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Music Competition – 7th edition

Pesaro 6 - 7 - 8 May 2020

Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini with the support of Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della
Ricerca (Department for Education), Comune di Pesaro (Pesaro Municipality) and Confcommercio
– Pesaro (Italian General Confederation of Professions and Self-Employment – Pesaro local
offices) announces the seventh edition of the music competition “Giovani in Crescendo”.
The competition gained the recognition of the Department for Education being included in
Programma annuale per la valorizzazione delle Eccellenze (art. 3 D.M. n. 182, 19 March 2015 and
tabella A in D.M. n. 571, 27 July 2018).

The aim of this music competition is to promote the competition and the exchange of musical
experiences to give to the young participants an important occasion to grow as performers, as
musicians and, above all, as human beings.

The competition is open to the students of both public and private schools (primary schools,
secondary schools, high schools, conservatories, private schools of music and academies).
Each school can participate also with students who do not attend a specific music school project
but are talented and wish to participate as solo artists or as groups. Ex alumni can also participate
(max age: 25 years old).
Individuals who do not attend schools or music schools but are between 6 years old and 25 years
old can also participate. They will be in the section dedicated to Music private schools.

The competition in divided into the following sections:
Primary schools;
Secondary schools;
Secondary schools specialized in music;
Music High-schools;
Private schools of music “junior” (between 6 – 14 years old).
Private schools of music “senior” (between 15 – 25 years old).

All Winners will be awarded on the 8th of May at Rossini Theatre during the final concert. All
participants attending Conservatory are obliged to declare in the form though they take part to the
competition in another section.
Participants can choose any musical genre. For groups (more than 6 participants), performances
cannot last more than 10 minutes; for solo artists and small groups (2-6 participants),
performances cannot last more than 5 minutes. Few minutes extra are given for the technical
set-up (stage, microphones, instruments).
Unpublished songs cannot contain offensive words against people, institutions, religions etc. The
violation of this rule leads to the disqualification of the contestant.

The selection process of the competition consists of just one hearing phase. After the hearing the
selection committee will pinpoint the winners. The committee reserves the right to add another
selection phase in case, after the first hearing, they cannot choose all the winners.
When participants will register, they will also confirm their availability to perform during the final
concert in May, 8th in case they will be chosen as winners (exceptions for special reasons will be
taken into consideration).
Participants must be present on the day and at the time scheduled for the selection with all the
equipment ready for the performance (day and time of the selection will be communicated to all the
participants by the organizing committee at the end of April).
The selection committee will be composed of important artists.
The selection committee decisions are incontestable, unappealable and irrevocable.
Orchestras have to send a map showing instruments and their positions.
Participants are responsible for the possible damages caused to the theatre or the instruments
made available.
The organizers are not responsible for the custody of the instruments and music sheets of the
All the selections will not be open to public audience. Video and audio registrations will be used for
promotional purposes.
The organizers will not pay travels and expenses of the participants.
The organization will make available for the participants audio and lighting service, 2 timpani, 1
piano (or keyboards), drums, 2 speakers, music stands, 1 marimba, 1 vibraphone and 1 xylophone
(special requests must be written in the technical form to be examined by the organizing
committee). Participants can ask for a pianist sending a request to the organization (extra payment
Only professional photographers and video makers working for Teatro Rossini will be authorized to
record the performances.
A participation certificate will be given to all the schools.

Ticket prices of all the concerts is 5 euro for participants and 10 euros for general public. If winners
and their families want to assist to the concert (before and after their performance), they will have
to buy tickets. Participants can book tickets using the registration form.

The organizers reserve the right to postpone or cancel the selections. In this second case, the
registration fees already paid will be refunded.

GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Primary school section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Secondary school section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Secondary school specialized in music section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – High-school section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Conservatory section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Music high-school: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Private school of music “junior” section: Plaque
GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO – Private school of music “senior” section: Plaque

The second and the third in the final raking will receive a piece of art realized by the students of
Scuola del Libro - Urbino or Liceo Mengaroni – Pesaro.

Ortolani Prize (Participants must perform a piece of music from Riz Ortolani repertoire)
Rossini Prize (Participants must perform a piece of music from Gioacchino Rossini repertoire)
Best unpublished music / song
Best vocal performance
Best instrumental performance
Best solo artist / chamber ensemble
Best orchestra
Best choir
Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini Prize (winners will be
invited to perform with the orchestra next year during Giovani in Crescendo – 2021 edition).

The competition, Giovani in Crescendo, is characterized by the presence of Orchestra Sinfonica G.

Rossini. During the selections the committee will judge also possible candidates who could be
invited to perform with the orchestra in the next edition (Giovani in Crescendo – 2021 edition).

Special Prize winners will receive a piece of art made by the students of Liceo Mengaroni, Pesaro
and/or by the students of Scuola del Libro, Urbino.

Orchestra Sinfonica Rossini (OSR) is the orchestra of Pesaro and Urbino Province. Its
headquarters are in Pesaro and Fano. The large majority of its musicians, all selected by auditions,
studied at Conservatorio Statale di Musica G. Rossini. The core of the orchestra is made up of
musicians taking part to the most important lyrical and symphonic seasons of Marche Region. The
reference points of the orchestra are Daniele Agiman (artistic and main director of OSR) and
Roberto Molinelli (innovation director of OSR) with whom the orchestra regularly collaborate.
Important achievements are the constant participation to Rossini Opera Festival and the role of
main orchestra of Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna in Fano. OSR business is regularly increasing.
Up to now 90 performances a year in Italy and several international tours are scheduled.

The selections will take place on 6 and 7 May 2020 at the Rossini Theater in Pesaro.
The calendar will be announced from April 30th 2020.
The final evening will be held on May 8, 2019 at the Rossini Theater in Pesaro.

Registration for the "Giovani in Crescendo" competition must take place no later than 10 March
2020. Registration form available on Orchestra Sinfonica Rossini website (Giovani in Crescendo
The form must be attached as follows:
1) the release declaration (All.1) made by the School manager for the candidates of institutes,
public and private schools or by the private participant himself (if the minor the declaration will have
to be made by one of the parents) For the schools that register more participants, one declaration
of the Executive in which he certifies that he is the same in possession of all the releases.
2) a copy of the bank transfer.
The organizers, in case of demonstrable technical problems, reserve the right to accept
registrations received after the expiry date.
For organizational reasons, in the event of a large number of requests, registrations for each
section will be taken into consideration exclusively based on their order of arrival.

€ 40.00 for soloists;
€ 50.00 for groups (duo);
€ 75.00 for groups (from three to six members);
€ 125.00 for groups (from to seven to twenty members).
€ 7.00 per participant for groups over twenty members.

The renunciation of participation in the Competition does not imply the return of the amount paid.
Payment of the fee must be made by bank transfer: beneficiary of the Rossini Symphony
Orchestra; IBAN: IT 97 G 03359 01600 100000067722, it is mandatory to specify the competition
in the reason for payment, the name of the school (or private participant) and the chosen section.

The Riviera Incoming tour operator - Confcommercio Pesaro and Urbino is the official partner of
the "Giovani in Crescendo" Competition with which it entered into an agreement for the stay of
participants and accompanying persons (Annex 2). Riviera Incoming is the Tour Operator and
Travel Agency of the Confcommercio of Pesaro and Urbino; since 1994 they have been working to
promote the tourist offer of the Marche Region, of Italy and of the foreign offer dedicated to the
world of the School; Riviera Incoming Tour Operator offers and realizes travel offers and stays in
Italy and abroad for every type of tourist segment.

Official sponsors
Comune di Pesaro
Riviera Incoming tour operator
Confcommercio – Pesaro e Urbino
Casa Editrice Cori & Camilletti

Upon taking part in the competition "Giovani in Crescendo" the participants grant the organizers all
rights in connection with their performance. The granting of all rights expressly includes the
unconditional right to record the performance on any audio-visual medium along with the right to
reproduce such media and the right to present the performance to the general public to promote
the Competition and/or to raise funds to support the Competition.  For the avoidance of doubt
copyright in such recordings shall be the intellectual property of Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini. By
way of his/her signature on the application the participant accepts as binding the conditions of
entry and the competition conditions as well as the decision of the jury. Any recourse to courts of
law is excluded. Applicants who do not comply with the competition requirements may be

Under the art. 13 D. Lgs. 196/03 and Regulating EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection
Regulation) the data provided at registration will be retained by Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini and
used exclusively for sending information about the Orchestra and the publication on the web site The holder can cancel and correct own details or oppose to their use.

Rachele Pacifico
Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini

Rachele Pacifico – only Italian language
(available from Monday to Friday in the afternoon from 2.00 p.m.)
Cell. +39 320 7982296

Elisa D’Angeli – Italian and English

Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini
(available from Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.)
Tel. +39 0721 580094

Registration Form

7th edition

Pesaro, 6-7-8 May 2020

Name: ________________________________________________

Surname: _____________________________________________

Parents: ______________________________________________
For Minors only

Address: _____________________________________________

Mobile Phone: _________________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________

Solo artist € Group €

Vocal € Instrumental €

Instrument: ___________________________________________

Music: _______________________________________________

Number of participants (if group): ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________

School: ______________________________________________

School address: ______________________________________

School Phone: ________________________________________

School e-mail:________________________________________

Acceptance of Conditions
Upon taking part in the competition "Giovani in Crescendo" the participants grant
the organizers all rights in connection with their performance. The granting of all rights
expressly includes the unconditional right to record the performance on any audio-visual
medium along with the right to reproduce such media and the right to present the
performance to the general public to promote the Competition and/or to raise funds to
support the Competition.  For the avoidance of doubt copyright in such recordings shall be
the intellectual property of Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini. By way of his/her signature on
the application the participant accepts as binding the conditions of entry and the
competition conditions as well as the decision of the jury. Any recourse to courts of law is
excluded. Applicants who do not comply with the competition requirements may be

Place and date



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