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Program KPI

Program KPI is a program which primarily aims to put Alabel National High School – SHS in the
pedestal of excellence. This is anchored to the mission and vision of DepEd in providing quality and
inclusive education for all. It focuses on the improvement of the key performance indicators (KPI) such
as enrolment rate, promotion rate, dropout rate and mean proficiency level (MPL).

Based on the Basic Education Information System (BEIS) data, there is a notable improvement in
the abovementioned KPIs. For three consecutive school years, SY 2018-2019 to SY 2020-2021,
enrolment rate has increased significantly. This increase is largely attributed to the efforts of the
different stakeholders specifically the LGU-Alabel with their Zero Collection Policy which is in adherence
to the advocacy that No Alabelian School-Aged Children will be left behind. Moreover, this achievement
in enrolment is also an aftermath of the partnership between the school and the respective purok
officials within the community made visible through the signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in
implementation of community mapping. Also, with the collaboration of the Alternative Learning System
(ALS) implementers, most of the ALS completers have opted to continue their Senior High School
education in our school.

In consonance to the DepEd’s thrust on zero dropout, the Senior High School department in the
past three consecutive school years has maintained its dropout rate at bay. In effect, this yields to the
increase in the school’s promotion rate. One of the contributory factors to this increase is the intensified
implementation of the Dropout Reduction Program (DORP) through home visitations, constant
communication to parents through online chats, text messaging, and other modes of communication,
and lastly, through Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) or Distance learning intended to those students
with special cases and those children who are in-conflict with the law (CICL).

When it comes to the commitment of the SHS department to alleviate the academic proficiency
of the students, the school has surmounted the mean proficiency level (MPL) to at least Very
Satisfactory (VS) across all subject areas. When the school has started to transition from face-to-face to
modular (print) learning modality and given the limited learning resources that we have, the SHS
teachers initiated the development of the Independent Learning Sheets (ILS) which serves as the
supplementary learning tool of the Self-Learning Materials (SLMs) for the SHS students. The
reproduction of the said materials was made possible through the donations of printing and
reproduction materials and equipment by the LGU-Alabel such as photocopier, printer, ink, and bond
papers. As a result, the school was able to provide an individualized learning material to each of SHS
student. Another factor that contributes to the attainment in surmounting the MPL is the installation of
the internet access namely the P2P Internet Project. This gives the students an access to the internet
within the school campus and other 3 piloted locations.

All these significant achievements make the Senior High School even more encouraging to the
upcoming enrollees from the neighboring barangays and even outside the municipality. Furthermore,
the awards and recognition received by the school draws more support from its stakeholders because
their efforts were paid off. As a whole, this bears an overall achievement of the school to the community
as a prime catalyst of change and development in providing excellent education responsive to the needs
of the learners.

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