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1. Write the application of Cyber Law? Give two example of cybercrime?
2. What is Video-Conferencing?Give two example of software used for video conferencing?
3. What is Web-portal?
4. What is TDMA?
5. What is Wi-Fi?
6. What is W3C?
7. What is cookies?
8. What is Spam?
9. What is firewall?
10. What is GPRS?
11. What is Arpanet?
12. Differentiate between Packet Switching over Message switching?
13. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of STAR topology?
14. What is bandwidth?
15. What is Crosstalk?
16. What are the two advantage of Optical fiber over twisted pair cable?
17. Write any two factors considered while choosing topology?
18. What is network? Give two advantage of it
19. What is internet?
20. What is the difference between LAN and WAN?
21. What is NFSnet?
22. What is the difference between Dedicated and Non- dedicated server?
23. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet?
24. What is communication channel? Give example
25. What is Attenuation?
26. What is cladding?
27. Name the networking among LAN,WAN,PAN,MAN which is used to share data over Bluetooth
28. What is Protocol? Which protocol is used to search information from internet using browser?
29. What is Interspace?
30. Write short note on Circuit switching?
31. What is NIU?
32. What is MODEM?
33. What is Backbone?
34. Give any one advantage and one disadvantage of BUS topology?
35. What is the difference between Thicknet and Thinnet coaxial cable?
36. What is the unit of measurement of information carrying capacity of wire?
37. What is the role of switch in the network?
38. Write any two advantage of optical fiber over Coaxial cable?
39. How repeater is different from amplifier?
40. Name the device which filter the date and which device can handle different protocol
41. Write any two factors considered while choosing topology?
42. What is Ethernet card?
43. What is the purpose of using Router?
44. How is Active hub different from passive hub
45. What is MAC address?
46. Write any two Disadvantages of Microwave?
47. What is infrared?
48. Write any two disadvantage of Bus topology?
49. Write any two examples of unguided media?
50. What are the advantages of satellite over other communication medium?
51. What is the role of TCP/IP in internet?
52. Give any two example of software working on PAN network?
53. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Ring topology.
54. Write the full forms for the followings:
a. i) CDMA ii) SIM iii) MODEM iv) WLL
55. What is Web browser? Name any one.
56. Name the two Switching techniques.
57. What do you mean by Spam Mails? How can you protect your mailbox from Spasm?
58. What is Telnet?
59. What term we use for a software/hardware device, which is used to block, unauthorized access while permitting
authorized communication
60. If the distance between two computer is 125 m. Which device they will use communicate efficiently.
61. Name the protocol
i) Used to transfer voice using packet switched network.
ii) Used for chatting between 2 groups or between 2 individuals.
62. What is the difference between 4G and 3G?
63. What term we use for a software/hardware device, which is used to block, unauthorized access while permitting
authorized communication
64. If the distance between two computer is 125 m. Which device they will use communicate efficiently.
65. Expand the following terms with respect to Networking.
i) SMTP ii) EDGE
66. What is the difference between domain name and IP address?
67. The following is a 32 bit binary number usually represented as 4 decimal values, each representing 8 bits, in the
range 0 to 255 (known as octets) separated by decimal points.
What is it? What is its importance?
68. What is VoIP?
69. Name the protocols used
a. To copy a file from a remotely located server?
b. To search information from internet using an internet browser
70. What is computer Malwares?
71. What is the difference between HUB and SWITCH?
72. Write any two differences between E-mail and Chat.
73. Write any two differences between WI-MAX and WI-FI?
74. What is the difference between Domain Name and IP address?
75. Differentiate between LAN and PAN.
76. Compare between Bus and Star topology in term of cable length and fault isolation
77. What is E-Wallet? Give example
78. What is Mobile banking? Give example
79. Write any two advantages and two disadvantage of online banking system?
80. Differentiate between Hackers and Crackers.
81. What is protocol? Name any two.
82. Differentiate between Router and Bridge.
83. What is SPAM? Give one way to stop it.
84. Give one example each of Server Side Script and Client Side Script.
85. What is the significance of cyber law? Write its two applications.
86. Mention one benefits of cloud computing.
87. What is WI-MAX?
88. What is FSF?
89. Mention two uses of cloud computing.
90. How is coaxial cable different from optical fibre (two points)
91. What is firewall?
92. Identify the Domain name and URL from the following.\
93. Annamalai University of India is starting its first campus in Ana Nagar of South India with its centre admission office
in Madras. The university has 3 major blocks comprising of Office block, Science block and Commerce block in the 5
KM area campus.As a network expert, you need to suggest the network plan as per (E1) to (E4) to the authorities
keeping in mind the distance and other giving parameters.

Delhi admission office Edmund University

Ana campus Reserch


Expected wire distance between various location

Research to admin 90 Km
Research block to academic block 80 Km
Academic block to admin block 15 Km
Delhi admission to Ana Campus 1450 Km

Number of computer to be installed at various locations in the university are as follows:

Research Block 20
academic block 150
admin block 40
Delhi admission office 8

(E1) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst the various blocks inside the university campus for
connecting the blocks
(E2) Suggest the most suitable place to house the server with a suitable justification.
(E3) Suggest an efficient device from the following to be installed in each of the following blocks to connect all the
computers with in each of their block
a) switch/hub b) Modem c) telephone
(E4) Suggest the most suitable very high speed service to provide data connectivity between Admission Office
located in Delhi and the campus located in Ana Nagar.
94. SunRise Pvt. Ltd. is setting up the network in the Ahmadabad. There are four departments named as
MrktDept, FunDept, LegalDept, SalesDept.

MDpt FDpt

LDept SDept

Distance between various buildings is as given:

MrktDept to FunDept 80 m
MrktDept to LegalDept 180m
MrktDept to SalesDept 100 m
LegalDept to SalesDept 150 m
LegalDept to FunDept 100 m
FunDept to SalesDept 50 m
Number of Computers in the buildings:
MrktDept 20
LegalDept 10
FunDept 08
SalesDept 42

i) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the Departments and specify topology.
ii) Suggest the most suitable building to place the server a suitable reason with a suitable reason.
iii) Suggest the placement of i) modem ii) Hub /Switch in the network.
iv) The organization is planning to link its sale counter situated in various part of the same city/ which type of
network out of LAN, WAN, MAN will be formed? Justify
95. Digital literacy is a govt. project aimed to uplift the standard of computer literacy in the rural areas. It is
planning to set up its training centers in Shiksha Kendras pan villages in India with its head offices in nearest cities;
they have created a model of their network of computer system in a village with 3 Shiksha Kendras in Delhi
as a network consultant, you have to suggest the best network related solution for their issues/problems raised in (i)
and (iv), keeping in mind the distance between various locations and other given parameters

Delhi Shiksha Village

kendras 1
e Shiksha
kendras 2

kendras 3
Approximate distance between these offices and no. of computer as per network survey team is as follows:
From Distance
Shiksha Kendras 1 to Shiksha Kendras 2 5 Km
Shiksha Kendras 2 to Shiksha Kendras 3 3 Km
Shiksha Kendras 3 to Shiksha Kendras 1 4 Km
Delhi office to village 120 Km
Shiksha Kendras 1 25
Shiksha Kendras 2 20
Shiksha Kendras 3 35
Delhi office 150
i) Which hardware device will you suggest to be procure by the company to be installed to protect and
control; the internet with in the Shiksha Kendras
ii) Which device you will suggest to be procured by the company of connecting all the computers with in
each of their Shiksha Kendras out of the following devices?
a) Modem b) Telephone c) Switch/Hub
iii) Which service/protocol will be the most helpful to conduct voice communication over internet between
all Shiksha Kendras of the village
iv) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the various Shiksha Kendras with in the village Also
suggest an effective method/ technology for connecting village with Delhi office.
96. Smart class techno Ltd. Is planning to build networking for its Delhi centre with its headquarter at Mumbai.
The Delhi centre of the company is spread across an area of approx 500 m2 , consisting of 3 blocks A,B and
C you need to suggest the networking plan according to I) to IV) to the company ,keeping in mind the
distance and other given parameters.

Block B

Mumbai Block A
Block C

Shortest distances between various blocks:

Block A to Block B 200 m

Block B to Block C 150 m

Block C to Block A 250 m

Delhi centre to Mumbai 1700 km

Number of computer installed at various blocks is as follows:

Block A 250

Block B 100
Block C 125

Mumbai centre 750

i) Suggest the cable layout for building connectivity of building at the Delhi centre.
ii) Suggest the block to house the server. Also suggest the most suitable wired communication medium to provide
secure, fast and reliable data connectivity between Delhi and Mumbai HQ.
iii) Suggest a suitable device and its place (the block) in Delhi centre that would provide network security for all
inbound and outbound traffic of data.
iv) Suggest a suitable device in each block A,B and C to connect the networking cables of various computer
installed in each of these blocks
1. Annamalai University of India is starting its first campus in Ana Nagar of South India with its centre
admission office in Madras. The university has 3 major blocks comprising of Office block, Science block
and Commerce block in the 5 KM area campus. As a network expert, you need to suggest the network plan
as per (E1) to (E4) to the authorities keeping in mind the distance and other giving parameters.

Madras admission Annamalai University

office Ana Nagar Commerce

Expected wire distance between various location

Office to science 90 Km
Office block to commerce block 80 Km
Science block to commerce block 15 Km
Madras admission to Ana Nagar Campus 2450 Km

Number of computer to be installed at various locations in the university are as follows:

Office Block 10
Science block 40
Commerce block 140
Madras admission office 8

(E1) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst the various blocks inside the university campus for
connecting the blocks
(E2) Suggest the most suitable place to house the server with a suitable justification.
(E3) Suggest an efficient device from the following to be installed in each of the following blocks to connect all the

(E4) Suggest the most suitable very high speed service to provide data connectivity between Admission Office
located in Madras and the campus located in Ana Nagar.

97. Knowledge supplement organization has set up its new centre at Mangalore for its office and web based
activities. It has 4 blocks of building as shown in the diagram below:

Block Bloc
A kB


Expected wire distance between various location

Block A to Block B 50 m
Block B to Block C 150 m
Block C to Block D 25 m
Block A to Block D 170 m
Block B to Block D 125m
Block A to Block C 90 m
Number of computer to be installed at various locations are as follows:
Block A 20
Block B 50
Block C 140
Block D 30
(E1) Suggest the cable layout amongst the various blocks.
(E2) Suggest the most suitable place to house the server with a suitable justification.
(E3) Suggest the most suitable place to have the following devices with justification
i) Repeater ii)Switch/hub
(E4) The organization is planning to link its Front office situated in the city in a hilly region where cable
connection is not feasible, suggest an economic way to connect it with reasonably high speed? What type of
network would this connection result into? Q-
2. A National Networking company is planning to start their offices in four cities of UAE to provide regional
IT infrastructure support in the field of Culture and Education. The company has planned to set up their
head office in Abu Dhabi in three locations and have named their Abu Dhabi Offices as “Customer
Support”, “Main Office” and “Maintenance office”. The company’s regional offices are located at “Dubai”,
“Sharjah” and “Al Ain”.
A rough layout of the same is as follows


Abu Dhabi

Support Al Ain

Approximate distance between these offices as per network survey team is as follows:

From To Distance
Main Office Customer Support 5 Km
Main Office Maintenance Office 1 Km
Main Office Dubai Office 180 Km
Main Office Al Ain Office 130 Km
Main Office Sharjah Office 225 Km
In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in
each of their offices:
Main Office 110
Customer Support 25
Maintenance Office 55
Al Ain Office 55
Dubai 55
Sharjah 55
i) Suggest network type (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the following set of their offices:
a) Main Office and Maintenance Office b) Main Office and Sharjah Office

(i) Which device you will suggest to be procured by the company of connecting all the computers with
in each
of their offices out of the following devices?
a) Modem b) Telephone c) Switch/Hub
(ii) Which of the following communication medium, will you suggest to be procured by the company for
Connecting their local offices in Abu Dhabi for distortion free, effective and fast communication?
a) Telephone Cable b) Ethernet Cable c) Optical Fiber
(iii) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in Abu Dhabi. Also
suggest An effective method/ technology for connecting the company’s regional offices “Al Ain”,
“Dubai” and “Sharjah”.
1. TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol
2. LAN – Local Area Network
3. MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
4. WAN – Wide Area Network
5. Modem – Modulation/Demodulation
6. URL – Uniform Resource Location
7. FTP – File Transfer Protocol
8. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
9. PPP – Point to Point Protocol
10. GSM – Global System for Mobile
11. CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access
12. WLL (WiLL)–Wireless in Local Loop
13. SMS – Short Message Service
14. WWW – World Wide Web
15. HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
16. XML – eXtensible Markup Language
17. NFS – Network File System
18. ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency
19. NSFnet – National Science Foundation
20. NIU – Network Interface Unit
21. NIC - Network Interface Card
22. TAP – Terminal Access Point
23. VGM – Voice Grade Medium
24. DGM – Data Grade Medium
25. STP – Shielded Twisted Pair
26. UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair
27. LED – Light Emitting Diode
28. LD – Laser Diode
29. Kbps – Kilo bits Per Second
30. KBps – Kilo Bytes Per Second
31. Mbps - Mega Bits Per Second
32. MBps – Mega Bytes Per Second
33. Gbps - Giga Bits Per Second
34. GBps – Giga Bytes Per Second
35. OFC – Optic Fiber Cable Fiber Optic Cable
36. KHz – Kilo Hertz MHz – Mega Hertz
37. GHz – Giga Hertz
38. THz – Tera Hertz
39. PDA – Personal Digital Assistants
40. P-P - Point to Point
41. AM – Amplitude Modulation
42. FM - Frequency Modulation
43. PM – Phase Modulation
44. RTS – Request To Send
45. CD – Carrier Detect
46. DSR – Data Set Ready
47. CTS – Clear to Send
48. DTR – Data Terminal Ready
49. RJ45 – Registered Jack – 45
50. SNA – Systems Network Architecture
51. VFIR – Very Fast Infrared
52. URI – Uniform Resource Identifier
53. URN – Uniform Resource Name
54. MIME – Mail and Multipurpose Internet
55. POP – Post Office Protocol
56. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
57. NNTP – Network News Transfer Protocol
58. NTP – Network Time Protocol
59. IMAP – Internet Mail Transfer Protocol
60. SLIP – Serial Line Internet Protocol
61. IPCP – IP Control Protocol
62. NCP – Network Control Protocol
63. LCP – Link Control Protocol
64. ISP – Internet Service Provider
65. SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
66. TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access
67. TDM – Time Division Multiplexing
68. IDEN – Integrated Digital Enhanced
69. PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network
70. 3G – Third Generation
71. EDGE – Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution
72. SMSC – Short Message Service Center
73. HLR – Home Location Register
74. Email – Electronic Mail
75. VSNL – Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
76. DNS – Domain Name Server
77. DHTML– Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
78. IE – Internet Explorer

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