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Teenage Pregnancy

Due to a teenage pregnancy, a dream was shattered. Teenage pregnancy is a serious social

problem that impacts the entire community in today's culture. A teen pregnancy occurs when a

teenage girl, usually between the ages of 13 and 19, becomes pregnant. In ordinary speech, the

term mainly refers to girls who fall pregnant before reaching legal maturity, which varies by

country. Teen pregnancy is linked to negative consequences for teen parents, their children, and

society. Teen pregnancy has ramifications not only for the teen, but also for the child, the

families involved, healthcare providers, educators, and government officials.

Given this fact, the RH bill, also known as the Reproductive Health Bill, is mandatory. In the

Philippines, teen pregnancy is one of the key factors influencing population increase. It is

regarded as one of the most serious issues confronting the administration today. According to

government statistics, the number of teenage pregnancies has increased by 70% in just ten years.

These concerning situations drew the attention of several legislators. The passage of the RH Bill,

or the Reproductive Health Bill, is the best example of a government solution.

Finally, teen pregnancy should be strongly avoided because it has negative consequences for

both the teen mother and the child. Being pregnant between the ages of 13 and 19 isn't as easy as

it seems. With today's alarmingly rapid population growth, this element has a significant impact

on our economy. The government must devise strategies to address this problem. Teenage

pregnancy will rise and continue to climb if it is not addressed correctly.

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