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INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 2
A. Types of organizations and the development of the international business environment.
I. Types of organizations.................................................................................................3
1. Private Sector.......................................................................................................3
2. Public Sector........................................................................................................3
3. Voluntary Sector...................................................................................................4
II. Legal forms of organization......................................................................................4
III. The development of the international business environment....................................6
1. Introduction of the international business..............................................................6
2. Reason for the development in international business..........................................6
3. Factors that contribute to international business growth............................................7
IV. Size of company/organization..................................................................................7
V. Scope of company/organization...............................................................................7
B. Business Functions.......................................................................................................8
I. The sports industry in Vietnam:...................................................................................8
II. Nike, Inc................................................................................................................... 8
Background:.................................................................................................................. 8
Size of organization:......................................................................................................8
Stakeholders................................................................................................................. 8
Is there a significant challenge to overcome?................................................................9
Relationship with customer............................................................................................9
Several feedbacks of customer...................................................................................10
III. Adidas ltd AG.........................................................................................................10
IV. UEFA (Union des Associations Europeanness de Football)...................................12
V. AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et
Commerciales)................................................................................................................. 14
C. Relationship among different organizational functions and how they link to organizational
structure............................................................................................................................... 15
I. The organizational structure of Adidas ltd AG............................................................15
II. Adidas’s organizational structure type and characteristics.....................................16
III. What factors make Adidas different?......................................................................17
IV. How functional intergration impact organisational structure?..................................17
Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 18
Reference List:..................................................................................................................... 19

The term "business environment" refers to the sum of all external and internal
elements that impact an organization. External and internal elements interact and
affect an organization's operational process, as well as the company's success or
failure. The business environment also aids in uncovering commercial opportunities,
collecting essential resources, planning, and improving the overall performance,
development, and profitability of the organization.
The business environment surrounding Nike Inc and its competitors will be examined
in this article. An introduction to the aspects of organizational organizations and the
evolution of the international business environment is included in this report. A
description of the company's history, goods, and services, as well as the extent and
scale of the organization, its vision, purpose, and business goals, organizational
structure and legislation, and stakeholder data. Finally, consider the various
business activities of the organization using the organization chart to demonstrate
the function.

A. Types of organizations and the development of the
international business environment.
I. Types of organizations.
The organization is the backbone of management since, without it, no management
can successfully carry out its obligations. This organization arises as a second stage
in the management process, trying to combine various functions inside a company to
meet pre-determined objectives. It's the set of activities and responsibilities that
employees are required to complete to meet the company's goals.
With the advancement and modernization of business today, a wide range of
organizations have emerged, which may be divided into three categories: public
sector, private sector, and volunteering.
1. Private Sector.
The private sector is the component of the economy that is not governed by the
government and is run for profit by people and businesses.
In free enterprise economies, which make up a major percentage of an economy like
the United States, where the government imposes relatively minimal limitations on
firms, the private sector is greater. The public sector accounts for a higher part of the
economy in nations with stronger government control, such as China.
Legal structure: To offer tax benefits to owners, limit liability, and enhance
operational efficiency, private sector firms are formed in several ways. The private
sector is made up of a wide range of people, partnerships, and organizations. The
private sector is made up of the following entities:
- Private limited company.
- Partnership.
- Small and medium business.
- Trade and professional associations.
- Union.
But even though the government has authority over the private sector, it
nevertheless operates lawfully. Any firm or corporate body doing business in that
country is required to follow the law.[CITATION THE20 \l 1033 ]
Individual company owners, corporations, and other non-governmental organizations
all employ people in the private sector. Manufacturing, financial services, industry,
hospitality, and other non-government jobs are examples. Workers are compensated
with a percentage of the company's profits. Workers in the private sector often earn
better pay, have more career alternatives, have more possibilities for promotion,
have less job stability, and have fewer complete benefits programs. Movement in the
public sector employment in a more competitive market generally entails long hours
and a more challenging atmosphere than a government job.[CITATION Cha \l 1033 ]
2. Public Sector.
Governments, any publicly owned or financed organizations, corporations, and other
organizations that provide public programs, such as public services and public
businesses, are all part of the public sector. The public sector is more of a boarding
idea than a fundamental government term, and it may intersect with the NGO or
private industry.

Military, law enforcement, infrastructure (public roads, roadways, tunnels, water
system and drainage, sewer systems, grid systems electricity, telecommunications,
and so on), public transportation, community education, as well as health care and
government workers, are examples of public goods and government services. Non-
payers cannot be barred from public services, and services that benefit all societies
rather than just individuals are available through the public sector. A publicly
sponsored, public-owned, or state-owned, business that sells a variety of private
products and services and is frequently run commercially.
Legal Structure: Organizations in the public sector are generally divided into three
- Federal or National.
- Regional (State or Provincial).
- Local (Municipal or Country).[ CITATION PRI16 \l 1033 ]
The federal, state and municipal governments all employ people in the public sector.
Health care, teaching, emergency services, the military forces, and administrative
authorities are all examples of civil service occupations. Workers get reimbursed for
a percentage of their taxes paid to the government. Workers in the public sector had
more extensive benefits plans and job security than those in the private sector; many
government positions became permanent appointments once the probationary
period expired. Moving between employment in the public sector with the same
benefits, holiday parks, and paid sick leave is relatively easy, but increasing wages
and promotions are difficult. Working with a government agency ensures a
consistent environment.[ CITATION Cha \l 1033 ]
3. Voluntary Sector.
The voluntary sector is usually made up of non-profit organizations whose purpose is
to help and enrich society, with little or no government intervention. Unlike the private
sector, which emphasizes earning and returning profits to their owners, money that
an organization raised or earned in the voluntary sector is generally invested in the
community or in the organization itself. There are different types of organizations in
the voluntary sector. Some of these organizations have a mix of paid workers and
volunteers; Charities are the largest individual category in the voluntary sector.
[ CITATION Pri16 \l 1033 ]
II. Legal forms of organization.
Choosing a legal form for a home-based business is an important aspect of keeping
it lawful: sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. This may help a firm
function more effectively, in addition to being required for tax and government
reporting requirements. Because each legal form has its own set of features, the
business's objective is to select the form that is most suited to its needs.[ CITATION
Sch12 \l 1033 ]

Definition Benefits Drawbacks
A company owned - It's simple to get - personal
by a single started. responsibility is
individual receives - The owner's limitless.
all the earnings decision-making - The quantity of
and is responsible authority. funds available for
Sole trader for all the - All proceeds are investment is
company's yours to keep. restricted.
obligations. - Can stop working - It's tough to keep
if the business is high-quality
shaky. personnel.

A corporation is - It's better to have - All earnings must

owned by a single two heads than be shared.
person who one. - Distinct in
receives all the - More cash is decision-making. 
profits and is liableavailable.  - The lifespan of a
Partnership for all the - More cash is firm is finite.
company's available for
responsibilities. investment.
- Highly qualified
workers can
become partners.
Corporations are - You're only liable - It is costly to
created by the for a certain begin.
largest amount of money. - Taxed twice 
businesses. - Can raise the - The government
Although it was greatest is in charge of the
formed by a group investment cash. corporation.
of persons, it is - It is simple to
Corporation different from the transfer
statutory owners. It ownership.
is supported by the - Professionals are
founding members' employed by the
shares, and it is company.
administered by - You can live an
top management infinite amount of
who was hired by time.

There are two types of businesses:

Private Limited Company (Ltd.): Shares in a company with a small number of
shareholders are held in a tiny circle of ownership and are not publicly traded. In this
case, the shares are only offered one at a time and cannot be pushed for a sale.
Public Limited Company (Plc.): A public corporation that sells publicly traded
common shares to the public. Shares of publicly listed companies are bought and
sold on stock exchanges.

Because your decision may have long-term implications, you should get legal and
accounting assistance to help you make the best decision possible; this is also
necessary for government reporting or tax purposes. Because each legal form has
its unique set of characteristics, the goal for the business is to select the form that is
most appropriate for the organization.[CITATION Dav12 \l 1033 ]
III. The development of the international business environment.
1. Introduction of the international business.
Any economic activity that crosses national boundaries, including an organization
that purchases items and services across two or more national boundaries, is called
international business, even if the leadership is headquartered in one country.
Port commerce, foreign direct investment, licensing, franchising, and contractual
agreements are all examples of ways to do international business. International
business, on the other hand, is only associated with major corporations that operate
outside of their own country. Within the center is an institutional structure that gives
some guidance for regulating economic activity that occurs outside of the United
States, but with uncontrolled ownership of the company that executes the activity.
International business, in both its classic form of international commerce and finance
and its most recent form of multinational business, has grown to be large-scale and
has a significant impact on politics, economics, and politics. Economic and social
factors are also important.[CITATION Rug06 \l 1033 ]
2. Reason for the development in international business.
Because of strategic orders and environmental changes, international business has
risen substantially in recent years. There are a variety of reasons why international
trade is booming. Here are a few of them:
- Saturation of the Domestic Markets.
- Opportunities in Foreign Markets.
- Availability of low costs Labor.
- Increased demands.
- Diversification.
- Reduction of trade barriers.
- Development of communications and technology.
- Consumer pressure.
- Global competition.
More companies operate internationally because
- New products quickly become known globally.
- Companies can produce in different countries.
- Domestic companies, competitors, suppliers become international.
[ CITATION She14 \l 1033 ]

3. Factors that contribute to international business growth.
International trade has developed because of a desire to boost sales and revenue,
get low-cost supplies, and reduce corporate and financial risks by diversifying
globally. Companies across the world are speeding up their operations as a result of
the following factors:
 Obtaining resources: such as raw materials, capital, goods, technology,
products, or services, is another important motivation for businesses to have a
global presence. The following would be the explanation: There are no
resources in the host country; local resource price is high and finding higher
quality/standard resources is difficult.
 Limited Liabilities: Businesses are always seeking ways to reduce risk by
lowering sales and profit volatility. Companies try to spread their client base
across different geographies to reduce their dependency on a single
 Cost: For businesses that conduct business on a worldwide scale, the cost is
a major motivator. Many businesses participate in international trade to lower
their expenses and become more competitive in the global marketplace.
The size of a firm is determined by revenue levels, the overall balance sheet (total
fixed and current assents), and the average number of emplyees. In additions,
qualitative factors are considered. Micro-entities, small and medium-sized
organizations,and some finacial services corporations, for example, do not quafity.
There are extra restrictions in some group circumstances, such as when a company
is a member of an “ineligible group”

IV. Size of company/organization.

The size of a firm is determined by revenue levels, the overall balance sheet (total
fixed and current assets), and the average number of employees. In addition,
qualitative factors are considered. Micro-entities, small and medium-sized
organizations, and some financial services corporations, for example, do not qualify.
There are extra restrictions in some group circumstances, such as when a company
is a member of an "ineligible group."

V. Scope of company/organization.
The Company's Scope of Business includes, in addition to the establishment of
separate entities (subject to approval by a government agency on a case-by-case
basis), domestic trade, supply, purchase, and sale of raw materials (excluding goods
specially controlled by the State); develop and sell hard and soft computer products;
and develop and sell hard and soft computer products.

B. Business Functions
I. The sports industry in Vietnam:
Vietnam, like every other country on the planet, is quite active in sports. Sports have
had a significant part in the cultural development of this country. They have also
played a significant role in the cultural development of the country. Cycling, soccer,
swimming, boxing, karate, tennis, aerobics, badminton, and other sports are popular
in Vietnam. Soccer is the most popular sport. The majority of the country's
youngsters participate in these sports. The French brought football to Vietnam in
1896. This is without a doubt the most popular sport in the country. The Vietnam
Football Federation (VFF), which controls the country's national football teams as
well as national leagues, oversees association football in the country. In addition,
Vietnam boasts several sports clubs and training centers where aspiring athletes
may be trained.
II. Nike, Inc.
Background: NIKE, Inc. (Nike) began as a
Japanese shoe exporter and has since grown
to become the world's largest sports footwear
retailer, with a global market share of about
37%. Nike products are available in about
22,000 retail stores in the United States, as
well as in more than 160 countries worldwide.
Nike has retail sites both in the United States
and across the world, including Nike Towns
and factory outlets. Almost all the products are manufactured by independent
contractors, the majority of whom are based in other countries, with Nike contributing
to design, manufacturing, and marketing.
Size of organization: The Nike Company's activities have grown and breadth
throughout time. Across 38000 individuals work for the Nike Company in various
locations around the world. In 2009, the firm earned $1.49 billion in net profits. They
have offices in 45 countries across the world. Furthermore, there are 700 Nike shops
across the world.[ CITATION UKE15 \l 1033 ]
Nike is the world's leading marketer of sports shoes and apparel. Nike's worldwide
growth plan aims to expand its presence into a variety of market areas.[ CITATION
Tra21 \l 1033 ]. Nike is currently ranked 18th with a total brand value of up to 27.5
billion USD - an impressive number. In the rankings, in the fashion and apparel
categories, Nike is leading and far ahead of other famous brands. Nike's brand value
growth index is also very prominent with 5% while Adidas is more modest 2%.
[ CITATION SNK16 \l 1033 ]
In 2019, NIKE, Inc.'s revenue increased 4% to $10.2 billion, or 10% on a
compensatory. NIKE Brand sales were $9.7 billion, increasing 10% on a monetary
system basis, thanks to development in NIKE Direct and wholesale, as well as key
subcategories including Sportswear, Jordan, and Basketball, as well as continued
growth in footwear and apparel.[ CITATION BEA19 \l 1033 ]
As a global organization, Nike Inc. has some stakeholders that have a significant
influence on the sale of the company's athletic shoes and other products. On the
other side, corporate social responsibility activities are confined to a few key

stakeholder groups. Nike's stakeholders are as follows, in order of significance to the
 Clientele (top priority): Nike's social responsibility strategy prioritizes
customers as a stakeholder group. Customers are important because they
influence income in the sports footwear, apparel, and equipment sectors. In
the case of Nike Inc., these stakeholders' goals include slightly elevated
products at competitive prices.
 Communities: Nike's corporate social responsibility status is heavily
influenced by the stakeholder group of communities. Buyers are more likely to
make a purchase that has a beneficial influence on the community. Support
for community development is one of these stakeholders' goals, according to
Nike Inc.
 Employees: Nike Inc. recognizes the importance of employees as a
stakeholder group that affects the company's performance. Internal effective
leadership, talent management through mentoring and coaching, and
teamwork policies and programs are all ways Nike addresses these problems.
 Governments: States are identified as a stakeholder group. These
stakeholders are significant because they have an impact on how Nike
conducts business in terms of permissions, limitations, and legal proceedings
in specific areas for its sneakers, equipment, and clothing. Governments care
about ensuring compliance, as well as tax income and community
engagement commitments from businesses.
 Interest Groups: These groups wield significant influence on Nike, both in
terms of government action and customer perceptions of the company's
sports shoes, clothes, and equipment. Fair labor standards, long-term
corporate sustainability, and environmental protection are among the
concerns of these stakeholders.
Is there a significant challenge to overcome?
Although an international success, following a consumer boycott in China, Nike CEO
John Donahoe defended the company's operations in the nation, stating, "Nike is a
brand that is of China and for China." When questioned about competition from
Chinese firms, Donahoe made the statement during a teleconference with Wall
Street analysts discussing the company's fourth-quarter performance. In March, Nike
received a reaction in China after issuing a statement condemning claims of forced
labor in the Xinjiang province.[ CITATION CAR21 \l 1033 ]
Immediately after the announcement from Nike CEO, on Twitter, a series of
hashtags with the content "Boycott Nike" appeared. Many consumers were unhappy
with Nike's claims. Some people expressed their displeasure with the "two-sided"
move from the US sports company, while others said they would not buy any more
Nike products.
Relationship with customer
Customers may expect continuing assistance from Nike, with larger businesses
getting their account management staff. Customers may access a variety of
customer support tools, including FAQs, product manuals, and downloadable
documents. Customers can also get personal assistance by contacting specialized
support personnel through phone or online.

Customers may engage with one another and cooperate on concerns and ideas
through Nike's community site. It also has social media profiles, such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, where it may connect with consumers directly.
Several feedbacks of customer
“When a company is terrible, I have left a scathing review but on this occasion. I was
impressed so I thought it was only fair to leave a positive review. Very (nicely)
surprised that it would come from such a large company as Nike.

I ordered some trainers like I have done many times from Nike. They were relatively
cheap and came with free delivery so already a winner, however, after a week of
usage the trainers were not to the standard I would have hoped. As I had thrown
away the box, the return slip and used them a few times I would assume that Nike
would say a refund was not possible.

I jumped on to the chat function was put through to a rep straight away, the dude
replied immediately, told me ‘He had my back which was cool’. He sent me a new
return slip, told me it was cool to return in any box and that I would get a full refund. I
have to say awesome service and how it should be for this sort of company. Kudos.
Good customer relations - Just did it! ”
“ I bought 3 pairs of Nike sneakers. They are less than 3 years old. They do not use a
good bond glue! I put the cement and silicone on all of them. All of them peel off 3
different layers. I called Nike and they said do I have receipts within 3 years. I do not
keep receipts since. I attached pictures (unable to picture file attached) You can see I
put the cement and glue but fall off different layers .”
“ Still not received my order - delayed for over 10 days now with no communication. I
called up at Nike say there's another lengthy process to be gone through with their
courier Hermes. In contrast to another company Charles Tyrwhitt, who resent the
items with a different courier and asked me to send back the Hermes parcels if they
did arrive - Nike has been completely unhelpful ”

III. Adidas ltd AG.

Adidas is a German international corporation. The
company was founded by Adolf Dassler in his
mother's home, in 1924, he and his brother Rudolf
founded Gebrüder Dassler Schuh Fabrik ("Dassler
Brothers Shoe Factory"). Dassler assisted in the
development of spiked running shoes for many
sporting events. The three stripes, a hallmark of
Adidas' identity, have been used on the
company's designer clothing and shoes as a
marketing aid. Specializes in the design and
manufacture of shoes, clothing, and accessories.

It is Europe's and the world's largest sportswear producer, respectively, after Nike. It
is the parent company of the Adidas Group, which includes sportswear company
Reebok, an 8.33% stake in German football club Bayern München, and Runtastic,
an Austrian fitness technology company. Adidas' 2018 sales are listed as €21,915
billion.[ CITATION Mai20 \l 1033 ]
Type of company:
A global technology business based in Herzogenaurach, Germany that creates,
develops, and distributes clothing, footwear, sportswear, sports equipment, and
toiletries. Adidas is the top 5 sportswear company in the world including Nike, Puma,
Under Armor, New Balance.[ CITATION All20 \l 1033 ]
Products: Adidas has announced the launch of Adidas + KANYE WEST, a YEEZY-
branded entity that will develop footwear, apparel, and accessories for both men and
women across street and sport, cementing the company's long-standing relationship
with the creative pioneer Kanye West. The groundbreaking new partnership
establishes history as the most significant partnership between a non-athlete and an
athletic brand, acknowledging the impact, success, and global brand power that
began with YEEZY for Adidas Originals over two years ago.[ CITATION Adi16 \l
1033 ]
Size of company:
 Adidas was valued at about 14.3 billion dollars in 2021, down from over 16.5
billion dollars the year before.
 In 2020, the category will account for more than half of all net sales, selling
379 million pairs of shoes.[ CITATION DTi21 \l 1033 ]
Adidas is well-known for its size and profits. In the fiscal year 2017, the company's
total yearly worldwide revenues were $27 billion. Adidas is the world's second-
largest sports company in terms of sales and one of the most valuable corporations.
It is also the world's second-largest sportswear producer, after Nike.
In 2020, the firm will employ approximately 62,000 individuals throughout the world.
In 2020, the Adidas Group's global net sales were estimated to be about 19.8 billion
euros. The Adidas Group's North American market will account for 24% of the
company's retail net revenues in 2020.[ CITATION DTi211 \l 1033 ]
Adidas has become the most valuable corporation in the world due to three major
 Break down consumer segmentation barriers. 
 Establish a brand culture. 
 Don't get involved in pricing battles.
Mission & Vision:
According to the Adidas mission statement, "The Adidas Group wants to be a global
leader in the sportswear industry with brands built on a passion for sport and a
sporty lifestyle." The following are components of Adidas' mission statement:

 Sport should be improved: Adidas stresses its role as a constant leader in
offering the greatest items to clients. Adidas has a distinct sports culture that
is ingrained in everything the firm does.
 More than expectation: due to its unwavering commitment to quality Adidas
is a brand that, because of the happiness it provides its customers wherever
they are, requires little marketing effort.
 Innovations: Adidas' constant production of fantastic shoes and other related
items demonstrates that creative thought is at the core of all its efforts.
To be the global sports industry's design leaders, concentrating on getting the most
out of athletes with performance-guaranteed items Some of the aspects that relate to
this vision statement are as follows:
 The lead of the creative team: Adidas emphasizes that it is not a company
that sits on the sidelines and watches the competition.
 Athletes need reinforcement: Adidas' success in creating products that
meet the changing needs of its customers shows how important customer
sport is to the company.[ CITATION Mis19 \l 1033 ]
Key Partners:
People or organizations that impact or are influenced by dynamism and positivity are
considered stakeholders. They are a varied group, including members such as:
 Members of the Adidas Group's workforce.
 Shareholders and investors.
 Authorized person - government, trade association, shareholder, Board of
 Business partners - suppliers, unions, and service providers.
 Workers in the factories of our suppliers.
 Journalists, residents, and special interest groups.
 Customer - professional athletes, distributors, merchants, and consumers are
all involved in the sports industry.
IV.UEFA (Union des Associations Europeanness de Football).
Following discussions between the Italian, French, and
Belgian football federations, UEFA was created on
June 15, 1954, in Basel, Switzerland. The European
Football Federation began with 25 members, but by
the early 1990s, the number had more than doubled
when countries including the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia,
and Czechoslovakia broke apart into separate
republics. The headquarters were in Paris until 1959,
and thereafter in Bern. The UEFA headquarters were
relocated to Nyon, Switzerland, in 1995.[ CITATION
Met21 \l 1033 ]

Most UEFA members are independent European sovereign states, with a few
outliers. Some countries are not members, such as Monaco and the Vatican. Under
international law, some UEFA members are not sovereign states, but rather part of a
bigger country. Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales (UK), Gibraltar
(British Overseas Territory), Faroe Islands (Danish self-governing state), and Kosovo
are the members (disputed territory and recognized by many countries).
Types of the company:
A European football federation with 55 national federation members and is
headquartered in Sweden, which organizes, controls the prize money, rules, and
media rights of the tournaments.
European Football Championship (Euro), UEFA European Under-21 Championship,
UEFA European Under-19 Championship, UEFA European Under-17, Football
Championship European nations (UEFA Nations League), UEFA Women's
Championship, UEFA U-19 Women's Championship, UEFA U-17 Women's
Championship, European Futsal Championship, UEFA Women's Champions League
UEFA U-19 Championship, Women's European Futsal Championship, UEFA
Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Europa Conference League,
European Super Cup, UEFA Youth League, UEFA Regions' Cup, UEFA Futsal
Champions League, UEFA–CAF Meridian Cup (CAF), European Under-21 Futsal
Size of organization:
In 2007/08 and 2011/12, the Euro 2008 and Euro 2012 tournaments had a significant
influence on UEFA's revenue. In 2007/08, EURO 2008 provided 1.35 billion euros to
total revenue. In 2011/12, the overall revenue from EURO 2012 was 1.39 billion
euros. The commercial income from the 2019/20 UEFA Champions League, 2019/20
UEFA Europa League, and 2019 UEFA Super Cup is anticipated to be over 3.25
billion euros.[ CITATION Dav21 \l 1033 ]
The FSR strategy of UEFA increases the organization's main business while also
contributing to society's long-term growth. To promote social responsibility at all
levels, UEFA utilizes a systems approach in collaboration with important economic,
social, financial, and environmental stakeholders - both inside and outside the
organization. football in all aspects and at all levels. [ CITATION UEF20 \l 1033 ]
Mission and Vision:
To create attractively and quality matches to the audience and convey thought
messages like "Say no to racism" and campaigns to eliminate bad things in society.
Key Partners:
 UEFA national team: Alipay, FedEx, Gazprom,, Hisense,
 Champion League: Expedia,, Just Eat Takeaway, Mastercard,
FedEx, Heineken, PlayStation, Sony, Pepsi Co, Lay’s.
 Europa League: Hankook, Just Eat Takeaway, Heineken, Strauss.
 Europe Conference League: Just Eat Takeaway, Heineken, Strauss, Laufenn.
 UEFA woman’s football: Heineken, Lay’s, Hublot, Nike, Visa, Just Eat

V. AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences
Économiques et Commerciales).
Support the knowledge acquisition
process in 1948, when students were
encouraged to do internships in
foreign countries to learn about
different cultures. Officials from
economics and business universities across Europe have, of course, exchanged
numbers on concerns related to this initiative. Those programs were also inspired by
AIESEC. Although the program came to a halt when World War II broke out, the
neutral Scandinavian countries (northern countries) remained to transfer students
until 1944. Based on these principles, Mr. Beces Hedberg, a representative of the
Stockholm School of Economics, created AIESEC with students Jaroslav Zich, Jean
Choplin, and Stanislas Callens. The system was officially launched in 1948.
[CITATION bds19 \l 1033 ]
When AIESEC was created, Europe had just emerged from a time of war and
needed recovery after considerable losses in trade relations and human resources.
Currently, businesses and business organizations are in critical need of qualified
human resources to manage and perform their operations. Furthermore, the impact
of the war on relations between European countries within and outside the region is
posing hurdles to international commercial development.
Type of organization:
As an independent youth organization, the nature of AIESEC's activities is non-profit,
non-governmental and attracts many students and students to participate. Since it's
open, any school graduate can join.[ CITATION Mai20 \l 1033 ]
Size of organization:
AIESEC is headquartered in Quebec, Canada. This organization has been present in
over 120 countries and has more than 50,000 active members in this organization,
each year there are more than 65,000 social projects.
Scope of organization:
6 factors make AEISEC become the most valuable organization:
- Enable Management.
- Life Diversity.
- Strive for Excellence.
- Demonstrate Integrity.

- Want to join.
- Long-term Operation.

Mission and Vision:

AIESEC is to bring as many opportunities as possible for students and alumni to
develop themselves more, so in recent times, the competition round has been
simplified, but the importance between rounds remains the same.
Some feedback of staff:
Staff: “Likes Friendly and encouraging work environment Dislikes I liked everything
Old staff: “Team Member in Pune
Likes It allows me to go beyond my comfort zone-meet deadlines without feeling too
strained because the work allotted here mostly, is fun. Moreover, in interacting
effectively with a lot of people. Be it in a formal setting or an informal one. Also, the
organization culture at AIESEC is truly one of a kind! Dislikes A significant amount of
time is required to be devoted for the meetings and workdays.”
Old staff: “Senior Business Development Manager in Jodhpur
The company culture is nice. It gives you place to make mistakes and learn from it. And
provides a wide circle of people to be connected to. A lot of exposure to different culture &
people. It gives you a family to work with.”

C. Relationship among different organizational functions and

how they link to organizational structure.
The typical hierarchical layout of an organization's lines of power, communication,
rights, and responsibilities. The way roles, powers, and duties are given, regulated,
and coordinated, as well as how information moves across different levels of
management, is defined by an organizational structure.
The structure is determined by the aims and strategy of the business. The highest
management tier in a centralized structure holds most of the decision-making
authority and tight supervision over departments and divisions. Decision-making
power is distributed in a decentralized organization, and departments and divisions
might have varying degrees of autonomy.[ CITATION WIL21 \l 1033 ]
I. The organizational structure of Adidas ltd AG.
While investigating the Adidas authenticity outline, the affiliation utilizes a reformist
technique in the higher spots of advancement. Adidas's organizational structure is
divisional, and the company is divided into 3 main departments; each of which

shared the equal power to contribute and evolve for the company to complete
products significantly.
The figure below describes Adidas organizational structure:

II. Adidas’s organizational structure type and characteristics.

Adidas has an organizational structure that divides into 3 main departments.

The corporate structure's emphasis on technology and product innovation and

strategic developments in these divisions helped achieve Adidas' mission and vision
Supervisory Board is a group of positions that control and act on behalf of the
company, such as the CEO who will run a chain of company systems and
employees. First, the effective support from the three vice presidents of finance, HR
and Marketing, positions that partly help the company receive achievements.
The fashion group has shown more business diversification thanks to its
interconnected structure, and gives each other many opportunities to develop the
quality of products. The following are the product category divisions within the
Adidas organizational structure:
 Vice President-Project is the position to receive and develop new ideas and
run the whole department. This is a calculated division when each customer
has complaints or wants to change the appearance of the product, it will be
Receiving comments from 3 Project Managers, if in an unexpected case, the
remaining Projects Manager will handle it quickly and keep the company's
model in front of difficult customers.
 Vice President - Engineering is the company's technical department, part of
it is linked to the Marketing department because thanks to the managers in
this department, they can help promote the product in a neat and professional
way. Systems Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Software Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering are the supporting components for technical cases

and it plays an important role in the company's growth with modern production
equipment and gives customers a great experience when using the
company's products.
 Vice President-Manufacturing is an important department as it will be the
place to create Adidas branded products, will manage the production and then
support, first the Assembly Manager will manage the production processes
The company is careful about the quality of the product when there is a
Testing Manager who will test the products and make adjustments to satisfy
its customers and finally the Production Manager will manage the product.
Manage and provide reports on quantity and quality to upper manage
Since then, the company has created a link between the way in the production of the
product, in the diagram above, the customer's opinion or opinion goes to the
technical department through the Project Manager, and finally to the production
stage, Based on the requirements and suggestions of customers to produce quality
and durable products. These things show that this is an organization that is highly
interconnected and supports each other in the production process, thus helping the
company to increase revenue and create a great global brand.
III. What factors make Adidas different?
Adidas is a big fashion brand known by many people, but behind it is the dedication
of the departments in this organization, unlike many other organizations in the same
segment, the density of departments is specifically distributed, spending Smart and
detailed, this helps to improve the atmosphere in the workplace and sometimes
helps each other when there are no ideas. Create many bridges with departments to
build a strong, highly effective team when making decisions. While Adidas' rival
companies have less detailed distribution like Adidas, which can partly support each
other, there will be many holes when making important decisions, for Adidas
because This distribution helps all departments to meet together to solve and come
up with the right strategies to develop the company or customer complaints. In
addition, there are many other factors that promote Adidas to develop as it is today.
IV. How functional integration impact organizational structure?
Benefits: Adidas's corporate structure offers the benefit of providing extensive
assistance for product development, particularly in terms of originality and creativity.
The structural structure of the company's product assortment divisions provides this
assistance. The flexibility to coordinate corporate objectives and operations
depending on market variables is another benefit of this organizational structure.
This can be accomplished by dividing product types into geographical groupings or
divisions, such as Manufacturing. In the face of severe competition, these structural
advantages combine with established strengths to strengthen the firm. As a result,
the organizational structure aids the company's competitive advantage, particularly
when compared to significant competitors like Nike Inc.
Drawbacks: Because of the company's organizational structure, Adidas' product-
based divisions have little autonomy. Given the minimal priority given to
geographical groups, the organizational structure creates challenges for the firm's
development in regional markets. On the other side, Samsung's corporate culture
helps to offset the negative effects of these structural faults. Furthermore, despite the

challenges, the technology company's current global success indicates that it
effectively uses the advantages of its organizational structure.

Through the reports, we're capable of giving an explanation for the 3 one-of-a-kind
styles of organizations, their sizes, and classifications to spotlight the variations
among the 3 companies, including criminal shape, length, and limit: their vision,
undertaking, and enterprise goals, in addition to their key stakeholders throughout
one-of-a-kind companies. In addition, withinside the org chart of a public company,
we benefit from higher information of the shape of the employer and the relationships
among its parts.

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