Gender Discrimination in Societies

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The socially determined roles and responsibilities of women and men are called
gender and the phenomenon of gender differs from society to society and over
time. Current policies at national and international level lead to inequality
between individuals and women are in an even more unequal position in the
areas of inequality. There are three main problems about gender
discrimination: Social pressure, Inability to work under equal conditions and

The first problem, and for me the most annoying problem, is community
pressure. Community pressure, social pressure or neighborhood pressure is a
set of unwritten and often meaningless rules that are not known what the
original is, has managed to influence people in some way, and restrict every
behavior of people. While living in a place, no one questions "why is this man
alone?", They question "why is this woman alone?" Or if a married woman in
Egypt writes to the airline that her husband does not allow her, she is banned
from going abroad. The solution to such problems is to explain that men and
women are equal. It can be taught to young children in schools or it can be
given as courses by the government and spread to everyone.

The second problem is that men and women cannot work under equal
conditions. This situation is widely applied in East Asian countries and in our
country. For example, when there is no "Office Supervisor", the responsibility
of tea or coffee is carried out by the woman, or if you don't have a marriage or
child plan,you got a promotion. Even though this happens thanks to your
talent, knowledge or diligence, the people may think you get a promotion in a
“different” way. I don't think there is a specific solution to this, but the
government and employers need to be more prudent to prevent this. It should
not be forgotten that men and women are equal at all times, and conferences
should be held in order to ensure equal conditions for the employees, and if
necessary, companies that employ equal numbers of both genders should be

The third problem is femicide. The male-dominated feudal culture, which sees
women as property, goods, or at least as second-class citizens, still exists and
even dominates. Through state institutions such as the Ministry of National
Education and the Presidency of Religious Affairs, their actions and discourses
that oppose equality of men and women, keep women at home and reduce
femininity to only the function of maternity, meaning that men are superior
and think that they can do anything against women. As a solution to this, we
should abandon the approach that shows women under men and only at home
in all curriculum programs and teaching materials, especially in books, the
issues of equality of women and men, women's rights and freedom should be
addressed during the whole education or Courts, for the murderers, they
shouldn’t apply ’’good conduct discount’’ for ugly reansons such as "decent
attitude in the hearings"," "showing regret", and "wearing a suit and wearing a

As a result, gender inequality is a huge problem for all societies. It should not
be difficult to solve this situation that we see in every field, socially,
economically and politically. If we become conscious as a society and educate
our own children properly, we can avoid these problems a little.

İbrahim Dellalbaşı.

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