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One people, One nation and One Malaysia. 1 Malaysia is designed to re-orient Malaysia
towards a new direction, geared towards greater unity and success. Malaysian people consist of
various races and religious need to consider themselves as a nation of Malaysia to think and act.

It is also the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime ministers of Malaysia with a
different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. The son of
Malaysia’s second Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak continue in his efforts to realize our leaders
vision to achieve a united Malaysian people through One Malaysia.

Consistent with this, the existing unity between the people in this country should be further
strengthened to create a more peaceful atmosphere of the country, developed, safe and

1.1 Definition

One Malaysia concept was introduced by Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the sixth
Prime Minister of Malaysia. In his final public address before his expected swearing in as a
prime minister on 3 April 2009, at Balai Rong Seri Istana Negara, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun
Abdul Razak gave a hopeful glimpse into his administration today when he said that the new
thrust of his government will be One Malaysia, or 1 Malaysia as it is also known.

There are few main basic of One Malaysia that we need to understand fully. The first aspect is
the application of unity cores. This is to apply the unity cores as the part of culture and habit of
Malaysians. These unity cores are the basic components that strengthen the spirit of unity among
various races in Malaysia. This unity core is supported by moral values that should underlie
Malaysian lifestyle.

The second core is application of aspiration values. Aspiration values that are stated in One
Malaysia concept is the values that should exist in our progressive and dynamic society that will
drive our country towards achieving developed country status. These aspiration values will help
in producing citizens who are able to compete efficiently in global surrounding, thus helping in
increasing our country’s economical health. In other explanation, the primary aspect of the One
Malaysia concept has three core elements which are:

1) Mutual acceptance amongst the races and peoples of Malaysia.

2) Nationalism based on principles of the Federal Constitution and the Rukunegara.

3) Social justice.

To accomplish this feat, eight lofty principles have been put forward by YAB Dato' Sri Mohd
Najib Tun Abdul Razak in the context of the One Malaysia initiative. The eight values are :

1. Culture of Excellence

Cultural practices will bring Malaysia to the excellent level of success and achievement is
higher. Success and achievements of people and countries depending on the extent to which a
culture of excellence practiced by the people.

2. Boldness

Success and achievements of people and countries depending on the extent to which a culture of
excellence practiced by the people. Struggle to achieve progress and excellence of the country
urgently needs leaders and its people resilient to face all obstacles and unexpected.

3. Humility

Feeling humble is an inherently important to belong. Nature of humility is encouraged in the

teachings of Islam as well as cultural and nature of the Malay community that respects the

4. Reception

The concept of tolerance and acceptance are two different things whether the expression or
implementation. Receipt will show a positive treatment receive anything with hearts full of faith
without any elements of forced. Tolerance while also occur because there is no other choice or
forced. Behavior or tolerance occurs when a party has no choice and accepted it with dishonesty.
5. Loyalty

The principle of loyalty is required in any situation. Loyalty to King and Country is the second
principle of compulsory Fundamental closely held by every citizen of this country without
undivided. All people need to satisfy the interests and loyalty to country above loyalty to people
and groups themselves.

6. Meritocracy

Meritocracy is a direction that must be practiced in democratic countries to ensure they meet the
qualifying criteria and given the opportunity to drive national development.

7. Education

Education and knowledge are essential prerequisite for any country to achieve success. Strength
and durability is based on the community and knowledgeable military strength to overcome.

8. Integrity

It is important for a government to get the trust and confidence of the people. Trust and
confidence obtained through the values of integrity. This value must be adopted by all parties
until all levels of leaders, regardless of position.

Values are expected to integrate the people of Malaysia with the mind and actions that lead to
one goal for the country. Through these eight principles, the nation has a blueprint for moving
towards becoming united, able and ready to take on any and all challenge that might come its
way and put into practice the Prime Minister’s slogan “People First, Performance Now”.


This survey was carried out to find out the extent of understanding Malaysians have about One
Malaysia (1 Malaysia) concept and the perspective in applying it as a lifestyle.

3.1 Scope of the study

The survey used the following criteria in considering the suggested scopes for interview:

a) Source of information in One Malaysia concept

b) The understanding of One Malaysia concept

c) Application of One Malaysia concept in nation.

Target respondents are Malaysian from the age of 20 years until 40 years and above. Location
target is at a workplace with an appropriate appointment in a suitable time.

3.1 The questionnaire

Nine questions in English language were designed prior to the survey. The questionnaires were
developed based on the requirements of the research topic involved. It was also referred to the
authorizing officer.

The questionnaires were developed to cater to the age groups of 20-25 years old, 25-30 years
old, 30-35 years old, 35-40 years old and 40 years old and above, and also to cover different
groups of occupation background which are workers from government sector, private sector
and others.

3.2 The interview

Face to face interview questionnaire were address to multi races Malaysian adult. Interviews
commenced early in the morning and lasted till the evening, which was conducted by a student.
Where an interview had been unsuccessful due to the absence of the respondent, repeat visit were
conducted by an appointment at a later date.

These are the syntheses of the respondent’s answers to the questions (nine questions) given in
the survey of ‘Malaysians Understanding of the One Malaysia Concept’ :

4.1 Heard about the concept of One Malaysia

100% of the respondents have heard about the concept of One Malaysia. The proportions of male
and female respondents who have heard about the concept are 60% and 40%. There is no
difference in the proportion between occupational background because all respondents are
government servant. By age groups, those aged between 25-30 years old were most heard about
the concept of One Malaysia (80%) and the least, aged between 20-25 years old were (20%).

4.2 Popular source of One Malaysia concept information

As there are about 5.5 million households in Malaysia own television sets. This study showed
that television is the most popular source of One Malaysia information (60%), followed by
newspaper (20%) and word of mouth also (20%). Surprisingly internet is not in the list of the
most popular source of information.

By gender, the proportion is high among females choosing a television as source of One
Malaysia information. There were no significant difference between males and females in
choosing a source like newspaper or word of mouth of One Malaysia information.

In term of age group, the proportion of respondent in choosing television as the source of One
Malaysia information, was higher for those aged between 25-30 years old (40%) and lower for
those aged between 20-25 years old (20%). Followed by choosing a newspaper, those aged 25-
30 years old (20%) and by word of mouth for those aged 25-30 years old (20%).

4.3 The understanding of One Malaysia concept

Among those who answered, (60%) understood that One Malaysia is the unity of all races in one
single entity, (20%) said a new vision that was brought by the new prime minister to enhance the
Malaysian races unity and the other (20%) said, having one nation, one vision and living in
By gender, males were the most answered unity of all races in one single entity (40%). There
was no significant difference between group of gender according to the other variety

By age groups, aged between 25-30 years old were the most answered unity of all races in one
single entity (40%) and lower proportion for the same answer, those aged 20-25 years old (20%).
However, there was no significant difference between different age groups for those who had a
different understanding.

4.4 Implementation of One Malaysia concept to the nation

(100%) of respondent agreed to implement the One Malaysia concept to the nation. (40%) said
the reasons is the days of a nation functioning as independent and separate ethnic and racial
communities are gone. One Malaysia concept will conceive a perfect unity among society where
prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together. The other (40%) said without unity there
would never be a success. The least, (20%) said it depends on the public to understand and
practice the One Malaysia concept.

By gender, there was no significant difference between males and giving opinion . By
age group, those aged between 25-30 were most answered ‘without unity there would never be a

4.5 Apply the concept of One Malaysia in daily lives

All agreed to apply the concept of One Malaysia in daily lives. Most of the reason to the
application is an ability to find the source of potential and strength by working together and
united with people of different races and belief in peace (60%). (40%) thought the idea would
create a safe and harmony atmosphere for everyone.

By looking at the gender, males had a higher proportion on choosing the most reason of
applying the concept of One Malaysia in daily lives (40%).

In term of age group, those who aged 25-30 years old were choosing the most reason of applying
the concept of One Malaysia in daily lives (40%) compared to (20%) aged 20-25 years old.

4.6 Example of One Malaysia practice

One Malaysia appreciates and respects the principles of Federal Constitution as well as ethnic
identities of every race in Malaysia, and assumes them as an asset or advantage that should be
proud of. One Malaysia also stress on ‘accepting’ attitude among various races of Malaysia
citizens, where each race accepts the uniqueness of other races as what they are so that we can
live together in respectful environment as citizens in one country.

The most example of One Malaysia practice given by respondents were, tolerance in workplace
(40%), good social interaction among different races of Malaysian (20%), equal treatment in
economics and religious issue to all Malaysian (20%) and (20%) with zero example.

By looking at the gender, males had higher proportion on example of One Malaysia practice;
tolerance in workplace (40%). There was no significant difference between gender in giving
other example.

In term of age group, those who aged 25-30 years old were the most in giving a tolerance in
workplace as example of One Malaysia practice (40%). There was no significant difference
among them in giving other example.

4.7 One Malaysia would lead the Malaysians to preserve and enhance unity in diversity

Most of the respondent were strongly agreed that One Malaysia would lead the Malaysians to
preserve and enhance unity in diversity (60%). Followed by agree (20%) and neither agree nor
disagree (20%).

By looking at the gender, males were the most who were strongly agreed with the statement
(40%). There was no significant difference in the proportion by gender for the rest of answers.

By age group, those who aged 25-30 years old were strongly agreed that One Malaysia would
lead the Malaysians to preserve and enhance unity in diversity. There was no significant
difference among the age group for the rest of their answers.

4.8 The One Malaysia vows

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak urged the nation to embark on a "great journey
together" to transform the country, promising them that his administration would place priority
on performance and the people. In his maiden speech aired over national television, he told
Malaysians that his administration would strive to live up to the slogan "One Malaysia. People
First. Performance Now."

Nevertheless, there were numbers of Malaysian that still confuse due to the One Malaysia vows.
These can be seen in the One Malaysia survey finding. (40%) of the respondent were choosing
unity in diversity for the One Malaysia vows, (20%) uniquely Malaysia, (20%) People first
performance now and (20%) united we stand.

By gender, there was no significant difference between males and females. By looking at age
group, those aged 25-30 years were most choosing ‘unity in diversity’ for the One Malaysia
vows (40%).

4.9 One Malaysia logo

All respondent were giving the right answer (100%). These results are expected due to wide
accessible and promotion of One Malaysia logo.


The overall prevalence of understanding One Malaysia or 1 Malaysia concept was (100%) of the
respondents heard about the concept of One Malaysia. (100%) of respondents also aware of the
One Malaysia logo. The survey also found that, Malaysian citizen understand the basic concept
of One Malaysia is the idea about uniting and integrating all citizens of Malaysia from all races
and religion into one track towards peaceful and harmony Malaysia. As a conclusion, they were
strongly agreed with the idea of One Malaysia and become one in order to achieve it. They also
will help ensuring One Malaysia is instilled in every Malaysians’ soul and practised by every

5.1 Recommendation

One Malaysia is an idea which has been inspired by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to overcome
racial problems and issues. A clear understanding of the shortcomings of previous national unity
initiatives is essential in order for One Malaysia to make a difference. Malaysia has the
advantage of leading real change necessary to the country's progress but in order to obtain
wholehearted support, it must be able to make a real and visible difference in the lives of
ordinary Malaysians.

To succeed the idea of One Malaysia, firstly, we need to understand the concept of One
Malaysia. One Malaysia concept is based on the point that is to achieve the ‘developed country’
status as being suggested in Wawasan 2020, the main condition is a strong and stable country
and this can only be achieved when all the citizens unite. It is to grow unity among various races
in Malaysia that should become habit of every Malaysia citizens.

To make the citizens understand the One Malaysia concept, the government should focus on
increasing the awareness of One Malaysia concept to the community through the popular
channel chosen by the community. The television, newspaper and radio are the main sources of
all information, even though the internet has been introduced for quite some time. Information
delivery through television and radio need to be improved because it is still the most popular
source of information, and the efforts undertaken to increase the use of internet among
Malaysian should be upgraded. The information of One Malaysia concept also can be spread
from sources like pamphlet, posters, banner and many other media in an attractive ways. The
accessibility of information especially those in rural area should not be left.

Comprehensive reforms throughout the education system must emphasise respect for differences
in all communities through One Malaysia concept. At the same time, the government must show
leadership by example in all institutions of state. Malaysians must be educated to perceive social
issues (for example poverty, perceived unequal treatment before the law and other forms of
discrimination) as matters of fundamental rights that apply equally to all Malaysians rather than
as factors of party politics that are determined exclusively by racial, religious or cultural

To achieve development to the country, citizens need to be developed first, and this is started
with educating the ‘accepting’ attitude between races, that leads to strong unity as 1 Malaysia.
When the unity achieved, national development process will run more smoothly.
Tolerance must finally give way to genuine understanding, respect and acceptance. Therefore
more people will acknowledge and have a better understanding of the One Malaysia concept.

We as the citizens of Malaysia need to unite and become one in order to achieve One Malaysia,
thus leading our beloved motherland towards peaceful, harmony, unity and integration among all
different kind of races and ethnics in Malaysia. All Malaysians must be shown that they stand to
gain tremendously as a people, rather than lose as a particular race or religious group, in a united

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