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Cepun <SApaecreltft , urxona!


B. f. MnponoBa



YAIJ. 372.016:811.111
EEK 81 .2Lnrt(s.71)
Illeueser g, trpoucxoAsq[e B nameft crpage' sarparr[Ba-
KTK 431
I M63 K)T Bce cipeprr JrcEgEE, B ToM rrtrcJre E EapoAEoe o6paaona-

I clluoctpansrfr ssbm EapsAy c ApyrrMrr ryMarrlrrapnbl-


I M 63
Muponona B. I.
Otxprrrrre ypoxrr r{ trpa3Anr4tla Ea esutztftcrou
p.fiAy trapaMerpoB. B naane o6nosren['fi coAep]rcaul{s flMeer
Mecro trepeocMbrcJreEtre qelefr r[ Ba,qaq o6lnrexraa, BBeAeErle

I ,flabrr1e / B. I. Muporrona.
- Poctos n/[: e@eurr€ct'
I92 c. (3,apanctu5d, mrona!)'
EoBbrx rq)onpaMM, yue6nrrx KJrpcoB, paapa6otra EoBbrx rex-
no.norufi, BBeAeEue EoBbrx (loplt opranvsa\uftI rpoqecca o6y-
rreEtr.fl. B nnaue paspa60trn EoBbrx cucreM o6yueuua IlEoe-
Tpannoruy sgbrny roBopsr o crrcreMe panuero o6y'rgtttt1.
floco6rae aApecoBago yqrrreJr.fiM upu pa6ore c yqaqlr- O6yrenue Mna,qmux mKoJrbErrKoB uEocrpaaEoMy s3brKy
vt:zcs I-2 ro,4a o6yvenn.a asurlrftcroFo flgrrr(,a' O,quu BbrSBaEO CTpeMJreEEeM ZCtrOJrbSOBaTb noTeEq[aJrbEbre Bo3-
us aa$cnefiIrrux rprreMoB uptr o6ylemlr nereft rrn(rcT- Morcuocrtr Boapacra, uas6o;ree 6naronplrsrnoio AJIff oBna-
paEHoMy .gobrxy sBJrflerc.n urpa. Oaxropbr' coqnBolrc- AeEEs flBbrroM, B pacrlere Ea troJrJrrleEze 6o.ree urrcoroft pe-
Iarorq4e urPY, rlETepec' rrJrBcTBO yAOBOnbcTBfrfl' pL- ByJrbraruBnocru o6yueEtrs rrpeAMery c qeJrbxr yAoBJrerBope-
Aocrlt, o6ner.raror rrlxlq,ecc o6yreElra. Ilrpu Moryr
Eufl cyqecrByroq,Ex'B o6qecrne norpe6qocreft nsosarrqsoro
MeEgTbcff rrprr BBeAeErlrI r{ SaKperrJreErlr4 JreKcrucu' o6q,enna B paoJrurrEbrx cipepax AesrenbEocrrr.
rreabrx o6pa3q,oB, 4;ra tlopurlx)BtFns yruenrft [ EaBbr- '
Bolee paxEee rro cpaBueErrro c o6q,eupzuaroft rrparcTlr-
rou yctuofi pequ' a rarcrxe B BrrAe iDoputl caM(rcTos- roft o6yueuue EEocrpaEEoMy ffBbrKy cBrAereJrbcrByer' lITo
TeJrbrroro o6qenlra Aeteft Ea r(EocrpegrroM .esbrre'
sagsrnr EEggIpaEFbrM ssLrKOM OragbrBaroT caMoe 6naroupu-
Antop trprnBoArrr crleuaprfir rrpaaAErrr(oB sa asrnqfi-
srEoe roagefictrue Ea pa3B[Ttre Aereft, trx troSEtFar€lrsrrx
cKoM .ff3brKe' KOTOpbre rroAAep)K[BarcT [ETeI]ec K [3y-
qellr/tro EpeAMera u cuoco6ctByrcT SAKpeuleuruo' o6- z sarmonnrx cuoco6nocrefi , coAefrctBylor pemeErrro Mlrorlrx
qeErlrc MaTeprtaJra' uorpytlceEr4ro B fisbrKoByro cpeAy' Boctrrr'areJrbErrx u o6paeoBareJrbubrx aaA&t;
O6yuenze 4etefi Mnalrrrero rrrroJrbEoro Boapacra rrrocr-
perrFoMy fisbrrcy cnoco6crryer BceMepEoMy pasBr4Trrro pe6er-
Ka B npoqecce ESJrqeEEfl gSLrKa, arcrtrBEoMy BKJrroqeEux) B
ISBN 5-222-08413-2 9TOT trpOqeCC MhrrrureE[ff , rraMsr[, roo6paxceEufl , gMoquft ,
[crroJrE,3oBeFrtK) [Eo,f,3Erllrgfi peUr Ans Bbrpa]KeElrf, lir troEll-

,{enrcora JI.I. Bapuarnmocrr o6yueuna rrrrocTpaErroMy ssErKy Ha
crapmerf, sro.e clreAsefi mrcoJrbr (10-11 raaccrr) // Ilnocrparrsrre
sglrrctr B rrrrcoJre. f996. lG 2.
O6yvenlre rruocrpaEuoMy fiablKy sJll{,fier ra tpopmupora- uepnrrft KJracc, Aocraroqno xopouo pagBur $oneuarlrrec-
9r CoBepltrellcrBoBaErle y yqarqtrxcg gSblKoBbrx 14 perle- t<wir cryx, rtro ,f,BJr,f,ercs uouexoft AJI,fi ycuemEoro oBJIa,qe-
Bbrx,yMeErrfi llt nasbrxoB, pasBr4Tl(e O6rqlx u cnequQutrecKnx EE'g EaBbrKaMIr tlteErr,fi rr rrrlcbMa Ea poAEoM ffBErRe. Caurre
y.re6nrri yuenrft. paetsoo6paeurre (louerruecrrre ytrpal*Eesua, Qonera.recrrre
I(ar crasaEo r flporparvrnne <?Inocrparnble ,EBbIKrt D' MnaA- rrrpbr, ytrparrcEegzg, cuoco6crBylorqse EaJnregulo uporrago-
uruft mxo.rrnrrft noepact (6-10 ner) naaaercs nau6olee rrleElrrc IIEogSbrqEErx SByRoB, 8aIIoMI[EAStrTO ffEo,f3brqEbrx
6.naronpustnblM AJIfi ycBoeHrrfi Lr IrocrpanHoro ssblKa. fl.riac -
c;ron (oco6eEso Bo BpeMs BBoAEoro Qouetzuecroro rypca),
TIIIIEOQTb IIPUPOAEONO MEXAEII3MA YCBOEH}Ifi fi3EIKA ACTbMII pasBzBaxlr (poueuarr.rect<mfr. cnyx y gerefi. O6yras suo,fi-
paurrero Boopacra, rlMlrraquolluble c[oco6Eocrlr' [p]rpoAnas abrssofi peqll, ] rsrenb EEocrpaEuoro sabrxa rroMo-raer Ae-
rb6oguareJrbrrocrb u norpe6nocrb B troouaul{rr HoBoFor or- rau 6rrcrpee Ir paubme EayqzTbcfi BbIAeJIfiTb BByrc[ pequ
cyrcrBlle (aacrblBrtrefi cucrelvrsr qeunocreft u ycral{oBon' a KaK poAEoro, TaK rr trEocrpauEoro ,sgbrKa. A sro oAEa sB
Tarrr(e rar EaobrBaeMoro (,fioblKoBoro 6aprepaa cuoco6crny- garrueftuux cropon r o6lnrennn FpaMornoMy trtrcbMy E qre-
er e$tpexruBrroMy peruexrrlo sagarl, crosqux xax nepe4 5rue6- Errro Ea poAEoM ssbrKe.
EbrM rrpeAMeroM <Illsoctpaunsrfi ,fiablKr, TaK !r trepeA lra- Bo-atoprrx, trpu ycJIoB[r[, qro ] rzTenb crpotrT crofi yporc
qaJrblrbrM o6pagouanueM B IIeJIoM. c yqeroM coBpeMennbrx rpe6orarufi r o6yreazro uuos3brtl-
BosMoxsocrrr lluocrpanuoro fioblrca xar y're6uoro [peA- uoft peuu, ucuonbsy,fi 6o;rrmoe KoJrrrecrBo cqETaJIoK, tre-
Mera B peanrraag,El.r crpareru'recnoft HatrpaanelrHocrrr lra- ceE, crrrxoB,. upocro llEo,fiEhrllEbtx cJIoB, os cnoco6crByer
qanssoft rrrKoJIEr Ea pagBrlrrle rlrtllrocrlr yrleflIlra rlotrcrrrne paoBrlrzrl y pe6enxa cnyxoBoro Bocnpssrzs.
yIrrlRaJIbHLI. B-rpersrx, upu o6ysenun rpaMore poAuoro fiBbIKa yqtr-
B upoqecce oBna,qenus yqauluMucs rroBBIM cpe,qcrnou o6- renb BcerAa craBrrr.trepeA co6ofi Bagaqy: o6yreuue rpaMore-
rrlenrlfi y Errx tpopruupyercfi [paBrlJlbuoe trosllMalrl[e fioblKa ra paoanTrre pevn, o6yreErre uucbMy rr paoarrrue pe.rr, o6y-
rcar o6rqecrBenEoro gBJIeIrIlg' pagBlrBarcTc,E rrx r4HTeJIJreKty- rreErre ErfeErrro n pasBgrue perrz. Pagnurue p€Err :- oAzE EB
aJIbELre, peqeBLre tr aMoqrronaJlbnble cnoco6nocru' a raxrre rJraBEbrx actrercroB o6yueuua B EaqarbEbrx KJraccax. 9rouy
Jrrlqnocrrrbre RarlecrBa: o6rqeveloreqecKue rlenlrocrlrbre oprl: cuoco6crnyer n yTdK r{EocrpaEuoro figbrra, rar xax, o6y-
errraqftu, ]rrrTepecbr, BoJIA rr Ap- rras ,fisbrry, Mbr J ruu 4erefr roBopnrb, o6ilarrcr Apyr c
Kpoue roro, upuo6qeEue MJlagruero rurcoJlbErrrca c rloMo- ApyfoM.
ulbro lrrroorpaunoro ,aa+.rKa x hroft Kynbrype nooBoJlffer eMy B-verneprux, upaBuJrbEo opraErsobagEble yponrr rrEoc-
ocogEarb ce6s nari JIlIrIEocrb, IrprrnaAneffiarqyrc K onpeAe: TpaIIEOIO f,3blKa, eCJIg OEII AOCTATOqEO OMOqIIOEaJIBEDI, CIIO-
neuuofi coq[orcyJlbrypxoft o6qnocru .rrogeft, c o4noft cropo- co6crnyror BooMorrcEocrn cEfiTb y Aerefi croBaErrocrb, Bac-
Hbr, a c 4pyroft BocrrltrbrBaer B rreM yBatrceulle I{ Teprru- reuqr(Bocrb, rroMoraror pacrpetrocrzrr pe6errca
E ero o6qe-
Mocrb K ApyroMy o6PaeY ncuanu. E''ne AeTbMIIA] IUTeneM
llnies Ao.nrufi our'rr paQotbr yqurereM Haqalbubrx KJIac- fl,sroe. B zrpe, B cragoqErrx cnryaqusx paaBuBaercs
coB, xoqy go6anurr IiI To, qro ypoxlt.llEocrpaulroro ,ESbIKa oMorluonaJrsuaa ctpepa pe6euxa, cBsoauuas c ryMeprrcrrr-
oraqrrriaror rIoMoIrIb yqrtTeJlro EaqaJIbHbIx KJIaccoB. B treu qecrtrMla ycrpeMJleurrfiMu: troMorarr' c.ra6rrM, crracarb uo-
9TO trpofiBJlgetcg? rraBmux n 6egy rr r. A.
Bo-uepnrrx, o6urezaaecrHo BceM' a (lco6exno ]^rllTeJrfiM Bor eqe oAsa rrpuqrrna, rro roropofi paxuuft Boopacr
HarIaJIbHbrx KJIaccoB, uro Ee y Bcex gereft, tlocryrlr.IBrtrrrx B upe4trorrrsreneE Ans aassrrfi rrnocrpaErrbrM fisLrroM. <rIeM.
uoJroxce pe6eror, Teu rf,eEbme ero cnoBapgllfi aa.Eac B poA- upecneAyer KoMrurercElm peaJru8erlrro uparrgqecrofi , roc-
Eoil sahrrte. O.rnagera.e rrocrpannbrM gBbrKoM, oE Ee oqy- trETareJrrEoft z paaszraroqefi qe.nefi [ EocET troAnortrBz-
Iqagr TaKoIro or[X).MEoro paSpBrBa MercAy BosMolrcEocTflMtr B re;rrsrrft xaparcrep tro orEomeuzx) r [oc;rrelyror[lrrf, (cpel-
I porol f, f,EocTpaEEou rSbrxe, u qyBcTBo yc[exa y Eero
6yler 6oaee f,prsEr, lrerf, y,qerefi crapnero nospacrarl.
Ee sratrauo6yueuza.
IIEJII{. O6yueme s Eaqanbrofr rrrye
I ICa:4aorry yure;rm lol:rcmr 6rrrr zanecrrRr r[ Tarcrle,oco-
6errocrg ttauf,Tg ![aneubrono pe6errca: trperpacEo paBBI[la
JIe UpUSBaEO SaJIOX€gTb y JrStrrTlrxcfi ocEoBLr npaliTElreclco-
ro BJraAeErrs,fiobrKou B otrpeAeneEulrx trpoDpaurloft qle4e_ rrnrrqlt E xyrce paBBETa otreparrBEag. Bce, JIax, To ecrr o6ecueqwrb Boguoxcrocrb gneueuTapsoro o6-
qFo oE lllxl', Sarrou[Eaerct Ea,qonro. Ho upoxoAtrT BpeMg, qenus Ea EEocrpaEEoM sahrre B ctrTyaqnrx, crotbmeu-
rrltex4eqeu pe6euor xayurcfi tro trepBoMy rpe6ona-uzro za- Ebrx AJrff 4erefr aroro Bospaera, r B paurar qrcAycrorpex-
BJreratl rui[opuaqp [B rrtrusrn, trpexcAe rreM oE or ysua- aux uporpauuofi TeuarEKE E ggbrroBorro uarepf,aJra, [o-
rlernr;f,, eFrqq sgbrrca uepefiger K trx ocMrrcneEEoMy ytror- rrrlMarrfie EecJIoxcEoIo TeBcTa Ir.pE qTeE'E X BOCtrpU.ffTf,E
pe6.reriun. IIpn anou cneAyer EctroJrbaoBarb trpoqnocrb Ba- Ea cnyx. Sagauu s o6ractz trEcbua Barnpqarorca n o65rue-
noilrE rrrtr. Pe6eror cnoeo6es aatroMEEarr ggrrrosofi Ma- ntrtr yqaqaxcfi rrllaBotrEcaEtrxl cJroB I epas, ycBoeEEHx B
Tep[aJI qenbrilE 6aoraur, rar 6rr cBrrerlaTbrBaTBr ero B ycraoft perrtr u rclonbayeurrx n urcuuerFE[K ytrpajrEerf,-
rrauft}. IIo g[o trIx]Ecxognr ToJrbKo B ToM cJrJrrrae, ecnE y fix, a rarcrre JrMeEEro cAenarb aeo6xo4nmue u;Ercrn ua
EeFOOOqAaEa ycraEoBrca E eMy oqeEb Batr(Eo trpoqETaFEOIO, Earl[caTb KopoTKOe rfrcbto_tros,qpaBJreEf,e
aatrornrrr Tm f,nn zrofi uareprar. gronry troMoraer zrpa, uo o6paeqy
nIx)BHe ctrTyaqE, oosAaBa.s r4reKpacEBre ecTecTBeEEbre yc- OEPABOBATEJIbHbIE IEJtrI. IIa na,ra.lrsou arane o6y-
noBtrg AJrg oBJra,4eEEg sShrKou, K Mtrpy BSpoc- qeErr,fl nxocrpasEld sabrr€ ooBuecruo c pyccrcm
JrEx., sBJraflcb cuoco6ou rroBEaEEs. Passee o6yvexne arry- paaBururc o6qzx n cner{qQnuecrcnr yuer*fi, xapa$Teprrflx
&rrbEo B E rlre Blteug, so qro6rr oso 6r,rno ycgerrrEbrM, vqz- Ans IIpeAMeToB gBErKoBoIto r{nrcla, Tg ecra' tpuo.uoruuecro_
lem geodxopro Euerb B cBoeft .tre,qanoruqecrtoft KotrEJr- rray o6paeona.Eno ruro:rbElrcor. Hapa4y c rrzu r: yqeuf,e
Icer paBErre uer'oFqecrc[e trp[eM6r. Ha uporanceuuu sceft t4Eocrpaaaoro sBErKa orrprrBaer Bosuorrcuocir 4lra o6pere_
cnoeft pa6oml s craparocb ucuoJrbaoBarb caMrre pasuoo6pas- EIrfi otrpeAeJreEEoro o6teua gEesnfi .
EEre ueFoFr I rrpEeMbr, EaxoAfl aro B MeToAuqecxofi Jrlrre- BOCII,ITATEJIbHhTF: IIEJII,I. I{e;ru B6nprrax}r n ce6c
parype f,nE rptr[yrtrEilBa^ff caMa. Qopurponarze y JrtrerrIuxefl EaBETKoB 5me6nofi 4daremuoc_
[lrerso trorroffy reruoft cnoefi pa6orrr a nrr6pala <Pae- Ttr, BOCIIUTaEEe y rrnx EEllepeca r ESyqeEED
uoodpaare f,rlxlnf,rx rrp[euoB E MeroAoB r o6yvenuz EEocr- ,fl8bIICa, JrueEtrs KonneaTtrBEO peIIIaTI rroeraBtleEEDle Sa,q8qx
paEEor4y ff3Erlcyr. u 4o6poxe.narearEono orEorueEns K n)yruuEapotrau E GTIn_
Ilpe44e treu rprcrjrrrurB r reue pa6orbr, cne4yer o6pa-, Bocrrurautre B,q!D(e uupa E 4o6pococegcrra.
TErb BE[uaEEe Ea qeJu parEero o6yuenufl IrEocrpanubrM PABBI,IBAIOIUE IIEJtrI. I{eau rpelgonaraxrr paBBE_
tSErKaf. Trre rro8raBareJrbgE[x cuoco6nocrefi , ua*ucou. ueffinrruogr,
O6IrqeETe uJrtfirrrrx rrnco.ilBggro3 [EocrpaEgoMy s3br*y uoro o6qeaza, ilopuulnBaF e EaBLrrsoB carorcolT1xlns E
KOETpOnfi perrz ApyFnx J raqExcs, a Tarcxe pasBETUe rrcf,_
r xllrlecrzx i[yaxqzfr yqarrlrrxcs: t[Lrrrrrrerrg, auo@, rm-
Br6olerona M-3-, flo6prrnIsa H.B., Jlescras E.A. Arrrarficrrfi ssEm
I.rf, xrr€m;rrx. M: Ilpocreqpme, 1994. MEFI{.fi , BOJIE, IIAM.fiTtr.

?frpa, KaK roBopzl JI.C. Brrrorcrnft, BeAer sa co6ofi paBBE-
flpoqecc o6yrerun l{EocrpanEoMy'fi sbrry BEocrrr KoMMy-
rue. PassuBarcqee sEaqenr{e lrrpbr saJlorrceuo B cauoft ee
E[rKaruBEyIo EatrpaBnerrnocrb, crporrrcg ua yctuofi ocEoBe'
trpolrcxo4uT B ErpoBoft ipopnce c EctronbsoBaErleM cruxoB,
uprrpoAe, u6o urpa
- aro BcerAa oMoq,lru, a tau', FAe aMo-
I rreceH, crrHTaJIoR
uSyqaeMoM rlEocTpaHEoM fi8brKe..
Bcelr yupancFeEr{gM, o6yvarorquu ycrEosgLrqEonry o6rqe-
qrru, TaM arcTEBEOCTr, TaM BETIMAEEe E nOO6panCenue, TaM
pa6oraer MbrmJrenrle.

I EEro, rrpnAaelcs KoMMyEEKarnBEo-ctrTyarIlBEa.s o6ycnonlen-

Eocrb. Oiptperrraauocru o6yreaus cuoco6crByer MaKcEMaJIl-
Tarurc o6paoou, Erpa 9To: 1. ,{earenruocrb. 2. Monusu-
poBaruocrb. 3. llsgngzAyaJlbEaa geateriruocrb, JrEtIEas.
4. O6y*euue n Bocrrr(ra-Erre B KoJrJreRTrlBe u qepeo KoJIJTeK-
arrft yrer cuoco6socreft o6yraeubrx, lrx EaxJronlrocreft, ncn-
xororzqecxofi cosMecurMocrrl upu nog6ope [apruepoE Ans
rrs. 5. Passurse trcrxrlqecrux $yur4uft u cuoco6uoctefi.
6. <V.resue c ]rBJrerregtrenar (C.JI. Co.ronefiuzr)r.
B gannou uoco6ur fi 6yAy roBoprrrb o roM, xax a pa6o-
[nn peamrsaquu etux q,e;reft ueo6xognuo EcrloJlbsoBafb Taro Ea,q a.n$aaurou, Qoneruxoft, tucauteJrbEblMr{, rar o6y-
pasaoo6paeEbre MeroAbr, rrpl{eMbr, qro6bl axtrrBrrszpo.rarb
uaro ,4erefi rrreEEro, AIs qelo Eyrr(Ebr rrpzeMEr coqgo-trrpo-
IearenbEocrr pe6enra soo6q6, qro6sr ypor craJl oMoquo- noft uetogrrll, o trprrMeEeEuu JrexctrKo-rpaMMarruecrclD( nrp,
EaJIEEBIM, rlETepeCEbrM, AarcqrrM Bo8Morrcllocrb tro3EaErr,fi .
crcrrcerno-poneBrrx u firp-ApaMarzsaqlrfi , KaK Eaqunaro ypor,
O romj IiaKIle EpneMbr r{ MeroAbr' naftgennne B MeroAlr-
Karyro r{ Rarc Ecrronbayxl EariJrffAnocrr, 6eg roropoft ypor B
secroi nzreparype, Bgsrbre ug otrbrra Apyrtrx lnureleft ruru
sasanrqofi mrcoJre Ee Molrcer 6rrrr gocraroqno pegynbra-
trprlAyMasEtte caruoft, s ucnonbsyrc' KorAa roronrro cgofi
TrirBHbrM n trpoAyKTr.lBEbrM.
ypor, uoftger peqb Aarbrue.
Jho6oft ypor ,qonr$es 6rrrr yBnerarenlubrM, BbrsbrBarb
PaccuorpnM TeIrepB, qro Ece rarcoe urpa. llrpa aBJrffercs
HETepec y Aerefi; BeIb EETepec sBJrsercs rnassofi ABuxcy-
4eftcrreuarrM nEcrpyMeEToM lrpetroAaBaEug, roropuft arc-
u1efi cu;rofi trooEaBareJrsuofi 4earerrbrrocrrr. II or roro, ra-
' rcuu 6yger Earr&lro ypona, saBrrcrrT MEoFoe. Ha.raro ypoxa
BBoJlf,er cAenarb yse6urrft upoq,ecc Ep[BnerareJrbEbrM r[ IIE-
BcerAa Aon)r€Eo 6rrrr euoquoEaJrbrrbrM. Moncso EauuEarb
TepecEbrM, gacraBJrger yrraqfixca BorsoBarbcg u trepe*(q-
ypor Becenofi uyarrrofi. ff nro6;rro EatruEarb ypoK TaK Ea-
aarr. 9ro uoqrrrft crrrMyJl K oBna{en}rlo fiBbIKoM.
arrsaeMoft <ranpo oft san,sgroftv. B rocru K AersM trprlxoAfiT
flo Mseuuro trcuxoJrotoB (A.A. Jleoursen), MorllBaqrrfi'
craaoqubre repou, ,r![Boruhre. Bce ero uogB(urser cooAarb
cosAaBaeMaa urpofi, To ecrb trrpoBas MorrlBaqus, AoJrtKEa
aMoqrloaaJrrryro- aruoc.Qepy ypora, E caMoe rJraBEoe oro
6urs npegcrasJlena a yue6nom upoqecce sapfiAy c KoMMyIrE.
TO, qTO rrOffBJreEI{e CKaSOqEOTO trepcoHaE('a, fOBOpgUIerO Ha
rarunuoft , troalraBareJlrsofi ll ocrerrrqecnoft uorunalzefr .
rrEocrpaEnoM sBBrKe, crauoBurqfi rofi uotngh4ueft, 6ea ro-
,{.8.'OlsroEEE cqtrTaer' qro rlrpa BbrtroJruser rrerbrpe ropofi EeBoBMoncEo Bcex rrocuaBareJrbEbrx upoq,ec-
saxsefimftx Ans qeJroBexa (!yur4nu: cpeAcrBo paaBurrr,fl
coa u o6yveErre peqeBorvry o6rqenrro.
MorraBa4rronuo-uorpe6socrsoft ct[eprr, cpeAcrBo nogsan[s,
<ll4ee r.rripbr c tcyxloft, EepcoEar$eu, roroprrft, BorrJro-
cpeAcrBo pasBtrrEf, yMcrBenEbrx 4eficrruft u cpeAcrBo trpo- qeprlr,
rqa.n otrpeAeJrenubre \reJroBerrecKne rrogBoJrger 6o.nee
HanpaBJreEso n ru6xo MornBr{poBarb peqb'yqauluxc.x Ea
llrpa rcerga lrpeAlroJlaraer uprr{,ffBue peureEr.rfl: KaK tro-
crytrtrtrb, ttro craaarb, KaK Bblrlrparb. 9ro o6ocrpger Mbrc-
JrrlrenbEyro AefireJllEocrb ] Iaqrxcs. Ifuesso B Erpe Aerrr Coaosefi'rur C,JI. flgxrosbre rl pelreBbre trrpbr na ypoKe EeMeqroro
asu,xa f/ llnocrpannrre fishrxrr B ruxore. 1996, N 3.
ycBa\Baror o6qecraennrre tpynxqlrr{, HopMBI .troBeAenrrff.
ypoKax, saJrorceEa B yqe6EEKax EeMeqKorto sSErKa. pyccRyro EapoAEyro cKa3r(y iIIo qyureltry Be-ileEtr(}r- flo-
II.JI. Bru (ruo6ourrrrnfi Eyparuro, Jrtrpsubrfi @oua, pe- aroMy Ea ypore 6rrsaet Euers, EernytrErfi' y4aunnr,rft u
Irollrep TIIPaiSurYc)rr. ,, 1
oa6asrlfift . 9acro Ectronba5irro urpyrrrru-SBeprour€'E' Tarc Karc
Tax rax urpa c ryraofi trpeAcraBnse-r co6ofi oAEy EB uoAo6nrre trepcoEarrcll 6arlrce Bcefo AeTsru-
paauon44notreffpoJreBbrx Erp, oEa rrMeer cBoE ctreqnQuuec- fiyuaro, rrro trI]ExoA (rocrfit - aro eule u BosMo:*croci6
rue oco6ensocTn. trpocnJrrtrarb rerccr (ayluposanze), uto6rr yra,4arb' Km ce-
I. B. flqrcoscxas B csoei crarbe rKyx;ra r poaerofr urpert roAEfl trp4Aer B KlIaCc.
rrumer o crretryroqzx ilynxqr.fix KJru(JrLr Ea y-poKe: Haupzuep: Once upon a time there lived an old man and
1. INIICJIA-MACKA. an old woman. They had 3 sons: 2 of them w.ere clever, and
K5ncaa, oco6exso rcyrJra-BBep5[rrra, EMeer ffcEo Bhrpa- the third was not silly, he was lucky.
xcermrfr xaparrep.- Yupnrurrfi ocJrEK ua rro6oe uo6yxcgenue! Once he was sent to bring water from the river. When he
oTBeTEf OTKaSOM, XETpa,f nECa trepea,qpecyeT trpr{Ka3 unE put his pail into the water, he caught the fish (the pike).
upocr6y,qpyrouy, a MegzTeJrrsrrft MeABencoEoK nepecnpo- How do you think, what is his name?
crr, qerf BbraoBer xoIDBoe rroBTopeE[e npoer6rr. Kyrcly uoxc- IIsoFAa, Earluuaff cuofi 54pox, s trctronb3yrc perreByxl 3a-
Eo tr(rcTaBzTb B psA crtyaqnfi, KoropBre He BcerAa y4o6uo n"l*t, nogo6nyro sroft:
rrpepoxcrrb rreJroBery (orpuqate;rruaa ponr).
- SHAK CIITYAIIIIU. How are you, children?
2. KIrICJIA We are fine, thanks!

[epe4 rclaccoM troflBJrffercs EeBEaKoMag KyKJra. Ero co-

- How do you go?
- Quickly! (rrpr Drrtron-
BIaeT CT[Myn K AEaJrory-pacctrpocy.
- How do you jump?
- HighlY! 'Aertr
- - :
- Merrilyl Efirof nef,-
- How do you play?
- BeautifullY! crrza)
+Mrr -= B3pocJrbre, a KyKnbr How-do you dance?
- Eamtr 4ern. o6racErrTe Ba-
rrrqM .qersu, rcarc EaAo rrepexoAzTb VruIV, xar 4oftrz ,4o
- -
How do you learn English? With pleasure!
- -
4. rcyrcJlA - TPETbE Jrrrqo, ITPEIMET PABTOBO- {acro lrpunorrry B KJIacc uoco6ue se6o;rruoft i[opurr (wc-
PA. Kyrera EpoMoKJIa roA AoilcAeM. ffnoxo ce6a vyncrnyer. JrrrreJrbElre, K trprlMepy). fleru yranbrBapr, rITo sro.
Paccra:rcn Bparry, v.tro crytrurocb, trotrpocz coBera. {acro AoBepffn pe6eury Eaqarb ypor. Taxzru o6paaoru, u
Ilelleosa:rcz uory3 6rrrr rroJlotrcureJrbgbre tr orpuqareJlb- no4o6rrrx peqeBlrx ctrTyaqrlffx trgBTopffercfi Jrerccura' co-, EO OEtr,qpy3bff EnE SEaKOMbre 4ereft, y Erx ecrb cBos BAaercs MoruBaqrrfl Anfi AaJlbEefiruefi pa6orrr, aro z cuoco6-
ceur.*, 6zorparlual xapaxTpp: crByer 6oaee yctrerlrroMy ycBoeEExr uarepzana.
V uess E rJraece rrctrByr,Tou u Astuea, @orua n Epeua, Ha saqa:rrEoM orarre o6yvenra trEocrpeguouy ggbrry
yirra^fi r€y.rcna Maftr, rcoropafl BcerAa.rrpEEocET Ea ypoK tITo- trpoucxoArr tpopuuponaure cJryxo-qrctrsnoczrerrrroi 6aaEil.
TO EOBOe U UETepeCEOe. flpozanocureJrbubre EaBbrKu Ea trepBoM ararre upuo6pera-
flerz,r rcar E Bgp(rcrr're, ffo6qr uonyrrarb uucb'Ma, troero- IoTCS B OCIIOBEOM ITYTEM u'IltrETAIIrrI, SATEM ESYIAIOTCS EX
My. n Eau rrpEEocET troTlTaJrr-or fle.rrzn. ,fl o.resr nro6aro rpaQuvecrue ctrMBoJrbr (tparcrpzu4rg), asyro65rrrenrrre
coorBercrBrr.f, , trpoBoAutca 4ztpipepeEqrarlfifi Mexc4y rroxo-
r ,rctrMr[ ua uepnrrfi BarJrflA BByrsaME-
,Iqnorcxa^s I-B. ICyr:ra r ponerofi wpe // r{riobrpaaurre f,BLrrcn B 1985. Js 5.
10 11
Oco6olo BnrMauras tro groMy Bonpocy BacJryxuBaer cra- 1. Vnpaxxenn,fi Ea rpearrpoBry g6reft B Bocupraarull r{
rrs B. H. Hururenro eO6yreurre npolrsnomerriro gerefi rrpor{gHorrreur4rr sByKoB }r cJIoB, o6paa4or o6ulenraa, coAep'
6 ner s Kypce a.ur.ruficxoro ,fiBbrra Anfi I KJraccar, B Koro- xcaqux ril.
pofi ronopurcfi, rrro npu o6yvenuu npolronoureunrr gerefi 2. Bropaa Dpyrua yuparrcxenilft nanparaexa Ea Qopuu'
I 6-7 aerxero Eoopacra neo6xogur'ro:fqurbrBau 3 Qaxropa. poBarrue peqeBoro cnyxa. Pe'resofi unz Sonelvraru'recxnfi
cnyx paaJrlruarr sByxonofi cocran peur
1. @opuupoaaErre cnyxoBbrx n aprrrxyn,sqrronubrx Ea- - ero cnoco6socrb
ur cvr:TegttpeBarb BEaqeHrIe rrp]I BocnpurTrafr pevz. Ora
BbrKoB ocyrqecrBnfiercfi Ha rex cJroBax u o6pasqax; rcorol
pbre Aerrr 1nrarcfi ynorpe6rarB B AasrrBrft MoMesr. Taruu rpynfla BKJIIoqaer s ce6s ynpatrgerr]rs Ha:
o6paeou, nocJreAoBareJrbnocrb pa6orrr nag QoneruqecrsMu a) ruarDQepenqnaq,uxl sByKoB: Aonrux !r Kparrlrx r:rac-
speAcrBaMr o6ulenun orrpeAen,fierc,fi peqeBbrMu eAunlrrlaMrit, Hbrx, Metrcoy6nux u r.A.;
ucuoJrB3yeMblMr{ Ea ypoKax. 6) sa ssyrosofi auanus caos.
2. Ocosnannoe oBJlanesue flpouosoruesueM crponrc,fi r{c- 3. unrepecubrMtr orcaaaJrrrcb Ant M€Es r! yupatrcEennr'
xoAa lrs oco6eunocrefi sayrorom cocraBa anr.nuficroro fiBbr- paepa6orannrre E. LI. Hernlnu4rofi, B ocrroBe rcoropbrx,trpu.
Ka c J reroM poAsoro ssbrrca. I.B. Porona u lI.H. Bepeqa- eM ocoguarrnofi (e uo4patrarrue arrrnuftcroMy lro'
ualla rroJrarax)T, qTo: nyraror), rrocrauoBrr! anr.nuftcxoro aKqeETa. na pyccro.
a) onyrra,.raAenTraqubre B pyccroM z anr.usficxoM ,EBbrKax, fiBbrtruoM MarepuaJle. floerouy, BHas MHoFlIe pyccKlre cro-
EatrptrMep [m, b, s, z, gl, ne rpe6yror cneqrraJrbuoro oSyve- poroBopKrr r{ qucToroBopKlr, s ucIIonLsJrK) cneAy()ll$r€:
gouofi rosa [d].
II}Ifi; 3a-ga-ga
- yxo4lr
MaMa uoer ualrrura [m].
6) enyrcu, HecKoJrBKo orrtuqarorguecg or F'.a:[orfirrubrx B -
pyccrcoM soBrre, Tarcae, Karc [t, n, d, I, €,.[, p, k], rpe6yror Hant floaras uouaJr B rcatrKatn [p] u lpyrue.
Kopper4rrlr: IroxaSarb, Karc uponsnocsT oTrr sByrrr anrnrft- Taruu o6paaou, uogo6nrre yflpalxrreEr{s u upzeurr o6y-
qenras noMoraror une,qo6utrcfi arrnporctrMlrpoBarrnoro upo-
cKne MaJrbtlvtr<tt u AeBoqKu ;
n) rperrr rpyfltra BByKoB, K KoropblM ofrnocxTcs Be Bcrpe- rirsnoureEras AJrfi ToFq, sto6br cocrosJrocb o6qenue.
uabrquecs B po4rroM .EBbrKe gByrcn [w, h, 6, Q, E, D, rl, {ro6rr $oxerz{ecxas BapsArca 6rrna untepscHoft, rrrpo-
rarcrrce rpe6yror o6rscsesu.E aprlrxyn,Erlr{}t. nofi, ,r craparocB trprr4ryBrBarB r{rpbr r[B crtrxorBopenr,rfi, uer:
Heo6xogurvro Eayqrrrb Aerefi pallJlrlqarb Ha cJryr( paBuftqy B Bepocrltruufi na asrnnficrou aabrre, Ilol6upas rrerBepocrl{-
rrrrr,E, crrlxl4, a o6paqa;ra BnlrMarrnei Ha rlacrory yuorpe6ne-
sByra>(: [i: - i], [u: - u], [s - 0], [d - d], [c: -c], [e - e], [w. v],
Hrrs rono uJrr{ urrolo BByKa, uo46rapala rrarnsAsbre uoco6us
[a: - ,r], [e - i], [n - O], [d - z].
3. I{enenanpaBJleunafi pa6ora na,q QopmuponaHueM cry- u;rra @onoearrr{cb, airenr craBuJra qeJlb, AJrg orpa6orrz Karcrrx
xoBrrx lr aprlrKynsqilourrbrx EaBBTKoB y ua.nnmefi [poBo- BByKoB ,r 6yAy nsrrorlbooBart. IloAo6nlre tponetra.recxrze ]rnpbr
unrepecflbl AersM Ir clfyrrcar He roJrbro orpa6ome u1x)usuo-
ArlTCs Ea Crreq,rraJlbuoM oTaIIe yporca
- trIxrussocuremnoi
sap,EAKe. B ee ocnoge gByrorroApaxrareJrbuaa srpa c nrrre- rueHnfi orAeJrbEbrx SByKoB, EO el paBBrrBarof naMgTb pe6eara,
pecEbtMll MerrrrMaTeJrbrrhIMMIoIceTaMlI, uocTofiHHbIM rrep- $oneunrrfi c.ry:<.
coHalK€M rcoropbrx sBJrfiercfi secerbrft asuuficxaft gabrs6r Cor.racno rpe6osaauaM nporpauMrr o6y.rcEas rlHoerparr-
Mr. Tongue. HoMy ,EBbrKy r uepnrrft rog o6yvexrlff ]^ralquec,fi AoJItnHbr
ycBourb rexHurty nlrcbMa, Eayqurbcg uuc,arb 6yrnrr r{ oBJIa-
$enupoao'urlre yrrparrcrregzs BrJuorraror s ce6s IBe lp]rrr-
ubr yrrparrcnemfi: 4err opSorpai[uefi cJroB, ycBoennbrx ycruo ]r uctroJrboyeMbrx
t2 13
B rrucbuessbrx y[p&Ecseu[sx. Ifpoqecc oBna,qeEua rpaQu- .Bi 20cornacsrrx 6yrn, gareM trocretreEno uAefsuaroucrBo c
rofi u op(lorpaQrei axr.rurficxoro sabrKa oKaobrBaer IroJIo: t rJracEbrMn 6yxuaruu r[ sreErreM. Irftuesso eto z adrpy4aset
trcrrreJrBEo€ noe4eicrntse Ha rrrKonbraroB, Ba paoBrrrre ua- t 6ncrpoe rrreuue u troxnuantre asr.lrnficxoro rercra. Tor,
tgT[, BoJreBE[K rarrecTB.
t.l rro pa6oraer c MaJrrrrrraMa, lf,eEg uoftuer. f,[ uolarato, uro
' ;\t
Couocraszrgg6gr.rfi aEaJrEg cucreubr rlerlarEbrx gHaKoB oa ARyxMecgqrrwfr uepzo,q trB]rqeEufi am;rtaficrcnx corJIacEEEK
pyccrcoFo ,sobn(a u noJrJrrrerrarEoro (print scrip+) asr.nrafic- 6yxn npozcxo4ET aa6brnaEue E tryraEzqa.
KoFo.f,gbrra troragbrBaer, qro Bce 6yrs6r uocJreAEero Mo)rcrror floenouy, qm6rr u1x)qeoc ycBoesus am:ulficrux 6yxn 6rut
paa4enrrb Ha rprr rpysuH:,1) cxo4urre c pyccrllMlr; 2) uac- 6oree npoqErrM I[ peoyJrbrarrrBnbrM, g perIrEJIa o6parvrrca
TEITEO CoBrra,qaroqEe rro EerrEcaEnro; 3) 6yrrrr, EaqepraEue K rrpueuaM ooqno-rlrlnnofi uerogzru, gJreMeETrr rompoi a
KOTOpbTX rresEaKOMO pyCCKnM JrqaqrrMcs. nprrMeE[Jra uMeEEo rc ugyrreguro asunftcroro an(pa.anra.
Orcro4a cJlgAyerr rrro trpu o6yuenuu rpaOrare Bar{cuo rlc- flpueurr coqtro-[rpoBofr rrrerogurz a noo6qe uctroJrbsyro AJrs
troJrbaoBarb 4uQQeperqgporanrrrft troAxoA. o6yueuua Aenefi, Tarc rcarc Bce MeroAbr, @purr u coAepxaEue
O6yrenne rpaQnre Brouoqaer s ce6.s: BplrreJlbuoe Boc- TearpaJrbrrBrx JrrrparrHewfi peattnsyxrr oAEoBpeMeEEo rprr
upu.fiTne 6yxarr, (praxeaqrro yqlrreneM BHrrMaEEff yqarquxc,fi q,eJrr{: [orpyncaror Aereft B trpnc]qyrl uru srExuro qpbr, cura-
ua oco6eEsocrax Earreprauus 6yrrrr, EerracaE[e 6yxrrr yua- xuBaror paMrcu ypora,-paoBrlBaxrr y 4erefr uonegabre 4as
TTIDMUCS IIOA PYI{OBOACTBOM YqATENfi B KJIACCE, TPEHIIPOBKY y.re6rr lr ucryccrBa uczxrfqecrcue cq)yrcrypBr: BHEMSH-Ee,
B Earrucagnr 6. yxnn AoMa. yqrrr{uecg yqarc,ff tr}rcarb roJrb- nooQpaxcenuer MrrrrrJreEue, BoJrtro, rranf,srb, npu,qaror ]rse6no-
Ko EoBbre Ans Errx 65ncarr, Karrrx Eer B pyccxou al@arure. My BpeMerru uprrBnerareJllnlre q;la 4erefi. rcarrecrBa rrETe-
O6v.ras gerefi Bropbrx KnaccoB (neprrrfi rog o6yrenur) pecEoro n BeceJroro TpyAa.
a.srnuficroMy asbrry, EnocrptgEoruy an@arury no VMK l. Bonsmoe ggaqeEze B pagBurzz Qesraguz, IraMfiTE,
Iit.H. Bepeq,alunoft, T.A. Ilpzrrrrnuoft, rolos,ficr K ypo- .
,rceJrarrrrfi troEsrb r{ gatroMrrnrr 6ycny rluoggrrtluoro a;r([anu-
KaM U BrrAg pe3ynbrarBr, s EeBoIBEo cloJrKHynacb c HeKo- ra HMeer urpa cKAI{ITIO ByKBy fl IIIIIIfVT. .
rlopbrMu TpyAE(rcTsMn n o65rueuzu a.nQannry u natralruofi Vqnre.rn cronr cuuxoi rc KJraccy. floAam pyry c lfieJroru,
asrrsfterofi rpevoTe. rrrlurer B BoBAyxe 6yxsy. ,{eru nonxubr youarb 6yxsy, satrtr-
Ha uoft BsrJrfiA, ecrm 6rl npnuquu nocrpoefrua o6yuenua carb ee. Earenr [poBepseM, KTo rcaryrc 6yrgy ysEaJr. Cnoe-
anr.rufteroMy .rreunrl E uncbMy 6rra 6olee 6.rugor R pyc- o6paaarrfi ua.nesrrrfi 6yxseunbrfi ArrrcraET. floe4uee ponr
crcoMy, ycuex r o6yvenuu 6rr;1 6u 6onee sgaqurereu. yrrurens MoJrcer BbrrronEnTts pe6eEor.
O6ysaff pyqcrcouy qrenqrc u trucbMy; ytrurenb trorlrl[ oA- 2. Vrpa cXOPOBO,{r. Vqeszxr, BgsBrrrucb Ba pvEE,
EOBpeMeEEO SEaTCOMUT yqarqtrXcfi C rJrScEbrMn rr corJracEbr- (rnuryrr xopoBoAou Ba,qaEryro Jrqr.rreneM 6yrcsy. [o uaua-
rm 6yxra-ru[ tr gByrcau-rr. Vveuuxn, BEag Bcero EecrcoJrbrco na trrlcbMa Bce Aon]IcEhI cTofiTb B xaoTFrecKoM nopfiAlce.
cornaesiut u oAry'rnacryro 6yrny, y:rceaaqnuax)T utrTarb rr flos,4nee, uo4o6mm o6pasou MosrcEo BagaBarb Koporrue c[t>
rrrlcarb, EarrpuMep, M, H, TTI u raacnar A (c;rorlr' cJroBa, Ba, Earrpr4tMep: dog, pig, not, hot u Apyrue.

- oro
npe4loxceuza). <Xopono4-uucbMo) ytrpalrcuenue sbruoJjrnsercs
AIVI IvIAMA IVIAIIIA JIerKo, ecnu xopoBo4 noorymeu z coo6pasureJreE, eqtru Be-
IIA .IIAIIIA Ayrrlafi xopomo firrrrrer, To ecrb BEaer, rcar Eaqllnarb tru-
Hanla Mflttta. ftra, Mernat carr 6yrry I rcar ee rrzcarb. 3ra urpa Aaer xopouryp paa-
IIo yve6unry aurnuicrono ssbrraBgaqaJre BBoAsrc,fi Bce Mrrrrcy u cor.lracoBaEEocrB 4rurcenuft, tcpoMe rono, uMeer
t4 L5

Sa,qaErre, Aeft cTBr{er pesyJlbrar r trprleM' KOJrJreKTrlBHbre pa3- rrry ee E Kopgunoqxe, n nefi {rrtrrByrr ng}nrerrnbre 6yrrsr.
EorrpaBHbre AeftcTBrlfi U rIeTBUfi p€3]nbTaT; B erou ee troJlbsa Ilpoxograr Heroropoe BpeMa,.Aeru youaror rrecrcoJrbKo 6yrs,
eqe Kari TpeE rpoBKril KOJIJTeTCTTTBHOfi pa6orbr. u ryr cryqaeTcg qTo-To EeBepo.ETEoe: B KOpSrrEKe (IIOCeJrg_
3. Ilo'rru B caMoM EaqaJre o6yqeHus rtoroBJlro pe6sr Ar'fi erc.E) rray$. On upo*coparasbrfi r{ (rphraerr rranrrd 6yrrrr.
pa6orrr B rpyrrrre. lplmnrr troJryqaror aa'qanue: salyMarb ]r Cnacana Aerr{ yra,qhrnaror 6yrny, rJrsA,E na Hee. florou
rnso6paarari nro6yro zeyuennyro 6yxgy. Ilrpa TIICIIBOft AJI- MLr nrpy ycnorrcnseM. ,{eru Eaorrlytrb c BaKpLrrLrMr{ rJraoaMu
@ABIIT'' coqeraer s ce6e sa,qaqn qHcro y're6xrre (nosrope- yragrraaror 6yxny. Ilrpa ue roJrbrco rrpocro lrnTepecaa, Ho rt
sse a.Ernsficxoro atQasura) rr rearpanbrro rBopqecrtre, ttlrl.l uoaBoJrfier pasBuBarb y gerefi ucrrxuqecxrae n Szeurrecxr{e
TOrrEee, TpeEilpylorque lr pasBnBarouryle Qaaraazro, soo6pa' cnoco6nocu, cuoco6crByer BarroMr{Irarrr{rc 6yrn lrnossrr.ruo-
,rceurle, yueni're pa6orau KoJIJreKTnBuo. O4na rpytrtra gerefi ro a.nQauura.
trpeAcraBJrfier cBorc 69rsy' ocraJrbubre Aerr{ Aontrrrbl yra' lf n garrnou cJr!ryae ne o6oftrracs 6es HarrsAnocrlr, Koro-
Aarb, qro tro ga 6yrua' Bareu Saranfie Molxuo ycJlotrcErrrb: pafi B oAEoM cJr]ryae o6ecuequsaer upaBllJlbnoe ocMrrcJrenr{e
rrarrucarb ne6o.nrrsoe cJroBo. MarepuaJra, B ApyroM onopofi Ans ero tronrrMa_
4. 11, saxoseq' trSBecrgar t.fnoucras rrarrrrrnca* (a ee En cJl]rx, B TpeTbeM
- cJrytrcr{T
cosAagr ycnoBl4s Ins elo trpaB-
rrcrroJrbsyro, Korga llsBecreu recr a.nQasrar). llrpa [peArraa- Tl1rrlecKoro nplaMeHenu,g.
Eaqeua Ans ycraoro troBTopenr{s' AoBeAeHus anasufi anQa- Iloerouy g;ra eQQexruBnono sarroMnnanun 61nca asrnufi-
BrrTa Ao aBTOMaTUBMA, SaTeM ylrce ero Eatrrrcarrl4g. crcoro a.n@anrara g r(groToBr.rJra raxue EarnaAHLIe noco6ug:
I[ sor EecroJrbro co6crsensbrx HaxoAoK. ,{;rs aauourtn agrng. upaBiln qreun.n.
1. Oqeur qacro ucrroJrbsyro urpy eBVItBA nOTEPff-
JIACbr. Ilpocraa urpa. flepeA HaqaJroM ypora upavy 6yr- 1.
sy rAe-ss6yAb B KJracce. ,{eru 4onxEbr pasbrcrcarb y}rce oua-
KoMyro urvl 6yrsy u ilpaB sareM Harllrcarb'
2. Ilacto ucrroJrbsyxl BVKBVT. Ha sa'
6opuor'r troJrorlre EaxoAsros uBJrseHHEre 6ycnu' Bepxnna znu
rrarrcufis rlacrb 6yrr sarprrta 6yuarofi. fierz Aon,rcrbr y3-
uam 6yrny tro ee troJroBune. Llrpa pacnuBaer noo6paxcenue,
Toqsocrb, cuoco6crayer paoBr{Trrro a6crpartEoro MbrruJre'
3. Ha croJre paanoil(enbr 6yrnrr an@asura' ytrce suaxo-
Mbre AeraM. Vcacrguxlr rrrprr pae6uparor ux ll caurr
Bparqarcrc,f,r a 6yrnrr. Sareu urparor I r3naroucrBot:
- Good
- \Mhat is Your name?
My name is A.
- Let's PIaY!
-4. II nor lro6uuas BceMrr AerbME urpa <A Spiderr' {a'
cro .qJrs osrraroMJre;nulfl c sosoft 6yrnofi alQarura fi npr4Ho-
Cnaq&rra ,n BrrarcoMJrro c qrrcJrrrreJlbnbrMLl rrocpeAcrBou
I{a aureparyprr a nogo6pa;txa crrlx}t c 6yrnauu, Koropbre
sarnsAEolo uoco6zs (crvr. uprrroxcenue) u o6gaarenrEo co
ugJrlraeu, u upeguerurre Kaprrrurcx c nao6pa:rceHrreM rrcrrBor-
EE[K, rra8Barrzfi Koropbrx HaqlrEarorcs c erofi 6yxurr.

t Aa An Apple
It is very red and sweet,
Ecns uo Kapruxxe Aerrr ne Moryr Aora,qarbca o coAeprra-
xtm puQuoBrr!, Molr(Eo uepeBecrrl.
Sareu BbrrroJmseM clre.Ayroqre ytrpatKnesll,fi :
Arrd it's so good to eat.
Cc A Clock I 1. C.rer upeAMeroB.
I can tell you all the day: 2. PaccruarprrBaeM uarypa;rrarnZ p.EA rlucen u orBeqaeM
fime to sleep and time to play. Ea Bonpoc What comes before...?

Paasurue rroBuaBareJlbrrbrx rrpoqeccoB : BEr.rMarrlrs' Boc- 3. Baren Aerr yqarcs'Ba,qalarb Borlpoc: How many ...?
4. Tlro611 6rula sogrfioxcnocrb 11 uoctrrrrarr anepefi, u or-
rrpnrTr,g, aa6arogenu,g, soo6pat$euas' traugrrr n MbrrtrJre-
Etrt y MJra,quero IuKoJIbHrrKa lrAer rlocro,fiHno. Bctaer son- AOXrryTb, rr uolrpErrarb, g r(crroJrBSyro HecnoJrcEbre TeKcTbr Ea
agr;ruficrou .ggrrre.
IX)C, KarCrrM :re o6pasou yclrJrr4lTb pasBrrrrre troSHaBaTeJIbHbrX
5. Buuormseru qxlcrrre apnQruerrvecxue geftctuzff B trpe-
cuoco6socreft uocpe4crBoM rroagarvs rlnctra, rroMollb Aer.fiM
ycBorrrb HarypaJrbrrbrft psl tIr4ceJI xors 6rr r upe,qenax 10, AeJrax 10 c rh'r6a.nrcur. .

uIDrrsBoAuTb trpocTbre MareMaTr4rlecKue BbrrlrrcreHrrs: cJIo-

6. C.rer (1-10) AoBoArrM Ao.aBroMarlraMa e rloMorrlFrc
fUOgCxOft I1;ArrterEKIIr,
,IceEEe U B[,rtIflTaEIIe ga IIEOCTpaEEOM ggBlre?

7. IlcnomayeM rrprreM coqlro-firpoBofi rvrerogurr,r rBo;rue6-

One, one, one
. Little dog runs. Hafl [aJrorrrar (Magic stiek) AJrfl yrpa*cnerrrr,fi: One, three,
Two, two, two five, seven, nine.
Cat sees you. Marenrrne Aerrr orreHb xorffT Ha5rqurbcs rlrrrarb uL rrw-
Three, three, three carr. LI ecJrrr 1nrrrrenb Ee BocrloJrboyercg groft rsrofi rc rITe-
Bird on the tree. HIIIo, HarIEeT ]rqIITb tIuTaTb 4ereft IIOgAEee, pegyJlbTaT l[O-
Four, four, four xer 6urr ropasAo xltrrce, ocra6ner rrnTepec, uogBffTcs Apy-
Mouse on the floor. rl{e ,rdenaEE,fi.
Five, five, five ,fl coraacua c aBTopoM crarbrr rKar uayvurb Mairrrmefr
qfiTarb] T.I[. I4*coruuoftl, 1nrlrtereM'aqrnzficroro fiabrKa
Plane in the sky.
'Six, six, six B.B. Koponeeofi us Mocroscrofr o6nacru2, rITo rpe,Ilrr\tog-
' Two short sticks. nrrft uerog o6yvenua ornrruaer Maccy BpeMeuuiTpe6yer pan-
Seven, sevenr seven Bzroro a6crpaxurono Mbrrrureunfir.Koropoe y Aereft eroro BoB-
pacra cna6o paoBrrm. ,{eril vanqe Bcero yqarcf, qrrrarb Mexa-
Here is a raven.
Eight, eight, eight Hrrqecxlr, BatroMuEag cJIoBa qeJ[rKoM. B peey;rrrare oEE Ee
Apple on the plate. MoryT caMocrofiTeJrbno rrpoqurarr negnaxoMoe cJroso. no-
. Nine, nine, nine
I l4xorusa E.II. Kar Eayqrlrb MarrLrmefi cnrarr / f Vlrlocngannue aaLrKE
Rose is very fine. B rtrKorre. 1993. lS 1,
Ten, ten, ten 2 Kopoaeaa B,B. Us ruerogrruecroft trotrrhr. f f Vlsocrpariribre ssBrKE B
Say it again. rtrKoJre. f993. Js 5.

18 19
gToMyHy}I(EoLlcIIoJIbSoBarbpasJluqHbl€clo?Kefbl',I[cTop}Iu' B npucyrcrBrrrr BeceJroro MygErxasra R rreBurtLr A, O, I,
rrjpoBbre cplTyaqulr' Koropble rlpeAJro]r(eubl B'B' Kopoleaoft ' E, U roreuruBo Meuffror sBytrauue (rnu caora) far, Iark,
' flpuuep clorrcera. IIIIa 6yxra E no lecy, cnorrlryJracb' bom, her. Myarrrcanr He nonpaBlrrca 6yxne Y, ona orrcaaa-
rrepeBeprynacb n rrpeBparllnacb a 6yxay F' Eyxaa F roxce Jracb oT BcTpequ c EIIM.
yuara, cJroMaJIa pyry !r craJra 6yrnoft L' Ora clcaara r{c- Hecraxgaprnbre, BanzMareJrlubre crotrerbr fioMoraror Ae-
no;rrayeris AJrs oBHanoMJIeHrfi c IroBBrMra 6yraauu' T.fiM ycBolrTb rrpaBrrna qTeHr4g Bo Bcex Trlnax yAapHoro aHr-
Paccxae o rnacgsrx-g oTKpbIToM I4 salcpblToM TI{IIe cJlqra: nuftcxoro cJrora.
Eyrrsr peuruJrlr [oexarb rra cBolr Aarlubre yuacrru' [ra Texnoaorus o6yuenza rpaMMarrrtrecrlrM rr JrexcnqecrcnM
AoMrrKa: B oAnoM ABepb orxpblra (orxpurufi caor), Apy' cpeAcTBaM cTporaTcs rra rroJroxenrrn o KoMuysrrKartrsuoft
roM Barcpbrra (aaxPrrrrrfi uror). oprreuTaqun 1r ocosuarrrroM BJragerrnu gsbrroM. ffpasuarnan
EyrnaA soser roctefi a 4onr [ei - ei] (saxo4rate)' ICax roJrbro peaJruoarlrfi grr4x nonoxesr.rft o6ecuecnsaer peoynbrarlrB-
rm-rul6y4r xo.rer gafiM, 6ycra A earptnaen ABepb rl noBoprrr: Hocrb AefiTenbHocru o6rqenus, opraEraoyeuoft Ha ypore rr
[re - e]. Byxna E no6ur npsrarbcr Ha qep4axe lr Kpr/rtlarb: o6yclannllraeT ranTepec mxoJrbnrtrtos x Hefi.
noftrs; o-Ha Aepraer Ocsosnas Oysxqus rroJrorrcenrrs o KoMMysnraruBnoft
Fl y;rrr6aerca: [e - e]. oprerrraquu cocrorar B cogAarrtru Bcex ycnoBnft xouuynu-
nsrr. OHa He xoqer rtI-rurr orBeqagr: [ou - ou]' Baxprrs ArePb' o6y'renlls, r urporoft AefiTenbnocrfi. llrpa troaBoJr,fier opra-
O cagmc,fi BoBJre rrerlxtt u roBoprrr [c - c] (rcarc reu'rol)' HnBoBaTb o6y.renue fpaMMaTrIKe KaK yBJIeKaTeJI6urrfi npo-
Mnorue Apyr[e crcJrcerbl' Ircroprtu' urpoBbre clrryaquu qecc peltrerrnfi rcoMMyHr{KaTr{BEBrx SaAarr, pean}rsyroulux
,gBrrka' ol{r4 IIO- rrrpoBBre MoTI4BEI tI IIeJrrr KarfiAoro perreBoDo u HepeqeBoro
AOJTIItHbI 6srrr upe,4crasleHbl cpeACTBaMLI
IITe- ,qefi crsus. KorvruynuxaruBHaff sa,qaqa crrrMyJrupyer ar(TrrB -
MOraK'T yqauluMcE noIr,ETb oco6ennocrg allrauftcxoro
sug. ff ucrloJlbgyrc rlrrrepeglrbrft upueu, HecKoJIbKo cxoxczfi Hocrb KaxcAoro pe6enra B ToM cJryqae, ecna 6yger rruTe-
o6yqeHz,s pyccrcoMy cJroroBoMy
qrerrlrlo' pecna n roBopfirrleMy, u cnyuax)trIeuy. Haupzuep, Vura-
c ilpr[eMqM
Ilacnue 6yrnn A, E, I, IJ, O, Y uu HaBbIBaeM rleBr4rla- renb paoAaer KarrcAoMy pe6enxy no zrpyrure (Olya, take a
uru, 20 corJracubrx 6yxn - Mysbrrcauraura' Pngou cralr{M dog. Katya, fake a bird) rl npeAJraraer BceM AeraM rarcyx)
Myobrxarrra lI rleBrlqy. 0ro orrprrrlrft clor, TaK Ka:c neBurla KoMMynrrxarrrBuyro BaAaqy: eK nau upuruen Auperrop
Morr(er y6exarr n nro6yro uunyry. B orKpbIToM cnore 6trrr<ru rlilpra. Mrr xoruu, vro6u oH "rrpr,rrfiJr Eatrrrrx auepefi n
Jrerro ![ sBrrl{o uoror cBoe uuR (no, gq, me' my)' Ho uor quprc (ero uorrzs)..,{na eroro Hy}rcuo cracarb, qro on}r
qoffBlTJICS eqe oArlrr MysbrKanT cJIOr craJr BaKpbITbIM' yMeror Aenarb (ero r1e.zr). My cat can climb. My frog can
- met)'
got, swim. Jlerccurco-rpaMMarr.rqecxrre lrrpbr rroMoraror gaxpe-
flenue uei.zu llsMeurilJlocr
Oco6oe ssnMauue o6parrr,aro Ha cecrpuq I lr Y' I - crap' II}ITb SHAEIIfi JIeKCIlIqeCrcnX n IpaMMaTUqeCKIlx eAIlEVq, OA-
rua,fi cecrpa, Y Ona o'renu nro6ur crapmyrc u rroBpeMerrHo yuy6naercfi onsrr pe6enrca, pac-
- 'rilronennnfi
[rr{psnrca ero BHarrn.E o6 orpyxarorqeft 4efi crnr.rreabuoc-
BCerAa 3B]4rltT' HaK craplrrafi.
EyxraE nqPe Tr{, npupoge. (Onucaque JreKc}rro-rpaMMaruqecnux nrp
sByrrar coBc 6Yrc; cMorpr{Te B rrpunoxceaaw\,9ro wroryr 6rrrr rarze urprr:
rrro- e I{nerar, <L{aemrc-ceMrrrlBerrrr{, >, < Boouaprr, r.BHaroxu >,
na E, rotoP
6rr cnor crarroBllJrcfi orxpbrrbrM. I[ rorga ona MoJrqlrr' <,{oruuno>, <JIoTor.
20 2t
B urpe, r carrarrx paenoo6paenhrx cxaaoqrrrx cr{Tyarlusx or pe6enra trctroJruenrr,x raxoft-lu6o powr. Ora cruuynz_
pasBrrBaercfi oMoquorraJrrnar cQepa pe6enka, cBf,BaEHafi c pyer roo6pa:)KeHue, rpe6yer crorrcernbrx nocrpoenzfi, pac-
rJruaEucTruecKrrMrr ycTpeMJreEr[fiMrr, ycBarlBax)Tc,s 9JreMeE- npe4ereuu.s po;reft, cJroxculrx peqeBbrx raaNruogefi ctnmfit.
Tbr arurera, o6qeunr. Matepza.n, srnrosesnErft
KyJrBTJrprt Pexuccepcra,fi urpa troMoraer pe6enry BMecrr{Tb B cBoe
B croxcerno opraEusoBannr,re yve6nsrei urprr, cuoco6crryer <f,[> atsoxcecrBo pagJrrrrrEbrx o6paeou u noanqiufr., u reM
MEOrOKpaTrrOMy trOBTOpeHIrrO r! saKperrJreErlro JreKcrrKn, pe- caMbrM cruMyJrnpyer pacEocropoEnrom n 6otee o6sexrus_
qeBbrx o6pasqon, $onetnuecrrlx lr rrnTorraquorrxbrx aJre- Hyro oqeEKy cBolrx u rrytKltx uocTytrKoB.
MEIITOB. [n.a urp-gpaMarugarlufi rrao*cxo rrcrroJrbBoBarb MeJrrcrre
Croncerrr fiFp Moryr 6rrrr caurrura pasnoo6paaxrrurn. Ilx ,rrpyrrrrrr, ryxol-626a6o, c uouorqbro KoropLrx Aeru Moryr
ucrotrgtrroM MorVT cJrJrxcarb paccragbr, cKaBKpr, pagbrrpbrBarb cK)rrcer rrlpbr. Baganze Morr{er 6urr rarru:
urr, Qr.rnruur. O4naro Aerr.[ Fe AonJrcrbr Bce BpeMfi rmparq B II oKa]I(n cKaSICy, UCIIOJIBSyg
oArry u ry xce urpy, TaK Kar 9To Mertraer pasBr4Turo noo6pa- H yMeqaroTcfi Ha cToJIe, napTe
,rceurrg r4 TBoprrecxux cnoco6nocrefi. Ponenrre urpbr uoMora- v
xlr croEqeuTpzpoBarb BErlMarr[e xa o6rerrax (ncunornrre, ff zcnoareyro qailIe Bcero Macrz. Ero Macrcu, upuo6pe_
Bequ, uepcouaxcu). TeHHbIe B MaFaSLIIIe, aJIn EapncoBaEIIbIe, IfJIyf npocTo
'llrpaa B croJ{cerEo-poJreBbre rrrpbl, Aeru yqarc.n rrepeno- Jranrrbre ug Kaprurron c rloJroc$ofr. gtts. Toro, Ero6rr nx
curr 4eficrr,ursvs oAHnx ycnonuft B Apyrue, Harrunaror oAy- Aerb Ha roJroBy pe6eura,
IUeBJISTE HerrCIrByrO UpUpOAy, COSAaBaTb sJreMeETbI ITOBOIO. Vqacrue r uo4o6nofi llrpe crr{MyJrrlpyer K paoBrrrt4ro
Tar paanzBarorcs noo6paxcenue, Mlrrrurenrle, TBoptlecxr4e Bcex trczxLtr{ecr[*, no3HaBare,,rbHhrx trpo4eccoB! MorrlBrr-
cuoco6socrlr, peqb, BoctrrlrbrBarcTc.E EpaBcrBerrEo-BoJreBbre pyer peqeByro 14 gMorluouanbEyro Ae.ffTeJrbEocm
4ereft. .{err.r
KatrecrBa JrrFrnocrrl, nnTepec rc rnrrgocrrl ,4pyFoFo, yrrry6- aro6sr ucnoJruffTb paonfiqHbre ponz. B csoefi pa6ore r zc_
Jrfierc,fi coq,rraJrBnbrfi noJrboyro nrpbr-ApaM arr;sa\lau: ..Little Red Riding Hood,,,
OprarrzaoabrBa.s npoBoAs rlrprr, neo6xogurvro nocrogn-
u "Three pigs'r, "Three Little Kittens,', ,.Three Bears".(rer_'
Eo rroMEurr o6 ran4unrrAyaJrblrbrx oco6ensocrsx ncuxlrKrr crbr nrp MolKHo nainla B Krrure Itr.I. AlrdrvrArrt.firr <I4rpaa,
pe6eura, ero reutrepaMeETe. Carrrnuxur, EatrprrMep, o6.ra- JFrr4cbr. M: Ilpocnerrlenrre; 1936).
Aaer rroBbrmennofi pearTrrBuocmro. Ipouro xoxotlgr uo He- v. H'.(' IarlrcxoBofi,
snarrzTeJrbnoMy noBoAy. HecyqecrsessEfft Qaxr uoxer pac- B.vI. yve6aoro npoqecca
cepArlrb eno. O.renr arTrrBerr, pa6orocuoco6er. O6aagaer rro LruocrpannbrM ffBbrrcaM B Ea.taJrbnofi mxoae>r, cJreAyer
ocreoroft JrMa, EaxoAqun. Errcrpo ycBarrBaer Mareprra;r. Jlerro cKaSaTb, rrTo EaTJIgAEOCTb BBTUOJIEfieT cTr.rMynl{pyroqyro
,qrlcqnrurlrurrpyercE. Xo;repzr o6nagaer nrrcoroft arcruBHoc- Qynrqluo: Bo-rrepBbrx, BEyrpeEEfffi rirJrlr flBbrr(oBa.E EaryraA-
rrro, aeo6yggau, Hecgep?Ecan, BclrbrJrbrluB. @neruarur Tep- Hocrr ar<Tvlousvpyer Bocrrpr,rarue BByrrarqefi . usosabrqaoti
rreJrrrB, rrr4epxan, MeAJItrTeJreE. Menagxo;rnK rlacro, trJra- peqfi c npucyrqefi eft rpa-lmrarzqecxofi r1 LfEToHaqllossofi
uer, 6oaeenerruo aryBcrBlrreJreE. Ionoc ruxmit. Jlerro yrou- o$opunennocrEx), ior4a o6yuaeurrfi oqyqaer .co6ece4uz_
,{ern ouenr. nro6gr trpuxrrMarb :t lacrrre B paoJrrttlHbrK I lairrcrosa H..(., Hllrrrexxo
B.II. Oprauaaaqna yve6aoro [Douecca
Encqeurrporrcax, urpax-Apauarusarrufix. 9ra znpa tpe6yer rro rrgocrparrEhrM sabrrall s saqLnrsoft mr,orc "f llaodrprosig
/ 936r_
KnBruxorre. 1994.Mf.

22 23
Ka; BO-BTOpbrX, EaTJT.EAHOCTb CTlrMyJIt4pysT CosAasne CMbrC- Baer cMex, a fioroM r6ypror euoqrnft, rrceJrau]re roBoplrrb,
JroBbrx o6pasor, flpDrcyrqux HocrrreJrfiM,fi 3brKar ucnpaBnfiTb {xyAoxcEIaKaD.
Bce cpe4craa Earn,fiAnocrn (Bep6anbubre, unnrccrparlrB- rlro6sr Aerrr Jrysue ycBorrnu ne4c}t*y no reMe, s trprr4y-
rrbre, a rarrr(e xecrrr) cosAaxlr etpipexr npucyrcrBns B Ka- Maira IIeceHKrr Ha MenoArrl{ pyccKllx AeTcKnx IIeceE q MaKcrr-
rofi-ro rconxperaoft curyaquu o6nlenua u rroMoraK)r coxpa- MaJrbIrbIM r{crloJrbaoBaurleM JrercrrKe Iro reMe <Bpeueua Fogar.
Hlrrb B naMfiTlr gereft Tor cMbrcJr, rotoprrft HyrrcHo r{M rrepe- Eto ocesr noMoraer AerffM ycBorlTb neo6xo4zrlrsrfi o6reu
AaTb l{nu BocnpllEaTb. ] rrrr nx [paBt4nbrro llptriue-
u3yqaeMbrx uHo.gobFlHbrx cJroB,
. B ognou cJr]^rae EarJrsAnocrs o6ecne'rrasaer rrpaBllnbfroe HsTs Ary JreKCuKy.
ocMbrcJreurire MareprraJra, B ApyroM cJrylr(trT ouopoft ,4nfi ero BneK.raccnaa pa6ora no lluocrpanuolry,flqbrxy opraErr-
troHrIMAHH,fi HA CJryX, B TpeTbeM COSAaeT ycnoBrrfi Anfi ero qecru Bxo4rrr n yre6no-nocrrsrareJrbnrrfi upo4ecc. @opurr
nparcTr,rqecKoro trpuMerreErrs. Moryr 6rrrs caurrMr{ paonbrMrr: RoEKypcEr, oJruMntraAbl, Be-
[na eroro ,t llcnoJlbgyxr lrrpyurcn, KaprREKE, rroco6z,s, qepa, [pasAurrrlr. ,{ar u;ragmzx rrrKoJrbEEKoB Jr}ryrtre Bceno
Koropbre fi Aenarc caMa: Macru, uoco6ua o6yrenu,fi qre- npoBoAr{Tb npaSAHr{KtI c Eec.rroE(EbrMr! sHcqeEupoBRaMtr cKa-
nzro, uoco6za c neo6pancenlreM FepoeB Aerc*rrx uy.lrrrQlur- goK, c llecssMr4, rrrrpaMr{ B cTrrJre KBH. Ilpone4enue Bse-
MOB }I ,I(ITBOTHbIX, KAPTOITKI,I C qICJIIITEJIbHBIMIT IT MATEMA- KJraccnbrx sasgrufi noBhrrrraer r{ETepec K rrBJ renrrp nnocr-
TuqecKgMr.r nplrMepaMu, Ta6rucKII, AoMriIEo rro MEoFrrM Te- paHEono 83LIKA, paSBrrTItIO pasroBopgblx HaBbIKoB, IIOBTO-
MaM, reM caMbrM crapaficb o6ecuequrr peqeBylo unrrqrrarr4- peHuro r{ garperrJregrno as}rqeRsoft .rercnKu; pacurrpesnK)
ny gereft qepes aep6amnrre n lrJrJnocrparr.rBlrbre o[opbr, co- cnoBapuorb garlaca. Konga,qeru urparcT B trbece, rcrroJrnfi-
3.qarcqlle rrEfepec ]r BnyTpeElrrcto Morl|Baq,urc AegrenbEo- roT rlecHrl, AeKJIaMZpyIOT CAVt]Kn, yqACTByIOT B KOEKypCAX U
crz gereft Ea ypoxe. firpax, aro AocraBJrger uu 6o;rrmoe gcrerrrrecxoe Ea-
VcrlrblBas oco6ennocrn MraIltlero urrorbtroro Bogpacra, cnalcgeuue u cnoco6crsyer ynrry6tenrrro fislrKonux Buanufi ,
craparccr MesfiTb un4rr pa6or, TaK Kar€ pe6enor He Mor$er cosAaer y.racrue u ry MorrrraqlrK), 6ea roropofi ser trsyqe-
Aonro cJryrtrarb rr cJrbrmarB yqzrenfi. Ho saro uorpe6nocrr EUfi USOCTpaEHOIO sSbrKa.
ABrrrarbca, geftcrnonaru, o6ularrcs BenLrKa r{ cylqecrByer B fl nannca;ra cqenapuft u ycrtertrEo trpoBeJra upagAunrrr
pe6enre nocrofiEno. Snaqnr,- Ha ypore o6sgaremuo Karc <Anrauficrr.rfi a;r@anurr ("English ABC")
MITHyTHA OTABIXA UJrrir KaK rrprreM trepexoAa or oAHoro BIrAa - Anff BToporo
KJracca, 'Pets and Animals" An,fi.Tperreno KJracca, .,Who is
AesrenbEocrz K ApyroMy rrpncyrcrByrcT rroABlrrrcHBre uFDbI. the first?" Ans rperbero ll rrerBeproro KJraccor. ?Iurepecno
Osq roxe 6rrsaror pasuoo6paaubre: pyccrlre urphr rra aur- rpomen nonoro,4nzfi yrpenrrlrx (3 rnace) na asrruficroM
nnicrou Egbrrce, HarllronaJrbHbre rrrpbr, nrp6r-Tarrrl6r; lrrpbr- ssbrre, Eanr{cannhrft uo ruorusaM pyccr}rx HapoAEbrx cxa-
N@ETI. BoK, c yqacrueM crcasoqnlrx rrepcouarr(efi fiega Mopoea n
Xorenocr 6rr cragarr EecKoJIbKo cJroB Dr o Apyrux upll- Cnerypo.rrcu.
euax pa6orrr. Pa6orag nag reuoft <Bpeuena roAa', plrcyro B gauxou Qparueure Kunrrr 6rrm nprnreAenrr trprrMepbr
Kaprr{ny Enr{ Aenap arrnJrr.rxarlulo, B Koropoft sce nao6opor: I{rpoBblx npI{eMoB n MeToaoB: cKaSoqEble cIo}ICeTLr, trpllMe-
ne6o xpacnoe, ,qepeBbff pogoBLre, cneroBur Morrcer 6rrrr vep- H,EeMbre a o6y.renr4u qrexr{K), urrcbMy, @oneruxe; uoABrlx-
sblM. florcagbrBafl KapruHy, Irporuy gerefi ucupaBlrrb Bce, HLre, JIeKCI{KO-rpaMMaTI{rrecKne, cruKeTHO-pOJIeBbre uFpbr,
qro EelpaBuJrbrro HaprrcoBaso. 9ror trpueM cHavaJra Bbrahr- yMenoe u o6gynraxnoe trclroJrbgoBaurle KotropblK noMoraer MHe
r o6ygeulur gerefi lruocrpaHroMy,EBhrKy, ypor gMo-
24 25
qrronaJrbErru, JrBJrercaretrbEBru, qro crr(rcdcrBygr 6onee 6rr- reft pyccrouy fiabrrcyr rcorolrbre MolrcEo yctrerrrEo rrpuMenErb
crpoMy u trpoqEoMy ycBoeErrro uEosSlf,rlEbrx cJroB, trpocro n o6yuenzu';rro6ory EEocTpaEEolrtry ssbrr€y. cBo-uepntrx, 4e-
zE(rcTpaEEOrlO ff3Errca. : TflM AOJTJE(EO KaSaTbCs, IITO EaJ TUTbCS rOEOp[Tb EA rry}ICOIu
Ho, gcnoargyg trrpH, Bc€rAa trouErd, trro: ssbrKe EerpyAEo, xoTfi Ea caMoM'Aene eTo Ee Tarc EIX)cTo.
1. Bn6op (Dopurl urpbr Aonrrces 6rrrr treAaromqecnn vr Bo-nroprrx, Eyrrcuo, qto6rr y 4eteft rcax Moxcno 6rrctpee
AtrAarrllllecrr o6ocnorar. Hyxcuo BcerAa sEarb qenb ac- BOSHITKJIO tIYBCTBO, IITO OEE UOEIIf,A(}T EEO'3LIIIEYrc PEII6 U
uoJrbaoBagEfi Elpbr. yxe o6rscngrcTct ga tEocrpanuoM sgbrrce.
2. B rrpax AonrrsEo 6nrs aageftcrBoBaEo rax uoxcxo 6oirr- B-tpersrx, B trpoqecce o6ysexug rax uoncso qerqe co-
me rlerr{uxcff. sAaBarb peqeBbre crrryaqutr cneyue6uoror xaparTepa, To esrb
3. llrprr AonrrcEbr BOSpaCTy rr sSbII(O- Tarrle, ftoFAa pe6euor Ee qlrBerBysr, qro eFo o6Snaror rno-
BbrM BoguorrcnocrsM gerei. garrquoft pequ, u rorAa pe6enor EarrEer o6rqarrca rroroMy,
4.-Ilrprr qrylr€ar pasBrrrlrm Bcex BUAoB peueroft Ae,EreJrb- qro eMy Baxorrercg rrro-To coo6rqnrr, uonoBopurB c ytrrTe-
EOCTtr r! IIpOBOAsrCs Ea EEOCTpaEEOM gSErKe. neM, ApygLflMurl.
Iloerouy s trpuuenflrc trrpbr B MepV, q,enecoo6paeuo z
rrJreroBo. LIg scero cxagaEgoro Mo)rcno cAeJrarb cJreAylotrIne
1. Passee o6yrerze [EocrpaEubrM sBbrKaM cuoco6cruyer
pailBrrqro Bcex troaHaBareJrbubr:K rrpoq,eccoB pe6enx.a. Baus-

ile'rrna, noo6paxcems u MbrrlrJrenus. PasnnBa€vr Mbrqtrnre,rb-

Ebre otrepaqvts.i Alr.aJtr,s, cuETeg, a6crparqrro, cpaBEeuue,
2. OpranraoBr.rRafi JpoK trEocrpauuoro figrrra B EarraJrb-
gofi, JFr[TbrBafi JrIxrBeEb trogEaBareJrbEbrx
upoqeccoB 4erefi, neo6xo,4nuo uctroJrbooBarb urpbr, rsoro-
ptre cnoco6crnyior cos4aEurc coorBercrByxrrqero [c]rxoJlorn-
trecroro KJrEMara Ea yIDKe, pemaxrr upo6.reurr o6y.rerula;
paaBtrBaroT troaEaBarelrbryro E perreByto ar(TrrBxocrs tereft .
3. Ilrpu AoJrlrcErr 6rrrr caune paenoo6paasbte AJrff Toro'
'rro6rr rx ilorrcgo 6wro rpruensrb c
paggbrun qensuff rrptr
o6lneuuu n Qonernre, u lpauuarutne, a Jrercrrxe.
4. HaypoKax unocrpaEaoFo agbrxa ueo6xo4luno uctroJrb-
goBarb sarns4noerb, Koropas crzuynupyer trpoqecc o6yve-
EBs, v, pasBETEe rKxlEaBaTe,rsEbrx trpoq,eccoB.
'B saxnroqegue uae.6rr xqreJrocb o6parurr Brrrtulgne rra
m.A. AmosausnJln, AaHELre B ero
trptrEq,unbr ruero4nrri
rcuxFe e3lpascrByfrre,4em!r uo o6yvenroo rpysrltcxux Ae- r Aruosamrzru Itr.A. SlpascrByfrr€, ,qetq! M: Ilpocaerqesre, 1989.
nPEIrCrroBtrE Vpor-urpa <The ABC-Partyr.
Ha upaegnure yqeHvKrl rloBropsror aa(pasur (r rax-
Eorarcrso rr Kpacora Jrrrreparypbr BcerAa uoMorarcr Ma- gofi 6yxse cBoe crrrxornopenue); qlrraror, cocraBJlfiror or-
oroMy Ea crp.
\mTaTenrc nOHSTb ee IIpeJIeCTHOe cOAeprIcaELIe. fIO-
l-7 npegcraBJrexhr cruxu r 6yreau aaQaau-
AeJrBHhre cnoBa. florroparot qucnnrerbubre u HaBBaHns
rIBeroB (37-40).
ra. Crr.rxn gagrrMareJrbrrbr c sgbrrcosofi u no3nagaremsoft Vpox-urpa <Animals ald Petsr.
cTopoE. flpasgnux r4HTepecen TeM, rrro [osBoJlser AersM pasy-
Ecan r crrlxaM go6aaurr etrIe ll yMegue i,a- q?tTb cTnxoTBopeHr'r,E o *cr{BoTrrbrx, ApaMaTr{SLlpoBaTb rre-
xue-nu6y4r ABrtrrceHr{fi - gro nuTepecuo s4rofine, rroMora- cJrolr(Hble cKaSKrr, paSraAaTb SaraAKlI o E(rrBoTrlbrx, rroBTo-
er 6rrmpee u ryqrne BarroMnurb alQasur (8-9). pvrb. rragBaHrirg ,KrrBorxblx, rrovrparb B ]rrpbr na anltnuir-
9ro6r,r upoqecc asr;rr,rficxr.rx 6yxn 6rr.11 6onee cKoM sabrKe lr rroABrr*tHbre &rrpbr. Baxna raxlr(e lroAroroBra
peSynbTaTn BHbIM u SaIIlIMaTeJrbHbIM, MOtrcHo IICIIOJIbBOBATb K npa8AHrrKy, T. K. AerII yqaTcfi neTb [ecrrr4, roToBgr HaSBa-
rrpileMbr coquo-lrrpoaofi negarot!tt4!1, Koropbre pasBuBaror Hrrfi KoMarrAaM, pr{cyrcr eu6;reuy KoMarrAbr c r,reo6paxenueu
B AeTsX rroJresrrbre rrcuxoJroFrFrecBrre crpyKTypbr, rrprrAarcT xcrrBorHoro (41-47).
y.re6nouy rpeuenu [p]rBnerareJrburre gna 4ereft KasecrBa Sa6asubre BaraAKr{ Ha pyccxoM n axrnaficrolr sabumx
unrepecnoro r{ Becerroro rpyAa (10-13). rirHrepecnLr lr Ha ypoxe, ur Ha no6orvr npaaAulrrce (48-49).
(Donerrrsecxrre urpbr, cnoco6crryroque o6pa6orxe Korr-
Cqenapuft HoBoroAHero yrpeHulrra c pyccrrrMr{ cxaoorr-
Rpersbrx gByKoB, paoBr{BarcT Qoneuarnvecxzfr cJryx y ne- HbrMtI riepogMn BceIAa rrpoxoAr'rT rrrrTepecHo, IIoSBonfieT IIo-
reft, Ae.raror [poqecc pa6orrr sa,q anr.lrllftcroft Qonerurofi BTOpuTb neKcIIKy IIO TeMAM, SaIIOMIIUTb IIOBEIe IIeCeHKII IIA
yBJrexareJrbnbrM rr nosnaBareJrbubrM (14-f 8). aar.nzficroM sobrxe (50-59).
floguuxnrre urpbr rroMorator paoBrrrb rrnTepec K rrpeA-
Mery B cnoeo6paenoft Qopue (19-23).
IloAo6pausbre Jrercrrro-rpaMMarrrrecrrre urprr cnoco6-
cTByroT saKperrneH[ro JreKczqecKoro MaTep]raJra no pa3-
rrhrM reMaM. Ilrprr BarrrrMareJrbuLr r,r rroJrearrbr (24-26).
O poau croJrceruo-poJreBbrx lrrp Molrcuo roBoprrrb Msoro,
T. rc. oErr cuoco6crnyror paoBlrrlrro gMo4zon&lruofi c$eprr
pe6enra, paoBlrBarcT aoo6paxenlre, rroMoraror ocyrqecrB-
nsrb ycremgocrr o6y.renzs (27-33).
9ro6rr trHTepec K npeAMery 6sra nocrosnrrErM, 6rrna sbr-
coxaa MornBaqrrfi r o6yuennn, neo6xogrrMo rrpoBoArrrb
trpaSAnrrKrr IIo uHocrpaHr{oMy,fi3brrcy.
flpaegxur r,Let's PIay Englishr (rflourpaeM B anrnrfi-
crzfir) BbrsbrBaer orpovrnrrfi rrHTepec y Aerefi, cnoco6crny-
er BaxperueHr(ro, o6o6qexnro MareprraJra rro reMaM: qrrc-
JrlrreJrbgbre 1-10; qBera;'rcuBorgbre, BHaHne asuuficxoro
arQanura (34-36).

TIIABAI eight - skate fear - hare
bye-my r fine - nine
ITIPbIOOffi tag - bag see- we
chair - where day - play
toy - boy run - son
how - cow

Ilrpu eQouerrvecrzer ucrroJrbayxrrcg Ans pasBrrrrlfi y Bapuanm ucpbL.

4erefi clryxoBoro BErlMarr]t,fi rt traMfiTlr'.yMeurrs cJrbrmarb ]r Yro6n rrpa 6rlna 6o.ree uutepecuoft tr trpuBnerareJrb-
AuQ([epeEqrpoBarb BByKTI tro AoJIFiore rr Kparrocru' cJrbr-
uofi, uoxcno upoBoAnrb ee rax. llcnoabsys treceEry cA
rtrafb Mextay6urre gByxrr tl-r. A. song about my toysr, trprrAyMal MeJroAEro' ytrurenb troer c
AerbMn. florropsn KytrJrer, AerE caME EaBbrBaxlr cJroBa E
Ifmn l. pLt(DMy K HrrM.

Vcurerb palAaer leisrtr KaprorlKu c KaprzuKaMu (rap- flecenxa:

1 and 2, and 3, and 4,
TuEKE Moryr 6utr y Bcex paanbre). flaerca oAHo Anfi Bcex
ga,4auze: rCoegunu :nmnweflt Kaprrlrrxrl, trpeAMerbr Ha Ko- We are sitting on the floor;
mphrx EaqrrEarcTcg c oAEoro u roro xce SByKat. We are playrng with the ball
(Bapzam [rpbr. Pacrpacr oFr{M r{BeroM Kaprrrxxr{' qpeA- And a pretty little doll
Irler Ea Koropbrx Eatrtga€rrcff c eroro sryra).
frtzn2. abox-afox,,qu, B Karux cJroBax cnp,fiTaJlrlcb SByKrI' Koropbre fi
6yry upouanocnrbt. Vqure.rn rroraabrBaer AersM Kaprrluxrl
E rrerro trponaEocrrr EaBBaEug trpeAueroB' uao6pancennrrx Ilnn 4. ttVmmfi tro rrorrocy,
Ea EEx. Pe6gra AoJrrrcEbr rroKagarb ry KaprlIEKy, n rotopofi
rlTO IIPIIIIE'I B r{tcfll 13 TESED)
ctrprraircs sa'qasnrri anyr. (llnn xJlorruyrb r nagouu. 3ny-
rur orpa6arrrsarcTcs c AerbMu Ao EarraJra zrpn). Kro-uu6y4r ua pe6ar, BarcpbrB rJraoa, crouT y A(rcKI, a
lpyrofi yqeHux rpoMxo rrporlanocrirr cJroBa rrpEBercrBlrs:
Ilm 3. <rHlfr[f, PtoilY r cnornu]) Good morning, Pete!
Vtrzteln trpouggocgT a Aeru AoJrlrcgbr naftru r
cJroBo, How are yout
ueuy pzQuy. Heo6xo4rluo rluerb ua6op Kaprllrrox c npeA- Tor, rro crozr y Aocru, AonJrcen tro ronocy Aore,rlarbcff,
rusrau[, Koropue Mor:rn 6rr pui[uonarbcff:
dotl - bidl dog - frog HaSBaB yqellnKa tro rrMeEr(:
Good morning, OIga!
snake - cake clock - sock
I am fine, thank you!
bee - tree moon - slrcon
mouse - house snow - know
30 31
Ilrpn 5. llrrn 2. (t!$rrp AND I!AP')
Vqzre;rr pas4aer Aer.EM Kaprorrru AJrs aygrrpoBanz,s. Onr,r Ocsoeune.sBJreurlfi acn:aryial\nu sByKoB [d]' [t] n
BbIIngAgT TaK: KorreqHoro [d]. MarnutoQonnaa sanucb. flecns ucnoJrH'fiercs
I xopoM. Begyquft BbrrloJruaer re ABU)fiennfi' o Koropblx rloior
geru. VItru Aerr{ Bce BMecre Bbr[oJlrrsror ABrrtKeH]I'fi.
1. Step-step, dap-dap ) 2 p.
- Turn yourself around
And then you dap, dap, dap.
2. Bend and dap-dap.
Ecnra y.rureJrb HaoLrBaer oAuHaKoBbIe cJroBa, Aerr4 noA-
3. Hands up, dap-dap.
HI{MAIOT ; ecJru cJroBo orruqaertcfi gByKoM (rnacnrrm
4. Hands out, dap-dap.
5. Hands down, .dap-dap.

z JrI{' c oF acrrru), Aerrr rr oAH rrMaro r Kap ro**n IImn 3. (rTnu Futrtw Lrmlr Glownr)
sit-sit-seat flpouonoruenrae axrnuficrllx BByKor: [i]' [c], [u:], [a:].
cat-cat-cut V'{utear gnanoMrrr gerefi co crrlxorBopeur4eM Ir nepeBo-
thin-thin-think 4orvr. Sareu [porIBIrocrIT crt4xorBopenrle eule pa3, arqeu-
bird-bird-bed rrrpyfi BHrrlt[rrfne Ha nporrsHorrreHwr sByKoB [a:], [i], [c],
bag-bag-back [u:]. Ha Aocxe rpaHexprltrqrloHnbre srraqrrl sByKoB.
He is funny little clown.
eat - it He says, cAh, ee, or, ouD,
but - bat z r. g.
His mouth is opened wide
.DOHETII|IEGKIIE ITPEI, GNOGOECTBY. When he says, <Ah, a}, ahr,
He draws his lips far back
IOqrE OTPnEOTNE I|OHIIPETHbTX SByKOB When he says, <Ee, ee, ee>.
His lips are very round
IInl l.
<<Lrrru llrrnrr When he says, <Or, or, or>.
Aprzxyraqlrs BByKoB [e], []. 'Ah-ee-or-ou
,{eru enaror }t floror rreculo <Little Kittyr. Ah-ee-or-ou
Little Kitty laps her milk, . He is a funny little clown.
Lap, lap, lap.
Her tongue goes out, Ilrpn 4. Grnsf,A ((Bolrr r cEMEpo rosrrrrD
Her tongue goes in, V'{nreru o6rscnser AerffM, rrro.KoBa roBoprrr [be - be],
Lap, Iap, lap. a BoJrKftei - bei]. Tpyaxo paaruqurr! Ecrru trocr]^rr(r Koaa z
Little Kitty (lap) likes her milk, craxcet [ba], geru roBop,flr Come in! Ecnu Bo;rx [beiJ - Go
Oh, I see (nonropenne nocJleAulrx crpox). away! (nock - nock). V.rurenr HaobrBaer cJroBa co BByKaMu.

32 2 3axal l'& 2580 33

Itrnn 5. <cp[xx-Itnoynr).
Ilm 8. (<YYow - wow - wowlt)
flpouauomexue anYrca [w];
K.noyn trpr{rJrrrnaer B qrrpr. Tau pa6oraror:
There's a nice little dog'
axpo6arrr [hck - hck - hck],
But nobody takes him-
Jreraror rlrMEacrbr [a: - rr] [a: - l], <'Wow-wollt-wow!>
czrra'tur rroArrrrMaror rupz [fut fut fut],
- - Nobody takes him.
KJTOyH rrr.paeT rra rapMoruKe rr HaJrIrzT rrac
There's a nice Iittle dog'
[mai], [tai], [wai], [rai], [krai]. 6
I want to take him,
Ilmn 6. ttTru Knncnroorl I want to take him.
BocnurarelrEaff SnAaqa: BbrgbrBarb qyBcrBo cocrpaAa-
flpozanomenve sByKoB [df], [z], [r]. K }ICIIBOTEbIM.
Csacana yquM cruxorBopeur{e, rlourrMaff coAeprrcaErre.
flonropaa crrrxorBopeurre, Aerrr raeo6paxcaror ABrrlcenrre
rcuBorsoro, rrp]r oroM rrerro trporrsEocs BByKr{ [6], [z], [r].
rroABrlxHbrE rrPbr
Come with me to the zoo, zoo, zoo. Iftpl l. (rflcr, Br Nnmrrr)
To see the kangaroo, roo, roo;
Watch him walk with a Jack, be nimble,
Jump, jump, jump! Jack, be quick,
As he goes along with a .Iack, jumP over
Bump, bump, bump.
My little stick.
l'o6otror< nepenpbrruBaer rlepeg rraJrorlxy (rama nro6ofi
lqllyloll npe4Iuer), Koropafi Jlelrrtr Ha rlony.
Ilmn 7. (rTtu Pr.nxrrl Ilrrn 2. (tFr.Y Awnvr Puttnrl
flponsnecenue anyra [v]. Two little birds are sitting on a wall,
Cnacana BEaKoMcrBo c coAeplrcanneu crrrxorBopeuns. One named Peter, the other named Paul-
Sareu Bce BMecre, ulpas B cauoJrer, rrpousuocuu snyr [v]. l'ly away, Peter, flY awaY Paul-
The Plane Come back, Peter, come back Paul.
The Plane is travelling up in the sky, /[noe 4ereft BbrtroJrEsror trpuraoanrrs' sareM osu sbr6u-
V-v-v-wv-vw, lf[roT uoBbrx (IITEqeKt, tr ulpa lroBTopfleTcff cHoBa.
Moving so fast, and never so high,
V-v-v-\n/v-wv. Iftpn 3. (<Nrcr AND ANDI))
Over the land, and over the sea, Nick and Andy,
wv - wv. Sugar and candy,
But we always come back in time for tea, I say stop (iump, fly, dance and stand).
Vw-v\rv-wv. l[etu nporoBaprlBanr crrrxorBopeuve lt BbrtroJrnffx)T co-
( )'rBeTcTByrcql{e ABUXCeEUfi .

Iftpn 4. <tl Go To Tnr lYooorl On the ground,
flerr cagarcfi B Kpyxox. O4uu pe6enor BbrxoArrr Ea ce- On the ground,
peAlrEy Kpyra. B pyrax y Hero KopsuEocrca: oH rrAer B Jrec On the ground.
co6zparr firoAbr. ,{eru no4xoAfir K pe6enxy, caAsrqeMy B qerrrpe Kpyra,
child: BbrnoJru.firor ABrtrftexrls, RMnTrilpyrcrqne 4etrtcrnna, KorAa
I go to the wood JrerrfiT errerrcuyro 6a6y. Sarervr cnoBa 6epyrca Ba pyrrl u xo-
And my dog comes with me. I Afir BoKpyF cnexnofi 6a6u.
I want'to pick berries Children:
To eat for my tea. Little children, make a ring,
Ptl6enor rroAxoAltr K oArroMy rao gerefi, 6eper ero Ba Make a ring, make a ring,
pyKy rr BeAer Ha cepeAuHy KpyFa: We shall dance and we shall sing,
Children: We shall dance and we shall sing.
One little berry, ,{eru ranqyrcr.
One little berry,
One little berry Iftpn 6. (tGnr nrrD MousEt)
To eat for my tea. Pyccras urpa c uuocrpaEHbrM TeKcroM. flogo6urre nrprr
Sareu oH rrger ea aropoft sroAofi. Mensercs qerBepo- MOTfiHO yCJTOX(rrfiTb yBenucuBaHueM reKcTa AJIff ToFo, qro-
CTIiItr[TE: 6rr earpeuurb Brranrrfi EyrnEbrx Koncrpyrc,qmfr, mns oupeAe-
Two little berries, JTeHHOTO neKCrr\recKoro MaTeprraJra.
Two little berries, rlittle mouse, little mouse,-
Two little berries, Run, run to your house!
To eat for my tea. L,2,9,4
Llrpa npo4oJrlrcaercfi Ao rex rlop, rlora pe6enox He (co- Don't forget to shut the door!
pBeTr BCe ,firo,qbl. (I am a mouse,
You are a cat,
Ilrrn 5. (rYYrtr.r. MrucA Snowurrrl 1,2,3
,{eru crosr B KpVrV, B Ilerrrpe KpyFa - pe6enor, oE rlps- Catch me).
ce.n. Ha EeM Ea,qera 6eJra,s neneprrna. ,{eru 6epyrcr 3a pyrcrl
ut t44yr tro Kplr$.
lftpn 7. (rMonrEn GrrD
V.rllre.lrr uJrrr KTo-To us gerefi HageBaer Macry rr roBo-
Children: pur: cI am Mother Cat, I have lost my childrenr. ,{eru nce
We'll make a sRowman
Big and round,
rpsqyrcs. Be4yu1uft upoAonxaer: rWhere are my
children?> ,{eru na.rzuaror MsyKarr: cMew-mew-mewf ,
Big and round,
roBopsr: <We are here, Mother Catr. Ilo4xo4nr K Korure,
Big and round.
MaMa orrenb paga, o6nuMaer rr rJra,qrrr croux,gereft.
We'Il put the snowman
Ifncrm c Don't f,orget, don't forget.
2. On your nose.
N 1. <Duckingsr. 3. On your mouth.
Once upon a time, a time 4. On your chin.
Father Duck and Mother Duck 5. On your chest.
To the lake they.went
And said *quack-quack, quack-quackr .I\,li 5. fierr raqyroT B pf,TMe BaJrbcia.
All the children yellow balls. I, 2, 3, on the tiptoes.
Went brlhind them in the rows L, 2, 3, on the tiptoes.
They were happy and they sang a little song. 1, 2, 3 turn around.
We are very happy swimming in the lake, Clap, dap, step aside.
We are very happy and we are
Dancing with you today. (Taueq yrar) N! 6. <Dancing Puppetsr.
l. See them walk, walk, walk,
Ni 2. (1O Little Indiausr. See the little walking puppets,
I little, 2 little, 3 1i111" Indians. See them walk, walk, walk,
4 little, 5 little, 6 littie trndians. See them walking in a row.
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians. 2. Running puppets.
10 little Indian boys. 3. Jumping puppets.
4. Dancing puppets.
Ni 3. (Ifyou arq happyr.
1. If you are happy, and you know it, Ni 7. <Hands up, hand downe.
CIap your hands! (action)
Hands up, hand down
.If you are happy and you know it, Hands up, hands.
Clap your hands! (action)
Hands to the sides,
If you are happy an+ you know it Bend left, bend right.
Then you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it, l, 2, 3, hop.
1, 2, 3, stop.
Clap your hands! (action)
Stand still.
2. Stamp your feet.
3. Snap your fingers.
N! 8.
4. Say cWe aretr
Head and shoulders,
5. Do all four!
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes,
J\&4. <Put your fingers on yonr headr.
Head and shoulders,
1. Put your fingers on your head,
Knees and toes,
Put your fingers on your head.
E5res, eals, mouth and nose.
On your head, on your head.
f,mn l. floeu uecnto:
I have white,
Coegznurr Bxarr€Eue q,Bera c o6pasou [peAMera, ]rMe- I have red,
rctrIero aror IIBer. flponcxogrzr BarcperrneHne Brrarrlfi Jrexcn- I have brown,
$1r rr oArroBpeMenuo yr.ny6laercs x(IronerrErrfi ourrr y ua- I have black,
JreEBRrrx gerefi (rsryurxa seJleEas, KI{T uepnblft z t. g.), I have grey,
Baganus Monyr 6rrrr paanrrull: I have green,
a) pacrpacu Kaprrrnrrr r gannrrfi qrer; I have blue,
6) pacrpacr roJrbKo re Kaprllnrclr, Koropbre nMexrr gTor And I have pink.
4uer (ror Ee uotrcer 6rrru cuuzu); florca urr noeM necnrl' 1nrenlrrc Aonxcelr paBJloxtrrrb ne-
a) nasoau upeAMerbl B coqerannll c rlx rIBeroM unu Apyru- trecrrrr B ToM trop,EAre' B KaKoM oHlr B necne. Illrpa zute-
Mr.r upnorraxarulr (6onrmoft , Maaeurrr.ui, xopomufi , uaoxofi); pecua, arrrlBtraupyer BrrlrMarrue Aerefi, trooBoJrser 6ncr-
r) ucnonrsya xy6mxu, MolKHo Aocrynuo o6racnnts pe- I)Oo oanoMHIITb JreKcI4Ky rIO TeMe.
6enry, rAe Aonrrcno EaxoAltrbca cJIoBo' o6oanaqaroulee qBer Bmopoil aopuaflnl ucpbo.
uau gpyrofi npilBrrar trpeAMera: Cnaqana troeM rIecHKi. Sareu Bce BMecre ronoputu: <The
leaves are falling, falling, fallingr. Vqutenr unu yrreunr
pasAaer AersM JIerIecrKrI. Be,qyqnft HaobrBaer IIBera. V roro
+ neuecror c cd)TBsrcrByroulsu qFgItoM, r! FoBopnr: It is white.
Sareu go6au,xeu peqeBbre o6pasqrr:
- I Iike white.
- I don't like white.
Ilme 2. <tl[arrrr-GEuf,rl8Errf, ]) - It is my beloved colour.
I{ear urprr - BBecrra ]r Baxpenurb nexc]rry rlo reMe tTlte-
red, blue, yellow, green, pink, white, black, grey, brown.
Ilmn 3. (<Soornprr)
cl{aernrr - tcpyr ug uJroruoro Kaprona, Dranesrrufi floeIvr uecsro:
Kpyr uplrrJleeH K Ilerrrpy. Kpaa ue nplrrJleeubr' onu cJry- On Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,
trcaT KapMaEaMrr .qJIE JIetreCTKOB. We go to the Zoo,
We want to see a zebra,
A wolf and a kangaroo.
Ha na6opaou rroJrorne arrrrJrrrraqrrs oBeps (xurorno-
no), geru roBopsr, qro .nro6ur oror gBepb. (Osnarounenze
c HaBBaErr.gMr4 rrpoAyrToB trlrraxrra). Baaq aro6ur Kgrrycry,
MeABeAb MeA !r r.A.
40 4l
Ilrrn 4. (r3nnrof,r))
a) Hasnars anroElrMbr: big - small, long - short, hot - Eroft urpoft MolIcHo Barcpe[nffTb Ee roJlbrco Jrercrrxy no
cold, white - black.
TeMe (?ItrilBorrrbrer, rro raxJrce u peqeBbre o6paaqrr:
6) Ouamr Kaprrrr{Ky:
This is a bear and a dog,
The cat is big, small, nice.
I have got a dog and a cat u 4pyrre.
Iftpn 5. {rplournor) 4) Eyparuno BbruoJrEser pasJrz\Innre 4eficrnu* Vltpa
rrcrroJrbsyeTcff AJIfi SaRperrJleHrrg rJraIoJIoB BpeMeHu
Lfrpa ynunepcarrbna Ans saKpetrJreurrff .trerczxu, ieve- Continuous
nrrx o6paeqoe. Ifrpa Molrcer 6rrrr uo reMaM:
1) qnera: Buratino is carring
Buratino is washing flowers
the plates
qq)Hhrfl 3eJleHbnt
Buratino is
carring flowers going to school
3CIICBhlu rpacuui

2) tlzctlareJrbrrbre lo 2O:
(na xapro.rxax prrcyurr!, Aeru ycrno EaalrRaror Aeft-
ll Llrpy (rapro'rxu) MolrcEo rtctroJrb3oBarb tro pasrrbrM Te-

ll B rarpe paaBr'IBaercs gMoquoEaJrbua.s cQepa pe6euxa.
Vqe6nuft MarepuaJr, sraroqegsr.rfr B opranzoonarrne 5rve6-
Hbre r{rpbr, rroMoraeT ocynlecTBrrrb MEonoKpaTHoe IroBTo-
peHlre u sarcpenneurre JreKcuKE, pelreBlD( o6paaq,on, Qone-
2 Ilcro.rnnxoM cro)rcerno-poaeroft Erpbr Morltr 6rrrr pac-
cKaSbI, cKaSKU, rrrry;rrr@u;rrurr. Ponenble [rpbl troMoraroT
crorrqenrprlpoBarb Blrr{Marrue na o6terrax peuz. Ilrprr paa-
3) xcraornne: BLTBaK)T roo6paxcenfie, Eeo6xo4nuoe Ans yctrerrruolo o6yse-
Hnff , MbrrrrJleHue, TBoprlecKrre cnoco6nocut, peqB, BocrrtrTbr-
a cat
Baror EpaBcTBeEEo-BoJIeBbre KaqecrBa JrrFrE(rcTu.
a dog
a dog a dear
Teuarura ycrnoft peqn Aonficsa 6rrrr upaBnnbno [oAo-
6pana, trro6rr ctroco6crBoBarb BBeAeEuro, Barpelnegrrro E
rroBTopeEuro gSblKoBoto MaTepuaJla.
Brr6eraer saft.Iux FoBoplIT: e I am a hare,.I can jumpr.
OpranueonrrBaa n upoBoA,fi nrpbr, neo6xo4zuo rroMuytrb 't
Spurenu Moryr trporoBapr[Barb raxrle cJIoBa:
o6 zx4urn4yaJrLHbrx oco6ennocr.Ex MJraArrrux ruroJrburrKoB,
Here is a house in wood, wood, wood.
llx TeMrrepaMerrTa.
A mouse is running thtough the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door.
, Ilr?a l. (rTtpruoxr)
Ifenr: Barpenrrrb peqeBbre o6paaqrr n JrexcvqecKrre eAfi-
- Who lives in this house, house?
Hrrqbr uo reMaM <Etzgorxrre>, <[anafiTe gHanoMtrrlcsD.
- I do. I am a hare. And who are You?
B urpe AoJrrrcer rrpficyrcrBoBarb MornB, r. €. pe6enox 4on-
- I am a mouse. May I live in your house?
)ICeH SHaTb (3arreMr, (noqeMy), <4na uero>.
- Yes, you may. Come in, please Lr r. A.
,{eru-apzreJlil rloMorarcr Bo BceM. flo ororrrasfiu urpbr -
?Irpa paccraobrBaercg cuaqaJra Ha pyccxoM .fisLrre yqu- arrnoAucMeHTbr.
reJreM, troroM xervr-nz6ygr ue pe6ar - (BeAyrqulr>. ,(
rll Begyrcs yrrarq]rMrrc,E Ha nnocrpaHHoM sobrre. Heo6xo- Ilrpn 2. (rPrnrnr)
AUMO UCnOJIbSOBaTb MaCKlr. B r.rrpe Morr(Ho Barcpeulrrb perleBbre o6pasqrr r4 Jrercuqec-
Craeurcs ycJroBne: ]FreHuK AoJnrcen orBerrrrb Ha Borrpo- KHe eArrHllrlbr rlo reMe tCeurgr.
cbr BeAyrrlero, vro6u [peBparurbcs B AaHHoe )KuBorHoe Vcrosue urpbr: HyrKIro paccraaarb or nrrqa roro nepco-
nnn gpyroft nepcorraJri. Bonpocrr coAeplr(ar ror ssLrxoeofi Ha)rca, Koropbrro 6rr xoren cbrrparb - I'm a grandmother.
MareprraJl, rcoroprrfi J.rrlureJlb xoqeT BaKpeIr[Tb, rloBToprtrb, I'm old. I can not dance.
Cxasara raft:
- I'm a granddaughter. I'm Masha. I like my grand-
mother. I can dance.
- Who are you? - I'm a cat. I'm black. - I'm a turnip. I'm too big. I'm yellow and green. I can
. - Are you a big cat? - Yes, I am. not jump.
- Please, run. - Yes, I can run and jump. Iepou cr(aoxr4 rrpeAcraBrlJlrlcb, paccxaaaJlu o ce6e. llrpa
Kor,4a r4rpa noBTopaerca MHoFo paa, oarrac peuerrrx o6- Haqalacb.
paSrIoB }I JleKcullecKrlx eArrrrr{q yBeIl4truBaeTcfi , ycJlo)rcHg- Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our
eTc,fi u AuaJIor: kitchen - garden. I want to pull it out. L, 2, 3...It is too
- What colour are you? - I'm red. big for me. Cranny, come here. HeIp me, please.
- What do you like? - I like milk.
Can you fly? - No. I can not fly.
- AII right, Grandfather. I'm coming n r. A.
' - What do you have? - I have a long tail. Ilrpn 3. <rfioxroP AfuornrrD
- Are you a fox? - Yes, I am. Ocsornas rIeJIr lrrpbr: ycBoenrle sabrroBoro MareprlaJra'
- Go away, go away.
BocrrrlTarrlre nro6su K rKrlBorubru, go6pmrr, BlrrlMarrrr,fi , KyJIb-
- Come here.
rypu o6rqeHrlfi, JrceJrarrus lloMotlb rr lrorKaJrerb.
- Dance, jump, swim, sleep.
Cna.rana orph6arrrnarorcfi petleBbre o6paeqrr rd JIeKctt-
Crcasoqnoe npeBpArrlenlre [porroor[fio erqe u trpu rroMo-
rrecxrre eArrnrrrlrr rlo reMe *Aasafi gnarcoMrrrbcsr, <flpr-
rqr4 (BoJrrrre6noft naroqnur>, vr urpa Harrrrnaercg.
)ICur-6rrrt ua.nenrxufi saftqux (a small hare).
Sareu Mo:rcno padmarr c.nercurofi E perreBlrMra o6pae-
qaMr4 TeM: rflpo45rrrn, eO4exc4ar.
B arofi zrpe pe6srau rrpnro4nl',cff [orpy4urscg. Ba6a
f,[ra oqesr sJra E xoBapna. Ona upenptruJra rcex 4ereft r
- Tuk-tuk-tuk! MLrrrrar, n qto6rr BepEyrB csofi qeroneqecrrfi o6nzrc, yqs-
- Who are you? rrrrKu,{oJrtrcnbr Br'rrroJrn[Tb rce tpe6orerrrs Ba6rr flru. Osz
- I am doctor rAfi-Bo.rurr! AOIXCEbT UpaSAJrbEO EarcpbrTb Ea cToJr, EarcopMI[.TB ee' Ea-
- Good morning! rrouTb, rrotrceJraTb trpEfrEorro armeTEra, a flraBEoe, Ealrqu'r5
- Good morning. ee Becrrr ce6a npaluJrbuo aa croJroM.
- How are you? - I'll put a fork to the left.
- I am bad. - I'lI put a spoon and a knife to the right.
Take a thermometer, please.
- Oh, you are ill. - Put a plate and a cup on the table.
- I'm ill. - Where is a chair? It's under the table.
- Go to bed. - Don't put a knife to the left.
- I'm in bed. - Don't cat tea.
- Drink hot milk. - Drink tea, please.
- Yes, I like hot milk. - *Help yourselfr,r
- Put a coat and a scarf on. - rGood appetiter.
- Thank you. - I want to drink! (to cat)
- Good-bye - I like...
- Give me, please!
lftpl4. (rMnmcrmr) - trfere you aret
I{e;rr urpnr: carperrars, troBTopETb garlrosbf,fi MarepuaJr - Take it please.
rro reMau: cflpo45rxrarr, cO4exr4ar, cflpnrercrBrre', < 3na-
- Good morning! ,{erz ovenr aro6sr trpuEEMarB B Eux 5Fracrue. 9ra urpa
- Good moriring! I'm glad to see you. What rpe6yer or pe6eroca [ctroJrneEug raroft-Jm6o lrcJru. Osa crlt-
want? Mynrpyer noo6parcen-ae, qle6yet crr:rerElil uocrpoeuufi,
- WelI, have you? - Sorry, I have no... I have... pacupeAeneurra porefi, crro:rEETK poneBbrx naamro4eftcrs[fi .
- Give me, please... - Ifere you are! Pexcuccepcras urpa troMoraer pe6eury Buecrurb B cBoe
' - Thanks, good-bye. - Bye! <f,[r usoxcecrBo pai]rrr'rx o6pasou E trogtr[gfi, E Tel[ caMrrM
crrruyJrrrpyer pasuocrolxluErcxl u 6oaee o6rexrunr5no oqen-
lftrl 5. (rB mgrrx v Enrrr f,nrrl Ky cBoEx E rryxcux trocTJrltrcoB.
IIem - sarperrurb garrrosoft Mareprra:r tro reMaM: rllpo- ,{nn zrp-4pauaruaaqu-fr Mox(Eo EcrroJrbsoBarb MeJrr{Ee rrr-
AyKTBrr, cflocy4ar, EaJ rrrb gerefi EarphrBarb croJr, no- pyrrrK[, c rroMory() IcoTopf,D(,4eru rf,orlrr pasbrrpaTb cl()xceT
,rceJrarb trpuflTEoro errrrer[Ta, npaBEnBEo Becrrt ce6g ga rrrphr. Sagaxue Morrcer 6rrrr raxzu: ellpz4yuafi.u uoraxcn
CTOJIOM. cKaBKy, uctroJrbays se6o.rntrrne ErpyrrrKu, Korophre yMeqa-
rorcfi Ea croJre, trallre rrr se6ornrnoft AorqeqKe'.
V.racrze pe6exxa a no4o6nofi urpe crfiMyJrapyer K pas- 7.Gg
Burrrx) Bcex trclrxlrllecrr{x rroBHaEareJIbHbIx npoqeccos.,{eru G is for Girl, and also for Garden.
.zro6sr rcqgnEffTb pasnrqEbre ponu. I see a girl going to the garden.
B csoefi' pa6ore ff rrctroJrbgyrc r,rrpEr-ApaMaruoarlurt: 8. Hh
elittle Red Riding Hoodr, <Three Little Kittensr, <Three H is for Hand. I have two hands.
Bearsr, <Three Little Pigsr (rercrbr rarp Mo)r(Ho rrpoqn- This is the way I clap my hands.
Tarb B rcurrre III.I. Aruarnqxcan cZrpafi, yqucbtr Moorcaa: 9. ri
<flpocrerqenrrer, 1986 r.). I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten.
I. Vpor-rPA ((THE ABG-Pnnryrr I like to play with my brother Ben.
10. Jj
(nrnegnrr lrtrmfrcxoro AronBrrA, J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Snyrur recenxa cThe ABCr. Jimmy likes it, and so do6s Sam.
, V.rzrem o6parqaercn K AerfiM: 11. Kk
- Do you know the ABC? (Let's sing it againl) K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
- Do you know anything interesting about letters? It is little, and it is white.
Ietters, you are welcomel t2.Lt
(Vuenurz c 6yxuaun-[rafloqxaMr{ us aHrrzftcxoro aJr- L is for Letter. This letter is for me.
@arnra BbrxoAfiT, u xaxr4rrfi paccraobrBaer o csoefi 6yxne). It is from my sister, as you can see.
1. Aa 13. Mm
A is for apples and apple-tree. M is for May and May Day,
You can see apples on the apple-trees For March and for Mother's Day.
2. Bb 14. Nn
B is for Books and for Bookcase. N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.
I have many books in my bookcase. Children, how much is ninety and nine?
3. Cc 15. Oo
C is for Cat. My cat is grey, O is for One. One and two is three.
And with me it likes to play. Three little cats are in a tree.
4. Dd 16. Pp
D is for Dog and for Doggy. P is for Pencils. With them I can draw:
I have a dog; not a doggy. A red pen, a green tree or a'blue door.
5. Ee 17. Qq
E is for Eight and for Eleven. Q isfor Questions: How are you?
How much is eight and eleven. How old are you? And how do you do?
6. Ff 18. Rr
F is for Flowers: red and blue. R is for Red. Many things are red.
White and yellow and rosy, too. What can be red? Do you know Fred?

48 49
IlY. Lrrts pr.av rxE eruE ((TAr-rrilc Srrpsrl
19. Ss
urparor 3 Sruenura.
S is for Street. This is my Street.
There are a lot of trees in my street.
Ha 4ocre nro6rre anrazftcrre cJroBa, Aerr uo oqepeArr
EaBbrBax)T cJroBa no 6yruau.
20. Tt
T is for fick and for Tock.
pencil case
cfick-tockr, says the clock.
21. Uu .
U is for Under, but not for At.
cl'm under the treer, says Pat. Y. You f,row ro spELL! Bur cnr you nEAD?
V is for Five and also in Seven, kt's play the game <Reading Baseball>.
C saxprrrrrMrl rJraaaMr4 yrIeEilK HaxoAzr rra AocKe cJroBo,
It is in Twelve and in Eleven.
23.'Ww tloroM, orKpbrB rJraga, q]rraer, rrrparcT 4 yveuura.
plate rose fuee nine
W is for Winter when it is cold.
take bag pen bus
But I like winter and I like cold.
24.Xx sock hot all wall
X is in Six. Let's count up to sixl clean sleep spoon
r,2, 3,4, 5,6. YI. I sEE TrrAT You f,NotY THE ABG,
Y is for a Yard where children PlaY.
firey play in the yard every daY. a) necxonmo pe6ar cqrrrax)r 1-10, 10-1;
26. Zz 6) Now, we'll see who is the best in Math's.
Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the Zoo. Lfrpa rFunny fishing>.
I like to go to the Zoo. And You? Ha 4ocxe urs rnrcra unornoi 6yuarn <c4eaauo oeepor. B
(Knacc Aenrlrcs 16s1sns{br uJrrl no rpyuna-ru). [popearr BcraBJreubr prr6ru us urorsoft 6yuarz, c o6parnoft
"s cToporrbr KoTopLrx EarruceFEtr trpocTEre trpuMepbr Ea cJIoIce-
II. Now Erts sEE rDyou rf,olv wELL trIE ABG! IJ'UIC N Bbf,IIIIITAET4E.
(Itru (( MAcrc Srrcrrl ). I+2
I{cuolrayr <nolme6uyro rraJroqryt' raxc4rrft pe6enorc One and two is ... rr r. A.
sasbrBaer uo 5 6yrr anQanura. (Ilrpalor 5 yua-qzxcs us
YII. You cArtr coutrT wELL. ilow I wnlrr ro sEE
III. Ioor trT TTrs ABC rtD say wf,ar IrrrDBs IIrpa <Ifrerurc-ceMrlqBerrrxr.
ItrE MISSING. B ronrle upaBAEr{Ra Mo}rcuo trocMorperb craoxy, Koro-
py() roToBrrJrr{ caMu AeTrr.
IlrpaeroAnE yqenux.
Ilpas4mnc MolrcHo paauoo6pasurb pa,Brtrt.rnlnfir treoerrxaMu.
Ha 4ocre ABC 6es 3 6yrn, sy:Kuo zx naftrn.
Vpox-rnn <rAnnrnrc nnn PnrsD
(Vpon-rnrpa, rrosBoJrffrorqraft o6o6rqrrrb Marepr{aJr tro reMe In June I change my tune;
<?ItzsornLre>. Crrnxu o )rcuBorHbrx, Bara,qxr!, BaurrMareJrb- In July away I fly. (A Cuckoo)
nrrft uarepna.n).
flo4rororzreJrbsafi pa6ora: 5. Baa, baa, black sheep,
1. Hanucarb coqrHenr4e Ea retl'ry cMy Petr uau <My Have you arty wool?
Favourite Animalr u Kpacotruo ero oQopurnrs. , Yes, sir, yes, sir.
Three bags full. (A Sheep)
2. Cocrarurb KpoccBopA no reMe elltrlsorrrbre].
Vrrurenr: 6. I wonder, have you ever heard
Dear boys and giflsl I'm glad to see you. Today we are My parrot? He is a talking bird.
going to talk about animals. He says cHallo> to any man,
What animals do you know? Who says <Hallo> to him. (A Parrot)
(,{eru HaBBTBaK)r xunornrrx).
That'll do. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you 7. Onelittle chicken with yellow feet,
know a few poems about them. What poem do you knirw? Onelittle chicken with tail so heat,
(Vvnnlraeca paccragbrBarcT crl{xu o xlrBorublx, }rMe,E Onelittle chicken stands up tall -
IIJII4 IIFpyIuKy gToro sItlIBorHOIo, TIJIII rcapTllary B pyrax). Mummy H. does love them all. (Three chichens)

1. I love my cat. 8. The White Bear

It's warm and fat. The water in the sea is cold,
My cat is grey, It is as cold as ice,
It likes to play (A Cat) But I am not afraid at all:
My coat is warm and nice.
2. My dog is clever, strong and quick,
It's name is Spot, my name is Nick. 9. I am a little squirrel
My dog is nice, my dog is gay, As busy as can be,
We play together every day. (A Doe) I'm gathering some acorns
For winter food for me. (A Squinel)
3. Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop, 10. The Elephant
And I cried, Little bird I am big and I am strong,
Will you stop, stop, stop. (A Bird) And my trunk is very long!
4. Cuckoo; cuckoo, what do you do? 1i. The lion
In April I open my day; My paws are big and strong,
In May I sing all day; My tail is very long,
52 My mane is fine and thick,
AndI am verybig. Good for you all. I really know a lot of poems
see you
about birds and animals and nowI want to see which tean
12. I love all kinds sf animels, knows the names of more wild animals. Let's play the
" Dog" and cats and rabbits, game c'Wild Animalsr.
I love all ltinds sf animsls, (Ilrpa. Kro nagoner 6ornme Awx;rr. trtuB<yrEbr:(' Ee rro-
I know their little habits. nropaacr).
Vqrrern: Vqurem:
Now I think you can drematize some poems about firat'll do. I that you know the names of the wild
nnimals. Who can? animals. Now, show us your drawings and tell us about
(nsrxo4ar ABe,qeBorrrtr B Kocrxluto Kolrrrtn u urrmrcz). your pets.
(Vuntqt scg BErKoAst c puclrErcauE E orrrcbrBaror
Cat: 'rcrl-
BorEoe, Korrolne
Littlemouse, little mouse,
Where is your house? Vqnrerrr:
Tell me, my sweet! Most children love animals. They have pets at home
and take care of them. And if you want to teach your pet to
be strong and more quickly, you must be strong and more
Little cat, little cat quickly yourself. Now, let's see who is the strongest?
Stay in your flat,
(Pyccra.r urpa eBofi nerJrxoBr. Or raxclofi revarrlbr
There is nothing here to eat!
uFpaxrr 2 yverura).
Little mouse, little mousd Vqurear:
'Where And now let's play the game cGuess the Animab. Team 1
is your house,
is to think of any animal it likes. Team 2 is to ask general
Where do you live?
questions and then guess the animal. (3areu nao6opor. Bro-
Mouse: pas KorueE/(a Sa,4JrMbrBaer gaSBaEEe ,IczBoTEorro, a IIepBag c
Little cat, little cat troMoqbrc lmorpe6nerqs o6rqnx BotrIxlooB otra,4irpaer sa-
Stay in your flat, 3saszs).
I have nothing to give. flpuuepurre Borrpoclr: -

1. Does it live in people's houses (on a farm, in the

'Cat:Little mouse, little mouse, forest, in the jungle, in the water)?
Where is your house? 2. Is it a wild animal or a domestic'one?
Come out and talk to me! 3. Is it large (small)?
4. Does it eat meat (grass, corn, fish, fruit or vegetablesp
Mouse: 5. Has it a long tail?
Little cat, littlecat,
6. Is its coat bushy?
No, no, I won't do that!
You want to eat me-
Vqnreur: The Fox (greatly frightened):
. Now we'll see a little play. <The Fox and the Cockr A dog? You say a dog is coming?
(Mo*cxo .nro6yro Apyrpo cxaexy). Then good-bye. I am going. My breakfast will be ready
now, and I'm hungry..
<,The Fox and the Cock>. The Cock (laughs):
Characters: Dear Fox, dear Fox, where are you going? Don't go.
The Fox, The Cock, The Story-teller. f want to come down and have breakfast with you. All the
animals are friends now, you say.
One morning the Cock went for a walk in the forest. He The Fox (turns to the audience):
saw a very big tree, so he flew up and sat in it. The Fox was Yes, all the animals are friends now, but does that dog
in the forest, too. He cane up to the tree and saw the Cock know it? (The Fox runs away).
in it. V.rurenr:
The Fox (to himself): Thank you very much. Now, we'll see who is the best in-
Oh, that Cock will be a very nice breahfast for me. (He saying these tongue - twisters.
turns to the Cock).-Good morning, dear friend. How are (Brrneuruaaer JIIrcr, Ha KoropoM Kpy[Ho Iratrucasbr cro-
you? poroaopxra).
1. Pat's black cat is in Pat's black hat.
The Cock:
2. A girt sees six big grey geese.
I'm very well, thank you.
3. A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee'cup.
The Fox: 4. Snow is so snowy when it is snowing.
Do you know that all the animals are friends now? The (Brrssraarorca xenarougle).
dogs and the cats are friends. The bat and the mouse are Now'I want to see how well you draw. One pupil from
friends, too. And the birds and the fox; we are all friends each team will come up to the blackboard and draw an
now. animal.
The Cock: (Bsrarruarorcs uo 1 urpory lro rcoManAbr r{ pucyrcr :Ecu-
' That's good. That's very, very good indeed. BorEoe. OCra:rrxrre orra,qbrBarcr aaragxn).

The Fox: Vqurenr:

As we are all friends now, will you come to my house? Now, while they are drawing, the rest of you listen to
You'll have a tasty breakfast, I promise you. my riddles and try to guess them.
The Cock: 1. I gave a bushy tail,
Thank you very much; that's very kind of you (He turns
Sometimes I'm grey and sometimes
to the right). Oh, I say! Iook over there! That's a dog. It is
I'm red,
coming here. Dogs like tasty breakfast, too. Ask the dog to
I like nuts. (A Squirrel)
come to your house for breakfast. Don't you think that's a
good idea, Fox?
56 57
2. This animal is small.
It lives in the woods
And runs very fast. 10. I'm a little bird
It is afraid of everything. Dressed il
What animal is it? (A Hare) I hop here and there
And never go away. (A Sparrow)
3. It doesn't speak,
11. It's gtey, but it isn't a wolf,
Nor does it sing,
I^ong-cared, but not a hare,
Or at the door-bell.
Give a ring,
With hoofs, but not a horse.
-What is it? (A Donkey)
But still it lets -
Its master know
12. This animal can go without food and water for a
Someone wants to see him. (A Dog)
long time. What is it? (A Camell
4. There is an animal that has a beautiful yellow skin Vqrrern:
with black stripes on it. It is a very fierce wild animal. It And now, look at the animal drawn by the <artistr on
Iives mostly in hot countries. (A Tiger) the blackboard. Guess. And now describe it in Iogical order.
(uo o4noruy yvexrxy)
5. I'm grey and I'm very big, I live in the jungle, but Vqrrerrr:
you can also find me at theZoo or in the circus. I don't eat And now let's have cThe Animal Racer.
meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit. (An (no 2 yYexzra m roruan4rr)
Elephant) Jump as frogs
run as dogs
6. I am red and I have a fine bushy tail, I like meat. swin as fishes
I hunt and eat small animals. (A Foxl climb as monkeys
go as ducks
7. A yery funny animal, which moves very quickly. It go as penguins. :

can hang by its-tail. (A Monkeyl TII'ell, boys and girls. It's very good that you know so
much about animals, that you have pets at home, arrd that
8. My long, thin legs you take care of them. None of us must ever forget that
Are good and fast; animals and birds are our friends.
I like to gallop and to run. (Moxcno uctroJrbaoBarb paorbre uecnu MeJrcAy erenaMu
Oh, yes, I think it is great fun. (A Horse) Erpbr).
IloAfanorxa rcoMnF/I: EasBanrre, ou6reua (o6rearenruo c
9. He is not a tailor but carries needles with him- zso6paxcennerrr xumoruoro).
(A Hedeehog)

6) [w], [e], [d]
OTITPbITbIE YPOKTI V.rure;rr noxagbrBaer Kaproqxy c rparrcrcpltuqrronnbrM
IV. Bae4eIule HoBbrx cnon (c.nona na 4ocrte):
golden balls, candles, Christmas crackers,
Trun yPornt llpnsgxrux.
bells, snowflakes, stars, garlands, tangerines,
Iloncrpvrqrr Tnnnr s (nnr)r rHEnE wns (wqnr) a fir-tree, nuts.
L[enu Apovai, (flpu oanaroMJlenull co cnoBoM 1y'rrlrrenb rroragbrBaer I{r-
1. Ilpogonncr{Tb anaroMcrBo c npasAur.Ixorvr zey'raeuofi pyruKy).
crparrbr: Christmas. - C.nosa npoltgHocsrca c ytrT'rgreM xopoM' SareM ufl'An-
2. Sanpenurb Koucrpyrql{rc There is (are), there was BI;IAYAJIbHO.
(were). - 9renue cJIoB c AocKlr.
3. Bocnrarr'rBarb lruTepec K Tpannqr4,fiM crpalrbl rr3] ra- The Froggie brings us a packet with presents. Look at
eMoro.ESbIKa. them and try to remember the words. Try to decorate the
O6opy0oaanue: urpylura, eJlorrnble yrparuenr(ff, Sono- tree!
sarrlrcb <A Merry Christmas>. (Ha Aocxe HaprlcoBarra eJtrca' ;nreuvxlr (Belnarorl rlrpylrrrll
Xod yporca. ua 6yuarn).
I. Opr. MoMeIrr. V. flonroperrre RoHcrpyKrIrM There is (are), there was
Good morning! GIad to see you! And you? (were).
How are you today? (Vvenraxu pucyror eJIKy c l{rpyrrrxaM}r Ea'Kaprotlxax'
Can you jump? (Jump, please!) BareM, yuorpe6lad KoEcrpyKrluro' paccxasbrBaror o csoeft
Can you run? (Run, please!) e;rxe).
Can you dance? (Dance, pleasel) VI. {tenue rexcra (ngnropenve AoMarrrnero saganun):
Can you sing? (Sing, please!) a) uoaropenne nau6onee rpyAubrx cJroB:
tr. IlrpoBas BaBaBKa: the 25th of December
Somebody of animals comes to the lessonl Guess, who is Christmas Day (Eve)
it? ( se yra,qaror). different countries
Eneuenr ayAlrpoBanrrs: greeting cards
It is an animal. It lives in the water, when it is warm, but decorate
in winter it sleeps. It is small, green' it can jump, swim. coloured lights and balls
(A Frod stockings
III. @oxetuqecras BapffAKa. 6) pa6ota IraI rercroM rlo BotrpocaM:
a) [r] tkl ttl 1. When is Christmas Day?
Christmas chocolate stars 2. What do people usually do before Christmas?
Cracker candies tangerines 3. Where can people get Christmas cards?
cookies nuts 4. How do people deborate Christmas tree?
5. Where do people put their stockings?
Trun YPotrtrt Torvrr on Grrr.
n) vrerue rercra:
- aaftpl u trpotrurarb trpeAJrolrceEvfi: Lonpox s nu clPrrtrr. or rxE UK
- It's a happy holiday... Itena:
- You can buy... 1. Passrsarb EaBbrK Yctuoft Peqll.
- People buy... 2. PacmzpffTb snag[ff gerefi o croJrzqe Coe4zneunoro
- At night... Kopo.rencrna - Jlon,4oue.
C;rymanre u treurre uecErr <A Merry Christmasr. ' 3. Bocunrrrbarb uuTepec K crpaue uoJ[IaeMoro sgbrra'
VII. Ilremre EoBorlo rexcra: O6opy1oaavue APorca:
a) uo4mrorxa K rrren[ro, trporronomenrre naz6onee rpy4- - Kgr4rrr o Jlou,4oue;
Ebrx cJroB uB lreKcra (cnona na,4ocxe): - @ororpaQlrrl ropoAoB: Mocxlrt, Iletep6ypra, Pocrona-
center of London ua-,{ony, fletPosano,qcxa rr AP.;
Trafalgar Square - RaprrrEKr{ c EacTpoeErreM.
Norway Xo} yporca.
Londoners I. Opr. MoMerrr.
Christmas Party Good morning! GIad to see you! Greet our guests' Sit
turkey down!
green vegetables Before beginning the lesson we shall speak about your
. pudding mood! I have the pictures of 4 faces- They are <Okr, eBadr,
the nearest and dearest <Goodr, <So-sor. If your mood is fine, draw eGoodr, if
Boxing Day your mood is good, draw *Okr, if your mood is bad, draw
6) caruocroateJrbuoe rITeEre BtronroJloca; <Badr, if your mood is so-so' draw e So-sor. lYy to explain
r) routpoab rronuMarrtff: why?
tr. is the biggest Christmas tree? II. Today we shall speak about a town and a city in
2. Is it a present from Norway? general. And we'll get some information about the capital
3. Who comes to Trafalgar'Square? of the UK - London.
4. VIhy are the people busy before Christmas? III. @onerlrqecraff saPsAKa.
5. When do people open their presents? a) Please, help me! What English sound is difficult for
6. What do they usually eat for Christmas lunch? you to pronounce?
7. What do they usually wish each other? lwl [r] tdl tel ttl tkl to1
8. What is Boxing Day? ([etu uoAcKaobrBaror cauu' rcarrre sByrcq cne'4yer orpa-
VIII. Iltor ypora: What holiday did we speal< about? 6orarr Ea AaEHoM ypoxe. Csaqa:ra upouauocsr sByru' 3a-
Do you like Christmas? TeM cJroBa c orrtMrl srYraun).
Was it interesting for you to Iearn about English 6) These words we'Il meet at the lesson, we should
Christmas? pronounce them correctly.
IX.,{onaarrrqee 3a,4aErre: facts [fekts]
Ex 5. p. 150; Ex. 8 p. 152 London ['lmdan]
Britain [britn] What else can we find in London?
business ['biznis] What can you tell us about churches?
tourism ['tuarlzm] And streets?
theatre ['Orata] What is the London's main shopping cerrter?
museum [mju:'ziam] What is the name of the largest parFin London?
thousand ['0auzend] Why is it very popular?
Oxford Street ['cksfad stri:t] , VI. Pa6ora rlo reMe elopog>.
shopping center ['senta] - Can you name some other cities or towns?
Hyde Park ['hud po:k] (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Petrozavodsk)
popular ['pcpjula] Every city, town has its symbols, aren't they?
Londoners ['l,rndanaz] - How do you think, what are their symbols?
t'V. Pa6ora HaA uoBecrHbrM MareprraJroM rlo reMe:
' a) orrerurb Ha Botrpocbr: - How do you understand the meaning of the word
<City> and <townr?
What is the capital of the UK? - What is it for you? (streets, houses, monuments etc.)
It is situated on the River Thames, isn't it? VII. CocrasJrerrrle paccrcaoa o poAHoM ropoAe.
What do you know about London bridges? Pa6ora B rpytruaxj
How many tunnels are there under the river? a) cocrarnexze coo6rqenus tro otropxbrM cJIoBaM ?r cJro-
What is the name of the main square of London? BOCOIIETAEUfiM;
How many people live in I.ondon? 6) uepecraa no rrpeAJror*erruro;
6) nasaarr rroBecrubre Aocrolrp?rMeqarerbuocrfi:' r) nepecxas oAuoro yqeEEKa.
Name, please, the places of interest of London. Why do you decide to speak about your town (city)?
Bloomsbury Square (There is no place like home).
The British Museum VI[. IlogseAeure EroroB.
Great Russell Street ,{orvr. aa4anne:
The <Odeonr Ex. 9 p. 165 (to retell)
St. Paul's Cathedral Ex. 17 p; 167 (to write)
The Royal Opera House IX. Take your sheets of paper with your drawings and
The City of London explain your mood now at the end of the lesson.
The East End
The West End
Trun vPof,At 3xrm. Srorrurr olExfln.
V. {renne rercra. flpnrxne ETEf,rt EvrBDr W
a) Now we'll get some more information about places of I{enu:
interest of Loirdon. 1. flonropurb Jrercrrxy uo,TeMaM eBuuar, c3uuuss
HeIp each other to understand the text. oAerrcAaf .
6) nporepxa troHlilManrr.r rexcra: 2. Bsecru rrpeBuna qreurrs 6yxnrr W u uponecrtr nep-
What is London? BrItIEOe SaKpeuJreErre.
Is London a center for business and for tourism?
64 3. Saxas ttr 25AO 65
r) II Melsela pae6y4ll.rla Cnexcnas l(oponeua. On sacner,
3. BocnzrnBarb yMeErre Br[Aerb Kpacory rrprpoAbr' Ea-
esrru Mhr HaooBeM cJroBa co sryxou [ea]
6;rro4arenruocrr. (bear, chair, hare, pear, hair).
O6opy0oaa Hue: r'yr.Jra <Bonme6nuqa-strMat' ilpeAMer-
4) Hasoueu cJroBa co sByKoM [w] u Cuexcnaa Koponera
EBre Kaprrtnxz (nruqa, cJrou, rnourr), o'qexc4a Ae-
orrrycrrrr Hac rynfiTB (white, why, sweater, winter).
refi, xaprorlKn c rparlcRprr[quoEHbrM]r SEar(aMr{, Ea Aocr€e 3. OsEaKoMJIeEr4e c 6yrcrarvrz W, U:
orpoMnafi Kaprrlrra BIrMbr, na xoropoft zso6pa*cenbr 3Bepu.
a) o6paaeq Ea AocKe, J rrlreJrb o6parqaet BEr4Mar{r[e Ha
1. Llrpoaaa BaB,ffsxa. Ay4raponaune. t gByrctr, Koropbre onr o6oasacaror, rra HagBarrr4e n a.nSarzre;
We have guests today. But anybody hasn't come yet.
6) yrarr{uecs trurrryr 6yxnrr Ha ctrerlr4a;rbnbrx rcaprorlxax;
I want to telt you about he or she. And you, please, guess-.. n) y.rurenr flogcgffer rrpaBrrJra rrreErr.E W,'U;
She is a woman. She has a white dress, white boots,
r) yrenzxz BcraBJlffror rlpo[ytrIenlryro 6yxny B cJIoBax.
white mittens, white hair. When she qomes, it becomes 4. llreslle c.non:
cold, everything becomes white, fantastic white, beautiful.
a) vrenue cJIoB c :tFlureJreM c AocKrI;
Everybody likes it.'
6) urenue cJroB Ha KaprouKax
2. (Donerfi.recrafi BapfiAra.
. 5. flosropeHrle teurr <O4etKAa'.
Cuencnas Kopoaera uepnyJra Earrry rerrJryrc ogexgy. Pas-
a) 3;raa Cxexnan Koponeua yrpaJra laafrrl relrJrbre Betrryr-
6ePeuca, rrbfl .oro ofle)rc,{o:
Ho ecnu Mbr rrpaBr{Jrbno cyMeeM pasnfiql4Tb cJIoBa co aBy- ' Irlrpa *Whose coat is it?>
xou [ou], KaK B cJIoBe coat, co sByIcoM [au]' xax B cJroBe 6. (Due. Mrrnyrxa. (,{eru rIorcT rrecuro o BuMe E BErrroJr-
trousers, BoBMorr(Eo MBr BeprreM BetrIu.
Efix)T 4auxcenua)
Vqurenr rrasbrBaer cJroBa, Aerr{ tro,4ErrMax)T Srar(u Ir[rpa-nauroMuMa ePut on your coats, scarves, hats,
home coat now
7. flortopenrre reMEf, *Srrvrar:
a) yrennru troBTopfirlr <sonue6xbre cJIoBa':
mouse boat round Boys and girls, hand in hand
poem old snow Go to the winter land.
L,2,3 - we are in the winter land.
6) Oh, what's this? Oh, a bird! Poor bird! n BLrxoAsr Ea yJrrrqy (Snrurenr orKpbrBaer Kaprrrrry Ha
Cnemnas Koponeaa gaMopogr{Jla trTlrtrr{y. Ona oxcllrer, Aocxe);
ecJru Mbr EaBoBeM 5 cvros co aryxolr [a:]. 6) upr troMorqr,I urpsr e flnorrcxas MarlriIurat orrrilcrrBaeM
,[egr nasrrnaror: bird, girl, her, learn, fir-tree- SUIIIIY.
Good!The bird will wake up! It is winter. It is cold. It snows. The sky is blue. The sun
r) Iook!An elephant is here! is cold. The grass is white. I see birds. They don't sing.
Cnexnas Kopolena SaMaHilna cJIoHa, a oH sAecb 3aMep3- I can ski. I can skate. I can sledge. I can play hockey.
ner. Bup5nrnM ero, EaBoBeM no6onrure cJIoB co seyroM [a]' n) Look at the picture! What are the animals doing?
Kar€ B c.[ose winter What is a bear doing? (sleeping);
(mother, father, sister, brother, butter, summer' winter)' a hedgehog (sleeping);
a wolf (looking for hares); (IIo rouanre up, down, Ieft, right, round yqeHuKu Aenalor
a hare (Iooking for grass); ynpaJriseuns Anff aauxa).
a fish (sleeping under the ice).
- Do you like animals? Do you like to go to the Zoo?
8. Pa6ona B rpytruax HaA JIeKcrIKoft uo reme s3nuar. Let's go!
Oh, here 3 gnomes. They have forgotten their names. floeu uecenxy:
Help them, please! On Wednesday, Wednesday
(,{eru, pa6oraa B rpyutrax, cocraBJl,firor HagBeFrLfi We go to'the Zoo,
rIeB BlrMbr ze 6yxn na xapro'rrax: December, Janrfary, We want to see a lion,
February). To see a kangaroo.
The gnomes have their presents. On Wednesday; Wednesday
What is December's present? We go to the Zoo,
(fir - tree) We want to feed a monkey,
January's - show To feed a zebra, too.-

February's - snowstorms., We see a camel. It says [p-pu-po-pa'teitou]

9. Iltor ypora: a goat. It says [b,r-brr-'blta]
a) nonropexue npaBnJr qreHr{fi 6yxs W, U; a parrot. It says [w-w-w-swi:t]
6) Do you like winter? Why? a lion. It says [c-c-c-'scsl$]
10. ,{orvraruEee SaAarlue: Haytllrrbcg tlllrarb cJroBa r{a a monkey. It says le-e'e-ba'no:na]
$aproqKax a wild cat. It says [m-m-m-milk]
a dog. It says [mi: - mi:t]
Trun vioxn: Ikuln. And what do you like to eat?
Pnsr lrpurrurrr rIpABf,rIbHErx rIIArorIoB Ornerrr: I like to eat meat...
Itent yporca: 3. Ay,qrnponanue.
- saKpenJren[e ugyqeHnofi nexczxll; Listen to my fairy-talet It is very kind. Once upon a
- rroBTopeuue Past Indefinite npaBwlbHbrx rnaroJloB; time there lived 3 bears: Father Bear, Mother Bear, Baby-
- pagBlrrlre HaBbrKa fir{cl;MeuHofi pevu. Bear. They had a friend - Mashenka. Machenka went to
O6opyAosaHlre: KaprI,IH t+u c neo6patrceurleM egrr, yre6- the forest to visit them. There was a lot of food on the
nur, pa6ouafi TerpaAb bear's table: honey, betries, porridge, milk. Mashenka tasted
(Ha gocrce cJIoBa to see, to feed, Wednesday c uepeBo- honey and milk. Then the friends played games' danced
TOM). and sang.
1. Qpr. MoMeHr. - How do you think, children, what do the bears eat?
Good morning! How are you today? We have so many - Do they eat porridge?
friends. Greet them! - Do they eat milk?
- What do they eat?
2. @orrerlr.recxafi sapfiAxa. Do bears eat meat?
- Where is your Mr. Tongue? It does rnorning exercises. Do they eat bananas?
Do they drink coffee? What do they drink?
panee ze5ruenuofi Jter,cz:rrr:
9. Herrncame cowsesd eMy Favorite Foodr.
4. Ilonmperqe
Past Indefinite DraFoJroB to eat, to drink'
10. [ou. sa,4auue.
Ex. 2 p. 14; h. I p. 95.
Ex. 4 p. 110 (nrruo.ffien-ne lrtrpa,rcneErx no yve6nnry)
a) TVhat can You see? Trul vtortrt Alomtrr. Vcmru tEtErt
What do you like to eat? Suroxcrro. GEtEr. Ihoorccn
I\Ihat does your mother like to eat?
6) What did you eat yesterday for breakfast (dirurer' Itetn yporca:
1. Sarpenurr nercurcy rro reuarf,.
2. Sarpeuurb BEeEEe anrQaruta (rourperrrm 6yrs).
What did you drink for supper (breakfast, dinner)?
5. Snaxorucrso c EoBbruE glroBarun: 3. Paanrnarb uoEoJrorEuecrlrrc perrb.
tasty ['teIstY] rrYcrtd 4. rlrtarr rnacurre t, i, Y, e' o B orrcptilFot n Sarcpbrrou
sweet [swi:t] c;na7;t, ir cJrore.
sour ['saua] rzuu{ 1. Opr: MoMeET.
bitter ['brta] rropbftrfr Good morning! Greet the guests.
6. Ilepnruuoe sarperrJreutre nerccrrcu rro KaIlrEEKau: How are you, children?
Do you like rnilk? WhY? 2. @ossrssecra^s BapqFca.
(Because it is tastY) Mr. Tongue
7. 9rerze: a) Mr. Tongue, rcarc u srr, fio6ET JrEBorEEEf,,, sa6anoAa-
er, Karculf,E aBJZKauu osu oSqarorcg.
- rrFeEEe npo ce6s; Coraacmre sByrs[:
- KOETIX)JTb uoEEttrEg tro Bor4ncau: ua6no4aer sa rrrrqrauu [vi:-vi:] very'
- Do Russian and hrglish people like to drink tea? sa rropocfiTam [wi:-wi:] water, one, )

- When do English PeoPle drink tea? or with lemon? aa co6awcaru [r-gr-r] red, right,
- Do they like to drink tea with milk Ba r(orf,apatn lz-z-zel zebra,
- Who likes to drink tea with lemon? rEnglish tear sa trqeJrnrrr [d-d-da] mother.
- What kind of tea do you like to drink Inacsne BBlrrcu:
or rRussian tear?
JIes rtro6zr [c-u] [sos$];
8, Ilo4roroBrca rc colruEenrro:
Cros m6nr [er - pe] fua'teitou],
a) nortoperre JrerccEKE rro reruau:
drinks Ilouyrafi rm6ur [a-e] [apls].
6) Ooxernqecrcaff Erpa Ea pacrroglaBaune SByrcoB.
vegetables Cxaara eBorcc u ceuepo KoBJrsr). Ecm ydrumure oBylrc,
fruits roroprd [oxorc Ea BBJTE, trIxrzoEocrrf,rrfr BoJrrcou h]' uoA.
6) norroper e PeqeBbD( o6Pa,sqor: y ruailbr Kosrr [a:],
I like to eat ...
EEMure xapmwcy | - l, ecrm rcarc

I like to drink ...

My favorite food is ...
I dislike to eat ... 7t
6. Ilonropesrre reMbr <flpoQeccunr.
troAirMr{reE tepofi ypora GrandfatherroBoprrr: <When I was young,
I was a pilot. (O6palqascb x y'renury) Do you want to be a
Ia:] lrt] pilot? (a doctor, a worker). Now let's play cMagic Stickr.
father butter (B zrpe orpa6arrrsarorca o6pasqrr:
giraffe mother
- Are you a doctor? (Yes, No)
. ane
- What do you want to be?)
monkey . 7. flo4roroBra K qrerruro:
summer (Ha gocxe EarrucaEbr cJroBa - rraaBanuff upoQeccufi)
3. Irlrpoaas BasaBKa. Ayguporarue. a doctor ['dckta]
Somebody has come to our lesson! Guess, please, who is he? a teacher ['ti:{a]
CneAyer o6quft Bonpoc: Is this ...?
a pilot ['parlat]
I have family. My family is big. I harre got a glandmother,
a driver ['drawa]
a granddaughter, a dog, a cat, a mouse' a turnip. a worker ['wa:ka]
4. IlonropeErle reMbr c3saxolrcrnor. - an engineer ['enftnIa]
- What is your name? a cosmonaut ['kczmenc:t]
- Where do you live? (unraror xopoM n ranqnB:aqyanrno).
- How old are you? 8. {renue:
- Where are you from? Now we have got some letters (nzceu). Can you read
5. Pa6ora c aa@aruroru. them? ([eru quraror nr,rcbMa rra Kaproqrax u orBeqaror Ha
- Do you speak English? nonpocrr).
- Do you know the ABC? - What is his name?
- Can you sing? Show me, Pleaset (ABC) - Where is he from?
a) Saganrae rpyntraM (na raprouxax):
naftru garrlaBEbre 6yrnrr rcax pyccrclre;
- Has he got a family?
- - Has he got a friend?
- crporlHbre 6yrurr, Eerroxo*crle rra pyccrne;
aarJraBrrbre 6yrcan, uoxoficrre Ea pyccrr're
- What is his father?
- (Opoft rpy[ne Borrpocbr sagaer ] rllreJrb' ABe Apyrue
(Hasnarr, trporrnTarB; Karrle corJracHbre 6yrnn [epeAa- rpytrtrbr J^rar{ aa{arcr Botrpocbr APVr APVrY);
ror 2 enyrca) 9. Ilbnropenlle reMbr <Ceursr.
6) Llrpa aEyparunor. fftauy (HocoMt. Croxerxo-poJreBafi urpa <A Turnipr.
A,Q,W,R 9ro6sr crarb repoeM cKaBKu (uperparurLcs B repofi cras-
(yvure;rr ilIrurer (HocoMD' yqenuriu uuuryr yBHarrEyK) xz), pe6enor AoJItr(eH paccrcagarb Bce o roM, KeM oH xotler
6yrny s terpa,qs); 6rrrr. Hanpuuep: I want to be a dog/ I have got a grand-
n) Llrpa <Make a letterr. mother, a grandfather, a cat, a mouse, a family. I can i'un,
(2 yuenuxa rnso6paxcaror 6yxnrr, ocraJrbHble orragrnaror). jump, play. Sarervl flpottlpbrBaercfl cKaBKa <A Turnip>.
r) Ilrpa <A Spiderr (yrenrnrcu yra,qbrBaror HeHarrncarrnbre 10. Lfuor yporca.
6yrsu). Ha gocrce cJIoBo <A Family>.
72 73
- What is this word for you? firese letters CK, this sound [k]
- My mother, my father, my sister! (Oruen yreuncor) firese letters th, this sound [d]
11.,(ouenrEee Ba,qarue. Some words: Winter, Summer; Spring, Autumn.
Harrracatr coqrrEenze rMy Familyr.
fienz nonropfiror xopoM E ratn4u'BfrAya:rbuo.
4. Bre4enne c,renegei cpaBneuua nMeE rrpr{narareJrbnbrx.
Tnr^n y?oxtt Bprnrnl nr[r. Grruu Our friend (hre.lra) has pails.
GPIBEEHN' IIPX'I TATTIIDELIX 1) this pail is small. This is smaller, this is the smallest
Ilena: (norasr-rnarcr ue4pa).
1. OsnaroMreErre c o6paaorarueru cletreEefi cparuerza Big - bigger - the biggest
trprrJrararenbEbrx. 2) O6tscueuue cretreueft cpauueuua uo-
2. flepuu.ruoe lmorpe6neuze B perrz nlrccrff rrpzJrara- pyccru. IIa xaprourax o$orrranus cretreuefi cpanxexua
TeJrbHblK r{ rrx cretreuefi cpanuenza. ErueE trpuJIaraTeJIbEEDK
3. O6o6qenue suanrlft 4erefi. uo reMe eBperueua FoAar.
O6opy)oaanuei t< Euela, rcaprorucz c rpaEcxpurr-
rlrlourrbrMrr BrraqraMlr, upeAMerEbre Kaprrrrrtr (uegpa, ryr-
JIbr, KapalrAarrrll), Ter6cr ue yue6uura na 3-x Kaprotr13ax, 5. Ilepnrynoe sarcpetrneurre o6paaoaanua creutinefi cpan-
Koporrbr 4;ra 4ereft rBpeueua noAar. EeEls trIx)cTEtrx upEJralaTenbEEtrx.
1. Opranueaquonnrrft iloMerr. lty to use our japanese computer.
Good morning! Greet the guests. I think, that the lesson (llcuorrrsoaaxue rrpBr efluoncxag uauzrra r ).
will be useful and interesting for you. Ha4ocre [pznararerrbErre: big, small, long, short, nice,
2. ellrponaa Balsarar u ayAEIxlBaEEe. clever, hot, cold, tall, warm.
And what about our traditional guest? 6. Saxpeu:resue. Vnorpe6aenze B trpe4norcenlasx,
How do you think, who will be today? 1) long (a pencil) (roxasnnaro 3 raparr4stna paedrrx no
Listen to mel 4nme);
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old nice (dolls) - paaEbre rro Benrrrrane;
woman. They had 3 sons: 2 of them were clever, and the tall, short - Aeru.
third was not silly, he was ... lucky. Once he was sent to 2) O6racueuue crroBa than u o6pasoranun
bring water from the river. When he put his pail into the good - better - the best
water he caught the fish (the pike). How do you think, 7. Sarpeurerze o6pasoBasus creueneft cpa, rlMen
what was his name? npuJrarar€JrbEror. HaxoucAeuue cnoB B Tercre :
(3a,qaras o6qne BotrpocLr, AsrE, EaKoEeq, oma4nBa- 1) pa6maa B Fpyrmax, AerE Apyr Apyry Anrryror rerccr
ror). zs 5rue6rrmca;
- 3. @oserrsecran'sapagrt' 2)saxontr GIroBa, troArrepruBaror rlx:
Let's drill English speech sounds. warmer, colder, the coldest, the hottest, longer, shorter.
.The sounds that a camel likes [p] 8. Pa6ora Ee/I TerccroM rro reue <Bpeuena roAa':
The sounds that a snake Iikes [s] a) urenae rercra (y xaxcnofi rpyrtrbr cnoft rexcr, Koro-
prrfr cocrarnfier eAEEoe qe;roe);
74 75
c uao6paxegueM ]ICrIBorHbIx I{JIrr urpyurex' rI}rcJIrrreJIbHLre
6) What is the title of the text?
- Ha Kaprorrrax or I ,qo 10).
- What is the text about?
9. IlonropeHrle JleKcritnu. flogroroBrilTeJrrHa,s pa6ora uo 1. Vporc tw&rneln&rnurcu (Maths)
reue <BpeuenaroAat. 1. Ilorrop,aeM crler 1-10.
Ha gocxe Kaprrrua, na roropofi Bce rrepenyrano (ne6o (paanoo6pasubre BaAanu,fi: coctluraft 1-10;
Kpacuoe, coJrnqe BeJIeHoe n r. A.). cocqnrafi L;3,5,7,9;
,[erz gonxHbr (EaprlcoBarbt Bce npaBrlJrbxo. .t HaBoBr! uo-anr.nuficKrr, Karcoe tIr.IcJIo crolrr nepeA 2, unu
Correct the picturel cJreAyer uocae 2).
the sun (small, big), a fir-tree (tall, short), 2. Count right! Do you like animals? Help them to do
a tree (pig, small), a flower (nice).
10. Pa6ora nag ycrnoft reuoft <Bpeueua DoAat: (Ha xaproural( c ueo6paxenzeM )rcr(Borrrbrx rrpocrLle
1) gern, pa6oras B rpyntrax, noJrfralor KoHBepr c 6yx-
rrplrMepbr (1+2; 3-1), Ba,4aqr. Pe6enorc rrr6upaer lrclrBor-
BaMrr, cocTaBJIgIoT cJroBo -
HaSBaIrUe BpeMeErr roAa;
Hoe - Kaprorrry, HaobrBaer BaAarry, npuMep u peuraer).
2) ea4aeas Apyr Apyry Bonpocbr, yragbrBaror HaBBaIrriIe
3. Guess the animal! (Coe,qunn tltrcna z yragafi, rro
apeuenu roAa Apyloft rpynnrr (r ocnonnou soupocrr o6-
qre). I
11. Passnrue HaBbrRa MouoJlornqecxoft pe.ra (or rplmnLr
nrr6pau JnreHuK, rotoprtfi, HarqeB Kopoxy, AoKaBbIBaer, qro
To rrJrlr rrEoe BpeMs roga rr5nrure).
L2. kbor ypora:
a) How do you think, what is the best season of the year?
6) uonropenue o6paaoBaHrrs creuenefi cpaBEearra.
13.,{orlrerrruee sa,qaurre. 4' r6

GtIE$trPnr rrPAS[HrItrA ((LET'S PLAY

ENGLISHD) ((([OtlrPADI]r B AHrIIRftcfrfi 11 4. flonropreM cqer 1 .10; 10-1 necnefi <10 Indians>.
Ilpaagnnr Moxtno npoBoAnrb B AercKoM ca,qy, c yqenura-
MIr UepBOrO Knacca. 2. Vporc pucoaatuun (Drawifig)
Ilpns$trr (rlrrts PLnv Ercr.rsrr)
l. Hasosure
qBera (Vuutear noxaar'isaer Jlerlecrrr4 rIBe-
roqra. Onn paanoro rlBera: white, black, red, blue, yellow,
Cerogna rvru uo6rrsaeM s *Becenofi ruxoner - <Merry green, grey, brown, pink).
Schoob. V nac 6y4er 5 ypoxor: MareMarrrxa (Maths), puco- 2. leru ucfioJruflIor necnro:
Banrire (Drawing), Quarylrrypa (Physical Education), ute- I have white,
nne (Reading), neuue (Singing). I have red,
(Ilkoarnaa Aocxa oQopuaena cJleAyroqrru o6paeou: 4na I have brown,
ypoxa MareMarlrxrr ptlcynor- cxeMa, ccersbrfi MarepnaJr
I hat'e black, Ha orrpeAeJreEaoM paccrosErrla. 2 yueruxa 6eryt s actaQere,
I have grey, KapTOrIKy U JI(IIIBOTIIOO.
I have green, (Llrpa rro4Br[rrcnas, yBJrerareJrbEas, cuoco6crayer garro-
I have blue MvEaFnro ll troBTopeguro EaaBegufi xcunorur'rx).
And I have pink.
Pe6euor pacrJla,qbrBaer Jle[ecrrrr qBerra s roft uocJle-
4. Ypon qrneruua. (Reading)
AoBarenbuocrrr, B xoropoft oHlI HaoblBarorc,fl B rrecne. Inas- 1. A.n(parur (nonropaeu, uoeu).
uoe, uro6nr yclrgrb paoJrotrrrrb JIe[ecrKlI, rloxa SBJrIrrr trecn,fi 2. Hasbrsaeu 61ncnn rpaa6poc.
u B TOM trOpg,qKe. 3. HaarrnaeM cJroBa uo 6yrnau: Cliff, cat, name, Mike.
3. Ilrpa <Magic Flower>. 4. Do you like tales?
Jleuecmu qBerra poo,qanbr AerffM, pe6euor lnnfi. yqu- Ilrpa r crasry <Turnipr. Ho 'rro6rr crarb yrracrgr{KoM
TeJIb Ea8brBaer qBer. Tor, y Koro oror qBer ecrb' BbrxoAr4T cKaBKlr, pe6enor AoJr]rcen cragarb Bce, rITo Buaer o cBoeM
K Aocre r{ roBop}rr: I like red. I don't like red u r. g. repoe.
Moxcno sarcpeunfiTb rrecKoJlbxo perleBbrx o6pasqon. I want to be Granny. I am old. My name is Jane. I have
got a daughter, a granddaughter, a dog, a cat, a mouse.
3. Vporc (puanyntmypat' I can run and jump. I like to dance.
(Physical Ed'ucation) Sareu pasbrrpbrBaercfi cxaoxa eTurnipr.
1. Brmo;rnn BapffArsy:
Hands up!
5. Vporc nenus. (Singing)
Hands down! floeru Bce treceuxu, Koropbre BEaeM.
Hands on hips! 1. ABC.
Sit down! ' 2. Step-Step.
. Hands up! 3. See them walk.
Hands to the sides 4. Old Mc. Donhld
Bend left, bend right, flo,qro4uu Do you like the game <ABCr?
What do you "to" ""p"ri
like in it?
One, two, three - hop, i

One, two, three - stop.

Hands downl WIilTEN FOREST
(Pyxouogur sapsnrcofi yqeuzr€ inu yqurenr. Moxcno,'tlo- (IETcrfirfi npnslHrK)"
6rr saps,qry trpoBenu EecxoJrbxo gerefi).
3a.nyrpernes (inMguMr{r KycraMrr r[ AepeBbsMu. .{o na-
2. Animal Race.
rraJra npaoAHrrKa rrrpaer Mygbrxa.
Myerma cMoJrraer, Bxo-
Csaqa^ra uoBTopseM EagBeglr.a ficraBorEbrx. SareIvr SByrIur
KoMaHAa: jump as frog! (geru rrpbrrarcr Karc Jl.firyrnru); run
Arrr Be4ynlufi - yvurear.
as dogs (6eryr rax co6aqru); swim as fish (n.rrrnyr xax Teacher:
prr6rz) rr r. A. Good morning, childrenl We are very glad to greet you
3. Name the animal. here. We know, that you Iike winter forest and those who
Ha uorry Jrelr(ar rcaprnnrn c uso6paxceulreM ,rcr{BorHbrx Iive in it. But today you'll visit the fairy Kingdom and meet
78 79
Her Majesty Queen of the Winter Forest. The Fox:
Somebody will help us! How do you think who is that? Good morning! Glad to see everybody!
When She comes,
The Queen:
It becomes cold. He is very kind, hard working
Everything becomes white, He is covered with needles.
All the lakes and over Do you hear him!Who is it?
are covered with ice. (A Hedgehog)
,{ern orragbrBaror: (Brr6eraer exlrx)
It is Winter! The Queen:
Bxo,4ur 3mra. (Winter Fairy) All the hedgehogs are sleeping in winter, but our friend
Winter Fairy: decided to visit our holiday! Hello, my friend!
Good morning, childrenl
The Hedgehog:
Good morning, guests! Hello, everybodyl Am I late?
You are welcome to the Kingdom of Winter Forest!
It is very nice in winter forest. Trees are dressed in The Queen:
white. It is silently. You can meet here only squirrels, No, you are not late!
hares, foxes, wolves and tomtits. Howbeautiful is the winter Please, you are welcome!
forest picture. The Queen:
Teacher: There is not a bird in a tree,
Not so many people can see Her Majesty Queen of the It is a small animal.
Winter Forest. And you will meet her. She is not an old It has nrann fir-coat.
Lady, she is very young and gay. is it?
(IIo4 aayrn MyobrKlr Bbrxogrrr qapuqa Snunero neca). (A Squirrel)
(flon rvryenry nar6eraer 6e;rra)
IIer Maiesty Queen of the'Winter Forest:
Good morningl Good morningt The Squirrel:
Glad to see yout Hellol I am very'glad to see yoir here in our winter forest!
You are welcome to my Kingdoml Our holiday should be very gay!
There is silence and peace in my Kingdoml But my friends The Hedgehog:
are fond of holiday. Let's call them!'Guess, please, who are Somebody is very cold. Soon I think it wiII be watm,
myfriends! and even very hot!
She is red,
The Fox:
With red, bushy, tail, Somebody thinks. It is boring. I hope it will be veiy gav.
She is cunningl
([eru crrgoB,f,Tcs B rcpyr, uoror rlecuu, raxqyror)
Who is it? (A Fox)
(IIog nro6yro Mysbrr(y BEtrxoArrr Jluca)

Ite Queen: From the tree bough,
ltank you, dear friends! I see, that you are not afraid of Nobody plays
thefrostl In the garde4 now.
Only the robin
lte Squirreh With breast of red,
I have got a game. firere is a word in my hands. The Sits and waits
word is eSnowflakesr. You should make the new words
For his crumbs of bread.
fron these letters! The winner is who says the last wopd.
.(em nprgnrnrnaxyr EoBEre cnoBa. Kro craxcer cnoBo It's snowing
trocnelr[r-rl, Tm E no6eprenr.
It's snowing, it's snowing.
Illrcroprc.u mpa.
What a lot of snow!
the Hedgehog: Let us make some snow balls.
And I want to listen to the poems about winter, winter We all, like to throw.
forest! It's snowing, it's snowing.
0n the ice Let us, sledge and ski!
Slide; slide, the ice is strong, When I'm dashing down the hill
Quickly, quickly slide along! Clear the way for me!
Slide along and don't be slow,
In the cold your face will glow! The Snowman
Slide along, slide very fast, Come to the garden
It's a shame to be the last. And play in the snow,
Make a white snowman
Winter And help him to grow!
This is the season <What a nice snowmanlr
When mornings are dark The children will say
And birds do not sing cWhat a fine game
In the woods and the park. For a cold winter dayr..
thisis the season
'When The Fox:
children ski
And Father Ctristmas
If somebody knows songs about winter, pleirse sing!
Brings the New Year tree. ,{eru uoror.
'Winter Fairy:
Greyis the sky Thank you, children! But I have a surprise for you. Itere
And the wind is chill, is a magic tree in our forest. There are a lot of sweets in the
Icicles hang tree all year round. We have such big sweets. they are not
trtom the window-sill simple. If your eat the sweet, you should do the action,
Gone is the swing

82 83
which is described of the sweet'paper. Who wants to eat a The Hare:
sweet? Nol But there is a monster.
,{eru, nsaa ronQerxy rIB KopBllHKrI 3uulr, quraror 3a,4a' Bee xoporu:
Erlte rra Qaxrure, e4ar ron@eTy E BbrtronEfix)T Aeficrsug.
A monster?
flporo4urcs urpa.
The Hare:
The Queen:
Yes, of course.. It is very big and dangerousl
Thank you, Winter Fairy! Are there a lot of sweetg in
your bag? The Queen:
You are mistaken, my dear! Where is the monster in our
Winter Fairy: forest? Probably, you saw a dream!
Yes, of coursel
The Hare:
The Queen:
A dream? Do you hear?
Now, let's play a new game. Children, please, come
(Cnrrmnrca prruanue)
here. Take these snowflakes(Pas4aer AerfiM Hycorlrr.r rartr).
Prr.raxue sce 6rufice u 6tttx<e. Brr6eraer Bsgepoures-
You are to blow!
nrrft ue,qnegr. Bagq or crpaxa trpsqercfi sa BeAyrqero-f{u-
([ys ua Kycoqxr4 BarEr, EaAo KaK Mo]rcuo AoJIbme yAep-
Ecarb rirx s aoe4yxe).
Let's begin! The Teacher:
flpoaogurcfi urpa. This is a bear. And you thought, it was a monsterl
Bnyuur rpeBoxnas Myablrca, nrr6eraer ueperyrarxrrft MeApeAr ocrrpaBJrrrBaercs. JlCa-no6noe prrqauue.
safiq, u 6eraet tro Balry. The Hare:
Winter Fairy: AII the bears are sleeping nowtAnd he is running in the
Dear Hare? What's the matter? What has happened forest!
with you? The Queen:
Saaq ocranaBJruBaercfi. Or crpaxa r{e Mo}rcer craaarb He needs our helpl Somebody has awaken him, and he
HII CJIOBA. can't fall asleep.
The Queen: Winter Fairy:
.Probably, you the Fox, frighten the Hare? We should help himl But how to do this?"
The Fox: The Queen:
I.saw him only yesterdayl Nol And we'll ask the childrenl Who knows how to help our
The Hare: bear?
No, it's not shel Bce xopou:
IVinter Fairy: To sing a song!
Than who? Is there a wolf in our forest? ,{eru uoror trecuro. Megue4r rper rnaga u yxoArlT co
cq,errbr.,{onocnrca xpau.
84 85
The Queen: ,{errr orBerraror:
Now, our bear is sleeping! It is very good, when you Good morning, Big Pig!
have a real friend, who can help you. Pig:
Winter Fairy: My name is Pig. Good morning, children.
I hope, that everybody will remember our party, our ,{ern orBerrax)T:
forest and our games. Good bye! Good morning, Pig!
Little Pig:
DAINY I.AITII My name is Little Pig. Good morning, children.
(rrpA3EHntr, rrocBtqEHllbrfi GKA3KAM'
,{err orBetraror:
Ilo4mronra K trpasAxtrKy. Good morning, Little Pig!
1. Hapucorarr ano6oro crcaaorrEoro repoff rr trpoIyMarb
o EeM paccnas (7-8 upeuoxeuuft). fiopocara, o6paqaacr Apyr rc Apyry:
2. Vlrlcqer'zpoBarb crasrcu.
Big Pig:
Teacher: Let us go for a walk.
Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls! Do you like fairy
Let us go for a walk.
Oh, yes, we do.
Little Pig:
Let us go for a walk! Let us go fgr a walk!
firat's good because today's parff is devbted to fairy fiopocrra (naarmuct Ba pIncr, Tarqyror n [ortrr):
We are happy little pigs
tales. We'Il see them, talk about them and play games.
I hope you like them and understand them well. Little pigs, little pigs.
flonrop. 2 pasa.
Tunn Lrrru hcs Scene II
Little Pig Big Pig:
, Big
Pig 'Where
Pig Wolf is our house?
Where is our house?
Scene f
Little Pig:
Teacher: Where is our house?
Once upon a time there lived three pigs.
Big Pig:
Big Pig: Let us build a little house
My name is Big Pig. Good morning, children.
Pig: LittlePig:
Let us build a little housel No, no, go away, go auray, Big Bad Wolf!
Little Pig: Wolf:
Let us build a little house! I shall puff,
and puff and blow your house down.
I shall build a house of haY! Boar 4yer, AoMrrK ina,qaerr. flopocenox y6eraer a go-
MrrK cpeAEero 6para.
Pig: Bonx no46eraer rc AoMlrrcy cpeAnero uopoceura.
I shall build a house of stickst
Big Pig: Pig, pig, let me in.
I shall build a house of bricks.
flopocara, uao6paxan' KaK oHlt cTpofiT AOMr{Klr, Bbil- Little Pig and Pig:
craBJlsror Ha crynbs ylrce BapucoBaEubre AoMe. Sareu rax- No, no, go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
4ufi uoscnaer: 'Wolf:
Little Pig: I shall puff, and puff and blow your house down!
I have a little house of haY, Bo.rtr 4yer, AoMr{K (tra,rlaerr, nopocgra y6eraror n go-
Hous'e of hay, house of haY. MrrK crapmero 6para. Bonr'no,qxoAur rc AoMr{$y.

Pig: Wolf:
I have house of sticks,
a little Big Pig, Big Pigl Let me in!
House of sticks, house of sticks. The Pigs:
Big Pig: No, no, go auray, go away, Big Bad Wolf!
Ihave a little house of bricks, 'Wolf:
House of bricks, house of bricks. I shall puff, and puff
and blow your house down!
III Bonx 4yer, rro AoMr{K He rraAaer. Bonrurofi rropoceHor
{yAapfferr BoJrKa, ror y6eraer. flopocara srr6eraror lra
floasasetcs Bo;rx. AoMa, 6epyrca sa pyxrr, Kpyr*arcs.
My name is Wolf. We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Teacher: Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolfl
Go away, go away, Big Bad Wolf! We are not afraid of Big Bad Wolf.
'Wolf: Teacher:
Hush, everybody! I see nice little pigs! They are very Do you like the tale?
tasty! Do you like the artists?
floAxoAut K AoMrrKy MaJrenbxoro flopoceHxa' Now, let us see the tale.
Little Pig, Little Pig, Iet me in.
88 89
crPurr-Bnr.L AIID Ifts fhutuosr) Hare:
G6od day! You are three and I am alone. Please take me
with you!
Puff-Ball Mufty-tufly Mouse
Bully, the frog Jack, the hare Puff-Ballr
Howli-Growly,thewolf GrtzzlyBear Good day! And who are you?
Ha crleue Aexopaquu: HecKoJIbNo AepeBbeB, cro- I am Jack, the hare.
Teacher: Then come with us.
Puff-Ball has no father, no mother and no friends. One
day he goes to find some friends.
At last come with us.
How is it pity, that I have no friends. Oh, Somebody is
Good day!
going! Good morning! And who are you?
Mufty-tufly lfrouse: Puff-Ball:
Good day! And who are you? Where are you going?
I am Mufty-tufly Mouse. I am alone.
Then come with me. Now, we are two.
I am Howli-Growly, the wolf. I am looking for friends.
I see you are four and I am alone. Please take me with youl
They walk on and on and at last meet a frog.
Thbn come with us.
I am alone. Please take me Teacher:
Good dayl You are two and
Puff-ball and his friends walk on and on. At last they
with you!
meet a bear.
And who are you?
j\nd who are you? Where do you go?
I'm Bully, the frog.
I am Grtzzly Bear. I am looking for friends.
Then come with us!
Come with us! We'll be you friends.
Then they meet a hare.
So they walk on and on. Then they come to a house in the
forest. The house is empty.
90 91
(O6pnnlaer Brrauanrle Ea neilcaulyro co6arcy)
Iook! What Good day, my dear Dog! Why are you gasping?
a nice house! We can live here.
Bear: Dog:
The house is big. Good dayl Glad to see you. Ah, every day now I grow
older. I cannot hunt with my master. So he wants to get rid
Frog: of me. I ran away and now I don't know now to earn my
It is near a lake. bread.
All together: Donkey:
Yes, we should live here. Well. I am going to of Bremen. I shall be town
Teacher: musician and play the lutel Let's go with me. You'll beat
And the six friends still live in that house and help each the drums.
other. Dog:
1. Do you understand the tale? Oh, that's a good idea! A fine idea! Let's go, I want to be
. How many friends has Puff-Ball?
2. a good musiciant Don't you see anybody in the middle of
3. Do you want to have a Iot of friends? the road?
And now the tale...
((THE Bnrnrn Towr Musrcrnxsr) I
see a cat with a terribly sad facel
(O6peqaacr r xory) Dear me! What has happened to
you, old thing, to make you look so sad!
Donkey Cock
Dog Robbers Cat:
Cat I don't know, how to tell you! My mistress is angry that
I don't want to catch mice anymore. She says she will
drown me. (Begrrxaa) So I ran away. But now I don't know
what to do?
Once upon a time a man had a Donkey. The Donkey had
serrred him well for many years, but now it was very old. Dog:
The man began to think how he could get rid of the Donkey. Come to Bremen with us. You are good at night music,
so you can be a town musician, too.
Donkey (rparu'ruo):
I am very old. My master wants to get rid of me. What Cat:
shall I do? hobably, I can run away. Oh, yes. I'Il go to the Oh, thank you! You are very kindl It is so good to have
town and try to become a town musician therel Of course I'll such friends Iike you. Let's go.
do thisl Teacher:
(lller uo 4opore) They walked on and on. The three future musicians soon
The road is so long. Somebody is there by the side of the came up to a farm. They saw a Cock, sitting upon the gate.
road. The Cock was crowing with all his might.
Donkey Teacher:
Good day, dear! firey came to a well-lighted cottage' There was a lot of
Coe.k: singint and laughing inside- The Donkey went up to the
Good day! window and PeePed in.
Donkey: Cock:
What's the matter with you, Friend Cock? 'Why do you What do you see, GraY-sides?
cnow so loud? Donkey:
Cock: I laid with meat and drinks' Around
see a table it the
Dear friends! I am very sad. My misflsss has invited robbers are sitting and having a good time'
many people for dinner on Sunday. She has told the cook Cock:
to make me into soup. So I crow as loud as I can now. That is just what we need-
Because after Sunday I will not crow any more.
Cat: Oh! Yes, I do wish we could be there.
Cone along with us, Friend,Cnck.
Cock: Then the musicians thought of a plan to frighten the
'Where robbers. fire Donkey brayed, the Dog barked, the Cat mewed
are you going?
'Cat: and the Cock crowed.
'We (Aptzctrr zeo6paxaror 3B]IKE. Ilcuyrarnnre paa6oftuz-
are going to Bremen.
rr nrr6eraror E3-3a AoMEKa z 56eraror trpo'rb)
Your fine voice is just what we need. We are going to be
The robbers will never come here again. I like this house'
the town musicians.
together: )

too. Four friends are still there and are as happy as

I am very pleased with the idea. Let's go! they can be.
-andthey stopped
for the night in the forest! Ihe Donkey
l. Is this tale kind?
the Dog lay down under a tree. The Cat climbed into 2. Why do you think so?
the branches. The Cock flew right up to the top of the tree. 3. Are the old animals really happy?
Cock: Norq let us speak and PlaY!
Dear friends! I see a light in the distance. And there is I. Describe your drawings and we'lI all decide which
a house not far from here. ones are the best illustrations to your favourite tale'
(,{eu otrucbrBa-ror cBon pr{cyEKE Ir non5nrarot upzarl)'
Donkey II. Please, name some English fairy-tales'
Lct's go there. It is very cold, eut here in the forest. All ' ,{eur EaBbrBax)T cKaSKu' Koropbre suaror' Sareu yru-
together.Iet's go. TenB BbrBemuBaer crrtrcorc cKaSoK 6onee ugBeerHE[K Aerglf,'
Vvarqzecr qllTaror rraoBauua. Ecrz snaror, To MoFyr Kpar- ,{,eru xopotu:
KO [epecKaSaTb. Springl
Brrxogar Jr.reuilKrr B KocrrcMax BeceHrrr{x Mecfi4eB.
Cnucor Heroropbrx crcagoK:
1. The Three Little Pigs. Teacher:
2. Jack and His Friends. Come here, March, April and May!
3. The Little Red Hen. March:
4. The Cock The Mouse and The Little Red Hen., In the spring, in the spring,
5. Lazy Jack. Sweet and fresh is everything.
6. Jack and the Beanstalk.
7. The Fish and the Ring. April:
8. Catkin. April weather,
9. The History of Tom Thumb. Rain and sunshine both together.
Teacher: May:
Thank you, everybodyt I hope that you like our party. It In the spring, in the spring,
is very interesting to watch, to listen, to play fairy-tales Sweet and fresh is everything.
and to read them. In the merry month of May.
Children all are happy and gay.
IIIE SDTSONS They laugh and sing and say:
eWelcome, welcome, merry Mayr.
flo4roroura K npaBAEsKy. Teacher:
1. CAeaarr KocrroMbr MecsIIeB roAa. And what do you, children, do in spring?
2. Hapucosarb RapruHbr. i

3. Hauucarr cotlrrgegril.g o BpeMesax roAa. fiemr orBetrax)T:

We like to play outside.
Teacher: Becennue Mecffqbr yxoAsr.
Good morning everybody!Today we're going to speak
about the seasons of the year. What seasons do you Teacher:
know? And what season is this? Try to guess.
The season when nights are short
,{eu orBerrax)r: Children have plenty of fun and sport
Spring; Summer, Autumn and Winter. Boating and swimming all day lorig
Now, guess! What is the season?
WiIl make us well and strong.
This is the season
When snowdrops bloom, Children:
When birds make their bests, It's summdr.
This is the season BrrxoAgr lruarquecg B KocrroMax Jrernllx Mec.flIIeB.
We all like best?

4. 3aKa3 l& 2580 g7

June: Novenber:
fire sun is shining, But in the rainy season
Flowers are blooming, I have other jo5rs,
The sky is blue, I read my books and play
And rains are few- At home with all my toys.
(Ocemue MecqFr yno4ar)
'White the sun is shining brightly, Teacher:
Little children; come with me, Which is the coldest season?
Birds and trees'and flowers to see. Children:
August: It is winter.
Iret us make a merry ring, Teacher:
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing! I-ct us talk about winter. You are welcome, wint'er
Quickly, quickly, come away, months.
For it is a pleasant day. Bxo4at guMErIe Mecsqbr.
All together: December:
Ttle like flowers that are bright, This month brings you ski
We like flowers that are white, And the New Year tree!
Ttte like flowers that are blue,
We like red and yellow flowers too-
It is dark blue at night
Jlerq-qe Mecqbr JrxoAsr. Bxo4ar oceErrne rf,ecqFr-
In the morning it is white
Teacher: The snowflakes are falling.
There are twelve nonths in the Year,
trtom January to December -
This cold and frosty day
lhe finest month of all the twelve The sun is bright, the snow is right!
Is the merry month SePtember-
September: You know all the months. Now, let us play the game
Autumn is the season'
When apples are sweet.
Bruro4at qerrq)e JiGIeE[Ka, rrr6rpa.ror .lro6yo rcaI]EE-
It is the season, ry eBpeuer FoAar. 9epea Eercoropoe Bpeut Jrueuurcz orrz-
school - friends meet.
cbrBaxlr cBon rcallrrEry: eAutumn comes before winter.
October: Sometimes it is cold in autumn. firere are few flowers. fire
What arainyseason! leaves on the trees are yellow and red. Only fir-trees are
Ttre sky is dark and grey; green in autumn. The gtass in October is yellow, it often
No sunshine any more;
No ptaying out of doors.
98 99
rains. The sky is cloudy. The sun does not shine. The wind AUTUMN
is cold. Children have their warm coats on> ( rrPASFtH[K, noGBf, trlEHrlbrr oGEHrll
Teacher: 3ar yrparueu oceHrrrrMrd JrlrcrbaMu ' B sasax 6yrerrr
The game <Who Can Say More?> ros. IIa croJlax troAeJrKrI rro rlplrpoArroro Marepnata' ?lc-
Five pupils come here! Each of you should say a sentence IlaftroBcxoro <Bpeuena roAa> '
rroJrbayercfi MyBErKa fl.trI.
about the season I name. For example: <Spring>.
And now guess some riddles.
Autumn comes- It brings different colours: yellow' red'
1. A little old man with twelve children,
green, dark green
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is he? A pupil:
(A year) Summer is over
2. Can you name five days of the week? I don't mean Autumn comes
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday In the fields and the forest'
or Saturday Everything is duII
(Todag, yesterday, tke day before yesterday, totnorcow, Birds flew awaY
the day after tomorrow). The days are shorter
3. What is without hands and without feet, without The sun shines rare
a head or a body, but can open a door? Dark, dark nights-
(The wind) A pupil:
4. What is it that can catch me in the garden and make But Autumn is time for harvest!
me wet?
(Rain) All pupils:
5. It is white, it is coid. We can skate on it. What is it? Welcome, welcome
(Ice) Golden Autumn!
6. What man cannot live inside the house? Ilossnsercs Ocenr:
(A snowmon) Hello, mY friends!
7. What goes up wheu the rain comes down? Glad to see You here!
(An urnbrella) Do you like mY- dress?
Do you like mY Parks and gardens?
. Thank you, children! I see that you know all the seasons Teacher:
and like them. They say right, when it is winter, we want HeIIo, Autumn FairY!
summer, but when it is summer' we want winter. Every It is verY good that You are here!
season is good. Probably you brought a present for pupils!
Yes! Look, mY aPPles like honeY!

100 101
And especially the haris,
Everybody makes some jam.
Young and old like my leaves.
I brought you flour
You will ma]<e a pie! The Cucumber:
You can see my honeY If you eat a cucumber,
And my autumn weather! So green and sweet.
Do you like my rain? You will be very pleased. :

All pupils: No, nol The Carrot:

Teacher: If you want to be so strong and clever,
Autumn is the time for harvest Eat my carrot vitamins!
How rich it is todaY! Drink my juice!
Brrxo,4ar Aerril B lrra[orlxax' Ha KoropBrx uao6paxenrr The Tomato:
oBory: MopKoBb, ropolrer' rloMr4Aopbr' cBeKJIa' rcaproQenr' Don't you know that my juice
n5rl€, KaIIyCTa, Orypeq. Is the most pleasant and tasty.
Autumn: The Autumn:
Our harvest is very finel What vegetable we need for every dish?
Look! You see a carrot, a potato, a white cabbage, a red
tomato, a green cucumber! All pupils:
Onion, of course!
Here you are, my dear Pea! The Onion:
You are right!
The Pea: I am very useful for people! -
I am so pretty,
You know me. The Potato:
I am green sweet fellow I em Potato, so modest!
And can treat you! Nothing can anybody say,
That all of you need
Autumn: The potato me!
And what about You anY Beet!
The Beet: Everybody is right!
Canlsayaword? But, do you hear? Somebody is knocking!
You may use me for Oh, this is a doctor!
Soup and for salad. Hello! Glad to see you!
Nobody is so tastY like me!
The Doctor (yrenurc B rcocrroMe 4orcropa):
The Cabbage: Hello! Glad to see you?
People use me for the souP What are you talking about?
And for tasty cabbage Pies!
LOz 103
The Vegetables: It often rains
Who is the most important for childrenl Everything is dull,
Who is the tastiestl I know: it is November!
And in all diseases (Vvalqlrecs Moryr 6rrrr e KocrloMax Mecfi4eB oceHu)
Will be the most useftil! Autumn:
The Doctor (pacxancunar ramno): Oh, I see that you know all autumn months!
If you want to be strong and healthy But do you know how to guess my riddles?
You should love all the vegetables! 1. Without paints, without brushes
And I can't decide who is the most useful and tastiestl She coloured all the leaves
All of you are very important! (Autumn)
2. When it is sitting, it is green!
Autumn: When it is falling, it is yellow!
Thank you, my dear Doctor!
When it is lying, it is black!
Childrenl Do you know my sons? (A leafl
What are their names?
3. Who flies away in autumn,
All pupils: And returns in spring.
September, October, November! (Birds)
Autumn: Autumn:
You are right! What can you say about them? Thank you! And now let's play a game.
A pupil: 1. flpouo4nrcfi rlrpa <Gather mushrooms>.
When I see the.yellow, red leaves, (Co6parr rpu6rr c BaBfisanubrMrz rJrasaruz. <fplr6a-un'>
I know: it is September! Moryr 6rrtr npoctb ry6zrn)
When I see the flying away birds, Gather mushrooms with closed eyes.
I know: it is September! 2. <Make a-bunch of autumn leaves!>'
When I go to school again: (flpegnaraercfi cocraBrrts 6yret rits oceunlrx auctren)
It is September! Autumn:
A pupil: At last! I want to know, who is the most observant?
When I see the falling leaves, Do you know:
I know: it is October! 1. Who gathers apples with his back?
When there are no vegetables on the fields, (A Hedgehos)
I know: it is Octoberl 2. Who dries the mushrooms in the trees?
And when they say - the bear fell asleep, (A Squirrel)
I know: it is October! 3. What is the name of the tree whose leaves become
A pupil: (An Asp)
It becomes colder,

104 105
4. What animal has small children when leaves are falling?
(A Hare)
Ocenr narpalrcAaer Bcex SrqgslHktxoB trptrBaurr. rrrETo[IlqEGKIlE PEK0MEHIAqIIil
I understand that you like this season with its red and
rr0 oPrAHIlSAtItIIl 3AHf,TIlfr
yellow leaves, with its tasty harvest and with its rains. AHTIIIfrCTNU f,SbIKOM
Good bye!

Ocsosuas Sa,qaqa o6yvenna rruocrpanr{oMy sabrxy Aetefi

AolrrKoJrbEorci noapacra - HalrqlaTb r{x rroHrlMarb HecJroxc-
IIyn, BIIoJIEe AoCTImEyIO nO coAep)I(aHIIIO perlb Iul IIpIIBLITb
HeKO4Opbre yMeErl,fl rr HaBbrKrI paSr'oBopa.
Haqsgarr o6yveurae anr.nuficroMy fl3brKy Mo,rcHo rI c
Tpex Jrer, rro Jryqure c rrgTll' Tar( Karc B aToM BOSpaCTe pelrb
pe6erra Ea poAHoM .fi3brKe yxce 6o.ree rrJlu Menee oQoprvrne-
rra, u oE MOXCeT roBoprrTb rlpaBraJrbrrbrMrl npeAnorcellvrgM'ur,
xors x rcopoTKrlMrr
Sansrzs c AerbMu AoruKonbnoro Boapacra Jryrrlme Bceru
1^5-20 rffiyr. Jlyvme Bcero opraarasoBbrBarb 3aHsrr.Ifi yrpoM
vrrxxle IIoGlre ,ryeBEOm CEa' KOrAa Aerr'r He yrol\tr[errbr rI MoryT
JrerKo Bocrrp[HrrMarb Marepuajr rlHocrpaHrroro fl3brKa.
Cne4yer o6parutr BHrIMar{I{e Ha ro' qto6u KoJrrrtlecrBo
Aereft B rpytrtre Ee trpeBbrmano 12 (or 8 4o 12), rar KaK oro
snarllrrelrbno o6nersfir rpyA yqraTenr lr 6y,qet cnoco6crno-
narr aQQerruBEoMy o6yvenuro pe6enra. Ha eassrn'sx c
MaJreEbrcEMu AerbMrr Mrroro ra:uAvBnqy alrcnofi pd6orrr, oco-
6erso 4na Qouerrauecxoro o@opu.nenu,fi perrrl.
O6yqggta arruuftcxoMy sabrxy Molrcer 6rrrr opranuso-
BaEo Ea ABa roAa (ecnu sarraruff r{aqa;rrlcb c 5 net)' Ho
cpolc[ o65ruerua Mo)rcHo Bapb]rpoBarr. ero SaBrlcrIT or cre-
treF pagBu:rus ,qerefi B AaEIroM Bogpacre.
Ecrm rcypc paccurrar (cunarrupoBan 1q1a1gr.M; rra AEa r\oAa;
T1o B KOqe trepBorto ro4a o6yrenua pe6enor AonxceH yMgrb:

PoAnofi ,figbrr Moxer 6rrrr uenoJrbSoBag Ea salrgrrlfix no
lrHocTpaEHoMy ,fi36rrcy Karc upoBepKa lrourlMaElls peqn pe-
6enxorvr. ,(*a eroro Morrcno rrc[oJrrsoBarb lrsBecruyro AJrg
no6oro Boopacra gereft urpy <fIepeBoAtIrIEt.
Karcue )rce BIIIALI pa6otrr c AetEMrI nan6o.uee npueMJleMbr
grx o65rrerns. anrtletitcKontry
fiSbrrcy 4ereft AercKoro ca,qa?
1. Pa6ora Ha,q npousHomeHlleM.
2. Pa6ora c urpyruftoilr unn xapturxoft (zeo6pancenleu
3. Pasy.ruraulre crltxoB.
4. Pasyuznanl{e neceHorc, ueHue.
5. I[ncqenupoBalrue Koporrcrlx paccraSoB' npocrblx cra-
3OK, CK)E(eTHO-pO4eBbre uPpbr.
6. I{rpa B KyKJrbr.
7. Llrpu [oABIiI]rcHbre (c lexcuxofi na asuraftcxou aerrxe).
8. Llrpu cuoroftsue r{ reMarrarrecrtre.
9. )ICusrre KapruHrrt.
10. flpuemrr coquo-urponoft ue4arorlrxllt.
11. Pa6ota c AerbMrI Ha rrporyJrKe.
B upoq,ecce o6yuenra gerefi nuoitpannoMy sBbIKy Motrc-
Ho flcnoJlbgoBarb cne,qyrcIqile upveMbl o6yrenua: xoposoe
rroBTopeHue 3& 1n111'1grt"*, r4HAlIBr{AyaJrbHoe rIoBTOpeHrre' xo-
playing), Kaxas Ha ynr{qe troroAa (The weather is fine); J
poBo e v vHArrBrrAyaJIbHoe rreHl{e, AeK JI aMaIIr{s cTt4 xo B' opra-
4) sagarr Borrpoc u orBerrrb Ha sero B'rrpeAenax upoft- ,l Hrr3arlrr,fi nrp c oneMeETaMrr copeBEoBaHlrfi' rlelleAoBar{r(e rIoA-
gennofi JreKcrrxrr; Br{rrcHblx lr cuorcoftnlrx uqp, ptlcoBarrue. II o6gsareabHo oAIIH
5) paccrasarb r{arrgycrb rrecroJrbro rreceuoK }r crlltruroB, u}rn ABa paoa B roA npoBeAeutre [pas,qnlrroB na aurlraficrom
rroEr{ ux coAepxcaHl{e; .
.EBbrKe, qro6bl Aerrt MorJrIr rrorcaaarb cBoI{ Srranrls lr yMeI{Eg
6) nrparr s o6fraroque urpbl na anrauftcxoM ffoblre; poAvreJl,fiM, Apyr Apyry, qro6rr Bospoc ypoBeub MorrrBaqrll{
7) noxuruarb peqb ]^rrrreJrff, Apyrux ,qerefi, cnymarb lI i B r4syqeHr,Iu orolo npeAMera.
rroEuMarb se6omruofi paccxas I{B rrpocrbrx upegaoxenrnft. .

Ha uepsrrx sansrrrfix uo anrnuficr€oMy sobrxy po4xoft PREOTA HIII nPOITSHOIIIEHTEM

BaHlrMaer 6o.nrruoe Mecro. Oprarusaqus sasgruft, qo-

otrIpenus, o6sscnenra.ff rrrp npoBoAsrcs Ha poAHoM sobrKe.

flpu o6yuenrnu pe6enra upolraHoruenulo sBJrKoB trnocrpaH-

Horo,ffBbIKa sall6o;ree yAarIHbrM,f,BJrgerc,E ur'ruraquottgbrfi

xceu cocraBJrfiTr lruocrparrnuft fiBbIK, K KoHrIy BTopono roAa
cnoco6. Ocnonnrrru [prIeMoM pa6orrr Ha,q ug)rlSrro[renrreM
o6yuenus pognofi .fiBbrx 6rrrr llcxJrrcqeH. aBJrfiercff noBropenve AerbMrr (xoporrr u nqoAuHotrxe) ea yru-
AoJrrrcetr ;

TeJreM orAeJrbHbrx cJroB, rlpeAJroxienufi , crlrxoB' AlraJroroB.

108 l 109

pASvrtrBArrtlE rr [EKrrAMAqrrf, GTltxoB
Paayurrar crzxorBopenve uJrul [eceHry' pe6enor ner-
r(o BarroMzEaer pz@ruona-nnrrfi Texcr' coAeptxarrluft 6ons-
rrroe KoJrurrecrBo HoBbrx cJroB n upeAJroxceHufi. Pu@uo-
sassrrfi Tercr .fiBJrsercs rroJle3rrbrM @onerzuecrrlM ytr-
palrcEeEueM, a rar(}Ice MaTepnaJIoM AJIS SanoMrrHaHrlfi CJIOB.
Ho .nerczra crrlxorBopeur{s 6ee oco6ofi AorroJllrrlTenrnofi
pa6orrr Ee cuo:rcer uepeftru B axTrrBHbrft sauac cJroB' crr{-
xorBoperrre ocraercff B rraMfiTr4 pe6enxa ronbKo KaK
KpacuBoe BByqart"" cnon. Yro6hr cJIoBa BorrrJrr4 n artlrsHbrfi
sltac pe6eura, a raxlr(e B rpaMMarr{rlecrue KoHcrpyrqrlrl'
EyrrcELI ctreqr{aJrbEbre yupatlcHeIIuIs. ll urpbr co cJIoBaMr{
BEe r{ouTexcra Cnosa uecerrrrl vtJrut crvt'
If,ilfi TAPTITHtrOT xorBopeEr{.fi gBJrflK)Tcs neo6xogrtMbrMvt AJI,fi lrarlaJrbnoro
,fpra.a, Kpacoquas Harng4rrocrb xolnrrrzn[ tro-
MorrIFrrKoM ] Mrr/Fneru
rrrreJr.ff npra o6yvenmn nenefr. Bogpac- tronrrMarrus o6rqero coAep)rcaulrfl Terccra v
ra. Pe6eror 6rrcrpee ycBanBasr uEocrpaEuoe c,IoBo, ec,ru xopomefi 1asofi Anfl AaJrbHeftruefi arrrlBvsarlrar{ peqrl B
ouo cBffgano rreuocpeAcrBerrEo c trpeAMeroru, raprzuroft znu IIIKOJIC.
4eftcrrueu, Koropoe oE BrrArlr lalrylBtrrrorInggr gau.
Bne4earae nosofi Jrerrcrtnrr z pa6ora tro ee ycBoeEzro. c trrrGuEHrPoBAHtrE GKA3ON,
troKaBoM trpeAMeroB, urpyrtrer, ffpnux xapruuoK cuoco6- GTrrxoB, nDcEHoIl
crByer aftrueuy ycaoenzrO Jrercrrxrr. (Ha-upzuep, a cat - a
black cat (white, red); a big black cat, a liitle black cat). ,{erz,4omxoJrBEoro Bo3pacra .rro6.xr cJrymarb cxaarcrr,
Sarpenun cyrqecrBrrreJrbubre, upuJrarareJrbrbre, Moxcno crnxfr., paccra3br. {acro zao6paxcaror repoeB aroft craaxu
uprlcrlruarb K arraxoMcrBy c rnaronaun. 9ro uouoraer o6y- lu'nrn paccnaaa E paabrrpbrBax)T cqeHKrI. O6r-rrprrsasue cras-
qaTb yMerruro SaAaBaTb Botrpocbr rr oTBerraTb Ea Eux: r.V, ArU CTUXOTBOpeEUS OXCTIBJISeT 3aEfiTr{e rI Aaer Bo3-
- What is this? MOXIEOCTb trpOrIEO SaKperrllTb SHarIIIe JTeKCI{KII I[ rpaMMa-
- Is it a cat? TEtrecKux oopu, ueo6xo4llubrx AJIS EaBbrr{oB
- Is it white? ycrrofi peqr.
- Yes, it is white. Ilpzuep Ee6onb[oro orpbrBra rI3 r{sBecrrroft crasrll
- What is it doing? rPemar (A Turnip)
- It is sitting. Grandfather:
]Ite.narearso uMsrb Karc Molrcno 6oarme uao6paxcerufi Grandmother, come here and help me!
oAnorb 1r roro xce trpeAMera. rleu 6olrme BaprrarToB trpeA- Ea6ymrca troAxoArrr, BABoeM oErI rrbrrarorc,fi Bbrrarrlurb
Mera, TeM 6onrme BogMorrcHocrr B cocrAnrtengn AerbIuE (perrKyt, IIpoEsEOCg CJTOBa:
Opas, BorrpocoB r! orBeroB. - One, two, three. Oh, I can't!Let's call granddaughter!
110 111
I say cjumpD, (runr, <swimr.
(,{eru BbrnoJrrr,f,ror geftcrn4s Lt:l,. vwrzrurpyror ux).
,{onrme Bcex ocraercff BeAyIquM Tor, KTo Bxaer 6onrrne
arrr.nuft cxzx r.lraroJroB
Orpounoe Brrarreuue pasau'iur yrreuzfi u nasrrxds
ycrnoft peqfi uMeror rBoptrecrr{e nrp6r.
We are in the forest. These are trees, bushes. And this is a
place, where hares are playing.
(,{eru B oror MoMeHT uoo6paxcaror eaftquros r{ r,rrparor
'B Karyrc-nu6o urpy).
flogsrsercs Maurenrra, Koropas aa6ny,4u.nacb B Jrecy.
3afi.ruru Ee Bxaror, KTo ona, go craparcrcg efi troMorrb.
Onu snaroMfiTcs g ueft.
BBe,qeHvrra rr SaKpelrJreHuv SrraHrrs JreKclrKrl r.I peqeBbrx 06- - Who are you? I am a girll
pasrloB nHocrpaHHoro ssbrKa; AJrfi oopMrrpoBaHr4fi yMeHnft - What is your name? My name is Masha.
lr HaBbrKoBycrnort peqra; KaK tbopma caMocrosrenrnoro o6- - Where do you live? I Iive with my Granny.
rrlenrrfi 4ereft Ha lruocrpannbrvr ssrrxe. Vcnoncnsfl Lllpy B - Where do you go? I go to pick berries.
npoqecce o6Srussrr, yrrnrerb co6nro4aer npuHq,lrnbl rlocre- - Have you got any toys? Yes, f have u r. ,q.
rrenxocrra, trocJreAoBareJrbuocrlr Lt Aocrynrlocrn r o6ytenura. Eoarruoe Mecro cpeAr.I rrp oarrrrMaer rrrpa B KyKJrbr.
Ha san.fitfifix MoJt(Ho rlcttoJrb3oBarb oplanrrH&JrbHbre Ilcnonrsya ory rrrpy, ytlurenb Mo)r{er gagperlJrfiTL aHalr}rfi
cneqnQuunbre AJr.fl 4ereft crpanbr uaJrrrasMrrt ,fiBbIKa, Jrercr{Krr u peceBbrx o6pasqon uo M.HoFuM TeMaM. ,{eru uo-
pyccKlre r4rpbr, SHaKoMbre AeTsM tro coAepJrcaHllro, Ho c ryr o6cra.anrr ue6enrro ryroarurrft yroJror(; oAeBarB rcyxoJr,
annnuftcnuM rerccroM. Jfto6yro urpy MoJr(Ho ycJlolr(Hrtrb, KopMurb, rrAru ryJrsrb, yrnaAbrBarb cnarb. Moxno ycrpau-
4o6asue neo6xoguuuir, pna sarpetrJrenr{a pevenoft o6paseq. Barb AeHb polrcAerrus KyKoJr r[ upuruMarr rocreft. Coupo-
Oco6enno AerfiM HpaBETcs crorrcerHo-pongBbre larpbl r,I BolrcAa.E rce 4eftcrnus Ea arrrJrrrficrou sshrxe rr paoroBapw-
cKaSoqHbre rrrpbr c flepcoHalrcaM]r ff(llBorHbrx. Bafi ga KyKoJr, Aeru coBeprrrencrByror nprao6perennbre yMe-
Snaa orpouHoe KoJrztlecrBo pyccxrrx crcaoon, Aeru Mo- laus. n EaBrrxrr ycrnoft pequ.
ryr Qanraa[poBarb u cosAaBarb c]rryaquu caMrr. Oco6en- fierr ;rrc6sr paoroBapaBarb rro reneQouy. floerouy gna
HO, €CJILI DTO CKaBKtr O JICITIBOTEbIXi saKperrJreuras JrerclrKrr Motr(Ho r{cnoJlbaoBarb nrpy <TeneQogr.
B nogeraxrnrx llrpu( Tarxce npoucxoArrr BardperrJrenr4e JreK- Ha sasgrzsx gerefi Morrcno pacdaxcuuarr tro-paorroMy, Ho
cvrnraur peqeBbrx o6pasrlor. Hanpmrep, urpa <Nick and Andy>. 6onee un,repecrrbrft cnoco6 - uonyxpyr. Moncno Ha KoBpe.
,{erz croar B Kpyry. Be,qyquft B qeurpe xpyra. Bce Ero noasorfier xopouo Br.I,qerL cJrbrruarb KaxcAoro pe6en-
xopoM roBopsT: ra. V4o6no gna 6ucrpofi cvrenrr 'I pagrrbrx Br{AoB pa6orrr:
Nick and Andy [epexoAa or uoABrrrxnofi urprr r cnoxofinoft, or rreutr,fi K
Sugar and candy. IIHCIIEHNPOBKE IT T. A.
lt2 113

Oprarrasaqzorffiu: MoMerrr wrn tl,przBstcraue (s,4ecr EyxcEo
rre roJrbKo rloSAopoBarbcfi c ,qeTbMrr, a rartrce ySEaTb Ex
EacrpoeHrre n r. A.).
@oneruqecraf, BapsAKa rroMoraer BBecrll Aetefi B flBbr- AHrnItrGKItr A'IQABItrT'
HOByrc CpeAy, Irf,\eJIIITb Ea Xoportree, qeTKOe IrporlSllome-
HVe SByrCOB USyUagtttt ,fi3brKa ra cJIoB.
Ha c.ne4yroqeu arene ypoxa upoucxoArrt ut31s3saar1rrfl trFrttrE, EG'III BbrrrolrHtTb EUIE
ycBoeruoro Ea trpeAbr4yrryx ypoxax- B aasscuMocru or I[ OIIPEIE'IEHHEIE ABITXEHIIf,
coAepJ*caHils MaTepIIaJra aTa qacTb 3eE.trrE.ff MolrceT lrpoxo- Playing the AlPhabet
Azrb B Qopue orBeroB lr BotrpocoB, urpBr, cocraBJrenrls (Write the letters in the air or pantomime actions)
AITAJIOTA. Playing the alPhabet is fun to do'
O6ssaremuo BxJrx)qarb DJTerueET ayAtrpoBaqzfl, vro6rr Especially when I PIaY it with You'
Aerrr ] rrrJrncb nourrMaru ne6o.nrruofi paccraa rrJrrr cragry. A is for Able to skip, hop and run (skip, hop and run)
O6servr ayAnpoBarzs Ey:tdEo y:BeJrmuBarb trocrerreEno. B is for BalI bouncing- It's so much fun (bounce a ball)
Sareu trpoucxoAtrT sEaxoMcrBo c EoBbrM Marepua;roM c C is for Circle, big fat and rciund (make a circle)
rrcnoJrbgoBaHneM flpKoro EarnfiAEoro uoco6us u fiepBtrrl- D is for dog. My faithful, old hound (Pet a dog)
HOe ero SaKpetrneErre. E is for East, the opposite of west'(Point east a-nd west)
rlto6rr Ea Jpore 6ruro aurepecuo rr Ee JrrouureJrbno, F is for Friend; you are the best (Point to your friend)
Ang Aereft neo6xoAnuo troqaqe MeEflTB Brr/{}'r Aeflt€Jrbgoc- G is for Giant. I've seen one or two (Raise your arms
TU, Me)fiAy sTarraMril ypolca npoBoArff,b uoABrDrcEbre urpbr, over your head)
UETb TIECCEKIT. H is for hug. I have one for you (Hug yourself)
B cne4yroulefi r:rase upeAcraBJren uo46op Jrercc[qecKono I is for ice-cream, my favourite thing (Lick a cone)
MarepzaJra: cJIoB, perreBru< o6paaqon, rcoroprn? troMoxcgr Jrrilt- J is for jingle, and all bells that ring (Ring a bell)
TeJIrc opranrraoBarb gerrflTlafi ga anrnnficKoM fiBbrxe tro upu- K is for kitten. Mine's soft and warm (Pet your hand)
seAennofi TeMarEKe B AercRol[ c8,4y rrJIrI B nepBoM rdtracoe L is for lightning that comes in a storm (Flutter your
naqa-nrgoft mxoJrbr. fingers down)
M is for marshmallow, melt in my mouth (Pop one in
your mouth)
N is for north, opposite south (Point north and south)
O is for orange, iuicy and sweet (Rub your tummy)
P is for parrot and parakeet (Rest your elbow on your
other hand)
Q is for queen with a gold crown (Touch
your head)
R is for race, run all over town (Run in place)

S is for ship, way out in space (Push your hand quickly rrargyro (A, B, C u t. g.). Ao HaqaJIa rrucbMa Bce AoJrxcnbr
into the air) cro.sir B xaoruqecroM rIopEAKe, xaxc4rrft caM uo ce6e. Ecnn
T is for turtle, with a poky pace (Move your hand slowly) Aerefi MHoro, To Mo)KEo sa,qarb Koporxoe cJIoBo, rrarrpu-
U is for liphill, a very hard climb (Climb in place) Mep: a cat, a ball, a doll z r. g.
V is for valentine. Will you be mine? (Point to your Vupaxrenue <XoporoA-rllrcbMo) BbrrloJruaercff JIerKo'
friend) ecJr?r xopoBoA rrocJryruen u coo6pa3rrreJreH' ecnu se4yu1uft
}V' is for wiggle. I'm good at that (Wiggle) xopouo ttraurer, T. e. Br{aer, Kar( HarrttHarb rlrlcarr 6y$y.
X is for x-ray. A bone photograph (Take a picture) - ,{;ra raxoro xopoBoAa lry}rcHo 10-12 tIeJIoBeK.
Y is for yellow, my favourite ballon (Shape hands in a
circle) Ng 3. Ilrpn ((GrPorM Evf,Bv))
Z is for zoom as I land on the moon (Fall down and fold lpynua 4etefi (crpoltrt lls ce6g KaKyro-To 6yxay, xar
your arms) SacTbrBrrrylo ,IcrlByro [uptlMrlAy, a BCe OCTaiIbHLre Sapuco-
BbrBalor, BarlrrcbrBaror, orraAblBaror ee. (Moxcxo lrcrroJrbso-
rrPbr coqilo -IrrpoBor rrElArortlKtt, Barb urpy AJrs KoporKrrx cJloB-Baragox).
NOTOPbIE IIOMOTAIOT'IYqI|IE Ng 4. Ilrpn (r}txrofi AttoABrrl)
Beayrqufi pacnpeAenser 6yxmr alQarnra Merr(Ay BceMrI
9ro6u [poqecc ycBoenr/rfi anr.nraftcxux 6yra 6rr.u upou- ytrarquMnc.ff rr Ba,qaer cJroBo, HarlpllMep, a cake. flocne ero-
HbrM, ocoSHaHHbIM rI peSyJrbraTfiBHbrM, MorKHo r4cnoJrbSo- ro uo crlnxaJry K AocKe AoJr)KHbr errfiru re pe6xra, 6yraa
Barb [prreMbr coqr{o-r{rposoft MeroAr{Kr{, Koropbre rrooBo- KOTOpbTX BXOAITT B CJIOBO, lI BhrcTporlTbc,fl B rrocJreAoBa-
JrfircT peaJr?lsoBaTb OAHOBpeMeHHO Tpr.r lleJrn: IIOrpyJ{CarOT TerbHocrrr 6yrr n gaAaHHoM cJroBe. Bnocne4ctwlrl Mo)KHo
4ereft B rrpzcyu{yrc raM crr{xrrro r4rpbr, crJrafi(uBaifi paMKLr BaMenrrrr BbrxoA K Aocre reM, rrro yqeuuKu 6ylyr rro oqe-
Bausrrrs (ypora); pasBrrBaror B Aersx rroJreorrbre Als We6sr peAr,r orxJrorrbrBarb B naAomll cnoro 6yrcny - nepBbIM xJIo-
rrcr{xoJroruqecKrre crpyxTypbr: BHvMaHue, soo6paxenrire, rraer B naAolfin ror, y Noro 6yxra C z r. g.
MbrrrrJreul{e, BoJrro, uaM,ETb; [pnAaror yve6nouy BpeMeHLI Era urpa Aaer troJro*cllTeJrbxbre pegynbrarbl, oco6euno
IrprrBJreKareJrbnbre gna gereft KaqecrBa uuTepecHoro lr Bece- rrprr aaxperlJrenrr[ norr,firufi orxprrrrrft !I saxpbrrbrft cnor.
noro rpyAa.
Ng 5. Ilrpn (rIIo AtIoABnrv')
Ng l. Ilrpn ((Eyf,BA rro BoolfyxyD VqacrnuraM psAa, Jrvtnvtkt rlapr rlo crlruaJry Ha cKopocrb
,{eru orr6uparor BeAyrrlero. Ou, crofl crrilHofi x xaaccy, npeAJraraerc,E Bblcrpoltrbcfi rro arQaBury rrepBblx 6yrn ipa-
nlrrrrer no BoaAyxy KpyrrHyxl 6yrny. Bce ocra.lrrubre orra- vtmnmft flJrlI uMeH ] racrrrrlxoB lrrpbr.
AbrBaror ee. Byrnrr MoJrcHo flflcarb no BoBAyxy rrJrerroM, ro- Ba,qanze Hyrrcno BbrtroJIHflTb MoJItIa. Saganue BogMoxcHo
.noroft, noroft, xonenxoft. ronrrco B rpyrrrre, rAe Bce snaror (lauranrau Apyr Apyra u
anQanur. lpynna AonlKHa MoJFIa rlepeMerqarbcs' troKa KalK-
Ng 2. Ilrpn((XoPoBoID
Arrfi ne gafiI4er cBoero Mecra.
Vuenuru, cqenuBlrrr4cb Ba pyrcrr, (nuuryrr cBorrM xopo-
BoAor\4 BaAaHHyrc JFrvreJreM 6yrny: urrcbMerrHyro t4Jrr{ -ne-
116 tt7
tg 6. llpl (rf,uoncnr xErrrErtD) noo6paxcerue, ToqEogrb, cuoco6ctryer pasBurraro a6crpar-
Bce yuacrurltrr Bbrtronaflror cuE(IxlEEo pflA Anuxcer;wfi
(xax ruernuna):
1) x-nouarot trepeA co6ofi B na,qorrrn;
rc 9. Ilpn rnfl, - Ev-xBAD)

2) 4nyv'a pyraruz xJrotra(yr rro KoJreEffu, rlpaBa^s tro IIa croae pasnoxcenBr 6yrnm a.rr@anuta, yxte BHaKoMbre
- pas6zparor [x u caMrr <[peBpa-
Vqacrrrrz zrprr
trpaBoMy, JIeBag -uo neBoMy; Asrflrf,.
3) ue BbrupffMnsff Jrororb, rrr6pacnrranr rrepes Belrx qaxrrcf,r n 65ncnn. Sateu trrparcT e (SEaKoMcrBot:
trpaByro pyry BtrpaBo, qeJrrca.g upu ar6u uaJrbqarq; - Good morning!
4) ro xce cauoe AeJranr Jresofi- - Tt/hat is your name?
Kponae a-nSarrra, erofi zrpofi rorrcno orlra6crarr: - My nane is A.
a) narypa-nrnrrfi prg qnceJr l-L2; - Lct's play.
6) upursxcareJrbubre E Jrrrlnbre Ilrpa cuoco6crByer 6onee aQ$exrznnoMy BatroMr4nauv ro
I-my 65rrnu, BarcpeuneEuro aJreuenTapnoro AxaJrora o6rqeuraa.
You - your
He - his
II9 lO. Ilrpn ((Xvr')
rlacro Axfl oaEarcollJrenrrs c nonofi 6yrcnoft a.n(parzra a
She - her
It - its [pEFoEy ee (6yrny) B rcopoznoqxe, n nefi truByr Lt3J ren-
We - our nnre 65ncnrr. IlpoxoAur Eeroropoe BpeMff, AerI{ yaEaror He-
They - their croJrbro 65rrn, z ryr cn5rrraercfl qro-To EeBepoflTrroe: B Kop-
u) roporrne rrpeAnoxceqqs: Brurce trooerr.a€iFcjfl xcyr (zrpymra). Ou upox(opnnBrlir u
It is winter. .rpbraerr 65rrnrr. I4 6yrrrr BbrrJrsAffT TaK:
It is cold.
It snows. { i\
r w

The sky is gray.

The sun is cold. Csaqa^na Aeru yra-Fmaror 65rrny, rn.fiAff Ha Hee. ffomlt
The trees are white. larpa ycIroxrnfferca. fieru Ea oqytrb c saxpbr:rlrMr4 rJraoaMr{
yr44JtsarcT 6yrry. Ilrpa rrrepecna, rroaBoJrser paaBnBarb
Ng 7. IInn ((Eyrntr trorxPrrraclr) y 4ercfi nczxrlrecrtre z Qusrvecrcrre cnoco6uocru, cnoco6-
Ilepel EarraJrou Jporca trpfiqy 6yrny r4e-uu6y4r B rcJrac- cruyer aarrorf,EEaruxt 65rxn rrro.rslrluorlo alQarzra.
ce. ,(eru AoJr:{rHLr panbrcKarb ytre suarcouyxr ru'6yxry n
IIpaSUnbEO EaSBaTb ee, SaTeu EerrEeaTb.

Ng 8. Ilnn (rVmlnfi EyrEyD)

GTf,Xr [nf, EvtrB ArrotrBrrrA
Ha na6opuoM uoJrorEe Eaxo4trncfi Ealyqerrrille 6yrcnu. Aa
Bepxnaa ilJru Errrrcn.fis rracrb 6yrr eaxpura 6prarofr. fielu A is for apples
some g"een, some red
AoJrxcEEr yguarb 6yrsy rro ee tro-rroBn-Fe. Iftpa pasrmaer

r18 119
A is for aeroplane Ee
that flies overhead E is for eggs
A is for apricot see the chicks that hatch out
that grows on a tree E is for excitement
A is for adding when we all laugh and shout
one, two, three E is for elePhant
so gentle but strong
Bb E is for ending
B is for baker the show with a song
who bakes crusty bread
B is for blanket Ff
that covers your bed F is for farm
B is for beaker with fresh milk and cheese

for drinking your tea F is for fingers

B is for binoculars the toothPaste to squeeze
for miles you can see F is for fan
a cool breeze to make
Cc F is for fish
C is for cat that swim in the lake
with its whiskers long
C is for cart Gg
pulled by a horse so strong G is for grapes
C is for carrot some green, some black
crunchy and sweet G is for garbage
C is for cars that's put in a sack
that you see in the street G is for garden
where flowers do grow
Dd G is for gumboots
D is for dancing to wear in the snow
so light on your feet
D is for drinking Hh
orange juice so sweet H is for hedgehog
D is for dog who cleans uP the garden
wagging his tail H is for hiccuP
D is for dinghy I beg your Pardon!
with'a bright blue sail H is for hYmn
that is song in a church
H is for hen L is for the lark
asleep on her perch and merry birdsong
L is for leopard
n known fel his spots
I is for island L is for lemon
surrounded by sea to squeeze lots and lots
I is for iguana
a lizard you see Mn
I is for inn M is for mouse
a welcoming sight who lives in a barn
I is for ivory M is for minstrel
so smooth and so white who sings his own yarn
M is for mask
Ji that hides your face
J is for jug M is for marathon
full of water so cool a very long race
J is for jumping
into the pool Nn
J is for jam N is for nurse
so spread on your bread so patient with care
J is for jet N is for nightingale
that roars over head with iLs song so rare
N is for nut
KK so crunchy to eat
K is for king N is for navy
so stately and tall and ships in the fleet
K is for kitten
who plays with the ball 0o
K is for kitchen 0 is for orange
where cooking is done as round as a ball
K is for keeping O is for ostrich
a secret, it's fun with iLs neck so tall
0 is for oblong
LI longer than a square
L is for lion O is for orchid
so noble and strong a flower so rare

122 123
S is for stars
h that shine in the night
P is for parrot
a beautiful bird
P is for pasture Tt
and grazing a herd T is for target
P is for parachute at which we take aim
that floats to the grrjund T is for teddYbear
P is for pumpkin he's-good for a garne
oval or round T is for ticket
to ride on the train
T is for tea-tirne
Q is for quack it's jellY again
it's the way a duck talks
Q is for queen
who smiles as she walks U is for universe
Q is for quilt
the planets and stars
so warm yet so light U is for Uranus
a planet, like Mars
Q is for quail
in migratory flight U is for uniforms
. the guards in a row
Rr U is for under
'the arches we go
R is.for robin
with its.bright red breast
R is for rook Vv
high in his nest V is for vibe
R is for roses heavy with fruit
that grow down the lane V is.for valet
R is for rainbow preparing a suit
after he rain V is for Vikings
who sailed the high seas
Ss V is for vegetables
S is for sparrow potatoes, ParsniPs and Peas
to the garden he comes
S is for starling Ww
'W is for water
Iooking for crumbs
S is for snow we use to make tea
cold, crisp and white
W is for whale 3rrllf,x
that swims in the sea rercenorf, uor5n 6rrrr
'W is for the willow 9rr sara,q1cE c pyocrcGamrrrficrru
rrcuoJrEgoBaFr'r Ea ylx)rcax' [paSnErucax-
that grows by the stream
'W is for waking Ha rrro6ou [paaAEEKe uoxcuo ucrroJrh3oBarb Ans ErpEr co
from a beautiful drearn
Xx I
X is for x-rays
used in hospitals you know
they can see through you
1. I€ro aa6pa-rca s uofi carror
from your head to your f,oe lI i[rrpvzr rau? (A hedgehog)
X is for xylophone
an instrunent to play 2. Sto opexoB KJrrrY sE€n
II ua rrpyr rpn6or ua4el? (A squirret)
X is for ten
the old rornan way
3. Hedgehog, hedgehog' sberrrb u4x)r'
Tanr nuy4ln cnfr... (A frogl
Y is for yellow
4. Ife EyxcxEr rrne 6er r 6orc-
and daffodils so pale
Y is for yacht
fl xrrpa. Betp s... (A tot)
under full sail 5. Orpormys Ea rroJr 6anrn,
Y is for yeast
B 5rrornce crAET.-. (A monheY)
that helps make bread dough
Y is for yearling
6. Vtormrm ae6py Er1rril
a young horse you know
EIa rponaru crrrr... (A zebro)

7. Ilaqems sa xo6cr 6ann,
Z is for zebras
Tauqyec uonbrc!r... (An elephontl
with their black and whitc
Z is for zTther
playing musical notes 8. Bff y,@ETcfi rqcf,€P BPaex:
Z ts fot zn
and the animals thene
9. Iloveuy-ro B.rreo ua mcaQ
Z is for ng-zag
in a car beware -
I{ aae4ralr rex-.. (A giroffel

126 tvl
1. Kro ocenrro cnarb Jrolrcrrrcfi,' (crIEHAPrfi nOrOrOlHErO rrPAOlHrrA
A secxofi scraer? (A hear, a G pyccr'f,vt'I GIlASotIHbIMr rEPotffirt

2. Psrxmfi rcny6ox Mo:fiso rrlnBoAr'rrb c AerbMlI 3-ro, 4-ro Klracca (10, 11 ler).
3a ceprru -- cror! (A fox and. a hare) Bxo4ar seAyrqufi u Aerrl B Kocrx)Ma)< MecsIIeB BlIMbr:
December, January, February.
3. IIog cocnaMrr, rroA eJrr{aMz
Jlerrtzr Meruor c LrroJrxaMlr. (A hed7ehog)
Good afternoon, childrenl Good afternoon, guestst
Glad to see you at our New Year's Party.
4. Bea KphrJrbeB, a 6rrcrpee rrrlrr{br Oh, look aroundl
C 4epeua Ea AepeBo rrepeJreraer . (A squimel) It is snowing sot
The ground is covered with snow,
5. Kro nro6rar Barrffrbcff a rpaan? (A pig)
The rivers and the lakes.
Fantasticl Completely whitel
6. Kro Bce BpeMs monqur? (A
fish) Oh, what a lovely sightt
III. (B HapoAe, roBopsr> Teacher and winter months:
1. Paeogenc.E, Karc (a coch). A Happy New Year for me,
2. Bnrcrprrft, Kax (a horse). A Happy New Year for you,
3. Iryurrft, rar (a sheep, a hen). A Happy New Year for everyone.
4. 3nori, xax (a dog). That'swhatlwish-Idol
5. flporaaarntrrft, xax (a cat). December:
6. Tpyc"rrnabrfi, Ba$ (a hare). This is the season
7. Karr When children ski,
8. KaK And old Father Frost
9. ra$ Brings the New Year tree.
The windows are blue at night,
But in the morning they are white,
And snowflakes are falling,
cCome outr, they are calling.
Get out of bed and take your sled
This cold and frosty day;
128 5. Saxas lt 2580 tzs
The sun is bright, the snow is right 2. See then nn, run, run.
For outdoor winter play. See the little running PuPPefu'
See them mrl, mrl, mrl'
See them.t-*t in a row-
We are merry and gay today. Let's sing and dance-
(Aerz rauqJrrrr u uoror)
3- SCe them iump, iump, jumP-
1. Step-step, clap-clap. See the little iumPing PuPPets,
Step-step, clap-clap.
See them jumP, juna, junP'
Turn yourself around,
See them iumPing in a.row-
And then you clap, clap, clap.
4. Seethemdance, dance, dance.
2. Bend and clap-clap; See the little dancing PuPPets'
Bend and clap-clap;
See them dance,'dance, dance,
Ttrrn yourself aroun
See them dancing in a row-
And then you clap, clap, clap.
3. Hands up, clap, clap,. the snow is falling, the north wind is blowing;
Hands up, clap, clap, the ground is white all day and all night'
Turn yourself aroun Little sowflakes, Gome and PlaY,
'We have notling to do todaY.
And then you clap, clap, clap.
Snowflakes (rarqfrror r norol):
4. Hands out, clap, clap; Snowllakes fall on trees and walk-
Hands out, clap, clap; Snowllakes fall as white as chalk-
Turn yourself aroun Snowflakes fall into mY hand-
And then you clap, clap, clap. Snowflakes brighten uP our land-
5. Hands down, clap, clap;
See the pr,etty snowflakes,
Hands down, clap, clap;
Faling fion the sky:
Turn yourself aroun
On the walls and house - tops,
And then you clap, clap, clap.
Soft and thick they lie.
Puppets January:
1. See them walk, walk, walk: On the window - ledges,
See the little walking puppets, On the branches bale,
See them walk, walk, walk,. See how fast they gather,
See them walking in a row. fillingalltheair.


February: I'llmeet the fox.

Now the bare black bushes (OrJrslusaercs, trplrcnyruraaerca)
All look soft and white; Do you hear? The Fox is singing!
See the snowflakes falling; I think, she is coming here!
What a pretty sightl (Eeraer, rarrler Mecro, rAe 6rr cnpnrarsca)
Teacher: What shall I do?
How pretty the snowflakes aretLet's help them to dance Where shall I hide?
and to sing about winter. Where? Where?
(I,Ioeu rrecnrr *Winter>, ranqyeu) Teacher:
'iil'inter Don't be afraid, my Cock! We are your friends. Jump
1. It is winter now here, in the box. The Fox will never find you.
It's cold in the streets. (fleryuror upavercn)
All wear warm coats.
Warm boots on their feet. The Fox (noer):
Good afternoon, children, guestst
2. We of course like winter, I've got your invitationl
Was in a hurry your fir-tree to seel
We have a lot of fun.
(Paccuarplrraer e;rxy)
We ski and skate, play hockey.
And make a snowman. How nice it isl
(Xolur tro gaJry, Haq[Haer rrpuurcxnBarrcs, uuler)
3. We are happy today, Oh, my Cock, my dear Friendl
Where are you?
We are sledging all the day,
Some peas and wheat
We are happy today,
We are skating every day.
I have...
Oh, the Foxl How cunning is shet
Oh, somebody is knocking. Who is it?
Oh, this is a cock. The Cock:
Good afternoon, dear Cockl Cock-a-doodle-dool
- What's the matter? I am far from you.
Go away, the Fox, go away.
The Cock:
Leave only some peas and
Good afternoon, childrenl
Wheat as a presentt
Good afternoon, guestst
A Happy New Yearl The Fox:
Oh, oh, I was running, running, Dear Cockl My dear Cockl
Was afraid. I hear youl
Somewhere in the wood Everywhere I'll go and I'll find you.
132 133
But what's in the box? I see that you are merrJr, you are gay!
I think the Cock is in it! Let's sing and dalce!
(flerymox nrr6eraer, Jruca eno -nonzr) Are you happy, dear children?
(noror u rarq5rcr)
The Cock:
Brother Cat, save me! Save me! If You Are lfappy
The Cat: 1. If you are happy and you know it
What's the noise? What is happening? Who is cryint? Clap your hands.
Who is catching? If you are happy and you know it
The Cock: Clap your hands.
It's me, your Brother Cock! Help me! If you are happy and you know it
(Kor ornuruasr treryxa y nucrr) And you really want to show it,
If ypn are happy and you know it
The Cat: Clap your hands.
You are naughty. Brother Cock: 2. Starnp your feet.
I told you many times not to leave the house! 3. Snap your fiagers.
(upoclrr npoulenuff, onycrlrts rrr{aKo roaony) 4. Nod your head.
The Cock: 5. SayOk.
Never more! I leave the house. Be my friend! 6. Do a]l six.
Dear children! This is a riddle for you. Listen and guess! Do you like to play? Let's playl
<She is very young and pretty,
Do you know the game cAnd mer?
Likes the snow, snowstorms, Say together loudly rAnd mer!
Winter is her house! (,{era xog)u EecrcoJrrrco pac rroBTopnor eAnd mer.,{o.r-
(yragrrnaror: Snowmaiden) xcgr,r 6srrr BEuMareJrbEhr, qTt}6br trpaBtrJrbEo oTBer[Tb Ea
Let's call her. uonpoc).
(sonyr Caerypovxy: <Snowmaiden! You are welcomela)
Be attentive now!
Bxo4r.rr Cnerypourca: (Aern xolrcr roBopfir cAnd mer)
A Happy New Year, dear children! I like to eat sweets!
A Happy New Year, dear guests! I like to eat cakes!
How beautiful is here! I like to eat apples!
Your fir-tree! Your room! I like to eat frogs!
And you my friends: The Snowflakes, (Orser Aoxxcen 6rrtr eNot mer)
The Cock, The Fox, The Cat... In the morning I drink tea!
(naarrraet cKaaorrHbrx repoeB, KocrroMbr Koropbrx y Ae- In the morning I drink eoffee!
refi, yge.nner BEr{MaFue xaxcgouy) In the morning I drink milk!

t34 135

In the morning I drink icel Snowmaiden:

I am skiing in winter! And now we shall play the game <Nose, nose, nose,
I am skiing in winter! mouthr...
I am swimming in winter! (,{ern crofir KpyroM. Cnerypoura B rleHTpe. Ona rogo-
I am flying in winterl prar: <Nose, nose, nose, mouthr. flpousHocs uepBble rprl
I am sledging in winterl cJroBa, oHa Aepr$LlTcg 3a Hoc, a flpr TIeTBepTOM BMeCTO pTa
I am playing hockey in wintert AorparrlBaercff Ao lpyrofi qacrrt roJroBbr ultv reJra. Llrpo-
I am playing football in winterl Kr4 AOIJICITbI AenaTb BCe, ICaK rOBOp?IT' a lre KaR AeJIaeT
I see that you are very attentive! aegyrqlrfi, ?I He Aarb ce6s c6urr. Brrzrprraaer carvrrrfi Bnn-
And do you know any game? uare.nrnrrfi
Buxogur pedenor u rpoBoAlrr urpy rNick and Andyr. I{cuonrgosarrHag JIeKcuKa: a head, a nose, eyes' ears'
,(eru xopou roBopar: cheeks, a mouth, lips, a chin, a neck, a hand, a knee).'
Nick and Andy Snowmaiden:
Sugar and candy. Oh, it's very gay and merryl But where is my
Pe6esor HagLrBaer rJraroJrbr, Aerrr Bbruonnaror 4eftcrsus. graadfather? Father Christmas! What's the New Year's
I say run (jump, swim, fly, dance, sing) Party without him? Let's call him.
Snowmaiden: ([erz BoByr: Father Christmasl You are welcomel)
How interesting with youl I wani to dance and singl Bxo4ur Father Christmas.
I am very happy with you todayl Let's dance and sing Father Christmas:
rAlouetter. Here I amt Good afternoon, childrenl Good afternoon'
my friends! Glad to see You And You?
<Alouette,r Good afternoon' my dear Snowmaidenl I see that you
1. Alouette, Iittle Alouette, are here as at home! You have many friendsl How beautiful
Alouette, play the game with met is heie!
Put your finger on your head (2 p.) Children! I have got some questions for you:
On your head (2 p.)
- Is there any naughty boY among You?
Don't forget, Alouette. Ohl - Is there any IazY girl among You?
(t - Do you learn well at school?
Put your finger on your nose (2 p.) - Do you play well?
On your nose (2 p.) - Do you eat well at Your meals?
On your head (2 p.)
- Do you listen to Your teachers?
Don't forget, Alouette. - Do you Iove your Parents?
(flerra xopoM orBetlaror na nonpocrr)
On your mouth. I see, that you are good children. You have a very nice
treel I see here many interesting things: animals, toys, sweetsl
4. On your chin. Help me, please, name them!

136 137
(Aerz Eaar.rRaxrr qpeAuerbr, Bucsrr[Ee Ea eJrxe: golden 2. They live together:
balls, candles, Christmas crackers, bells, snowflakes, stars, a cock, a car, a frog,
garlands, chocolate, candies, apples, cookies, tangerines, a mouse... (House in the woodl
Father Christmas: 3. He is round, he has
.But there are not lights! got many friends:
Let's light the fir-tree! Pussy-the-cat,
Please, say together with me: Pussy-the-d o9... (P uf f -t he- Ball)
1,2,3 Do you know everything? I think that this riddle will be
Fir-tree in lights be! difficult for you!
(nomoparor rpu paoa, enKa BaFopaerca) 4. She is a beautiful girl.
Our Fir-treb is Ugtrting, Iet's have fun! She has got two sisters,
(zcno:mrror rreceur{y rFir Treer; Words by R. Kuda- a father and a stepmotherl (Cind'erella)
shever, music by L. Bekman). Xoposol. Pe6euorc:
<Fir-Treea We have got a riddle for you, Father Christmas!
l. A fir was born in deep wood In winter it is white,
And in the wood grew tall. In summer it is gray,
And there is all seasons she stood It likes carrot and cabbage.
fire greenest tree of all. Who is it?
(Father Christmas crapaercfl yre,tlarb, EasbrBa-fl paanbrx
2. The snowstoims whispered lullabies, rxrarorrrrx).
And wrapped up all the trees.
She sang: eNow close your lovely eyes, Father Christmas:
Make sure you don't freeze>.
A frog... A mouse... A hippopotamus... A monkey (r
naxoneq) A Hare.
3. fire fir to our party's come, Father Christmas:
And all this winter. night Oh, children! I see that you are not afraid of me!
She brings such joy to everyone -
Oh, what a lovely sight! ,{eru roropflT xopoM: We are not afraid of you!
Father Christnas: Father Christmas:
Children! I have got some riddles for you. Guess, who Then I shall freeze you, little children!
are they? (trIrpa: Father Christmas crlr.lur rrocoxoM BoBJre KatrcAono
1. firey are three brothers. pe6enxa, pe6enox ilpnceAaer. Kor4a Father Christmas uo-
They are pink. BoparruBaerca r pe6enry cuznofi, pe6euor rrpflrlerqfl y Aela
firey are very funny. (Three pigsl Mopoaa sa cuunoft. Tar nce Aerrr BbrcrparrBarcTc.fl aa,{e,4ou

138 139
I can't freeze you really. I see, you are not afraid of me.
Ssyvzr nrc6as.,E Mycbrrca. (Moxno ncnoJrbaoBarb TTIABA IY
rrecuro <Ea6a-flnar B r{cnoJrnerrnu rpytrrrbr eHa_na>). Bce
Father Christmas:
I am very tired, childrent rro[EoP rrEKGIlrII IIo
I want to have a rest! - TEMAM ( GyIqEGTBLTE'IEHbTE, TIIATO'IEI,
,{eru: ' -
Father Christmasl We have somi presents for you! MbrE PDqEBbTE OEPASqbD
(.(eru rcnoJrusror (uncqenupyror) nro6rre cKaBKlr : cThree
bearsr, tRed-Riding-Hoodr). Moxno ucrroJrbsoBarb AJrs pa6oru B AercKoM ca,Ay, a
raxlrce B Eaqa:rbgofi mxone.
Father Christmas:
Thank you very much for your presents. I want to play Mv rors
with you the game cCat and Mouse>.
I am a mouse Nouns
You are a cat. a ball. a plane
One, two, three a ballon a scooter
You touch me. a basket a ship
(llrparor a urpy) a boat a skipping-rope
Father Christmas: a car a stick
Thank you, thank you for presents, for dances, songs a doll a teddy-bear
and games. I have presents for you, too. Granddaughter, a drum a truck
help me, please. a flag a top
(paagaer nogapxn) a horse a toy
a house a train
Father Christmas:
a hoop a wagon
A Happy New Year! Happy Holidayst a kite
We shall meet with you next year.
A Happy New Year for me, Verbs
A Happy New Year for you, to bounce (a ball) to jump
A Happy New Year for everyone. to bring to like
That'swhatlwish-Ido. to beat (a drum) to play
Good bye, dear childrenl
to build to put
to blow to roll (a ball)
(to blow up a balloon)
to come to see
I play with my toys (with a doll).
tocatch to sing
I like to play with a doll.
to fly (a kite, a plane) to sit
Nelly is jumping (drawing).
to give to sail (a boat, a ship)
Give me the ball, please.
to go to skip (over a rope)
Here it is.
to have to spin (a top)
Thank you.
to hold (a flae) to take
Not at all.
big nice
Sussie likes to run,
blue red
And Sally likes to skip;
brown round
Betty has a bouncing ball,
gTeen small
And Sammy sails a ship.
little yellow

Patterns Bounce and catch

I Bounce and catch,
\trhat is this? Bounce and catch,
What colour is the ball? Bounce against the waII.
Is the ball small (big, round)? I can play
Is this a doll? AII the day
'Where is the doll? With my rubber ball.
What do you see on the table? My BalI
What do you do with the kite?
What do you play with?
It is blue
And green, and red,
What is Nelly doing?
It bounces higher
Then my head,
n It does not want
It is a doll. To stop at all.
the ball is red (blue).
What is it?
Yes, it is. Yes, the ball is small (big, round).
No, it is not. No, the ball is not small (round).
It is my ball.
Yes, it is. It is a doll. My d.oll
No, it is not. My pretty doll
No, it is not a doll, it is a ball. Is very small.
The doll is on (under) the table.
I love my pretty
I see a doll (a dnrm) on the table. Little doll.
I fly the kite.
, Harry's Dog My Little Troin
Harry has a little dog, The little train
Such a funny fellow, On a long, long track
But his dog is made of wool Goes clickety, clickety
Painted white and yellow. Clickety-clack.
(,(ern ?rAln Apyr Ba ApynoM, neo6pantaa rroeoA, !r rloBro-
Skipping psror B rarr ABlrlrcesraro: e Clickety-clackr, r0lickety-clackr.
Over my head, and under my toes, peroMeu,qyerc,fi AJrs nepBoro roAa o6yuenua).
That's the way my skipping rope goes.
I can skip slowly, I can skip fast; Oun Dnrrr.v
Look, my rope is whirling past.
The bal,loon
a baby a girl
I have a beautiful balloon, a birthday a grandmother
A blue one, so grand. a boy a grandfather
I blow, and blow, and blow, and blow, a brother a mother
And burst it with my hand. Bang. a child (children) a sister
Kite a daughter a son
a father
My kite is white,
My kite is light, Verbs
My kite is in the sky. to be to live
Now left, now right to go to love
We see the kite, to have to work
We see it, you and I.
My TeiIiIy
big nice
My Teddy's fir is soft and brown, good old
His legs are short and fat; beautiful small
He walks with me all round the town little young
And never wears a hat.
My Teddy keeps me warrn in bed, Patterns
I like his furry toes; What is your name?
I like his darling little head, How old are you?
His pretty little nose. Are you a boy (a girl)?
Have you got a sister (a brother)?
What is your sister's name?
Is your sister ftrother) a big girl (boy)? VWhen My Sister Gaes AwaY
How old is she? When my sister goes away
Does your brother work? Says she, <Little brother,
is this? You must take mY Plaee todaY;
Where do you live? Take good care of motherr.
My name is Alec (Nelly).
I am five (six). t MY Dear MummY
I am a boy (a girl). My dear, dear mummY'
Yes, I have. I have a sister (brother). I love you very much,
My sister's name is Nelly. I want you to be haPPY
Yes, she is. She is a big girl. On the eight of March.
She is ten. Be happy, be haPPY,
No, he does not. My brother does not work. On the eight of March!
It is my brother (a boy, a grl). Be happy, be haPPY,
I live in Moscow. I live in Pushkin Street. On the eight of March!

Father, Mother, Sister, Brother Mv Bonr

, Here is my father,
Here is my mother, Nouns
' Here is rny sister, an arm a head
Ilere is my brother. a cheek a knee
Father, rnother, ears a leg
Sister, brother, eyes lips
Hand in hand a finger a mouth
With one another. a foot (feet) a neck
hair a nose
I Am a Girl a hand a tooth (teeth)
I am agirl (a boy),
A little one; Verbs
I like to play, to be to raise
I like to run. to close to run
to eat ' to see
When I An Ten to have to show /
When I am ten,- to hear to stand
I'll get a pen, to go to take
Then I shall write to open to walk
Like brother Ben.
146 r47
Adiectiues Foot
beautiful fair I like to go on one foot,
black little Hop, hop, hop.
big long But when I go on one foot,.
blond nice I soon have to stop.
blue rosy
brown red
When I lift my two feet
dirW white I can jump, jump, jump.
My feeth it the ground
Patterns With a bump, bump, bump.
What is this? I haue two legs
How many hands (eyes) have you?
What colour is your hair? I have two legs
Are your hands clean (dirty)? With which I walk.
What do you hear (see) with? I have a tongue
It is a hand (a finger). With which I talk.
A have two hands (eyes). And with it too
Me hair is black (brown).
I eat my food,
Yes, my hands are clean.
And tell
No, my hands are not clean, they are dirty. If it is bad or good.
I hear with my ears. (I see with my eyes). I'Houe Two Eyea
Open (close) your eyes.
I have two eyes
Raise your hands.
And I can see
Hands down.
A book and a pen
Show me your hands.
In front of me.
All About Me I see a window
Ten little fingers, And a door,
I see the ceiling
Ten little toes,
Two little ears And the floor.
'And one little nose,
I Haie Two Eors
Two little eyes
I have two ears, one mouth, one nose,
That shine so bright,
One neck, one chin and ten small toes.
One little mouth
My two feet like to skip and hop,
To kiss Mummy rGood nightr.
Run and jump and never stop.

Here's my left hand, here's my right, a cat a lion
I clap them hard with all my might. a chick amonkey
a cock a mouse (mice)
, Up and. Down a cow a paw
Nod your head, a dog a prg
Bend your knees, a dove a puppy
Grow as tall a duck a rabbit
As New Year trees. a duckling a sheep
On your knees an elephant a squirrel
Slowly fall, a fish a tail
Curl yourself a frog a tiger
Into a ball. a fox a wing
Raise up high, a giraffe a wolf
Jump up high, a goat a wood
Wave your hand a g(xrse a z(xt
And say <Good-byer. a hare

Loud. and. Soft Vdrbs

Clap, clap, clap, clap, to be to hop
CIap your harids and twist them round. to back to jump
Tap, tap, tap, tap, to catch to live
Tap them gently on the ground. to climb to mew
Stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, to cluck to roar
Stamp your feet udth all your might. to fly to run
Tap, tap, tap, tap, to gallop to sing
Tap your toes So soft and light. to go to swim
Rock, rock, rock, rock, to have to walk
Now, it's time to go to bed.
Hush, hush, hush, hush Ad,jectiaes
Shut your eyes, you sleepyhead. bad gxay
big long
. Axrlnrs tND Brxns black nioe
brown rcd
Nouns bushy short
an animal a hen cunning malt
a bear a horse fluffy strong
a bird a-kitten good white
a cage a leg gr€en
150 151
Patterns Three Chichens
What animal is this? One little chicken with yellow feet'
What animals are these? One little chicken with tail so neat,
Is the elephant big? One little chicken stands uP tall -
Where does the wolf live? Mummy Hen does love them all. :

What can the dog do?

Two Little PUPPY Dogs
Can the cat run?
Where is the dog? Two little puppy dogs
How many legs has the horse? Walk down the street.
Let us play cat-and-mouse. Who wants to be the little Two little puppy dogs
mouse? Wag tails as they meet.
It is a tiger. Two little puppy dogs
These are elephants. Bark when they run.
Yes, it is. The elephants are big. Two little puppy dogs
The wolf Iives in the wood. Surely have funl
The dog can run, iump, bark. On SundaY
Yes, it can. The cat can run.
On Sunday, on Sunday
The dog is under the table.
The horse has four legs.
We go to the Zool
I want to be the little mouse We meet after dinner,
Peter, Nelly and you.
The White Bear
The cow says, <Moo, moo'
I have some milk for Your. The water in the sea is cold,
It is as cold as ice,
A Family But I am not afraid at all:
Father Duck goes for a swim, My'coat is warm and nice.
And Mother Duck comes out with him, The Squitrel
And behind them, clean and trim,
Seven little ducklings swim.
I am a little squirrel
As busy as can be,
Seven little yellow ballsl
rQuack, quack, quackr, the mother calls. I'm gathering some acorns
What a pretty sight theY make For winter food for me.
Swimming on the sunnY laket The ElePhant
([eru-<ytoqnut ugyr Iro Kpyry u (rlJraBarcr>. Crzxo-
I am big and I am strong,
rBopenlre pexoMeuAyercs AJrfi Broporo ro4a o6y'renur).
And my trunk is very longt
The Tigu-Cuh Goes creep, cneep, creep.
I am ababy-tiger, A little body in his bed
My coat is smooth and nice, Is fast asleep.
It is of yellow colour I Fly Lihe o Bitd
T9ith pretty narrow shipes.
I fly like a bir'd, I swim like a fish,
TIle Lbn I leap like a kgngaroo.
My paws ale big and strong, I trot like a horse, I run like a hare,
My tail is very long, I climb like a snake, I skip like a girl,
My mane is fine and thick, I hop like a frog and then
And I an very big. I clap my hands high, I clap my hands low
And begin it all over again-
Flg Awog, Peter
lko little birds sitting wall,
on a
If,s Fun
One naned Fetcr, the other named Paul, It's fun to be this,
Fly away, Peter, fly away, Paul, It's firn to be that,
C,ome back, Peter, Gome back, Paul. To leap fike a lamb,
To climb like a cat;
Little Bird To swim like a fish;
Fly, little bild, fly, To hop like a frog;
Fly into the blue sky! To trot like a horse;
One, two, thlre, To jump like a dog-
You are free-
My Cot Pit
Fishes Ihave a cat,
In the pool the little fish Her name is Pit,
Swim about - swisih, siwish, And near the fine
But in winter time they sleep She likes to sit.
In the water deep, deep. Each day I bring her
A dish of milk,
Mooqtlent B,hymes And Smooth her coat
A kangaroo down at tfre7,@ That shines like silk-
Goes jump, jump, jrrrnp. And on ny knee
Anrbberball against a wall She like to sit
Goes bunp, bump, bump. For Pit loves me,
A little mouse around the house And I love Pit.

til 155
' Cuckoo! to have to tahe
Cuckoo! Cuckool
to jump to wash
In the woods around. to look
Cuckool Cuckool Adjectives
What a happy sound!
Cuckool Cuckool
clean dirty
Comes the gentle call.
Cuckoo! Cuckoot '
Wahen flowers alll
When do you get up?
Mv Dlr What do you do in the morning?
Where do you go every morning (every evening)?
Noune What do you do in the kindergarten?
a book white What do you play with?
a broom scissors What are you doing?
a brush soap Are you playing with a dotl?
a kindergarten a towel Who is on duty today?
paints water I get up early in the morning.
paper (a sheet of paper) In the morning I wash, dress and do my morning
Verbs Every morning I go to the kindergarten.
to build to phint Every evening I go home.
to clean (one's teeth) to play In thg kindergarten I play, sing, dance and study English.
to come to put (to put on) I play with my doll (toys).
to comb to run I am drawing a ball (jumping, running).
to count to see Yes, I am. I am playing with a doll.
to cut to sing I am on duty today.
to dance to ski Alec is'on duty today
to do td skate Good morning.
(morning exercises) Good evening.
to dress to sleep Good-bye.
to draw to skip Good night.
to eat to stop
to get up to study English The Cloch
to give to sweep - cTickr, the clock says,
to go (to go out, to swing Tick, tick, tick.
to go for a walk)
!\Ihat you have to do, Be Ti'iIY
Do quick. Learn this little lesson
As well as you can:
The Clock
Be tidy lil<e Tom,
We'll tell you the time Not dirty like Dan.
With a merry, merry rhyme,
We'll tell you all the day: Washing-DaY
fime to sleep, and time to eat, Monday is our washing-daY,
And time to go and play. And if the weather's fine,
I 'Wind up the clock.
I I wash my dolly's clothes
Take a key And hang them on the line.
; And wind the clock,
i And listen to the clock Little TommY Tinker
Tick-tock. . Little Tommy Tinker
With his teeth so white
Wake up Uses his tooth-brush
'Wake up, little sister!
Every night.
The morning is bright,
The birds are all singing MY Son Jack
And welcome the light. My'Iittle son Jack
Never eats with hands all black;
Good. Morning But he washes them clean
Good morning, good mornilg, My little son Jack.
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning, I Can
'We are glad to see you. I can clean my teeth,
.I can comb my hair,
A uqse about me I can put my shoes on
I'm cleaning"my teeth, If Mummy's not there.
Scrub, scrub. I can eat my dinner
I'm washing my hands, With a knife and fork,
Rub, rub. And I do it quickly
I'm going to bed If I don't talk.
Creep, creiep,
I'm in bed... fast, fast asleeP. The Little GirI
I am a Iittle girl, and I rub, rub, rub
My shirt with the soap in the tub, tub, tub,

But when it is clean and white to be seen, An Actton Rhyme
I'lI dress very neatli and dance on the green. IIop a little, jump a little,
One, two, three.
Tow ond ,Iill Run a little, sip a little,
1. Tow and Jill Tap one knee.
Are in the park. Bend a'little, btretch a little,
One is fair, Nod your head.
The other is dark. \ Sleep a little, sleep a little
In your. bed.
Sand pies and castles
Tom has made Nich and, Andy
With his bucket Nick and Andy,
And his spade. ' Sugar and candy,
I say stopt
8. Jill takes her dolly . Nick and Andy,
For a walk. Sirgar and candy,
She meets a friend I say stand upl
And stops to talk. Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
eJilb, says Tom, I say run out.
Do come with me,
We must go home, One, One, One
It's time for tea. One, one, one
Little dogs mn.
The Gorilen SwJng I\uo, two, two
Swing, swing in the garden, firey see you.
High, high, high. Three, three, three
Like birds in the tree tops firey run after me.
Fly, fly, fly. Four, four, four
They sit on the floor.
Be Polite
Always try to be polite One, Two
In everything you do. One, two,
Remember always to say cPleaser What shall I do?
And don't forget cThank YouD. Three, four,
Go to the door.
,... -.'Five, six,
6. 3ara3 |& 25€0
Pick up sticks. a hall a wardrobe
Seven, eight a larnp a window
Lay them.straight. a mirror a window-sill
Nine, ten, a piano
Do it again
Mary At The Door to be to open
One, two, tree, four, to bring . to put
'Mary at the cottage door. to cbme in to see
Eating cherries off a plate, to knock (at the door) to sit down
Five,'six, seven, eight. to look (at) to stand up
Our Day Adjectiues
Breakfagt in the morning, beautiful nice
Dinner in the day; black red
Tea comes after dinner, blue round
Then comes tirne to play. brown small
Supper in the gvening green square
When the sky is red, hish white
Then the day is over large yellow
And we go to bed. low
Ar Honn Patterns
What is this?
Nouns What do you see in the room?
an arm-chair a picture What is there in the middle of the room?
a bed a pillow Do you see a bed in the room?
a blanket a portrait Is there a bed in the room?
a bookcase a room Where is the clock?
a carpbt a sheet What colour is the piano?
a chair a sofa How mriny windows are there in the room?
a clock a stool May I come in?
a cupboard a table Who is there?
.a curtain a table-clot\ lt is a room (a sofa, a bed).
a door a telephone In the room f see a table, many chairs, a bed.
a floor a vase There is a table in the middle of the room.
a flower-pot a wall Yes, I do. (Yes, I see a bed in the room).
t6z 169
No, I do not. (I see no bed in the room). 2. The house it has a room,
Yes, there is a bed in the room. The house it has a room;
No, there is no bed in the room.
The clock is on the table. 3. The room it has a door,
The piano is black. The room it has a door;
There are two windows in the room.
Come in, please. 4. The door it has a latch,
It is I, Alec. The door it has a latch;
6. Two windows has this house,
A little mouse Two windows has this house;
Has a hole for a house,
And a snail 6. Now look inside this house,
Has a little shell. ' And then you lift the latch,
Butlhaveafloor . And open wide the door,
And walls and a door, And walk inside the room; i
And the door You'll be inside the house,
Has a little bell. The house in Holland land.
Heyl Jiggety-jigl Ting-a-ling-ling-lingl
My Hous
Heyl Jiggety-jigt Ting-a-Iing-Iing-Iingl
Fine strong walls, In Holland stands a house.
One, two, three, four,
Windows bright, 1. flern cro,Er B Kpyry, osrr Aeptrarc,s sa pyrrr. Kpyr
A painted door, recno coMKEyr. Ogur pe6eno$ crolrr Ba KpyroM.
Carpets, curtains,
2. \era pacnrrpsrcr Kpyr u lrorasbrBator, raraa 6oar-
Cushions gay, mag 6rura KoMrrara B AoMe.
Bends and chairs.
8. fieru paoMbrKarcT rtpyr B oAriol'r Mecre, Asoe Aetefi
We use each day crauoBfircs Apyr uporsB Apyra, u rcaxsAnfi ro Elrx rcna,qer
All these things oAHy pyry (upasyo untl JIeByro coorBercrBeuro) rra IUIeqo
As you cay see om cADepb).
Make cosy homes 4. Osu coeAurraxrr cao6o4arre pyrn BEDTBy: gro raa-
For you and me.
Ilzpa (House in Hollanil> 5. Tpoe 4ereft rrogEuMaror pVKr{, Ee pasteAlrw.s.s. Ltx, n
EeMsoDo oTxoAar ApyF or Apyra: oro ABa coREar.
1. In Holland stands a house,
In Holland stands a house;
6. Pe6esox, croqd sa Kp],ToM, K .,qBepn AoMat'
orrpLrlaer roa,qBrrrrcryr (paeregunfier pyxn Aerefi), BxoAur
Hey! -Jiggety-jig! Ting-a-ling-ling-ling!
E (rcoMHaryr qepe8 eABepbf [l raEqyeTBEyrpn Bpyra.
164 165
Gromrs Is Nelly's dress red?
What do you wear irr winter (in summer)?
Nouns What dress ii Nelly wearing? q
an apron panties
' It is a dress (a hat, a shirt).
a blouse a pocket The dress is red (blue).
a bow a sandal Yes, she has (Yes, Mary has a new dress).
a-boot a scarf Yes, it is (Yes, Nelly's dress is red).
a cap a shirt No, it is not (No, Nelly's dress is not red, it is blue).
a coat a shoe In winter I wear a war. m coat, a hat, a scarf and mittens.
a dress shorts In summer f wear a dress (a shirt, shorts), shoes and
galoshes , a skirt socks.
a handkerchief a sock Nelly is wearing a blue dress.
a hat a stocking
My Galoshes
a mitten trousers
I have galoshes
Verbs Nice and stout,
to be to lace up (one's shoes) That keep the mud
to buckle - to put on And water out.
(one's sandals) (one's clothes)
to take off
My Raincoat
to button
(to unbutton) (one's clothes) Ihave a raincoat
(to button one's clothes) Fine and slick.
to hang to wear That makes the water
to have Slide off quick.

Adiectives Shoes
black' gray I have galoshes for rainy days,
blue new And sandals for the sun,
brown nice Shoes for playing out of doors,
clean red
, And party shoes for fun.
dirty white

Patterns Nouns
What is this? an apple an orange
What colour is the dress? a banaria a pear
Has Mary a new dress? bread a pie
166 wI
(white bread, brown bread) Pattenns
butter a piece What is this?
a cake a plum Are you hungry (thirsty)?
a carrot porridge Do you like sweets?
- a cabbage potatoes What colour is milk?
cheese salad What is AIec doing?
a cherry salt What is Nelly eating?
chocolate a sandwich What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?
(a cheese sandwich) May I have some more milk?
coffee a shop May I leave the table?
a cucutnber soup It is a table.
a cutlet sour milk Yes, I am (Yes, I am hungry, thirsty).
an egg sour cream Yes, I do (Yes, I like sweets).
figs sugar No, I don't (No, I don't like sweets).
grapes a sweet Milk is white.
ice-cream tea Alec is cutting bread.
macaroni a tomato Nelly is eating a'cheese s.andwich.
meat water I have porridge eggs and milk for breakfast.
milk :
a water-melon I have soup, cutlets and potatoes, and an orange for
I have bread and butter and milk for supper.
to be hungry (thirsty) to have breakfast
(lunch, dinner, supper)
- Pass rne the salt, please.
to buy to like
- Here it is (Here you are).
to cut to pass
- Thank you.
to drink to sell
- Not at all.
Have some tea.
to eat to take
to give to want A Good Chilil
Ad.jectiues All my food I shalleat
And my plate wiII be neat.
bis nice
brown red One, Tw'o, Three
cold tasty- One, two, three,
good (to eat) sweet Let me see
gleen white Who likes coffee
hot yellow And who likes tea.
little One, two, three,
r68 169
Oh, I see: . And roll it out with a rolling-pin.
You likir coffee And cut the biscuits round arrd thin.
And I like tea.
Polly, Put the Kettle On
What the Cloch Says Polly, put the kettle on,
The clock says *Eight! Polly, put the kettle on,
Quick, you'll be late, Polly, put the kettle on,
Brea-kfast is ready, We'Il all have tea.
Master Teddyr. Polly, take it off again,
The clock says <One! Polly, take it off again,
Pudding is done, Polly, take it off agai-n,
Dinner's ready, They're ill gone away.
Master Teddyr.
Lnrrrc mE TABr.r
Hand.y Spand.y
Handy Spandy, Jack-a-dandy, Nouns
Loves plum cake arrd sugar candy, a cup a saucer
He buys some at a grocer,s shop, a cupboard a saucepan
And out he come_s, hop, hop, hop. a fork a spoon
In the Shopping Bag a glass a sugar-bowl
a kettle a table-cloth
When I went out shopping
a knife a teapot
I bought a fine fish, a plate
Some flowers for my mother,
A tart upon a dish; Verbs
A whistle for my brother, to be to lay (the table)
A book for Uncle Joe, to clear (the table) to.put
Two towels for Aunt Mary to eook 'there (are)
Red ribbon for a bow, to eat to wash up
I went into a toyshop to have
To buy a rubber ball,
To give to sister Carol Adjeetives
To bounce against the wall. big ready
blue small
, Baking Day cold tasty
I take the flour so fine and white, hot white
I knead the dough till it is light, little yellow
Patterns Verbe
Who is laying the table?
to be to ride
What is Nelly doing?
What color is the table_cloth?
to cross to see
to go (to go by bus, to sell
Have you a cup?
What is in the cupboard?
to go for a walk,
to go out)
What are you doing?
- . to look (at) to stop
What do you eat your soup with?
to-obey to walk
Is dinner ready?
to run
Betty is laying the table.
She is cooking dinner. Ad,jectives
The table-cloth is white. gray
Yes,I ,Ihaveacup). blue " low
There cups, plates, forks, spoons and knivds brown red
in the cu hiSh right (to the right)
I am clearing the table. large small
I eat my soup with a spoon. :
Ieft (to the left) yellow
Yes, it is. (Yes, dinner is ready). green
No, it is not (No, dinner iq not ready).
Oun Grrr What is this?
When do you go for a walk?
Nouns What can you see in the street?
a bench people Who regulates the traffic?
a bus a road What do you see in the shop winrlow?
a bush a shop Is this house big (small)?
a car a shop window It is a street (a hodse).
a city a sidewalk I go for a walk after breakfast. ,
d cgrner a street I can see many houqes, cars, buses, trolley-buses in the
a flower traffic lights street.
a flowerbed a tram The militianan regulates the traffic.
a garden a tree In the shop window I iee many toys (books).
grass a trolley-bus Yes, it is (Yes, it is big).
a house a truck No, it is not.
a militiaman a yard The house is not big, it is small.
a park

172 t7"g
Traffic Lights Tnr Srnsons
Look to this side,
Look to that side, Nouns
The green says, <Go!> autumn a rwer
Now go slow! a bench sand
The red says, *Stoplr a bird skates
Now do so. a berry skis
a bluebell the sky
Stop! Looh!
a branch a sledge (sled)
The trams and cars in our town a butterfly snow
Run up and dowu up and down! a corn-flower ' d snowball
Stop! Look at the light!

(to throw, play snowballs)

First ldok to the left, a daisy a snow-flake
And then to the right. a fir-tree a snow man
(to makg a snowman)
We Liue Here
a flower a spade
I live here, a fly spring
You live near, a forest summer
Tom lives so far grass the sun
That he goes in a car. a leaf a tree
We live near,. a mushroom an umbrella
You live here, a New Year tree wind
Tom and Ray a pail winter
Live far auray. rain
Pilots Verbs
In the sky, to bask (in the sun) to play
Very high, to bathe to run
Very high ' ,
to blow . to shine
The pilots fly.
to come to skate
Through the rain
to fly io ski
And wind and snow to gather to slide
To and fro (mushrooms) (to slide downhill)
They come and go. to go ' to sing
(to go for a wafk)
to melt to swim

174 t76
to pick to walk Seosons
(berries, flowers)
Spring is green,
to plant
Summer is bright,
Ad,iectives Autumn is yellow,
beautiful Winter is white.
black pink Seasons
blue red
Winter brings us snowfla-kes,
Spring - green buds and shoots.
cold warm
Surnmer brings us berries,
dry wet
green Autumn - golden fruits.
grsy yellow Little Juck Frost
It is cold and still,
Patterns The wind is away,
The Little Jack Frost
What season is it?
Is busy today
What is the weather like today?
He nips my cheeks,
What colour are the leaves (the flowers)?
Is the sun shining? He nips my nose.
What do you do in winter (summer)? And before I can catch him
What is the boy (the girl) doing? Away he goes.
Is it cold (warm, hot)? Up ond Down
Is it snowing (raining)?
Crystal air and sun and snow,
It is autumn (winter, summer, spring). Up'and down the hill we go,
fire weather is fine today. Far away the noisy town,
The leaves are gteen. (The flowers are red and yellow).
Up and downt Up and downt
Yes, it is. Yes, the sun is shining brighily.
No, it is not. The sun is not shining. A Fir-Tree
In winter I ski, skate, slide. . l I am a fluffy fir-tree
In summer I bask in the sun, bathe, swim, I lived in the woods far away.
Pick berries and mushrooms. Now I am in the middle of the room
The boy (the girl) is skating. Very pretty, happy and gay.
Yes, it is cold (warm, hot).
No, it is not snowing (raining). Springtime
The trees are green,
Blue skies are 8een,
178 177
Grey winter's gone away, Summer Is Here
The golden sun Summer is here
Greets everyone, The-brooks running clear,
The world looks new and you. For summer is here,
Yes, summer is here.
In Moy
When it is May
Little Frog
I like to run Little frog, little frog,
Out in the sun! Hop, hop, hop.
It is such fun Little frog, little frog,
To play ancl run Stop, stop, stop.
Out in the sun!
A Busy Bee
The First of May el'm busy, busy, busy>,
It's the merry First of May Says a busy little bee.
We are happy on this day <Pretty, busy little bee,
As we march across the square Bring some honey for my tear.
With our banners in the air.
In the Merry Month of May Busy, busy little bees,
In the Merry Month of May When the day is sunny
Month of May, Fly about in the garden
When the sky is blue and gay, Looking for some honey.
Blue and gay,
All the children dance and play, I Haue Four Cherries ,

Dance and play. I have four cherries

in my tree,
Two for Mother, and one for me,
Sutnmer And one for Daddy who's gone to sea.
Summer time is
A time for play; Autumn
We are happy The summer is over
AII the day. The trees are all bare,
Sun is shining There is mist in the garden
All day long. And frost in the air.
Treei are full
Of bird and song.

178 17s
Autumn Rain
As I'm getting out of bed
I can hear the rain. ilCIONb3OBAIIHOTI'IIITEPITYPbI
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter
On my window-pane.

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182 183
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IlpHrrrauaeH K cortrtgAHfillecrBg
ABTOPOB ,q,rt HrAarrrf,:
[ns KpynHoonroBbtx noKynarenef o yqe6rrroc Ann IITY, CCY3oo r BY3ou;
I nayrxoi r nayrnononyaapxoi nrreparyprr no ME[l4llhHE r BETEPI4HAPI4t4, lOPhcnPy-
llpegcraaurenbcrBa a r. Mocraa AEH[Hl4 r 3KOHOMtlKE, COUt4MbHblM r ECTECTBEHHbIM HAyKAM;
. trxreparypbr no I'IPOrPAMMhPOBAHhIO x Bbltll4crlhTErlbHOfr TEXHhKE;
yn. Kocuouaera Bonroaa, 425/2,l-ercx, M. <Boftroecraso
o nPhMA'4HOf, r TEXHI4gECKOfi alreparypu;,
ren.:(095) 156-05-68, (09s) 450-08-35, B-916-523-4376 . ffieparypu nO CnOPTv r EOEBb|M hCKVCCTBAM;
. e-mail: o IETCKOil r l-lEAAlorh{ECKOft nneparypu;
KoHrarrnoe nu\o: Monceenrco Ceprefi Huxonaeen,l . rrreparypd no KYAI4HAPI4)4u PyKOAEITO.
BbtcoKllE roHoPAPbt !!t
llJocce Opesep, 17, pafion uerpo nAerauoropHaeD BCE grrarcoeure 3ATPATbI 6EPEM HA CEEfl l!!
ren.: (095) 517-32-95, 1O7 -44-98, 711-79-81 npN npxHsrru pyKonrcl g RporrsoAqigo Bbl0JlA{14BAEM ronopap HA 10% BbltUE
renlQaxc: 8-501 -41 3-75-78 Ilosoro Pocq4fi cKoro il3AATEJIbcTBA!!!
e-mail: Pyxonrcr re peqea3rpyrercr r re aosrpaqaorcal
ArpeKrop: Msluu Bntannh Bacnnaeauv
Toproauri,[ou "Kxopyc,
yn. E. flepencflaocKaq, 46, M nPrxcran>; <flpscneKT Mt4paD Maxxllxoea Hataauc Hrtxonaesxa
rer. : (095) 680-02-07,680-72-54,680-9x -06,680-92- 1 3 Ten,: (863) 261-89-50; e-mail:
lIe6eAeB Anapeil
If pegcraenrilnbcrBo B r. CaHKT-l'lerep6ypr 144082,r, Poeroo-na-flory, nep, Xurypnrcxri, 8ll.
PernoHanuHoe npeAcraBhrenbcrBo Ter.: (863) 251-89-5ll;
198096, r,Cauxr-Ferep6ypr, yn.KpoHurraAcKafl, 1 1, oerac 17
ren.: (812) 335-34=84 o Oroao 100 roaurx rnrr raxgui ueoq.
e-mail: r 6qnee 3000 raxuenoaarri xrrxnoi npg4yxqrt co6craeHHoro npot3rcAcroa.
o 6oaee 1500 naruerosanri o6uenroi xxrxxoi npo,qyrq{t or nyrutx tr3Aarearcrs Pocclt.
.f,rperrop: Crpentuuroaa Oxcana dopncoaua
I'lpegcraeurerbcrBo a r. Hoeocn6rpcx t Onrolyo h posHreHyp roprodap xxrxroi npoAy([rei.
r. Hoaocn6npcx, yn.Ap6ysoaa, 1 /1 o Caoeapeuexryn Aocral(y xHNr 6 4p6yo rovxy crpaxur,3A CIIET 143AATEI6LTBA, arro-
rpaHcnoprou r x,/4 xoxreixepaur.
ren.: (3832) 36-10-28 4o6. 165 o MHOfOyPOBHEByIO clcrery cxNAo'K.
e-mail: I PEArlbl'lblE UEHbl.
a HaAexibri AOXO,q or pearf,3aq{t (HHr Hauero N3Aaretrbcraa
IlpeAcraetaTenbcrBo B yKpa[He
OOO l4KU nKpeAo"
r, .Q,oneqx, yn. YHneepcnrercran, 96 Tea.: (863) 261-89-53, 261-89-54, 261-89-55, 261-89-56, 261-89-57, Qarc. 261-89-
ren.: *38 (062) 345-63-08, 339-60-85 HAqA'IbH'4K OTAEIA:
e-mail: moiseenko@skif .net Kocrexro .Ilrogurna KoHcraxrnHogxa
Ten.: (863) 261-89-52; e-mail:
llo eonpocaM rgAarus xini:
ren. 8:863-261 8950; e-mail:

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