Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Empowerment

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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology XI

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Consider how they go about their use of Internet;
b. Organize their knowledge about the purpose of Internet;
c. Analyze the risk of sharing their information online;
d. Apply in their daily lives the tips to stay safe online

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies
Rules of Netiquette: Online Safety and Security
Tips to Stay Safe Online
Skill: Information and Communication Technology
Reference: Empowerment Technologies
Innovative Training Works, Inc. pp.21-23
Materials: Marker and Board, Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, coin

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Routine
1. Prayer and Greetings
2. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
The students will answer “How Safe Are You?” activity.

Below is a questionnaire about how much information you have shared so far. Put a
check ( / ) under Shared or Not shared.
Type of Information Shared Not Shared
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Middle name
4. Current and previous school (s)
5. Your cellphone number
6. The name of your father and mother
7. The name of your siblings
8. Your address
9. Your home phone number
10. Your birthday

C. Discussion
1. The teacher will ask the students “How many hours do you spend on the
Internet per day?”
2. Can you live without the Internet for a week? How many times have you
complained about your Internet connection speed?
3. The teacher will compare Internet to a coin having two faces.
4. The class will learn how risky it is to share their information online such as: their
first name, last name, middle name, current and previous school(s), their
cellphone number, the name of their mother and father, the name of their
siblings, their address, their home phone number, and their birthday.
5. The teacher will discuss the tips to stay safe online and the students will give
their opinion to it.

D. Generalization
The Internet is a powerful tool but all users must know that it is also one of the
most dangerous places. Internet helps us in many ways but if we do not know what
we are doing it and we became careless, it could affect our future.

E. Enrichment Activity
The students will share their experience in using the Internet by answering this
Are there any experiences of yours in using online where in you felt that you are at

F. Evaluation
Based on your own experiences, can you add other tips to stay safe online?
Explain each tip added.

IV. Assignment:
What are the threats Internet users must be aware of?

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