310 Study Questions Training Principles

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1. Why is it important to find the balance between training and recovery?

2. Define and give an example of progressive overload.
3. What are the ways you can vary the overload applied?
4. Which of the variables listed in #3 above has potentially the greatest impact in
terms of improvement of performance?
5. Give an example of overload for each system: cardiovascular, muscular strength,
muscular endurance and flexibility.
6. Define and give an example of the principle of specificity.
7. Will training the cardiovascular system improve muscular strength?
8. If two activities have a similar effect, how do you decide which activity is
“better” for improved performance?
9. What might a workout look like that is designed to train the ATP-PC system in
terms of intensity and duration?
10. How would a workout designed to train the lactic acid system differ from one
targeting the aerobic systems?
11. What is the principle of reversibility? Give an example.
12. How soon will you see a measurable loss of fitness with detraining?
13. What % loss of VO2max will you see after 4-12 weeks of detraining?
14. When will you return to pre-training levels with detraining? What affects how
quickly you detrain?
15. Which will you lose faster if you stop training– muscular strength or muscular
16. How can you use these principles of training to improve your workouts and

If you can study with someone else, think about asking each other this question for each
major training principle and concept: “What is it and how does it work?”

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