Samples of Western Sacred Music in Seven Shape Notes

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Plainsong Selections

NOVEMBER 8, 2014

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Shape Note E di tion

Psalm 148:1-5a Liber Usualis

1. Lau dá te Dómi num de cæ lis:
2. Lau dá te eum omnes án ge li e jus:
3. Lau dá te eum sol et lu na:
4. Lau dá te eum cæ li cæ ló rum:
* †


laudáte eum
laudáte eum omnes Vir
laudáte eum omnes stel
et aqua quæ super cæ lum est, laudent

in ex cél sis.
tú tes e jus.
læ et lu men.
no men Dó mi ni.

1. Praise the LORD from the heavens; 3. Praise Him, sun and moon;
praise Him in the heights. praise Him, all shining stars.
2. Praise Him, all his angels; 4. Praise Him, highest heavens;
praise Him, all his hosts. and the waters above the heavens,
let them praise the name of the LORD.
Gloria Patri

Roman Doxology Graduale Simplex


Dox. Gló ri a Patri, et Fílio, et Spi rí tu i San cto.

Si cut erat in princípio, et nunc, et sem per,

et in sǽcula sæcu ló rum. A men.

Dox. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.
Roman Invocation, c. VI Cent. Graduale Romanum

℣. & ℟.
 j j 

Ký ri e e lé i son.
℣. & ℟.

Chrí ste e lé i son.
 j j

Ký ri e e lé i son.

Ký ri e e lé i son.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Epistle, 3rd Sunday of Advent
Philippians 4:4-7 Old Roman Lectionary

Lé cti o e pí sto læ be á ti Páu li A pó sto li ad Phi lip pén ses.

Fra tres: Gau dé te in Dó mi no sem per: í te rum di co, gau dé te.

Mo dé sti a ve stra no ta sit óm ni bus ho mí ni bus:

Dó mi nus pro pe. Ni hil sol lí ci ti si tis: sed in om ni o ra ti ó ne,

et ob se cra ti ó ne, cum gra ti á rum ac ti ó ne,

pe ti ti o nes ve stræ in no té scant a pud De um.

Et pax De i, quæ ex sú pe rat om nem sen sum,

cu stó di at cor da ve stra et in tel le gén ti as ve stras,
℣. ℟.
in Chri sto Je su Dó mi no no stro. Ver bum Dó mi ni. De o grá ti as.
A reading from the letter of the blessed Apostle Paul to the Philippians.
Brethren: Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!
Your kindness should be known to all.
The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
make your requests known to God.
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
℣. The Word of the Lord. ℟. Thanks be to God.
Alleluja, Christmas Midnight Mass


Psalm 2:7 Graduale Romanum

Al le lú ja.


℣. Dó mi nus di xit ad me: Fí li us me us

      !  !          !        "

es tu, e go hó

di e gé nu i te.


℣. The Lord said to me, You are my Son.

It is I who have begotten you this day.
Sequence, Mass for the Dead

Thomas of Celano, XIII Cent. Missale Romanum

1. Dí es í rae, dí es íl la,
2. Quán tus tré mor est fu tú rus,

Sól vet sǽ clum in fa víl la:
Quán do jú dex est ven tú rus,

Té ste Dá vid cum Si býl la.

Cún cta stri cte dis cus sú rus!

19. Pí e Jé su Dó mi ne, dó na é is ré qui em.

A men.

1. Day of wrath, that day

in which the world will dissolve into embers
as David testified, with the Sibyl.
2. What a trembling there will be
when the Judge is come
to strictly analyze everything.
19. Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest. Amen.
Preface Dialogue
Roman Traditional Missale Romanum

Dó mi nus vo bís cum. Et cum spí ri tu tu o.

# ℟. #

Sur sum cor da. Ha bé mus ad Dó mi num.


Grá ti as a gá mus Dó mi no De o no stro.

℟. #

Di gnum et ju stum est.

℣. The Lord be with you.

℟. And with your spirit.
℣. Lift up your hearts.
℟. We lift them up to the Lord.
℣. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
℟. It is right and just.
Preface for Epiphany
Roman Traditional Missale Romanum
Ve re di gnum et ju stum est, æ quum et sa lu tá re,

nos ti bi sem per et u bí que grá ti as á ge re, Dó mi ne, san cte Pa ter,

om ní po tens æ tér ne De us: Qui a, cum U ni gé ni tus tu us

in sub stán ti a nos træ mor ta li tá tis ap pá ru it,

no va nos im mor ta li tá tis su æ lu ce re pa rá vit.

Et í de o, cum An ge lis et Ar chán ge lis,

cum Thro nis et Do mi na ti ó ni bus,

cum que om ni mi li ti a cæ lé stis ex ér ci tus,
hym num gló ri æ tu æ cá ni mus, si ne fi ne di cén tes:
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give You thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.
For when Your only-begotten Son appeared in our mortal substance,
He repaired us with the new light of His immortality.
And so, with Angels and Archangels,
with Thrones and Dominions,
and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven,
we sing the hymn of Your glory,
as without end we acclaim:

Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 21:9 etc. Graduale Romanum


San ctus, San ctus, San ctus Dó mi nus De us Sá ba oth.

Ple ni sunt cæ li et ter ra gló ri a tu a. Ho sán na in ex cél sis.


Be ne dí ctus qui ve nit in nó mi ne Dó mi ni.


Ho sán na in ex cél sis.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

34:9a, 2, 23

Mozarabic Chant


Ref. Al le lú ja, al le lú ja, al le lú ja.


1. Gu stá te et vi dé te quam su á vis est Dó mi nus.

&            % 

2. Be ne dí cam Dó mi num in om ni tém po re,


sem per laus e jus in o re me o.

&             %

3. Ré di met Dó mi nus á ni mas ser vó rum su ó rum,


et non de lín quent om nes qui spe rant in e o.


Dox. Gló ri a et ho nor Pa tri et Fí li o

&      %          

et Spi rí tu i San cto in sǽ cu la sæ cu ló rum. A men.

1. Taste and see that the LORD is good.

2. I will bless the LORD at all times.

Praise of him is always in my mouth.

3. The LORD ransoms the souls of his servants.

All who trust in him shall not be condemned.

Dox. Glory and honor be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Ghost, unto the ages of ages.
Devotional Hymn, Advent

Anon., XVIII Cent. Metrical O Antiphons


1. Ve ni, ve ni, Em má nu el; Cap tí vum sol ve Is ra ël.

Qui ge mit in ex í li o, Pri vá tus De i Fí li o.


Gau de, gau de, Em má nu el Na scé tur pro te Is ra ël.

1. Come, Emmanuel, come: release captive Israel,

which, deprived of the Son of God, groans in exile.
℟. Rejoice, Israel, rejoice: Emmanuel shall be born for you.
Vespers Hymn, Holy Name of Jesus

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, XII Cent. Liber Cantualis

1. Je su dul cis me mó ri a Dans ve ra cor dis gáu di a:
2. Nil cá ni tur su á vi us, Nil au dí tur ju cún di us,

5. Sis Je su no strum gáu di um, Qui es fu tú rus prǽ mi um:


Sed su per mel et ó mni a, E jus dul cis præ sén ti a.

Nil co gi tá tur dúl ci us, Quam Je sus De i Fí li us.

Sit no stra in te gló ri a, Per cun cta sem per sǽ cu la.

A men.

1. Jesus, sweet remembrance,

Granting the heart its true joys,
But above honey and all things
Is His sweet presence.
2. Nothing more pleasing can be sung,
Nothing gladder can be heard.
Nothing sweeter can be thought
Than Jesus, Son of God.
5. Be our joy, O Jesus,
Who will be the prize we win.
May all our glory be in you, always
And through all ages. Amen.
Vespers Hymn, Nativity of St. John Baptist
Paul the Deacon, VIII Cent. Liber Usualis
1. Ut qué ant lá xis re so ná re fí bris mí ra ge stó rum fá mu li tu

ó rum, sól ve pol lú ti lábi i re a tum, Sán cte Jo hán nes.

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)  #
1. Ut qué ant lá xis re so ná re fí bris


mí ra ge stó rum fá mu li tu ó rum,

)   %   

sól ve pol lú ti lá bi i re a tum, Sán cte Jo hán nes.

1. That the loosened voices of your servants may resound

your wondrous deeds, banish the curse from our polluted lips,
O Saint John.
Easter Processional Chant
Jean Tisserand, d. 1494 Liber Usualis
℟. Al le lú ja, al le lú ja, al le lú ja.

1. O fí li i et fí li æ, Rex cæ lé stis, Rex gló ri æ,
11. In hoc fé sto san ctís si mo Sit laus et ju bi lá ti o,
12. De quí bus nos hu míl li mas De vó tas at que dé bi tas
Mór te sur ré xit hó di e, al le lú ja.
Be ne di cá mus Dó mi no, al le lú ja.
Dé o di ca mus Grá ti as, al le lú ja.

1. O sons and daughters,

the king of heaven, the king of glory
has risen from death today, alleluja.
11. On this most holy feast
be there praise and rejoicing,
let us bless the Lord, alleluja.
12. For these things, we humble ourselves;
with devotion and duty
let us say, Thanks be to God, alleluja.

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