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EVENTS (an event is a point in time)

Possible topics:
 Describe a happy day you would like to have
 Describe a colorful event that you enjoyed
 Describe a time you were with people and got bored
Where you were
Who you were with
Why it was boring
And explain what you did
 Describe a time when you heard someone talking on the phone
 Describe a time you received bad service
 Describe a time you had to wake up early

When you have to describe Events, think of:

o Setting
Where it is
What was the story
Why were you there
What was the backdrop (the background) story
Language used to give the setting:
I was living/working in …. when this happened
I was living/working/travelling in X at the time,
I used to live/work in ….
I would always/often/usually …
The usage of correct tenses is very important. For example: The event happened in March
of 2017. I was living in Bucharest at the time. I had moved there a few years earlier.

o People
Who you were with
Whether they were your friends or family or unknown strangers

Tip! Personality may be more important than physical aspect in this situation:
He was so talkative/rude/thick-skinned (insensitive/without
empathy)/inconsiderate (not thinking about other people)
She was quite quiet/polite/sensitive/considerate/thoughtful
She was witty (quick with spoken humor)/smart/quick on her feet (think
quickly)/full of beans (be full of energy)
o Happened
What happened there

Sample answer: Describe a colorful event you enjoyed

A while back, I went to see a show called the Lion King. I was travelling on holiday in
London at the time, with my family. I had heard about the show, so I decided to get tickets for
us all. My daughter was dead excited about it. She was 7 at the time, so she was really into
animals. My wife was pleased as punch, because she had never been to a show in London
before. She said I had been very thoughtful and considerate buying tickets for us.
So, we arrived at the theatre, gave in our tickets and sat down. We were struck by the size of it.
The hall was huge. The stage was closed by this large red curtain, and the auditorium had these
lovely golden arches in the galleries. Our seats were really comfy, with nice blue covers.
After a few minutes the show started and it was wonderful. The costumes were striking, full of
different colors and textures. There was an array of lights, reflecting the various colors of
Africa. You really felt like you were there.
We loved it, and if I had known it was going to be that good, I would have forked out a bit more
money to get seats closer to the stage.

Dead (adv.) = very (adv. UK)

Pleased as punch = very pleased
To fork out (money) = to pay (Col)

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