to that or take
Is the software easy for you and the students to use? Explain: I believe this program is easy software
for students. From the students perspective, all they really have to do is input the Kahoot code, and wait
for the game to start. Once they start, all they do is answer the questions and see their score after every
question. For teachers, all they do is create the questions to their liking. I believe it’s easy on both ends.
Does the software serve its intended purpose, which is classroom use? Explain: I believe this software
does intend its purpose. The purpose of this software is to make students participate in a study that makes
it a bit more fun and entertaining.
Are there multiple forms of media that encourage the student to engage with the software? If a
teacher wants to go the extra mile, they can input graphs, images, audio, and GIFs that can be included as
either hints, or just editing to make it more fun. You can add a different image for each question, allowing
more opportunities to create unique questions.
Is the documentation for the product/software presented clearly on the website? In Kahoots website,
they allow users to understand that they are a software that involves, creating, hosting or sharing, and
playing. They inform you that someone or yourself creates a quiz, either host your quiz or join someones,
and start playing.
Is the software adaptable to support specific accessibility needs for learners with disabilities?: I
believe this software is accessible to students with disabilities. I’ve previously stated that the
teacher/creator is the person who creates the questions and decides the difficulty. A teacher can apply
their students' disabilities and make the experience easy for them.
Does the software program give appropriate feedback to responses?: Kahoot provides feedback from
users on their help center as well as the very bottom of their home page.
Can the skill levels be adjusted by the student/instructor? Explain: The skill level in Kahoot is
adjusted by the creator of the quiz. The creator is the person who adjusts the time limit, is the one who is
typing the answers in. Players/students don’t get this job because they are only able to play.

Evaluation #2

Name of Reviewer: Steve Esper

Name of Website:
Educational Product/Software Selected: Quizlet
Web Address to the Product/Software:
Publisher: Andrew Sutherland
Grade Level: Any grade level
Brief Description: Quizlet provides simple learning tools that let you study any subject. Quizlet provides
learning tools such as flashcards, games, and other learning tools - all for free!
Strengths: Quizlet is a free software that provides MULTIPLE learning resources, not just one. Quizlet’s
biggest tool is the flashcard tool, where you are given a word, and you can study the definition by clicking
on the card.
Weaknesses: Though it’s free, they don’t inform you that there is a subscription that must be paid in order
to access all the tools. With quizlet, there’s millions of study guides. Since there’s so many study guides in
the quizlet, students can access the wrong one or even find the exact same one as their test, and cheat.
Is the software easy for you and the students to use? Explain: I believe this software is easy for both
teachers and students. Teachers can create their own study set if they need to, if not, there are sets already
in the quizlet for students to use. Students can access this easy software since it’s super popular and
accessible, as well as free.
Does the software serve its intended purpose, which is classroom use? Explain: Yes. Quizlet can be
used to study before a quiz or even used to help when it comes towards the lesson.
Are there multiple forms of media that encourage the student to engage with the software? The
purpose of this software is to help kids study in a classroom or at home by providing unique features such
as flashcards, practice quizzes, writing, and other tools. Quizlet does a good job encouraging users to
Is the documentation for the product/software presented clearly on the website? Quizlet only
provides two points in their main page which is to create an account and create or find a study set. In their
main page, they don’t really specify what their software has to really offer.
Is the software adaptable to support specific accessibility needs for learners with disabilities?
Quizlet allows tools such as text-to-speech that allows learning to be a bit easier. There’s other things that
are offered as well as audio.
Does the software program give appropriate feedback to responses? In the app store, there is some
feedback from previous users as well as current users. In the help center, people are able to find responses
to feedback.
Can the skill levels be adjusted by the student/instructor? Explain: Of course. Quizlet allows a
creator to make their own proper flashcards for a certain assignment, so they are the judge of picking the

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