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Administrative Law – Quasi-Legislative Cases

G.R. No. 103533 December 15, 1998 Petitioners ignored said demand letters. Instead, they filed a Petition for Declaratory Relief before the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 150 of Makati, on the ground that there is a conflict between the previous
MANILA JOCKEY CLUB, INC. AND PHILIPPINE RACING CLUB, INC., petitioners, opinion of PHILRACOM dated September 20, 1978 and the present position of PHILRACOM

vs. RTC:

THE COURT OF APPEALS AND PHILIPPINE RACING COMMISSION, respondents. a) Executive Orders Nos. 88 and 89 do not and cannot cover the disposition and allocation of
mid-week races, particularly those authorized to be held during Tuesdays, Wednesdays and those which
Control and disposition of "breakages” in connection with the conduct of horse-racing. are not authorized under Republic Acts 6631 and 6632; and

1972: Petitioners were granted franchises to operate and maintain race tracks for horse racing in the City b) The ownership by the Manila Jockey Club, Inc. and the Philippine Racing Club, Inc. of the
of Manila and the Province of Rizal by virtue of Republic Act Nos. 6631 and 6632 breakages they derive from mid-week races shall not be disturbed.

R.A. 6631: Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays of the year, excluding Thursday and Fridays of the Holy Respondent PHILRACOM filed a Petition for Certiorari with prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
Week, Independence Day, Election Day and Rizal Day. whether or not E.O. Nos. 88 and 89
injunction before this Court, raising the lone question of

R.A. 6632: Saturday, Sundays, and official holiday of the year, except on those official holidays where the cover breakages derived from the mid-week races.
law expressly provides that no horse races are to be held. The grantee may also conduct races on the eve of
any public holiday to start not earlier than five-thirty (5:30) o'clock in the afternoon but not to exceed five
days a year.
The decision on the part of PHILRACOM to authorize additional racing days had the effect of widening the
scope of Section 5 of RA 6631 and Section 7 of RA 6632. Consequently, private respondents derive their
1974: Presidential Decree No. 420 was issued creating the Philippine Racing Commission (PHILRACOM),
privilege to hold races on the designated days not only their franchise acts but also from the order issued
giving it exclusive jurisdiction and control over every aspect of the conduct of horse racing, including the
by the PHILRACOM. The provisions on the disposition and allocation of breakages being general in
framing and scheduling of races. 6 By virtue of this power, the PHILRACOM authorized the holding of
character apply to breakages derived on any racing day.
races on Wednesdays starting on December 22, 1976.

Since PHILRACOM became the beneficiary of the breakages only upon effectivity of Executive Order Nos. 88
Breakages from Wednesday and Thursday races shall proceed to the race clubs.
and 89, it is therefore entitled to such breakages from December 16, 1986 when said Executive Orders were
1986: President Corazon Aquino amended certain provisions Sec. 4 of R.A. 8631 and Sec. 6 of R.A. 6632 issued. However, we do not concede that respondents are entitled to breakages prior to December 16,
through Executive Orders No. 88 and 89. Under these Executive Orders, allocation of breakages was 1986 because it is clear that the applicable laws from 1976 to December 16, 1986 were R.A. 6631 and R.A.
provided for beneficiaries. 6632, which specifically apportion the breakages to specified beneficiaries among which was the PAAF, a
government agency. Since respondents admit that PHILRACOM (Petitioner) was merely placed in lieu of
1987: PHILRACOM itself addressed a query to the Office of the President asking which agency is entitled PAAF as beneficiary/recipient of breakages, then whatever breakages was due to PAAF as one of the
to dispose of the proceeds of the "breakages" derived from the Tuesday and Wednesday races. beneficiaries under R.A. Nos. 6631 and 6632 accrued to or should belong to PHILRACOM as successor to the
defunct PAAF.
Office of the President replied: "the disposition of the breakages rightfully belongs to PHILRACOM, not
only those derived from the Saturday, Sunday and holiday races, but also from the Tuesday and PETITION FOR REVIEW
Wednesday races in accordance with the distribution scheme prescribed in said Executive Orders".
The main issue brought by the parties for the Court's resolution is: Who are the rightful beneficiaries of
Respondent PHILRACOM, sent a series of demand letters to petitioners MJCI and PRCI, requesting its share the breakages derived from mid-week races? This issue also carries an ancillary question: assuming
in the "breakages" of mid-week-races and proof of remittances to other legal beneficiaries as provided PHILRACOM is entitled to the mid-week breakages under the law, should the petitioners remit the money
under the franchise laws. from the time the mid-week races started, or only upon the promulgation of E.O. Nos. 88 and 89?

Petitioners: franchise laws should be construed to apply the distribution scheme specifically and exclusively
to the racing days enumerated in Sec. 5 of R.A. 6631, and Sec. 7 of R.A. 6632. They claim that disposition of
Administrative Law – Quasi-Legislative Cases

breakages under these laws should be limited to races conducted on "all Saturdays, Sundays, and official Proceeding to the subsidiary issue, the period for the remittance of breakages to the beneficiaries should
holidays of the year, except, on those official holidays where the law expressly provides that no horse races have commenced from the time PHILRACOM authorized the holding of mid-week races because R.A. Nos.
are to be held", hence, there is no doubt that the breakages of Wednesday races shall belong to the racing 6631 and 6632 were ready in effect then. The petitioners contend that they cannot be held retroactively
clubs concerned. They even advance the view that "where a statute by its terms is expressly limited to liable to respondent PHILRACOM for breakages prior to the effectivity of E.O. Nos. 88 and 89. They assert
certain matters, it may not by interpretation or construction be extended to other matters" that the real intent behind E.O. Nos. 88 and 89 was to favor the respondent PHILRACOM anew with the
benefits which formerly had accrued in favor of Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation (PAAF). They opine
Respondent: PHILRACOM contends that R.A. Nos. 6631 and 6632 are laws intended primarily to grant that since laws operate prospectively unless the legislator intends to give them retroactive effect, the
petitioners their respective franchises to construct, operate, and maintain a race track for horse racing. accrual of these breakages should start on December 16, 1986, the date of effectivity of E.O. Nos. 88 and
When PHILRACOM added mid-week races, the franchises given to the petitioners remained the same. 89. Now, even if one of the benefactors of breakages, the PAAF, as provided by R.A. 6631 and 6632 had
Logically, what applies to races authorized under Republic Act Nos. 6631 and 6632 should also apply to ceased operation, it is still not proper for the petitioners to presume that they were entitled to PAAF's
races additionally authorized by PHILRACOM, namely mid-week races, because these are general provisions share. When the petitioners mistakenly appropriated the breakages for themselves, they became the
which apply general rules and procedures governing the operation of the races. Consequently, if the implied trustees for those legally entitled to the proceeds.
authorized racing days are extended, these races must therefore be governed by the same rules and
provisions generally provided therein. The petitioners should have properly set aside amount for the defunct PAAF, until an alternative
beneficiary was designated, which as subsequently provided for by Executive Order Nos. 88 and 89, is
We find petitioners' position on the main issue lacking in merit and far from persuasive. PHILRACOM

Franchise laws are privileges conferred by the government on corporations to do that "which does not Petitioners might have relied on a prior opinion issued by an administrative body, the well-entrenched
belong to the citizens of the country generally by common right". As a rule, a franchise springs from principle is that the State could not be estopped by a mistake committed by its officials or agents . Well-
contracts between the sovereign power and the private corporation for purposes of individual advantage as settled also is the rule that the erroneous application of the law by public officers does not prevent a
well as public benefit. Thus, a franchise partakes of a double nature and character. In so far as it affects or subsequent correct application of the law. Although there was an initial interpretation of the law by
concerns the public, it is public juris and subject to governmental control. The legislature may prescribe the PHILRACOM, a court of law could not be precluded from setting that interpretation aside if later on it is
conditions and terms upon which it may be held, and the duty of grantee to the public exercising it. shown to be inappropriate.

Petitioners derive their existence from the same. Petitioners' operations are governed by all existing rules Moreover, the detrimental consequences of depriving the city hospitals and other institutions of the funds
relative to horse racing provided they are not inconsistent with each other and could be reasonably needed for rehabilitation of drug dependents and other patients are all too obvious. It goes without saying
harmonized. Therefore, the applicable laws are R.A. 309, as amended, R.A. 6631 and 6632, as amended that the allocation of breakages in favor of said institutions is a policy decision in pursuance of social
by E.O. 88 and 89, P.D. 420 and the orders issued PHILRACOM. Consequently, every statute should be development goals worthy of judicial approbation.
construed in such a way that will harmonize it with existing laws. This principle is expressed in the legal
maxim "interpretare et concordare leges legibus est optimus interpretandi", that is, to interpret and to do Nor could we be oblivious to the reality that horse racing although authorized by law is still a form of
it in such a way as to harmonize laws with laws is the best method of interpretation. gambling. Gambling is essentially antagonistic to the aims of enhancing national productivity and self-
reliance. For this reason, legislative franchises impose limitations on horse racing and betting. Petitioner's
A reasonable reading of the horse racing laws favors the determination that the entities enumerated in contention that a gambling franchise is a public contract protected by the Constitutional provision on non-
the distribution scheme provided under R.A. Nos. 6631 and 6632, as amended by Executive impairment of contract could not be left unqualified. For as well said in Lim vs. Pacquing:
Orders 88 and 89, are the rightful beneficiaries of breakages from mid-week races . Petitioners
. . . it should be remembered that a franchise is not in the strict sense a simple contract but rather it is,
should therefore remit the proceeds of breakages to those benefactors designated by the aforesaid laws.
more importantly, a mere privilege specially in matters which are within the government's power to
A supplemental law becomes an addition to the existing statutes, or a section thereof; and its effect is not regulate and even prohibit through the exercise of the police power. Thus, a gambling franchise is always
to change in any way the provisions of the latter but merely to extend the operation thereof, or give subject to the exercise of police power for the public welfare.
additional power to enforce its provisions, as the case may be. In enacting a particular statute, legislators
That is why we need to stress anew that a statute which authorizes a gambling activity or business should
are presumed to have full knowledge and to taken full cognizance of the existing laws on the same subject
be strictly construed, and every reasonable doubt be resolved so as to limit rather than expand the powers
or those relating thereto.
and rights claimed by franchise holders under its authority. PETITION DENIED.

G.R. No. L-34674 October 26, 1931

Administrative Law – Quasi-Legislative Cases

MAURICIO CRUZ, petitioner-appellant, An unconstitutional statute can have no effect to repeal former laws or parts of laws by implication,
since, being void, it is not inconsistent with such former laws.
This court has several times declared that it will not pass upon the constitutionality of statutes unless
STANTON YOUNGBERG, Director of the Bureau of Animal Industry, respondent-appellee. it is necessary to do so but in this case it is not necessary to pass upon the validity of the statute attacked
by the petitioner because even if it were declared unconstitutional, the petitioner would not be entitled
The petitioner attacked the constitutionality of Act No. 3155, which at present prohibits the to relief inasmuch as Act No. 3052 is not in issue.
importation of cattle from foreign countries into the Philippine Islands.
Act No. 3155 is entirely valid. Legislature passed Act No. 3155 to protect the cattle industry of the
It is asserted that Act No. 3155 of the Philippine Legislature was enacted for the sole purpose of preventing country and to prevent the introduction of cattle diseases through importation of foreign cattle. It is now
the introduction of cattle diseases into the Philippine Islands from foreign countries, as shown by an generally recognized that the promotion of industries affecting the public welfare and the development of
explanatory note and text of Senate Bill No. 328. the resources of the country are objects within the scope of the police power. The facts recited in
paragraph 8 of the amended petition shows that at the time the Act No. 3155 was promulgated there
SECTION 1. After March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and twenty-five existing contracts for the importation of cattle was reasonable necessity therefore and it cannot be said that the Legislature exceeded its power in
into this country to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be strictly prohibited to import, bring or introduce into the
passing the Act. That being so, it is not for this court to avoid or vacate the Act upon constitutional
Philippine Islands any cattle from foreign countries: Provided, however, That at any time after said date, the Governor-
grounds nor will it assume to determine whether the measures are wise or the best that might have been
General, with the concurrence of the presiding officers of both Houses, may raise such prohibition entirely or in part if the
conditions of the country make this advisable or if decease among foreign cattle has ceased to be a menace to the adopted.
agriculture and live stock of the lands.
The true distinction, therefore, is between the delegation of power to make the law, which
SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. necessarily involves discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring an authority or discretion as to its
execution, to be exercised under and in pursuance of the law. The first cannot be done; to the latter no
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its approval. valid objection can be made.

Approved, March 8, 1924.


Respondent: demurred to the petition on the ground that it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a
cause of action. The demurrer was based on two reasons, namely, (1) that if Act No. 3155 were declared
unconstitutional and void, the petitioner would not be entitled to the relief demanded because Act No.
3052 would automatically become effective and would prohibit the respondent from giving the permit
prayed for; and (2) that Act No. 3155 was constitutional and, therefore, valid.

The court sustained the demurrer and the complaint was dismissed by reason of the failure of the
petitioner to file another complaint. HENCE, THIS APPEAL.

Even if Act No. 3155 be declared unconstitutional still the petitioner cannot be allowed to import cattle
from Australia for the reason that, while Act No. 3155 were declared unconstitutional, Act No. 3052
would automatically become effective. Act No. 3052, which provides for the prohibition of
importation of cattle into the Philippines.

The petitioner does not present any allegations in regard to Act No. 3052 to show its nullity or
unconstitutionality though it appears clearly that in the absence of Act No. 3155 the former act would
make it impossible for the Director of the Bureau of Animal Industry to grant the petitioner a permit for
the importation of the cattle without the approval of the head of the corresponding department.

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