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Palompon Institute

School Grade 7
DETAILED of Technology
LESSON Teacher NICO L. ALERTA Subject: Essential English
PLAN Date 04/29/2021 Quarter/ Week:4TH Quarter/ 3rd WEEK
Time 1:00 PM Checked By

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary
Philippine literature as a means of responding to the demands
of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and
contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance,
and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and

B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be
cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using
appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types;
using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar
words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in
various information-sharing formats.

C. Learning EN7VC-IV-b-6.1: Differentiate reality from fantasy based on a

Competencies/ material viewed.
Objectives EN7OL-IV-c-1.7: Orally narrate events in factual and personal
recounts using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues.
EN7WC-IV-c-1.3: Organize information about a chosen subject
using a graphic organizer

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 define what is fantasy and reality;

 differentiate fantasy and reality based on a literary
pieces given;
 explain how important reality and fantasy in our life; and

II. CONTENT/ SUBJECT MATTER: “Reality vs. Fantasy”

“Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists”
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English K-12 Curriculum Guide; Grade 7 Syllabus; Essential English
p. 287
2. Learner’s Materials Essential English p. 276- p. 290
3. Textbook Essential English
4. Additional Resources
from LRMDS animations/beat-a-bully-without-using-your-fists/
B. Other Learning none

IV. PROCEDURES: Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Reviewing past lesson Good Afternoon class! Good Afternoon Sir!
or presenting the new
Let’s have a prayer first. Student: (In the name of the
Preliminaries: Father, and of the Son, and of
Prayer The Holy Spirit. Amen…)
Checking of attendance
Again, Good Afternoon class! Student: Good Afternoon sir!

Is there anyone who’s absent (student answers)


Okay, how’s your day? Is it

good so far? Student: It’s great, sir!

That’s good to know. So, are

you ready to listen and Student: Yes sir
participate in our class
discussion today?

(Indicator 5)
But before that, I will present
and inform everybody our
google meet rules.
 All students are
requested to turn their
cameras on (not
necessary for those who
have slow internet
connection) when
 Audios must be keep on
mute when the teacher
is discussing.
 Make use of the chat
box in responding yes or
no to avoid in chorus
 When the camera is on,
make sure you are
presentable and neat.
Are my class rules clear to Student: Yes sir.

Now, let’s have an activity

first, I will present some
pictures and I want your
reactions to these pictures
and the catch here is you will
respond by saying HAVEY if it’s
very relatable or WALEY if it’s
Yes sir!
not relatable, are we all

(attach pictures here)

Yes sir!
Did you enjoy our short
activity? I bet you do.

Last meeting we discussed
what is bullying, the types of
bullying, and how to avoid Student; Bullying is an act of
bullying? abusing power to someone
Again, what is bullying? through beating, humiliating,
and insulting them.

Okay very good!

(Indicator 1, Psychology)
Bullying- is unwanted,
aggressive behavior among
school-aged children that
involves a real or perceived
power imbalance.

It has a serious and lasting

negative effects on the
mental health and overall
well-being of youth involved in
bullying in any way including:
those who bully others, youth
who are bullied, as well as
those youths who bully others
and are bullied by others,
sometimes referred to as bully-

How about its types? Who can Student: Verbal attacks

recall? Social Isolation

Why do people bully others? Students: (answers may vary)

Who is the most likely to be

Now, you know what is

bullying, its types, and other
concepts about it but do you
believe that bullying really Students: (answers will depend
exist? If so did you experience on students’ response to the
or witness someone being question)
I agree, according to the
British study, 40% of the youth
suicides reported in the
national media appeared to
involve bullying as a
contributing factor.
(Indicator 2, numeracy)
In the Philippines, around 3.2
deaths relating to suicide
were recorded per 100,000
inhabitants in 2016 and aside
from depression and trauma,
bullying is one of the certain
factors contributing to this
increase rate of suicide.
B. Establishing a Purpose In line with the past lesson
of the new lesson about bullying I have here a
short video about fighting a
bully without engaging in a fist
fight. It is entitled “Beat a Bully
Without Using Your Fists”

This afternoon, you will be able

to: (reads the lesson

(plays the video)

Based from the video, what

are the effects of bullying? Student: (answers may vary)

How can you fight a bully Student: (answers may vary)


What can you infer to the

statement “Return evil for evil Student: (answers may vary)
to no one”?

Do you think bullying is only a Student: I can conclude that

concept or invented by our bullying is not really a trivial
minds or it tells a real situation? matter and not a false event
because in reality we’ve gone
through to this.

Student: I can say it’s real

because I experienced being
bullied in my elementary

Very good!
In reality, it causes a dramatic
effect to the person’s well-
being, especially
cyberbullying that really takes
down the self-esteem and
moral of the bullied or the

C. Presenting examples. Now, let me ask you a

Instances of the new question, what comes to your
lesson mind when you hear these
Student: (defines reality and

Yes, that’s correct, what else?

Good, actually all your

answers are correct.

D. Discussing new Fantasy (phantasia-

concepts and imagination, appearance) - is
practicing new skills No. something that is produced by
1 the imagination. These are the
events made by our creative
minds that actually didn’t exist
in real life.

(Indicator 1, Music)
 A musical composition,
free in form, typically
involving variation on an
existing work or the
representation of a
situation or story.

Cambridge dictionary defines

it as a pleasant situation that
you enjoy thinking about but is
unlikely to happen, or the
activity of imagining things.
A story or type of literature
that describes situations that
are very different from real life,
usually involving magic.

According to the research of

Arab World English Journal
(AWEJ) (2016), it is typically
presents the readers with
fictional worlds that to some
degree relate to our actual
world. Fantastical worlds
range from being wholly
different in all aspects from
the real world to being
fictional real world with a
single occurrence of the
“supernatural”, or any degree
of fantastic elements in
between two extremes.

Who can give a good Student: (students’ examples

example of a fantasy? may vary)
Write on the chat box your
answers. In a sentence form.

Okay, can you justify why is it (students will explain briefly

considered as fantasy? their made sentences)

What are the other forms of

fantasy in literature?
 Myths
 Legends
 Science fiction
 Fairytales
 Fables
 Superhero fiction

I guess you grasp the notion of

fantasy now, let us know what
Reality is.
E. Discussing new If there is fantasy that make
concepts and use of our creative minds to
practicing new skills No. exceed the real world, we
have the “Reality” where
events, names, places, things
happen in real life and
experienced by people.

Reality (realis- relating to

things) - is non-fictional and is
perceived through
appearances that are taken
as signs referring to it. These
are real events, things, and
time where we lived in.

You use reality to refer to real

things or the real nature of
things rather than imagined,
invented, or theoretical ideas.
(Collins Dictionary)

Can you give an example of a

Student: (students answers
thing or events happened in
may vary)

Very Good!

(Indicator 1, philosophy)

Realism- sometimes called

naturalism, in the arts is
generally the attempt to
represent subject matter
truthfully, without artificiality
and avoiding speculative
fiction and supernatural

What are the forms of reality in

Student: (students answer may
 Newspaper
 Documentaries
 Biographies and
 Research reports; etc

F. Developing Mastery (Indicator 9 , Formative assessment)

(Leads to formative Direction: Read each sentence. Write F if the sentence tells
assessments) about a make-believe event or fantasy; and R if it tells a real

______1. The yellow tulips are dancing and swaying.

______2. I found a talking basket.
______3. In the Philippines, around 3.2 deaths relating to suicide
were recorded per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016.
______4. Cheetahs can run for approximately 80-130 km/h.
______5. Juan instructed the crabs to go home first because he
have something to do.
______6. The grasshopper jumps high.
______7. The genie granted Althea’s wish.
______8. The witch stopped at the store.
______9. Shane Louise is selling flowers at the church door.
______10. The farmer talked to the priest.
G. Finding practical (Integration 6, 8, and 3)
application of concepts What are the superstitious beliefs you had learned from the
and skills in daily living adults that you find didn’t make sense in a real world?

(example: fireflies and butterflies are representations of our

ancestors who already died which in reality they are just insects
and you have no concrete basis for that belief)
You may answer this question through the following:

Using MS Word or Blog, write an essay with a theme “The reality
of superstitious beliefs”
Organization: 35%
Content: 50%
Grammar: 15%
Total: 100%

Theme “The reality of superstitious beliefs”
The students can perform the following:
 Poster making
 Song
Creativity: 35%
Uniqueness: 15%
Content: 50%
Total: 100%

Theme “The reality of superstitious beliefs”
The students can perform the following with appropriate usage
of verbal and non-verbal cues:
 Spoken poetry
 Vlog (video blog)
Creativity: 35%
Content: 50%
Originality: 15%
Total: 100%

Recreate a superstitious belief following the theme.
Originality: 20%
Content: 30%
Creativity: 50%
Total: 100%
H. Making Generalization So what’s the difference Student: (recaps the
and abstraction about between reality and fantasy definition)
the lesson class?

After knowing definition of Student: (students answers

Reality and Fantasy, what do may vary)
you think is the importance of
reality and fantasy in our life?

That’s right! Reality and

Fantasy are both plays a vital
role in defining the reality of
life and things that are
impossible to happen. Reality
let us perceive life as cruel
and unpredictable but
wonderful journey whereas
fantasy let our minds escape
from the reality of life through
inventing or imagining things
that gives pleasure to us,
where it can be express
through literature and art.
Fantasy is our childhood
memory, where all we think
about is “life is like a fairytale
or cakes and rainbows” and
“we should live in happily ever
after” but as we grow older
reality gave us the concept of
being realistic to every
circumstances that may
confront us.

I. Evaluating Learning (Indicator 9, Summative test)

Test I
DIRECTIONS: Read the short story below. Illustrate the fantasy
and reality being used through making a graphic organizer.

Jose got into his red wagon.

He was ready for a ride.
He had an apple in his pocket.
He had a map on his lap.
Best of all, Jose had his rock.
Jose asked where he should go.
Then he rubbed the rock.
The answer showed up.
So Jose pulled the wagon’s handle.
Two wings came out.
The wagon flew into the air.

Jose got into his red


Reality Fantasy

Test II
DIRECTION: Read each story. Decide if it is real or fantasy. If it’s
fantasy, UNDERLINE the parts of the fantasy that tells about
things that would not really happen and a HIGHLIGHT if that
statement possibly happen in reality.

a. Christian loves his pet. He has a dog and two puppies, a

kitten and a bird. Often when he is alone in the house,
Warren and all his pets become comfortable and watch
television together. Sometimes they tell each other stories.
He shares jokes and they all laugh together.

b. Keisha Marie worked at the local Newspaper as a popular

Freelance photographer; she liked how she could
capture her world in an everlasting image, and then
amend the imperfections to enhance that beauty.

c. She ate the apple with no hesitations. The old woman

laugh horribly and with a sway of her wand she turned the
young lady into an ugly and unpleasant old woman. She
ran away up in the hills and hide. The old woman who cast
the spell was a witch.

J. Additional Activities for

Application and

A. No of Learners who
eared 80% with the

B. No. of Learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of Learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of Learners who

contains to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or mentor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/ discover which I
wish to share with other

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