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TUDelft - Exercise - Toets 5


WB1630 Statica - Question Bank,
Andries Russchen, 9/12/21 at 12:04:34 PM CEST

Question1: Score 0/1

What is the location of FR, i.e., the distance d?

Your response Correct response

3m 5m
Auto graded Grade: 0/1.0 

 Total grade: 0.0×1/1 = 0%

Question2: Score 1/1

F1 = 10 N
x1 = 4 m
F2 = 22 N
x2 = 8 m

What is the location of FR, i.e., the distance x?

Your response Correct response

Auto graded Grade: 1/1.0 

 Total grade: 1.0×1/1 = 100%

Question3: Score 1/1

1 van 6 12-9-2021 13:29

TUDelft - Exercise - Toets 5

Consider three couples acting on a body. Equivalent systems will be _______ at different points on the body.

Your response Correct response

The same even when located
Auto graded Grade: 1/1.0 

 Total grade: 1.0×1/1 = 100%

Question4: Score 0/1

A general system of forces and couple moments acting on a rigid body can be reduced to a ___ .

Your response Correct response

single force single force and a single moment
Auto graded Grade: 0/1.0 

 Total grade: 0.0×1/1 = 0%

Question5: Score 0.16/1

A 11-N vertical force P is applied to the knob of the window-opener mechanism when
the crank BC is horizontal.


d 60 mm
e 120 mm
f 22 mm
α 20 °

Determine the moment of the force about point A and about line AB.

MA =
Your response Correct response
1320 -1320 ± 1.0%
Auto graded Grade: 0/2.0 
Your response Correct response
0 847.602744 ± 1.0%
Auto graded Grade: 0/2.0 

2 van 6 12-9-2021 13:29

TUDelft - Exercise - Toets 5

Your response Correct response
0 0 ± 1.0%
Auto graded Grade: 1/1.0 
k N·mm
Your response Correct response
-1240.39426 ± 2.0%
Auto graded Grade: 0/1.0 

 Total grade: 0.0×2/6 + 0.0×2/6 + 1.0×1/6 + 0.0×1/6 = 0% + 0% + 17% + 0%

Question6: Score 0/1

The two forces acting on the handles of the pipe wrenches constitute a
couple M with components i , j , and k .

Find the expression for M .

Use in your answer: F, a, b, c, i, j, k. (Not necessarily al are needed.)

Your response Correct response
c  F -F(a+c)i+Fbj
Auto graded Grade: 0/1.0 

 Total grade: 0.0×1/1 = 0%

Question7: Score 1/1

3 van 6 12-9-2021 13:29

TUDelft - Exercise - Toets 5

The directions of the two thrust engines of an experimental aircraft can be independently changed from the conventional
forward direction within certain limits.

For the thrust configuration shown:

• Determine the equivalent force-couple system at point O.
• It is possible to replace the force-couple system with just a single resultant force (thus without a couple, or, in
other words, with zero valued couple) by translating the line of action of the resultant force (werklijn van de
resultante). Find the location where that line of action intersects with the x-axis.


a 24 m
b 4m
α 16 °

Through which point on the x-axis passes the line of action of the resultant? Select a negative sign if this point is to the left of the origin O, positive
sign if to the right of the origin O.
Your response Correct response
-24.57 m
Auto graded Grade: 1/1.0 

 Total grade: 1.0×1/1 = 100%

Question8: Score 1/1

Each propellor of the twin-screw ship develops a fullspeed thrust of 150 kN. In maneuvering the ship,
one propeller is turning full speed ahead and the other full speed in reverse.
Some distances are given:

d 15 m
e 34 m
f 150 m

What thrust P must each tug exert on the ship to counteract the turning effect of the ship's propellors?
Your response Correct response
19.40 kN
Auto graded Grade: 1/1.0 

 Total grade: 1.0×1/1 = 100%

Question9: Score 0/1

4 van 6 12-9-2021 13:29

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