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When it comes time to developing your leaders or planning team building events for your company, a cooking class

may not be the first idea that pops into your head. After all, whats your business got to do with cooking? However, having your team bond over the creation of a great meal is actually an excellent way to both boost the teams morale and increase their creative output. Cooking is great for team building and really makes the team put in 100% and work together when they are in the kitchen, because they have to eat the meal at the end and nobody wants to go hungry or eat a meal that doesnt excite the taste buds! Cooking is unlike other team building events because to produce the perfect meal the team must play on each others core strengths, show their leadership skills and communicate effectively to put food on the plate. Kitchens arent known for being the most spacious areas, which means the tight space forces all team members to get to know each other pretty quickly. More often than not its the shy team members who rise up and take control in the kitchen! Cooking is one of the most inventive team building activities and is a sure fire way to unleash every team members creative ability. Whether its finding a shortcut to cook the food faster or adding a dash of a special herb to spice it up, cooking is very imaginative and fun. If your company is in an industry that demands creativity, you simply cant go past the Team Advantage Leadership Recipe!




hallenge Opening Night!

In this full day event youll create the opening night of your very own restaurant all with our friendly guidance and supervision. Working in competition, groups plan, purchase, cook and serve their opening night gala dinner. On arrival, coffee and breakfast are served, followed by an explanation of the days process and a few quick safety issues. Planning the Ingredients! Then groups plan their menu, prepares the recipes, purchase the necessary ingredients (within a tight budget), organize the work and get cooking! The big cook-off! Groups enjoy the benefit of their own experienced chef/cook wholl entice everyone to prepare dishes to create a magnificent meal. Youll learn how to chop, fry, sizzle, flamb, bbq & bake.

Bring on the wait staff! Now youll all create a Long Lunch style table setting. Everyone becomes involved; putting out tea lights, flowers and napkins folded intricately. The big youre the customers! Youll be amazed and rewarded with your delicious meal as you relax, eat and enjoy the delicacies youve created together. Your MENU The menu is mostly a fusion mix of east and west, but groups can choose any recipe they want so long as they can keep within their budget! Dietary Needs: With advance notice, we can cater for vegetarians and those with special dietary requirements. taking great care to ensure everyone feels included, not singled out as having different food needs.

Only have half a day to spare?

We know how tough it can be to take people out of the business for a whole day, so we have a 4 hour version of Opening Night. Basically we take half the work out! Well plan, get all the ingredients, and provide the recipes.

Your workshop leader

John Kenworthy is a chef by trade. At the tender age of 15, driven by his mothers dreadful cooking, John found a lowly position in a greasy spoon caf in his local town centre where he learned how to fry eggs, bacon, bubble and squeak, fish and chips, black pudding and other English breakfast delicacies as well as how to wash dishes, peel potatoes, wash floors and all those other fun kitchen jobs. At 17, John was in charge of the cold kitchen at the Palace Hotel in the Isle of Man, moving on to run the kitchens in the Palace Lido, leading a brigade of 58 casual and part time kitchen staff to cook and serve meals at conferences hosting 2500 people. At 19 joined Iain McKenzie as sous chef at Eastwell Manor in Kent, England. At Eastwell, John learned the valuable lesson that he cannot, and never will be able to make Croissants! John became Head Chef at De Marcos restaurant in Manchester whilst studying for his degree in Hotel and Catering. John went on to run hotels and restaurants in the south west of England, France, Saudi Arabia and then London. He then began teaching at his alma matter in Hollings Faculty, Manchester and commenced his second career in teaching and training. John puts his leadership nouse down to his time in the kitchens. During a single meal time, a chef faces every leadership and management issue that most other jobs barely see in a month. Add on the stress, the heat, the pressure and the instant feedback if you get it slightly wrong you learn to think on your feet, take charge and make sure that the team is with you all the way. If you didnt learn how to be better, youll find out soon enough it all starts again in 1 or 2 hours!

Other Advantage Programmes

Leadership Advantage Coaching Advantage Team Advantage

A uni que leadership programme that cha l lenges you to breakthrough your l eadership potential and attain higher l evels of performance on the green. Lea dership Advantage raises the standard for l eadership development with an enga ging simulation on the golf course as the extended classroom where a pplication of skills is immediate, learning proce ss enjoyable and memorable!

Coa chi ng is one of the cornerstones of ta l ent development because it motivates people to realise their full potential and i mprove business performance. Coa chi ng Advantage utilises proven me thods of enabling people to be more effective by harnessing their potential a nd motivating them to a chieve outs tanding results. You will be able to a ttain higher l evels of performance and more i mportantly, s ustain them.

The most significant contributions l eaders make a re to the long-term development of teams - tha t adapt, pros per, and grow. Tea m Advantage enables companies to brea k down unproductive silos, improve communication, ge nerate team spirit and move the team from individual potential to tea m performance. By a ligning people, the orga nisation and corporate goals, you wi l l sustain higher and higher levels of performance from your teams.

Negotiations Advantage

Sales Advantage

Your Advantage

Ne gotiation is at the heart of commercial a ctivity a nd organisations need to be competent at getting the best win-win rel a tionship they can. Ne gotiations Advantage simulates real l i fe negotiation dynamics to engage you to ga i n agreement, negotiate with i nternal and external parties, a nd ge nerate greater i mpact for a nd i n your bus iness.

Your bottom line starts with your front l i ne. Sa l es Advantage provides you with the tool s to build a nd motivate a winning s a les team - one that ge nerates not just revenues, but mutually beneficial, longterm bus iness relationships. Practical exercises and case studies ensure that wha t i s learned is translated i nto actual s a les.

Your business is unique and we do not bel ieve that "one size fits all". We pa rtner with our clients to design hi gh impact experiential training s ol utions that accelerate development for you a nd your people, unleash potential and maximise the i mpact of trans ferred performance.

GAPPS3 Leadership Assessment

Wi th rigorous and robust reliability a nd validity GAPPS not onl y profiles your organisation, team and individual i t will gui de you to the So what now? s tep s uggesting a planned development path a nd offering you links to modules, course a nd e-learning. Lea dership Attributes Lea dership Abilities Lea dership Agility GAPPS i dentifies your current s trengths AND your priority development areas AND your potential as a leader.
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Executive Coaching
GAI NMORE Advanta ge Exe cuti ve Coa chi ng i s a s i x-s tep coa chi ng program over a three month period (a s ea s on).

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