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Lead Writer & System Designer - Jay Haller
Additional Writing & System Design By - Marija
Soldatovic, Alexander Patz, Chris Phippen,

Jay Haller, Ed Guinness, Eddie Bonner,
Scott Richmond-Wood, Marija Soldatovic,
Alexander Patz, Chris Phippen

Art and Layout

Marija Soldatovic

Effort has been made to acquire media herein from providers who give art for use freely, including the
RPG DriveThru provided art packs, and CC Search. If your art is within this book without
permission, and has been placed on these websites without your notice, please contact us so we can help
you resolve this, and otherwise remove such media from our material.

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire,
Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers
Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The
Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness,
Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter:
The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial,
Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and
their respective logos, icons and symbols are trade- marks or registered trademarks of Paradox
Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agree-ment for the Storytellers Vault.
PROPERTY® Copyright© [2021] Paradox Interactive AB (publ). All rights reserved.
Mature Content Warning
For the past several decades, Vampire: The Masquerade has addressed the darkness
in the real world through horror stories: it has talked about AIDS, capitalist
exploitation, sexual predation, the resurgence of far-right political extremism,
religious fanaticism, state and private surveillance, and many other issues. 5th
edition does not shy away from any of the above, and we believe like the official
designers, that exploration of subjects like these is as valid in roleplaying games as it
is in other media.

Including a problematic subject in a Storytelling game is not the same as glorifying

it, and if you take the chance to explore it critically, it can be the exact opposite. If
we understand the problems facing us, we are better armed to fight them.

V5 includes in-world references and expressions of the following: sexual violence,

political extremism, physical violence and gore, mind control, torture, abuse,
imprisonment and kidnapping, racism, sexism and homophobia, religious
fanatisicism and blasphemy, to name a few. It’s a game about monsters and the
Sabbat, even by the standards of other vampires are truly monstrous and

“Why are you telling me this?” you might be saying. Someone at your table is not
familiar with this game or maybe more specifically the Sabbat. Someone at your
table has dealt with some of these issues in real life. Someone at your table wants to
know that you read this warning and know you will be considerate to them as
players, while putting their character through the wringer.

The author and contributors mentioned herein, do not intend to offend or make
light of any of the issues raised above. This is a game for adults (18+), a game that
lets us explore and engage with the darker sides of life, both safely and respectfully.
If you take any issue with the content of this book, I humbly ask you to reach out
to discuss the issues so that we can learn and improve the content found herein.

This is a game about monsters.

But it is only a game.

Don’t use it as an excuse to be a monster yourself.



Introduction 5 RITAE CREATION
Who are the Sabbat? 6 The Vaulderie 35 Summary 55
The Blood Bath 35 Changes to Character 57
THE MORALITY OF 9 The Blood Feast Creation
THE SABBAT The Binding 37
Humanity 11 The Creation Rites 37 CLANS & 58
The Vaulderie 11 The Fire Dance 39 BLOODLINES
Vaulderie Mechanics 11 The Games of Instinct 40 Toreador Antitribu 59
Vaulderie and NonPackmates 12 Cops & Robbers 40 Salubri Antitribu 61
Renewing & Unravelling 12 Demolition Derby 40 Tremere Antitribu 63
Ties Dogtagging 41 Telyavelic Tremere 65
Destroying of Old Ties & 13 Rat/Bat Race 41 City Gangrel 67
Preventing of New Ones Rousing the Beast 41 Kiyasid 69
Breaking the Vaulderie 13 Duck Hunt 41 The Others 71
Monomancy 42 Gargoyles 73
The Paths of Enlightenment 14
Sermons of Caine 43 Daughters of Cacophony 76
Path Mechanics 15
Converting to a Path 16 The War Party 45
Starting on a Path 17 The Wild Hunt 45 POWERS OF 77
The Palla Grande 46 THE SABBAT
The Festivo dello Estinto 48 Dominate 78
ENLIGHTENMENT The High Holidays 49 Fortitude 78
The Palla Grande 50 Presence 78
The Path of Lilith 18
The Festivo dello Estinto 50 Protean 81
The Path of Blood 19
Walpurgisnacht 50 Blood Sorcery 83
The Path of Cathari 20
The Sacrificial Revel 50 Blood Sorcery Rituals 83
The Path of Power & The 21
The Eides of Caine 50 Oblivion 86
Inner Voice
23 Oblivion Ceremonies 86
The Path of Death and The
The Path of Honourable 24 RITAE BACKGROUNDS 89
Accord Allegiance Ritus 51 Ritae 89
The Path of Night 25 Acceptance Ritus 51 Haven: Traps 89
The Path of The Feral Heart 28 Contrition Ritus 51
The Path of Metamorphosis 29 Stealth Ritus 52 LORESHEETS 90
The Path of Caine 30 Ritus of Thanksgiving 52 Sabbat Loresheets 90
The Path of Paradox 31 Sun Dance 52 Paths of Enlightenment 102
The Path of Typhoon 33 Spilling of Blood 52 (Loresheets)
Tests of Pain 52
THE RITAE OF 34 The Asp's Blessing 53 EXTRAS 116
THE SABBAT Welcoming Rites 53
Farewell Rites 53 Gehenna Book Teaser 116
Ritae of the Sabbat 35
Martial Ritus 53

To hear the Sabbat tell it, they're the saviours of all Caine, rose-up against him. But Caine, was wise and
vampires (whom they call Cainites). The Sabbat is at had read the signs. He knew of this plot and what
its core an army dedicated to the service of Caine, the God, the one above, intended for his traitorous
mythological first vampire. Their’s is a war spreading grand-childer and the horrors they wrought on the
back to the Dark Ages, and some would argue even world.
further. So it was the deluge came, and God scoured the Earth
Firstly, the Sabbat is dedicated to Cainite supremacy. of the impurities wrought by the Antediluvians. Yet so
Cainites are superior to mortals and all other creatures mighty were the traitors, that they survived to wander
by the nature of their undead state. All other creatures in the ruins of the world. They sought out Caine to
are beneath the notice of Cainites, warranting little guide them, but he abandoned them to wander, as
attention and even less consideration or regard. punishment for their treachery and the slaughter of
Secondly, the Sabbat is dedicated to utter freedom. his childer, the 2nd generation.
Cainites are free from death itself, disease, minor
wounds, all manner of matters that concern mere After the Deluge
mortals. Cainites are free from all this and in escaping
the bonds of mortality, they can become something In response, the traitors of the 3rd generation turned
more. their backs on Caine. They returned to the children of
Noah and became the eldest, the founders of the
thirteen great clans. In time they came to embrace as
Before the Flood Caine had. Yet each lacked the wisdom and
Yet whilst Cainites should be free to revel-in and knowledge of Caine, and in-time each came to rule as
explore their potential unrestrained, the elders of their a cruel and capricious tyrant destroying and brutalising
kind ever seek to ensnare them. In ancient times, all who they subjected to their curse.
when Caine held dominion he ensured that the rule of The tyranny of the Antediluvians and their puppets
elders was a just one. But, Caine’s descendants plotted was unchallenged for centuries. Eventually the 2nd
against him. The 3rd generation, the grand-childer of city fell, but still the Antediluvians persisted in their

dominion. It wasn’t until the 1st Since those distant nights the
Anarch Revolt, that a true threat Sabbat has readied itself for the
was posed to the Antediluvians final nights. After the first revolt
and their capricious rule. and down the centuries that
The mortals of the Dark Ages followed the Antediluvians went
began to rise against the into seclusion, eager to hide
descendants of Caine and the themselves from those who
other creatures that haunted the would destroy them. There they
world of God. The Elders, cruel wait, unto the modern nights,
tyrants all, responded by awaiting the call of Gehenna, the
sacrificing their children as end of all things.
pawns, caring only to save For, when Gehenna comes the
themselves. But their descendants Sabbat shall be ready. When the
were no fools, and as their Antediluvians return to slake
forebears had risen unjustly their thirst upon their
against Caine, so did they rise descendants and the children of
against the tyranny of their elders! Seth, they shall be met by the
army of Caine! When the world
falls and Caine returns to his
The Anarch basalt throne, it shall be the
Sabbat he calls to his side, and
Revolt they shall answer!
Until that night, the Sabbat
The Anarchs of the 1st revolt strikes out at Elders, upstart
rejected the tyranny of their mortals, and any others who dare
forebears! They discovered the to challenge them. Utterly
Vaulderie and used it to slip their convinced of their superiority,
bonds declaring that all Cainites utterly convinced of their
were free before Caine’s law, that righteousness, the Sabbat eschew
he as father of them all was the their former humanity and stalk
only one worthy to rule over into the night to wage their
them. eternal war!
They cut a bloody swathe
through Europe, toppling two of
the Antediluvians and a great
many of their elder puppets.
Eventually however, a great many
of the Anarchs felt they could not
go on.
The Elders’ forces had taken
their toll and they gathered at
Thorns to reimpose their tyranny
once more. There the 1st Anarch
Revolt died.
The cravens and cowards of the
1st revolt bowed their heads and
let the masters slip the collars of
their tyranny about their necks
once more. But those who would
form the Sabbat refused!
They would not kneel again! They
declared from that night unto
Gehenna that they would oppose
the tyranny of the Elders, that
they would not cease nor shirk
from their fight.

of the


The moral virtues, then, are engendered in us neither by nor

contrary to nature.

Morality & incantations, and affirmations of (This may mean that a Sabbat
Sabbat ideals, creates an effect pack has an above-average
Touchstones akin to a bloodbond. number of convictions, this is
Despite their monstrous balanced out, however, by the
reputation, a great many within Those who partake of a Vaulderie fact that they will likely be
the Sabbat are still, as a matter of form so-called vinculum ties. committing more horrific acts on
default, followers of the ‘path’ of They ensure loyalty to the group, a regular basis. However, if a
humanity. It is true however, that rather than to an individual. The Storyteller wishes to reduce the
of the many Sabbat still clinging ritae can also sever the master- number of convictions, have each
to their mortal morality, they tend slave ties engendered by a player roll a die to determine
to have shockingly low humanity bloodbond and even provides a which packmates will necessitate
and suffer the associated negative modicum of protection against the selection of convictions,
effects. the future formation of such becoming touchstones.)
What's more, any Cainite of the bonds. Once the convictions have been
Sabbat will soon realise that determined, each participant rolls
clinging to mortal touchstones is System: a d10 for each of the convictions
not only impractical within the For every member of a Pack and divides it by 2.
Sabbat, but actively scorned. This [defined as Cainites that have
aspect of a Cainite’s morality is undergone a shared Acceptance This determines the vinculum
redressed through the Sabbat’s Ritae or Creation Rites for score for that individual. When
most important ritae, the mechanical purposes] each the character wishes to act
Vaulderie. participant picks one conviction contrary to the conviction in the
A miracle of sorcery from the tied to each of the fellow presence of its relevant
times of the 1st Anarch Revolt, packmates. The individual touchstone, they must make an
the Vaulderie allows Cainites to associated with the conviction Intelligence+Resolve roll at a
slip free of blood-bonds. Yet it becomes the touchstone for this difficulty equal to the vinculum
also creates ties beyond those conviction. (Any previously held score. If the touchstone is not
who share in the rite, dedicating convictions are lost as are the present, the first time they
them one and all to their associated touchstones, though succeed on the roll to violate the
common cause. this does not cause the Cainite to conviction, they may do so
However, even the power of the incur stains. Whilst subject to the without rolling for the rest of the
Vaulderie often isn’t enough to effects of the Vaulderie a Cainite scene.
protect a Cainite’s soul, their cannot maintain any mortal
consciousness, from the ravages touchstones.) Samantha is in Michael’s pack and
and hungers of the Beast. As rolls to determine her vinculum
such, many Sabbat Cainite’s forgo Milo performs a Vaulderie as part score, rolling a 6 she divides this by
humanity entirely. Instead, of his Creation Rites. For his half, setting a vinculum score of 3.
Cainites possessed of a true disciplinarian ductus he chooses the In a later scene fighting an
fervour, or suffering acutely from conviction ‘Always obey just infernalist she wants to destroy a
their degenerating humanity, seek authority’; for his more liberal priest book to deny it to the infernalists.
the sanctuary and guidance of a But she has a conviction ‘Knowledge
he chooses ‘Never fail to protect the
Path of Enlightenment. is power, guard it well’ for which her
Meanwhile, Natasha who is part of packmate Michael is the touchstone.
The Vaulderie the same pack chooses the conviction As Michael is there with her, she
‘Never hesitate to pursue power’ as has to make an Intelligence +
A sacred rite amongst the Sabbat,
the conviction for her Ductus; Resolve roll difficulty 3 to destroy
the Vaulderie, is arguably the
sects eldest ritae. The result of meanwhile, for the Priest she chooses the book.
Koldunic sorceries and the ‘Anything is allowed in service to
workings of the earliest Anarchs, divinity’.
The Vaulderie sees Cainites In both instances, Milo and
commingle their blood in a Natasha share the same
sacred chalice. This comingling of touchstones, but the touchstones
blood, combined with the represent different convictions.
utterance of oaths, ritual

In a subsequent scene, however, In a later scene, Michael is torpored The Vaulderie &
when she is in the infernalist’s haven by the Infernalist the pack is
and Michael is not present, in order hunting. Samantha takes 2 stains Non-Packmates
to destroy the library found within and must test for fury frenzy When performed with those who
and the ritual circle she only needs to difficulty 2. Later in the chronicle, aren’t packmates, the Vaulderie
make one roll rather than two. however, Michael suffers the final still creates ties but it does not
Because whilst she is violating the death. Samantha takes 3 stains and create new convictions or
conviction twice (once for the library tests for fury frenzy difficulty 3. touchstones. Roll for a vinculum
and once for the circle) Michael is score as outlined above and
not present.. Additionally, whenever a Cainite should the character wish to take
wishes to act in a directly hostile a directly hostile action against
For the purposes of Touchstone manner towards another with them, roll as described above.
rules, a packmate only counts as whom they share a Vinculum tie,
being damaged when they are they must roll an Intelligence +
torpored and a touchstone from Resolve roll difficulty equal to
Renewing &
the vaulderie is destroyed upon half their vinculum rating for the Unravelling Ties
Final Death. When a touchstone individual (minimum of 1). The The ties created by a Vaulderie
is damaged the stains incurred Cainite may make this roll each never fade. It is possible that a
and the difficulty of the fury- time they wish to undertake such Cainite might share the blood of
frenzy is equal to half the a directly hostile action, however, another, only to meet them
vinculum score (rounded up). If a they need only succeed at this centuries later and for the tie to
touchstone resulting from a check once per scene. remain intact. However, ties are
vaulderie is destroyed, however, often actively strengthened as a
the difficulty of the fury frenzy is Samantha has a Vinculum tie to show of loyalty and dedication.
equal to the vaulderie score, as is Eliot a member of another pack. Should an individual perform the
the number of stains incurred. She wishes to engage him in a Vaulderie with an individual with
(The Storyteller may feel that Monomancy duel. She has a whom they already share ties,
additional stains are incurred or Vinculum tie of 2 to Eliot and then roll a d10 divided by 2 as
that the difficulty of the fury must roll 1 success on an Intelligence standard.
frenzy should be increased
+ Resolve check to do so. (If she
depending on context.) If the result is greater than the
fails on the first attempt, however,
current Vaulderie rating then
she can try again when she next
increase the score by one to a
attempts a hostile action.) maximum of 5. If the result is
equal to or lower, the current
These effects also extend to
score remains unchanged. If the
acting against Packmates. What’s
d10 result is a 1 however, the
more, if the hostile action would
Vaulderie score decreases by one
also violate the tenet for which
to a minimum of 1. Note these
the packmate stands, then the
changes in the Vaulderie may
Cainite must also roll to act
alter the vinculum score and the
against that tenet. If either check
associated difficulties for acting
fails the action cannot be taken.
against the Vaulderie.
Samantha finds herself fighting a
Samantha renews her Vaulderie
Monomancy duel with her packmate
Oscar. She firstly rolls to take a directly with her pack. She rolls for
hostile action against someone with Michael, Penny, and Alex, getting
whom she has a vinculum tie. Her a 5, 3, and 1 (after dividing the die
vinculum score is 2 and rolls 3 rolls by two).
successes. Having succeeded the first
check, she rolls again to see if she can Her existing Vinculum score with
act against the Conviction Oscar Michael was only 3 and having
represents ‘All for one, one for all’. rolled a 5, Samantha increases the
Samantha once again rolls against her Vinculum score to 4.
vinculum score of 2 and gets 2 successes
allowing her to act.

Her existing Vinculum score with However, if the domitor's blood The individual must lie staked in
Penny is 4 and having rolled a 3, potency is higher than the a torpor-like state for six months.
Samantha leaves her Vinculum strength of the two highest They are fed a mixture of blood
unchanged. Her existing vinculum vaulderie ties, the ties are broken and highly classified herbs
score with Alex is 4, but having and the blood bond takes hold. keeping them on the brink of
torpor or frenzy.
rolled a 1, she decreases her
Luke's two highest vinculum scores are Prior to participating in the ritus
vinculum score with him to 3. 3, and 3 giving him a total defensive the subject must sign a
score of 6. His Domitor's blood potency parchment declaration in their
Destroying Old Ties is 7, meaning his vaulderie ties fade own blood. This declaration
& Preventing New and are replaced by the blood bond. states that they will submit to a
fresh vaulderie as soon as their
Ones mission is completed. Failure to
Breaking the Vaulderie do so means the Sabbat will be
Should an individual under the There is a rumour amongst the branded a traitor, and the Wild
effects of a Blood Bond partake Sabbat of a ritual that is able to Hunt will be called.
of the Vaulderie check their total break the Vaulderie. These System: Undergoing this rite is
Vinculum scores. rumours state that the ritual is not something likely to come up
If the total of their vinculum only ever considered when in play directly. If used as a plot
scores is greater than the strength needed for undercover missions point however, dissolve all
of their bond + the blood in rival sects, especially deep- Vinculum ties and scores of the
potency of their domitor then the cover missions. individual after they complete the
Blood Bond is broken and the The ritae can normally only take rite.
Vaulderie takes hold. If the total place in the presence of an
is equal to or less than the Archbishop or Cardinal, with
strength of the bond + domitor’s dispensation granted by none
blood potency then the Bond other than the Regent
remains and the Vaulderie ties fail themselves.
to take hold.

Yasmin has a blood bond with a

strength of 3 and her domitor’s blood
potency is 3. She rolls for her
Vinculum scores and gets a 3, 4, and
2. The total of Yasmin’s Vinculum
Scores is 9, exceeding her Blood Bond’s
Strength + her Domitor’s Blood
Potency of 6. Her blood bond breaks
and is replaced with her new Vinculum

The ties created by the Vaulderie

are strong, able to resist all but
the most potent vitae. If an
individual with Vaulderie ties is
subjected to the Blood Bond,
then they must check the potency
of their would-be domitor.
If the domitors blood potency is
7 or greater, the one being bound
must check their two highest
vinculum scores. If the total of
the two vinculum scores is
greater than the domitors blood
potency then the bond does not
form and vaulderie ties remain.
Paths of

This is a moment of great peril with the Path of Humanity

AN END... for the Cainite. They will be (detailed Pages 239-240 V5 Core
….AND A asked to commit a truly horrific
act by the standards of human
Rulebook), with a set of custom
stain triggers. These are based on
BEGINNING morality, but in keeping with the
ideals of the Path they are to
the ideological/philosophical
strictures of each path and are
The Paths of Enlightenment are adopt. Only if the Cainite has described in each Path’s
truly immoral philosophies by sufficient strength of will and Transgression Table. They also
mortal standards. Each is a code true understanding of their gain the ability to evoke an effect
of existence developed over intended Path will they be able to known as a bearing. This is an
centuries by various Cainitie convert. Failure to truly aura resulting from a Cainites’
theologians, gurus, and humble comprehend the Path or any adherence to their path. The
practitioners. hesitation on the part of the effects differ from path to path,
aspirant will cause them to but the greater the Cainite’s
Each is a unique system of beliefs commit an atrocity in vain devotion to their chosen
and tenets, each designed to hold bringing them one step closer to teachings, the greater the impact
the Beast at bay and to provide damnation. their bearing has.
the vampire’s sentience safe
harbour from the unrelenting To evoke the effect of their
grind of centuries. bearing, a Path Follower must
spend a protracted amount of
Very few, if any, Cainites begin time undertaking activity
their unlife on a path, especially pertinent to their path. (A
in the modern nights, most follower of the Path of Caine
mortal minds simply being might study Noddist scripture, a
incapable of accepting their Cathari might engage in acts of
immoral strictures. debauchery, and a Nihilist might
For the majority of Cainites contemplate and refine new
transitioning to a Path is a horrors.) After spending
process that takes many years. sufficient time (and possibly
Typically a Cainite will be resources as determined by the
contacted by a potential mentor storyteller), the Path Practitioner
that views the Cainite as a can make a rouse-check. For the
suitable inductee, though in some remainder of the night, they can
instances a Cainite’s associates add one-third of their path rating
might refer them to such a rounded down to rolls
person. determined by their path.

Either way, should the Cainite Path practitioners are utterly

accept the mentor’s assistance inhuman and are easily
recognised as such with more
they will then spend at least a
year studying the Path. This may
SYSTEM than a cursory examination.
involve traditional teaching, trials Choosing a path is a new type of (Without the blush of life, they
of aptitude, strength, character, background that radically changes appear particularly monstrous.)
or integrity. It may involve a Cainite’s morality. This results When interacting with mortals
committing acts that are utterly in several key changes: they suffer a penalty to dice pools
inhumane and cruel but in For the purposes of any test as though they had a humanity
keeping with a Path’s teachings. calling for humanity (e.g. waking rating equal to half of their Path
during the day, V5 Corebook rating, except for acts of
Eventually, when they believe the Pg.219) substitute the character’s intimidation, supernatural
individual to be ready, a Cainite’s Path Rating instead. seduction, or the practices of
mentor will instruct them to The character replaces the their path.
prepare for their final conversion. standard stain triggers associated

NOTE Converting to a Path

For Kindred obsessed with Having studied their chosen Path
humanity using the Blush of Life the Cainite’s mentor prepares
is almost reflexive. Making skin their final test, their conversion.
warm to the touch to seduce In order to undergo a conversion,
prey, sending electrical signals to a character must have studied
use touchscreens, or faking their path for at least a year.
breathing to trick the SI; these are (Though the storyteller may allow
second nature to those still conversions in a shorter time
clinging to their humanity, and under truly exceptional
for many cynical Kindred they circumstances.)
even still cling to mortal morality.
For many years the Sabbat have 1) The Cainite must commit an
shunned such actions, preaching act that ties them to the Path that
that to hide from humanity is will garner stains. Any stains the
cowardly, an act that tacitly Cainite has at the start of the
admits the Cainite condition is conversion do not count towards
inferior to humanity. However, these.
the actions of the Second
Inquisition have humbled the Martin is going to convert to the
Sabbat. Hundreds, if not
Path of Caine. His mentor has
thousands, of Sabbat Cainites the
world over were destroyed at the instructed him to fast for three
hands of the Second Inquisition, nights prior to the conversion. When
forcing the Sabbat to adapt. the conversion arrives, Martin is
confronted with three innocents
Now pragmatic Cainites kidnapped by his mentor.
throughout the Sabbat rationalise His mentor then instructs him to
the use of the Blush of Life. No devour the innocent. (A monstrous
longer is emulating humanity an act for someone following the Path of
act of cowardice, but rather the Humanity, but in-keeping with the
act of a shrewd predator, lulling Path of Caine, which states ‘do not
prey into a false sense of security. deny “vampiric needs by refusing to
This isn't to say that the Sabbat
feed, showing compassion, or failing
has suddenly come to prize
humanity, they still espouse their to learn about one’s vampiric
utter superiority over the abilities.”’)
Children of Seth and denigrate
the very idea of even trying to 2) Having acquired stains the
hold Cainite's to the same moral Cainite must roll for
codes. degeneration. If the Cainite
degenerates decrease their
On the contrary, they explain the humanity by one, but do not
Blush of Life as an exercise of remove the stains from the
self-mastery and spiritual will. tracker. After this, they may
Rather than harkening back to decide whether to push for more
their mortal state, forlornly stains or roll to convert.
replicating what they lost, a
Sabbat forces his blood, his body, Martin slakes his thirst from the
to act as he commands. This goes first of them callously killing them.
some way to explain why even He immediately gains four stains for
some Sabbat Cainites who the horrific act. His humanity is
practice Paths of Enlightenment currently two, which means he rolls
have developed ways to perform four dice to see if he degenerates.
the Blush of Life

Martin rolls a success on his Martin’s packmate Laurence is also Starting on a Path
degeneration check, and thus, retains trying to convert to the Path of the
his current humanity score. Feral Heart. He fails to score any A character can choose to start
However, because this is a successes on his roll to convert. on a path, to do so simply select
conversion he does not remove the Worse, he like Martin had reduced the path from below and set their
stains after resolving the his humanity to one, in order to character’s path rating to 6.
degeneration roll. maximise the number of dice in his
pool to convert. His failure to
3) If more stains are sought, convert means that Laurence
continue as above, a Cainite may automatically loses his last dot of
not choose to gain more stains humanity and enters Wassail
during this process than they becoming a Wight!
have empty boxes on their
humanity track. (If a Kindred
6) A success sets the Cainite’s
impairs themselves through this
new path rating. Criticals are
process then they suffer the
counted as normal, a messy
impairment penalty on the final
critical results in the Cainite
roll to convert.)
succumbing to the associated
compulsion with their new Path.
After some pressing from his
mentor, Martin proceeds to slake Martin rolls his 8 dice and does
the last of his hunger from the extremely well, scoring 2 successes
second of the innocent. He does so and a critical. He officially adopts
and again gains four stains filling the Path of Caine as his Path of
his humanity track completely with Enlightenment, setting his Path
stains. This means that Martin Rating to six. He also adopts the
automatically degenerates, reducing associated bearing, compulsion and
his humanity to one. At this stage, stain triggers.
he decides to convert.
Willpower may not be spent on
4) When the Cainite chooses to any of the rolls involved in a
convert, they roll dice equal to conversion.
the stains gained during the

Martin has accrued 8 stains

throughout his conversion, 4 from
each of the two victims he callously
murdered to sate his vampiric needs.
Thus, he rolls 8 dice to determine
the outcome of his conversion.

5) Each success on this roll gains

the vampire one dot on their new
Path of Enlightenment. A failure
to gain any successes loses the
Cainite a dot of humanity and
they fail to attain their path.
(Note, this reduction in humanity
can bring a Cainite’s humanity to
zero prompting them to Wassail.)
A bestial failure also triggers a
terror frenzy counting the site of
the attempted conversion as the
source of fear.

The Path of Lilith

Even for those Cainites who abhor her, and who would brand her worshipers heretics, no Cainite can deny the
import of Lilith. For Cainite scholars, the Dark Mother is the one who awoke the disciplines latent in Caine’s mighty
blood. For the Lilins, for the Bahari however, she is so much more. The mother of monsters, the mistress of
twilight and the first woman. Lilith is a rejection of the patriarchy of Caine and Adam alike. She is pain, mystery and
revelation. As Lilith has been spurned, so have her followers been, but they care not, for in suffering they find both
truth and vindication.


Add a third of your path Shunning Pain. Pain taught the Dark Mother.
rating rounded down to To shun her pain is the ultimate 4
any rolls affected by betrayal.
impairment arising from
damaged health or Not seeking out The mysteries of Lilith are
willpower. the teachings of hidden all around us, they must 3
Lilith. be uncovered.
Not correcting Caine is a brutish child, unable
the errors of to match a fraction of Lilith’s 2
others regarding divinity.
Roll willpower at difficulty 2 Caine and Lilith.
whenever you hear others
preaching the glory of Caine Killing a living or Death denies another a chance
or denigrating Lilith. If you unliving being. to walk Lilith’s path. 2
fail, you suffer a dominance
compulsion as you attempt to Failing to It is only through the ways of
correct their ignorance participate in a Lilith that we can awaken. 1
regardless of the Bahari ritual.
Pursuing temporal The pride and truth of Lilith
wealth or power. stems from within, not without. 1

The Path of Blood

A Path practised by a dwindling number of Cainites in the modern nights. The Path of Blood is traditionally
associated with the Banu-Haqim, and the path is particularly associated with the Warriors still loyal to
Alamut and Ur-Shulgi.

Those Banu-Haqim who have fled Alamut for the Camarilla find little in the path, with its focus on
destroying other Kindred who deny Haqim’s truth, not to mention the predisposition to diablerie. Even
those amongst the Sabbat who might choose to practice the path find themselves persecuted for heresy by
the Sabbat Inquisition.



Add one third of your Acting against The Children of Haqim must stand
path rating rounded another Banu united against Khayyin. 4
down to any roll made Haqim
to resist damage to your Refusal to aid a more You must not deny those with
willpower. advanced member of greater understanding. Doing so 3
the Path betrays the cause.

Failing to pursue Know thy enemy, if you are to

the lore of Khayyin defeat him. 2
Whenever another vampire Failing to destroy an Those who choose to dwell in
confronts you for your unrepentant ignorance cannot be saved.
actions you must roll 2
vampire outside the
willpower difficulty 2. If you Clan
fail you suffer a harm
compulsion as you become Breaking a word of The chosen of Haqim are to be as
obsessed with destroying any honour to a siblings, bound by word and deed. 1
who deny Haqim’s truth. clanmate

Killing a mortal for Murder without true need sustains

sustenance the body, but scars the spirit. 1

To hear the Albigensians tell it, they are an offshoot of an early BEARING
Christian Heresy. A dualistic philosophy that asserted all that was You add one-third of
material was base and sinful, whilst all that was pure related to your Path Rating
the realm of the spirit. rounded down to any
These are fancy words for many, however. In the modern nights roll to seduce or indulge
whilst some Albignesians might talk high ideals, they are known others.
first and foremost as corrupters, tempters and sinners without
If you are rejected by
someone you've tried to
Encouraging Vampires are creatures of tempt you must roll a fury
others to exercise corruption and must propagate 4
frenzy difficulty 2. If you fail
restraint. it within the world. you become obsessed with
Arbitrary Killing Killing others without cause forcing yourself on the victim
denies them their own 3 of your attention.
Sacrificing The vampire’s purpose is
gratification for indulgence, not charity. 2
someone else’s
Failing to ride the The beast must be indulged as
wave in frenzy. well as the rational mind. 2

Showing trust. Naivety makes corruption

impossible. 1

Exercising Cainites are creatures of excess

restraint. not moderation. 1


The Path of Power

& The Inner Voice
To those Cainites who practice this
path, undead existence has but one Turning down the Power is the means by which all
purpose. Pining for living days is opportunity for else can be achieved. 4
pathetic, to search after esoterica power.
pointless. All that matters amongst Not punishing Failure is only useful as a
the undead is power and control. failure. negative example. 3

Cainites are without honour,

Accepting defeat. Realize your desires or die.
compassion, sympathy or mercy. 2
All that remains is the need to
control and to rule, by any means
Helping others Altruism doesn’t further your
when it is not to ends. 2
Traditional Practitioners:
your advantage.
Lasombra, Tzimisce, Ventrue
Antitribu Treating your Provide incentive sparingly, but
underlings poorly. do not engender hatred for your 1
Denying Your decisions and their results
responsibility for are yours alone. 1
your actions.


Add a third of your path Whenever you are disobeyed

rating rounded down to roll Willpower difficulty 2. If
any roll that involves you fail you suffer a
commanding others. Dominance Compulsion as
you seek to force your will
upon any who dare to defy
He told me ‘One mere man entered that
cold dark earth. But two things came
crawling out. One I might some night
call a Cainite, but the other, we all of
us know the Beast.’

I studied his wide almost ecstatic eyes.

Felt the blood in my veins shift and the
feint roar of something within.

‘Each of us climbs from the mud as

two,’ he said, ‘The eternal question, the
question you must answer until
Gehenna, is how the two creatures are
going to survive?

Some bind it, others tame it, yet others

embrace it. We all find our path in

Because if we don’t, one night only the

beast that clambered from that dark
earth will awaken. The man will die,
but the beast will remain.’

The Path
of Death
& The
The origins of this Path are said to lie with BEARING COMPULSION
the Cappadocians, an ancient line of Cainite Add one-third of your When confronted with sights of great
Necromancers. The practice of the Path in path rating rounded vitality (e.g. a club full of mortals, a family
the modern nights is a troubled thing, with down to any roll that with their newborn) roll your willpower
many elders who formerly upheld the benefits from being difficulty 2. If you fail you suffer a harm
path’s tenets dying during the formation of completed silently. compulsion as you are driven to snuff out
the Hecata. the light of life in order to better
understand the transition to death.
Those practitioners within the Sabbat who
remain, and those within the Hecata have
changed little, however. Their focus is on
comprehending death, what it is, its scope, ACT RATIONALE STAINS
and all it can mean for the living and
undead alike. Actively and Such actions befit mortals afraid of
purposefully death, not vampires.
Traditional Practitioners: Hecata (Giovanni, preventing a death.
Cappadocians, Harbingers), Tzimisce

Making a decision Emotions cloud judgement and

based on emotion understanding.
rather than logic.

Refusing to kill Trial proves theory, and evidence

when an indicates the conclusion.
presents itself.

Postponing feeding Self-deprivation serves no higher

when hungry. purpose.

Accidentally killing. Information cannot be gathered 1

without prior consideration.

Showing a fear of Fear prevents comprehension.

death. 1
The Path of
‘On this night I, Albrecht of the Red ACT RATIONALE STAINS

Furies, do swear my undying loyalty Breaking your word To break one’s oath is to cast
to the Sabbat. I swear service to or oath; failing to aside the honour that defines 4
Bishop Henrietta Alvarez, my sword honour an agreement. unlife.
is hers, her acts mine to bear. Unto Showing cowardice. There is no honour without
death, unto Gehenna so shall it be, the potential for sacrifice. 3
this I vow.’
Failing to protect your Honour demands you let no
- Sabbat Templar Vow, Sworn allies. slight go unanswered. 2

Disobeying your Yours is to obey those justly

In an unlife beset with violence, leader. placed over you. 2
betrayal and eternal thirsts some
Cainites find purpose in firm and Failing to participate Tradition and heritage are
unyielding codes. The specifics of in your group’s rituals. fundamentals of loyalty. 1
these codes vary slightly for each
Cainite, but all Knights are
unremitting in their practices. Failing to uphold all True duty requires
Unlife must have structure and the precepts of your unwavering dedication. 1
purpose and anything that would go group.
against that, or deny it is not only a
threat to one’s morality, but one’s
very existence as one of the damned.

Add a third of your path Your obsession with doing

rating rounded down to your duty and abiding by your
any pool to resist being strict code leaves you unable
swayed from your ideals. to fully commit yourself to
conducting dishonourable
actions. When called upon to
conduct an act that conflicts
with your honour roll
willpower difficulty 2. If you
fail you suffer a paranoia
compulsion as you become
obsessed with distancing
yourself from such
dishonourable conduct.

The Path of Night

A path almost solely practiced by the Lasombra, embracers of this path truly accept their own damnation.
For the Nihilists, Cainite existence is a curse, a punishment levied by god for the sole purpose of brining
atrocity unto the world.

Cainites then, can only find their salvation through accepting their role as agents of damnation. Borrowing
heavily from Catholic Dogma, the Path has traditionally been extremely popular. In recent nights this has
begun to change however, as many within the Sabbat Inquisition are starting to call for the Path’s censure
and the persecution of its truest adherents as heretics.


Add a third of your path

Repenting one’s Yours is to shepherd others to
rating rounded down to 4
behaviour. repentance, by example of your
any pool to bring out a
victim’s inner darkness,
illicit dark secrets or get Accepting One defiler is as corrupt as any
them to commit evil another’s claim to other. 3
acts. superiority.
Asking aid of Reliance on others requires
another. their understanding, and those 2
who understand do not dread.
When confronted by
innocence (e.g. someone
wholesomely naive, a great Accidental killing. God bade vampires to be
philanthropist) roll your horrors, not murderers. 2
willpower difficulty 2. If you
fail you suffer a harm
Killing a mortal A dead mortal feels no dread,
compulsion as you attempt to 1
for food. nor can he repent.
inflict horror upon them in
order to draw out their own
inner-darkness. Failing to Familiarity allows
innovate in one’s understanding, from 1
depredations. understanding breeds contempt.
I rememb
er the ve
- A towe teran -
wearing ring look
this, th biker lea ing Salub
e true pu thers. I ri-Antit
Course h rpose of asked wh ribu, cov
whelp li e laughe our fath at he wa ered in V
I murder ke me. Told, hit me, er, that' s talkin iking-s
held tru ed, maime d me, may and said . g about, tyle tatt
e b
another to his w d and bu e if I su aths wer P ' T h e i o
to teach ord, sou rned my w rvived h en't som Cainites
I expect me in hi ght me ou ay throu e'd find m ething fo
follow t ed a teach s place. t, said h gh that e again. r a shov
any of thhem to 'ea er, someo e'd soon city and Of cours elhead
his embr at, Luca rn my kee ne old an have to l never lo e I surv
n p
expected ace and t was a ba ' or some wise wh d e av e o
but aske back.vHeed,
k e d i
spoke so him to t he tufts o ttered old other su o'd give m d
yes and ftly, his alk gruffl f hair an Gangrel ch crap. B e boring b
alleywa he smiledfirst word y withou d glowing. He'd bee ut my new ooks or h
and thenys after h , 'then ke s to me we t much ins eyes did n scarred mentor d ave me
dart off im. He'd s ep up'. I s re a half ight, lik n't do him and twis idn't do
I strugg . top, snif pent the -whisper e a brute any favo ted befor
leaping led to kee f the air rest of t ed, 'Are . But ins urs. I'd e
followed from poin p up with or exam hat nightyou hungr tead he
confirma him, his t to point him, he a ine the d dartin y?'. I sa
t s ,
eventua ion I wa hifting hurdlin peared t p i r t a r ou g th r ou g id
l l s c g
been mes y found still on lothes a boxes, a flow thr o n d a p u d h
sing aro what he w the righ nd occas bandone ough the dle
I asked und near as look t track. ional pin d bikes, environ
hungry him why h his packing for, a I won't bo -prick orand more ment
and whe and our h is pack w 's haven group of re you wi ange eye with ease
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bins to r ll think Ime where eal with dling it, ugs who etails bu ly
e t t
Not as s veal mys saw the o wait in he probl e told me h ' d appare t we
o b a e
it's moth me kneel elf. I kep riefest s mbush t m'. There 'they do n tly
the natu er, watch ing yes-w t followi mile from o block th was a simn't need t
else, wa ral order ing, learn oman. I f ng him af him as I e thugs e plistic l o, we are
Heart, u s taught b. We only ing, undeollowed h ter that n stepped o scape, he ogic to it,
practice sed to be y instinc spoke abo rstandin im the sa ight, not ut from b was dead
our plac d that oldcalled th t. He explut the pat g more ab me way a b like a sycehind the
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modern- tead we Harmon at the 'P ail a few f and its follows
nights. revelled y'. He sa ath of B times, e place i
, accepte id that f easts, th verythin n
d and un ew of us e Feral g
derstood still
s and

Not in some God's place for you crap either, but understanding the simple facts of
Cainite existence. We are each of us predators, hunters, and when needed killers.
Everything we name our inner-beast, is a part of us too. When we're embraced, when
we die, we lose our living self. Instead we're given hunger and the means to satiate
that hunger, fangs, disciplines, and the beast.
That's what I learned over those years, not in the glib way you're mulling it over. I
mean I truly learned it, took it in, incorporated it. I abandoned aspirations of
becoming some flunky, what good would that do me? Killing, backstabbing and
scheming? It wouldn't keep me fed, keep me safe, so why bother with it? Words taught
me a little, the beast and instinct taught the rest.
When I wasn't roaming or learning, I looked to my Pack. It's an interesting choice of
word. Anarchs run in gangs, they share ideals or maybe a neighbourhood and they
rally around that, sacrificing things against all sense for their claim. The Cam,
they call their little gatherings Coteries, fucking pretentious nonsense. Small
groups of back-biters who agree they won't backstab each other for now.

But we Sabbat? We gather in Packs, because even though you don't all walk my Path,
understand the way I do, you understand just enough. We're wolves, predators;
fighting, hunting and surviving another night through our common strength. I'm as
loyal to the Sabbat as I ever was, but given the chance to save my Pack or some
Archbishop, I'll save my pack every time. Packmates are what'll save you in the end,
not some scheming power-player.
I followed Lucan for two more years, eventually learned enough, frayed my last
mortal ties. I've been in-touch with my beast ever since. That's how I ended up
making the long journey to Basel, to the Black Monastery. Guess even Beasts can
develop hobbies, I picked up Lucan's interest in Paths well enough. I spoke with
others, never to convert but to understand. Managed to learn the basics of a few
other paths, even if you don't want to walk mine let me know, I can set you on the
trail of a few teachers.
It was chatting with them where I heard more about the Black Monastery. When the
others mentioned it, I always thought it was a load of hocum. Some mythical El
Dorado where they could pretend some wise-old sage wrote up their path. When
Lucan died though, blasted apart by some damned SI kill-team, I found the records
in his notes. A god-damned map to Switzerland, and some scrawling about an old
Gangrel named Mortensen who 'raised the Path of Harmony to its truest form'.
I set out two nights later.

The Path of The


All Cainites hunger for blood, all hear the whispers of Refusing to kill to Vampires are predators, all
the beast in their soul. Practitioners of the Path of the survive. else is prey. 4
Feral Heart accept this reality. Not for them denying the
beast or the thirsts fundamental to their existence; Failing to follow Instinct is the truest
instead, Beasts learn to live in harmony with their Beast 3
one’s instincts. wisdom of a predator.
and its needs.

For these Cainites, the role of the hunter is the only Remaining in the Final Death must not be
thing they can aspire to. To do anything else is to deny presence of fire or risked without good 2
nature and inevitability in an unlife that can only end at sunlight, except to reason.
the hands of another predator. kill an enemy.
Failing to support Where one falters, many
your pack or survive. 2
Add one-third of your Whenever you are called
upon to undertake an act Hunting with means Tools break and fail, nature
path rating rounded other than your own does not. 1
down to any roll that contrary to your instincts, roll
willpower difficulty 2. If you vampiric powers.
relies on intimidation or
survival. fail you suffer a hunger Pursuing temporal Tolerate no distraction to
compulsion as you seek to wealth or power. your struggle to survive. 1
fulfil your most primal
vampiric need.
The Path of
The world is entirely defined by evolutionary chains. Prey animals
suffer at the hands of the predators above them; mortals in turn prey
on all the beasts of the wild only to be preyed upon by Cainites in
turn. For the followers of this path, these chains of evolution must
be comprehended and codified.
What’s more, this understanding must be used to strive for what lies
beyond. The Cainite species is the apex predator, but what lies above
and beyond it? What is the next evolutionary step for all Cainites?


Add a third of your path Whenever you are denied knowledge

rating rounded down to you seek, roll your willpower
any intimidation or difficulty 2. If you fail you suffer a
medicine pool. dominance compulsion as you
become obsessed with seizing the
secrets denied to you.


Exhibiting The fates of lesser beings are of

compassion for no concern to the transcendent. 4
Failure to There can be no revelation, no
experiment, even progress, without risk. 3
at risk to oneself.
Failing to ride out A Cainite must master the beast
a frenzy. if they are to transcend. 2

Sharing knowledge The secrets of transcendence

with another. are not for lesser minds. 2

Asking another Knowledge must be earned to

for knowledge. be of value. 1

Postponing feeding Hunger causes distraction.

when hungry. 1
Path of Caine
For as long as there have been Vampires, there have been those who have tried to understand the origins and
extent of their condition. For many of these scholars and philosophers, the myth of Caine answers a great
many questions. Whilst there are those Kindred who would be deemed Noddist Scholars, to be a true
adherent of Noddist philosophy is another matter altogether.


Denying vampiric You must not deny your true self if

needs (by refusing to you are to draw closer to Caine. 4
Add one third of your feed, showing
path rating rounded compassion, or failing
down to any roll that to learn about one’s
relies on another’s vampiric abilities)
perception of you as a
devout Cainite scholar. Failing to pursue lore Every scrap may hold the secret’s
about vampirism of Caine’s wisdom, they must be 3
when the opportunity sought out.
When confronted by ideals Failing to ride the The beast is yours to command, do
contrary to Noddism roll wave in frenzy not be driven by it. 2
your willpower difficulty 2. If
you fail you suffer a
dominance compulsion as
you strive to prove the Showing disrespect All those who are of Caine, are due
superiority of Noddist to other students of the respect owed their heritage, so 2
doctrine regardless of the Caine long as they seek to understand
context. themselves.
Failing to diablerise Those who bind themselves with
a ‘humane’ vampire mortal morality, surrender their 1

Failing to engage in Truth cannot be found without

research or study each rigour. 1
night, regardless of

The Path of Paradox

A derivation of older paths practised by the Ravnos, the Western Path of Paradox became the path of
choice for many Ravnos Antitribu within the Sabbat. Focussed on fierce individualism and a rejection of all
laws, the Path brings with it no small amount of danger.

Practitioners themselves, are callous, cruel and utterly debaucherous; a danger to anyone unfortunate to
cross paths with them. For this reason, there are many who actively seek to destroy practitioners of this
Path, not least of which those Ravnos who still ascribe to the older paths of Paradox.


You believe that you are in
the exact time and place Becoming blood Accepting the bonds of another
you’re supposed to be. bound. makes you naught but an extension 4
of their will.
Whenever your purpose is
questioned by others roll your
willpower difficulty 2. If you Actively hindering Change is the only constant you
fail, you suffer a dominance change; allowing must embrace and elude the 3
compulsion and begin others to know one’s expectations of others.
preaching at the unfortunate true motives.
who dared to challenge you
regardless of context. Being caught Your actions invite scorn, and
stealing or engaging retribution; hide your actions from 2
in subterfuge. those who would stop you.

Add a third of your path Failing to gratify The undead state guides us to seek
rating rounded down to your desire. out desire. To deny these desires is 2
any roll involving the to be truly dead.
Manipulation Attribute.
Refusing to lead a Guide those who’d walk the path,
disbeliever into the destroy the rest so they cannot 1
light, or into oppose you.

Showing any Undeath is liberation from such

concern for mortals. trifling concerns. 1

The Path of
Put simply the Typhonists seek to realise one goal, the resurrection of Set himself. For the Typhonists, Set is
a being greater than Caine. A being that allowed the father of vampires to embrace him so that he might use
the descendants of Caine to wage his true war against other divine beings such as Gaia and Lilith.

To this end, the Typhonists corrupt all about them to bring them under their sway. Many view them as
nothing more than drug-pushers, pimps, and arms dealers. But in truth this is all a means to an end, letting
them ensnare those who might be useful, all so that they might better serve Set’s eventual resurrection.


Whenever you are
confronted by someone Refusing to aid in This is the purview of unbelievers.
resisting a base urge, roll your Set’s resurrection. 4
willpower difficulty 2. If you
fail, you suffer a dominance Failing to take Our purpose is to serve Set, not to
compulsion as you are advantage of another’s give succour to fools. 3
compelled to bring about weakness.
their descent.
Failing to pursue The secrets of Set’s return may be
occult knowledge. hidden anywhere. 2

Add a third of your path

rating rounded down to Failing to observe Through his ways you come closer
any attempts to resist the Setite religious to Set. 2
powers of True Faith or ritual.
to win over new
converts. Failing to destroy a Those who transcend, cannot be
vampire in a state brought low to serve Set’s plan. 1
of Golconda.

Pursuing one’s own Vice is a means to serve Set’s cause,

indulgences instead not an end in itself. 1
of another’s.


Pater Tenebris, Dona Nobis Clementiam. Pater

Tenebris, Dona Eis Clementiam. Gladius Ex Cainis.

The Sabbat was born in a pair of Thus, whilst two packs might The Cainite then strips naked and
twin fires, those lit by the both choose to enact a Fire- bathes in the blood provided.
Neonates of the first Anarch Dance the two rituals might look The blood is sometimes then
Revolt and those of the church- extremely different. The former consecrated as a vaulderie, all
led Inquisition. The fires of the might be a solemn affair to start those who will serve under the
former led the Sabbat to define with the pack gathering silently as new leader then partake of the
themselves in eternal opposition the Pack-Priest lights the fire and blood. The newly anointed leader
to the ancients and to their beats a drum to drive his speaks to each of the
puppets, the elders that formed packmates to the brink of frenzy. contributors giving them advice
the Camarilla. The fires of the Meanwhile the latter might more or acknowledging all they bring
latter served to form the closely resemble a gathering of to the Sabbat.
organisation and culture of the teenage daredevils, pounding
Sabbat. The Vaulderie became a music from car-speakers System: If a Sabbat leader hasn’t
sacred ritual amongst the thundering into the participants received the Blood Bath they
Anarchs of the first revolt for its as they dare one another to take count as having the shunned flaw
ability to liberate them from their yet another leap over the flames. when trying to command any
elders. But its similarities with Sabbat, not of their own Pack.
Christian rites were not lost on The penalty from this flaw is
the Cainites of the era. THE AUCTORITAS reduced to one die if the leader

As such, in addition to borrowing

RITAE has received the Blood Bath, and
the Sabbat they are trying to
titles and nomenclature, the The Vaulderie command merely thinks they
nascent Sabbat started to develop might not have undergone the
a number of rites and rituals, System: See ‘The Morality of the rite.
mocking dark mirrors of those Sabbat’ for rules on how the
practised by the Christians who’d Vaulderie functions mechanically.
sought to persecute them.
The Blood Bath
In the modern nights, the Ritae This Ritus is performed
are a cornerstone of the Sabbat. whenever Sect leaders wish to
They serve as rallying points for recognise the appointment of a
the Cainites sworn to Caine’s new Sect leader such as a Bishop
service. They remind them of or Cardinal. A vessel is prepared
their duty, of the virtues they into which all who bear witness
must uphold, and of the legacy to the Cainites ascension add a
they carry. Whether leaping over portion of their blood.
roaring bonfires before battle or
solemnly reciting verses from the
Book of Nod, Sabbat the world
over conduct many common rites
to remind them of who they are.

But for every similarity, there are

also variances. There is no set
book of practice amongst the
Sabbat, no united seminary
school where the Pack-Priests are
able to gather and hone their
craft. Instead, each Pack-Priest
learns their trade from the Sabbat
who came before them,
observing, assisting and
ultimately conducting rites in a
way that suits them.

The Blood Feast they’d consume enough to degeneration rolls when in the
reduce their hunger to zero, then company of vampires with whom
A ritual meal that is the they can do so regardless of they shared this ritae.
cornerstone of any formal Sabbat whether they drained a mortal
gathering. The Blood Feast dry.
expresses the Sabbat’s will to The Creation Rites
exist as the ultimate predators, These rites are integral to
whilst also providing practical acceptance within the Sabbat, one
sustenance during a gathering of NOTE is not true Sabbat, a true Cainite
so many Cainties. The Sabbat Inquisition and Black without having received these
Hand were not above censuring rites. Whilst they vary wildly,
Prior to the feast, a specially those who came to rely too much ranging from trials of strength
created pack or hunting party is on the Blood Feast for their and intellect to gangland-style
dispatched to collect humans and sustenance. Becoming decadent initiations, they are universally
possibly even rogue vampires lords awaiting a meal brought by cruel and harrowing. More often
before the feast. Much shouting, their lesser is not the way a than not a prospective member
cheering, and bearing of fangs Sabbat leader should behave. of the Sabbat will suffer at the
meets the hunting party as it What’s more, with the Second hands of ‘true-Sabbat’ before
returns to make a formal Inquisition a threat pursuing the finally being given the honour of
presentation of the victims to the sect the world over, the mass- becoming a true equal.
highest-ranking Sabbat present. kidnappings and blood-stained
halls that result from this ritae During this final initiation, the
The official receives each victim can swiftly prove liabilities if not candidate swears an oath to the
and thanks the hunter by kissing managed carefully. Sabbat, renewed once a year
her forehead. The victims are during the Binding.
then seized upon by servants and
either bound or nailed up at head System: A Cainite that has not
height. The night after the undergone the Creation Rites
presentation ghouls or low- cannot partake in a Vaulderie by
ranking Sabbat prepare the feast The Binding contributing vitae but must drink
location by placing the vessels in from the chalice.
accordance with the wishes of the Held on the Winter Solstice each
rite’s leader. Guests then begin to year, and usually near water, this
arrive for the feast proper and rite is a formal renewal of the NOTE
once all have gathered the victims oath of allegiance to the Sabbat. For the purposes of providing
are consecrated. The Priest, This simple ritae underpins the alternative touchstones, whilst a
Bishop, or Archbishop holding survival of the Sabbat, Vaulderie may be performed with
the ritae leads this act dedicating committing all to annual display other Sabbat, it doesn’t generate
the vessels to the Sabbat. of public loyalty. new touchstones unless all those
involved received common
Dedications complete the In many cities, the local Sabbat Creation Rites or Acceptance
Cainites gather and feast! The leader oversees the renewal of Rites.
Sabbat leader who conducted the vinculum ties amongst their
ritae is always granted the choice subordinate Cainites. What’s
of victim and of first blood. more, they must hear all
grievances brought before them
System: Any Cainite who was on this night. Typically these
part of the hunting party who has grievances are then forgiven,
their victim acknowledged by the though Cainites are devious and
leader of the Ritus gains a dot of may twist this expiation to
temporary status (Blood Feast include only one offence.
System: For one month
When feeding on the victims at following the Binding, vampires
this gathering Cainites slake an who participate in this rite gain
additional point of hunger for one additional die to frenzy and
each point slaked. Additionally, if
‘Of my own free will and accord, I, son/daughter of Caine, reject the Antediluvians and dedicate
myself to their destruction. I swear my soul to the Sabbat, and damn all those who stand against
us. Hear me, brothers and sisters! Your enemies are my enemies. Your victories, my victories.
Your blood, my blood. So shall it be, until the end of all things.’


Simple Jump Dex+Atheltics 2 1 Damage (Agg) 1 Additional die

Fire is anathema to all Cainites, Fear Frenzy 2 Fear Frenzy 3 on all frenzy checks
for the Noddists of the Sabbat for the next 3 nights.
believe the aversion to flame to Advanced Jump Dex+Atheltics 4 2 Damage (Agg) 2 Additional die
be a curse from the Angel Fear Frenzy 2 Fear Frenzy 3 on all frenzy checks
Michael himself. Yet the Sabbat for the next 3 nights.
are true fanatics, they do not Acrobatic Jump Dex+Atheltics 5 3 Damage (Agg) 2 Additional die
hesitate to unleash fire against Fear Frenzy 3 Fear Frenzy 3 on all frenzy checks
their enemies, and by tempering for the next 3 nights.
the courage seek to master their
fear. In some Sabbat circles, to Additionally, on a
critical win, gain a
have not danced in a Fire Dance temporary dot of
is to not be true Sabbat. Status (Sabbat)

The Priest conducting the ritual

creates a grand bonfire. Drums,
chanting and music are then used
to drive the participating Cainites
into a trance-like frenzy, where
they will dance in a circle about
the bonfire.

Each participating Cainite must
choose the complexity of the
manoeuvre they wish to perform,
gaining the requisite rewards or
suffering the associated penalties
should they fail.
The Games of Instinct
Macabre twists on common Cops & Robbers Demolition Derby
children’s games, the Games
of Instinct serve a three-fold Associated skills: Associated skills:
purpose. Firstly, they serve to Athletics, Firearms, Larceny, Drive, Athletics, Craft,
foster camaraderie and Stealth Technology, Science
competition amongst the The Cainite participants form Rival groups of Cainites steal cars
Sabbat, pitting them against two rival teams, the objective is and bring them to the chosen
one another in manners that simple: incapacitate or capture battleground at the specified time
are, at the very least unlikely, the entirety of the rival team and date. Pack members then set
to end in final death. before they do the same to you. the cars alight and drive them
Typically this game is played in a headlong at rivals, blazing along
Secondly, they serve as a way rough or bad part of the city, car parks, streets, or drainage
for Sabbat to demonstrate with one team given an hour or aqueducts. The intent of the
their superiority over others. so to secret themselves within the game is to force the other pack to
Sabbat may abuse and hunt: pre-arranged area. Given the abandon their vehicle. The pack
humans, Kindred, or even innate resilience of vampires, it is who leaves their burning car last
hardly surprising that bullets and is the winner.
Garou as part of these games
blades aplenty fly during these
proving their might and skill. games. The goal is not to kill the
other participants, thus the stake
Lastly, the Games of Instinct remains the weapon of choice for
offer the Sabbat a chance to most Cainites.
train and hone their skills. As
the games played by lion cubs
and other predators allow
them to prepare for a future as
predators, so too do the
Sabbat’s Games of Instinct let
them prepare themselves for
the true tests of battle against
the Sect’s enemies.

System: Games of instinct

provide a one die-bonus to the
pack or Cainite that wins the
game. The bonus applies on a
skill roll determined by the
game played; examples are
included alongside each game
and lasts until the end of the
story. Only one bonus may be
held at any one time.

Dogtagging Rat/Bat Race This is easier said than done

when one factor in the difficulty
Associated skills: Associated skills: of finding and accessing such a
Athletics, Brawl, Firearms, Melee, Awareness, Stealth, Survival, target. Then there is the difficulty
Stealth, Survival Melee, Brawl, Firearms of subduing the sorry-creature. A
failed victim of the mass-embrace
A game only played by the A human is sealed into a excavated from its dark earthen-
bravest, most powerful, or most labyrinth of some sort: a factory, prison swiftly frenzies, the
suicidal of packs, Dogtagging sewer system, or abandoned starving creature trying to destroy
involves hunting down a Lupine. office. The mortal is armed with the Sabbat that freed it. The
Typically, the pack will load up weapons that can harm a Sabbat then faces the most
on weapons, find a sturdy vehicle vampire, chainsaws, shotguns, dangerous part of this game,
and set off to cause chaos, etc. The participants in the game slaying the creature at close
hoping to draw the beast out. start at varying points in the maze quarters. Whilst not a mandatory
and all compete against one part of the game, the use of
When it emerges the pack will another to hunt down and kill the ranged weapons is typically
attempt to subdue it so they can hapless mortal. The first Cainite rejected to truly test the mettle of
tag its ear with a tag similar to who subdues and drains the the one completing the challenge.
that used on cows. The creature mortal is the victor. This is more
is then set loose whilst the pack easily said than done however
gets far away before the because participants are at liberty Duck Hunt
embarrassed creature returns with to do anything save kill their
Associated skills:
friends! Some packs take the fellow competitors.
Firearms, Awareness, Athletics
game a step further and having
captured the beast kill it to take Two popular versions of the Rat-
trophies of their victory, and to Race also exist, both known as A game completed in pairs,
rid themselves of an enemy that the Bat-Race. In the first version Cainite marksmen and spotters
might otherwise return later! of this game, the participants take a position at a fixed firing
draw straws and the loser is the point. Then a number of captives
prey for the game, though in such (typically mortals, but sometimes
instances it’s rarely to final death. vampires) are released and
In the latter variant another shepherded forwards across an
vampire is captured and brought expanse of ground. This ground
in to be the prey, and unlike in is usually littered with some
the first version are shown no modicum of cover for the prey to
such mercy. make things interesting, but those
driving the prey forwards
(colloquially called beaters) are
Rousing the Beast not allowed to deliberately put
themselves between the shooters
Associated skills:
and their prey.
Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Survival,
The shooters each have to shoot
This game takes the form of an and have their kills tallied by the
individual challenge performed spotter. Shooters and spotters
before onlookers. A Sabbat usually volunteer from the same
taking part in the game must find pack, with spotters then tallying
a failed shovelhead embrace kills for a shooter from a rival
(difficult to begin with as such pack to ensure fairness. The
embraces are usually only Cainite with the most confirmed
conducted during sieges or kills at the end wins.
crusades), excavate and then
subdue them.
Monomancy by a local Bishop (This referral of Monomancy they lose a dot of
duels up the chain of command status. (They will also be subject
repeats, theoretically all the way to social ostracisation, criticism
Amongst the Sabbat, civility and to the Regent, with disputes by superiors, and may even face
a quiet nature are not virtues between Bishops being referred investigation by the Black Hand
found in great abundance. to Archbishops and so on.) or Inquisition.)
Unsurprisingly for a sect of
warriors convinced they are the Victory in a Monomancy is However, if the challenged
ultimate predators there are often something that varies widely, as accepts the Monomancy, the
a great many differences of does the general etiquette challenger sets the time and
opinion and these matters often surrounding it. Not all location of the duel. The
risk turning violent extremely Monomancy duels are directly challenged then sets details such
quickly. combative affairs, other times as whether weapons and
taking the form of intellectual disciplines are permitted or not.
In most cases, these disputes are competitions popular amongst
settled with what civility (and the Lasombra or even tests of Regardless, a Monomancy duel is
occasionally force) the Sabbat one’s underlings, popular with entirely at the behest of the priest
involved care to muster. the Tzimisce and Ventrue officiating. They reserve the right
However, for more serious Antitriubu. to alter the conditions of the
affronts Sabbat make recourse to Monomancy as they see fit and
the ritae of Monomancy, ritual This said, a standard form of the duel, starts, ends or is aborted
combat officiated over by a pack- Monomancy becoming by their word. A Priest can even
priest. increasingly popular amongst the nullify a Monomancy
Sabbat, is a one-on-one duel retroactively, though such
Typically, Monomancy duels are fought within a 30-foot/10-meter retroactive corrections must be
only practised between ranking diameter circle. The time of the handled with care.
members of the Sabbat’s packs. Monomancy is fixed, taking place
Younger members are seen as at midnight on the evening of the
too hot-headed, too likely to first new moon following the
resort to ritual combat the first acceptance of the challenger’s
time their packmates piss them selection.
off. As such the rite of
Monomancy is conducted by a The participants will be offered
priest, who receives the challenge ceremonial weapons provided by
at the same time as the the arbitrator at the choosing of
challenged. The Priest then has a the challenged (they may choose
month to decide whether the unarmed). Further, unless
grievance in question warrants otherwise specified no disciplines
the Monomancy or not. If the may be activated prior to entering
Priest believes there is merit in the circle.
the demand for Monomancy,
then the challenged has the right The contest is then settled when
to refuse (though unless the either combatant renders their
challenger is so beneath their opponent torpid, or drives them
notice, there is no real choice). out of the circle.
If the dispute happens within a System: Once a Monomancy has
single pack, then only the Priest been approved by the necessary
of the pack needs to be arbitrator, the challenged must
consulted. However, during decline or accept the challenge.
disputes between packs, it is To decline a challenge, the
typical for one or both of the challenged should possess at least
pack-priests concerned to refer 2-dots greater status than the
the matter to a superior who is challenger. If this requirement is
willing to act as a neutral arbiter, not met, then should the
with the role typically being filled challenged decline the

Sermons of

Chronicle of Gain a die to resist any hostile influence

For the Sabbat Caine is the Caine that attempts to control you. (Including
ultimate exemplar of all vampires disciplines such as Dominate, Presence.)
can aspire to be. What’s more, his
word passed down through the Chronicle of Gain a die to any check relating to the
Shadows enactment, discussion or debate of
ages forms the core of their
Caine’s Laws. (Typical pools:
beliefs. The portents of Gehenna, Persuasion, Academics, Occult.)
the laws by which the Cainites
must live, and the prophecy they
Chronicle of Choose an enemy listed in the Chronicle
stand to avert, is all laid down in Secrets of Secrets (Lupines, Lilins, Servants of
Caine’s holy word. the Antediluvians). You gain an extra die
on brawl, firearms, melee, and discipline
As such, fervent Cainites of the rolls against your chosen enemy.
Sabbat often preach from the
Book of Nod and its associated Black Hand Reduce the difficulty of the frenzy
texts, sharing with their brothers Fragments caused by the torporing of a packmate
and sisters the wisdom of Caine. (Black Hand with whom you have performed the
Characters vaulderie as well as the number of stains
Only) suffered by 1, to a minimum of 0.
The Cainite leading the Sermon
chooses a Chronicle from the
Book of Nod and makes a
Charisma + Occult or Charisma
+ Performance roll, difficulty
equal to the number of Cainites
they wish to gain the benefits of
the ritae. On a success, the
Cainite’s involved in the ritual
receive one of the benefits
detailed below, dependent on the
selected chronicle, for the next
three nights.

The War Party The victor gains the effects of the rebuttal sufficient, then they may
diablerie as normal, all members demand either that the accused
The War Party is amongst the of the victorious pack gain a be granted the ‘mercy’ of the
most powerful of the Sabbat’s temporary dot of Status (Sabbat), Contrition Ritus, or be absolved
rites and confers Caine’s blessing that lasts until the conclusion of of the charges if found innocent.
upon Cainites that will hunt the next grand Sabbat ritual or
down and slay one of the sect’s until they are defeated in another If the Ducti or other Sabbat
enemies.Packs are called to gather War Party. (Most Priests will leaders find the rebuttal
at a set location by the Priest expect some form of a trophy in insufficient, then the accused has
overseeing the rite. Packs may order for this renown to be the final option of demanding a
choose to perform other ritae as confirmed.) Monomancy with their accuser. If
they wait such as the Vaulderie or A Priest can only cast the War a challenge is not given or the
the Fire Dance. Party on a number of Cainites accused does not appear in the
equal to three times their three nights given, then the Wild
When the rite begins, the Chief willpower. Hunt is called.
of the War Party (typically the
highest-ranked Priest present) The accusing Priest gathers those
offers the challenge. ‘Do you Sabbat to be involved and
come freely to war, and do you The Wild Hunt formally calls them to the Wild
take up this noble cause, never Hunt, which may be done in
resting until the blood of our Superficially the Wild Hunt is not conjunction with a War Party.
enemy is spilt?’ dissimilar to the Blood Hunt of
Each pack stands in column the Camarilla. It is called by a The packs then begin hunting
behind their leaders, with the Priest when a Sabbat turns down the traitor and once caught,
Ducti shouting an affirmative traitor, especially in cases where the offending Sabbat is staked
‘We do!’ the individual leaks information and brought before the one who
of a vital nature. The key called the Wild Hunt. Here their
The challenge accepted, the difference between the Wild crimes are recited by the Priest,
quarry is revealed, invariably an Hunt and the Camarilla’s tame and the pack then inflicts its
elder of a rival sect or other Blood Hunt, is that the former punishment upon the traitor. All
dangerous foe. The packs also involves the eradication of manner of torture may befall a
involved in the ritae will compete anyone, Cainite, kine, or traitor, but when they lie broken,
against one another for the prize, otherwise, that may have learned they are finally thrown still staked
yet direct violence is typically any of the sect’s secrets. upon a consecrated pyre to be
reserved for the target and burned. Recitations are made
anyone foolish enough to protect The gravity of the Wild Hunt from the Chronicle of Caine as
them. varies depending on the depth of the traitor burns, to remind the
Those consecrated for a War the treachery involved. Packs Sabbat of the importance of unity
Party stand to gain immense police their own ranks, but and loyalty.
prestige, not to mention the potentially even a Cardinal can be
benefits of diablerie if they are involved if acts are sufficiently System: Any participant in a
successful. However, they also heinous. Wild Hunt can ignore the first
risk great shame should they fail stain they receive as part of the
and more than one pack has Irrespective of scale, the Priest ritae. Additionally, the Sabbat
driven itself to final death calling for the Wild Hunt must who bring down a traitor and
attempting to bring down its publically announce the Bans of bring them before their brothers
quarry rather than face such the Hunt (a full list of charges and sisters gain a temporary dot
disgrace. against the accused) and a of status (Sabbat) until the story’s
location. The accused has three conclusion.
System: For the rest of the nights to face their accuser and
night on which this ritae is answer the charges. A Sabbat whose rebuttal results
performed, all under its effect in a Contrition ritus is dealt with
gain 2-bonus dice. These dice The rebuttal offered by the as fitting that ritual. A Sabbat
may be added to any roll called accused is considered by those branded a traitor by this Ritae,
for during the hunt. Once each Sabbat leaders present, typically however, loses all rank and status
die is used it is expended. the local Ducti. If they judge the

within the sect. Additionally, all The public location of the event before pouring the contents into
Vaulderie ties to them are and it’s occurring on a Halloween the Archbishop’s vessel.
instantly broken (though a night makes it all too easy to lure
traitor’s own ties to others remain in mortals looking for a good The Archbishop meanwhile,
intact). Nothing short of a time. performs ritae within the blood,
pardon by the Regent themselves the accounts of which vary from
can save them now. The main event of the evening, city to city, with many claiming
however, is the midnight re- that they bestow strange and
Until their final death or pardon, enactment of a great event from extraordinary powers for the
those branded traitors by this vampiric legend or history. night of the Palla Grande.
Ritae receive mystical marks Everything from the slaughter of
upon their flesh. The first of Abel by Caine to dramatic After the Blood Bath, all the
these appears when the ritae is interpretations of the signs and Sabbat present begin a frantic
invoked and another appears portents of Gehenna have graced dance of undeath. Music bellows
after the three days to answer the the stage of the Palla Grande. deafeningly loud, Sabbat drink
sentence has elapsed. These The performance is organised, from the Archbishop’s vessel, the
marks usually appear on the acted and performed by Cainites, bound vessels and any unlucky
forehead, nape of the neck, or but events depicting sacrifice mortals still alive at the
one of the victims’ hands. The often encourage audience proceedings! This frenzied
marks are always the same ‘participation’. bacchanal continues until the
however, ever-bleeding scares in morning with many present
the form of the Sabbat Ankh. frenzying during the decadent
Once the evening’s revels
The Palla Grande
conclude, the Sabbat ghouls take
Of the Auctoritas Ritae, the Palla care of the clean-up. Loose-ends
Grande is most definitively the are dealt with efficiently and
highlight of the Sabbat’s ritual mercilessly. Unfortunates who
calendar. saw or learned too much are
variously afflicted by dominate,
The Grand Ball takes place on All embraced or simply killed as
Hallows Eve, and all Sabbat are circumstances dictate.
expected to attend. Coven packs
typically oversee the majority of System: In addition to the
the organisation, but Nomadic benefits of the Blood Bath and
packs almost universally make the Blood Feast all Cainites present
effort to be in a city where completely replenish their
celebrations will take place. willpower, healing any superficial
or aggravated willpower damage.
The details of the affair itself vary
widely, everything from macabre Following the final act of the
masquerade balls to rave-like play, all Sabbat present retire to
affairs. the Blood Feast for a special
version of the Blood Bath.
Ranking members of the Sabbat
will often compete with one The Archbishop of the city sits in
another to have the most a specially prepared vessel
elaborate costumes. Busy are beneath the victims of the Blood
Tzimisce skilled in Fleshcrafting Feast. The vitae is allowed to
when Palla Grande draws near! flow freely over the Archbishop
to represent the powers and
Hidden away from the more vitality of the Sabbat. Each
public debauchery, the Sabbat vampire present then adds some
also consecrates a Blood Feast at of their blood to a chalice
the Palla Grande. The public consecrated for a vaulderie,
The Festivo dello Estinto In the background, the Bishops
and Archbishops whip the
The ‘Festival of the Dead’ occurs strange revels to higher and
during the entire second week of higher peaks. They drive their
March. All Sabbat in a city take charges to revel in ever-greater
part, and nomadic packs make sadistic debauchery to truly revel
their way to Sabbat strongholds in the majesty of the Cainite
in order to partake of the condition. The Sabbat spends an
festivities. entire week on these revels,
socialising and gorging on vitae.
The Festivo dello Estinto opens
once the highest-ranking priest in Rivalries and Monomancies are
town declares it underway. For put aside, and the Sabbat Loyalist
this week, very little is taboo, and and Ultraconservative alike unite
as much happens behind closed in a show of solidarity, to bring
doors as amid the festival’s Hell unto the Earth.
events proper.
System: In addition to the
The entire festival is designed as a benefits of the Blood Feast, all
celebration of all it means to be a Cainites present completely
vampire, to laugh in the face of replenish their willpower, healing
death by celebrating Caine given any superficial or aggravated
immortality. The celebration willpower damage.
culminates in a Blood Feast of
epic proportions, and nightly
vaulderies are held amongst and
between packs.

The specifics of the festival,

however, vary massively from city
to city, and from pack to pack.
Some packs engage in
scarification; others dance
macabre waltzes around bonfires
with disinterred corpses for
partners; whilst others re-enact
passages from the Book of Nod.
The High
Some Sabbat Priests argue that
the number of Auctoritas Ritae
could be reduced by combining
the various High Holidays under
a single ritae. Yet others argue
that other ritual days amongst the
Sabbat are worthy of elevation.
For the time being, the rites are
unchanged, but many Priests
already council the marking of
additional high holidays.

Palla Grande The Sacrificial Revel

The largest and most revered of The Sacrificial Revel, traditionally
the High Holidays, the Palla held in February, is a sombre
Grande occurs on All Hallows holiday. The Sabbat celebrates
Eve. It is a time to re-enact their freedom, telling tales of
passages of the Book of Nod, sacrifices made for the Sect in the
and to scheme. The event is a previous year, and remembering
dark masquerade ball with those who died for the cause
politics throughout. The event down the centuries.
also oft plays host to the Sect’s
yearly Ecumenical Council. Amongst the most pious Sabbat,
discussions are held, and with
System: See ‘The Palla Grande’ due sanction, certain members of
the sect may be raised to a state
The Festivo dello Estinto akin to Martyrdom, their
paraphernalia and even pieces of
The ‘Festival of the Dead’ occurs their bodies gathered into
during the second week of reliquaries.
March. The mass revel is a
Bacchanalian celebration of the System: Any Sabbat who
vampiric condition. A grand partakes in these remembrances
unifier for the Sabbat, as Loyalist reduces the difficulty of frenzy
and Ultraconservative alike, unite caused by the torporing of a
for the celebrations. packmate by one for the next
System: See the ‘Festivo dello
The Eides of Caine
Walpurgisnacht The central theme of this High
Holiday is that of the murder of
This festival occurs on the 30th Abel, and Caine’s exile from
of April, exactly half a year after Eden. Celebrated in late August,
the Palla Grande. Walpurgisnacht during the time of the first
is a celebration of the Sabbat’s harvests, it is celebrated with the
founding. They tell tales of unveiling of works of dark
Silchester and the First Anarch beauty.
Revolt and give praise to the
Anarchs who never knelt. Many Sculptures, compositions, plays,
childer are ritualistically embraced fleshcrafted masterpieces and
during these celebrations, and it orations are all dedicated in
is seen as an auspicious sign to Caine’s honour.
have been embraced on the 30th
April. System: Those who contribute
an artwork to the celebrations
System: Any Sabbat who takes stand to gain favour with other
part in the celebrations gains 1- members of the Sabbat.
die to any check that involves Contributors receive one-dot of
resisting authority, for the next temporary resources representing
month inspired by the tales of the the rewards received from their
First Anarch revolt. fellow Sabbat.
Additionally, any childer
embraced on the 30th April
receives one dot of status, that
lasts for a week or until they
displease their superiors.

Allegiance Ritus some Sabbat have noted that the weapons needed for an attack
Acceptance Ritus has come to might be expected to secure
Before the acceptance Ritus
influence the ties forged by their replacements, or to replenish a
occurs, a vampire already
Vaulderies. pack’s funds from any personal
embraced but not yet Sabbat
resources they possess.
must go through the Allegiance
System: The Vaulderie only
Ritus. This ritus may go on for
creates convictions and However, matters are
years before the recruit is granted
touchstones for those who complicated by the participation
the Acceptance Ritae. It is
partook in shared Creation Rites of the aggrieved’s priest who sets
especially important for defectors
or who underwent an Acceptance a complication for the task. ‘You
of other sects, and they suffer
Ritus. may only do so with a pistol’, or
some of the longest and most
‘… which must be retrieved from
grueling Allegiance Ritae.
the local Anarch Baron’ and
other similar stipulations are not
System: Those undergoing the Contrition Ritus uncommon. Task set, the
rite are variously branded,
penitent has the right to request
scarred, or tattooed through the The Contrition Ritus is essential the assistance of one other
use of Vicissitude to remind them amongst the Sabbat. Even the Sabbat, a second, typically from
of their place. most dedicated of Sabbat their own pack.
In addition those undergoing this stumble, and the Ritus acts like a
ritus must stand behind their Catholic confession, allowing System: If the Cainite completes
packmates during Auctoritas them to confess their sins and the task set by the Priests, and
ritae; must drink last in the receive penance. Of the Ignoblis receives no support save for that
Vaulderie and may not contribute Ritae many count the Contrition of their second, then they are
blood to it; and may not read or Ritus as the most important as forgiven their transgression.
discuss passages from the Book Pack Priests, Ducti and even Vengeance, further argument or
of Nod aloud. agents of the Black Hand and persecution are not tolerated
Sabbat Inquisition offer (though not unheard of).
contrition or death to wayward If the penitent receives the aid of
Acceptance Ritus Sabbat. a Sabbat who is not their second,
Utilised to bring new members does not adhere to the strictures
Were it not for the objections of of the task, or simply fails to
into a pre-existing pack or when the Ultra-Conservatives it is
changes are made to pack complete it before three nights
possible that it would’ve been pass, both Priests are mystically
leadership, the Acceptance Ritus elevated to the status of an
is sometimes earned quickly and made aware by this Ritus.
Auctoritas Ritae. The penitent is stripped of all
other-times can take years. Each
member of the pack must status, rank or respect. They
The penitent need not issue a cannot gain dots in Status from
recognise the new member in a formal apology to the aggrieved,
personal manner: a gift or sharing any source nor the benefits of
but they must state what action any title for six months.
blood are both accepted and they will atone for. This
common tributes. The Sabbat statement is made before their
being accepted then makes a pack priest, the aggrieved and
formal oath of allegiance to each their pack priest, in a public place
pre-existing pack member. determined in advance.

The function of the Acceptance The intent to atone made clear,

Ritae is mostly social and less-so the penitent’s pack-priest will
supernatural. A Sabbat may have then set them a task. The task
long ago earned their Creation must be one that can be
Rites but be denied acceptance completed in three nights, but the
for some perceived failing. tasks vary widely, depending on
However, in the modern nights the offence. A Sabbat that lost
Stealth Ritus Sun Dance System: If the two Sabbat
performing this rite together are
A combination of mysticism and The Sun Dance is a test of a
packmates who share vinculum
practical preparation, the Stealth Cainite’s stamina and bravery.
ties they can roll their vinculum
Ritus is used to secure good The participants dance in a
tie. If either Sabbat rolls a crit,
fortune in operations requiring hypnotic dance around a
then each participant can roll two
subtlety. Participants tear out symbolic depiction of a blazing
dice on their rouse check when
each other's tongues, casting sun from sunset to sunrise
they next awaken, choosing the
them into a fire. A pack’s Ductus without pause until they collapse
result of either die.
and Priest typically bow out so exhausted in blood-drenched
they can issue orders, but some sweat.
packs especially those of the
Black Hand have developed Cainites are expected to dress for
Tests of Pain
elaborate hand signals to allow the occasion, commonly wearing Sabbat priests formulate all
them to coordinate without frightening masks and red body manner of gruelling tests to see
speech. paint is common. The test of how strong their packmate’s
stamina complete, the second spirits are. Examples of this Ritus
System: Until members of the part of the ritual begins wherein include:
pack choose to heal they are the collapsed participants see
unable to speak or to call out in who can remain in the open the The Indian Stick:
pain. In addition, the leader of longest before the sun rises. The Cainite is staked through the
the ritae (typically the pack priest) chest and bodily suspended by
rolls dexterity+stealth, on a System: Those participating in the stake at dusk. The Cainite
critical all members of the pack the Sun Dance must roll a must remain there as long as
who tore out their tongues performance + stamina check to possible before begging to be
receive an additional die on see who can last the longest in removed. (Some truly sadistic
stealth checks provided they the dance. To remain out in the packs have been known to
don’t regrow their missing sun requires a willpower roll. remove those who fail this ritus
tongues. Settle any ties with further by tearing them bodily from the
willpower contests until only a stake instead of removing it.)
single Cainite remains.
Ritus of Thanksgiving The Trial by Fire: Involves the
The Cainite who managed to Pack Priest singeing (and
This ritae is less of a conventional dance the longest gains a branding) the Cainite about the
thanksgiving and more of a temporary dot of stamina (and body with a sacred implement.
boasting match. Members of the health) for the next night.
Pack or Esbat partaking in the The Cainite who managed to stay The Gauntlet: Involves the
ritae take it in turns to tell of their out the closest to the dawn gains Cainite in-question running
exploits. ‘I thank Caine for his a temporary dot of Status between two lines of their
favour when I…’ is a typical (Sabbat) that lasts until the next fellows, who strike, stab, and
opening. When all the Sabbat Ritae is performed. shoot at them as they attempt to
have spoken they decide on pass between the two lines.
whose story was the most
impressive. Spilling of Blood System: The dice involved in the
ritus should vary based on the
System: Roll either a charisma (if When two or more Sabbat feed form the test takes.
being truthful) or manipulation if together, they sometimes However, should a Sabbat pass a
(exaggerating) + performance recognize the sharing of their test of pain to the Priest’s
roll. The participant with the blood meal. The two Sabbat satisfaction they gain an extra
greatest successes earns a 1-dot recite a grace over their prey. temporary point of health for 3
contact representing another nights.
participant that will answer their ‘Hot blood that spurted from
call once before expiring.
Abel at his time of death, sustain
us for the will of the Sabbat.’
System: Should two packs shame amongst the Sabbat and
The Asp’s Blessing unknown to each other come often leads to no small amount of
Used only by those most into contact without this Ritae, it mockery, ostracization, and
suspicious of Sabbat, the Asp’s is possible that conflict may ridicule from one’s pack and
Blessing is used to discern favour erupt. Sabbat Cainites are not possibly the wider Sabbat should
and truth amongst the Sabbat. As ones to take trespass lightly and word spread.
the Sabbat likens itself on paranoia induced by unremitting
occasion to a great serpent, so war makes them suspicious of System: Those who swear
too does Caine occasionally bless strangers. Binding Oaths must proclaim a
serpents with the clarity of his specific feat or action they will
judgement. The Priest takes a undertake during the pack’s next
snake, typically poisonous, and Farewell Rites mission or undertaking.
holds it before the pack asking
Invoked when a pack leaves the (Examples may include being the
for Caine to observe the gathered
city, or when a pack member first to kill an enemy, not to
Cainites. The Priest then kisses
must leave the pack for an retreat until the objective is
the snake and holds it out to each
extended period of time. completed regardless of the odds,
of those gathered, who likewise,
Typically, a leader will lead the etc.)
must kiss the serpent.
ritus and praise the one(s) who
are leaving, lament the loss of Those who swear an oath then
System: Those who are bitten by
their contributions, and give pick a skill in which they have at
the Serpent are believed to have
blessing to their mission and least one dot.
earned Caine’s displeasure.
Amongst truly superstitious
Sabbat this may amount to a dot For the duration of the pack’s
System: For a member of a pack next undertaking, they gain a
of infamy or possibly an
to not receive these rites is bonus die on using the chosen
something of a personal snub skill provided it ties to fulfilling
against the individual. It their oath. (For this reason,
However, should the snake not
demonstrates a Ductus' storyteller’s should make sure
bite a Sabbat,, it is seen as a sign
displeasure either with the that Oaths are specific and not
of Caine’s faith in the individual
individual or with their intent to universally applicable.)
and few, at least amongst the
superstitious, are likely to
question their loyalty. After the undertaking is
completed, any member of the
Martial Ritus pack who failed to uphold their
Boast/Oath suffers a point of
Members of a Sabbat Pack chant superficial willpower damage.
Welcoming Rites a common mantra related to their
upcoming conflict. Once
Used to greet other Sabbat, new whipped into a frenzy, Sabbat
to a city or territory, this ritus is take it in turn, to dedicate
something of a party with all themselves to completing certain
participants expected to bring tasks or feats during an upcoming
something to the gathering. How mission or activity. This could
the details of the party are take many forms, from the
arranged vary from pack to pack. solemn swearing of oaths knelt
Typically a go-between is found before the rest of the pack to
or the matter is referred to wild boasts made around a
Sabbat superiors who will roaring fire.
propose an intermediary. At the
start of the event, all members of These statements commit Sabbat
the respective packs greet one to strive all the harder in pursuit
another individually, after which of their cause, striving to achieve
gifts are exchanged typically feats normally beyond them.
between Ducti on behalf of their Failure to uphold one’s boast or
packs. oath is seen as a major source of
Character Creation
What was your character’s name in life? What did they Choose two of your clan Disciplines. Put two dots in
do? Where and when were they Embraced? What is their one and one dot in the other. For Caitiff characters,
name now? Where are they now? Write your character’s choose any two Disciplines. Put two dots in one and
name on the Relationship Map. one dot in the other.
Thin-blood characters have no intrinsic Disciplines.
Pick your clan. Write your character’s sire on the At storyteller discretion, a character can exchange 2
Relationship Map along with relevant sect SPCs. dots of their starting advantages for a single dot in any
of their in-clan disciplines, or 3 dots for out of clan
For Sabbat PCs, you can choose to play the antitribu of
any of the corebook's clans or bloodlines listed in Clans
and Bloodlines (Page XX).
This may not bring them above 3 dots in the given in-
clan disciplines or possessing more than 2 dots of any
ATTRIBUTES out-of-clan disciplines.
Take one Attribute at 4; three Attributes at 3; four
Attributes at 2; one Attribute at 1.
Health = Stamina + 3; Willpower = Composure + Resolve.
Pick your Predator type (p. Corebook 175) and apply it:
Pick one Skill distribution. Add one of the listed specialties.
Add one dot to a listed Discipline
JACK OF ALL TRADES: One Skill at 3; eight Skills at
Apply any associated Advantages and Flaws.
2; ten Skills at 1
BALANCED: Three Skills at 3; ve Skills at 2; seven OR
Skills at 1
Construct your own predator type. (See pages XX)
SPECIALIST: One Skill at 4; three Skills at 3; three
Skills at 2; three Skills at 1
Spend 7 points on Advantages, and take 2 points of
Flaws in addition to the ones gained from your
Predator type. Thin-blood characters must take
between one and three Thin-Blood Merits and the
same number of Thin-Blood Flaws.

Add any new supporting cast from Advantages and

Flaws to the Relationship Map
Aspiring Sabbat Priests might be interested in the Ritae
background or Sabbat Priest loresheet.


While edgling vampires and unproven shovelheads are
encouraged to retain their human touchstones and
convictions, as outlined on pages 172-173 of the
Corebook, established Sabbat can use the Vaulderie
rules on page XX to establish their Packmates as
HUMANITY, PATHS AND BLOOD POTENCY You might follow the same blood potency and
generation rules as outlined in SEA OF TIME in the
Set your humanity to 7 or choose a path and set it to 6.
character creation sections of the corebook.
At Storyteller discretion a character can reduce their
starting humanity/path rating by up to three in order Once you and your player group have collected xp, you
to gain up to three dots of blood potency on a one- may also utilise the xp costs table outlined in the
to-one basis. If this would cause the Cainite to corebook to gain more disciplines, merits, and increase
exceed the generational maximum, then decrement your humanity ( or path ) rating.
the generation by the minimum amount necessary to * See following chapter for reasoning and Story Teller
allow for the potency reached. advice regarding character creation changes *
CHARACTER discipline at ST discretion. This may BLOOD IS UNLIFE
CREATION not allow them to possess more than
2-dots of out of clan disciplines at Instead of taking a standard predator
CHANGES the end of character creation. type, any character can choose to
construct their own using the
Likewise, a character with access to systems below.
Found below are some alterations a either Oblivion Ceremonies or
Storyteller can consider including in 1. Gain a speciality in one skill
Blood Sorcery Rituals may sacrifice
order to allow for the creation of relevant to how the Cainite hunts.
up to two dots to take an additional
characters more in keeping with the ceremony or ritual, one for one. E.g.
Sabbat themes, ideals, and style of This might range from appropriate
sacrificing one dot of advantages
play. The options are intended to be social attitudes to specialist skills
buys one 1st level ceremony or ritual,
used either together or in part, and relating to more overt: tracking,
sacrificing two dots buys either two
the use of any of them is entirely at hunting, and attacking of prey.
1st level rituals or ceremonies, or
the discretion of the storyteller. one 2nd level ritual or ceremony. 2. Gain a dot of any discipline
relevant to how the Cainite hunts.
At Storyteller discretion a character Players are highly encouraged to (Common reference for this should
can reduce their starting humanity/ consider how they gained any be the resonance likely to be found
path rating by up to three in order to discipline granted through the above. with expected prey. E.g. Oblivion
gain up to three dots of blood What caused them to fixate on their might arise from a predator type that
potency on a one-to-one basis. If particular powers? focuses on hunting psychopaths; one
this would cause the Cainite to that targets the dying might produce
exceed the generational maximum, For those who have either learned Melancholic resonances and thus
then decrement the generation by disciplines outside of their clan, or Obfuscate.) If the character wishes
the minimum amount necessary to Blood Sorcery Rituals or Oblivion to select Oblivion, Blood Sorcery, or
allow for the potency reached. Ceremonies, who taught them these Protean this selection may not allow
things, why, and when? Considering them to possess more than two dots
the origin of these powers can add in any of these disciplines at the end
of character creation unless it is in-
NOTE all manner of interesting stories,
instead of simply allowing players to
Given the nature of this option it is cram more discipline dots onto a
possible for the canny player to sheet. 3. Choose associated advantages
exploit it. Storytellers are highly and flaws.
encouraged to review the characters
created by players using this option. The total advantages cannot number
Starting on low humanity with high more than three and disadvantages
blood-potency and then converting MORTAL NO MORE equal to one fewer dots than the
to a path, could either prove an advantages chosen must also be
If starting a chronicle with characters taken.
interesting story; or simply a way to
who are established members of the
eke out as much power as possible.
Sabbat, players may wish for their Alternatively, a point of Humanity or
Ultimately it all comes down to the
characters to start on a Path of Path Rating can be sacrificed to gain
Players and the Storyteller to
Enlightenment. 2 dots of advantages without having
determine what is appropriate for
To do this, select a Path of to take other flaws. Inversely a dot
their game.
Enlightenment and set the Path of Humanity or Path Rating can be
Rating of the character to 6, as well gained by taking 3-dots worth of
as applying all associated effects. flaws.
At storyteller discretion, a character
can exchange 2 dots of their starting
advantages for a single dot in any of
their in-clan disciplines (For Caitiff,
count the disciplines selected in
character creation as their in-clan
disciplines for this purpose). This
may not bring them above 3 dots in
the given discipline.

Alternatively, they may exchange 3

dots of their starting advantages for a
single dot in any out of clan

‘Stop your pathetic mewling person in life, and the embrace has they might just slaughter for failing
not changed that one bit. They to meet their standard. The Director
darling! I’ve barely even pursue every urge, indulge every will create perfection all around
begun my work…’ whim - to hell with the them, or they will stand alone.
consequences. The undead state is
liberation, license to the Helion to
Who are the indulge all manner of new sensations
for eternity.
Auspex, Celerity, Presence



Toreador Antitribu are renowned for

For the Dark Artiste, they never their cruelty. Whilst their mainline
Antitribu? understood why no one else got their
message. No one ever seemed to
clanmates might struggle to focus in the
face of the vile and base, Toreador

understand the true beauty in it all. Antitribu find they lack that same focus
Blood, viscera, and death are when offered a chance for cruelty.
he Toreador Antitribu share shocking, but anyone has the
much in common with their mainline capacity to kill. They make art freely, Whenever a Toreador Antitribu is
brethren. However, whilst their drawing dread from their work, presented with a chance to indulge in
erstwhile clanmates find their artistry evoke horror and terror from the cruelty but fails to do so, they suffer a
bound by the limits of their morality, understanding of the futility of life. If penalty to all Discipline dice-pools equal
the Toreador Antitribu have no such others about them fail to understand to their Bane Severity.
limits. that, then they’ll just have to return
to their studio and try again. COMPULSION: OBSESSIONS
Beauty in torture, melody in See Toreador Clan Compulsion (Page
screaming, and elegance in splatters THE DIRECTOR
210 V5 Core Rulebook).
of blood are common fascinations of Their magnum opus is borne from
the Toreador Antitribu. the Vaulderie. All those they are
bound to are their master-piece, their
Toreador offerings on the altar of Caine. They
shape, twist, and change all those
Archetypes around them, bettering them to
please the Dark Father.
HELION One packmate they might push
For the Helion everything is just towards a Tzimisce master for
another excuse to indulge. They were enhancement, another they might
a rebellious and self-destructive find a mentor for, and yet a third
Salubri s
ar r i o r

F u r i e s


i o r s
a r r
‘Let the Usurpers believe combines their skill for war, their
they’ve won this war, unyielding focus and unshakable
there will be vengeance faith to make for a potent warrior.
for the blood of Saulot
yet.’ Whether due to true-belief, or merely
a hope of restoring their clan
through the grace of Caine they will
Who are the do whatever is demanded of them.

In the modern nights the Salubri
Antitribu thrive in comparison to

Antitrubu? their mainstream Healer cousins. The

Healers skulk and hide, rarely
embracing, dreading the night they

are found by the Camarilla, Tremere,
or worse. For the Restorer, this sad
hilst the mainstream Salubri state of affairs could end if the
are a clan in decline. The Salubri Healers would only join their
Antribu, headed by the Ancillae Warrior brothers and sisters once
Adonai, have seen a powerful again.
They follow rumours of Healers
Militant and violent in the extreme, unceasingly, and preach of unity and
the Salubri Antitribu are a mockery restoration as surely as any
of their healer clanmates, and any Archbishop.
similarity with knightly warriors of
yore has long since died. DISCIPLINES

Dedicated first and foremost to the Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude

destruction of the Camarilla, and the BANE: WARRIOR BORN
Tremere, the Salubri Antitribu are
The Salubri Antitribu are proud
able and ruthless warriors all.
warriors all, and find it beneath them
to drink from those they haven’t
Salubri personally bested in combat.

Archetypes In order to feed from a vessel, a

Salubri Antitribu must have bested it
in combat. To feed from any other
source (including blood bags)
It is said the Salubri Antitribu are the requires the expenditure of
last surviving remnants of the Willpower equal to Bane Severity.
ancient Salubri Warrior Caste.
Additionally all Salubri Antitribu are
The Knight Reborn may be one of still marked by the third-eye of their
these venerable warriors, but more clan founder. The third-eye bleeds
likely they were embraced and swiftly whenever a discipline is used, the
indoctrinated by one. Ruthless and amount of blood lost commensurate
efficient the Knight Reborn revels in to the level of the power being used.
combat and war, and if they fight
against the Usurpers then all the COMPULSION: WRATHFUL
better. The need for destruction and martial
victory fills the vampire. The vampire
immediately seeks to engage somebody
The Salubri Antitribu are still in single-combat of some form,
relatively few in number, yet no small suffering a 2-die penalty to any other
number stand within this secretive action. The compulsion ends when they
sub-sect. The Black Hand operative either win or lose the single-combat.
‘With the passing of strange
aeons, even death may die
Tremere they’ll take the knowledge they want,
and to hell with anyone who gets in
my friend and these are Archetypes their way! The tower will fall and
there’s nothing their masters can do
strange times indeed.’
to stop them!
The survivor was always suspicious
Who are the of authority, and after their embrace
they ran with anyone who wouldn’t
control them. When the call came
Auspex, Blood Sorcery, Dominate

Tremere for the Tremere Antitribu to gather

in Mexico they refused. That’s how
they learned of what happened to

The Tremere Antitribu suffer the same

Antitribu? their clan. Bane as their mainstream
contemporaries (Page. 97 V5 Core
Perhaps they’ve been in hiding since, Rulebook). They are however, able to

T o hear most Cainites tell it, the

majority, if not all the Tremere
perhaps they were the rare oddity
around the flickering fires.
Regardless, they now step into the
spotlight eager to reclaim a place for
contribute to the Vaulderie the magic of
the ritual partially usurping the clan’s
Antitribu died in Mexico during a themselves in a Sabbat broken by Additionally, Tremere Antitribu who
grand purge in 1998. But, as the war. have partaken of the Vaulderie are
Sabbat fell or headed to the fronts of marked with the Betrayers Sigil,
the Gehenna crusade whispers began
branding them as traitors to the main
to emerge of a bloodline re- clan. It takes the form of a red T above
ascendant. For the Iconoclast, nothing matters the forehead only visible through
more than bringing the Pyramid to Auspex or other forms of mystical sight.
The House of Goratrix, those few an end once and for all. Held in
Tremere who’d sided with the servitude by blood-bonds,
Sabbat, now finds itself bolstered COMPULSION
Dominate,Thaumaturgy or a
with new recruits fleeing the combination of all three, they were See Tremere Clan Compulsion (Page
shattered Tremere Pyramid. After forced to bow and scrape to those 210 V5 Core Rulebook).
centuries of slavery, many Tremere stood upon them. Worse, they were
are eager for a fight. Not all in the forced to beg for every scrap of
Sabbat accept them, but the Tremere knowledge from their masters. Now
that have been drawn to the Sabbat’s
cause care little.
‘Let the Church of Rome think both. When they fell in with a symbols as a result of the Christian
they’ve ended us. We remember, strange crowd trying to understand persecution that decimated the
our lands remember and we will the truth of the world, they thought bloodline and their herds in their
nothing of the blood-letting and early days.
teach them the error of their ways.’
strange midnight chants. The
embrace changed all that, they Telyavs reduce any pool to resist true
Who are the learned the truth of the rites, the
evils beyond the veil. Now they seek
faith by an amount equal to their
bane severity. Additionally, all

to bring enlightenment and magic to Telyavs suffer from the folkloric
their brothers and sisters, all so they block holy symbols and the folkloric
might hold back the howling dark bane holy symbols.

Tremere? one more night.

Additionally, unlike the mainstream
Tremere Antitribu, the Telyavelic

A n offshoot of the more well-

known Tremere, the Telyavs settled
Some apostates lose their faith
quietly, they stop attending church
and that is the end of it. For the
Scourge, nothing could be further
Tremere don’t bear the Betrayers
Sigil (though many fake the mark to
avoid persecution within the Sabbat).
in Lithuania during the middle ages. COMPULSION
There the Telyavs developed strong from the truth. Suffering their family
connections to the local druidic and and community persecuting and See Tremere Clan Compulsion (Page
pagan practices that came to shunning them, this all came to a 210 V5 Core Rulebook).
influence their practice of head when this mysterious stranger
Thaumaturgy. arrived.

When their lands were eventually The stranger spoke of others hunted
destroyed by Christian Crusaders, by the faithful, offering tales of
some Telyavs joined the Sabbat in another community that would
order to survive. When the Tremere accept the Scourge into their
Antitribu were eventually destroyed embrace. The scourge took their
in 1998, many of the Sabbat’s offered hand and has never looked
surviving Tremere Antitribu were back. Their new community and
revealed to be hidden Telyavs. power provides them all they need,
and they’ll teach the cowering flock a
lesson for all the pain they caused
Archetypes Auspex, Presence, Thaumaturgy


The Neo-Pagan always had a strong The Telyavelic Tremere suffer an

connection to the wilds and outsiders extreme aversion to mortal holy
a n g r e l
‘Let them think they are embraced. The process broke down
safe in their skyscrapers City Gangrel their last few barriers. If they were
and high-rises. we’ll
slaughter them in the
Archetypes going to be persecuted, so be it. They
resolved to become the monster
their community always made them
urban jungle just the GUERILLA out to be.
The Guerilla is no stranger to
combat. A veteran of one of many HEADHUNTER

Who are the wars, chewed up and forgotten by

society, they can’t help but see the
An adrenaline junkie in life, the
Headhunter sought thrills wherever
they could find them. Extreme
City Gangrel?
world through the lens of battle.
People are merely targets, vehicles a sports helped, but hunting was the
means of moving material, buildings sport they always returned to.

just another location to be captured.
The embrace didn’t change this, it
The Gangrel are a Before their embrace this warped merely let them indulge all the more.
tenacious clan, always able to adapt perspective left them a pariah, but The Headhunter relishes nothing
to survive, hunt, and thrive. It is no now, as part of the Sabbat, they more than a challenge The tracking
surprise then, that the Greek finally belong. Their pack appreciates stalking and waiting before each kill
Gangrel, a line that existed before their skills, covers them when they only builds anticipation. Then, in the
the Dark Ages, has been able to need it, and when battle ends perfect sublime moment they are
adapt itself to the modern nights. another begins. For the Guerilla released. Monstrous but useful, the
there is only an eternity of blood and Headhunter indulges their dark
The City Gangrel of today are not battle, and they’d have it no other urges, whilst their commanders pick
entirely dissimilar to their Country way. another target.
Gangrel cousins. They still hunt and
stalk the prey prevalent in their THE FOLK MONSTER DISCIPLINES
territory. But where their wilder Asocial and ostracised even in life, Celerity, Obfuscate, Protean
cousins eschew disguises and the the Folk-Monster was drawn to the
manners of mortals, most City strange and peculiar as a way to BANE: WILD VISAGE
Gangrel master these things just to escape the harsh realities of their See Gangrel Clan Bane (Page 73 V5
get close enough to strike. mundane life. They tried to ignore Core Rulebook).
the endless judgement of those
Of course, a rare few are still truly around them, but when they finally
bestial, and these horrors of the COMPULSION
snapped they knew no amount of
urban jungle are more than the equal fantasy would save them. See Gangrel Clan Compulsion (Page 210
of their wild relatives. It was only by chance that they were V5 Core Rulebook)
‘Very well, I will tell you what you want to know if that is what it
will take you to leave. But if you think you can force the issue I will
swiftly teach you the error of your ways.’

Who are the CURIO-KEEPER

In life the Curio-Keeper simply sold
whatever they found from their
Kiyasid? humble shop. Buying old books,
decorations, odds-and-ends let them
make ends meet whilst indulging

T he Kiasyd are a bloodline with

a murky origin. Most accept that the
their wonder and love of old culture.
In unlife little has changed, Sabbat,
Camarilla, and others besides, come
seeking their goods and they do their
Kiasyd are a bloodline of the
Lasombra, though few could best to provide, for a price.
speculate what change caused their
blood to differentiate so radically. DISCIPLINES
The few who have delved into their Dominate, Oblivion, Auspex
origins suggest the involvement of
the Fae, but few in the Sword of
Caine are willing to countenance
these theories. The strange appearance of the
Kiasyd means that they suffer from
Whether the Kiasyd care about these the effects of the ugly flaw when
speculations they don’t say. Whilst interacting with most mortals.
nominally members of the Sabbat,
most Kiasyd are more interested in Additionally, their Wyrdling blood,
their studies and the hoarding of means that they have an allergy to
esoterica. cold-iron. A Kiasyd must make an
Intelligence + Resolve test difficulty
2 + Bane Severity to touch cold-iron.
Kiyasid Additionally, if a Kiasyd is attacked
with an iron weapon they take
Archetypes aggravated damage.


The Homeland Scholar was always The Fae influence upon the Kiasyd
proud. Proud of their culture, of comes to the fore. He finds himself
their people, of their belonging. They driven to pull off some trickery or
researched and learned all they could, deception against those around him in
strove to preserve the old ways and order to aggrandise or elevate himself.
to share them even from a young He shows little interest in anything else
age. Never in their wildest dreams until he has.
did they imagine their passion and
research would draw the attention of The Kiasyd suffers a -2 penalty on dice
a living myth. pools not in service to performing a
trick on another, that results in some
In unlife they continue their form of gain. The victory must be
unceasing search, free of trifling genuine (a friend cannot pretend to be
mortal considerations, they search duped), but the gain could be anything
for all the knowledge they ever- from a true-treasure, to an interesting
wished and preserve the old ways as fact or maybe an item with sentimental
unceasingly as they did in life. value.


What precisely counts as Cold Iron is hotly contested. Some suggest that it
might refer to steel (derived from ‘coaled iron’) or possibly iron found in
bogs or even in meteorites.

What exactly constitutes Cold Iron in your game is down to you and your
gaming group. However, it is best to define this in advance and agree on a
common definition to avoid ambiguity in play.
‘Call me slave again
and I will show you the

strength that has made Archetypes The first Gargoyles were the results
of Tremere Thaumaturgy, which
pyramids and towers
twisted the bodies and wiped the
minds of captured Tzimisce,
You once lived a mortal life, died Gangrel, and Nosferatu, turning
Who are the and had almost been proud enough
to say you have come to terms with
your undead state. Then it was all
them into warrior servants.

The creation of Gargoyles in this

Gargoyles? wiped away. Maybe you angered the
wrong Blood Sorcerer, simply
neglected their interests, or maybe it
manner is forbidden within the
Camarilla by the Montmarte Pact.

Though rumours of the ritual still
was just truly abysmal luck that has being enacted within remote
brought you to where you are now. Chantries are not uncommon.
relic of past conflicts, the Regardless of how it came to be, you
Gargoyles were first created by the found yourself dragged back to their
nascent Tremere to protect their More commonly in the modern-
blood-spattered laboratory. The nights, Gargoyles are embraced by
chantries from the ravages of the memories of what happened therein
Tzimisce and their fleshcrafted other free-Gargoyles. The change is
still intrude on your daysleep. Now still one of the more horrific
monstrosities. you’re something new, something embraces and many fledgling
terrible, and yet forced to rely on Gargoyles find the memories of their
An embrace - or better called - the your creator in order to survive.
creation of a Gargoyle does not fall old life swiftly fade away.
far short of a harrowing experience.
During the centuries of gargoyle CUSTODIAN
servitude under the Tremere, Legend says Gargoyles are defenders
vampires predominantly hailing from of sacred places, scaring away Fortitude, Protean, Obfuscate
Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tzimisce demons and devils. Perhaps the BANE: UNBROKEN BONDS
would be disappeared and forcibly Custodian cared for such a place in
converted in a series of rituals that life, as a cleaner, night watchman, or The Gargoyles were created to serve,
would see their vitae at war with volunteer. Regardless, one night they and though many have earned their
itself, and their psyche cleaned of all were hoisted into the sky, changed, freedom, their very blood still drives
memory and thought that would get and given the sacred charge that them into servitude. Gargoyles suffer a
in the way of their Tremere masters’ consumes their nights: defend and penalty equal to Bane Severity to resist
orders. protect their own unceasingly. Word being coerced or controlled by
has spread throughout the city and Disciplines or resist Blood Bonds.
Despite, and perhaps because of this few now would dare stray too close
experience, for centuries, the to their haven for fear of the beast COMPULSION: BROKEN BLOOD
Gargoyles would serve the Tremere that lurks there. The first Gargoyles were artificial
loyally, their indenture ending only creations torn apart and reconstituted
when the Tremere Virstania - RUNAWAY from vampires of other clans at the
acclaimed Mistress of Gargoyles - The Runaway always fled when given hands of Tremere ritual. Even for those
would choose to aid her creations in the chance, whether from later Embraced into the bloodline, the
escape. responsibilities, family, friends or Embrace of a fledgling Gargoyle is a
debts. Whenever things got too horrific transformation. These terrible
These nights, they are free creatures, much the Runaway found a way out. transformations deprive many Gargoyles
and they do not look back. The embrace was a cruel joke then, of their memory and can cause many to
Gargoyles who could escape the grip with them finding themselves lapse into sudden bouts of amnesia.
of the Tremere have gone on to suddenly changed and faced with a
settle around the world and to tend towering monster trying to explain When under this compulsion the
to their own affairs. While they still themselves. As ever, the Runaway Gargoyle suffers complete amnesia for
typically stick to Camarilla domains, fled before the beast got the chance the remainder of the scene. Presenting
it is not unheard of for Gargoyles to to speak but a few words, their them with tokens of their past or
join the other sects, some of the strange new form and wings lending confronting them about who they are
Camarilla’s greatest troubles now the Runaway the ability to escape like only risks enraging them (possibly
coming from those freed souls they never before. Now they try to triggering fury frenzy). If the Gargoyle
once enslaved. understand what they are, unable to finds themself in a dangerous situation
run away from what they’ve become. this may prompt a terror frenzy.
Daughters of
‘There is truth hidden in still want them now. Whether it’s (because an area is extremely quiet,
singing a moving aria to remind a or because they can't block the
the music, if only you
Prince of their yesteryears, or a sound out with another) the
had the ears to hear…’ splitting metal dirge to psych up Daughter suffers a penalty on all
packs before a new Crusade, their rolls equal to bane severity.
talents are wanted everywhere. This
Who are the has its perks; rewards and blood
aplenty. But the dangers of fame also

All Daughters of Cacophony hear music,

linger, and are all the more
dangerous amongst the dead and the and sometimes they catch notes that
damned. ensnare them and push them to express

the majesty of what they hear. Resisting
this urge takes tremendous focus, as the
he Daughters of Cacophony MUSICAL MESSENGER Daughter finds the music actively
are viewed by many Kindred and Music has always moved people. intruding upon her mind.
Cainite alike as little more than a Anthems to rally Cainites and
pleasant curiosity. mortals alike to a cause, moving For the remainder of the scene, until the
elegies to remember the departed. Daughter conducts a audible, public,
Obsessed with song, flighty, and well-received performance they suffer a
seemingly unfocussed, few vampires Whatever the message, this -2 penalty to all rolls.
give the Daughters any serious heed. archetype can create a performance
On the contrary, apart from to match. What’s more they’ve found
speculating as to their origins (with in an era of Inquisition, hiding and
guesses ranging from: Toreador, transmitting messages in the THE SONS OF DISCORD
Malkavian or even the Ventrue) most seemingly mundane places ensures Whilst many Vampires believe that
are content to let the Sirens be. they’re in as high-demand as any the Daughters of Cacophony are
starlet. entirely female this isn’t entirely
There are whispers though, spoken true. Though rare, there are male
of amongst only a few that there is DISCIPLINES
members amongst the Sirens.
more to the Sirens' innocent facade. Fortitude, Presence, Auspex
That their song whilst beguiling, is Some of these male Sirens adopt
every bit as lethal as that of their BANE: THE CALL OF CACOPHONY
the name The Sons of Discord,
namesake. he Daughters of Cacophony find much to the derision of the other
themselves instinctively drawn to Daughters who have no intent of
Daughter music, and universally claim to hear
music at all times. This subtle
changing the name of the Bloodline
to assuage a few mens’ egos.
Archetypes distracting sound can drive some
daughters to madness, and they must
make active precautions not to listen
As in life, so in death. Everyone
wanted the Midnight Favourite when When unable to distract from the
they were still breathing, and they constant universal music they hear
Dominate power that was imbued.
Dominate (Those capable of resisting roll to
resist as normal and the Vampire
in gloom, lit only by the light which
streamed through the windows of the
may have to make rouse checks
house. She smiled as she saw the blood
Level 1 depending on the power that was on the landing, plentiful and rich, in
imbued.) her state it was all she could do to keep
FOLDEROL her beast in check.
Amalgam: Auspex 1 Duration: Passive
It is said by the few who have ‘Do you really think some fucking
wards are enough to kill me Usurper?
experience, that it is useless to lie
when in the presence of a Weirdling. You think you have enough fucking
Kiasyd appear to have a preternatural magic to kill me?’
talent for detecting deception.
Level 4
No one is sure how they garner this No reply came, but she saw the
insight and if the Kiaysd know, they ARMOR OF CAINE'S FURY flickering motion of the shadows in the
are not sharing the source of their Amalgam: Auspex 1 room at the end of the hall. She smiled.
miraculous insight.
The warriors of the Salubri Antitribu
Cost: Free have a well-earned reputation for Drawing herself to her full height, she
System: The character chooses a being unceasing, implacable warriors. focussed her blood. The third-eye in the
target, within sight or hearing The power of their blood allows them centre of her forehead opened and gazed
distance. Should the target lie whilst to inure themselves to harm and to out across the landing as the vitae
within the Kiasyd’s presence they can sure up their courage.
started to roll down her face.
immediately tell. The power detects
lies, not mistakes, so a target must When invoked, this power ensconces
deliberately lie in order to activate it. the Cainite in ghostly crimson armour, She barely even noticed, she simply kept
the form of which is unique to each advancing. Feeling her blood shift she
Note that the power doesn’t provide Cainite who invokes it. watched as ghostly red armour coalesced
any insight into what the truth might all around her.
be, nor does it allow the vampire to Cost: One Rouse
know whether or not the target is System: The user rolls a pool of
simply stating something false that Stamina + Fortitude. For every two As she strode into the bedroom eyeing
he believes is true. successes, the user gains an the crouching Usurper, his terrified
additional dot of temporary health. mortal family behind him, she looked
Duration: One Scene or until a new every bit the immortal horror she was.
target is chosen They can also add dice equal to one-
Crimson armour, torn flesh, blood
third of the successes rolled to any
pool to resist fear frenzy for the rest dripping from her mystic eye.
of the scene.
Level 3 ‘Time for some payback.’
Duration: One Scene
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 1
Sorcerers have long bound their will
Elaine clutched at her side as she
slumped against the wall of the
to items and trinkets. With this power luxurious family home. Her left arm
a Vampire can imbue an object with a hung loosely at her side, the sleeve of her
Level 1
shard of their will to better control
those around them.
leather jacket and the scorched muscle THE MISSING VOICE
and flesh hanging at her side. The Daughters of Cacophony are
Cost: As per Dominate power She spat blood and dirt from her renowned amongst the undead for
System: You imbue a token, mouth, as she half-stumbled up the their singing ability.
talisman, or other object with a stairs. The sword clasped in her right
fragment of your will. Holding the This power is responsible for much of
object you wish to imbue, the user
hand never falling, even as she heard
this renown allowing a Daughter to
directs a Dominate power at it (this the crunching scrape of her broken left project her voice wherever she wishes
must be a power the vampire already leg, felt the pain jolt through her with to be heard.
knows). every step.
The most gifted of Daughters have
The next time the object is handled She knew the bastard was still here, even been said to use this power to
by anyone, except for the Vampire sing duets with themselves.
who implanted the command, the that was enough to spur her on.
individual is affected by the She reached the landing half-shrouded Cost: Free
System: The user can ‘throw’ her sounds capable of pulverising flesh walked along behind Mr Riordan and
voice anywhere within her line of and shattering bones. his beautiful acquaintance. The two
sight. This power can be used to
convey other discipline powers More insidiously, some whisper that
conversed quietly in Spanish as they
(Presence, Dominate, Thaumaturgy). truly canny Daughters can use this walked. He didn’t understand a word.
power to assail the minds of their When they reached the hotel room it
If the character wishes to hide her foes driving them to madness with was all he could do not to sigh or look
use of this power she must succeed nought but the sweetest of quiet judgemental. ‘Wait here’ he nodded in
at a manipulation + performance songs. acknowledgement as Mr Riordan and
versus the wits + insight of the one
she intends to deceive. Cost: One Rouse Check the unknown woman stepped inside.
System: Use of this power requires
Duration: Instantaneous that the victim be within hearing Standing around, it summed up at
range of the user. (A victim need not least half his job. He fished in a pocket
be able to hear the user however, as and retrieved his phone looking to kill
Level 2 the victim is pummeled by some time. Then he heard singing, the
soundwaves whether or not they can
hear them.)
woman’s voice sultry and sweet, still in
Spanish, and he still didn’t understand
Amalgam: Auspex 1 a word of it. About 20 minutes later
The user must begin singing, and the
The user can project her voice to any song must be able to reach the target. he heard the singing change, he heard a
individual she has met, distance is no (A half-whispered lullaby is not grunt, and then the singing resumed.
object. Daughters of Cacophony have going to fell a target in the midst of a
been said to use this power to do He didn’t like it, but he knew better
raging gunfight; but might be more
everything from commanding their than sufficient if the user can get the than to interrupt, nor did he care to, if
underlings to giving private concerts victim alone). it could be helped.
from across the world.
Upon activating the power, the Just as he started settling back in the
Cost: One Rouse Check Daughter rolls Stamina + Presence woman burst out of the room. Her
System: The user can project her versus her targets Stamina +
voice to anyone she has personally Performance. (Vampires with
make-up had run and there was blood
met, though it must be night where Presence, may resist with Presence running from the corner of her eyes and
the listener is. instead of Performance.) For each mouth. Richard moved to block her
success gained in the contest the user path and that’s when he saw the room.
The Daughter can sing, talk, or even can inflict one point of unhalved The bed was completely destroyed, what
use disciplines (provided she meets superficial damage to either the he assumed to be the remains of his
the requirements of the discipline victim’s willpower or health. The
she intends to use). user may only inflict willpower or employer were a battered gory mess of
health damage each round. blood and torn clothing.
Note Phantom Speaker does not
provide a way for the user to hear Should a user keep singing, she may The last he saw of her, was a blurry,
what is said. resolve this attack in the same crying silhouette running down the
manner without rolling for further
If the listener is willing, the Daughter rouse-checks. However, if she stops
hallway as he fell into unconscioussness.
rolls Resolve + Presence and needs 2 singing or is otherwise interrupted
successes for the power to take (such as by physical impacts or the SINGING IN A CHOIR
effect. If the listener resists the throes of frenzy) then she will need Amongst those few who claim to
Daughter, then she must beat the to roll another rouse check to know of the Daughters outside their
listener in a contest of Resolve + reactivate the power. number, it is said that they can
Presence versus Composure + combine their talents to bring about
Resolve. Duration: One Scene unique and powerful effects. Though
The woman was gourgeous. As he rare it is said by such combined
Duration: One Scene efforts what might appear harmless
walked dutifully behind Mr Riordan,
parlour tricks, can become anything
Richard pondered how the old man had but.
Level 5 ever piqued her interests, let alone why
she would choose to spend time alone At the Storyteller’s discretion they
SHATTERING CRESCENDO can consider letting Kindred who
with him. Cynically he chalked it up to
Amalgam: Auspex 1 money. He’d seen it before, he’d seen a possess these powers, the ability to
use the Teamwork mechanics as
A thankfully rare power if it truly does lot in his time guarding the wealthy, covered on pg.122 of the V5
exist. The Daughter focuses her not all of it pleasant. He kept his Corebook, requiring contributors to
supernatural vocal chords to produce thoughts to himself though and dutifully have the same Discipline power,
rather than relevant skill-dots.
‘Never forget what you are. The Level 4
powers we are endowed with as
Cainites are some of our truest FLOW WITH THE MOUNTAIN
weapons in the night. Hone the Prerequisite: Earth Meld
powers your blood provides you,
This power, most common amongst
master these gifts and those of
the Gargoyles, allows the Cainite to
whom you slay. In time, you will
merge with and then move through
be unstoppable.’
rock and earth without disturbing or
emerging from it.

Protean Many an intruder has been brought

low when a Gargoyle lurking unseen
has burst forth from a seemingly
Level 2 innocuous pillar, only to disappear
before reinforcements can arrive.
Prerequisite: Weight of the Feather Cost: No additional cost
This power allows the vampire to System: The user gains the ability to
temporarily gain the ability to fly using use Earth Meld on rock, including
great monstrous wings. It is most concrete and similar materials.
prevalent amongst the Gargoyle Additionally the user gains the ability
bloodline, but others are said to have to move through either earth or rock
mastered it in various forms, especially whilst using these powers, though he
amongst the Tzimisce and their can only move at a rate equivalent to
bloodlines. a jog.

Cost: One Rouse Check Duration: One Scene

System: No roll is required for the
transformation. The character makes
the rouse check and spends a turn
transforming. Wings may sprout
from their back or membranes may
form between their limbs and their

Regardless of the form taken, the

wings allow the Kindred to fly at the
equivalent of a flat-out sprint. (For
further guidance, see the ‘How Fast
is Fast, sidebar, Pg. 253 V5
Corebook.) Flying in adverse
conditions (against heavy winds,
during a battle) may require Wits +
Protean checks at storyteller’s
Duration: One Scene
emanate from them in an area equal
Blood Sorcery to half their Blood-Sorcery rating in Blood Sorcery
By default this chill wind is merely Rituals
Level 1 daunting, but it can be whipped into Level 1
a true frenzy if wished. The user
WORDS OF THE LAND must roll a contest of Blood Sorcery
Amalgam: Animalism 1 + Stamina vs Stamina + Occult or
Common amongst Koldun, Tzimisce
who practice Blood Sorcery, this POWER
For every point of margin, mortals
power gives the Koldun the ability to take a point of superficial damage Being able to detect Blood Bonds
communicate across their territory and are forced back one step. holds great utility for the Sabbat in
with impunity. The Koldun utters Vampires are merely forced back a detecting the Elder’s agents in their
their message and then the very winds number of steps equal to the margin. midst. Likewise, detecting the
and beasts themselves carry their Vaulderie ties possessed by another
message to the intended target, who is a sound way of identifying whether
hears the message as a sinister they are truly of the Sabbat.
whisper in their ear. Level 5
Cost: Free The Blood Sorcery Ritual Blood
ABJURE BLOOD SORCERY Walk (found Pg.276 V5 Corebook) is
System: The vampire must know amended as follows: ‘On a Critical
The workings of Blood Magic are
the name of their intended target. Win, the user can also detect Vaulderie ties
grave and complex yet those
Furthermore the individual must be held by an individual and gain impressions
thoroughly versed in it are capable of
within a radius equal to 5 times the of who they hold them towards.’
throwing up quick wards to protect
user’s Blood Sorcery rating in
themselves against the effects of
kilometers/miles and in an unsealed
others, or with time to dissolve the
environment (one where beasts or
the wind could reach him).
workings of other Blood Sorcerers. Level 2
Cost: 2 Rouse Checks
The user must then state their System: Attempting to stop a
message and roll Manipulation + Blood Sorcery power requires a A creation of Anarch Technomancers,
Blood Sorcery. The standard roll of Intelligence + Blood Fangster is an amalgam of cutting-
difficulty for this roll is 4. Sorcery against the rival casters edge encryption, VPN and low-level
successes to activate that power + Thaumaturgical ritual. At its simplest
It is reduced by one however, if the their Blood Sorcery. the ritual creates a secret second-layer
Vampire is within a familiar city, or to websites that can only be accessed
by their rating in Lien if they are To dissolve Blood Sorcery that is by vampires with Auspex, in it’s more
within their own domain. already in place takes an extended advanced forms it further helps
test of Blood Sorcery + encrypt this and other web-traffic,
On a success their message is Intelligence. making it almost impossibly to access
conveyed to the intended recipient without mystical means.
provided they are accessible and The difficulty equals twice the
within range. number of successes as were The ritual has proven increasingly
Duration: One Scene or until a new scored on the roll to cast the ritual. popular amongst the Sabbat, who
target is chosen became aware of it following
If the user knows the ritual they’re interactions with Anarch
trying to break then they reduce technomancers.
Level 2 the difficulty to do so by 2.
Ingredients: The users blood and a
Known or not the time taken to web-enabled device.
dispel a Blood Sorcery ritual equals
Amalgam: Protean 1 Process: To cast the ritual the user
3 times the difficulty in hours.
makes a ritual roll and smears blood
Calling upon the chill winds, the
over each of their eyes and enters a
Koldun unleashes a wind that can Duration: Instantaneous when
Latin phrase into their web-browser.
simply make for a daunting display of trying to stop a Blood Sorcery
power, or which can assail their foes Power or as described above for System: A successful ritual means
with the biting cold of their ancient powers that are already in place. that for the rest of the scene,
Carpathian homeland. anything the user posts is magically
protected. For those with Auspex -
Cost: One Rouse Check Sense the Unseen (see V5 Corebook
System: The user makes a Rouse Pg.249) it is still possible to see the
Check and spends a turn true message, whilst anyone else will
concentrating. A chill wind begins to
see a procedurally generated post.
Ingredients: Chalk, finely ground The effects of this ritual last for a
designed to blend in with a users’
silver, the caster’s blood. number of nights equal to the margin
regular posts.
Process: The user combines the on the ritual roll.
ingredients and uses them to paint
Level 3 arcane sigils with an antipathy to EX SANGUINA
magic on the item in question.
WIND DANCE Blood Sorcery Ritual
Invoking the power of the winds the System: The user rolls to cast the Level 2, 3 and 4
caster imbues himself or one of his ward as normal, selecting a target as
Comrades in Arms with great speed, normal and notes the number of Using knowledge of an object, the
letting him dodge the blows of successes. sorcerer imbues a facsimile with their
multiple foes as easily as they might blood to create the object of their
avoid one. The next time either the object or desire. A power with immense utility,
the individual wearing or carrying it many Sabbat make regular use of this
are subjected to Blood Sorcery of power to keep them and their packs
Ingredients: The caster’s vitae, a
any sort (power or ritual) the ward supplied without concern for supply
ritual knife.
triggers. lines.
Process: The caster slices their palm Ingredients: The casters vitae, wax
and uses their blood to paint intricate If the successes rolled to create the facsimile, vessel large enough to hold
symbols onto the one being imbued. ward are greater than those rolled to the object conjured.
activate the Blood Sorcery power
System: Upon a successful roll, the then the ward expires and dispels the Process: Create a facsimile of the
user ignores the consecutive hostile effect. Otherwise, the ward is object from wax, this need not be to
penalties on rolls to fight multiple overcome by the effects of the Blood scale. The user must possess
opponents. Sorcery expiring but failing to stop knowledge of the item they are trying
the effect. to create (Intelligence + Crafts,
THE CRONE'S PRIDE Tech, Science, etc.) Creating the
facsimile is a resolve + craft roll.
This Power inflicts the curse of the Level 5
Crone, who according to the Book of The caster must then immerse the
Nod bound Caine to her until he VALEDICTION facsimile in a container of their
usurped her. This power inflicts the blood. Objects created through this
ugliness of the Crone upon the victim, A semi-mythical power greatly feared
within the Sabbat, it levies a ritual can’t be larger than the caster.
cursing them for a single night to walk The container used must be big
as she did. punishment for breaking one of
Caine’s greatest commandments ‘Thou enough to hold the object once
Ingredients: Ash of gopher wood, a shalt not slay thy Sire and drink his heart’s conjured. Only 1 Rouse Check’s
piece of the intended target (a lock blood’. This edict is especially worth of blood, enough to cover the
of hair, sample of blood, cut off troublesome for the Sabbat, who wax facsimile is required.
finger, etc), the blood of the caster. practice diablerie readily. System: At 2nd level the user can
create generic objects, at 3rd they may
Process: The user must combine Ingredients: The Book of Nod, iron create duplicates of pre-existing
the ash of the Gopher wood with the chain, the victim’s name written in objects. If the casting roll succeeds, the
blood to make a paste. They must blood. object is created and the components
then rub the paste onto the piece of
Process: The caster must prepare a consumed. On a critical success, either
their intended target, on a success
ritual circle, laying the chain to mark a second object is created at no
the ingredients catch fire and are
the boundary. They must then walk additional cost, or the duration the
destroyed as though exposed to
around the boundary, reading verses object lasts doubles.
from the Book of Nod, whilst
System: On a successful ritual roll, daubing the chain with blood. The On a bestial failure the conjuring fails
the target is rendered hideously ugly victim must then be placed within and the difficulty to conjure the same
for a single night, suffering from the the circle and remain there for the object increases by 2 for the chapter.
effects of the repulsive flaw and entirety of the casting. (They are
losing the benefits of the beautiful or usually staked to ensure this.) At the Objects created by this ritual last for a
stunning merits. culmination the caster must throw number of nights equal to the
WARD AGAINST BLOOD SORCERY the paper bearing the victim’s name successes on the ritual roll.
into the circle, as Caine’s valediction
This ward differs from others used by against diablerie is chanted over the The caster can extend this duration by
Blood Sorcerers, where others target victim. touching a summoned object and
types of creatures, this ward protects repeating the ritual roll and making a
against hostile Blood Magics. The System: If successful, the ritual rouse check. On a success the object
ward is typically placed upon an object returns the victim’s generation and persists for another night. If cast at 4th
the sorcerer wishes to protect or a blood potency to that they had at level the item becomes permanent
trinket to be worn on their person. their embrace. requiring no renewal.
their hand with the broken glass and Process: The caster chooses the
Oblivion then throw it out of the shadows. object of their ward. They dash their
chosen glass offering against this
System: The user makes their object, shattering it. They must then
Level 3 Oblivion Ceremony roll. Upon take several of these broken shards,
success, the next time the user and using their Vitae carve or draw
RIDDLE PHANTASTIQUE activates the Arms of Ahriman (See sigils necessary to channel the Abyss.
Amalgam: Dominate 2 Pg.294 Chicago by Night V5) that
The Kiasyd pulls upon their links to night, the Arms deal un-halved System: The user makes their
Oblivion to inflict a dark and horrific superficial damage for the duration. Oblivion Ceremony roll (noting the
riddle upon a target, channeled margin) and on success the ward is
through Dominate, victims of this created. In areas of darkness or
power become obsessed with solving gloom it is imperceivable except by
the riddle, unable to contemplate Prerequisite: Arms of Ahriman supernatural means, but if exposed
anything else. to light appears as though painted in
Abyss Mystics know that there is charcoal.
intelligence and hunger in the Abyss. Anyone other than the caster who
Cost: One Rouse Check
What’s more, they know that with the sees the ward after it is created must
System: The Kiasyd rolls right offerings they can feed roll Wits+Occult difficulty 3 plus the
Manipulation + Oblivion versus the themselves and the Abyss they caster’s margin. If they succeed on
target's Wits + Occult. If the Kiasyd channel. the roll the ward dissolves and they
wins the contest, the riddle takes
can proceed unimpeded. Otherwise
hold. Ingredients: A chalice or wine the victim finds themselves
glass. stumbling in darkness unable to see
Each turn the target can roll another
or perceive anything for a number of
Wits + Occult Test, it must get a Process: The caster fills the chalice turns equal to the caster’s margin on
number of successes double the or glass with blood, and recites an the Ceremony roll.
margin scored by the Kiasyd in order incantation in Ancient Greek. They
to break free. In the meantime it must then pour the contents of the Duration: Until the ward is
takes no other actions, not even chalice or cup into a shadow, where triggered.
actions to save itself, unless it is the blood slowly disappears over the
driven into frenzy Providing the remainder of the ritual.
target with the correct answer proves SCRY THE SHADOW
ineffective, unless the riddler System: The user makes their
themself provides the answer. Oblivion Ceremony roll, and upon a Prerequisite: Shadow Perspective
success, the next time the user
activates the Arms of Ahriman (See The Abyss Mystic extends their ability
Should the target suffer a bestial to channel their senses through the
failure or score a messy critical on Pg.294 Chicago by Night V5) that
night, the user gains the ability to Abyss. Using sea-water as a medium
any roll to solve the riddle, they they find that their ability to watch
suffer a stain, as the dark knowledge feed from a target grappled by the
arms. from shadows is enhanced letting
of the terrible riddle scars them. them peer from any shadow they're
The user can slake 1 point of hunger familiar with for many miles.
Duration: As above.
every other round from each victim Ingredients: A bowl of sea water,
they have grappled, the rest of the powdered quartz, the caster’s vitae.
Oblivion Ceremonies blood being channelled to the Abyss.
Process: The user must kneel in
Level 2 shadow and place the bowl of sea
water in front of them. Into this they
Level 3 must place the powdered quarts as
Prerequisite: Arms of Ahriman well as several drops of vitae. The
CHANGELING WARD caster must then stir the concoction
With proper time and focus, an Abyss and focus on a shadowed area they
Mystic can channel the most savage Prerequisite: Shadow Perspective
are familiar with within a radius equal
elements of the Abyss through The Kiasyd create a ward that to their Oblivion dots in Miles/
themselves. channels the inscrutable, unknowable Kilometres.
nature of the Abyss. When gazed
Ingredients: Broken glass, the upon by others they find themselves System: The user makes their
caster’s vitae. lost in unending corridors of shifting Oblivion Ceremony roll, and upon
darkness unable to escape. success they are able to perceive the
Process: The caster must kneel in
shadowed area, as per the Oblivion
shadow and recite incantations in
Ingredients: Glass from a broken power Shadow Perspective. (See
Ancient Greek. At the culmination
light source (a bulb or lantern) the Pg.294 Chicago by Night V5). If the
of the incantations they must cut
caster’s vitae. user possesses Shadow-Step and
meets the requirements to use that At the end of the ritual, the victim
power, they may use Shadows expires and the knowledge gained by
perceived via this ceremony as a the caster disappears. (Note the
destination for Shadow-Step. usage of this power may warrant
stains dependent on the caster’s
Level 5
Prerequisite: Riddle Phantastique,
Dominate 3

Many stories tell of Fey stealing the

minds of those they encounter. This
power is likely the source of many
such tales, but more importantly for
the Kiasyd, serves their purpose in
securing as much knowledge as they

Ingredients: Ink, powdered bone,

powdered iron, candles, the caster’s

Process: The caster must mix the

ink and bone together and use it to
create a ritual circle. The victim of
the ritual must then be placed within
the centre of the circle, where they
must stay for its entirety.

The caster then fills the circle around

the victim with sigils by pouring
powdered iron. They must then set
candles around the edge of the circle,
igniting each, whilst tracing the
outside of the circle with their Vitae.

System: The user makes their

Oblivion Ceremony roll. On success,
they are able to siphon knowledge
from a victim within the ritual circle.

The caster chooses a mental skill

possessed by the victim and gains a
number of dots equal to the victim in
that skill. Additionally they gain all of
the victim's relevant knowledge
related to that skill. (E.g. if they
chose Technology, the caster could
gain access to the victim's login

The skill dots and associated

knowledge last for a number of
hours equal to the caster’s margin on
the Oblivion Ceremony roll. During
this time, the victim is slowly burned
out by the power of Oblivion,
destroying their memory and leaving
them an empty husk.
Backgrounds Haven: Traps
Your haven is outfitted with one or more traps. These range from the relative
Ritae ramshackle and benign to highly technical and utterly lethal devices.
You may have a number of traps equal to twice the base rating of your haven.
You are trained in performing the sacred Ritae of the (E.g. a 2-dot haven may contain four traps.)
Sabbat, probably having spent time studying under a priest
of the Sabbat and potentially holding such a title yourself. Trap Lethality:

You know three of the auctoritas Ritae Non-Lethal: This trap merely impedes an attacker's progress and generally draws
attention to their presence.
You know three of the auctoritas ritae and three of the ignoblis ritae.

You know all of the auctoritas ritae and 6 of the ignoblis ritae. Superficial: A trap that deals superficial damage to vampires.

You know all of the auctoritas ritae and 10 of the ignoblis ritae. Aggravated: A trap that deals aggravated damage to vampires or has the potential
You can develop your own ignoblis ritae (consult with the ST to stake them.
for the time required and the possible effects).

You know all of the auctoritas and ignoblis ritae. You can The traps resolve an attack/delaying action using a static pool of 6 die.
develop your own ignoblis ritae (consult with the ST for the
time required and the possible effects).

Merely surviving in the Sabbat is a feat
not many are capable of. The unlives of
Sabbat vampires tend to be nasty, brutish
and short. However, those who do
survive and come to thrive amongst the
harsh realities of Sabbat unlife can
become some of the most daunting and
powerful Cainites to stalk the modern

Survivor: Living in the Sabbat is not Pack Priest: You gain 4-dots Confirmed Diablerist:
easy, you are familiar with the cycle of Ritae and 1-dot Status (Sabbat), but You have partaken of the Sabbat’s most
death in the Sabbat, and it has come to also gain a 2-dot adversary, either a sacred of sacraments, you have drunk
phase you less and less. You reduce the theological rival within the Sabbat, or the heart’s blood of one of the sect’s
penalty on frenzy-checks when a pack- else another Kindred eager to exact enemies and lived to reap the rewards.
touchstone torpors or is killed by 1 to a vengeance upon you for your teachings.
minimum of 0 Reduce your generation by 1 and gain
the first two dots of any discipline you
choose. You gain a 2-dot Adversary, as
Fighter: To be in the Sabbat is to Ductus: You currently hold, well as the 2-dot flaw “Despised”
be a soldier, in a war against Gehenna, or have previously held, the title of representing the allies of the one you
the Second Inquisition and all those Ductus, leading a Sabbat pack into killed.
who would deny Caine’s truth. Choose: battle. You gain 2-dots of Status
Brawl, Firearms, or Melee. You gain an (Sabbat), speciality (Warpack) in
additional die on all checks using that Leadership or Intimidation. You can also
skill to represent your extensive re-roll a single die in any check where
familiarity with that method of war. your speciality is applicable when
commanding members of your current
or previous pack.


Sabbat politics in an innate weave of

contradictions. The Sabbat preaches the ideals
of freedom and equality, that all Cainites are
equal before Caine. But to complete the
Sabbat’s mission, the destruction of the elders
and their tyranny, organisation is essential.

To this end the Sabbat has developed a number

of religious and political offices. When
combined with the internecine practices of the
Sabbat, and the ruthless alien moralities of the
Cainites involved, the politics produced are
some of the most vicious and unrelenting

as long as you maintain your patrons Archbishop silencing rivals who attempt
Politico: You are aware of the
interests, though their enemies will to question your neutrality.
intricate webs of Sabbat power beyond
certainly act to undermine you.
your own city. You gain a 1-dot Mawla
The Council of Priscus:
representing a Sabbat who shares your
You are a Priscus within your domain
politics and is willing to advise you. Envoy: You carry messages
advising either the Archbishop or
between cities on behalf of various
Cardinal in matters of strategy and
VIP Access: You have battered, powerful Sabbat. Whilst you must keep
politics. Your role is to advise and not to
charmed, intimidated or simply earned your own political disposition quiet, you
lead, though you likely hold significant
a meeting with a political luminary of receive benefits from holding the
informal power in your domain.
the Sabbat. Once per story you can gain station you do.
Ultimately however, you report to the
access to a figure of political You gain 2-dots Status (Sabbat), and
Regent and the Consistory. Younger
significance for a meeting. can count on a 1-dot haven in any city
Sabbat might question your place, but
This Loresheet simply ensures they’ll with a surviving Sabbat presence.
you serve in ways they can’t understand.
meet with you, how the meeting goes is Additionally, once per story you can call
down to you. upon the protection of someone you’ve You gain 6 dots to split between Mawla
delivered messages for in the past. and Status (Sabbat). However, if you try
Spokesman: You are the local They will only extend this favour once, to exert undue influence you will face
spokesman for a senior member of the however, before they expect you to pushback, especially from younger and
Sabbat. You gain 2-dots status and a 2- move on. This might range from a loyalist Sabbat to whom you haven’t
dot Mawla. These benefits last only for Paladin physically defending you, to an proven yourself.


If the Sabbat is a Sect of Warriors, the Black Hand

are their special forces. Every member of the
Black Hand is a lethal warrior, more than capable
of killing any mortal and all but the mightiest of
Cainites who dare to oppose them.

True fanatics one and all, the Black Hand are

extremely secretive regarding their membership
and practices. Their operations, without
exception, are highly effective but many within the
Sabbat (especially within the Sabbat Inquisition)
are suspicious of the secretive sub-sect.

Hopeful: Many Cainites within the Perhaps your training is traditional, a Shakar: Gain the specialities Stealth
Sabbat aspire to join the Black Hand, strict barrack life as used to be the norm (Kindred) and Larceny (Infiltration)
However, of those hopefuls only a scant for the Cadets sent to Mexico or
few will meet the high-expectations of Canada; or perhaps you mentor has Remover: Gain the specialities Science
the Black Hands recruiters. It doesn’t taken you to the fronts of the Gehenna (Demolitions) and Leadership
stop a lot of Sabbat from trying to make Crusade intending for you to learn or (Battlefield)
themselves better recruits. You are one perish. Gain a 1-dot haven with the
of these hopefuls, gain a speciality in armoury background to represent the Infiltrator: Gain the specialities
brawl, firearms, or melee. Additionally billets your mentor deigns to provide Subterfuge (Impeccable Lies) and
once per chronicle you can ask the you. Also gain the Occult Speciality Insight (Secrets)
storyteller for information on the Black Noddism to reflect the religious
Hand or current Black Hand Operations. teachings you have received from your
Cadet: Of the hopefuls only a
scant few will ever be chosen by Black Caine's Chosen: No mere
Hand recruiters. Few Sabbat Cainites Cadet, you are a true member of the
have the temperament, dedication and Black Hand. You have died twice, and
skills to suit them to the work of the yet been reborn thrice and seek to serve
Black Hand. You are one of the few, and Caine as the truest of his soldiers. Gain
your mentor has embarked you on the a 2-dot mask representing a set of false
first stage of your existence in the Black papers that let you travel internationally
Hand, a gruelling training regime, to in service of your duties. Additionally
make you worthy of being one of select the type of Black Hand Operative
Caine’s Chosen. you were.


The Black Hand for its part, pays lip-service to

the Sabbat Inquisition. They are willing to
influence Sabbat politics, but ultimately their
dedication is to Caine and their mission of
exacting vengeance upon the Antediluvians
and all who serve them. Caine’s Chosen face
many threats in the modern nights, whether
they survive will be down to their skill,
tenacity, and faith.

Zillah's Tears: You have You receive a 4-dot Mawla

completed your pilgrimage to the representing the Dominion you serve.
Weeping Stone. The Book of Nod
proclaims that all who sup of the tears Additionally once per story you can
of the 2nd Generation shall be reborn call on a 4-dot ally that will arrive 10
of her blood; and that in the time of hours after requesting them. This 4-
Gehenna Caine shall call forth all dot ally is a Kamut consisting of all the
those of Zillah’s blood, be it from Black Hand operatives within 10 hours
ashes or even the land of shadows of you when you place the call. They
itself. will assist you with one operation of
your choiceNote, that misusing this
Gain two additional dice on terror and advantage will result in your censure.
fury frenzy rolls. Additionally, you
suffer no stains for killing non-Sabbat

Watch Commander: You

are no mere operative, as Watch
Commander you direct Black Hand
operations for an entire region. You
are responsible for monitoring the
status of all the agents within your
region, as well as for ensuring they are
ready to answer the call of the Sabbat
as needed.


The Sabbat is a sect with a long and complicated

history. From the torchlit nights of Medieval
Europe to the Neon lit nights of of the West
Coast, the Sabbat has stood against the Elder’s
tyranny. But for every battle fought against the
Elder’s tyranny the Sabbat has fought as many
battle amongst themselves.

The Sabbat has fallen into a fourth Civil War in

the modern nights and the conflict only adds to
the woes the Sect faces the world over.

Dust & Echoes: Much of the Sabbat Grudge Bearer: You are a partisan for descended from or mentored by
has crumbled to dust in recent nights, one of the many factions that fought in someone who was there. You gain a
be it at the hands of the Sect’s enemies the Sabbat Civil Wars. Gain a 3-dot bonus die in any test against members
or in their rush to the conflicts in the Mawla from your chosen faction, but of the Camarilla, this bonus increases to
Middle-East. You managed to save gain 1-dot Infamy with a rival Sabbat 2-dice if they or their sire were present
some precious scraps of history from faction of your choice. at the Convention of Thorns. You also
the fire, however. Once per story, you gain a 2-dot Mawla representing a
Diocese of Note: Your
can ask the Storyteller for a piece of distant and diffuse network of Sabbat
knowledge of the Sabbat’s history
historical information on the Sabbat.
inspires you, and you are able to share
Ancient Prey : You have
that inspiration with others. Whether
Civil War Warrior: The Sabbat has discovered records of where an Ancient
you tell stories of brave Sabbat
had three great civil wars in its history, Methuselah lies or once made haven.
incursions, atrocities committed by the
you have survived at least one of these The precious vitae, treasures and secrets
Camarilla, or even tales of the Anarch
or extensively studied the accounts of within are yours if only you can seize
revolt others find it hard not to be
those who did. Choose either: them! You know the location of one
moved by your words. You gain the
Methuselah’s haven. Additionally you
speciality Academics (Sabbat History) in
Negotiator: You learned from the ruin are aware of some, if not the majority of
addition you gain +2 dice on any
and devastation wrought by the Sabbat the historic defences that protected the
Persuasion or Leadership check where
civil wars and strive to stop history lair in question. (Though modern
knowledge of Sabbat history may assist.
repeating itaself. Gain an additional die defences may require scouting.) What
on any check to maintain unity amongst you find within is left to the storyteller,
the Sabbat. The Long War: You were but may range from the torpid elder
present at the battles around Thorns itself, to great secrets or other items of
that birthed the Sabbat or are great vampiric significance.

The Loyalists are arguably the eldest political faction within
the Sabbat. Members claim to carry the torch of the 1st
Anarch Revolt to this very night, serving the Sabbat’s true
cause of liberating all Cainittes from tyranny. For the
Loyalists authority is something that cannot be forced on
any, least of all them. For the Loyalists to lend their
support, the choice must be one made of their own volition
and they have little time for any who seek to exercise
hierarchical authority over them.

Dismissed by other Sabbat as sociopathic anarchists,

concerned with nothing more than their thrills and whims;
the Loyalists lack any organisation but persist throughout
the entire sect. They snub mission orders and risk the wrath
of their superiors to be sure, but they also serve to check
the elders of the Sabbat. The innumerable young Cainites
of the Loyalist have little influence in Sabbat high-politics,
but any elder who dismisses them does so at their peril.

Undead Revels: The Loyalists are Purity of Babel: Loyalists Fuck the Man!: The Loyalist
known by many as the epitome of believe that perfect uniformity is just faction firmly believes that true-Sabbat
undead hedonists. Once per story you another form of slavery. Yet must be free in undeath. The condition
can gain an additional success to gain communities, packs must be the ones to entitles them to a liberation that mere
access to any party, concert, club, or lead. The Purity of Babel allows them to mortals and those bound within the
other hedonistic event. communicate amongst themselves, strictures of other sects cannot
even in front of those who oppose them experience. You gain 2 dice to resist
Party Favours: You have whilst keeping their words utterly attempts to force you to conform.
developed a diffuse network of fixers, secret. You know how to perform the Additionally, you gain 1 die on all
dealers, people-traffickers, and arms Purity of Babel Ignoblis Ritae. attempts to encourage rebellion and
smugglers who are willing to supply you Performing this Ritae requires a pack of disobedience.
with whatever you need for a good- Cainites to share their vitae in a
time. Once per-story you can call upon a common cup and to speak a Loyalist Freedom in Death: Once
3-dot Contact able to provide you with affirmation over it. For the remainder of per story you can choose to receive no
illegal services. You must take caution the evening the Pack (up to 10 stains for committing an action, no
when doing so however, unless you and members) can communicate in a way, matter how atrocious.
your contact will be caught by the verbal or otherwise, understandable
authorities (mortal or otherwise)! only to the participants.


The Sabbat have long preached that vengeance must be had upon
the Antediluvians and their puppets. For the betrayal of Caine
and the 2nd Generation, for the enslavement of their
descendants, the Antediluvians must be destroyed. These beings
are ancient, many having walked the earth in a time before
agriculture, a time where man was founding some if it’s earliest
Thus, the Sabbat drawn many claim by the Beckonning, have
descended upon the Middle-East to wage war upon the
Antediluvians and all who serve them. The war is a fierce one,
embroiled in the mortal conflicts of the region, with primeval
entities stalking the battlefields eager to slake their ancient thirsts.

Nevertheless, entire Sabbat domains have emptied as they head to

the frontlines. For the Sabbat, if victory requires death to the last
Cainite, so be it.

Combatant: Many Cainites and Frontline Souvenirs: Fighting representing your comrades in arms.
Kindred are keen to learn of what has on the frontline of the Gehenna war was You also gain either a 1-dot enemy or
been happening on the fronts of the a dangerous prospect. But it was also a adversary, representing either Second
Gehenna War. Some may seek this place of opportunity for the canny Inquisition or Ashirra forces eager to
information to trade on, whilst others Cainite. War materiel was available in hunt you down.
ask after sires or Packmates that abundance, and you seized on some of
disappeared never to return. it and brought it home. You have 3-dots The Sword Triumphant:
Once per story you can try to use your of resources to be spent on military The Sabbat’s goals in the Middle East
experiences from the Gehenna front to grade weapons. Everything from assault were myriad, but foremost amongst
gain a bonus die when interacting with rifles, incendiary rounds, grenades, and them was the hunting down of
another Cainite. even single-use rocket launchers can be slumbering Methuselahs, and for the
secured. Using them outside of a most fervent the Antediluvians
Shadow-Ways: You know the
warzone however, especially with the themselves. You didn’t find the lair of
routes and means used by the Sabbat
Second Inquisition ever-watchful may one of Caine’s grand-childer, but you
to ferry soldiers and materiel to and
lead to trouble. were involved in the slaying of a mighty
from the frontlines in the Gehenna wars.
Methuselah and lived to tell the tale.
The routes are far from safe, but glory Tour of Glory: You became
Gain 4-dots of Fame (Cainite) , wherever
and opportunity await those willing to something of a famous fighter on the
you travel amongst the Sabbat you are
make the journey. You gain 2-dot fronts of the Gehenna Crusade. Perhaps
received as befits a war-hero of the sect.
Contacts related specifically to travelling you were in the thick of the fighting or
Additionally, once per chronicle when
to and from the Middle-East. Your perhaps you managed a major stopping
you attempt to seize a position of
contacts might be anything from lorry point on the way to the frontlines.
authority within the Sabbat you can
drivers, legitimate travel agents, or Regardless of your role, those who
count on the support of any Sabbat
people smugglers depending on the fought there, and those who are still
who you haven’t created a personal
route you take. fighting there now your name. You gain
animosity with. (This does not
5-dots to distribute between the:
guarantee you power but limits the
contacts, allies, and mawla backgrounds
challengers you may face.)

The Sabbat Inquisition was originally founded to keep the
sect free of Infernalism. When Infernalists and the
followers of the Path of Evil Revelations were found
within the sect it was agreed that they had to be purged,
for binding oneself to the infernal was merely another
form of servitude that Cainites should be freed from.

However, over the years this original remit has expanded

to encompass a mandate of safe-guarding the Sabbat’s
religious and ideological purity. In the Nights since its
creation the Sabbat Inquisition has declared a great many
ideologies heretical alongside Infernalism. Not least of
which the Paths of: Evil Revelation, Typhon, Sutekh,
Lilith, and Blood.

In the Modern Nights the Sabbat Inquisition faces many

enemies, both within the Sabbat and without. But with
utter faith in their cause, the sanction of the Sabbat and
the grace of the Dark Father they are certain in their

work. You root out infernalists and necessary to call for an Auto-De-Fe.
By This Sign: You have assisted an
heretics and bring them to your Gain 2-dots Infamy (Infernalists) or
Inquisitor, or one of their agents in
master for judgement. Gain either a (Sabbat Heretics).
hunting their most common foes, an
speciality Occult (Sabbat Heretics) or
Infernalist. The experience never left
(Infernalists). You gain a dot of status Iron Reliquary: You bear
you and you still see some of the signs
(Sabbat), as well as two dice to melee one of the most sacred relics of the
of infernalism. Once per story you can
pools when fighting the topic of your Sabbat, a genuine Iron Reliquary. There
ask the ST for a single sign of
occult speciality. was a time where all Sabbat Inquisitors
infernalism that you can actively try to
received such holy icons as their badge
Judge Inqusitor: You rank as of office, and they were a central pillar
Veteran of the Auto de Fe: Due a Judge Inquisitor, the High Inquisitor of Inquisitorial rituals. Possessing an
to your first hand experience of an Auto has entrusted you with the persecution Iron Reliquary gives you 2-dots Status
de Fe, either as a witness or a victim, of all heretics and rival faiths that dare (Sabbat) amongst those who know you
you gain a 2-dice bonus to all etiquette to stand against the Sabbat. The role is possess the reliquary. You also gain an
and academics rolls relating to such not without its dangers, yet there are equivalent of True Faith 2 whilst holding
proceedings. few Sabbat who do not fear the the Iron Reliquary. You can use it to
presence of a Judge-Inquisitor. Gain 4- ward off any supernatural that is not a
Knight Inquisitor: You stand dots status (Sabbat Inquisition), and an Sabbat Noddist, and can resist any of
as the able right-hand to a Judge Occult speciality in either (Infernalists) their mental powers by spending a
Inquisitor of the Sabbat Inquisition. or (Sabbat Heretics). As a Sabbat willpower point, which protects them
Your duties may vary slightly, but for Inquisitor you have the right to for two turns per willpower spent. (See
the most part are a combination of investigate any member of the Sabbat pg.222 V5 Corebook)
judicious violence and missionary for heresy or infernalism and if


Truly embracing the freedom offered
them by their undead state, the Nomadic
Packs of the Sabbat are ever on the move.
Whether tearing down highways, ram-
raiding shops on the outskirts of a
Camarilla city, these helions leave a trail of
destruction and death in their wake.

For those outside of the Sabbat the

Nomadic Packs are an ever-present source
of danger, making life on the outskirts or
travel between cities especially dangerous.
All the warning a victim will recieve is the
sound of roaring engines and the ecstatic
cries of the Sabbat as they descend to

On the Road: You have spent plenty Nomadic Pack, lose ground as you rest Thunderbolts from a
of time on the road. Maybe you were or have mortals take the wheel during Clear Sky: Nomadic Packs are
somewhat transient before your the day. You have a pair of Abbots at responsible for the Sabbat’s reputations
embrace or perhaps you found true your disposal. Build each Abbot as a 2- as hellions tearing into cities, leaving a
liberty in your undead state. Gain a dot Retainer. They must be managed trail of havoc and destruction in their
Survival speciality in either (Roadways) carefully however, if given the chance work.
or (Wilds). they will try to escape you and will
possibly report you to the Second You fully support this accurate
Backpack Haven: Even for
Inquisition. understanding and even lever this
Cainites to travel safely with any
opportunity to your advantage. Tearing
certainty takes some preparation. Either
I Know a Guy : Your into towns with the roaring of engines
through judicious caution or due to
extensive and frequent travels mean and the howling of the wild and
bitter experience you always make sure
that you rarely arrive anywhere without damned.
to have sufficient material to protect
knowing somebody. Whether you left
yourself from the sun during your
them on good terms, bad terms, or if On your first night in a new city you
travels. You have access to a pair of
they simply remember you as an odd gain a two-dice bonus to all skill rolls.
sunbags (Core, p. 378), you also gain an
customer all depends on your own This bonus drops to a one dice bonus
additional die on all tests to try and
brand of wanderer’s charm. Whenever on your second night, becoming 0 on
sunproof your shelter.
you enter a new city you can assign 3- the third night.
Abbot at the Wheel: No true dots in any combination between:
Cainite, no matter how fearsome, can contacts, mawla, and allies. Additionally you gain 2-dots Status
escape the need to sleep during the (Kindred Nomads).
day. This poses a harsh dilemma for the

A rare sight in the modern- Packs remaining find Yet for all the danger inherent to
nights, the Coven Packs were themselves cut-off and assailed their nightly existence, the
those who held domains within from all sides. Hunted by the Coven Packs endure. They hold
the cities held by the Sabbat. Camarilla, Anarchs, and Second their territory and conduct their
Amongst the Sabbat they Inquisition alike, the Coven ritae awaiting the day when they
provide the bedrock of stability Packs are often forced to hide will serve as the basis of a grand
the sect needed to hold its themselves from outsiders or to reclamation of the Sabbat’s
territory, as well as the staging work under false identities. holdings.
grounds and jumping-off points
for further conquests. In the
modern nights the few Coven

Tip-Off: You are well integrated into could be abandoned so readily, you Lair of the Mountain
your local area, as a result you receive a were left behind as a custodian of one Lord: Your haven may not be a literal
tip-off once per story when someone is such location of import. Work out why mountain fortress, the likes of which the
spying upon or intending to attack your your Diocese is so important to the Tzimisce Voivodes once called home,
haven. The information given and the Sabbat and it’s broader plans. Your but it’s every bit as dangerous for
time given to act on it may vary greatly. domain gains 2-dots of Portillon, you would-be intruders.
also gain 2-dots Status (Sabbat). These
Bolthole: You have an emergency benefits vanish if you abandon your You gain 5-dots to spend on Haven, and
back-up haven prepped and ready to domain for any reason, and you may the XP cost of buying further Haven
go.The haven is unknown to any but even gain the Infamy flaw (Sabbat) for merits is reduced by 1.
you and takes the form of some your failure.
innocuous secret space. (A false section
I Know a Guy : You have
of pipe or wall being common.) This is a
Influence with the local mortal
1-dot haven large enough for 1 person
authorities equal to three-dots and your
and has the location merit, providing +2
domain gains 2-dots Lien. Mortal
dice on hiding from anyone searching
authorities hesitate to act against you,
for you.
or to investigate your activities with any
Diocese of Note: There are great focus, provided you make some
very few Coven Packs amongst the effort to stay under the radar.
Sabbat these days, most were wiped You also gain a 1-dot Enemy, an as of
out by the Second Inquisition or went yet uncorrupted public servant who’s
to the Middle-East for the Gehenna eager to bring you down despite the
Crusade. However not all locations corruption all around them.

A more modern emergence, the Ultra-
Conservatives are made of those Sabbat who
believe that unity and order are needed to
achieve final victory against the
Antediluvians and their puppets.

Ultra-Conservatives argue that unity and

organisation must be imposed, and that a
chain of command is essential to wage an
effective war.

Abbot: Most Sabbat are loathe to beliefs and swearing a public oath
Additionally, the XP cost to recover or
take mere mortals into their service, and before being staked by the one
buy new backgrounds with which to
Sabbat Ghouls (known as Abbotts) can conducting the ritae.
attack your chosen target is reduced by
expect little mercy from their inhumane 1 (excluding loresheets).
regnants. You have one such retainer in ‘I [Name], pledge to uphold the Sect, its
your service, though you must be rightful clergy, and its sacred goals, in the
War Eternal:The Ultra-
name of the Dark Father. Stability through
careful how you use them lest your Conservatives believe there can only be
discipline. Unity through constancy. Victory
fellow Sabbat think you are reliant on through relentlessness. I will prove my worth. freedom for all Cainites once the
mortal hands. You gain a 2-dot I swear it, upon the altar of Caine.’ - Oath Antediluvians and their puppets have
Retainer, however, they must be used of Renunciation been destroyed. Until then, it is the duty
with care otherwise your fellow Sabbat You gain an additional die on any check of all Cainites to serve in the army of
may begin to call for their elimination. to resist frenzy when serving the Ultra- Caine, obeying their rightful leaders to
Conservative cause. destroy Caine’s errant grand-childer.
Loyalty in Death: The Sabbat is a
sect long at war and takes it’s security Victory Through Your stalwart service gains you 2-dots
seriously. One of the most common Relentlessness: For the Ultra- status (Ultra-Convservatives)
means of ensuring someone’s loyalty in Conservatives the Sabbat’s war with the additionally, you can call upon a 2-dot
the Sabbat are the Tests of Verification. Antediluvians and their puppets can Mawla to represent senior Ultra-
A series of signs and counter-signs. You only be won with unfaltering dedication. Conservatives willing to assist you.
know the signs and counter-signs for You ascribe to this philosophy
your region and can discern the loyalty wholeheartedly, if you cannot break an Additionally once per story, you can call
of any claiming to be Sabbat. Likewise enemy in one lethal blow you will on the assistance of the Ultra-
you can prove your loyalty to the destroy them with one unyielding Conservatives. This might take many
Sabbat cause to others with ease. assault after another. Once per story forms from providing arms or troops, to
you can declare an enemy to be the getting you out of trouble with the
Purity of Babel: Amongst the
target of your relentless assaults. You Archbishop of your city.
Ultra – Conservatives the Renunciation
receive a 1-die bonus whenever you
is seen as a ritae of immense import. It
undertake actions against your target.
involves a formal renunciation of former

The second Inquisition’s greatest coup was the
compromising of SchreckNet the vampiric dark-
web. Crossing sect boundaries the network was
pivotal to many technologically inclined Cainites,
including the Sabbat. By their nature and the
brutality of their existence, the Sabbat has always
tended to be younger Sect made up of those more
recently embraced and able to comprehend and
make use of modern technology.

Now the Camarilla shirks away from the use of

technology with ever greater fervor fearing the
Inquisition. GCHQ, the NSA, and more secretive
groups besides have begun wadging an effective
cyber-war against the undead, and where there is
war, the Sabbat soon follows.

Back-Up: You maintain a remote illegally. You also have 3-dots contacts and had a poke around. Regardless of
back-up of your electronic devices in- representing hacking contacts willing to how you gained access, you’ve gained
case they’re compromised. This could help you with everything from day-one access to SchreckNet, the legendary
take all manner of forms from a remote exploits to bot-nets or script-kiddies Vampiric dark-web.
server secreted away somewhere in the willing to assist with DDOS or similar
city, to a more conventional cloud back- attacks. The network isn’t what it once used to
up. Once per story, if any of your computer be. Compromised by the Second-
equipment or data on it is Victory Through Inquisition a lot of the data once held
compromised you can recover it within Relentlessness: They don’t know you’re within has been purged, nevertheless
one night. there, but you already have a bug in elements of it still exist and contain
their system siphoning you all the juicy potentially valuable data for the daring.
Follow the White Rabbit: You
intel. Choose a target organisation (this
might not be a master hacker yet, but
could range from a Ventrue run Once per session you can try to access
you’re good enough to recognise their
corporation all the way to national SchreckNet to garner useful
work and follow their trail that’s for
intelligence agency assisting the SI). information. Roll an Int+Technology roll
sure. You’re on the trail of a master
You gain a 2-dot Mawla representing difficulty 2. The greater the number of
hacker willing to assist the Sabbat’s
the intel you’re siphoning so long as the successes garnered the more useful the
agenda or at the very least to hamper
organisation doesn’t become aware of information you glean.
their enemies.
your infiltration. Once per story, you can
Making contact with this individual
also use this access to commit an act of However, if you ever fail the check or
(easier said than done) provides you
major sabotage but doing so reveals roll a messy critical then you are traced
with a 3-dot contact who is willing to
your presence. by the Second Inquisition. Not only do
perform technical work on your behalf.
you lose 2-dice from future attempts to
find useful information, but you also
Low Orbit Ion Cannon: You The Shreknet Lives: Fools,
gain a 2-dot Enemy to represent the SI
are a proficient hacker and have the did they really think it was all shutdown?
team who’re now hunting you.
tools and contacts to show for it. Perhaps you were a SchreckNet
You gain an additional die on any administrator, perhaps you simply found
attempt to access other networks a server setup in an abandoned haven
New Background
Path Loresheets
Choosing a Path of Enlightenment is a new type of background that radically changes a Cainite’s morality. Walking a Path of
Enlightenment is no easy thing, and the practitioners of a path treat their codes, the practices, and the creators of their Paths with a
sacred reverence.
Any of the following loresheets can be chosen in addition to the normal allowance of one lorsheet, and one lineage.


The Black Monastery was a convention of
vampires in 1666 CE where many of the
Sabbat’s Paths of Enlightenment were
developed into their modern forms. Since
then the Black Monastery has become a
legendary event amongst the followers of
many paths.

The truly devout or the truly dogmatic

often travel to the site of the Black
Monastery in Basel Switzerland, hoping
the seclusion and sacred architecture will
aid them in finding understanding on
their Path.

Whispers of Basel: You have heard Sacred Tutelage: The one Pilgrimage to the Black
in certain Sabbat circles whispers of a mentoring you in your transition to a Monastery: By undertaking the perilous
monastery of great import. You are Path of Enlightenment has completed a journey to the Black Monastery itself,
certain of its significance and are close pilgrimage to the Black Monastery itself. you may, once per chronicle increase
to answers. Once per chronicle you can They can’t share the true scale of the your Path Rating without expending XP.
ask another member of the Sabbat revelations, but they share what
about the Black Monastery and receive fragments of wisdom they can. [Note: ST’s are highly encouraged to
an accurate answer. run this pilgrimage or not allow players
You gain a 3-dot Mawla, but they will to take this lorsheet. It is not something
Walk the Sacred Ways: You are only assist you with matters relating to to be hand-waived and should pose an
preparing yourself for the trip to the your Path of Enlightenment. You gain active and present danger to the
Black Monastery. You’ve prepared a an additional die on all rolls (except character.]
false identity to travel under and have remorse and conversion rolls) relating
acquired the means to travel. to Paths of Enlightenment.

You gain a 1-dot Mask and 1-dot of Writings of the Prophets:

Resources representing your means of You can reduce the cost of increasing a
transport (anything from a motorbike to path (chosen when you select this
a van). loresheet) by ⅓ (rounded down), once
per chronicle.


An ancient path indelibly tied to the Banu-Haqim, the Path of
Blood has been one of terror for elders for as long as they can
remember. Even before the Camarilla and Sabbat came to be
in the fires of the Anarch revolt, European Cainites feared the
coming of the Assamites, who they characterised as nought
but wanton diablerists.

For the practitioners of the Path this fear was well warranted
as they were executing their divine duty of waging war upon
the cursed Spawn of Khayyin. However, when the Camarilla
levied a curse upon the clan stopping them from committing
Diablerie, practice of this Path abated. This state of affairs was
only made worse with the defection of many Banu-Haqim to
the Camarilla where the practice of Paths is met with disdain,
especially one as hostile as the Path of Blood.

Circumstances have changed however, with the return of Ur-

Shulgi breaking the curse levied by the Camarilla and letting
the path’s practice return in full force.

Alamut Advisor: You occasionally Master of the Beast: The revealed the bonus is reduced to 1
send correspondence and more beast must be controlled, failing to bonus die.
importantly, vitae to Alamut. You may control simply leaves one vulnerable
Prophet of Haqim (Path
write to Alamut once per story and unable to follow the teachings of
Adherents Only): You are a well
requesting guidance or information that Haqim. You gain two-dice on all frenzy-
established Prophet of Haqim's word.
will serve followers of the path. You may checks.
You offer salvation for all of Khayyin's
do this multiple times per-story if you
Children willing to accept his word and
send a tithe of blood prior to sending Dread One: Those of
death for all those who refuse to
Khayyin's Children who have strayed
Cached Vitae: The Path of Blood journey back into Khayyin's grace.
from the true path know to fear the
eschews contact with mortals, but also Gain 2-dots status (Prophet of Khayyin),
Dervishes, for they will offer salvation
advises against consuming their blood once per chronicle you can offer a child
but the once and think nothing of
unless truly necessary. The blood of a of Khayyin the chance to convert or die.
killing those who have erred. This
mortal only nourishes the physical, If they accept conversion then they
reputation precedes them and whilst
whilst the blood of Khayyin sates one become a 3-dot Mawla loyal to you as
not entirely accurate is something you
spiritually. long as you guide them on the path. If
can exploit to your advantage.
You have a cache of vampiric vitae that they refuse you can diablerise them
Unless you choose to make your
has been treated by rites preserved without suffering a reduction in your
adherence to the Path of Blood
within Alamut itself. You can slake up to path rating.
common knowledge you can reveal
2-dots of hunger from this cache during your affiliation to gain 3-additional dice
the story without risking a bloodbond. on any check to intimidate, though this
Re-stocking this supply necessitates a bonus only applies on the night you
way to contact Alamut and a way to reveal it. Once your adherence is
transport the vitae to you.


Amongst the Sabbat the Path of Caine is
associated with the most studious and most
ruthless of Cainites. Followers of the Path strive
to emulate Caine in all things and whilst many will
proselytize to their fellows, they will all
demonstrate their supremacy when given the
chance. Displays of disciplines, understanding of
the sect’s enemies, or control of the beast are
common amongst the Noddists.

They let none doubt their faith or their power.

They each know that when Gehenna comes,
Caine will call his faithful to him and they will
answer him with all the power at their command.

Followers of the First Vampire: To Apocrypha of Caine: You have Reading the manuscript increases your
walk the Path of Caine is to accept uncovered writing from historic rating in one Discipline of your choice
Caine as the true first Vampire and to Noddists detailing lesser-known stories for a single evening once per chronicle.
try and follow in his steps. Emulating of Caine. You are able to glean wisdom Choose a power, for all intents and
the Dark Father brings a Cainite a great from these writings, but they require purposes until the end of the night you
many benefits if they can remain true. intense study to glean the true count as having learned that power in
Your emulation of Caine helps you knowledge within. Once per session you the usual ways.
accept your nature as a true Cainite. can attempt to glean information from
Whilst you still walk the Path of The Blood of Kindred
the Apocrypha. Roll a Resolve + Occult
Humanity you may reduce the number (Path adherents only): If you commit
test Difficulty 5, succeeding on this
of stains you receive for an action by diablerie on a Kindred with a
check lets you add an additional die to
one, once per story when none of your Humanity rating of 6 or greater you do
all rolls related to one of your
not suffer the automatic loss of path
disciplines for the evening.
Cadet: Followers of the Path of rating.
Caine are taught to channel and control
Power of the Dark Father:
their vampiric urges. One mustn't deny
You have gained access to a
a vampire's needs, but the wills of the
manuscript written by a martyr or
beast can be bound and made to
theologian of the Path of Caine. This
strengthen you if you have but the will.
manuscript gives you feelings of
Once per story you can roll a rouse
power by simply possessing it, you
check to pass a frenzy check. (Note any
wonder what it might do if you read it
increase in hunger can cause you to
in full.
succumb to a hunger frenzy.)


In the modern nights the Path of Cathari is one of the
most prevalent. An unflife of intoxication, excess and
hedonism appeals to many, especially amongst the
Loyalists of the Sabbat. Whether it be cavorting through
the front line of Camarilla ‘resistance’ or corrupting
Anarch fledglings in dens of sin and vice the Cathari

Some amongst the Cathari lament the superficial grasp

many younger adherents of the path have, few grasp the
dualistic nature that underpins their highest ideals.

Creators of Light & Dark: The partaking in material pleasure you can Gilded Cage: The Cathari
Cathari find the basis of their ideology roll a manipulation + insight roll preach that as creatures of the evil creator,
and belief amongst the Catharist Heresy difficulty 3. If you succeed you can they must revel in the material prizing of
of the Middle Ages. The Cathars discern a way to spoil the pleasure for wealth and luxury. You are no exception
believed the world was split between them and drive them to greater excess. and have prepared a haven where you can
the dark, sinful, material world and the tempt and corrupt others in supreme
virtuous, enlightened world of the spirit. Spiritual Perfection: Whilst luxury.
You have started researching the the material world is fallen, the spirit is You gain a 2-dot haven, it gains the luxury
Catharist Heresy, its ties to the noble. It is the seat of compassion, and location upgrades. You do not need
Albigensian Crusade and the vampires sacrifice, honesty and integrity. For the resources typically required to
who survived it. Once per story you can mortals they can exalt their spirit by maintain the luxury haven upgrade legally.
ask the storyteller for information about celebrating the finer parts of the spirit.
Cainites as creatures of evil, and exempt Dark Miracle (Path
the Cathari.
from the true realm of the spirit, can adherents only): The Cathari believe that
Material Vice: For the Cathari the the most depraved or saintly of mortals
only find it accepting their place as
material world is rooted in suffering, must be embraced. Those who accept their
purveyors of the evils of the material
misery and all things foul. Even the most curse can bring much corruption into the
pleasurable and luxurious comforts of material world, and the virtuous can be
Once per story when you convince
the material world ultimately hide brought low by the curses' material
someone to engage in excessive or
sinister corruption that sullies a person. corruption.
gluttonous behaviour you can heal a
Your knowledge of the duality between Once per chronicle you can embrace a
point of superficial or aggravated
the material and the spirit means you mortal of great human virtue (humanity 8
willpower damage.
can turn even the greatest of luxuries or greater) or great moral depravity
foul. (humanity 3 or lower) without suffering any
When you see another individual stains. When you do this, you can remove
all stains from your morality track.


The Sabbat practitioners of this Path are macabre
scientists dedicated to understanding death. For a sect
whose ultimate mission is slaying beings beyond
comprehension, these practitioners play a vital, if
underappreciated function. Outside of the eschatological
aims of this path however, the practitioners of the Path
of Death & the Soul are weapons for the Sword of

Each Practitioner levies their understanding of death and

unlife to most effectively destroy the sect’s enemies.
Some unleash virulent pestilence created by channelling
the Abyss through mortal hosts, others bring spirits or
animated cadavers to assail the enemy in droves.

For those who walk the path however, each life ended,
soul bound or pestilence unleashed is just another chance
to learn. One night they will be called on to serve Caine’s
final punishment upon his errant grandchilder, and then
they will celebrate the fruits of their labour.

Banshee (Path Adherents Only): to represent your wards and The Dead Will Serve: Your
Those who follow the Path of Death & preparations preserving your soul. studies bring your mastery over the
the Soul do not interfere to stop deaths. already departed to new heights! Add
The last breath of a dying man is not Purpose before the End: One-Third of your path rating rounded
something to be denied him, rather it is Those who follow the Path of Death & up, to rolls to try and control wraiths,
something to be quantified and The Soul are well known for their spectres, zombies, and similar dead
understood.If another interferes studies of death. However, they also creatures (excluding vampires).
however, well, it is simply not the dying seek to comprehend the purpose for
man’s time, Path adherents understand death and the life that preceded it. Death Ascendant: Your
death comes for all eventually, it can Once per story you can declare an intricate studies of death, your glimpses
only be forestalled, never denied. individual to be a subject of your study. beyond the veil have let you find a way
You suffer no stains for allowing a death You must seclude the individual in an to save yourself at the crucial moment
to occur even if you could have stopped area where you can study them. Each so you might continue your studies.
it regardless of the circumstances. time you do roll an Intelligence +
Insight roll. Each success inflicts a point Once per chronicle when you are killed
In Pursuit of Knowledge: You are of superficial willpower damage to the you can roll your path rating. If you roll
familiar with the decaying effects victim, and a critical inflicts 2-points of a critical instead of dying you are left
Oblivion can have on the soul and take superficial health damage. However, with a single point of superficial
measures to protect yourself as you each such study allows you to damage remaining. (Might be changed,
work. Once per session, when you automatically recover a superficial lots of ideas)
would take a stain after rolling a 1 or 10 willpower.
on a rouse check for an Oblivion
ceremony or power, you can remove it


Pioneered by a Lasombra, and popular amongst the Sabbat and
beyond , the Path of Power & the Inner Voice is regarded by
many as a more comprehensible path. Cainite or Kindred,
vampires are often drawn to power, and the Path of Power &
the Inner Voice reflects this.

Whether brow-beating their inferiors, giving stirring orations to

their troops or devising the next stage of a strategy decades in
the making, Unifiers are fearsome leaders and implacable
enemies. It is by the ruthless will of many a Unifier that the
Sabbat has survived as long as it has. Now with many of the
Path’s practitioners amongst that ancient sect departing for the
Camarilla, power-struggles long settled begin anew. The night
will be consumed by fire and blood as it has since the nights of
Caine, and the unifiers will rise to rule over it all, or die in the

Dutiful Servant: The Path of Power persuasion or intimidation check to Lord of Iron: Followers of
& The Inner Voice espouses the direct your immediate subordinates. the Path of Power and the Inner Voice
importance of leadership, but also are willing to use whatever means they
The Lord's Teachings: History
counsels obeying those above you who must to seek power. They will also obey
holds the path was created in the 16th
are worthy of it. You have proven a those they acknowledge as fitting
century by a Lasombra called Lord
diligent, if ambitious, servant and they superiors and don’t go out of their way
Marcus. You have found one of his early
are willing to overlook minor power- to mistreat their underlings. However,
treatises on the path.
grabs that don’t threaten them. any true Unifier will not hesitate to
resort to any measures to ensure their
You gain a speciality in: Leadership,
Once per chronicle, in light of your control.
Politics, or Insight. You also gain
exemplary service, a superior will
additional 2 dice when attempting to
overlook your attempts to seize power, Once per session, you can enter a social
convert to the Path of Power & the
or physical combat with an individual
Inner Voice.
Imperious: You’ve truly taken to that has refused your commands. Every
hear the ideal of Cainite as master and Master’s Introspection: point of willpower or health damage
ruler. This certainty in your purpose Once per session, you can automatically you inflict upon them grants you an
lends greater gravitas your commands succeed at the check to act against a additional die on your next roll to
that few are able to resist. conviction derived from your Vaulderie. command the same individual.
You gain 1 die to any leadership, This can only be done if done in the Should you lose this combat however,
direct pursuit of greater power. you immediately become impaired for
the rest of the night.


Loathed and feared by the Sabbat as a cult of Antediluvian worship, the
Typhonist are amongst some of the Sabbat’s most insidious enemies.
To the uninitiated members of the Sword of Caine, many a Tpyhonist
appears to offer a smiling face and helping hand. But such naive sect
members would do well to be wary.

The Typhonists sole aim is the resurrection of their slumbering

Antediluvian. The elaborate weave of corruption, obligation, and
blackmail, only serves to ensnare more servants to act in his name.
Unfortunately for the Sabbat Inquisition, every Typhonist they slay,
every foolish Sabbat they redeem, is as nothing to Set and his faithful.

Thanks to the stolen gift of Caine they are free to wage their own
hidden war for eternity. If it should take until Gehenna for Set to
return, then the Typhonists are willing to wait, steadily building their
army, one mark at a time.

The Many Names: When a Setite, Purity of Sin: Typhonists are of the Antediluvians don't become aware of
Ministry follower or even Serpent of regarded by many as nothing more their true intention of reviving Set, and this
Light introduce themselves to occultists than drug-pushers, pimps, and fixers. veil is maintained with ruthless dedication.
and the gullible they have a panoply of But in truth this façade is just a means Should your true purpose be revealed then
names to give their words import to to an end, ensuring others are you can call upon the support of all local
such people. Once per story you can dependent upon them. Typhonists can Theophidians in hiding the truth. They will
drop the many names of the Serpent, make sure that everyone comes to serve stop at nothing to hide the secret,
giving you an additional die on all rolls in the resurrection of Set. intimidating, blackmailing and murdering as
involving occultists or the necessary. Ultimately, calling upon this
impressionable for the scene. Choose a given mark, you count as assistance all but ensures the secret will
having bullied the equivalent of 4-dots remain so, but it will utterly destroy your
Settling Accounts: The Typhonists of Mawla into them. They are a pawn in reputation amongst your fellow
rarely ask favours of others, but when your greater task of enacting Set's Theophidians.
they do they always do so having resurrection and the blackmail, supply
Vision of the Great Serpent:
offered assistance first. Whether you or of narcotics, or debts they owe you
At first you couldn’t explain it, but then you
another Typhonist were the one to offer keep them in your thrall as sure as any
understood. Since your embrace you saw
the help, you're able to call the accounts blood-bond. However, should you ever
visions of a great-serpent in your day-sleep,
of those who've had dealings with other lose the leverage you have over your
it was chained and bound and roared to be
local path followers. mark then they stand to become a
free! Any Setite with whom you share your
Once per story when trying to gain powerful adversary keen to avenge
visions can immediately recognise you for
services from a mark you can check with themselves upon you!
what you are, a true Prophet of Set. You
fellow Typhonists to see if they have any
Preserve the Veil of Night: gain 3-dots status (Setites) and Setites will
leverage. Make a charisma or
Many know the Facade of Theophidians, defer to you in religious matters. However,
Manipulation + Persuasion roll difficulty
Setites and members of the Ministry. you and those with whom you share your
2, if you succeed you learn what
They are corrupters, beguilers, and drug visions are hunted by Lupines. The cause of
leverage your fellow Typhonists have
dealers, if there is a vice or a crime they their animosity is unknown but they are
over your mark, allowing you to better
will facilitate it. In truth this facade is unrelenting in their pursuit.
control them.
carefully maintained so that the pawns

Of the paths, many Cainites, many Kindred view
Honourable Accord as one of the easier paths to walk.
Mortals and humane Kindred can understand honour,
placing a cause beyond and above themselves. Many think as
a result they can understand the Knights, their reasons and

But they fail to understand the true dedication the Knights

try to practice. Holding ideals is easy, holding them in the
face of eternity is much harder. A Knight never knows when
their end will come but wakes each night knowing they must
continue to follow their code or risk falling to their Beast
once and for all.

Squire: You have begun the research Crusader: You are known as a You can expect to have to act in
necessary to dedicate yourself to the stalwart defender of your group's defence of your charge (otherwise they
Path of Honourable Accord. Already you traditions and causes. This earns you wouldn’t call on you). What’s more if
find your will has strengthened and can acknowledgement throughout your you should accept the mission and fail
push yourself when it is most needed. group, and allows you to call upon then you stand to gain infamy within
broader support when needed. your own group.
Once per story, you can automatically
recover one point of superficial You gain 1-dot Fame (your chosen Knight Reborn (Path
willpower damage. group). Once per story, you can also call adherent only): You are a modern
upon a 3-dot ally to assist you with a exemplar of the vampiric knights of
Exemplary Character: Your task vital to your group’s goals. yore.
exemplary dedication to your cause
Legendary Defender: Your You gain an additional dot of path-
makes it hard for anyone to question
dedication to your group, your cause, rating, and once per story can call upon
you or your conduct, and even should
and your leaders is legendary. Many of your standing within your sect as a
you stray it is hard for anyone to make
your groups leading elements look to dutiful servant to ensure a course of
their accusations stick.
you when they are in need of a action is adopted and carried out, so
defender, and whilst this carries no long as the action in question is
Once per story when accused of
small amount of danger, it comes with honourable and in accordance with
misdemeanours or unbecoming
many perks. You gain an additional die your sect's teachings.
conduct, you can dismiss the attacks
when taking an action to protect your
citing your sterling record without
immediate allies. Once per story you
needing to roll. What’s more you suffer
can offer your services as a bodyguard
no further repercussions for this
to a VIP in your group. If you succeed in
your task then you gain 4-dots to split
between Mawla and Status.


To many, the Path of the Feral Heart is a path for the
true monsters. It is the closest a Cainite can come to the
beast without falling to the Wassail. This outside
understanding only scratches the surface, however. It is
true that the Beasts who walk the path don’t concern
themselves with politics, esoteric mysteries, or any grand
designs. But the Beasts share an instinctual knowledge, a
common understanding that through its simplicity unites

They know what they are, that they must hunt to survive.
They know they need a pack to survive. They know that
whilst others disregard them as brutish thugs, it is they
who will survive, they who will manage their Beast for
another night.

Creatures of Fang & Claw: Choose The Beast Within (Path Charger: You gain an additional +2
an animal, when you use animalism Adherents Only): When backed into a damage on the first attack in any
powers on this type of creature gain an corner or hunting you can call upon the combat.
additional die to all rolls. (This bonus power of your inner-beast to unleash
can apply on-top of specialities.) truly devastating attacks.

Roamer: You know the safest When fighting in a Protean beast form,
means of moving without coming under or using feral weapons, you can make a
attack. When travelling between cities, rouse check before your attack to
you gain 2-dice on survival and stealth convert the damage to aggravated
checks in order to travel undisturbed. damage.

Wild One: Others know better Peerless Hunter (Path

than to try and entangle you in their Adherents Only): You have become
political plots. Whilst you forswear their what all true vampires aspire to be, a
scheming, you’re not naïve by any Peerless Hunter. You are able to stalk
means, and more than one plotter has anything that dares to oppose you, for
fallen at your claws. now, it is all prey and you are the
predator that haunts their nightmares.
Whenever anyone attempts to gain Choose Either:
power or other advantage over you Stalker: When attempting to ambush
using political means they suffer a 2 die your enemies you may re-roll two failed
penalty. dice on the Dexterity + Stealth check.


Every Cainite undergoes a rebirth following their
embrace. Their old life falls away piece by piece, the
daylight fades from memory, attacking others to
survive becomes the norm, and strange powers begin
to manifest. As a Cainite continues their nightly
existence, a rare few acknowledge these changes, the
opportunities they afford.

The Metamorphosts seize on this rebirth. Psychology,

physiology, morality all change for Cainites and all can
evolve by embracing that change.

The Metamorphosists codify, analyse and optimise

these changes, taking the best from themselves,
challenging those around them to meet their
standards. Each Metamorphosist knows, each
understands these changes are the key ascension and
apotheosis, and they will do whatever it takes to reach
the apex.

Verge of a Breakthrough: The Path To gain access to your secrets requires the difficulty is 3, humans and ghouls 4,
of Metamorphosis espouses the not only their discovery, but also an and Cainites 5. If you succeed on the
importance of understanding and appropriate test (academics, check you can add your margin to any:
apotheosis, but just as important is the technology, medicine, etc) at difficulty 4. medicine, science, or fleshcrafting roll
pursuit of empirical discovery. For those against the creature once per story as
who walk the path, the verge of Secrets of Perfection: Your you exploit your understanding of their
discovery is a familiar place. extensive studies have granted you place within the chains of evolution.
Once per story you can add a single die clarity, whilst apotheosis still eludes you,
to any medicine, science, technology or your discoveries still benefit you greatly. Aspect of Apotheosis:
occult check. You gain an additional die to all uses of Combining the secrets gleaned by your
Protean powers. studies with your mastery of Vicissitude,
Cryptophile: The Path of you are temporarily able to push your
Metamorphosis requires adherents to Survival of the Fittest: The form to truly horrific heights for a brief
discover truth and information for adherents of the Path of period.
themselves. But just as important is Metamorphosis do not concern
preserving information and denying it to themselves with the politics, whims, and Once per-story when using Horrid Form
flawed creatures who would misuse it. petty concerns of other Cainites. Theirs you may add your path-rating to the
You have created an extremely secure is a metaphysical understanding that all number of free Vicissitude changes
repository for your greatest secrets. This things are part of evolutionary chains. permitted by Horrid Form.
could range from a conventional Animals are below humans, below
encrypted journal or hard-drive, all the ghouls, below Cainites.
way to scrimshawed notes recorded on When confronted by another creature
the bones of your own body. you can make either a resolve + occult
or resolve + medicine roll, for an animal


A path with a history indelibly tied to the Lasombra, the
Path of Night is a strange one for many Sabbat. The
Cainites who practice the path are amongst some of the
monstrous to stalk the night, each sets out to inflict
horror upon mortals, but according to each one they are
on a mission from god. To the practitioners of the path
every horror has a purpose, to force repentance from

Each Nihilist is utterly convinced that their horrors are

divinely mandated, other cynical Cainites simply suggest
the Lasombra haven’t been able to move away from their
roots and associations with the Church. Whatever the
truth of it, those Cainites who practice the path in the
modern nights must tread carefully. Many within the
Sabbat Inquisition have called for the path to be declared
heresy, but until such a fate comes to pass the path
survives, with even vaunted luminaries of the Sabbat
doing all they can to preserve it.

Unfaltering Corrupter: Nihilists on somebody you've tempted before half your path rating or suffer the same
the Path of Night must bring their however, you must make a fury frenzy result. Each atrocity must be novel when
revelation to all, and that means check difficulty 2. you commit it, and should warrant at
corruption and horror must come to all. Instrument of God: You firmly least 2-stains for an individual following
This reputation is one you can spin to believe that Cainites are instruments of the path of humanity.
your advantage to have others agree to God's will, sent to tempt, corrupt, and Corrupter of Men: (Path
your demands in a hope to be rid of try the Children of Seth. Your faith and Adherents only): You truly embrace
you. You can gain an additional die on devotion to your cause is so great that your role as one of God's servants. The
any social rolls for a scene by you find yourself resistant to the faith of Cainites must test the Children of Seth,
committing or threatening to commit others. You gain 3 additional dice to their righteousness must be pushed to
an act of horror. However, in any future resist Truth Faith. breaking point if they are to prove
dealings with anyone who has seen you worthy of salvation. When engaging
Horrors Incarnate : No
leverage this reputation you lose one with an individual you gain 1-die on any
atrocity or act of malfeasance is beyond
die. In future interactions you can roll to shock or horrify them.
the Nihilists of the Path of Night. But
threaten or enact further atrocities to Additionally, once per session you can
inflicting the same old horrors becomes
mitigate this penalty but never to regain perform a wits + insight check difficulty
stale and fails to shock or try anyone
the initial bonus. equal to half the target's humanity or
and so Nihilists must remain original.
Shepherd of the Damned: No path rating. If you succeed you can
Whenever you attempt to inflict a novel
one is free of original sin and it is your identify a fitting way to horrify your
and original horror or torture on
duty as a Nihilist of the Path of Night to victim.If you go on to perform the act
somebody, you gain two-additional
draw out that sin.You gain an additional itself, you can enter a social conflict with
dice. Any mortals that bear witness to
die on all tests to draw somebody into the individual inflicting aggravated
your atrocity must roll a willpower test
sinful activities. If you have successfully willpower damage. Whatsmore, if you
difficulty equal to half your path rating
tempted the person before you gain 2 successfully reduce them to zero
or flee in disgust and horror. Cainites
extra dice. If you fail on a roll to tempt willpower you automatically recover any
must roll a fear-frenzy test difficulty of
superficial willpower damage.


Crossing from mere Tricksters into becoming true
sadists. The practitioners of this Path seized upon the
higher ideals of those Ravnos who came to Europe
from India during the Roman Empire, and
denigrated the ideals to suit their whims.

Not yet considered Heresy by the Sabbat Inquisition,

those practitioners who find themselves within the
Sabbat often align themselves with the individualistic
Loyalists. Even these undead Helions know to be
wary of those who walk this Path, however. If not for
fear of those who walk the path, then for the
multitude of enemies they earn.

Know Your Own: Practitioners of the who still follow the cycle blindly. Truth in Paradox: It has
Western Path of Paradox are some of Whenever you would roll Stealth with a been said that truth is merely subjective,
the night's foremost charlatans and speciality, you roll 2 extra dice instead many belief systems hold that the fool
tricksters. Unsurprisingly this inclines of one. has natural wisdom that their lack of
you to move in the circles of other such intelligence can sometimes obfuscate. In
rogues, including pickpockets and Slip the Ancient Bonds: As times of stress you know how to appear
confidence tricksters. Loki tricked Hodr the Blind into slaying to have failed so as to better twist the
You gain 2-dots of allies to represent Baldr and made Frigg weep so too can knife or survive the apparently lethal fall
your trickster associates. You must you trick the powerful into thinking you but this knowledge requires acceptance
always be on your guard however, as are sworn to them. You let them think of the Beast in this moment for it is they
you aren't exempt from their own they have you bound all so that you who provide this dark knack.
attempts at trickery! might have them killed when they think
themselves safe from harm. Once per session when you spend
Lethal Charlatan: The Western
When you are subjected to the blood- willpower you may take aggravated
Path of Paradox teaches that Cainites
bond and successfully resist (due to instead of superficial willpower damage.
must either be shown the true path or
pre-existing bonds, vinculum ties, or Doing so means instead of re-rolling
they should be tricked into their own
other mystical means) you can make a three dice, you treat all failed dice as
rouse check. If you succeed on the successes and all successes as fails
Once per-story declare a Kindred as
rouse check, then for all purposes you excluding hunger dice as normal.
your mark. You gain two-dice on tests
can count as having a blood-bond to
to convince them to adopt the Western
the would-be dormitor but retain your However the roll is treated as either a
Path of Paradox or to lead them directly
vinculum ties and do not have to roll to messy critical on a success or bestial
into danger.
act against their interests. These effects failure on any failure after this inversion.
The Broken Cycle: By being last for a scene, in any future scene you If no resolution would work from the
taken out of the cycle of reincarnation, may choose to do this preemptively, appropriate list for a messy critical or
you are forever damned, but that just allowing you to present yourself as bestial failure list then they go into the
means you can use this to your already bound to another. most appropriate form of frenzy.
advantage and stay hidden from those


Bahari, Lilin, Lhaka. The followers of Lilith have
many names and each is a unique expression of the
Dark Mother and her wisdom. Theirs is a tradition
utterly alien to the mainstream, to conventional
understanding they are the dread witches, the
temptresses, harridans and destroyers of men. In
truth, the sons and daughters of Lilith are all these
things and so much more.

The Dark Mother’s wisdom is hard won, and each

follower walks their own path beset by thorns. But
as the Dark Mother overcame her trials and left
wisdom for others in her garden, her followers

Children of the First Mother: Many Seedlings of Elona: Lilith

cultivate gardens, both as places of
Lilins claim authority over the cycles of planted three great gardens and of
peace and to demonstrate their control
fertility and death. In a rare few domains these the Lilins have reconstructed two.
over the cycle of life, birth, and death.
Lilins even claim the right to determine D'hainu, the garden of Renewal in
Choose one:
who can give birth and by extension who Jericho and Bahara, the Garden of
Elona, the Garden of Hope: You gain
can embrace. You gain 1-die on all social Suffering in Oslo. The last of the
one-dot of haven and should you rest in
interactions with expectant parents, or gardens to be reborn is Elona, the
your haven you recover an additional
individuals who have sired within the last Garden of Hope. Whether you simply
point of willpower.
year. have gained such great sway amongst
the Bahari or have been presented with
D'hainu, the Garden of Renewal: You
Revelations of the Dark Mother: auspicious signs by the Dark Mother
gain one-dot of haven and should you
You have found a copy of the herself, you have declared your city to
try to mend in the haven you may re-
Revelations of the Dark Mother. Whilst be the new Elona.
roll your rouse check to do so.
the Bahari are an oral tradition, and
many Baham question the veracity of You gain 1-dot of status and 3-dots
Bahara, the Garden of Suffering: You
the Revelations, there are many fame amongst Lilins. Additionally, your
gain a 1-dot haven and 2-dots of the
especially newer Baham that seek it out declaration draws Lilins from across the
shrine advantage (as per pg.99 Children
for guidance. You gain 1-dot Fame world to your city eager to join the
of the Blood). This library does not take
(Fledgling Bahams), once per story you historic garden.
the form of a traditional library, but
can share your knowledge with local
represents mystic revelations you
Bahari to gain a favour from a fledgling This has its benefits, potential allies and
receive when you perform Bahari rites in
Baham taking their first steps on the contacts abound eager to strengthen
the haven.
Dark Mother's path. and defend the garden and all who have
Mistress of Power: Even the their place within it. However, it also
Tend the Three Gardens: foolish worshipers of Caine poses no small degree of risk, not least
According to legend Lilith tended three acknowledge Lilith in realising and of which is the chance for unwanted
gardens after Eden. Since their unleashing the gifts of his blood. attention to fall on the garden (whether
inception through to the modern Once per story you can manifest a 1st from the SI or enemies of the Bahari),
nights, many Baham have chosen to dot discipline power you have seen but also the chance for conflicts
used as though you possessed it for amongst the many Lilins who gather
one night. together.
Stave du
brick-w cked into
ductus r ork where cover as
hadn't g arely was he'd stoo the round
out in thrabbed th , whoever d but mom s from th
expectin e midnighe usual s had put t ents befo e soldier'
ammunit g Cainite t swathe pec-ops s ogether t re. Shade s automat
in a bra ion they s that mu d Iraqi mooldiers an his parti hadn't be ic shredd
ce on th had at t ch was c untains d hoped cular g en wron ed the
'Confirm eir hips heir dis lear fro . No, wh they'd roup of m g, the
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deny the r the com tals hav ot t o e o n t
mention deranctehis placwe huat lurked
use nati m access ms. Stavee aerial s the stak of incen p was
Another onal troo to the sit smiled, upport in es each diary
He focus storm of ps whatev e and wer if the mor bound' ca soldier
begin to sed his v bullets h er it cont e so keen tals wereme Vulpes wore
over the dissolve. itae, call ammered ained mus to keep it going to clipped e
manned wall sur As his boed upon thinto the w t be good a deniabl such leng fficient
forwardsby the belging so as dy flowed e darkne all behin . e asset a ths to
towards lowing m to avoid into liqu ss in his d which S s to not
As he su the razo ercenary the ince id shado heart an tave was
blackne rged acro r-wire f . With a ndiary r w he sli d felt hi crouche
blazing ss search ss the gr ence of t speed th ounds sp pped eff mself d.
that led torches, Slights ro ound as n he compo e belied at from ortlessly
pricks o up to the tave let hved back aothing bu und. belief h the M40
f c i n
If he cou metal th ompound s beast d forth a film of t e surged
mortals ld've smi at marke . As he fl guide him. Instinct shadow a
attackin were blun led than d where t oated acr through ively, lik midst th
even sev g would'v t they we a wry smihe mortal oss the gr the patche a wolf a e
But his eral regu e proven re effecti le might'vs had lai ound he f es of dar voiding
band of was no me lar packsitself mor ve. A fort e crossedn explosivelt the co kness
Hand we Black Hanre Sabbat would've e than a ification his lips e traps. ld pin-
martial re the eli d warrio pack… no struggle match for like the o . Whilst t
ability t te. Whils rs! The S he Stave d to over most Sab ne they hese
Slipping hey were t these m abbat wer was a me whelm su bat pack were
the towe past the in for a ortals t e soldier mber of a ch a fort s, heck,
distance r that he chain-li rude awa hought t s one an Kamut. ification
the nigh he heardld the ma nk fence a kening. hemselve d all, bu A chosen .
t as shr the thu chinegun nd thro s the pin t the Bla
apnel ca nder of nest th ugh the nacle of ck
scaded f an explo at had b razor-w
rom the sion, an een firin ire, Stav
heavens d a brill g upon h e surged
. iant red im. In th up
radianc e
e filled

Whether another commrade had fallen, or if they were now cavorting amongst the
ruins of the mortal's defences Stave cared not. He surged over the sandbags that
formed the machinegun nest's main defence. He growled, the sound a distorted thing
of nightmare raged through his head but the mortals inside the emplacement never
heard a thing. As his shadowy form swiftly filled the position the men wisely began
to dart for the exit… too late.
Whoever stationed these mortals here had taught them well. Most men would've
panicked as inky-black darkness swept over them twisting and making a mockery
of the most simple physical realities. These men simply tried to fallback in good
order. The three of them grabbed rifles and began to run, without a thought however,
Stave destroyed any chance of escape. Elements of his shadowy form surged out and
created an impassable barrier in the doorway.

To all those outside it simply appeared as the a shadow-fell over the entrance and the men simply
stopped. Then they began to panic… trapped lambs ready for the slaughter. Stave fell upon them his
shadowy form subsumed them and he drank deep of the rich blood. The heady mix of testosterone,
adrenaline and bellicose humours tasted sweet to him. It was all he could do not to lose control of
himself, to simply let his beast revel in the ecstasy of asserting its dominance over such overly
confident fools!
But no, he remembered his training, he remembered his purpose. He repeated an admonition in his
head 'Don't fuck up your part of the job,' he could almost here Deja bellowing the words in his ear
as the sands of Mexico battered him, 'Your comrades are relying on you to do it right.' The rest of
the line slipped into the back of his mind as he drew the last of the blood from the soldiers.
As he drew himself together again within the fortification he scooped up one of the fallen soldiers
weapons and rushed to the cover of the door scanning the compound ahead. The green veneer of the
rifle's scope combined with his own preternatural senses allowed him to pick out his next series of
opponents with ease.
The centre of the compound was a large concrete cube. Squat and prefabricated, with heavy steel
doors on one side, surrounded by metal shields and more sandbag emplacements. Atop the concrete
square however, the Kamut's next challenge lay in waiting. Three snipers, their heavy calibre
rifles barely visible amidst the smoke and vents atop the cube's roof levelled their weapons out
towards where the kamut had begun their assault.
'Stave are you in position?' came the gruff words of Wrench.

'Overwatch established,' came his curt reply, 'Three snipers in position above
objective. Neutralising, Thing, prepare to engage.'
As Stave loosed a pair of shots at the first of the prone figures atop the roof he
barely noted a blur of surging motion that catapulted itself across the killing
field set out around the concrete cube.
Thing didn't even acknowledge his request, she simply darted across the open
ground dodging effortlessly as the first heavy calibre round slammed into the
ground right at her heels. With a leap she covered half the height of the cube. As
she flew claws sprouted from her hands and she slammed them into the side of the
concrete cube.
Stave loosed another burst, and with a surge of motors and with bullets spattering
off it came an old Soviet APC now bearing the colours of the IDF. Wrench howled, his
thrill conveyed to entire Kamut, firstly over their comms, then to all in the
compound as with a cacophony of rending metal he ploughed the vehicle through
the compound's front gate.
Barely glancing to watch as the vehicle lumbered over the ruins of the gate. He
watched as the snipers came up into kneeling positions, watching Thing hall
herself over the ledge. He couldn't help but chuckle, for a moment he considered
cutting down one of the foolish mortals, but he decided to let Thing have her fun.
'Converge on objective' Shade's words were simple, stated as though such a thing
would be as simple as walking across a room, rather than storming over open ground
crossed with incendiary fire.


Storytellers Guide to running Chronicles on the Gehenna Front, Sample Stories, Characters and Hooks

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Paths of Enlightenment

The Vaulderie

Sabbat Ritae

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