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Breaking The Heat

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin
Additional Tags: yoonmin
Stats: Published: 2015-01-23 Words: 2798

Breaking The Heat

by sugageek


Jimin has an unbearably attractive scent, but that doesn't mean Yoongi likes him.


Do male dogs even go into heat? Hmm, I'm not sure.

Prompt and request by my lovely friend Tae~

Yoongi didn't consider himself a stray, far from it really, and maybe it stemmed from the fact that
he enjoyed being alone or possibly because he hated being controlled. Having someone care for
him and treat him like some animal bought from a shelter wasn't exactly his cup of tea; he'd never
be a hybrid who was owned by some stuck up human. Most of the time being a stray worked out
for him. Yoongi enjoyed living alone and working on his beloved music and photography in his
spare time within the small studio apartment in the heart of Seoul. There he could rest in peace and
be who he wanted to be. He didn't have to comb out the bushy fur on his tail or ears, nor did he
have to brush his canines if he felt lazy enough but his favorite part was the fact that he could act
as dog-like as he possibly wished, which wouldn’t happen in public. Hybrids were already frowned
upon in the general public and scratching ears or sniffing butts was definitely not tolerated outside
of the home.

He never quite understood why people didn't exactly accept hybrids; Yoongi was similar to them in
many ways, what with a human body and even opposable thumbs! Bullying was hard, and after so
many years of countless humans degrading Yoongi's self worth, he'd given up on them. Well, most
of them.
There was this human boy just a few years younger than Yoongi himself, who attended college and
worked in a spunky old diner. Yoongi had met the kid on a warm night in the summer when
Yoongi was too hungry to cook his own food and just so happened to stumble into the diner with a
gurgling belly. The other waiters refused to serve him, complaining that no dogs were allowed, but
the young boy was kind enough to sneak some food to Yoongi anyway.

His name was Park Jimin.

Yoongi didn't really like Jimin, more like he tolerated him to a certain extent. The younger boy was
impossibly kind and happy all the time and it seemed that he never quite knew how to stay quiet
for more than a few minutes. The kid was clingy too, something Yoongi hated but could hardly
ever resist only for the fact that his scent was agonizingly attractive. During the moments when
Jimin insisted on a cuddle session during a movie Yoongi was forced to watch, the hybrid would
constantly find himself running his nose along the younger boy's tan skin just to inhale him.

And no, Yoongi didn't like Jimin. For some reason, he just stomached the guy.

It was a late October night when Yoongi slipped into heat. The sudden tingle down his spine
followed by a painful ache radiating within his body had him curled into a ball on the floor, ears
pressed down flat against his head and fluffy black tail curled between his legs. The arousal was
painful, even more so from the dull scent of Jimin that filled every surface of his apartment. At that
moment, he really regretted ever letting the former come to his home.

Yoongi's sharp canine teeth gnawed against his bottom lip as he struggled to gain a sense of control
over the situation. Closing his eyes, he thought hard even his mind was filled with nothing but Park
Jimin and his achingly beautiful smell. There was a small possibility that the hybrid could wade
out the heat attack and stay hidden within his room, only then remembering what happened the last
time he'd tried to do that. It had left him in pain for weeks.

The ache in his body was making Yoongi rabid. All he could think about was Jimin, only Jimin
and nothing but Jimin.

A deeply embedded snarl escaped from Yoongi's mouth as he stumbled to his feet, shivering hands
balling into the fabric of his jeans, fingers kneading harshly at the arousal in his pants. Even the
rough friction wasn't enough to control the urges coursing through his body. Yoongi was helpless.
Sporting a large coat and slippers, Yoongi rushed out of his apartment complex and into the empty
street of the night, not even caring to cover his ears with a hat or conceal his tail. The scent of
Jimin overpowered anything else, a steady trail to the younger boy's home several blocks away.
After catching on to the smell, Yoongi made a mad dash in the direction in which it wafted from,
feeling as if his skin was on fire.

An unsuspecting Jimin opened the door to his home to find a sweating, heaving Yoongi shaking on
the front steps. The elder boy whimpered and lunged halfheartedly, fingers digging into Jimin's
tanned skin desperately, nose shoving into the skin exposed on his chest where the collar of the
former's shirt dipped.

Jimin had been studying since the moment he'd gotten home from work, only wearing a loose tank
and baggy sweat pants, a pair of square rimmed glasses completing his look. Yoongi couldn't help
but think he was painfully attractive like this. He blamed it on the heat.

After a moment of panting and sputtering on his own breath, Yoongi finally gained just enough
self control to speak, even if his legs were just about to give out from underneath him. “Jimin,” he
cried, face still hidden within his chest. “Jimin help me.”

Jimin quickly closed the front door and pulled Yoongi further into his home, subsequently causing
the scent of him to overpower Yoongi enough to make the hybrid drop to his knees. Jimin followed
with a worried gasp, hands cupping at the elder's cheeks to get a look at his blown out pupils.
“What? What's the matter? Are you hurt?” Jimin rushed, the back of his hand coming up to feel the
heat pouring from Yoongi's forehead.

Yoongi moaned, a free hand darting between his legs to fist at the straining bulge in his jeans.
“No,” he whimpered. “I'm in heat.”

Jimin froze as if ice had suddenly taken over his bones, eyes wide as he glanced down at the elder's
fingers rubbing restlessly at the tent in his pants. “Oh.”

This had happened only once before, many months ago after quite a few weeks of knowing each
other. Yoongi had explained what heat was and how painful it could become, and Jimin had
eagerly agreed to help him out with the problem. It had been so unexpected though that it took a
moment for the younger boy to react, eyes still wide and unblinking while Yoongi helplessly
rubbed at his covered cock.
“Are you going to help me or not, you asshole,” Yoongi snarled, successfully snapping Jimin from
his daze. The former blinked back the surprise and looked at the hybrid's trembling body, giving a
small nod before diving in to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

Yoongi didn't like kissing Jimin, either. He tolerated it....didn't he?

He had no time to think about feelings, for the sensation of Jimin's lips on his was enough to make
him forget anything else in the world. He pressed into the younger boy, body already slick with
sweat as he hurriedly tore off the coat and shirt from his sticky torso.

Jimin breathed out a soft sigh before whispering, “Let's take this to the bedroom, yeah?”

Before stepping through the threshold of Jimin's room, their clothes had mostly been torn away
while hungry kisses were exchanged. Even if Yoongi was weak in the knees by the simple smell of
the former, he still had the strong urge to dominate him. With a shove of his arms, Jimin was
sprawled out against the cool sheets of his bed with the hybrid climbing on top of him, eyes hungry
and fingers desperate.

It was always like this no matter who Yoongi was with, all push and no pull, because all he'd really
been wanting was friction where it counted. The spiraling pain in his lower back was already
unbearable, and frankly the hybrid had no time for sappy love making.

Even if the animal inside Yoongi yearned to absolutely destroy the young human below him, there
was something in the back of his head that kept him from doing so. Jimin was a fragile person who
relied on soft touches and sweet words, and even with Yoongi's eyes glowing red and canines
sharp, he could never hurt him.

Yoongi fought back the urge to score his fingernails down Jimin's toned backside and opted to lean
down and kiss him instead, tongue peeking out to taste the human and lap up the scent coming off
him in waves. The younger boy breathed out a sigh of relief and lifted his hands up to the elder's
head, fingers twisting within the dark locks of hair to keep the hybrid planted there. “Be gentle,”
Jimin whispered with a soft, knowing smile.

Yoongi nodded against his neck, lips hungry to taste the skin there while his hand crept down to
rub at the younger boy's cock, which was still half hard, an angering contrast to Yoongi's aching
member straining against the fabric of his briefs.

For a moment, he thought back to the moment he'd met Jimin in the diner all those months ago.
His scent had hit him like a ton of bricks, and the bright smile on his face made it stronger even
more so.

Jimin forced a friendship, even with Yoongi's attempts to ditch him.

But...Yoongi didn't like the younger boy. The sex was convenient for the days when Yoongi's heat
crept up against him without warning. Yoongi definitely did not like Jimin as more than a friend,

Shaking from his thoughts, he moved his hand away from Jimin's hard cock, fingers searching
blindly for the small bottle of lube that was hidden under the mattress of the human's bed. Jimin
was rubbing his member against Yoongi's thigh, head thrown back against the pillows to expose his
neck for Yoongi to kiss and bite. A soft moan escaped his mouth, fingers massaging circles into
the hybrids arms, eyes hooded as he waited for the elder to find the bottle.

Impatiently, Yoongi ripped the bottle from under the bed and uncapped it, shifting his body so he
was kneeling between Jimin's trembling thighs. After slicking his fingers, he pressed the pads of
his digits up against the human's entrance, eyes focused on the younger boy's face which was
contorted in concentration and pleasure. Yoongi pushed in one finger slowly despite the urge to
rush, a deep growl escaping his throat at the sensation of Jimin's walls clenching around his skin.

Working him open with a second finger, he pushed himself forward to kiss at the boy's plush lips,
swallowing all of his gasps and moans. Jimin's gentle fingers toyed with the fur on the hybrid's
ears, hips rolling with each thrust of the elder's hand. The kiss was innocent compared to what the
two were currently doing, with lips molding together lightly, tongues tasting and breath mixing
together. The young human smiled against the hybrid's mouth, his lips parted with soft gasps of
pleasure that escaped his lungs. Yoongi decided he really liked the sound of that.

Jimin squirmed slightly, head pulling away from the kiss. “I'm ready,” he urged, fucking himself
down against the fingers inside of him. “Please.”

Jimin seemed even more urgent than Yoongi felt, which caused more heat to pool around the
hybrid's hips and make the animal within him go absolutely insane. The elder drug in a deep breath
and removed his hand from between Jimin's legs so he could slick up his aching length and finally
get the release he'd been aching for since the damn heat started. His piercing eyes bathed in the
sight of the human below him, naked in all his glory, skin glowing with a thin sheet of sweat and
lips swollen from being kissed and bitten.

Instead of the familiar coil in his stomach, he felt a stutter in his heart. Gazing down at the pleading
eyes and soft whimpering mess below him, Yoongi thought that just maybe he liked Jimin more
than what he'd let himself believe.
Tucking the thought to the back of his brain to think of later, Yoongi focused back on himself, a
hand slowly pumping his aching member as he lined himself up with the human's pucker. Pushing
in, Yoongi could already tell the unbearable heat and tightness was going to drive him insane. If it
wasn't for the younger one reminding him to be gentle, Yoongi would have pounded into him

It took every ounce of willpower to take things slow, and even then Jimin was still struggling to
adjust to the intrusion. Eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the human clung to Yoongi's torso,
face hidden within his neck and the soft whines escaping his lungs were impossibly sexy. The
hybrid gripped tightly at the sheets until his knuckles turned white, breath coming hard as he
finally pushed in to the hilt.

After a moment of heavy breathing and silence between the two, Jimin gave a small nod as he
lowered himself back against the pillows, eyes gazing into Yoongi's as the elder rolled into him.
Jimin's tightness was heavenly.

Yoongi picked up a steady pace of push and pull, each thrust causing Jimin to break the silence
with a wail of pleasure. With quick movements, the hybrid slung the younger boy's legs over his
shoulders, plunging in deeper which in turn had Jimin mumbling incoherent words that sounded a
lot like the elder's name. The tan boy's fingers carefully massaged Yoongi's furry ears despite the
needy pace in which the hybrid had set, eyes so full of emotion that made the former dizzy.

Yoongi never broke eye contact, even when he moved one hand between them to pump at Jimin's
leaking cock weighing heavy against his toned stomach, fisting him at the pace of his thrusts. The
elder was embarrassingly close already, and the constant stab of pleasure was becoming all too
much for his sensitive member.

Rutting his hips, he thrust himself shallowly into the human beneath him, the tip of his cock
brushing against the bundle of nerves that had Jimin bellowing his name religiously. With only a
few more rolls of his hips, Jimin came in white strings across their chests and Yoongi milked him
for all he was worth. It wasn't much longer before the hybrid lost his self control and the steady
pace he'd once had turned sloppy. Jimin's hot walls clenched around him, pulling the elder into
such a strong orgasm, it had him sobbing against the younger boy's shoulder.

Finding no strength left in his body, Yoongi fell against the mattress right next to Jimin, his entire
body blissed out and hazed, cock still sensitive from the pleasure and relief that washed over him.
The man beside him was silent for a few moments as he controlled his heavy breathing before he
curled into Yoongi's body, legs tangling with the hybrid's limp ones.
“Wow,” Jimin breathed against the skin of Yoongi's neck. “I'll be sore tomorrow.”

Yoongi peeked an eye open to look at the human, shaking fingers coming up to rake through the
younger's sweaty hair. He quickly wondered where he'd grown the courage to become so
affectionate, only to brush it aside before his mind could travel elsewhere. “Did I hurt you?”

Jimin shook his head lazily, head nuzzling into the palm that tickled his hair and face. “No,” he
breathed with a small smile. “It was nice.”

Yoongi nodded, moving his neck so the younger could kiss him there, lips slow and curious.
“Maybe I'll take you out for dinner as a reward for putting up with this damn heat,” he hummed
when Jimin pulled back to look at him.

The human grinned from ear to ear, looking so innocent and frankly Yoongi thought he was
adorable. “Are you taking me on a date, hyung?”

Yoongi blinked. “It's not a date.”

“You like me, don't you?” Jimin rolled himself onto Yoongi's body, lips just hardly ghosting
against the elder's.

Yoongi groaned, eyes closed tightly as he leaned up to close the gap between them. The kiss was
lazy and slow, so peaceful in all it's meaning. “Fine. Maybe I like you, so what?”

Jimin let out a rather girlish squeal. “I always knew you had a crush on me!”

At any other moment in time, Yoongi would probably blush and deny the truth being told, but at
that moment he was all too tired. So with a nod and another kiss from Jimin, he curled within the
younger's warmth and closed his eyes. “Go to bed, you little shit.”

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