Learning and Individual Differences: Barbara Carretti, Erika Borella, Cesare Cornoldi, Rossana de Beni

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Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251

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Learning and Individual Differences

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / l i n d i f

Role of working memory in explaining the performance of individuals with specific

reading comprehension difficulties: A meta-analysis
Barbara Carretti ⁎, Erika Borella, Cesare Cornoldi, Rossana De Beni
Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is well established that working memory is related to reading comprehension ability. However, its role in
Received 14 January 2008 explaining specific reading comprehension difficulties is still under debate: the issue mainly concerns
Received in revised form 22 September 2008 whether the contribution of working memory is dependent on task modality (verbal tasks being more
Accepted 5 October 2008
predictive than visuo-spatial tasks) and/or on the attentional control implied in working memory tasks
(tasks requiring storage/manipulation being more predictive than storage-only tasks, regardless of task
Reading comprehension difficulties
modality). Meta-analysis is used here to examine the relevance of several working memory measures in
Working memory distinguishing between the performance of poor and good comprehenders in relation to the modality of the
Inhibition working memory task, and the involvement of controlled attention required by such a task. Our results
demonstrate that memory tasks that are demanding in terms of attentional control and that require verbal
information processing are best at distinguishing between poor and good comprehenders, suggesting that
both domain-specific factors as well as general factors of working memory contribute to reading
comprehension performance. The implications for different models of working memory in relation to
reading comprehension are discussed.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction storage-only tasks (e.g. forward digit span tasks). This relationship is
explained by the fact that in understanding a text a reader is engaged not
It is well established that working memory (WM) is involved in only in maintaining some piece of information but also, for example, in
reading comprehension. However, depending on the theoretical merging that information with previous knowledge, therefore actively
approach the structural and functional role of WM in reading processing incoming information.
comprehension is explained in different ways. Referring to the Studies comparing good and poor comprehenders (i.e. readers
original model proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), some with adequate decoding and intellectual abilities) may clarify the
researchers suggest that the relationship between WM and reading relationship between working memory and reading comprehension,
comprehension depends on domain-specific factors (see also Cornoldi establishing which mechanisms might become particularly crucial for
& Vecchi, 2003). Consistently with this idea, it has been shown that the case of substantial reading comprehension difficulties. However,
verbal WM tasks (e.g., Reading Span Test by Daneman & Carpenter, this controversy also arises in studies taking an individual-differences
1980) are related to reading comprehension tasks since both draw on viewpoint (for a review see Savage, Lavers, & Pillay, 2007). Indeed,
processes of a specific domain (the verbal domain), since visuo-spatial studies have shown contrasting results on whether or not a deficit in
WM tasks are only moderately correlated to reading comprehension WM is present in poor comprehenders regardless of task modality:
(Daneman & Tardif, 1987). However, other data have suggested that some report significant differences between good and poor compre-
the involvement of WM in reading comprehension is domain-general, henders in visuo-spatial WM tasks (e.g. Cornoldi, De Beni, & Pazzaglia,
i.e. dependent on the attentional/executive control component of WM 1996), albeit more modest than in verbal WM tasks, but others find no
tasks (e.g., Engle, Kane & Tuholski, 1999; Turner & Engle, 1989). In fact, it difference (e.g. Nation, Adams, Bowyer-Crane, & Snowling, 1999). To
has been reported that tasks requiring both maintenance and explain the nature of reading comprehension disabilities, the
manipulation of information, or tasks associated to executive functions, existence of differences also in visuo-spatial WM task performance
correlate more strongly with reading comprehension – regardless of would support a view where domain-general aspects of WM are
task modality (e.g. Daneman & Merikle, 1996 meta-analysis) – than specifically involved in higher-order cognition (Swanson & Siegel,
2001), whereas the opposite result would suggest that the lower
performance of poor comprehenders is not completely independent of
⁎ Corresponding author. Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale, Via Venezia, 8, 35131
the nature of WM task (see for example Cornoldi & Vecchi, 2003).
Padova, Italy. Tel.: +39 049 8276948. To sum up, different approaches to WM result in different
E-mail address: barbara.carretti@unipd.it (B. Carretti). predictions about the nature of WM deficits in individuals who have

1041-6080/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1
List of studies included with details about the selection reading comprehension task, reading decoding task, age, gender and N of participants, separated into good and poor comprehenders.

Age Good Poor Reading Reading Working memory task performances considered for the meta-analysis
comprehenders comprehenders comprehension decoding
Simple span task Complex span task Executive functions
Verbal Visuo-spatial mechanisms

1. Cain (2006) Study 2 9–10 13 13 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud Forward digit span LST Counting span LST intrusion errors
ended questions Non-words reading Word span
2. Cain and Oakhill Study 1 7–8 23 23 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud LST
(2006) ended questions WM Digit
3.Cain, Oakhill and Study 1 8–11 12 13 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud Forward digit span LST Counting span
Lemmon (2004) Study 2 9–10 12 12 ended questions
4. Carretti, Cornoldi, Exp. 1 18–30 15 12 Silent reading + multiple CWMS CWMS intrusion errors
De Beni and Palladino Exp. 2 18–30 19 18 choice questions
5. Carretti, Cornoldi, Exp. 1 8–11 109 109 Silent reading + multiple Word search Updating (Morris & Jones'

B. Carretti et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251

De Beni and Romanò Exp. 2 12 30 30 choice questions version) Updating (semantic
(2005) criterion) intrusion errors
6. Cornoldi, De Beni Study 1 12–15 26 26 Silent reading + multiple Read a text aloud LST F.I.T. LST intrusion errors
and Pazzaglia (1996) 20 20 choice questions
7. De Beni and Exp. 1 8–11 12 12 Silent reading + multiple Read a text aloud Forward digit span Backward digit span LST intrusion errors
Palladino (2000) choice questions LST
8. De Beni, Palladino, Exp. 1 18–30 22 22 Silent reading + multiple Forward digit span Backward digit span LST and CWMS intrusion
Pazzaglia and Cornoldi choice questions LST errors
(1998) Exp. 2 18–30 15 15 CWMS
9. Floyd, Bergeron and Study 1 7–18 50 28 Silent reading + cloze Letter-word Phonological WM span
Alfonso (2006) task identification
Non-word reading
10. Leseaux, Pearson Study 1 9–10 314 65 Silent reading + multiple Word reading LST Counting span
and Siegel (2006) choice questions
11. Nation, Adams, Exp. 3 10 15 14 Reading aloud + open- Non-word reading LST
Bowyer-Crane ended questions
and Snowling (1999)
12. Oakhill, Hartt and Exp. 1 9–11 12 12 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud WM digit
Samols (2005) ended questions
13. Palladino, Cornoldi, Exp. 1 18–30 14 16 Silent reading + multiple Forward digit span Updating (Morris & Jones'
De Beni and Pazzaglia Exp. 2 18–30 17 12 choice questions version) Updating
(2001) Exp. 3 12–15 30 30 (semantic criterion)
Exp. 4 18–30 20 18 Intrusion errors
14. Rankin (1993) Exp. 1 18–20 16 16 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud Word re-ordering
ended questions task RST
15. Stothard and Exp. 2 7–8 14 14 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud LST
Hulme (1992) ended questions
16. Swanson and Exp. 1 8–12 33 22 Silent reading + picture Word reading Non-words recall, Digit/sentence span Matrix span task
Berninger (1995) selection letters recall,
Exp. 2 34 30 Silent reading + cloze Word reading syllables recall LST Map and direction
task Story retelling
17. Swanson, Howard 7–18 15 14 Silent reading + cloze Pseudoword reading Non-words recall, Digit/sentence span Updating (Morris &
and Sáez (2006) task word span LST Jones' version)
Phonological deletion Semantic association task
Backward digit span
18. Yuill, Oakhill and Exp. 1 7–8 42 42 Reading aloud + open- Read a text aloud WM Digit
Parkin (1989) ended questions
Total 954 659

Note. LST: Listening Span Test; RST: Reading Span Test; CWMS: Categorization Working Memory Span Test.

248 B. Carretti et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251

Table 2
Commonly used verbal complex span tasks.

Listening span test (LST) Material: sentences, e.g. there are 18 h in a day; sea water is full of salt
Reading span test (RST) Task requests: true/false judgment of each sentence and memorization of thes last word of each sentence
Storage request: final words (e.g. day, salt)
WM digit Material: series of digits, e.g. 4 7 5; 9 3 2
Task request: reading aloud of digits and memorization of the last digit of each series
Storage request: final digits (e.g. 5, 2)
Categorization working memory span test (CWMS) Material: sequences of words, e.g. house, mother, dog, word, night; money, bull, minister, duck, strawberry
Task request: tapping whenever an animal noun appears and memorization of the last word of each sequence
Storage request: final words (e.g. night, strawberry)
Word re-ordering/semantic association Material: sequences of words, e.g. shirt, saw, trousers, hammer, shoes, nail
Task request: listening to the words and memorization of them in alphabetical order or memorization of the words
that “go together”
Storage request: ordered words (e.g. hammer, nail, trousers, saw, shirt) or grouped words (e.g. shoes, shirt, trousers).

Note. WM: working memory.

specific reading comprehension difficulties but adequate intellectual 3. Study selection

functioning and level of reading (decoding) skills. This controversy
raises serious problems in the field, not only in studying the Several inclusion and exclusion criteria were used for identifying
relationship between WM and reading comprehension, but also as relevant articles. The criteria mainly refer to participant selection.
regards implementation of the most suitable procedures for assess- Articles selected had to:
ment and intervention. Reading comprehension difficulties certainly
have marked effects on school achievement (Taraban, Rynearson, & (1) include a group of poor comprehenders with reading compre-
Kerr, 2000; Meneghetti, Carretti, & De Beni, 2006) and day-to-day hension learning disabilities with a normal-range level of general
activities. From a practical point of view, therefore, great benefit cognitive abilities (usually associated with level of IQ); specific
would derive from determining which aspects should be explored impairment in the ability to understand the meaning of a text, not
during clinical evaluation, with a view to devising an empowerment anticipated from the participant's level of general cognitive
programme of activities for poor comprehenders. abilities; reading comprehension difficulties not primarily due to
The aim of this meta-analysis is to clarify the specificity of the role hearing and/or visual problems, socio-economic factors, cultural
of WM in reading comprehension difficulties of individuals (children or linguistic differences, lack of motivation, or ineffective teaching
or adults) with normal decoding skills and intellectual abilities. The (see Cain & Oakhill, 2004 or Cornoldi & Oakhill, 1996);
strength of the differences in reading comprehension performance (2) provide comparison with groups of normally developing children
between good and poor comprehenders in WM tasks is tested using or children with reading comprehension score above expected
the classic effect-size index (Cohen, 1988), which refers to the degree age average score. Good and poor comprehenders had to be
of association/correlation between two or more variables. matched on measures of general cognitive functioning and, in
In line with a domain-specific view of WM, it is possible to predict particular for children, on measures of reading decoding;
that, if the relationship between WM and reading comprehension These two above criteria allowed exclusion of participants from
performance is mediated by task modality and attentional control, the poor comprehension group whose weak comprehension
then verbal complex memory tasks should better discriminate ability was due to low cognitive profile or word reading
between poor and good comprehenders than verbal simple memory (decoding) difficulties.
tasks and visuo-spatial tasks. In contrast, a domain-general view of (3) select good and poor comprehenders on the basis of a standar-
WM should predict that WM tasks, regardless of task modality, should dized reading comprehension task. The reading comprehension
better capture the differences between poor and good comprehenders performance of the poor comprehenders group had to be two
in comparison to less demanding tasks in terms of attentional standard deviations below expected age average score or alter-
resources (e.g. short-term memory tasks). From an individual natively 12 months below their chronological age.
differences point of view, this would mean that the poorer WM This procedure allowed us to find 18 articles; these are listed in
performance of poor comprehenders depends little on task modality, Table 1. Despite the low number of studies found, we went ahead to
and instead is mainly related to the attentional control involved.

2. Method Table 3
Commonly used visuo-spatial complex span tasks.
We carried out a search of the published literature to identify Counting span test Material: series of dot arrays presented on a page
studies where WM was assessed in individuals (children ages 8–14 Task request: counting of the dots and memorization of
and young adults ages 18–30) with reading comprehension difficul- the results of counting
ties. Medline, Web of Science, ERIC and PsycINFO were searched from Storage request: numbers of dots
Map and direction Material: street map with lines connected to a number of
August 1980 to September 2006 (i.e. after introduction of Daneman
dots/positions (pathway)
and Carpenter's Reading Span Test) using combinations of specific Task request: decision whether the presented dots/positions
terms such as reading comprehension difficulties and disabilities, poor fall into a particular pattern and memorization of the pathway
comprehenders, with the following keywords: WM, verbal span, Storage request: pathway on a blank map
Matrix span Material: series of dots in a matrix
visuo-spatial span, short-term memory, phonological loop, visual-
Task request: decision whether the dots presented fall in a
spatial sketchpad, digit span. The lists of articles retrieved were also particular position and memorization of the position of the dots
examined for further relevant publications. We limited our search to Storage request: positions of dots
studies in the English language in peer-reviewed journals and in Figure intersection Material: series of overlapping geometrical figures
published books (Table 1 list the studies and administered tasks test (FIT) Task and storage requests: find where figures intersect
maintaining the visual images of the figures
included in the meta-analysis).
B. Carretti et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251 249

Table 4 Another measure often associated to poor comprehension perfor-

WM memory updating tasks. mance is the intrusion error, i.e. the recall of no-longer-relevant
Updating (Morris & Jones' Material: Sequences of words of unknown length, information in WM tasks (Carretti, Cornoldi, De Beni, & Palladino,
version, 1990) e.g. oven, milk, cathedral, breath, bath, pumpkin, 2004). The occurrence of intrusion errors is considered an index of the
juice, box, moustache inefficiency of inhibitory mechanisms (De Beni, Palladino, Pazzaglia, &
Task request: recall of the last four words
Cornoldi, 1998). If poor comprehender WM deficit is related to
Storage request: final words (e.g. pumpkin, juice,
box, moustache) difficulty in controlling the permanence of irrelevant or no longer
Updating (semantic criterion) Material: Sequences of words, e.g. meeting, sense, useful information in WM (see Gernsbacher, 1993) – which can
woodpecker, passion, law, cow, happiness, amount, saturate WM capacity – then the difference with good comprehenders
caterpillar, lamb, feast, frog
should also be large for the intrusion errors measure.
Task request: recall of the three smallest items
Storage request: ordered smallest items
Both updating and intrusion errors were considered since they
(e.g. woodpecker, caterpillar, frog) refer to ability to manage attentional control resources, maintain
relevant information in an active state, suppress irrelevant informa-
tion, or dynamically change memory content.

calculate effect-size indexes, since no particular concerns emerge in 4. Analyses

the meta-analysis literature about sample size for a meta-analysis
(Higgins & Green, 2006). The studies are numbered in Table 1 and summarized with
reference to the tasks and measures used.
3.1. Categorization of WM measures In particular, in calculating the effect size for the simple span task
we considered Studies 1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 16 and 17 (see Table 1); for verbal
Although there are a variety of theoretical views of WM (Miyake & complex span tasks, Studies 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17
Shah, 1999), most of the models agree that WM tasks can be and 18; for the visuo-spatial complex span tasks, Studies 1, 3, 6, 10 and
distinguished according to modality (verbal vs visuo-spatial) and 16; for the high attentional controlled tasks, Studies 5, 13 and 17; and
attentional control (only storage, simple span task, vs tasks requiring finally for intrusion error measure, Studies 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 13.
storage plus processing, complex span tasks). In the 18 studies selected, participant ages ranged from 8 to 30; in
In this vein, simple span tasks (forward digit or word span) were order not to confound developmental issues with reading compre-
considered as tasks requiring only storage, since participants are hension difficulties (Cain & Oakhill, 2006), two separate meta-
simply required to reproduce a sequence of items without any further analyses were run, one for children (8–15), the other for young adults
manipulation. The simple span tasks therefore only involved storage (18–30). Two studies (Floyd, Bergeron, & Alfonso, 2006; Swanson,
of the material (verbal or visuo-spatial). As storage plus processing Howard, & Sáez, 2006) with participants aged from 8 to 17/18 were
tasks (complex span task), we considered all the variations of the excluded.
Daneman and Carpenter's Reading or Listening Span Test that required To establish the magnitude of the differences between poor and
the processing of some piece of information (reversing the order of good comprehenders, the classic effect-size index (d) proposed by
item presented, or semantically judging sentences) and simultaneous Cohen (1988) was calculated: this expresses “the degree to which the
memorization of the last word of each set (maintenance phase). phenomenon is present in the population” (p. 9, Cohen, 1988). It is
Complex span tasks were then distinguished according to task obtained either by subtracting experimental (poor comprehenders)
modality: verbal and visuo-spatial tasks (see Tables 2 and 3). from control group (good comprehenders) mean scores and dividing
Furthermore, two WM measures involving executive functions by the pooled (average) standard deviation ([M1 − M2] / σ), or from
were considered: updating, assessed through correct recall in WM tests of the significance of differences in performance between groups
updating tasks, and inhibition, with intrusion errors in WM tasks. (e.g. t or F, χ2 tests, exact p value). This formula therefore allows
In the WM updating tasks, participants are required to remember a evaluation of the overlap between the group means by expressing
variable number of items following a criterion, for example the last score distances in units of variability.
three items in a list or the smallest items. Tasks of this type, implying a The magnitude of effect sizes was interpreted according to Cohen's
continuous change in the information held in the memory in order to (1988) guidelines (d = .20 small; d = .50 medium; d = .80 large). The
maintain active only the relevant items, have been shown to be value d described the mean standardized difference in WM perfor-
strongly related to successful comprehension (Carretti, Cornoldi, De mance between poor and good comprehenders. For example, a d value
Beni, & Romanò, 2005; Palladino, Cornoldi, De Beni, & Pazzaglia, of .5 indicated that the means differed by half a standard deviation,
2001). Table 4 gives an example of tasks included in this category. equivalent to a medium effect size, suggesting that group means differ

Table 5
Summary of indices obtained in the meta-analysis (the studies used for each index are mentioned in Table 1 and in the text).

Number of participants d 95% CI r I2 95% CI

Good comprehenders Poor comprehenders
Memory task
Simple span tasks 109 107 .29 .10–.47 .14 0% 0–51
Complex span tasks
Verbal 718 422 .75 .64–.85 .34 40% 0–60
Visuo-spatial 447 182 .36 .19–.51 .18 0% 0–54
Executive functions mechanisms
WM updating measure 235 230 1.07a .66–1.47 .47 71% 14–85
Intrusion errors 163 262 − .91a − 1.27–.55 − .41 70% 30–82
Verbal working memory
Young adults 87 83 .89 .64–1.15 .41 17% 0–63
Children 571 306 .73 .60–.87 .32 48% 0–69
In view of the high value of the heterogeneity index, the value of d was calculated using a random effect analysis (see DerSimonian & Laird, 1986). In all other cases a fixed effect
model was used (see Hedges & Olkin, 1985).
250 B. Carretti et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251

to some extent. From a correlational viewpoint, a higher level of d and attentional control involved (storage vs storage/processing)
corresponds to a higher degree of association between the variables during reading comprehension.
considered. To perform a statistical analysis of the strength of the Examining the d values (see Table 5), it is clear that the association
difference, the d was transformed into the correlation index (r) and between WM measures and reading comprehension abilities varies as
then compared, to understand whether or not they might be a function of the modality and attentional control required. It should
considered significantly different. be noted that poor comprehenders are more disadvantaged in
Furthermore, for each meta-analysis the I2 statistic and 95% complex span tasks than good comprehenders only when tasks
confidence intervals were calculated according to Higgins and involve verbal material. In contrast, the performance of poor
Thompson (2002). The index is intended to describe the amount of comprehenders is comparable to that of good comprehenders when
total variation across studies due to heterogeneity rather than chance. considering visuo-spatial complex span tasks and simple span tasks. It
The range of I2 values lies between 0% (negative values are set to 0) therefore seems plausible that the poor WM performance of poor
and 100%, with a value of 0% indicating no observed heterogeneity, comprehenders depends partially on WM modality, but it may also be
and larger values suggesting very little consistency in effect sizes caused by failure in attentional control component of WM. Consis-
across the studies. As suggested by Higgins and Green (2006), the tently with this view, the difference in performance between poor and
value of d was adjusted using random or fixed effect models after good comprehenders in updating and inhibitory (intrusion errors)
considering the degree of heterogeneity. executive functions mechanisms proved high.
Overall our findings confirm that WM tasks that involve a high
5. Results demand in terms of attentional resources are a better predictor of
reading comprehension performance than measures of simple span
As can be seen in Table 5, the magnitude of d varies as a function of tasks (see Daneman & Merikle, 1996). The results thus appear to be
two characteristics of WM task: the modality (verbal vs visuo-spatial), consistent with non-unitary models of WM (see for example Baddeley
and attentional control involved (storage vs storage/processing). & Logie, 1999 or Cornoldi & Vecchi, 2003), suggesting that deficits in
Higher values are associated with tasks with a verbal domain reading comprehension by poor comprehenders can also be partly
requiring both maintenance and manipulation of information. Indeed, attributed to inefficiencies in WM control mechanisms, which are
d values for verbal WM tasks can be considered to lie in the medium failing to support specifically the verbal processing (see for example
range, while for WM updating and intrusion errors (measures of Swanson & Berninger, 1995). Substantial differences between groups
executive functions), the measure was high (see Cohen, 1988, were indeed isolated to verbal complex span measures, whereas
guidelines). In contrast, when visuo-spatial tasks are considered weaker group differences between poor and good comprehenders
along with verbal tasks requiring storage only, the correlation with emerged on visual-spatial complex span measures.
reading comprehension diminishes — in fact, the magnitude of the However, some caution should be applied in interpreting the data,
effect fell within the range of a small effect size. since in some cases heterogeneity values are high, in particular in the
To carry out a statistical comparison of the relevance of these case of d values for WM updating measures and intrusion errors. On the
differences, d values were converted into the Pearson correlation one hand, this could depend on the paucity of studies considering
index and then compared to each other. The outcome showed that the updating and inhibition in relation to reading comprehension difficul-
values for verbal complex span tasks and WM updating measure are ties; but equally it could be due to the different procedures adopted, for
higher than for the verbal simple span tasks (z = 2.16, p b .05 and example, for measuring the updating process. Swanson et al. (2006) and
z = 3.12, p b .001 respectively) or the visuo-spatial complex span tasks Palladino, Cornoldi, De Beni, and Pazzaglia (2001, Exp. 1), for instance,
(z = 2.14, p b .05 and z = 2.28, p b .001 respectively). Similar results used a variant of the classic Morris and Jones (1990) task in which
were found comparing the index from intrusion errors with the verbal participants are required to recall the last four items of each of a set of
simple span tasks (z = 2.61, p b .01), and the visuo-spatial complex lists. However, some authors have pointed out that this classic memory
span tasks (z = 2.53, p b .01). Comparison between r-values for verbal updating task does not necessarily imply an updating process, since
complex span tasks, WM updating measure and intrusion errors participants could adopt a more passive strategy by waiting until the end
showed no significant differences. It is important to note that all the of the presentation and then retrieving the correct items on the basis of a
correlations differ significantly from zero (simple span task and visuo- recency criterion (Ruiz, Elousa, & Lechuga, 2005). These latter aspects
spatial complex span p b .05; verbal complex span task, WM updating may contribute to the heterogeneity obtained.
measure and intrusion errors p b .01). It should be noted here that only published studies were included
However, heterogeneity analysis (see Table 5) revealed that the in the meta-analysis. Ignoring unpublished studies, which tend to
WM measures verbal complex span, WM updating measure and reveal smaller effect sizes, may have biased our research by increasing
intrusion errors (i.e. excluding verbal simple span and visuo-spatial the chances of finding larger effect sizes (Rosenthal, 1991). Never-
complex span), had moderate to high I2 values (Higgins & Thompson, theless, overall our findings should be considered as an attempt to
2002). This finding indicates that within each of these three measures, summarize available data.
there was substantial variability in findings between studies that was Another issue to consider is that the majority of studies were
not due to chance alone. carried out by only a few research teams, exposing the results to a
Finally, for the analysis related to age, although the d value range of biases. Nevertheless, the results were obtained with different
obtained for young adults is particularly high (both correlations were groups of subjects and are very consistent not only internally but also
found to differ from zero for p b .01), the statistical comparison with with studies analyzing correlations within the random population
that for children was not significantly different. This result suggests an (e.g. Daneman & Merikle, 1996).
equivalent role of WM in characterizing the cognitive profile of poor In conclusion, our study shows that the WM deficit of poor
comprehenders, regardless of age. comprehenders relates mainly to those tasks requiring storage and
processing of information while inhibiting off-goal information and/or
6. Discussion and conclusion updating memory content information (Carretti et al., 2005). However,
this is true only when considering verbal complex span tasks or tasks
The main goal of the current study was to clarify the role of WM involving executive functions. In fact, the performance of poor compre-
measures in distinguishing between performance of poor and good henders differs only marginally from that of good comprehenders in
comprehenders, by analyzing two possible factors that can account for visuo-spatial WM complex span or verbal simple span tasks. Consistently
their differences: the modality of WM tasks (verbal vs visuo-spatial), with the common features of “working memory” (see Miyake & Shah,
B. Carretti et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2009) 246–251 251

1999), we suggest that also in the case of individual differences in reading Cornoldi, C., & Oakhill, J. (1996). Reading comprehension difficulties: Processes and
intervention. Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
comprehension (poor vs good comprehenders) WM cannot be con- Cornoldi, C., & Vecchi, T. (2003). Visuo-spatial working memory and individual
sidered as completely unitary, since both domain-specific and attentional differences. Howe: Psychological Press.
control factors place constraints on WM performance. Daneman, M., & Carpenter, P. A. (1980). Individual differences in working memory and
reading. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 19, 450–466.
As regards to possible implications for the field of learning Daneman, M., & Merikle, P. M. (1996). Working memory and language comprehension:
disabilities, our results point to WM as a possible important marker A meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 3, 422–433.
of reading comprehension difficulties (see Gathercole, Alloway, Willis, Daneman, M., & Tardif, T. (1987). Working memory and reading skills re-examined. In M.
Coltheart (Ed.), Attention and performance XII: The psychology of reading (pp.
& Adams, 2006), suggesting the relevance of its evaluation for 491–508). Hillsdale, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
characterizing reading comprehension deficit profile. An important De Beni, R., & Palladino, P. (2000). Intrusion errors in working memory tasks: Are they related
question arising is its potential clinical application in remedial to reading comprehension ability? Learning and Individual Differences, 12, 131–143.
De Beni, R., Palladino, P., Pazzaglia, F., & Cornoldi, C. (1998). Increases in intrusion errors
activities designed to increase WM capacity and thus reading
and working memory deficit of poor comprehenders. The Quarterly Journal of
comprehension performance in poor comprehenders. Consequently, Experimental Psychology, 51(A), 305–320.
the crucial question is whether or not WM can be enhanced. Benefits DerSimonian, R., & Laird, N. (1986). Meta-analysis in clinical trials. Controlled Clinical
from WM training have been examined, although to date only on Trials, 7, 177–188.
Engle, R. W., Kane, M. J., & Tuholski, S. W. (1999). Individual differences in working
adulthood (young and older adults), showing that WM performance memory capacity and what they tell us about controlled attention, general fluid
can be improved (e.g. Carretti, Borella, & De Beni, 2007; Cavallini, intelligence and functions of the prefrontal cortex. In A. Miyake & P. Shah (Eds.),
Pagnin, & Vecchi, 2003; McNamara & Scott, 2001; Turley-Ames, & Models of working memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control.
London, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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