Liliana Yojana Torrejano Peralta

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Exercise 9: 5 strategies interpersonal intelligence

Work Team

Heidy Molina Chuquen ID 665321

Maryury Perdomo Gómez ID 419087
Viviana Andrea Pinzón ID 673654
Viviana Astudillo Rendón ID 671041
Yeritza Almario Vargas ID 658243

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales

Educational psychology

NRC 11908

Liliana Yojana Torrejano Peralta

Florencia, Caquetá
September 2021

Five Strategies Interpersonal Intelligence

1. Puppet Theater

In this activity imagination, learning and social interaction will be stimulated.

Language, vocabulary and hearing are also stimulated.


 1 sock
 It is optional to organize a kind of platform where the presentation takes


The children will choose a partner to play with, then each one with the stocking in
hand creates a character and conducts a conversation, the topic is free.
Final activity
Each team must carry out a dialogue that they will present and explain at the end of
the class, where they present the characters, the topic of the dialogue and the
characteristics of each one.

Debating and knowing

This discussion activity among children is very useful as it strengthens the relationship,
understanding and presentation of their points of view. It is a way of learning to listen to the
other and also to communicate. The debates also elicit tolerance, empathy, and critical
thinking. And through this resource, children understand that there are different opinions
about an issue and that it is necessary to learn to substantiate them.

The tutor will form the children in a
round table, later he will assign a topic to
be discussed or debated in which the
participation or point of view of each of
the children will be had. If it is pertinent,
both the children and the tutor will be
able to ask a question or clear up doubts.

The following are the rules to follow during the activity:

Speak one at a time.

Time must be respected.
Offenses are not allowed.
You must listen carefully.
No ideas are imposed.

Final activity
At the end of the debate there will be a space for the children to mention and write the
teachings that they identified or acquired during the activity.

Suárez, Jaqueline, Maiz, Francelys, & Meza, Marina. (2010). Inteligencias múltiples: Una
innovación pedagógica para potenciar el proceso enseñanza
aprendizaje. Investigación y Postgrado, 25(1), 81-94. Recuperado en 29 de
septiembre de 2021, de
Sabaj. (2020). Actividades para desarrollar la inteligencia interpersonal en los niños.
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