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The Leading Orthodontic Patient Education Solution


Copyright © 1997-2004 Memtor Communications, L.L.C., all rights reserved.

No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Memtor
Communications, L.L.C.

OrthoMation™ 7.1 is a trademark of Memtor Communications, L.L.C. Windows 98, Me,

2000, and XP are trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Other brand and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Memtor Communications, L.L.C.

4001 Division St.
Metairie, Louisiana 70002 U.S.A.

For technical support, call:

Voice: 1-888-422-2376
Fax: (205) 822-2714


We would like to thank the following contributors for their

support in reviewing the program and in the donation of

Dr. Jeffrey Backus

2231 John Hawkins Parkway
Suite 101
Birmingham, AL 35224

Dr. Keith Hilliard

330 E. Highland Drive
Lakeland, FL 33813

Dr. Carlos Navarro

4514 Cole Avenue #910
Dallas, TX 75205

Dr. Ronald Roth

1001 Broadway – 2D
Milbrae, CA 94030

Dr. Robert L. Samuels

Glenfield General Hospital
Orthodontic Department
Leicester, Leicestershire

Dr. David Sarver

1705 Vestavia Parkway
Birmingham, Al 35216

Dr. Mark Yanosky

1705 Vestavia Parkway
Birmingham, Al 35216

The installation and use of this product indicates your understanding and acceptance of
the following terms and conditions. This license shall supersede any verbal or prior
verbal or written, statement or agreement to the contrary.

If you do not understand or accept these terms, or your local regulations prohibit “after
sale” license agreements or limited disclaimers, you must cease and desist using this
product immediately. Copyright laws supersede all local regulations.


This product (in whole or in part, including all files, data, and documentation, from here
on referred to as “Product”) is Copyright © 1997-2003 Memtor Communications, L.L.C.,
all rights reserved, and is protected by United States copyright laws, international
treaties and all other applicable national or international laws. This product may not, in
whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, translated, or reduced to any electronic
medium or machine readable form, without prior consent in writing, from Memtor
Communications, L.L.C. and according to all applicable laws. The sole owner of this
product is Memtor Communications, L.L.C.

Liability disclaimer

This product and/or license is provided exclusively by Memtor Communications,

L.L.C. on an “as is” basis, without any representation or warranty of any kind,
either express or implied, including without limitation any representations or
endorsements regarding the use of, the results of, or performance of the product,
its appropriateness, accuracy, reliability, or correctness. The entire risk as to the
use of this product is assumed by the user and/or licensee. Memtor
Communications, L.L.C. does not assume liability for the use of this product
beyond the original purchase price. In no event will Memtor Communications,
L.L.C. be liable for additional direct or indirect damages including any lost profits,
lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising from any
defects, or the use or inability to use this product, even if Memtor
Communications, L.L.C. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


You may not use, copy, modify, translate, or transfer the product or any copy except as
expressly defined in this agreement. You may not attempt to unlock or bypass any copy
protection or authentication algorithm utilized by this product. You may not remove or
modify any copyright notice, nor any “about” dialog or the method by which it may be

Operating license

You have the non-exclusive right to use the product only by a single person, on a single
computer at a time. If the product permits, you may physically transfer the product from
one computer to another, provided that the product is used only by a single person, on a
single computer at a time. In group projects where multiple persons will use the product,
you must purchase an individual license for each member of the group. Use over a local
area network (within the same locale) is permitted provided that the product is used only
by a single person, on a single computer at a time. Use over a wide area network
(outside the same locale) is strictly prohibited under any and all circumstances. Any
violation immediately cancels all distribution rights.

Back-up and transfer

You may make one copy of the software part of the product solely for back-up
purposes, as prescribed by Canadian, United States, and international copyright laws.
You must reproduce and include the copyright notice on the back-up copy. You may
transfer the product to another party only if the other party agrees to the terms and
conditions of this agreement and completes and returns registration information (name,
address, etc.), including a signed license, to Memtor Communications, L.L.C. within 30
days of the transfer. If you transfer the product you must at the same time transfer the
documentation and back-up copy, or transfer the documentation and destroy the back-
up copy. You may not retain any portion of the product, in any form, under any


This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the
complete product and all copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to
comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such
termination to destroy all copies of the software and of the documentation, or return
them to Memtor Communications, L.L.C. for disposal.

Other rights and restrictions

All other rights and restrictions not specifically granted in this license are reserved by
Memtor Communications, L.L.C.


AUTHORIZATION INFORMATION......................................................................................................................7
UPDATING ORTHOMATION ................................................................................................................................8
REINSTALLING ORTHOMATION........................................................................................................................8
ORTHOMATION ONLINE - WEB ENABLED SERVICES ..................................................................................8
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................9
WHAT WE DO NOT SUPPORT..............................................................................................................................9
TYPES OF INSTALLATION...................................................................................................................................9
Typical (Single User) Installation........................................................................................................................10
Network Server (Multi-user) Setup ......................................................................................................................12
Network Workstation ...........................................................................................................................................15
XP Home Installation – Special Instructions.......................................................................................................18
UNINSTALLING ORTHOMATION .....................................................................................................................18
APPLICATION LAYOUT......................................................................................................................................19
THE TREE ..............................................................................................................................................................19
MEDIA DISPLAY AREA ......................................................................................................................................22
SPEEDBUTTONS AREA......................................................................................................................................23
MEDIA CONTROLS AREA ..................................................................................................................................24
LOAD FILE CONTROLS AREA...........................................................................................................................25
CUSTOMIZING ORTHOMATION .......................................................................................................................26
CHANGING THE COLOR OF ORTHOMATION ................................................................................................26
CHANGING THE FONT........................................................................................................................................26
CHANGING THE DISPLAY SETTINGS..............................................................................................................26
CHANGING THE DEFAULT TITLES IN THE TREE .........................................................................................26
CHANGING THE TEXT THAT DESCRIBES EACH IMAGE/MOVIE ..............................................................27
RECORDING NEW AUDIO ..................................................................................................................................27
IMPORTING YOUR OWN IMAGES ....................................................................................................................27
REPLACING THE IMAGES IN THE ORTHOMATION INTRODUCTION ......................................................27
Customizing Intro Content..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
HOW TO USE ORTHOMATION ..........................................................................................................................28
USING THE CONTINUOUS PLAY FEATURE ...................................................................................................29
USING THE FIND FEATURE ...............................................................................................................................29
USING THE TREATMENT PLAN CONSOLIDATION FEATURE....................................................................29
USING THE CASE STUDY FEATURE................................................................................................................29
AUDIO, VIDEO, SPEEDBUTTON AND OTHER CHANGES ............................................................................30
PRINTING ..............................................................................................................................................................31
WHAT IS A TREATMENT PLAN?.......................................................................................................................32
PRINTING THE DEFAULT TREATMENT PLAN ..............................................................................................32
CREATING THE CUSTOM TREATMENT PLAN ..............................................................................................33
QTP METHOD ....................................................................................................................................................33
QTP MODIFICATION...................................................................................................................................34
CONVENTIONAL METHOD OF TREATMENT PLAN CREATION ..................................................................34

CREATING ORTHOMATION AT HOME FILES................................................................................................36
PRESENTING TREATMENT PLANS ..................................................................................................................37
LOADING TREATMENT PLANS ........................................................................................................................37
EDITING TREATMENT PLAN TOPIC TITLES..................................................................................................38
ORTHOMATION ONLINE....................................................................................................................................38
PBHS ( ..............................................................................................................................40
TeleVox (
OrthoSesame ( ..................................................................................................42
ECentricPractice ( .......................................................................................43
INSTALLATION PROBLEMS ..............................................................................................................................44
WINDOWS 2000/XP............................................................................................................................................44
PROBLEMS PLAYING VIDEO OR AUDIO ........................................................................................................44
ERRORS ACCESSING THE PROGRAM .............................................................................................................44
REGISTRY/BORLAND DATABASE ENGINE ...................................................................................................44
ORTHOMATION UTILITY...................................................................................................................................45
NET DIR .........................................................................................................................................................45
ALIASES AND REGISTRY ENTRIES .......................................................................................................45
ORTHOMATION SETTINGS................................................................................................................................45
OM Utility settings (Registry and BDE must match)...........................................................................................45
Typical .........................................................................................................................................................45
Network Server............................................................................................................................................45
Network Workstation...................................................................................................................................45

Welcome to OrthoMation, an advanced treatment plan presentation manager. OrthoMation is a
full-featured, yet easy to use application that allows you to construct and present treatment
plans for your patients. OrthoMation allows you to display and print treatment plans (with or
without graphics), customize treatment plans, import your own media files and import and export
custom treatment plans.

To install and run OrthoMation 7.1 your screen area (resolution) must be set to 1024 x 768.
This is to accommodate the higher quality videos.


This manual provides a complete guide to installing and using OrthoMation. Chapter 2
describes how to install OrthoMation. Chapter 3 provides a broad overview of using
OrthoMation. Chapter 4 describes customizing the program. Chapter 5 instructs you as to how
to create and present a custom treatment plan. Finally, Chapter 6 provides various
troubleshooting tips.


When you run OrthoMation the first time, you will be prompted to get a code to operate the
software. If you want to take advantage of the 30-day money back guarantee then please call
GAC (888.422.2376) and let the customer service representative know that you need a “Demo
Code” for evaluating the software. All OrthoMation functions will be available to you during this

At the end of the thirty days, the program will prompt you for a “Permanent Site Key”. All access
to OrthoMation will cease until this “Permanent Site Key” is obtained. Please note that you may
obtain this “Permanent Site Key” at any time during your 30-day evaluation period.



A “site key“ ends the evaluation period and allows the use of OrthoMation indefinitely. The “site
key” is a sequence of numbers provided by Memtor Communications, which is unique to each
computer. Thus, if you have two computers (A & B) and request a “site key” for computer A,
this “site key” will not work on computer B. Each computer must be authorized with it’s own
“site key”.

To obtain your “site key”, you must view the Authorization dialog. To access the Authorization
dialog, right click anywhere in the program and select “Preferences” from the menu. From the
“Preferences” dialog, click on the “Auth” button. The Authorization dialog will then appear. You
may send a request for your “site key” via e-mail or fax.

Via fax: Enter a contact name and an e-mail address. Select the “Print” button to print out your
authorization request form. Fax the form to (205) 822-2714.

Once the GAC TechnoCenter receives the fax and grants the authorization (via “site key”
number) you will receive a fax, which will contain this key number. To enter the number into
your program return to the Authorization box by right clicking anywhere in the program, select
“Preferences” then click on the “Auth” key. Enter the code EXACTLY AS SHOWN in the “key”
field. Then click the “OK” button to complete the “site key” entry and the authorization process.

Please Note: If the site code is not entered exactly as shown on the faxed Authorization form,
OrthoMation will not be authorized.


When you update the program you will have to contact technical support to obtain a new code
for the new version of the software.


When you reinstall the program you will have to contact technical support to obtain a new code
for the new version of the software.


If you are using a certified web provider (PBHS, TeleVox, OrthoSesame or eCentricPractice) to
view treatment plans online you will HAVE TO BE CURRENT WITH SUPPORT to obtain this
service. If your office does not have a Technical Support agreement, GAC will instruct the web
provider to disconnect OrthoMation online services until your office has reestablished the
Support agreement.

System Requirements

OrthoMation is a 32-bit Windows-based program, so your computer should be running:

• Microsoft® Windows XP Professional, 2000 or 98SE.

• Pentium II processor (Pentium IV recommended)
• At least 128MB RAM (256 MB RAM recommended)
• 1GB free hard drive space
• Video card supporting at least 1024x768 resolution
• CD-ROM drive.
• Sound card and an external microphone for the recording of WAV files.

What We DO NOT Support

There are situations when GAC cannot support OrthoMation due to constraints in the
environment in which the end user wishes to use the program. Please contact technical support
if you have a situation that may not be “normal”.

We DO NOT support the use of OrthoMation in the following scenarios:

1. Terminal Services/Citrix – Due to the nature of OrthoMation we have not been able to
achieve good results running the program using Terminal Services or Citrix. These
products update the client screen at a rate lower than the videos play. These programs
update the screens between 5-10 times per second while the videos play at 30
frames/second. The combination of slow refresh rate and quick video frame rate makes
the videos appear jumpy. We recommend installing OrthoMation locally to make the
videos play properly.

2. Dual boot systems – OrthoMation is only supported on computers that have ONE
operating system loaded on them.

3. Windows emulation software – OrthoMation is not supported under any non-Windows

operating system that emulates the Windows environment. OrthoMation was not built or
designed to run on any other platform than Windows. For instance, OrthoMation is not
supported on a Mac running Virtual PC.


There are three types of installations that are available.

1. Typical – For standalone computers that are not networked.

2. Network Server – For a Network (multi-user) setup where you want to share custom
treatment plans and imported user media. Always perform the Network Server setup
before the Network Workstation.

3. Network Workstation – For Network (multi-user) setup on a workstation. Make sure

that the Network Server installation has been completed first.

Typical (Single User) Installation

When the setup starts, you will be prompted to enter a language to

use. OrthoMation can currently be installed in English, Spanish,
German, Dutch, French, French Canadian, Italian or Greek.
Choose the language most often spoken in your practice. (Note
that you may switch to any of the included languages from within
OrthoMation regardless of which language you install.)

If you are running Windows XP or

Windows 2000 you will be prompted
to log on as the Administrator to
complete the install process. If you
are currently logged on as the
Administrator click OK. If not, log out
and log back in as the Administrator
to complete the installation.

Once you choose a language, the Welcome screen will be displayed.

• After you have read the welcome message, click “Next” to continue.
• The Software License Agreement will appear next. Read the agreement and click “Yes”
to signify your agreement to the license.
• The OrthoMation ReadMe file will then be displayed. After reading this file, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to enter your name and your company. The name and company will
default to that which has been set up on your computer by Windows. The program will
automatically generate the serial number. The registration information you enter will be
confirmed and you will be given a chance to change it in the event that you entered it
incorrectly. If the information is correct, click “Next” to proceed.

Next, you will be prompted to enter the address of the doctor. Following this, you will be
prompted to enter the telephone and fax numbers of the doctor. Choose Typical as the type of
install that you are performing.

NOTE: If at any time during the installation process, you have any questions or
problems do not hesitate to call a Technical Support Representative.

Select Typical from the list and click “Next”. You will now be prompted to select a destination
location for User Media files. These are the custom treatment plans and custom images and
movies which will be modified by the application from time to time, so you must
have read and write access to this location. The default destination is
C:\Program Files\Memtor Commmunications\Orthomation. We do not recommend changing the
specified path.

Next, you will be prompted to enter the location for the OrthoMation Media files. These files are
the read-only images and movies and are not modified by the application. The default
destination is C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\Orthomation\Y2KMedia. Although you may
change this if you wish to do so, it is not recommended. After choosing the appropriate
destination, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to choose the program folder for OrthoMation. This will be the folder
that appears on the Windows Programs menu. Accept the default.

The next screen displays the choices you have made and gives you one last chance to make
changes. To do so, click the “Back” button. If you are ready to proceed, click the “Next” button.
When you do, the setup program will begin to copy files and modify your computer’s

After clicking next the computer will begin copying files from the
CD to the hard drive.

You will be prompted for a registration method. Choose the method that is easiest for you and
follow the onscreen instructions. At the end of the installation choose Finish.

When the program is launched for the
first time you will be prompted for a Key
from the Authorization screen. If you are
within your 30-day trial then you will have
to get a “Demo Code”. Otherwise, you
will need a Full Authorization code.

Once you have authorized the program

you will have full access to all of the

Network Server (Multi-user) Setup

When the setup starts, you will be prompted to enter a language to

use. OrthoMation can currently be installed in English, Spanish,
German, Dutch, French, French Canadian, Italian or Greek.
Choose the language most often spoken in your practice. (Note
that you may switch to any of the included languages from within
OrthoMation regardless of which language you install.)

If you are running Windows XP or Windows 2000 you will be prompted to log on as the
Administrator to complete the install process. If you are currently logged on as the
Administrator click OK. If not, log out and log back in as the Administrator to complete the

Once you choose a language, the Welcome screen will be displayed.

• After you have read the welcome message, click “Next” to continue.
• The Software License Agreement will appear next. Read the agreement and click “Yes”
to signify your agreement to the license.
• The OrthoMation ReadMe file will then be displayed. After reading this file, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to enter your name

and your company. The name and company
will default to that which has been set up on
your computer by Windows. The program will
automatically generate the serial number. The
registration information you enter will be
confirmed and you will be given a chance to
change it in the event that you entered it
incorrectly. If the information is correct, click
“Next” to proceed.

Next, you will be prompted to enter the
address of the doctor. Following this, you will
be prompted to enter the telephone and fax
numbers of the doctor. Choose Network
Server as the type of install that you are

NOTE: If at any time during the

installation process, you have any
questions or problems do not hesitate to
call a Technical Support Representative.

OrthoMation will run on most networks,

including Novell™, Windows 95/98 peer to
peer, and NT/2000/XP. When you select either the Network Server or Network Workstation
installation option, OrthoMation will be installed to your network allowing you to run as many
instances of the application as you have workstations. Both the network server and network
workstation installations are run from workstations and not the file server itself.

For the first installation on your network, choose Network Server; for all other workstations
thereafter, choose Network Workstation. THE NETWORK SERVER INSTALL SHOULD ONLY

The application will automatically be loaded to the C:\Program Files\Memtor

Communications\OrthoMation. This cannot be modified.

You will be prompted to enter the location for

the OrthoMation User Media files. These are
files which will be modified by the application
from time to time, so you MUST have read and
write access to this location. This must be a
directory that is accessible to everyone on your
network. The default destination is C:\Orthomtn.
If you are using a Novell™ network, the drive
will probably have the “F:” or higher
designation. If you are operating on a “peer-to-
peer” network (such as Windows 95/98/Me)
and the shared drive is located on a
workstation rather than on a fileserver, be
careful to install the user files to a directory
(folder) that is accessible to everyone on the network. After choosing the appropriate
destination, click “Next”.

Next, you will be prompted to enter a location for the Media files. These files contain all the
images and their databases and are not modified by the application. We recommend that you
choose a local location such as the default location, C:\Program Files\Memtor
Communications\Orthomation\Y2KMedia. After selecting the Media destination, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to choose the program folder for OrthoMation. This will be the folder
that appears on the Windows Programs menu. Accept the default.

The next screen displays the choices you have

made and gives you one last chance to make
changes. To do so, click the “Back” button. If
you are ready to proceed, click the “Next”
button. When you do, the setup program will
begin to copy files and modify your computer’s

After clicking next the computer will begin

copying files
from the CD to
the Hard drive.

You will be prompted for a registration

method. Choose the method that is
easiest for you and follow the onscreen
instructions. At the end of the installation
choose Finish.

When the program is launched for the first

time you will be prompted for a Key from
the Authorization screen. If you are within
your 30-day trial then you will have to get a
“Demo Code”. Otherwise, you will need a
Full Authorization code.

Once you have authorized the program you will have to set the BDE to make OrthoMation
function correctly with any other workstations.

Click on Start, Programs, OrthoMation, Tools and then OrthoMation Utilities. This will open the
following window.

You will see a list of
items that can be
changed if there are
problems with the
network setup. The
only thing that has
to be changed is
the Net Directory.

Adjacent to Net Dir,

use the Browse “…”
button to select a
location and then
click Set to set it.
You will choose the
same location as
you chose for the
shared location of
the User Media files
– ex. C:\Orthomtn\ .
After this has been
changed the setup is complete and you can proceed to the workstation installation.

Network Workstation

When the setup starts, you will be prompted to enter a language to use. OrthoMation can
currently be installed in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, French Canadian, Italian or
Greek. Choose the language most often spoken in your practice. (Note that you may switch to
any of the included languages from within OrthoMation regardless of which language you

If you are running Windows XP or

Windows 2000 you will be prompted
to log on as the Administrator to
complete the install process. If you
are currently logged on as the Administrator click OK. If not, log out and log back in as the
Administrator to complete the installation.

Once you choose a language, the Welcome screen will be displayed.

• After you have read the welcome message, click “Next” to continue.
• The Software License Agreement will appear next. Read the agreement and click “Yes”
to signify your agreement to the license.
• The OrthoMation ReadMe file will then be displayed. After reading this file, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to enter your name and your company. The name and company will
default to that which has been set up on your computer by Windows. The program will
automatically generate the serial number. The registration information you enter will be
confirmed and you will be given a chance to change it in the event that you entered it
incorrectly. If the information is correct, click “Next” to proceed.

Next, you will be prompted to enter the address of the doctor. Following this, you will be
prompted to enter the telephone and fax numbers of the doctor. Choose Network Workstation
as the type of install that you are performing.

NOTE: If at any time during the installation process, you have any questions or
problems do not hesitate to call a Technical Support Representative.

OrthoMation will run on most networks, including Novell™, Windows 95/98 peer to peer, and
NT/2000/XP. When you select either the Network Server or Network Workstation installation
option, OrthoMation will be installed to your network allowing you to run as many instances of
the application as you have workstations. Both the network server and network workstation
installations are run from workstations and not the file server itself.

You will be prompted to verify that a

mapped drive to the server has been

The application will automatically be loaded to the C:\Program Files\Memtor

Communications\OrthoMation\. This cannot be modified.

You will be prompted to enter the location for the

OrthoMation User Media files. These are files
which will be modified by the application from
time to time, so you MUST have read and write
access to this location. This must be a directory
that is accessible to everyone on your network.
The default destination is blank prompting you to
select the same location as was selected during
the Network Server install. To select a drive
click on the Browse button and click on the
appropriate drive letter. If you are using a
Novell™ network, the drive will probably have
the “F:” or higher designation. After choosing
the appropriate destination, click “Next”.
Use the Browse
button to select
the appropriate

Next, you will be

prompted to
enter a location
for the Media
files. These files
contain all the
images and
their databases
and are not modified by the application. We
recommend that you choose a local location such as the default location, C:\Program Files\Memtor
Communications\Orthomation\Y2KMedia. After selecting the Media destination, click “Next”.

You will then be prompted to choose the program folder for OrthoMation. This will be the folder
that appears on the Windows Programs menu. Accept the default.

The next screen displays the choices you have made and gives you one last chance to make
changes. To do so, click the “Back” button. If you are ready to proceed, click the “Next” button.
When you do, the setup program will begin to copy files and
modify your computer’s configuration.

After clicking next the computer will begin copying files from the
CD to the Hard drive.

After all Media has been copied to the hard drive you will be prompted to create icons for
OrthoMation and the OrthoMation Introduction. Select Yes to create these icons.

You will be prompted for a registration method. Choose the method that is easiest for you and
follow the onscreen instructions. At the end of the installation choose Finish.

When the program is launched for the first time you will be prompted for a Key from the
Authorization screen. If you are within your 30-day trial then you will have to request a “Demo
Code”. Otherwise, you will need a Full Authorization code.

Once you have authorized the program you will have to set the BDE to make OrthoMation
function correctly with any other workstations.
Click on Start, Programs, OrthoMation,
Tools and then OrthoMation Utilities.
This will open the window illustrated at
You will see a list of items that can be
changed if there are problems with the
network setup. The only thing that has
to be changed is the Net Directory.

Adjacent to Net Dir, use the Browse

“…” button to select a location and then
click Set to set it. You will choose the
same location as you chose for the
shared location of the User Media files
– ex. G:\Orthomtn\. After this has been changed the setup is complete and you can proceed to
the next workstation installation.


Typical installation with Limited Users on Stand Alone Computer – If you are performing a
Typical install on XP Home the User Media files will default to install to C:\Documents and
Settings\AllUsers\Documents\Orthomtn. This is due to constraints with sharing in XP Home In order
for additional users to run the program you will have to set the BDE to this folder also. Use the
OrthoMation Utilities to set the BDE to C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Documents when you are
logged in as an Administrator. Restart the program and then run as different user.


You can remove OrthoMation from your

computer by running the standard Windows
Add/Remove Programs function. Click Start,
Settings, Control Panel, then Add/Remove
Programs. Choose OrthoMation from the list
and remove it by following the directions given.

At the end of the Uninstall procedure choose

Finish and restart your computer. This will
eliminate the program from your system.

This chapter describes the basic operation of OrthoMation. Each of the operations outlined here
is described in greater detail in subsequent chapters.


OrthoMation is visually divided into several basic sections: the Media Display area, the Tree,
the Text area, the Media Controls area, the Speedbuttons and the Load File Controls area.

The Tree

Text Load File

Area Control



The Tree is on the upper right-hand side of your display and is an index of available media.
Clicking on, or scrolling to, any topic in the tree will cause the media associated with that topic to
be displayed in the media display area. For convenience, the tree is divided into chapters that
are displayed on the first level of the tree. Below each chapter are various sub-chapters and the
media. The chapters are arranged alphabetically with the exception of the User Media chapter
that always appears last. You may move through the tree by using the up and down arrow keys,
the page up and page down keys, the home and end keys, by dragging the scroll bar to the right
of the tree, and by scrolling your mouse up and down the tree much like a Web page. If the user
has the VistaDent program installed, then a chapter called VistaDent Data is displayed. This
chapter gives the user direct access to the VistaDent (version 8.5 and version AT) images for
the patient.

Topics in the tree are represented by either still graphics (BMP’s, JPEG’s, etc.) or movies
(AVI’s). The various symbols used to distinguish the different types of images are listed below
in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 – Tree Symbols
Button Function

This symbol represents chapter headings.

This symbol represents still graphics such as BMPs, JPEGs, etc.

This symbol represents movies (AVIs).

This symbol represents dual playing AVIs, that is, side by side.

The topics beneath each chapter can be displayed by expanding the tree. To do so, click the
“+” symbol to the left of the chapter in question or double-click the chapter title. Some chapters
may have several branches, which can be expanded in the same way. To collapse a chapter or
branch on the tree, click the “-” symbol.

Right-clicking on the tree will cause the tree menu to appear. The available menu options are
Find, Edit, Expand all, Collapse all, View VistaDent data, Attach/Detach VistaDent data, Print,
Font, Color, Preferences, Informed Consent, About, Help and Exit.

The Find menu selection or speedbutton allows you to search for a particular topic in the tree.
Simply type part or all of the text you are looking for, set the search type, and click the “First”

• An “Exact match” search will seek exactly what you have typed.
• A “Partial match at beginning” will search for any index entry which begins with what you
have type.
• A “Partial match anywhere” search will seek the text you have entered anywhere in each
index entry.

For example, if you wish to find the word “Tooth” at the beginning of an index entry (such as
“Tooth decay”), enter “Tooth”, or “Too”, or even “T” and click “First”. All entries beginning with
“Tooth” will be searched and the first such entry will be shown. To find the next entry beginning
with “Tooth”, click the Find menu item and then click the “Next” button. To find only those entries
that match “Tooth decay” exactly, enter “Tooth decay” and click “First”. To find the word “Tooth”
anywhere in the index, (such as “Tooth decay”, “Impacted tooth”, or “proper toothbrush usage”,
select “Partial match anywhere” and click “First”.

NOTE: If you are searching for Class I, Class II or Class III then search using the capital
“i” rather than the number 1, 2 or 3.

The Edit menu item allows you to modify the descriptive label associated with the particular
media file, also known as a topic, in the tree. You may substitute any text you wish for the topic.
NOTE: If you change the topic title for the default treatment plan, the topic title will now
be changed for all future custom plans.

Choosing Expand all or Collapse all (or clicking the expand all or collapse all speedbutton) will
cause all branches in the tree to be expanded or collapsed just as if you had single-clicked on
the “+” or “-” symbol next to each topic.

Choosing View VistaDent data will allow the user to directly import data from the VistaDent
program. Simply click on this item and choose the VistaDent patient that you wish to view in
OrthoMation. If the user does not have the VistaDent program installed on their computer, this
button will not be highlighted and the function will not be accessible.

Choosing Attach/Detach VistaDent data will allow the user to close out the attached VistaDent
patient file from the OrthoMation program. Once chosen, the tree is rebuilt to reflect the
removal of VistaDent Data. To reattach the VistaDent patient data, simply choose this button
again. If the user does not the VistaDent program installed on the computer, this button will not
be highlighted and will not be accessible.

The Print menu item is used to print the treatment plan. When you click the print item (or click
the print Speedbutton), the Report Options Dialog will appear allowing you to set up the report.
You have two printing options, which are the Tree and Current selection.

• Tree - Check “Print with graphics” if you wish to have the graphics included in the
treatment plan printed. Next, determine whether you wish to print only those topics in
the treatment plan which are marked (Check “Marked”), or all of the topics regardless of
whether or not they are marked (Check “All”). Still graphics (BMP’s, JPEG’s, etc.) will be
printed entirely. AVI’s will print the first and last frame, side by side. The text associated
with each graphic will be printed below the graphic.

• Current Selection – Select this option if you only want to print the media that is actively
being displayed. OrthoMation will print the still graphics in the same format as described

The Font menu item allows you to change the font used for the text in the Tree. You may also
adjust the font size and color of the text.

The Color menu item allows you to change the background color of the tree area. Use this
option in conjunction with the font menu item to achieve the desired effect.

The Preferences menu allows you to change the Form Caption, Doctor name, address, turn on
AVI autoplay, turn on WAV file play, replace the Chapter image, set a default Treatment plan,
set the Presentation delay, set the tree title scroll speed, set the default Speedbuttons, and
authorize OrthoMation.

• The Form Caption is the text that appears at the top of your screen after “OrthoMation -
Memtor Communications L.L.C.”. You may wish to have your name appear here or a
• The Doctor Name is the name that appears on reports as well as on the splash screen
when you run OrthoMation. The address is the doctor’s mailing address, telephone
number and fax number to be used in the authorization process.
• If you select “Auto run AVI’s”, movies (AVI’s) will play automatically whenever you
select an AVI on the tree. If this option is not selected, the AVI’s will display the first
frame and wait for you to click the Play button.
• If you select “Play WAV files”, the user can play the associated WAV file with the
various media. This WAV file is a sound recording of the text underneath the media. If
this is not selected, the WAV file cannot be played with the images.

• In addition, the user can replace the OrthoMation chapter image. Simply, choose the
“Chapter” button and import a JPEG with which you wish to swap with the default
Chapter image. The JPEG must be sized to the following specifications: 310 pixels in
height x 480 pixels in width, or at a ratio of 65% height to width.
• You may also change the default treatment plan used in OrthoMation with one of your
own. Simply check the box “Use Doctor’s default” and in the drop down box next to
“Doctor’s default tree” select the treatment plan you wish to use.
• Also, you may set the delay between playing of images while in Continuous Play mode.
Simply, set the amount of time in seconds you wish the image to be displayed before
going to the next image.
• The user can also change how fast the tree chapter or sub-chapter name is scrolled
across the Media Display Area by simply moving the bar icon either to the left (slower) or
right (faster) in the Title Scroll Speed box.
• Finally, the “Auth” button allows you to modify your licensing options. USE THIS

The Informed Consent menu option starts the Informed Consent Wizard, which allows the
doctor to generate informed consent documentation for use in his practice. The categories
included are: hygiene related problems, root resorption, periodontal complications, rebound
and/or relapse vs. normal tooth movement, tmj/mpd, endodontic problems, allergies, ceramic
brackets, removable brackets, removable appliances, headgear, oral surgery, growth,
insufficient cooperation, secondary restorative treatment needed, skeletal component with
associated dental compensations, retention, limited treatment, tooth size/arch length
discrepancies, continued deleterious habits, timing of treatment and related problems.

When selected, the About menu option will display the About dialog box giving you information
about OrthoMation.

The Help menu option will cause the OrthoMation help system to be displayed. OrthoMation
help is context sensitive. That is, the help topic that is displayed will depend upon your current
location or operation in the application.

The Exit menu option will close OrthoMation and return you to Windows.

In addition, a history list is displayed showing the user the custom treatment plans that have
previously been loaded. The user can quickly load one of these plans by simply choosing it
from this list. However, until the user creates and loads custom treatment plans, no list is


The Media Display Area appears in the upper left-hand side of your display. This is where video
clips (called AVI’s) and still graphics are displayed. When you right-click (press the right mouse
button) on this area, the media display menu will appear. The available menu options are Hide
Text, Normal, 80%, 60%, 50%, Case Study, Print, Preferences, Informed Consent, About, Help
and Exit.

Selecting the Hide Text menu item or clicking the Hide Text speedbutton will reduce the size of
the tree and cause the display area to grow and cover the maximum available amount of your
display area. To go back to the normal display, right-click on the display and uncheck Hide Text
or click the Hide Text speedbutton again.

The Normal, 80% 60% and 50% options allow you to change the magnification of the images
and AVI’s. This option is primarily used to improve the display quality of images you have
added to OrthoMation.

The Case Study option allows the user to import into OrthoMation a before and an after “still”
graphic such as a JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc. The user can associate the imported graphic
with any of the media in OrthoMation that can then show the results of a particular course of

The Print, Preferences, Informed Consent, About, Help and Exit options have been
discussed previously.


The speedbuttons allow you to quickly access often used functions within OrthoMation. They
are located at the bottom left of your display.

The available buttons and the function of each are listed below in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Speedbuttons

Button Function

The Exit speedbutton closes the OrthoMation application.

The Print speedbutton allows you to print the graphic being displayed or the tree
with or without the graphics. When you select this button, you will see the
printing options dialog box which will allow you to choose exactly what you wish
to print.
The Find speedbutton allows you to locate text within the tree. When you click
this button, the find dialog appears. Simply type part or all of the text you are
looking for, set the search type, and click the “First” button.
The Create/Modify Rx Plan speedbutton is used to create or modify treatment
plans. When you click this button, the Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog will appear
allowing you to create or modify custom treatment plans.
The Load Default Rx Plan speedbutton will load the default treatment plan,
which contains all media files available for your use.

The Load Rx Plan speedbutton loads an existing treatment plan into the tree.

The Import User Media speedbutton will load the Open Media File window
allowing the user to import any type of media into OrthoMation. You can search
for and select media files (you can choose files such as BMPs, .JPGs, AVIs.)

The Continuous Play speedbutton turns OrthoMation into continuous play mode.

The Expand All speedbutton causes the tree to be fully expanded so that all
branches of all chapters and sub-chapters will be shown.

The Collapse All speedbutton causes all branches to be hidden so that only
main chapters are displayed.

Clicking the Media Window Size speedbutton will reduce the size of the tree and
cause the display area to grow and cover the maximum available amount of
your display device.

The Preferences speedbutton will cause the Preferences Dialog to be displayed.

Clicking the Informed Consent speedbutton will invoke the Informed Consent
Wizard. This wizard allows you to generate informed consent documentation for
use in your practice.
Clicking the Edit Text speedbutton will place the user into text editing mode.
You can then edit the text below the image selected.

Clicking the Edit WAV file speedbutton will place the user into WAV file mode.
The WAV file function buttons will be displayed and you can then choose the
appropriate action.
The Case Study speedbutton will allow the user to import into OrthoMation a
before and an after “still” graphic such as a JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc.

Clicking the Treatment Plan Consolidation speedbutton will allow the user
to combine the contents of the selected treatment plans into one.

Clicking the Help contents speedbutton causes the contents of the

OrthoMation help file to be displayed.


The media controls area is located directly

below the Text Area. This area contains
the Play, Pause and Rewind buttons, and
the WAV file edit commands.

The Play, Pause and Rewind buttons are

used just as buttons on your DVD/VCR to
control the display of AVI’s. If the media
being displayed is a still graphic (a JPEG,
BMP, etc), only the “Play” button will be
displayed. Clicking the “Play” button will
cause the WAV file associated with the still
image to be heard. For AVI’s, clicking the
“Play” button will cause the AVI to begin
playing. Clicking the “Pause” button will
cause the AVI to pause. Clicking the
“Pause” button again will cause a paused
AVI to resume playing. Clicking the
“Rewind” button will cause the AVI to

The WAV file edit commands will be displayed only when the user chooses to go into WAV edit
mode. These commands are described in detail above in the Text Area under the Edit


The Load File Controls menu will appear when you right-click (press the right mouse button) on
the area located in the Media Controls Area. The available menu options are Load File,
Continuous Play, Create/Modify RX plan, Preferences, Informed Consent, About, Help and Exit.

The Load File menu item gives the user two options.

1. Load RX Plan. This allows the user to load the default treatment plan by choosing the
Default option. The user could also load a specified custom treatment plan by choosing
the Custom option. Choosing this option brings the user to the Load Rx Plan Dialog
where you can choose the custom treatment plan.

2. The Load Language File menu item allows you to load different foreign language files.
Choosing one of these options, the user can change the default display language to one
of the options. All text, commands, buttons, menu items, etc. will be now displayed in
the chosen language. Currently, OrthoMation has some or all items translated for the
following languages: Dutch, English, French, French Canadian, German, Greek, Italian,
and Spanish.

The Continuous Play menu item allows you to set OrthoMation into continuous play mode.
The program will automatically go through the entire tree currently selected and play each
image. This will continue until the user turns this item off.

The Create/Modify RX Plan menu item allows you to create or modify treatment plans. When
you click this button, the Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog will appear allowing you to create or
modify custom treatment plans. These treatment plans can be loaded in place of the default
tree. In this manner, you can load only the images needed to make a presentation to a
particular patient. Refer to Chapter 5 - Creating Custom Treatment Plans for discussion of
creation of treatment plans.

The Print, Preferences, Informed Consent, About, Help and Exit options have been
discussed previously.

This area also has an option to play the OrthoMation Introduction program. By clicking the
mouse on the “OrthoMation” graphic the introductory video will be played on the screen. This
program is approximately 5 minutes in length and gives a brief introduction to orthodontics. It
includes both videos and audio. Basic controls such as reverse, pause, play and forward are
included. This introduction can also be played off of the Windows Program Menu as
“OrthoMation Introduction”. Upon completion, the screen is returned to the regular OrthoMation


There are a number of ways to customize OrthoMation for how your office works. This chapter
will outline how this can be accomplished so that OrthoMation runs smoothly in your office.
Topics covered will include: changing display settings, importing user media, recording new
audio, changing the text on each window, changing titles on the tree, using the treatment plan
consolidation feature, using the case study option. Other topics such as Creating and Loading
Treatment Plans and using the Quick Treatment Plan feature will be discussed in subsequent


To change the color of the tree area right-click in the blank space and then
choose the Color option. The Color window will open allowing you to
change to the color that you want. Repeat this process for the Load File
Control Area.


The font for the tree, as well as the font for the topic
text, may be changed in order to make these items
more readable. To do so, select Font from the Tree
or Text menu. This dialog will allow you to select a
typeface, font style, font size and font color.

The font you select for the Tree will be used

throughout the tree. The font you select for the topic
text will only be in effect for that topic. To change the
font for all topics, select Default and then Font from
the Text menu.


OrthoMation allows you to modify the manner in which you view images and AVI’s. You have
the option of displaying the media with or without the topic text. Hiding the topic text allows
more of the screen to be used to display the graphic. To hide the text, right-click on the media
display area of the screen and select the desired size. The topic text will be hidden and the tree
will be reduced in size. To bring the topic text back, either click Media Window Size
speedbutton again or right-click on the media display area and select Media Window Size again.


The Edit menu item allows you to modify the descriptive label associated with the particular
media file, also known as a topic, in the tree. You may substitute any text you wish for the topic.

NOTE: If you change the topic title for the default treatment plan, the topic title will
now be changed for all future custom plans.


Clicking the Edit text speedbutton will place the user into text editing mode. You can then edit
the text below the image selected. This will not automatically change the audio. If you want the
audio to match the text then you will have to rerecord the audio yourself.


Clicking the Edit WAV file speedbutton will place the user into WAV file mode for a selected
image or movie. The WAV file function buttons will be displayed and you can then choose the
appropriate action. This requires a microphone that is hooked directly to your computer.


The Import User Media speedbutton allows you to add your own images/movies to the default
tree. When you click this speedbutton, the Import Media dialog will appear allowing you to
search for and select media files. You can choose files such as BMPs, .JPGs, AVIs. Selected
files will be added as sub-topics of the User Media branch. The JPEG must be sized to the
following specifications: 480 pixels in height x 720 pixels in width.


Many offices replace the OrthoMation chapter image (Memtor Communications) with one of
their office or staff for a more relaxed consultation. To replace this, access the Preferences
window (from the Speedbutton) and choose the “Chapter” button. This will allow you to import a
JPEG with which you wish to swap with the default Chapter image. The JPEG must be sized to
the following specifications: 480 pixels in height x 720 pixels in width.


Finally, the user may replace any or all of the photos in the OrthoMation Introduction with
his/her own pictures. The photos can be replaced with images that are the same name, size
and file type. Most paint or graphics programs, like Windows Paint etc., could be used to crop
and save the new images. These images can be found on your hard drive at
C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\Orthomation\Y2KMedia\Intro\Graphics.

Intro_001.jpg Office greeting – assistant, patient & parent 640 x 480
Intro_002.jpg Smiling female teen with braces 200 x 280 • After locating the files, it is
Intro_003.jpg Two teen girls hugging 280 x 210 recommended that the
Intro_004.jpg Three teen girls wrapped in blanket 480 x 360 original images be
Intro_005.jpg Male adult with braces 280 x 280 renamed for use as
Intro_006.jpg Three adults with braces 340 x 255
Intro_007.jpg Adult couple, No Braces 270 x 360
Intro_008.jpg Three adolescents, NB 480 x 360 • The images must be sized
Intro_009.jpg Child running through sprinkler, NB 440 x 330 to the exact horizontal x
Intro_010.jpg Two adolescent sisters, NB 360 x 360 vertical dimensions
Intro_011.jpg Young boy oral exam, NB 270 x 360
Intro_012.jpg Boy teen with braces on phone 440 x 330
Intro_013.jpg Girl teen smiling, with braces 360 x 360
Intro_014.jpg Adolescent boy in baseball cap, NB 270 x 360 Save the new images to the
Intro_015.jpg Sisters, piggyback, NB 360 x 360 same location as they are
Intro_016.jpg Girl running, face shot, NB 210 x 280
Intro_017.jpg Man in business suit, smiling, NB 480 x 400 found. Note: The
Intro_018.jpg Woman smiling, NB 284 x 440 OrthoMation Introduction
Intro_019.jpg Bilateral crossbite montage 480 x 360 program will search for these
Intro_020.jpg Young girl with unilateral crossbite NB 480 x 360
Intro_021.jpg Boy eating 270 x 360 image files, if any file is
Intro_022.jpg Woman speaking at podium 270 x 360 corrupted, saved in the wrong
Intro_022b.jpg Smiling Girl with braces 270 x 360 file type, named, or located
Intro_023.jpg Doctor examining patient 480 x 360
Intro_024.jpg records – profile 240 x 270 incorrectly, the program will
Intro_025.jpg records – smile 240 x 270 not function properly.
Intro_026.jpg records – face 240 x 270
Intro_027.jpg records – upper occlusion intraoral 244 x 183
Intro_028.jpg records – lower occlusion intraoral 244 x 183
Intro_029.jpg records – left buccal intraoral 244 x 183
Intro_030.jpg records – anterior intraoral 244 x 183
Intro_031.jpg records – right buccal intraoral 244 x 183
Intro_032.jpg panorex x-ray 640 x 430
Intro_033.jpg cephalometric x-ray 522 x 430
Intro_034.jpg models – front view 360 x 360
Intro_035.jpg models – side view 360 x 360
Intro_037.jpg Assistant taking impression 480 x 360
Intro_038.jpg VistaDent printout: Image, Analysis, Measurements 522 x 403
Intro_039.jpg Articular mounted model 480 x 360
Intro_042.jpg Office staff 640 x 400
Intro_043.jpg Close-up of smile with clear braces 480 x 360
Intro_044.jpg Close-up of color ligatures 480 x 360
Intro_045.jpg Close-up of Cosmetic Corrector on teeth 480 x 360
Doc 1.jpg Doctor examining patient 480 x 360
Doc 2.jpg Doctor with patients 480 x 360


The OrthoMation Introduction can be customized

to include or exclude sections depending on the
needs of your practice. When you have the Intro
running click “O” on your keyboard to bring up the
following screen. Click on the topic that you want
to have omitted and it will not be presented.


One of the most common questions about OrthoMation is “How do I use this in my office?” This
is a very difficult question to answer as all offices operate in slightly different ways. There is no
correct answer to this question because what works in one office may not work in another. We

designed OrthoMation to be flexible enough to fit your needs. If you want to use it chairside to
show your patients a specific problem then you can do that. Additionally, if you want to create
specific treatment plans and make At Home disks for every patient then you can do that as well.


The Continuous Play menu item allows you to set OrthoMation into continuous play mode.
The program will automatically go through the entire tree currently selected and play each
image. This will continue until the user turns this item off.

The “Presentation delay” box allows the user to set the length of time in seconds in which each
individual still image is played under the “Continuous play” mode as discussed in Chapter 3. In
other words, the user can specify the delay time under “Continuous play” mode before going on
to the next image.


If you are looking at the default treatment or a custom

treatment plan with a large number of topics, you may
not be able to see all of the topics in a single screen.
Rather than expanding the tree and scrolling through
each topic in order to locate a topic, you may use the
find function. To do so, either right-click on the Tree and
select Find from the Tree menu or click the “Find” speedbutton on the toolbar. Simply type part
or all of the text you are looking for, set the search type, and click the “First” button. An “Exact
match” search will seek exactly what you have typed. A “Partial match at beginning” will search
for any index entry which begins with what you have typed. A “Partial match anywhere” search
will seek the text you have entered anywhere in each index entry.


Clicking the Treatment Plan Consolidation speedbutton will allow the user to combine the
contents of the selected treatment plans into one. This works well if you create a number of
“mini” treatment plans that can be combined for a specific patient. For instance, you can create
Class I, Class II, Class III, Bad Hygiene, etc. treatment plans and combine them for each
patient. When a patient comes into your office with a Class II and Bad Hygiene the individual
sections are already prepared and creating a larger treatment plan is easy.



The Case Study speedbutton will

allow the user to import into
OrthoMation a before and an after
“still” graphic such as a JPEG,
BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc. Select the
image or movie that you want to
associate the Before and After
images with and then click the
Case Study button. This window
will appear.
A good example of when to use this would be for the bleaching tray image. You could associate
a Before and After image of a patient who bleached their teeth.


Right-click in the Tree area and

select Preferences to bring up the
Preferences window, (shown
here) which allows you to change
the form caption, change the
doctor’s name, address, choose
to have movies (AVI’s)
automatically play when they
appear, or play WAV files with the
graphics. In addition, the user
can replace the OrthoMation
Chapter image, select the
Authorization process, set the
default Rx plan, title scroll speed
and set the Presentation delay.

The Form Caption is the text

that appears at the top of your
screen after “OrthoMation -
Memtor Communications L.L.C.”. You may wish to have your name appear here or a slogan.

If you select “Auto play AVI’s“, movies (AVI’s) will play automatically whenever you select an
AVI on the tree. If this option is not selected, the AVI’s will display the first frame and wait for
you to click the “Play” button.

If you select “Play WAV files“, the user can play the associated WAV file with the various
media. This WAV file is a sound recording of the text underneath the media. If this is not
selected, the WAV file cannot be played with the images.

If “Use Doctor’s default” is selected, then the user can use a different default treatment plan
than the main default tree. Simply, create a treatment plan that you wish to have as your default
plan. Check the box next to “Use Doctor’s default” and select that treatment plan using the drop
down box under “Doctor’s default file:”. Now, when you select the “Load Default Rx Plan” speed
button, the user defined default tree is loaded. In order to load the main OrthoMation default
treatment plan again, simply uncheck the box next to “Use Doctor’s default”.

With the “Title scroll speed” bar, the user can adjust the display speed of the OrthoMation Tree
chapter or sub-chapter names as they scroll in the Media Display Area. Simply, move the bar to
the left to slow down the speed or to the right to increase the speed of display. To disable
scrolling titles remove the check mark from the Scroll Title box.

The FTP button will allow you to upload a treatment plan to the Internet when you are using the
OrthoMation Online service through a participating web provider such as TeleVox, PBHS,
OrthoSesame or eCentric Practice. Your patient will be able to log on to your website and then
view the treatment plan that you presented in the office.
Clicking on the FTP button will open the following window.
Please fill in the FTP Site, Port, User Name, Password and
Folder as directed by your participating web provider.
Please be aware that your office will need to be current with
Upgrade/Support to have this functionality turned on by the
participating web provider.

Please contact each web provider for specific information

regarding functionality and pricing of their web services.


You can select the Speedbuttons that you want to display so that the unwanted features are not
shown. At the bottom of the Preferences window there are two boxes that will allow you to hide
or show particular speedbuttons. The items in the On Toolbar area will appear while the
speedbuttons in the Hidden area will not be shown. To hide a speedbuton, left click on it and
then click on the arrow pointing to the right. This will move the speedbutton to the Hidden area
and it will not show on the toolbar. To retrieve the speedbutton complete the process in
reverse. Select the item that you want to show and click on the left arrow and it will be added
back to the toolbar.


Selected media or treatment plans may be printed in order

to distribute them to your patients. To do so, either click the
“Print” speedbutton or right-click on the tree and select Print.
The Report Options dialog shown here will appear. This
dialog allows you to set the options for your report.

The Print section allows you to choose to print either the

Tree or the Current Selection. If you selected Print from the
Tree menu, this area will be gray indicating that it is
unavailable to you. This is due to the fact that
OrthoMation assumes you wish to print the tree since
you selected print from the Tree menu.

The Tree section of this dialog allows you to print the

graphics associated with the topic and whether to
print all topic or only those which are marked. When
you have selected the desired options, click the OK

If you select Marked then you will see the window at

right prompting you to Mark (check) the topics that
you want to print. You can use the mark All and
Unmark All buttons to select these items. Clicking
OK will continue the printing process.


OrthoMation allows you to create custom treatment plans for presentation to your patients. By
creating a custom treatment plan, you can display only those media files applicable to that
patient’s treatment plan. This chapter will guide you through the process of creating a custom
treatment plan. Once created, these treatment plans can be printed or packaged so that the
patient can view them on their home computers.


You may find it convenient

to have an assistant
prepare the custom
treatment plan based
upon your notes. At some
point you will want to print
a worksheet to be used for
this purpose. With the
default treatment plan
loaded, either right-click
on the tree or click the
“Print” speedbutton. Set
the options to print the
tree without graphics.
Please be aware that this
will take 18 pages.

Printing the default tree

with graphics will take a
very long time and
requires quite a bit of hard Figure 5-1 – Treatment Checklist
drive space. Therefore,
doing so is not

The Treatment Checklist (shown in Figure 5-1 above) shows all available media. You will
probably want to make copies of this worksheet for future use. After you have determined what
type of treatment you will provide, check off the media files you wish to make part of the
treatment plan. Your assistant can use this worksheet to build the custom treatment plan. In
order to view VistaDent patient data, make sure that you have attached the appropriate
VistaDent patient.


To create a custom treatment plan,

click the “Create/Modify Rx Plan”
speedbutton or right-click on the
media controls area of the
application and select
Create/Modify Rx Plan. The
Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog as
shown in Figure 5-2 will appear.
There are two ways to create a
treatment plan:

1. Using the QTP (Quick

Treatment Plan) method
2. The conventional method of
creating a treatment plan

QTP METHOD Figure 5-2 – Create/Modify Rx Plan Window

The QTP method is the method of choice for quickly creating a custom treatment plan. To
create a treatment plan using this method complete the following steps:

Click the QTP button to open the QTP window. Here you will see the following:

On the left of the screen

you will see Diagnosis,
the center is
Treatments and then
the bottom left is the
Include Information
section. In each section
there are a number of
items that have check
boxes associated with
them. To include each
item in your treatment
plan place a check
mark in the appropriate
section and then click
OK to return to the
Create Modify window.
If you fill in the First
Name, Last Name and
ID fields then this will
become the default for
the title of the treatment plan. The sections will be added in the following order – Diagnosis,
Treatment and the Include Information on. After returning to the Create/Modify window click
on Save to Save the treatment plan.

*Please read the section on the Conventional Method of Custom Treatment Plan creation to
fully understand all of the features contained on the Create/Modify window.


All of the items on the QTP window can be modified to fit the needs of your practice. If you right
click on any item you will get three options:

1. Order List – this option (shown at right) allows you to order

the way each section is presented. To change the order, just
click on any entry and then use the Up and Down buttons to

2. Modify – This option (below left) will allow you to select what
images and movies are the defaults for each topic. For
example if you right click on Discoloration and then choose
Modify you will see the following window. This window allows
you to use the Add/Remove buttons to make changes to the
default media associated. To add an image/movie select it
from the default tree and drag it to the right. To remove an
item drag it back to the default tree and it will be removed.
Select OK when your changes have been made.

3. Edit – This allows you to edit the

description in the list. For example you
can change “Discoloration” to something
else using the window illustrated below.
Click OK when you are finished.


The buttons between the two trees allow you to manipulate the trees. These speedbuttons are
listed and described below in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 - Create/Modify Rx Plan Speedbuttons

Button Function
The Add Root speedbutton adds the currently selected node in the source tree to
the destination tree making it a part of your custom treatment plan. The node will be
added at the highest or root level of the destination tree. If add with sub-nodes is
checked, the currently selected node in the source tree, as well as all of its
sub-nodes will be added.

The Add Branch speedbutton adds the currently selected node in the source tree to
the destination tree making it a part of your custom treatment plan. The node will be
added to the selected node of the destination tree as a sub-node or branch. If add
with sub-nodes is checked, the currently selected node in the source tree, as well
as all of its sub-nodes will be added.
The Add All Branch speedbutton adds all of the nodes from the source tree to the
destination tree.

The Remove Branch speedbutton removes the currently selected node in the
destination tree along with all of its sub-nodes.

Remove All speedbutton removes all of the nodes from the destination tree.

The Import User Media speedbutton allows you to add your own media files to the
default tree. When you click this speedbutton, the Import Media dialog will appear
allowing you to search for and select media files (you can choose files such as
BMPs, .JPGs, AVIs. Selected files will be added as sub-nodes of the User Media
The Modify User Media speedbutton allows you to replace user-added media files
with other user media files. When you click this speedbutton, the Import Media
dialog will appear allowing you to search for and select media files. The selected
file will replace the currently selected node of the User Media branch. Note that you
may only replace user media files and not default media files.
The Delete User Media speedbutton allows you to delete a user-added media file.
When you do so, you will be prompted to allow OrthoMation to search for and delete
the recently deleted user media from all custom treatment plans. Note that this may
take some time depending upon the number of custom treatment plans you have
The Find speedbutton allows you to search for a particular topic in the tree. Simply
type part or all of the text you are looking for, set the search type, and click the
“First” button. An “Exact match” search will seek exactly what you have typed. A
“Partial match at beginning” will search for any index entry which begins with what
you have type. A “Partial match anywhere” search will seek the text you have
entered anywhere in each index entry
The Expand All speedbutton will cause the currently selected tree to expand in
order to show all topics of all chapters. Hidden topics are indicated by a “+”
character to the left of the chapter.
The Collapse All speedbutton causes all branches to be hidden so that only main
chapters are displayed.

OrthoMation allows you to export a treatment plan to a single file, which can then be
exchanged with others. If the exported plan contains user-defined media (files you
have created or imported) these files will be included in the exported (OTP) file.
This means that others may simply import the file and they will instantly have
access to your treatment plan.
OrthoMation allows you to import treatment plans constructed by other OrthoMation
users. Clicking the Import Treatment Plan speedbutton will cause the Import File
Selection Dialog to appear. Use this dialog to search for and select a treatment
plan (a file with a .OTP extension). Once selected, the file will be decompressed

and stored as a custom treatment plan. All media files which are not part of your
default tree and are necessary for the imported treatment plan to be properly
displayed will be added to your user media folder. Once imported, the OTP file will
appear in your list of custom treatment plans.
The Up Arrow

The Down Arrow

The Load button allows you to load a custom treatment plan previously created in order to
make modifications. To copy a treatment plan, load the plan and then save it with a different

The Save button allows you to save the just created custom treatment plan to a file on your
computer. Generally, it is a good idea to name the file with the patient’s name so that you can
easily locate the file in the future. These files MUST have the extension .OMF in order for
OrthoMation to be able to access them.

The Delete button allows you to delete user-added media files and RX plans. Once deleted,
these files are no longer available to the user and are removed from the computer.

The Preview button allows you to view the media associated with the selected topic. To do so,
click on the topic you wish to preview in the source tree and then click the Preview button. If the
media is a still, it will be displayed; if it is an AVI, it will be played.

The Add with sub-nodes box when checked automatically adds sub-nodes when a Chapter is
selected in adding roots to a custom treatment plan.

The Send Home button creates the OrthoMation At Home media files that can be given to a
patient and allows the patient to view a custom treatment plan on their home computer. For
more details, see the section “Creating OrthoMation At Home Files” at the end of this Chapter.

The Info button allows you to store notes with the custom treatment plan. These notes will be
printed when you print a custom treatment plan.
The Help button allows you to view the help files associated with the Create/Modify Rx plan.

Once you have completed making changes to your custom treatment plan, click the Close
button. If you have not saved your work, OrthoMation will prompt you to do so, OrthoMation will
also ask whether or not you wish to load the treatment plan you created.


OrthoMation now allows you to send custom treatment plans created for a patient home with
them for viewing on their home computer. You will send the patient home with a floppy disk
containing the treatment plan and an OrthoMation At Home CD that contains all of the images
and movies. The patient can then view the same treatment plan that was viewed in the doctor’s
office including all the still images, AVIs, sound and text.

NOTE: To send home a treatment plan you will need to purchase customized
OrthoMation At Home Cds. Please contact your Sales Representative for more

• First, create a treatment plan as discussed previously in this chapter, by entering the
Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog. Choose the images that you want for your plan and click
on “Save” to save the custom plan giving it the name of the patient (as a suggestion).
• Now, click on “Send Home” and the newly created custom plan should be selected in the
dropdown box. If not, just choose the named plan.
• Now, click on “Save” and OrthoMation will automatically make an OrthoMation At Home
treatment plan out of the selected custom plan. At this time, you can choose to save the
OrthoMation At Home treatment plan to the floppy drive. By choosing the floppy drive,
OrthoMation will prompt you to insert the floppy disk as needed as well as the number of
disks needed. Use this method in order to give the floppy disk(s) to the patient in order
to bring the OrthoMation At Home treatment plan home with them for viewing.
• Finally, you can now close out of the Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog and return to the
main screen.

You can also create an OrthoMation At Home treatment plan from an existing custom treatment
plan. Again, go to the Create/Modify Rx Plan dialog. Now, select “Send Home” and choose the
custom treatment plan that you wish to use. Simply follow the procedure as described above.


Treatment plans are collections of media files that you display in a pre-defined order to your
patients. These treatment plans may include both still pictures such as JPEG’s and bitmaps
(BMP’s), or movies called AVI’s. Each media file is displayed in the tree as either a chapter or
topic. Each chapter has sub-topics and each topic may have one or more sub-topics.

OrthoMation is set up in such a way as to allow you to create a treatment plan outside the
presence of your patient, and then present it to that patient.


After you have created a custom

treatment plan and wish to display it,
click the “Create/Modify Rx Plan”
speedbutton then “Load” to load your
Rx Plan. A list of treatment plans will be displayed allowing you to select the desired plan. In
most cases, it is helpful to give a treatment plan the same name as your patient. That way, you

will be able to easily locate the treatment plan when you wish to present it. You must then select

After you have loaded a treatment plan, the tree will be updated with the contents of that plan,
allowing you to make your presentation. As you move from topic to topic by either clicking on
the desired topic or using the cursor movement keys, the media displayed will be updated. If
the media is an AVI, the Play, Pause and Rewind buttons, and the track bar will be displayed.
The Play button will cause an AVI to be played. The Pause button will pause the AVI (or, if
paused, cause it to resume playing), and the Rewind button will rewind the AVI. The track bar
allows you to move through the AVI frame by frame. In addition, if any WAV files are associated
with the images in your plan, you can play these as well.


Each media file in your treatment plan is called a topic. Each topic has a title (displayed in the
tree), a graphic (displayed in the media display window), topic text (displayed below the
graphic), and topic WAV file (played when the topic is selected). Double-clicking on the desired
topic can modify the topic title, or you can right-click and select Edit from the tree menu. NOTE:
If you change the topic title for the default treatment plan, the topic title will now be
changed for all future custom plans. If you inadvertently change a title and wish to abandon
the changes, you may do so at any time prior to pressing the “Enter” key or moving to another
topic by pressing the “Escape” key.

You may edit the topic text by right-clicking on the topic text and selecting “Edit” from the text
menu and then select “Text”. After you have completed your modifications, right-click on the
text area and select “Edit“ again and turn off the text edit. NOTE: As with topic titles,
changing the topic text for the default treatment plan will change the text for all future
custom plans. You may also edit the topic’s WAV file by right-clicking in the text area and
choosing “Edit” from the text menu and then “WAV file”. This displays the WAV file edit
commands. These commands are described in detail in the Text Area under the Edit command
in Chapter 3 - OrthoMation Overview. After you have completed your modifications, right-click
on the text area and select “Edit” again and turn off the WAV file edit. NOTE: As with topic
text, changing the WAV file for the default treatment plan will change the WAV file for all
future custom plans.


Using the FTP option you can upload treatment plans to the
Internet so that your patient can view them online. First, fill
in the Preferences: FTP site, FTP Preferences fields as
directed by your web provider (TeleVox, PBHS,
OrthoSesame or eCentric Practice). After these fields have
been filled out, the To Web button will appear on the
Create/Modify Treatment Plan window.

You will create a treatment plan using the QTP option or by

dragging media into the destination window. After creating
and saving a treatment plan, the user will click the To Web
button and the plan will be uploaded to the location selected
in the Preferences window.

Clicking the To Web button (left) will
launch a dialog (above right) that
prompts for the Patient First and
Last Name, ID and e-mail address.
Clicking OK will begin the upload
process. Once the upload has been
completed you will see the following message.

After the file has been uploaded your patient will be able to view the
plan online after logging in to your website. The following are some
examples of the User Interfaces from different web providers.

Please contact each participating web provider for in depth

information regarding functionality and pricing.


Log in to the patient area of the doctor’s website and enter the patient first and last name.

View the images and movies from your treatment plan.

TeleVox (

Log in to the patient area of the doctor’s website and enter the patient first and last name.

View the images and movies from your treatment plan.

OrthoSesame (

Log in to the patient area of the doctor’s website and enter the patient first and last name. View
the images and movies from your treatment plan.

ECentricPractice (

Log in to the patient area of the doctor’s website and enter the patient first and last name. View
the images and movies from your treatment plan.

This chapter describes problems you may encounter with OrthoMation and proposed solutions.
Each installation is potentially different so any problem you have may or may not be covered. If
you are having any trouble, read this chapter thoroughly and completely.

NOTE: If you have any questions or problems with OrthoMation, do not hesitate to
call a Technical Support Representative.



Most of the problems encountered when running on Windows 2000/XP result from trying to
install or uninstall when not logged on with Administrative privileges. Please make sure that you
are logged on with Administrative privileges and that no other programs are running. Software
relating to anti-virus protection (Norton Antivirus, McAfee virus protection, etc.), multimedia
applications (Real Player, WinAmp, etc.), and practice management systems MUST be closed
before installing any software.


Problems running any audio or video are sometimes caused by the computer’s level of
Hardware Acceleration. If you are having trouble playing audio or video then adjusting this level
may be the best solution. Depending on your operating system, you will be able change this
setting by right clicking on your desktop and choosing Properties. Click on the settings tab and
then the Advanced button. Click on Performance (or Troubleshooting) and move the hardware
acceleration down to None (or one above None). Click Apply and OK and then reboot. Try to
run the audio/video again.

Please be aware that OrthoMation does not like to run when using large fonts. To make sure
you are using small fonts right click on the Desktop and choose Properties, Settings, Advanced
and General.


Most errors loading the program are related to the settings of a network install. Please check
the following in the BDE and the Registry to see if you have any problems – if you notice
anything out of the ordinary please do not hesitate to call Technical Support and explain your
situation. We do not recommend changing anything in the Registry without speaking to a
technical support representative.


OrthoMation uses the Registry and Borland Database Engine (BDE). The BDE is configured by
the OrthoMation setup program. Certain files are copied and registry entries created during the
install process. In rare instances, the BDE may not be configured properly. In these instances,
setup will normally give you an error message regarding merging the BDE configuration file.



If you have installed the network version of OrthoMation, you will have to make a change to
the Borland Database Engine (BDE). This is because the BDE requires information regarding
a shared directory on your network in which a network control file will be located. To make
this change double click on My Computer, C, Program Files, Memtor Communications,
OrthoMation and then OMUtil.exe. This will open the OrthoMation Utility window. Click the
“…” button to change the Net Dir location, click the Set button and then confirm Yes .


The BDE maintains pointers to locations on you hard drive called “aliases.” These aliases are
normally set up by the setup program you used to install OrthoMation. In the event that these
settings need to be checked or modified, double click on My Computer, C, Program Files,
Memtor Communications, OrthoMation and then OMUtil.exe. Three aliases should be shown:
“Application Folder”, “Media Folder”, and “User Folder.” The path for each folder should have
a Registry and corresponding BDE entry. These should match. If they do not match then
click the “…” button and browse to the correct location. Click Sync and confirm Yes when

• The path for OrthoMation_Application should be set to the folder (directory) which
contains the program files (ORTHOMATION.EXE). This will normally be on your local
hard drive (for example, drive C:).
• The path for OrthoMation_User should be set to the folder containing the USRVIDEO.DB
file. In a network installation, this folder must be in a location which is shared an
accessible to all users on your network.
• The OrthoMation_Media alias should be set to the folder containing the ALLVIDEO.DB

ORTHOMATION SETTINGS - OM Utility settings (Registry and BDE must match)

OrthoMation Application – C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation
OrthoMation Media - C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation\Y2KMedia
OrthoMation User - C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation
Net Dir – C:\

Network Server
OrthoMation Application – C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation
OrthoMation Media - C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation\Y2KMedia
OrthoMation User - C:\ Orthomtn
Net Dir – C:\Orthomtn\

Network Workstation
OrthoMation Application – C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation
OrthoMation Media - C:\Program Files\Memtor Communications\OrthoMation\Y2KMedia
OrthoMation User - X:\ Orthomtn (where X = C on Server)
Net Dir – X:\Orthomtn\ (where X = C on Server)

Authorization Information .........................................6 Media Controls Area
Play, Pause and Rewind.......................................25
B WAV file edit commands ....................................25
Media Display Area
BDE Administration Utility AVIs ....................................................................23
Aliases .................................................................47 Case Study ...........................................................23
NET DIR .............................................................47
Hide Text .............................................................23
Normal, 80%, 60% and 50% ...............................23
Changing The Display Settings ...............................27 N
Create/Modify Rx Plan Dialog Network Server Install.............................................12
Add All ................................................................37
Add Branch..........................................................37
Add Root .............................................................37
Add with sub-nodes .............................................38 OrthoMation At Home.............................................39
Close ....................................................................39 OrthoMation Introduciton
Delete...................................................................38 Replacing Doctor photos .....................................28
Delete User Media ...............................................37 OrthoMation Introduction........................................26
Down Arrow........................................................38 ORTHOMATION ONLINE - WEB ENABLED
Expand All...........................................................38 SERVICES ............................................................7
Export Treatment Plan.........................................38 ORTHOMATION OVERVIEW
Find......................................................................37 Load File Controls Area ......................................19
Help .....................................................................39 Media Controls Area ...........................................19
Import Treatment Plan.........................................38 Media Display Area.............................................19
Import User Media.........................................28, 37 Speedbuttons Area...............................................19
Info ......................................................................39 Tree......................................................................19
Modify User Media .............................................37 P
Preview ................................................................38
Preferences ..............................................................31
Remove All..........................................................37
Remove Branch ...................................................37 Auto play AVI's ...................................................32
Save .....................................................................38 Form caption........................................................32
Send Home ..........................................................38 Play WAV files....................................................32
Up Arrow.............................................................38 Presentation delay................................................30
Title scroll speed..................................................32
Creating Custom Treatment Plans
Treatment Checklist.............................................34 Use Doctor's default.............................................32
CREATING CUSTOM TREATMENT PLANS Presenting Treatment Plans .....................................39
Editing topics.......................................................40
Creating the Custom Treatment Plan...................34
Printng the Default Treatment Plan .....................34 Finding Topics.....................................................30
Loading Treatment Plans.....................................40
Printing ................................................................33
Treatment Plan Topics.........................................40
Import User Media speedbutton ..............................24
Installing Orthomation...............................................8 R
Introduction ...............................................................6
Report Options Dialog.............................................21
License Agreement ....................................................3
Load File Control Area Site Key .....................................................................6
Speedbutton Area
Load file menu.....................................................25
Load File Controls Area Case Study .....................................................24, 31
Continuous Play mode...................................26, 30 Collapse all ....................................................24, 38
Continuous Play...................................................24
Create/Modify Rx Plan ........................................26
Create/Modify Rx Plan ........................................24
Edit text .........................................................24, 28
Edit WAV file................................................24, 28
Expand all............................................................24 Expand all............................................................21
Find......................................................................23 Find......................................................................20
Help contents...............................................24, 31 Font......................................................................21
Hide Text .............................................................24 Help .....................................................................22
Import User Media...............................................24 Informed Consent ................................................22
Informed Consent ................................................24 Preferences ..........................................................21
Load Default Rx Plan ..........................................24 Print .....................................................................21
Preferences ..........................................................24 Tree Symbols.......................................................20
Print .....................................................................23 View Vistadent data.............................................21
Speedbuttons Area.................................................23 Troubleshooting
Exit ......................................................................23 BDE .....................................................................46
System Requirements ................................................8 BDE Administration Utility.................................47
TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................46
T Typical Install............................................................9
Tree Area
About ...................................................................22
Collapse all ..........................................................21 Uninstalling OrthoMation........................................18
Color....................................................................21 UPDATING ORTHOMATION
Detach Vistadent data..........................................21 Authorizing Updates..............................................7
Edit ................................................................21, 28
Exit ......................................................................22

3 5 5 K n i c k e r b o c k e r Av e n u e
B o h e m i a , N Y 11 7 1 6
(800) 645-5530
Fax: (631) 419-1599
Technical Support: 1-888-422-2376

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