Material Ev. Week 12

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In His Great Name

Farhangian Teacher Education University

Shahid Bahonar Faculty

Course: Material Evaluation (Content Analysis)

Week 12 (On-Line)

Spring 2021 (1400)

Steps in Evaluating a Teaching Material /Task:

Step 1: Choosing a task/text to evaluate

Step 2: Describing the task

Step 3: Planning the Evaluation

Step 4: Collecting the information for the evaluation

Step 5: Analyzing the information

Reaching the conclusion and making recommendations

Step 7: Writing the Final report

More Practice: Internal Evaluation Results (Mean Scores (X))


Content/Subject Activities &

Matter (13 items) Exercises (10 items)
X=2.26 X=2.08
SD=.36 SD=.42
Skills & Components Language Type
(Vocabs & Grammar) (4 items)
(12 items) X=2.31
X=2.34 SD=.49

This time you compute these 4 factors (in SPSS) in order to make
target factor “Internal Evaluation”.
Reaching the conclusion and making recommendations

Step 7: Writing the Final report

 New words to say?

 Any thing to add to the studies done before in

the same evaluation area we also worked on?
Last week we worked on this slide.
(How to report our study Results : ……..)

Generally speaking, the lower Mean scores are indication of the fact that most
teachers were discontent about the adequacy of literacy instruction by “……’
component of Vision 1.

Overall, it could be inferred from the results of the questionnaires that Vision1
was perceived to be fairly satisfactory by the present student-teachers. From the
results, it could be concluded that ……………….and ……………play more
important roles in determining the overall quality of the textbook.

Modification and adaptation of the materials are recommend by

this research.
Materials Adaptation
Materials Adaptation: Nature of Adaptation
 It is a process, leading to a product,

 DONE For Congruence (Madsen & Bowen, 1978)

‘Effective adaptation is a matter of achieving “congruence” . . . .

The good teacher is . . . constantly striving for congruence
among several related variables: teaching materials,
methodology, students, course objectives, the target language
and its context, and the teacher’s own personality and teaching
style’ (Madsen and Bowen, 1978: ix)

 It is not permanent , but transitory in many times.

Materials Adaptation: Examples in need of Adaptation
 Not enough grammar coverage in general.

 Not enough practice of grammar points of particular difficulty

to these learners.

 The communicative focus means that grammar is presented


 Reading passages contain too much unknown vocabulary.

 Comprehension questions are too easy, because the answers can

be lifted directly from the text with no real understanding.

 Listening passages are inauthentic, because they sound too much

like written material being read out.
Materials Adaptation: Examples in need of Adaptation
 Subject matter is inappropriate for learners of this age and
intellectual level.

 Photographs and other illustrative material not culturally


 Dialogues too formal and not representative of everyday speech.

 Audio material difficult to use because of problems to do with

room size and technical equipment.

 Accompanying tests needed.

Materials Adaptation: Reasons/Principles for Adaptation





Providing for learner autonomy

Making the language input more engaging

Materials Adaptation: A Framework for Adaptation
Techniques for Adaptation
Good Luck

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