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The Lajja Gauris attitude in the civilizations of the Fertility cult.

The Lajja Gauris attitude : Nude goddess legs apart showing her vulva as an invitation to a sexual act is an universal representation in the civilizations of the Fertility cult.

Lajja Gauri

is a generic noun used to name the iconographic representation of the nude

goddess of the fertility cult who offers herself, the legs apart and the vulva prominent. This Indian name which associates lajja , shame, with Gauri , goddess, doesnt have a special meaning nor a historical reference except those of a Victorian type moral judgment on the subject of the sculpture represented. The Fertility cult is dominant in the earliest cultures. Its vocation is procreation, the reproduction of the human species at a time where illness, infant mortality and wars decimate populations. The institutional powers supported the Fertility cult to promote the number to allow people to become dominant in the regions that they occupy. Present since the dawn of humanity as evidenced by the carvings in caves occupied during the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, the cult of fertility spreads in the Chalcolithic period, and this, especially in Central Europe then in Mesopotamia. The Sumerian period sees the generalization, from the 4th millennium bc., of Inannas worship, the goddess of love, and the multiplication of the "sacred prostitution" temples devoted to her. The names of the goddess of love and fertility will be numerous : She will be Inanna in Sumer, Ishtar in Akkad, Astarte/Asherah for the Semitic peoples, Kybele pour les Phrygians, Artemis for the Greeks, Isis/Hathor for the Egyptians, Diana for the Romans, Avatars, hand-maidens of the goddess, appear to specialize in the two main branches of the cult of fertility: The love and sexual practices elevated to divine function : The sacred sexual ritual. Pregnancy and Childbirth, Nurturing and Motherhood, which must be protected against the malevolent spirits. Artistic representations distinguish these two branches.

The goddesses of Sexual activity and Love :

Represented in Mesopotamia in her legs apart attitude, Lajja Gauri, goddess specialized in sexual purposes, is the hand maiden of Inanna, main goddess of love and fertility.

Inanna. early 2 mill.bc. louvre.


Ur excavations. Archaic seal-impressions. Leon Legrain.1936.

Brought by the trade, the Lajja Gauri attitude appears in the early civilization of the Indus valley beside the Nude goddess of fertility with bangles.

Procession seal.2800-2600 bc. Islamabad museum.

Indus valley. Cylinder seal. 2700-2300 bc. Private collection.

Details on : Qetesh/Qadesh, the name given to the goddess of intercourse and sexual pleasure in Mesopotamia passes in the Canaanite religion beside Anath and later, during the New kingdom, in the Egyptian pantheon beside Hathor. She is represented holding a serpent (penis) and a lotus (semen), riding on a lion and is associated with the erected god Min in Egypt.

Sumerian Hymns and Cult Songs - 52 - A balbale (?) to Inana my own genitals, the maiden's, a well- watered opened-up mound -- who will be their ploughman? My genitals, the lady's, the moist and well-watered ground -- who will put an ox there?" 31-34. "Plough in my genitals, man of my heart!" bathed her holy hips, holy , the holy basin . 1 line fragmentary approx. 3 lines missing

Inanna (?) holding snakes upon lions. Sumer 3000 bc.

Egypt. Stele of Qadesh. 1250 bc.

Representations of erotic practices are common in ancient Egypt and people live freely their sexuality.

Alexandria. 305-30 bc. Brooklyn museum.

Veneration of the god Min.Karnak.Egypt.

Papyrus. 2 mill. bc. Egyptian museum.Turin.Italia.


In Sumer and Akkad, Lilitu and Lamashtu, female demons, sexual predators, are hand maidens of Inanna/Ishtar for sexuality and love, sneaking to catch men in the night.

Lilitu, queen of the 1800 bc.

Lamashtu,suckling a pig and a dog, holding snakes..

Demons with legs apart. Cylinder seal Mesopotamia. 2750-2600 bc. The Morgan & Library museum.

To continue : 1-1 100 pages with 530 photos.

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