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Printed Activity Sheets

For Aquamarine(SSC)
QI Grade 10 – Mathematics Ruby (SSC)
Pearl (Regular)
Weeks 3 & 5
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
MELC #4: Illustrates a geometric sequence.
MELC #5: Differentiates geometric sequence from an arithmetic sequence.
MELC #6: Determines geometric means, nth terms of a geometric sequence and sum of the terms of a given finite or
infinite geometric sequence.
MELC #7: Solves problems involving geometric sequence.

Written Works: _________
Grade and Section:__________________________
Performance Task: ________
Date Submitted:____________________________

Illustrating Geometric Sequence:

A geometric sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first can be obtained by multiplying the preceding
term by a fixed constant called the common ratio denoted by r.
Formula : an= a1rn-1 r= (an)/(an-1) where r is the common ratio
Example : Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence: 1x, 3x2, 9x3, 27x4…
Solution: r= a3/a2= 9x3/3x2= 3x
Find the next term of the geometric sequence: 2x, 4x3, 8x5, 16x7, ___…
Solution: r=a2/a1 r= 4x3/2x = 2x2
a5= a1r5-1 = (2x)(2x2)4 = 2x(16x8) = 32x9
Differentiating Geometric and Arithmetic Sequence
Note: Find the ratio and common difference
Example#1 : 3x, 6x, 9x, 12x, 15x,… (Arithmetic Sequence)
d= 6x-3x=3x, d= 9x-6x=3x, d= 12x-9x=3x, d=15x-12x=3x common difference is 3
r= 6x/3x=2, r=9x/6x= 3/2 no common ratio
Example#2 : 5x,10x,20x,40x,.. (Geometric Sequence)
d= 10x-5x=5x, d= 20x-10x=10x no common difference
r= 10x/5x=2, r= 20x/10x=2, r=40x/20x=2 common ratio is 2

Average Level
Directions: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence: 4x, 8x2, 16x3, 32x4…
A. 2x B. 4x C. 8x2 D. 16x3
2. What is the missing term of the geometric sequence 3x3, ___, 48x7, 192x9… ?
A. 4x4 B. 12x4 C. 4x5 D. 12x5
3. Given the sequence:16x2, 32x4, 64x6, ___, what is the next term?
A. 148x2 B. 138x2 C. 128x2 D. 118x2
2 3 4
4. Given -8x, -16x , -32x ,- 64x , what is the common ratio?
A. 2x B. 4x C. 6x D. 8x
5. It is sequence in which each term after the first can be obtained by multiplying the preceding term by a
fixed constant called the common ratio denoted by r.
A. Arithmetic Sequence
B. Geometric Sequence
C. Both arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence
D. None of them
B. Write G if the given is a geometric sequence, A if it is arithmetic sequence and, N if it is not a sequence
_____ 1. 1xy, -1xy, 1xy,-1xy, 1xy, . . .
_____ 2. –4x2, 8x2, –16x2, 32x2, –64x2, . . .
_____ 3. 1x3, 4x7, 16x11, 64x15, . . .
_____ 4. 20ab, 13ab, 6ab, –1ab, –8ab, . . .
_____ 5. –5xy2, 0xy2, 5xy2, 10xy2, 15xy2, . . .

Finding the nth term of Geometric Sequence

Example: Find the 9th term of geometric sequence of 3x, 6x3, 12x5, 24x7,…..
Find the common ratio: r= 6x3/3x=2x2 , r=2x2
a1= 3x, r= 2, an= a1rn-1
Then, a9= 3x(2x)9-1=3x(2x2)8= 768x17, Then a9=768x17
Geometric Means:
Insert three geometric means between 6 and 96
Solution: 6x2, ________ , ________ , ________ , 96x10
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
a1 = 6, a5 = 96
an= a1rn-1 , a5= 6x2(r)5-1, a5= 6x2(r)4
Then 96x10= 6r4, 96x10/6x2= r4 , 16x8=r4 , r4=(2x2)4 , then r=2x2
a2= 6x2 * 2x2= 12x4
a3=a2*2x2= 12x4*2x2= 24x6
a4=a3*2 = 24x6*2x2 = 48x8

Difficult Level
1. What is the next term in the geometric sequence 11x, –22x3, 44x5, ___?
A. – 78x7 B. -88x7 C. 88x7 D. 78x7
2 8
2. If two geometric means are inserted between 3xy and 24xy , find the second geometric mean.
A. 6xy6 B. – 6xy6 C. 12xy6 D. – 12xy6
3. Find the eight term of a geometric sequence where the first term is 2x 2 and the common ratio is 2.
A. 162x2 B. 256x2 C. 128x2 D. 512x2
4. Insert three geometric means between 1ab3 and 256ab3. What is the second geometric mean?
A. 4 ab3 B.16ab3 C. 64 ab3 D. 256ab3

5. Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence whose first term is 2xy 4 and its fifth term is 1250xy4.
A. 2xy4 B. 4xy4 C. 5xy4 D. 6xy4
3 3 3
6. Find the 9th term of the geometric sequence 1024x , 512x , 256x , …
A. 2x3 B. 4 x3 C. 6x3 D. 8 x3
7. Determine the common ratio when a6 = 243a12 and a5 = 81a10.
A. 0a2 B. 1a2 C. 2a2 D. 3a2

8. Jonel an antique collector has a table that costs P5 000.00. If its value increases by 5% each year. What
is its value after 8 years?
A. 4 035.50 B. 5 035.50 C. 6 035.50 D. 7 035.50
9. If three geometric means are inserted between – 48xy 3 and –3xy11. What is the second geometric mean?
A. –12xy5 B. –18xy5 C. –16 xy5 D. – 8xy5
10. What is the general nth term for a geometric sequence with a1 = 5 and r = 2?
A. an = (2)n C. an = 5(2)n-1
B. an = (2)n-1 D. an = 5(2)n

Geometric Sums of Geometric Sequence

Finite : Sn= a1 ( 1-rn)/(1-r) , where r is not equal to 1
Example : 10, 30, 90, 270
Solution: S5= (10)(1-34)/(1-3) = 10(-80)/(-2 ) = 400
Infinite: Sn= a1 / (1-r), where r is not equal to 1 and -1
Example : 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, ….
Solution : r= (1/4)/(1/2)= 1/2 Sn= a1 / (1-r) = ( 1/2)/( 1-1/2) = 1/2/(1/2) = 1
Special Cases : when r= 1
Formula: Sn= na1
Example: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
S10 = 10(5) =50
When r= -1
Formula: Sn= a1, when n is odd
Sn= 0, when n is even
Example: 5, -5, 5, -5, 5,- 5, 5,- 5, 5,- 5 , n=10 (even) then S n= 0
5, -5, 5, -5, 5,- 5, 5,- 5, 5,- 5, 5, n= 11 (odd) then S n = 5

Directions: Solve the following problem completely and correctly:
1. A child on a swing is given a big push. She travels 12 feet on the first back-and-forth swing but
only as far on each successive back-and-forth swing. How far (total distance) does she travel
before the swing stops?

2. A ball is thrown 12 meters in the air (so that the initial up-and-down distance is 24 meters). The
ball rebounds 95% of the distance it falls. What is the total vertical distance traveled by the ball
before it stops bouncing?


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not readable.

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Parents Signature of Student

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Teacher I Head Teacher III, Math School Principal IV

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |4

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