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Farhangian Teacher

Education University
Farhangian Teacher Education University
Shahid Bahonar Faculty

Course: Material Evaluation (Content Analysis)

Week 3

Winter, 2021 (1399, paeeiz)

Review of what had last session:
Empirical Evaluation
 Predictive Evaluation:
Designed to make a decision regarding what materials to use,

 Retrospective Evaluation:
Designed to examine materials that have actually been used. It can
be empirical or sometimes impressionistic.

Note: Any evaluation which is based on systematic data collection and

analysis is called empirical evaluation. This type of evaluation
prevents subjective or biased judgment (or the impressionistic
judgment) of the teaching materials.
The importance/advantages of Course-books (Tomlinson, 2014; Bell &
Gower, 1998)
Fulfilling a
wide range
of practical
Acting as needs Providing a
agent of route map
change for teachers
and learners

Dealing with Coursebooks

certain importance
amount of Providing
routine works structure &
for Ts predictability

self- Designed
confidence by experts
& security in the field
Why evaluating the teaching materials?
The Importance of Material Evaluation at a Short Glance
 The quality and effectiveness of teaching materials enhance the
quality and effectiveness of teaching and as a result the quality of

 It is crucial to be aware of different types of learning activities,

exercises, and tasks in order to …

(a) keep our learners engaged and motivated,

(b) ensure the best learning outcomes, and
(c) meet the requirements of the curriculum,
The Importance of Textbook Evaluation at a Short Glance

 It is argued by many scholars that textbooks are irreplaceable in

both language learning and teaching (Cunningsworth, 1995;
Sheldon, 1988) .

 Although a prescribed textbook would fail to exclusively help

manage language learning, textbook lessons are seen as an
interaction between the teacher, learners, and materials (Allwright,

 Such interaction enhances the opportunities to learn, and this adds

to the benefits of the textbooks as teaching materials. The following
Figure shows this interaction.
The Interaction between Textbooks and other Teaching/Learning
Elements (Allwright, 1981)


to learn

Materials Learners
Empirical Evaluation (Ellis, 1997;….)

Evaluation Micro-


Empirical Evaluation:
Macro- and Micro-Evaluation
 Macro-evaluation
Is an overall assessment of whether an entire set of materials has worked
It is usually based on analyzing and collecting information relating to
curriculum’s objectives; it helps identify if the objectives have been met and
which aspects can be improved.

 Micro-evaluation
Is an evaluation of a particular teaching task in which an instructor/teacher
has special interest, and submits this to a detailed empirical evaluation.
Empirical Evaluation:
Macro- and Micro-Evaluation

 Although a Macro-evaluation can stand alone and serve as a practical way

of carrying out an empirical evaluation, a sequence of micro-evaluations
can provide the basis for a subsequent macro-evaluation.

 That is, a micro-evaluation might be used independently while serving as

a useful and appropriate means for empirically undertaking textbook
Steps in Evaluating a Teaching Material /Task

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4: Collecting the information for the evaluation

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:
Good Luck

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