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PRACTICE (1). Answer the next questions. Then ask your partner and complete the chart.

a) Can you play soccer? yes, I play soccer no, I don't know how
to play soccer
b) Can you play volleyball? no, I don't know no, I don't know how
how to play to play volleyball
c) Can you cook Peruvian food? yes, I can cook no, I don't know how
Peruvian food to cook food
d) Can you climb Misti volcano? no, I don't know I do not know how to
how to climb climb the Misti
e) Can you drive a car? I don't know how to I do know how to
drive a car drive a car
f) Can you eat guinea pig? I can't eat yes you can eat
g) Can you do exercises every morning? yes, yes, I can no, I can't exercise
exercise every every morning.
h) Can you fix computers? yes, I can fix a no, I do not know
computer how to fix a computer
i) Can you wake up at 5:30 in the morning? yes i can get up I can't get up early
j) Can your best friend play tennis? yes he can play can't play

k) Can your parents swim? my parents don't yes my parents can

know how to swim swim
l) Can we dance cumbia music? yes we can dance yes we can dance
cumbia cumbia
m) What sports can you play? any sport only soccer

n) What sports can your best friend play? basketball soccer

o) What languages can you speak? Spanish and a little only Spanish
p) Where can you learn English? in academies in academies


Listen and repeat.

head arm chest feet

eye neck back foot

mouth elbow stomach knee

ear hand hip shoulder

nose finger leg tongue


1. Look at the picture and write the parts of the body.


Front Stomach


Nose Chest

Shoulder Fingers

Arm Mouth

Hand Ear




John Allen is 43 years old and he has four children: two daughters
and two sons. Johnis a plant scientist and he lives with three of
his children in the South American rainforest. Their ‘house’ is a
group of tents near the River Orinoco in Venezuela. John’s wife
and one of his daughters prefer to live in London.

John’s children don’t go to school because John is their teacher.

He teaches them everything he knows, including how to survive in
South America. The children don’t know how to use a PlayStation,
but they can all drive, even his 9 years old son, Simon. At night
they drive their car 50 meters from the kitchen tent to the
bedroom tent because there are a lot of wild animals in the area.
They spend their free time playing and reading books. In the
evening they listen to the news on the radio. They don’thave a
TV or CD player. In the summer the children’s friends come
from London tovisit. When they go home they tell their parents
incredible stories of their holidays in the Venezuelan rainforest.

1. Write T (true) or F (false).

a) John Allen has six children (True)

b) He lives in the South American jungle (false)
c) John’s wife wants to live in London (true)
d) John’s children can learn in the school (false)
e) The children can drive (true)
f) At night they sleep in the kitchen tent (false)
g) They don’t have free time activities (true)
h) In the summer the children’s friends can visit them (true)
i) The text is about “jungle in Caracas” (false)
j) They can watch movies in the evening (false)

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