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Penalty in case of violation of safety rules 1

Responsibility of the “Contractor 2
Basic Safety precaution for Contractor 3
1.1 Precaution in case of Excavation 4
1.2 Precaution during road work 5
1.3 Precaution for lifting tackles, wire rope, chains etc 5
1.4 Precaution during blasting operation 6
1.5 Precaution while erecting the scaffold 7
1.6 Precaution while working on ladders 7
1.7 Precaution while working at height 8
1.8 Precaution during welding and cutting work 8
1.9 Precaution during electrical work 9
2.0 Precaution during chemical Handling 9
2.1 Precaution during handling of power driven tools 10
2.2 While storing any structural material 11
2.3 While driving in TML premises 11
2.4 Legal fulfillment 12
2.5 Expenses, Medical and PPE 12
2.6 Hazardous Areas for welding / Gas cutting operations 13
2.7 Reporting of serious accidents 13
2.8 Instruction to be strictly followed 14

Penalty in case of violation of safety rules

The “Contractor” shall comply with all the safety regulations of the “Company” i.e. the
principal employer. In addition to the safety requirements specified in the statutes Non
compliance of such regulations by the “Contractor” himself or by his employees shall
render him liable to pay to the company penalty at the following rates:

Instance of Non compliance Amount

First Rs.500/-
Second Rs.1000/-
Third Rs.2000/-
Fourth Rs.5000/-
Fifth Termination of the contract and suing
the contractor for damages and or
removal of the contractor’s name from
the Approved list.

The decision of the company about non observance of the safety regulations and / or
the penalty as mentioned above shall be final and binding on the contractor.

If it is established that, an accident / incident which did not result into injury, which in the
opinion of the company can be termed serious, was due to a serious violation or
infringement of the safety regulations due to the negligence of the contractor and / or his
staff, it will be considered as a violation of the main contract terms and will be dealt with
accordingly by the company.
Responsibility of the “Contractor”:

1 In case of an accident to ensure prompt medical attention at the company’s

dispensary in case of injuries to his employees on work

2 Every injury must be brought promptly to the notice of the department through whom
the contract was awarded in writing on the accident intimation and accident
investigation form with all details. The departmental head of the contracting agency
shall sign it. Accident report to ESI Office.

3 Further treatment of the injured person at the hospital and other accidental work
thereafter will be done by the contractor, in accordance with the instructions of the
Company’s Medical Officer and safety dept.

4 As Company has to follow the government compliance. The contractor shall inform
the Safety Dept in writing about the date of resumption of duty of all his injured

5 Monthly report of man days worked including overtime , of all the employees (male
and female Separately) must be sent to Safety Dept through the contracting agency.
Progress report of the Injured person shall be submitted to Safety Dept periodically.

6 Contractor shall issue uniform / identity badges with photographs to his workers for
Identification and identity badges must be worn on the uniform. I card should be in
the format approved by IR dept. (Plastic card)

7 Contractor should ensure before any employee is deputed to work that the employee
is provided with all required PPE’s at contractors cost.

8 The contractor will report accident in writing to the departmental head of contracting
agency and Safety Dept on the same day of accident.

9 Accident report shall be submitted by contractor with countersigned of Safety Officer

the company within 24 hours.

10 Contractor should not deploy any Employee without proper and valid Gate Pass
Clearance from IR.

Basic Safety precaution for Contractor:

I. Understand the rules of Safety that he and his fellow workers are expected to follow
II. To comply with each rule and the statutory obligations with regard to Safety
The “Company” may from time to time add, delete, modify or change
any rule as and when required.

1.1 Precaution in case of Excavation.

1 All trenches, manholes or openings in the floor or ground. Whether inside the
plant or otherwise, will be adequately barricaded to the satisfaction of the
supervisor in charge, except at exits and entrances for the laborers. On
suspension of the work, the exits and entrances will be closed by barriers /
fencing every day. Signal will be red flag during day and red light after sunset.
One exit and entrance should be provided for every 20 feet of excavation
wherever possible. If this not possible, necessary action will be taken as directed
by company’s supervisor. The necessary sign board must also be displayed.

2 No undercutting or excavation will be done without written permission of the

CPED / Construction division TML

3 Excavation for the sides of the pits will be protected by proper shoring and
strutting to the complete satisfaction of the supervisor of the Construction

1.2 Precaution during road work.

1. No work will be carried out on any road, foot path or any place used as a traffic
lane or parking space without provision of proper barricading and warnings sings.
Signal will be red flag during day and red light after sunset.
2. None of the employees of the contractor will work under / near or pass beneath;
the load which is being hoisted or lowered, unless a watchman/ signalman is
specially deputed to give warning to avoid any hazard

1.3 Precaution for lifting tackles, wire rope, chains etc.

1. All the loads being hoisted or lowered by the contractor will be properly secured.
The condition of the lifting tackles, wire ropes, and chains shall be such as to
comply with the requirements of the Factories Act 1948.

2. Cranes, hoists, goods-lift, lifting tackles, pressure vessel of the company shall not
be used without written permission of the concerned department.

3. All machinery, equipment, tools (including the lifting tackles mentioned )

will be of good strength, sound material and safe for their use. They will
also be maintained properly. Each lifting machine or lifting tackle brought by you
for use in our factory premises will bear certification of the competent person
under the Factories Act 1948.
4. When the work is being done on cranes, railway tracks or roads proper warning
signs will be displayed on all the sides from where a vehicle or personnel may
pass. The warning should be bold and easily visible. If work is being done on the
rails, stop blocks will be fixed on the EOT cranes, to comply with the provisions of
the Factories act, 1948.

1.4 Precaution during blasting operation .

1. No blasting operations will be started without a written permission from the
Concerned supervisor of the construction division.

2. Blasting will be carried out within the time limit specified by construction division
And all precautions will be taken to see that there is no chance of any injury to
anybody or damage to building equipment.

3. All the approach to the site shall be closed by the barriers at a distance around
400 m, 10 minutes before the firing is to take place.

4. Loud wailing note of 1-minute duration shall be sounded on the sirens to warn
the public before commencement of firing.

5. Each borehole shall be thoroughly cleaned before the cartridge is inserted.

6. The blaster shall not return the blasting site after firing, until at least 5 Minutes
have elapsed. In case of misfire no person shall be allowed to approach the
blasting site for at least 30 minutes.

7. A new hole shall be drilled at least 60 cm away from the old bore & parallel to it &
about 30 cm less in depth & the new hole charged & duly fired.

8. If a shift change is unavoidable, the person in charge of the out- going shift shall
prior to leaving the shift inform the person relieving him of any case of misfired
shorts, point out to him their positions duly cross –marked.

1.5 Precaution while erecting the scaffold.

1. The scaffolds and supports erected will be sound, safe strong and properly
secured. Material used will be best of their kind to avoid any mishap or failure
under no Circumstances scaffolds or platforms will be overloaded.

2. Inspect all scaffold elements for safety before beginning erection work (after
dismantling repair the damaged ones, pack and store them in a clean place;
use only scaffold-grade planks; do not use badly knotted planks which may be
structurally weak
3. Dismantle scaffolds in the same order as during erection; do not throw any
structural elements or materials to a lower level, to the ground, or onto safety
nets or canopies

4. Use adequate fall arrest equipment (harnesses, lanyards, nets, toe and guard
rails, etc.) When working on the scaffold

5. Do not allow uncontrolled movement of trucks, forklifts or other vehicles near

the Scaffold.

6. Check electrical equipment for safety before use. Take faulty or suspect
electrical equipment to a qualified electrician for testing and repair

7. Wear adequate clothing and head-gear for protection in adverse weather

8. Learn and use safe lifting and moving techniques for heavy or awkward loads,
use mechanical aids to assist in lifting.

9. The contractor must have a qualified person to provide safety training for each
worker who use a scaffold. A competent person must give safety training to any
worker who assembles, take apart, moves, operates repairs, maintains. or
inspects scaffolds.

1.6 Precaution while working on ladders .

1. Never use metal ladders near power lines or other electrical equipment or

2. The ladder base section must be placed with a secure footing. Boxes, Blocks,
Barrels shall not be used as support

3. If you cannot secure the ladder at the top you should try to secure it at the base
using fixed blocks or cleats, sandbags, stakes embedded in the ground etc.
Where it is not practicable to do this a second person should foot the ladder until
the user has returned to the bottom. Serious accidents have occurred because
the person responsible for footing a ladder has wandered off to do other work,
footing is not considered effective for ladders longer than 5m.

4. Avoid overloading ladders – they are liable to break. Only one person should be
on the ladder at any one time. Make sure the ladder is in good condition. Do not
use a makeshift ladder and do not carry out makeshift repairs to a damaged
5. The ladders should extend at least 1.05m above the platform or other landing
place or above the highest rung on which the user has to stand, unless there is a
suitable handhold to reduce the risk of overbalancing.

6. Place the ladder at a suitable angle to minimize the risk of it slipping outwards
(ideally at about 75ø to the horizontal, i.e. 1m out from the building for every 4m
in height).

7. Where it is not practicable to do this a second person should person should foot
the ladder until the user has returned to the bottom. Serious accidents have
occurred because the person responsible for footing a ladder have wandered off
to do other work, footing is not considered effective for ladder longer than 5cm.

8. The spacing of rungs or steps must be on 12-inch centers.

9. Rungs and steps must be corrugated, knurled, dimpled, coated with skid-
resistant material or otherwise treated to minimize the possibility of slipping.
Minimum Diameter of the rod must be ¾ Inch.

10. The length of single ladders or individual sections of ladders must not exceed 30
feet.Two-section ladders must not exceed 48 feet in length, and ladders with
more than two sections must not exceed 60 feet in length. The hand ladders
must have a minimum width of 40 cm.

1.7Precaution while working at height

1. Ensure that person is ready for working at height by taking height test and medical

2. Use proper PPE like safety full body harness belt, Fall arrester, lifeline, safety
shoes, safety helmet etc and make sure worker is aware with PPE provide to them.

3. Provide Guard rails/barricade at the work place.

4. Obtain a permit before starting the work at height.

5. Provide proper working space (min 0.6m).

6. Tie/weld working platform with fixed support.

7. Avoid the unwanted movement on beams

8. Do not throw or drop materials or equipment from height.

1.8 Precaution during welding and cutting work .

1. Take the permit for welding and or cutting work. Inspect the area for flammable
hazards in the vicinity. Comply with the conditions of Permit to work.

2. Use only manual electrode holders, which are specifically designed for arc welding
and cutting.

3. All current-carrying parts, passing through the portion of the holder, must be fully
insulated against the maximum voltage encountered to ground.

4. All arc welding and cutting cables must be completely insulated, flexible type, and
capable of handling the maximum current requirements of the work in progress.

5. Report any defective equipment to the supervisor, immediately, and refrain from
using such equipment.

6. Inspect your work area for fire hazards and proper ventilation before welding or
7. Avoid welding or cutting sparks, and hot slag. Be alert to hot surfaces, and avoid
touching metal surfaces until they have cooled.

8. Place compressed gas cylinders in an upright position, and secure them in place to
prevent dropping or falling. Handle them with extreme care, and do not store them
near any sources of heat.

9. Remove any combustibles when welding or cutting must be done. If removal is not
feasible, cover combustibles with a noncombustible material. When welding near
any combustible material, another employee must be posted to serve as a fire
watch. Make sure this person has a fire extinguisher available, and keep him/ her
in the area after welding/ cutting are completed, and until all danger of fire is past.

10. When working in the vicinity of welding operations, wear approved goggles and
avoid looking directly at the flash, as serious flash burns could result.

11 .When opening valves on tanks that have regulators installed, be sure the pressure
adjustment screw is all way out, and do not stand in front of the regulator. An
internal failure could rupture the regulator and cause the adjustment screw to come
as a missile.

11 When transporting, moving, and storing compressed gas cylinders, always ensure
that the valve protection cap is in place and secured.

13. Secure cylinders on a cradle, sling board, or pallet when hoisting. Never hoist or
transport by means of magnet or choker slings.
14. Move cylinders by tilting and rolling them on their bottom edges. Do not allow
cylinders to be dropped, struck, or come into contact with other cylinders,

15. Secure cylinders in an upright (vertical) position, when transporting by powered


16. Do not hoist cylinders by lifting on the valve protection caps.

17. Remove regulators and secure valve protection caps prior to moving cylinders,
unless cylinders are firmly secured on a special carrier intended for transport.

18. Close the cylinder valve when work is finished, when cylinders are empty, or
when cylinders are moved at any time.

19 Secure compressed gas cylinders in an upright position (vertical), except when

cylinders are actually being hoisted or carried.

20 Locate the nearest fire extinguisher in the work area in case of future need for
an emergency. Fire extinguishing equipment must be immediately available in
the work area.

21 Never use matches or cigarette lighters. Use only friction lighters to light torches.

1.9 Precaution during electrical work.

1. Do not interfere with any electrical equipment unless you are trained and
authorized to carry out work.

2. Assume all electrical circuit to be live until you are certain they are not so.

3. Report broken ineffective or damaged electrical equipments to your

immediate supervisor.

4. Do not use portable electrical equipments, when your hands are wet or the
ground below you is wet.

5. Do not connect the loose wire in the socket by any means. Always use
proper plug.

6. Electrical resistance shoes are preferred to be worn by working with

electrical appliances.

7. When you notice any sparking, which can be a potential cause for fire,
report immediately to the supervisor.
2 Precaution during chemical Handling

1. Read the label of any container, manufacturers warnings and MSDS. Do not test
unknown product.

2. While handling chemical make sure that your eyes, skin and body are protected
by suitable personal protective equipment as mentioned in MSDS or Hazcom
3. If there is spillage on body, immediately wash the affected part with plenty of

4. Do not store any chemical in bottles used for drinking water.

2.1 Precaution during handling of power driven tools

1. Always use double insulated electric hand tools

2. All electrical hand tools should be examined by electric maintenance at least

once in a month and records of such inspections to be maintained

3. A visual inspection of electrical hand tool to be carried out prior to use

4. Care to be taken while using a electrical hand tools in wet areas

5. Tools having damaged cord should not be used prior to repair

6. A tag with instructions to be attached to defective tool and return to store for

7. No employee should attempt to repair electric power tools, only authorized


2.2 While storing any structural material, it must not

a Obstruct the passage

b Obstruct the road
c Create unsafe condition, which may result in an accident or a mishap.
2.3 While driving in TAL premises

1. You will not be allowed to enter our works riding on a powered two wheeler
vehicle unless both, rider and pillion rider are wearing crash helmet of approved
quality. Industrial helmet should not at all be used, in case of violation it would
be viewed seriously along with penalty.

2. All requirements under the Motor Vehicle Act, [including valid license] will be
applicable to you.

3. Inside the premises you will have to follow prevailing traffic rules of Tata
Motors Limited including speed limits followed on the roads and shop floor.

2.4 Legal fulfillment

1. The Contractor shall be responsible to comply with the provisions of the

Factories act, 1948, The Maharashtra Factories rule, 1963, Contract Labour Act,
1970 & Maharashtra Rules framed there under, ESI Act, PF Act, The Indian
Factories Act 1910, The Indian Boilers act, 1923, The Workmen’s Compensation
Act, 1923, and such other enactments in as much as they are applicable to his

2. Coverage under ESIS is automatically applicable to all. In case ESIS is not

applicable, the contractor should take out Workmens’ Compensation insurance
policy in respect of his workers. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the
safety of his employees / labours at all times.

2.5 Expenses, Medical and PPE

1.All medical expenses incurred for treating an injured person and compensation
as per the Rules shall be paid for by the contractor.

2.6 Hazardous Areas for welding / Gas cutting operations :

1. Paint Shops and Paint Booths.

2. Paint Storage areas in the shops.
3. Transformer rooms and electrical sub-stations.

2.7 Reporting of serious accidents.

We reproduce below the extract of the Schedule of Rule 115 of The Maharashtra
Factories Rules, 1963 ; under which an Employer is required to report an
accident within 4 (four) hours of its occurrence.
A. Accidents of Serious Nature :

I. Fatal

II. Immediate loss of any part of the body or any limb or a part thereof

III. Crush or serious injury, to any part of the body due to which loss of the same
is obvious or any injury which is likely to prove fatal.

IV. Unconsciousness.

V. Severe burns or scalds due to chemicals , steam or any other causes

These accidents are to be informed by you to safety dept and medical dept

B The following classes of occurrences , whether they are attended

or not by personal injury or disablement :

i. Bursting of vessel used for containing steam under pressure greater than
atmospheric pressure, other than plant, which comes within the scope of the
Indian Boilers Act.

ii. Collapse or failure of a crane, derrick, winch, hoist or other appliances used
in raising or lowering persons or goods, or any part thereof, or the overturning
of a crane.

iii. Explosion or fire causing damage to any room or place in which persons are

iv. Explosion of a receiver or container used for the storage at a pressure

greater than atmospheric pressure of any gas or gases (including air) or a liquid
or solid resulting from the compression of gas.

v. Eclipse or subsidence of any floor, gallery, roof, bridge, tunnel, chimney,

wall or building forming part of a factory or within the compound or courtyard
of factory.
C The following procedure may be followed for reporting accidents
of serious nature occurring inside the factory premises :

a. During duty hours of General Shift :

I. Arrange for First Aid immediately

II. Inform Safety Department / Human Resources Department / Executing
agency in writing on the day of accident
III. Security Department, only if the Medical Officer decided that an ambulance
is required.

b. At all other times except at (a) above and on Weekly Off

day / paid holiday:

I. Arrange for First Aid immediately.

II. Inform Security Department (after consulting Medical Officer)

III. Inform the residence of your Divisional / Departmental Head (Human

Resource), concerned Human Resource Officer and Safety Officer.

3) Accident reporting to concerned Government Agencies

would be arranged by Safety Officer. However, accident report to the
ESIC will be submitted by the contractor, duly signed by Dept head
(Safety) also within 24 hours of the happening of accident, in ESI
Accident Report Form.

2.8 Instruction to be strictly followed

1. While working, exposed current carrying conductors in the vicinity must be
electrically isolated.

2. Full body harness type of Safety belt and safety net must be used, whenever,
there is a chance of fall from a height. Life line must be put for anchoring safety

3. All necessary personal protective equipment (safety shoes, gloves, welding

shield and goggles etc) must be used by workmen.

4. Only such lifting machines, lifting tackles, chains, ropes, etc. that are certified
by a “competent authority” may be used.
5.Proper ladders, scaffolds, routes etc must be used to access the work site.

6. Person with disorders such as heart trouble, color blindness, epileptic and
who are physically or visually handicapped should not be allowed to work at
height or near bus bars.

7. Any incidence of dangerous occurrence, as defined under Rule 115 of The

Maharashtra Factories Rules 1963, during working should be informed to the
Safety and Security Department immediately. Further the site of such an
occurrence should not be disturbed.

8. Supervisor must be present all the work site throughout the duration of the

9. While working all statutory regulations should be strictly followed.\

10.he contractor shall never engage any person below 18 year of age for execution
of any Work. Contractor should submit a certificate proving the age of a person at
the time of taking Gate pass clearance from contract cell, like Birth date
certificate fromGram panchayat/ Municipal council, School Leaving Certificate,
Doctor’s Certificate etc. In case of failure of any instruction mentioned above,
company Safety Officer is authorized to STOP the WORK and impose required

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