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The idea of human rights rests on the central premise that all
humans are equal. It follows that all humans have dignity and they should
be treated equal. Anything that undermines that dignity is a violation, for it
violates the principle of equality and paves the way for discrimination
The literal full form of LGBTQ is lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender questioning
but why can’t it be lives get better together.

People’s prejudices lead them to think that LGBT people are odd and very
different. I’ve gone through a period of time when I used to think that it is
shameful to even talk to them. But over time I understood that they are no
different people and it is OKAY to talk to them or even be friends with them
and now when I look back I know I was so immature to think that and I’m sure
most of y’all still are not comfortable with talking or listening to sensitive but
important topics like these but it’s high time and we need to understand that
being gay or being bisexual is not a ‘problem’, nor is it a ‘choice’ so people
should start accepting them the way they are and stop instigating them to hide
their identity.
Today, homosexuality and queer identities may be acceptable to more Indian
youths than ever before but within the boundaries of families, acceptance still
remains a constant struggle for LGBT people. I have heard of people coming
out of the closet and declaring to their families that they are not the person
their family expected them to be.

It is also found that the stress of discrimination and homophobia compels

many LGBT people to use drugs and alcohol to cope and get out of the
situation. Many even try to give up on their lives thinking they aren’t good
enough or it is shameful to be bi.
But the question is, IS IT SHAMEFUL TO BE BI

Of course not. LGBT individuals are merely individuals who have sexual
preferences that differ from what would appear to be the ‘norm’, due to
differing learned behaviours and, you know, having a personal perspective and
mind-set that differs from everyone else’s. Saying that it’s objectively wrong
for people to have sexual preferences that differ from the norm is objectively
wrong itself.
Article 15 of our Indian Constitution states the Prohibition of discrimination on
the grounds of religion, race, caste, Sex or place of birth.
It’s not about what our religion says it’s about what humanity says

We have the absolute and inalienable right to define ourselves in our own
terms and in our own languages. We have the right to express ourselves and
our identities without fear of violence or retribution. We are human beings,
holders of human rights, and we need to recognize as such within the societies
we live in.

Everyone who is living in this world, either normal or abnormal has equal rights
to live in this society with full respect.

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