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Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report


1.1. List all the resistance values (sorted in the accending order).
No. Resistance Tolerance

1.2. List all the capacitors (sort in the accending order of capacitance value).
No. Type Capacitance

1.3. The theoretically calculated current is: ............... A.

The theoretically calculated Vout is: .................V.
Therefore, the status of the circuit is compatible / incompatible with the theory.
1.4. Vp= ..................
Vp–p = ..................
Vrms = ..................
Vavg = ..................
The phase difference between voltage of resistor and voltage of capacitor (inductor)
is .................. The reason is.....................................................................................................

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Group: ...................................................... Date: .........................................................

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-1

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report


3.1. Examine Voltage-Ampe characteristic of diode
a. Voltage of R1 = ..................
In this case, diode is ..........................-bias.
b. Current through R1 = ...............
c. Voltage of diode = .....................
d. Voltage of R1 ≈ .......................
In this case, diode is ..........................-bias.
e. Current through R1 ≈ ....................
f. Voltage of diode = .....................
3.2. Half-wave rectification
a. By using Probe, input voltage Vin = .............
b. For the input, RMS value of VrmsVin = ...............
For the input, average value of VavgVin = .............
For the output, RMS value of VrmsVout = .............
For the output, average value of VavgVout = .............
c. Amplitude of positive half or negative half is .............................
d. This is circuit of ............................... half-wave rectification
3.3. Full-wave rectification
a. Without capacitor C1 and load resistor R1: (V = 220V, f = 50Hz)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-2

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report

- Input Vin = 110V, peak-peak voltage Vpp = 33.5V, frequency fin = 100Hz
- Output Vo= 110V, peak-peak voltage Vpp = 33.5V, frequency fout = 100Hz
b. Average value of output voltage Vavg = 0.636 ×V pp = 21.306V.
c. Function of capacitor C1: to store the energy up to the very high input level of the
voltage, and the capacitor releases the input voltage down, to maintain the output voltage at
the same level.
d. With capacitor C1 and load resistor R1: (C1 = 1000 μF , R1=1000 Ω¿

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-3

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report

- Output Vo= 219V, peak-peak voltage Vpp =2.5V , frequency fout = 100Hz.
e. Average value of output voltage Vavg = 0.636 ×V pp = 1.59V.
3.4. Circuit of H-bridge driver
a. Student does the circuit of H-bridge as Fig. 22. Using 2 LED to display bi-direction of
current that flow through H-bridge driver (CW or CCW of rotational motor direction)
b. Using battery to activate L1, MOSFET IRFZ44 allows current flow through. Status of
LED ....... is ......... (corresponding to ........... of rotational motor direction).
c. Using battery to activate R1, MOSFET IRFZ44 allows current flow through. Status of
LED ....... is ......... (corresponding to ........... of rotational motor direction).

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-4

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report

d. Student does the circuit of H-bridge as Fig. 23. Using 2 LED to display bi-direction of
current that flow through H-bridge driver (CW or CCW of rotational motor direction)
e. Using battery to activate L1, BJI 2N3904 allows current flow through. Status of LED
....... is ......... (corresponding to ........... of rotational motor direction).
f. Using battery to activate R1, BJT 2N3904 allows current flow through. Status of LED
....... is ......... (corresponding to ........... of rotational motor direction).

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Group: ...................................................... Date: .........................................................

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-5

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Laboratory (ME2006) Report


3.1. Logic gates
- What is the conclusion?

+ Result of making circuit: Run Correctly 􀀀 Run Incorrectly 􀀀 Not run 􀀀

3.2. Boolean function

a) Represent the function F in algebra format.
F = .....................

b) Using Karnaugh Map to reduce the function F

F2 = ................

3.3. Counter

+ Result of making circuit: Run Correctly 􀀀 Run Incorrectly 􀀀 Not

run 􀀀

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Group: ...................................................... Date: .........................................................

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering @HCMUT @2021 Report-6

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