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Underutilization of public maternal healthcare services.


The objectives of the study are as follows;

- Find what influence the choice of place of delivery.

-Find how NHIS influenced the choice of place of birth

- T know how the difference between the public health facilities and private facilities influence
the place of delivery

- To know what encouraged pregnant women to register with the NHIS

- To know the extend the use of public services increase after 2008


This study contributes to knowledge by categorizing delivery service providers into four
categories (home, public hospitals, public clinics, private health facilities) hence applied
multinomial techniques and thereby tease out the effects of NHIS on delivery care from different
sources and at the same time accounted for unobserved indigeneity. This was done by estimating
the effect of NHIS on place of delivery using multinomial endogenous.


- The theory of status quo bias

-The theory of expected pay-offs


Sampling technique


The key findings of this paper are;

-This study emphasizes the fact that the choice of home, public hospital, public clinic, and
private delivery facilities is influenced by several economic, social and demographic factors.
Particularly, the chi-square test shows a statistically significant difference between insured and
uninsured expectant mothers over the choice of delivery facility. It also shows a statistically
significant difference between expectant mothers before and after 2008 over the choice of
delivery facility.

-It is also observed from Table 3 that while approximately 44.4 percent of the women who are
not insured were delivered at home, only 24.61 percent of the insured expectant mothers were
delivered at home (p<0.001).

-This study finds education and household wealth to be strong predictors of health insurance
enrolment and the use of institutional health facilities for delivery among expectant mothers


In conclusion, NHIS holding has varied effects on institutional delivery services in Ghana.
Ghana’s NHIS increases the probability of using public hospitals for delivery by 20.3 percent
relative to home care delivery services compared being uninsured. For public clinics and private
health facilities, such probabilities can be increased by 9.1 percent and 2.3 percent respectively.
This has implications for differences in the services (e.g. quality of service) provided at the
various facilities and the extent to which the private health sector is integrated into the national
health insurance scheme. Moreover, the use of delivery services increased significantly after
2008. Relative to an insured woman who gave birth before 2008, her counterpart who gave birth
after 2008 is 6.3 percent, 4.9 percent and 0.77 percent more likely to use public hospitals, public
clinics and private health facilities respectively for delivery.


The strength of this paper are as follows;

-The use of the appropriate estimation technique

-The use of the appropriate time-trend

-Appropriate differentiation between the variables used in the study.


The weakness of this paper is that it could not touch on why the private sector is not fully integrated into
the National Health Insurance Scheme.


Why the public health sector must be fully integrated into the National Health scheme.

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