PC Game Addiction and Aggression - Research Proposal

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Research Methods I

Semester Project:
Research Proposal

Submitted by:

Ariba Sadia (FA19-BPY-019)

Areesha Taufeeq (FA19-BPY-018)

Submitted to:

Prof. Uzma Mumtaz





This study shows the relationship between PC game addiction and levels of aggression. The

objective of this study is to find relationship between PC game addiction and levels of aggression

and to investigate gender differences in PC game addictors in aggression among adolescents.

There will be positive relationship between PC game addiction and aggression. Male adolescents

addicted to PC games will have more aggression as compared to female adolescents addicted to

PC game. The sample will be comprised of 200 participants with age range of 14 to 19. The

Gaming Addiction Scale (Lemmens et al., 2011) and Buss-Perry Aggression Scale (Buss and

Perry, 1992) will be used to measure PC game addiction and levels of aggression. Pearson Co-

relation will be used to measure relationship between PC game addiction and levels of

aggression. Convenience sampling technique will be used. The results will be then reported and


Keywords:  PC game addiction, levels of aggression.  





The role of PC game addiction in developing aggression is worth considering. Today, the

extensive use of video games is becoming a trend. This interaction of humans and machine was

for good but now it turned out decaying the health both psychologically and physically. PC

gaming is said to be the way of manipulating minds of young adults. Moreover, The American

Psychological Association (APA) considers PC gaming to be a risk factor for aggression. They

concluded that exposure to PC gaming was linked to increased aggressive behavior, thoughts and

emotions. Based on General Aggression model, Anderson et al. suggested that such games

constitute an antecedent variable of aggressive behavior. In this research we will be discussing

about this relation between PC game addiction and levels of aggression and investigate gender

differences of PC game addictors in aggression among adolescents.  


Literature Review

 A study aimed to find out the relationship between online game addiction and

aggression, self-control, and narcissistic personality traits. The sample was comprised of N =

1471 online game users including males 82.7% and females 17.3%.  Participants were asked to

complete several self-report measures using an online response method. The scales that were

used are online game addiction scale and the Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire. The results

revealed that aggression and narcissistic personality traits are positively correlated with online

game addiction. (Kim, Namkoong, Ku and & Kim, 2008)   

A study by  Lemmens,  Valkenburg, and Peter (2011) aimed to investigate if pathological

gaming leads to addiction and how this may cause an increase in physical aggression. The
sample was comprised of N = 851 Dutch adolescents including males and females, out of which

540 played games.  Survey research design was used in the study. Game addiction scale and

Buss and Perry’s Aggression Questionnaire were used in the study. The results showed that

higher levels of pathological gaming were linked to gaming addiction and this predicted an

increase in physical aggression and especially in boys regardless of the gaming content.   



The present study has the following objectives:   

 To find out the relationship between PC game addiction and aggression   

 To investigate gender differences of PC game addictors in aggression among



The following hypotheses are formulated in accordance with objectives of the study:   

 There will be a positive relationship between PC game addiction and aggression.   

 Male adolescents addicted to PC games will have more aggression as compared to female

adolescents addicted to PC game. 


Research Design    

Co-relational Research Design will be used in the present study as the basic purpose of

study is to investigate the relationship of PC game addiction with levels of aggression.  

Sample and Sampling Strategy   

Sample will be comprised of 200 participants with age range 14 to 19 years. Convenience

sampling technique will be used.   

Inclusion criteria   

 Participants will be of 14-19 years because it is the age when they are more exposed and

affected by gaming.   

 Participants will be PC gamers who fall under the addiction criteria  

 Participants will be both male and female in equal or nearly equal proportion to identify

gender differences.  

Exclusion criteria   

 Participants above or below the age range (14-19) will not be included as the study is

aimed at adolescents.  

 Non gamers will not be included.  

 Gamers without addiction will not be included.  

 Participant reported to have aggression or aggressive traits due to some other pre-existing

cause; outcome or condition will not be included.   


Operational Definition 

The variables are operationally defined as.  

PC Game Addiction:   

PC Game Addiction is operationally defined as total score on gaming addiction

scale. (Lemmens et al., 2011) 


Aggression is operationally defined as total score on Buss and

Perry aggression scale. (Buss and Perry, 1992) 


Assessment Measures

Following Assessment measures will be used in present study:  

Gaming Addiction Scale:  

The Gaming Addiction Scale (Lemmens et al, 2011) was used to assess PC game

addiction. It has been developed for adolescents. It has two versions: long version with 21

questions and shorter version with 7 questions only. Both versions are said to be highly

reliable. The studies have divided gamers into four types: addicted gamers (scoring three

or more), problem gamers (scoring three or more on two or three of the four same items),

engaged gamers (scoring three or more on first three items but did not score three or

above on the other items) and fourth type is of normal gamers. The scale measures or the

7 criteria of computer addiction; Salience, tolerance, mood modification, withdrawal,

relapse, conflict, problems.  Respondents use a 5-point scale, on which ‘1’ represents

never, ‘2’ represents rarely, ‘3’ represents sometimes, ‘4’ represents often and ‘5’

represents very often.    

Buss-Perry Aggression Scale:  

Buss-Perry Aggression Scale (Buss and Perry, 1992) is used to assess levels of

aggression. It is a 29-item questionnaire in which participants rank certain statements

(“extremely uncharacteristic of me” to “extremely characteristic of me”). The questionnaire

returns scores for four dimensions of aggression: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger

and hostility.


Permission from authors will be taken to use the required scales. Different colleges and

universities will be visited in order to gather large number of samples. The questionnaires will be

distributed among participants. Clear instructions will be provided to participants.

Confidentiality will be ensured.   

Data Analysis  

The gathered data will be analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS),

version 20.  





Lemmens,J., Valkenburg,P., Peter,J., (2011). The Effects of Pathological Gaming on 

Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(1). 38–47.  

Kim,E., Namkoong,K., Ku,T., Kim,S., (2008). The relationship between online game 

addiction and aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits. European

Psychiatry, 23(3). 212-218.  

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