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Dun3eons&Qra30nsw~ Official Game Adventure



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The Abyss: The Sea of Scream.. ............ ,..(L

Nkw, Hells: To Hell and Back ............... ..
....... -e-


Marid ...................... ...................

Modrons .................. .................
spined Devils ..-:.’ .;ir .......... 95
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This book provides the referee with a mines the THACO of the creature (see
series of pregenerated planar adven- below) and saves of a creature.
tures to insert into any AD&P game #AT Number of attacks s h m the
campaign. Each mini-module is a number of physical attacks the crea-
stand-alone scenario, suitable for ture is able to make during a given
incorporation into an ongoing cam melee round. The 342 listing means a
paign or for onetime play as a unique creature can attack once on the odd
adventure. Besides 11 adventures melee rounds and twice on the even
into other realms, there are 17 lair melee rounds.
adventures, each focusing on a crea- Dmg: Damage per attack indicates
ture from another plane. the hit point range a creature can
Most of the adventures start from inflict alter a successful strike.
the World Serpent Inn, an interdimen- THACO: This is an acronym for "To
sionally transtable (bigger on the Hit Annor Class 0 (zero)." This gives
inside than on the outside) tavern with the number that needs to be rolled on
a number of "convenient" exits to oth- Id20 for that being to hit armor class
er planes. With its godlike barkeep 0. To determine whether the attack
Mitchifer, the inn is the center from hits another armor dass, subtract that
which PCs can go out and journey to armor class number from the THACO
the other planes. Most adventures to see what number needsto be rolled
have other optional beginnings, for for a hit. If a creature with a THACO of
referees who choose not to use the 15 attacks a PC with an annor dass of
World Serpent Inn. 4, the creature needsto roll an 18(15 -
[-31 = 15 + 3).
This number eliminates the need to
Terms Used in Tales of consult tables or keep charts for each
the Outer Planes character. One simple calculation tells
you whether the attack hits. You will
There is a set of fairly standard terms find that this calculation quickly
used throughout the text of this work becomes automatic.
that are defined here. Every DM SA: Special attacks detail such
should be familiar with these terms. things as dragon breath, magic use,
AC: Armor class is a measure Of and the like special abilities of crea-
how difficult it is to hit a creature. It tures.
reflects the type of protection worn or SD: Special defenses detail things
inherent protection a creature has due like defensive magic, camouflage
to its physical or magical nature or its abilities, and so on, that must be fa*
speed. tored into a fight with that type of crea-
Move (MV):Movement represents ture.
the usual speed a monster is able to MR: Magic resistance is the per-
maintain for lengths of time. Short centage chancethat a creature is able
bursts of greater speed are possible. If to ignore the effects of a spew cast at
more than one speed is listed, the it.
monster can travel via two or more dif- ALr Alignment indicates the behav-
ferent methods: ior of the monster, whether it is Of g W d
or evil intent.
X" = ground speed gp: gold pieces
IX" = flying speed cp: c o m r pieces
t/x" = swimmingspeed sp: silver pieces
(X") = burrowing speed ep: electrum pieces
"X" = climbing in a web pp: platinum pieces
@X" = climbing in trees
HD: Hit dice are used to Calculate
the number of hit points (hp) a mon-
ster has. This number also deter-
though, for some of the more arcane point totals for a weaker party is one made an effmto
monsters, so your players can at least answer. Halving the damage done by
see what they look like. traps is another solution. In the case
where the encounter must be made
Lair Format tougher, a simple increase in the num-
ber of creatures can bring the
The 17 lairs in the back of this book encounter level up to where it should er has from one
are organized in alphabetical order. be. In both of these changes a modifi- atures. These are
Various difficulty levels are included, cation to the Monster XJ? number
from those designed for lower-level should be made.
parties to those for higher-level The (avg.1 listing for the Total Party
groups. Levels is a calculation that shauld be
Each creature encounter is itself a made at the beginning of the adven-
series of encounters that can be used ture by the DM. This is an indicationof
all at once or in part during a game. the power and type of creatures a par-
The referee can easily use these ty should be facing. If the party aver-
encounters without much preparation age falls below or above the l i i n g for
during the middle of a game or can the encounter by more than one,
use them to start off an adventure. changes should be made in the there may be three different people or
The creature featured in each enoounter. situations that introduce the PCs to
adventure is listed at the top of the fimt Experience points appear under the adventure, but all three would
page of the adventure. Next to the three different listings for each enable them to gain certain basic
creature name is a number in paren- encounter: Total Magic X.P, Total g.p. informatiin).
theses. This is the total number of X.P, and MmsterX.F! Following @eset Up is the Lqir see
these creatures that might be encoun- The Total Magic X.P l i i n g deals tion. This is €he main body Qf the
tered in the adventure. At the top of with the magical treasure of the adventure and includes a detailed
the first column of text is a box that encounter. All of the treaures have description of the lair as well as fhe

contains general information perti- been added intothis figure and appro- monster’s tactics and qveral sepa-
nent to the adventure. This l i s the priate subtractions should be nsade if rate encounters within the adventure.
terrain, total party levels, total magic the partydoes not findall the treasure. The encounters eventually leadto the
X.P., total g.p. X.P., and three degrees The MonsterX.F! entry is computed climactic batfk! in which all is won or
of monster X.P. from the DungeonMaster’s Wde list- lost.
The terrain of the encounter is given ings and a subjectii addition has The beginning of 31ssect@ gives
at the top of the box. This gives the been made for the tricks and traps of a r i bi of background on the creer-
type of area the PCs must be in to any given encounter. Three listings ture(s) and why this encounter is
encounter this particular monster. are provided under the monster expe- where it is. Then there is a short
The listing for Total Party Levels is rience points. These listings are used desctiption of the e m n
an aid to the referee to determine the by the DM as the situation merits. The what is there and msny
power of the group the adventure was Ki//listing is usedwhen the characters The rest of the information is the
designed for. If a party is larger or have killed all the creatures in the series of encounters the party will
smaller than the total party levels list- encounter. The Defeatentry is ussd in meet when *ding with the creature
ed, adjustments should be made. the event the party drives off m e of listed. Sometimes It16 end of the
Adjustments can be made in several the creatures or otherwise meets and encoutlter has a brief listing thaf can
areas. To adjust the encounter down- wins out over the creatures without lead the party to other encounters in
ward for a weaker party, severalthings causing the death of all the monsters. the lairs in Tabs of the Outer Hams.
can be done. Reduking creature ha The Retreat listing is used ifthe party
A Simple Deed, Well Rewarded

by David l? Martha Ladyman Traveling to a different Prime Mate-

Synopsis rial plane, a world of jungles, they
By some means or other, the patty has work their way, with difficulty, to Lliira.
DM’s Information heard of the World Serpent Inn and She reveals that she was tricked into a
how to reach it. In this adventure, the realm where she was powerless, then
Inn is set in Arabel, in Cormyr of the cursed by Hecate so that she could
A Simple Deed is designed to intro- return no man’s love, not even that of
Forgotten Realms, but you can move
duce 1st- and 2nd-level characters to it to any city on any world you wish. Enki, her beloved. Hecate, it seems,
the World Serpent Inn, in Arabel (and had briefly been enamored of Enki
The Inn is there, as well!
elsewhere!), and to its potential for Dropping in for drinks, the PCs find herself and what Hecate wants, Hec-
adventuring in the planes. Not much ate gets. The infatuation over, Hecate
themselves tricked by a jester into an
emphasis is placed on details of spe- unexpected commitment: to perform has neglected to remove the curse,
cific planes, or on difficulties of getting leaving Lliira stranded in Zannibar.
a service for Hecate, the Greek god-
from one to another. Rather, it gives dess of magic. She wants a hound Having come full circle, the party is
players a taste of planar unearthli- from the Wild Hunt (of Celtic renown) finally able to fulfill their task-Hecate
ness, and demonstrates the useful- to crossbreed with her own hell- is happy to remove the curse in
ness of the Inn in reaching these exchange for the hounds; Lliira’s
realms. At no point in this adventure return lifts Enki’s spirits, for which he
(The jester becomes their guide
are characters given the opportunity rewards the party with the artistry
through the planes, so detailed knowl-
to pick a portal at random-if they do Raven desires; Raven returns the
edge of where they’re going or how to
at some later time, the results are up spear and horn, and the Master
get there isn’t necessary for this intro-
to the DM! passes one of his hounds to Hecate.
ductory adventure.)
Having found the Inn, parties The party passes on to a well-
Drawn into a chase with the Wild
should have no trouble continuing Hunt, the PCs help dispatch a clutch deserved rest.
with theother adventures in this book, of grave-robbers, then place their
or into Planar realms of your own request before the Master of the Hunt. Experience Earned
devising. Not turning them down flatly, he says
Also, note that the Inn, and its bar- It’s hard to quantify the experience
that he will give them some of his points each PC earns in this adven-
keep, Mitchifer, are different from time
hounds if the party recovers his miss- ture. The recommended approach at
to time and from place to place. It rare- ing spear and hunting horn; a raven is
ly presents exactly the same aspect the first or second level is to award
responsible for their disappearance. each PC enough to gain one level if he
twice-at times its appearance will be Upon further investigation, the par-
radically changed! As DM, feel free to has done well, less otherwise.
ty discovers that the trickster Raven Of course, this adventure could be
alter it as much or as little as you lives on the plane of elemental Air.
please. used for characters five or six levels
Proceeding to his lodge, they find the higher, and they would still be power-
This scenario also demonstrates a
spear and horn. The theft seems suc- less to do anything but negotiate with
few things about the Powers which cessfully concluded, when they
inhabit the various planes. the beings they encounter. They
emerge, not home, but on the Happy should receive no more than 2,000 to
Most importantly, characters in the Hunting Grounds, where Raven is vis-
habit of hacking now and asking ques- 3,000 points, as well, unless one or
iting his Beastlord friends. Recovering more distinguishes himself above and
tions later are asking only for trouble. his stolen belongings from the PCs,
Therefore, statistics aren’t given for beyond the call of the adventure.
Raven promises to return the spear
any of the Demi-Powers or Powers in
and horn if the party can acquire a
this adventure. Statistics in Legends piece of art from the suddenly reclu- The Adventure
and Lore and elsewhere describe a sive Sumerian god of artistry, Enki, on
being’s attributes and hit points while The World Serpent Inn
on the Prime Material plane, not while Arriving on Nirvana, the players find It is just past sunset, and the party can
at home. Assume that anyone below that Enki’s withdrawal is caused by see the vague outline of the moon in
25th or 30th level foolish enough to the deepening sky as they walk the
unrequited love for the goddess Lliira.
take arms against a Power or Demi- This is very uncharacteristic of her, as streets of Arabel. Around them tired
Power on its home plane gets just is the report that she is working at the merchants are closing their booths
what he or she deserves, as quickly Zannibar pleasure palace, operated and counting their profits for the day.
(or as prolonged!) as the Power
by Tazy and Soshi (Tlazolteotl and Meat pie vendors anxiously try to sell
desires. Who needs to know hit points
Xochipilli, Central American gods of one last pie before day’s end; they call
in cases like that? to the PCs as they pass by. The day-
vice, gambling and chance).


"The' same holds true far your

A Simple Deed, Well Rewarded

helm.” She takes another PC’s cap, simple task.” She sits back and She gives them one contemptuous
shakes it twice, and a dove flies out. smiles. glance, raises an eyebrow, and sighs.
She takes a PC’s drink, sips, sputters Anyone in the tavern, and any of the “Is this the best you could do, jester?”
and coughs, and suddenly flowers are PC’s higher priests, can confirm that Behind her, a volcano explodes to mir-
blooming in the glass. they have indeed bound themselves ror her dissatisfaction. ”Trust me,
All this attracts the interest of those to one task in Hecate’s service, and Lady,” assures the jester, “these men
at tables near the PCs, and they too that it would not go well for them if they and women are highly capable cou-
start applauding and smiling. One of refused or avoided it. Should anyone riers who will be able to do Your Lady’s
the PCs discovers a rabbit in his shirt; refuse, he will have a run of bad luck bidding in a satisfactory manner. Trust
another finds a coin at the bottom of the next week. Like his house burns me.” A trickle of sweat runs down the
his drink; yet another gets his ears down. His girlfriend marries his best jester’s brow. Hecate sighs, and a
“cleaned” and finds scarves, toads, friend. His sword breaks in two. His nearby flame flares up twenty feet
and more coins. In fact, everyone at mother runs off with a fish peddler. high. She leans forward.
the table ends up with a coin. The The Princess accuses him of acting in ”Hear me, then, mortals. I desire a
jester does not perform for the other an ungentlemanly manner toward her, simple deed, easily done, and well
tables; all of her attention is centered and demands the guillotine. It rewarded. All you must do is secure
on the PC’s table. shouldn’t be hard to convince the some breeding stock for me. Nothing
Ifany PC examines his coin, he will character that it is in his best interest difficult; just a dog to mate with my
note that it doesn’t look like any coin to take the jester on her word. hellhounds. In particular, a black dog,
he’s ever seen. It appears to be plati- When the party is ready to go (either large, with a tongue of green flame
num with a dragon engraved on one now or later, after having been con- and green fire in his eyes. It must be a
side and the head of an unknown ruler vinced), they will be escorted by the male. I don’t anticipate this being
on the other. There is an inscription, jester through one of the doors in the something that will take long, so I will
Not all things in hell are evil; not a// tavern. require him in about two weeks-no
things in the Inn are good. longer.” She leans back, then forward
The jester seats herself at the table, again. “Should you succeed, your
and calls for more drinks. She politely Hecate, the Dark reward will be great. If you fail . . .well,
presses drinks on the entire party. Queen of Magic it’s been a long time since I’ve burned
Should they refuse, she will continue anyone alive. It might be fun.” She
urging them. After most of the party Upon passing through the door, the leans back again. “You are dis-
drinks, those at the surrounding party finds itself on Phlegethos, the missed.”
tables shake their heads (or similar fourth of the Nine Hells.
The volcano in the background
appendage). The PCs hear snatches The immediate feeling is one of
booms out another eruption, and the
of conversation. severe heat. Streams of sweat roll jester, bowing as she backs away from
“Did it again.” down the PCs’ bodies; their first reac-
Hecate’s presence, leads you again
“Like shooting fish in a barrel.” tion may be to shed any furs or excess through the doorway into the tavern.
“Smooth as silk, how does she do clothing. They are standing in the
Let the PCs work on the problem of
that?” midst of blackened, charred terrain,
where to find a dog to fit Hecate’s
“Did you hearwhat happened tothe next to a river of fire- not magma, not
description. Ifthey haven’t solved it in
last group?” as they conspiratorialy lava, but fire! If anyone is so foolish as
a week, the jester will figure it out and
put their heads together and whisper. to dip a finger in the river, he’ll find it
tell them. The party must go on a Wild
“Gentlepersons,” the jester says burns like fire, too. Volcanoes sur-
Hunt, as detailed in LegendsandLore.
silkily, smiling. “Having accepted both round the party and extend to the hori-
wage and sustenance, you have com- zon as far as the eye can see. The A Wild Hunt
mitted yourselves to service, albeit jester takes them to the nearest volca-
brief, in the employ of Hecate.” The no. Two nights after deducing exactly
whisperers at the next table hoot in There, in the crater, sits a stunning what Hecate desires, the jester bursts
laughter and proceed to place bets on woman on a throne of obsidian, stud- into the tavern and, rushing over tothe
how long the party will last. ded with fire opal. She has jet black party, shouts, “Hurry, the Hunt is on!”
“Now, think not that you can avoid hair, milk white skin, and red eyes that He leads them through a new portal.
this service; you need merely askXor glow like embers. She is dressed in As the party arrives, they discover
Y’, naming two of the party’s deities. deep red robes, and her nails are themselves on a moor. The time is late
“But fear not that this,” she continues, scarlet. She is incredibly beautiful, evening. The ground is damp, and
picking up one of the coins, “is your and incredibly frightening. This is the there is a smell of decaying plantlife. It
sole reward. There are twenty more goddess Hecate. is cold and foggy. A foreboding sense
for each of you upon completion of our The jester leads the party to her. of danger and excitement is in the air.

r ,

In the distance can be heard the bay

ing of hounds, and the sound of a
high, squeaky bugling. The baying
&, Staff stair DDumbwaiter
Private rooms

gets steadily louder, and within sec-

onds the Hunt is upon the party! There
are twenty dogs, each huge and
black. with green fire for tongues and
eyes, casting an eerie glow in the
darkness. Following close on their
heels is the Master, a man with jet
black skin and glowing green eyes,
clad in black leather. He is wearing a
set of stag antlers, which cast weird
shadows in the gloom-altogether a
most terrifying sight.
2. The party must run along with the
Writ; they have no choice. They race
at breakneck speed up and down hills
and valleys, taking no notice of fences
or walls (but never going inside a
building). At each mile the Master
toots his horn.
The party runs pell-mell for hours
(who knows how long?) until they
come into a clearingwhere lies a cem-
etery. The party sees distorted,
hunchbacked, warped creatures pull-
ing bodies from the graves. If a PC
looks closely he might guess that the
creatures (ghouls) are eating the
bodies, but the rght is so bad and the
green glow from the dogs so eerie that more large plants and
it’s difficult to tell. These creatures are
the Hounds’ objective, and they rush
at the ghouls.
The leader (a ghast, hp 28) turns 2d Floor
and flees-right toward the party! The
PCs can do nothing but attack it. If a sound.
party cleric turns it, it will huddle The PCs should put Hecate’s
against the base of the mausoleum request for one of the Master’s plane!)
and the party must attack it, being Hounds to him. At first he angrily If a PC hasa spear the Mastertakes
under compulsionwith no option. Any- refuses, silently twisting his face in a it as an example; otherwise he
one it hits must save vs. paralyzation snarl (much like his Hounds) and sketchesone in the air as he mimes
or be frozen in place until the Hunt brandishing his sword at them. As he that he wants his spear. Similarly, he
Master touches him (after the melee). pulls his sword out he notices what he indicates that his hunting horn is miss-
The Hounds will dispatch all the other is holding. A clever smile crosses his ing. The word and tin horn are but
ghouls. face, and he throws the sword and tin cheap substitutes. The Master then
The Hunt Master bends over and horn at the PCs’ feet. whistles to a Hound, and points to
starts tending to any wounded (The sword is an ornate short where some birds have started pick-
Hounds, rubbing and stroking them. sword, inscribed “Jacktooth”. Make ing over dead flesh. Quick as a flash
Curiously, he makes no sound when sure a PC picks it up, and keep track the hound pounces, snaring a raven.
caring for them. The Master never of it- it’s importantto the next adven- The Hound brings the raven to its
speaks. When the PCs approach him, ture on the Ethereal Dlane. It is almost Master. With either the sword or a
he will stand to listen, silently, and will as short as a dame;, and appears to
nod in reply to introductionsor to show
he is listening, but he will not make a
A Simple Deed, Well Rewarded

ground. Somehow a raven seems to Interior rafters should help if a PC where you look a fat buck or rabbit is
be at the source of his troubles. brought a rope. scampering without fear through the
Throughout the entire pantomime, Going down the smoke hole will be woodlands.
what the PCs can’t figure out, the like descending into a black hole. The There’s something curious about
jester will. The Master indicates that if lodge is very dark, with the only light these animals, though. Should one of
the spear and horn are returned to coming from the flickering flames of the party attempt to harm one, the ani-
him, he will give the PCs a hound. The smokeless fires scattered about. Mys- mal will innocentlystep out of the way.
Master and the hounds then run off, terious shadows rise from every cor- A PC may shoot an arrow at a deer, but
and the jester leads the party back to ner, cast by the dancing flames. The the deer will bend her head at the cru-
the tavern. hole enters directly into one very cial moment to nibble a blade of grass,
large, very ornate room. The PCs see and the arrow will pass harmlessly
A Raven’s Roost sleeping furs piled up in one corner, overhead. The jester doesn’t know
wooden tables, pottery, pipes, and where they are.
If the DM desires, the party can be left other items of Amerindian lore. Walking along the only visible path,
to research who Raven is. Otherwise, Should the PCs inspect these more the PCs gradually discover that the
the jester tells them about Raven (see closely, they will see that everything in animals can talk to them. A deer walks
Legends and Lore). The jester knows the lodge is very finely crafted, not of up to one PC wearing a leather jacket.
how to find Raven’s home on the wood or pottery, but of fine stone, “Hmmm, nice jacket,” the deer
plane of elemental Air. gems, and metals. observes. “Where did you get it?” A
When the party is ready, they meet In the center of the room is a verita- rabbit hops up and examines
the jester at the Inn and walk through ble treasure house of bric-a-brac - another’s fur-lined boots. “I love the
yet another doorway, toward a bright glittering items from all over the boots!” it exclaims. “The color is so
blue-green shimmering curtain hang- various worlds and planes. The PCs lovely! And the trim must keep you so
ing in front of them. The curtain seems see Grecian vases, Venetian fire- warm in the winter.” A bird will ask if
to shift and wave, and cannot be stones, Caasi musical instruments, the feathers on another PC’s arrow
touched, but can be passed through. Qatar rugs, Elven artistry from Ever- help it to fly straight. A bee will buzz up
As the party passes the curtain they meet, and many other exciting and and ask for a taste of honey (or honey-
come into a dense fog. They see noth- wonderful things-including the Hunt roll) from their pouch. A bear might
ing but fog, and have no sense of Master’s spear and horn, leaning inquire as to the spices used in mak-
direction: they cannot so much as see against a marble table. Two shining ing their jerky. None of these crea-
the ground. They are wise to hold spheres, 1’ in diameter, red and blue, tures will make any overly hostile
hands as they walk. They are wholly dominate two out of three corners of moves, yet these pointed questions
dependent on the jester to lead them. this area. Oddly enough, the PCs seem to carry veiled anger, and the
After walking for an indeterminate can’t get within 10 feet of either PCs will soon notice that these ani-
time (how can one tell time when there sphere, but no such restriction exists mals are herding them in a particular
is nothing to judge time by-no stars, for the other treasures. The PCs can direction-the path has disappeared.
no light, no anything) they pass take whatever they want, but the Finally, the party comes to a forest
through a similar curtain, this one jester takes nothing. glade with a stream rushing through it.
bright blue, coming out into a crystal- The glade is dominated by a large sil-
clear day, but there’s only sky-no The Happy Hunting Grounds very oak. Perched on a lower branch
ground! However, they do not fall. The of the oak is a 6 raven. The raven
jester affects an outstretched pose As they leave the lodge the PCs find sweeps one wing across his chest and
and flies off. The PCs discover they, themselves not in elemental Air, but in mockingly bows to the party. “Wel-
too, can fly. After about an hour they the Happy Hunting Grounds. They are come, friends,” he says. “How gra-
arrive at Raven’s lodge. greeted by the most tranquil land- cious of you to come visit me, and how
The lodge is quite impressive- scape imaginable. Green grass with thoughtful to bring me my own pos-
about 100‘ by 300’,and 50’ tall. It is flowers scattered throughout it grows sessions, should I have need of them.
constructed out of timber with a thatch on soft hills. Clear, sparkling blue Please, I pray you, place them on that
roof, and has two large smoke holes, water rushes by in a nearby stream, tree stump yonder.” Should any PC
but no smoke. The only other means and the PCs can see fish leaping in hesitate about returning his booty,
of entrance is a large double door at the currents. Trees are everywhere, Raven will lean forward glaring and
one end. The door is barred from the mostly birches and beeches. On every state emphatically, “Allof them.” After
inside. Should the PCs knock, there side is wildlife-squirrels race along the loot is placed near the stump, Rav-
will be no answer. The timber and on tree branches, while the sweet en leans back and cackles. ”Well,
thatch are impenetrable, so the only song of birds surrounds the party. sirs, may I offer you some elderberry
entrance is through the smoke holes. Insects buzz merrily along, and every- wine? It is cooling at this moment in

my Stream. It is customary to drink it Woes In Nirvana “May I help you good people?”
when welcoming strangers for the first Anyone attacking to get past the
time to the Beastlands or, as you know The jester ‘‘I better get servitor find himself quickly disarmed.
them, the Happy Hunting Grounds. overtime for this. No one mentioned
traveling all over creation for that stu- His responses include the following
Won’t you join me?” Wine bottles and information:
glasses are cooling in the stream. pid hound...”, and goes off to confer ,, ,
I m sorry, my lord is receiving no
Drinks are passed around for those with Mitchifer. She returns in a consid-
erably better mood. “Ok, we’re off to guests month. Perhaps if YOU
who want them. returned next year?”
“Now, what brings such pleasant Nirvana. That’s where Enki should be,
but no one’s seen hide nor hair of him “My lord is most distressed and is
company to my realm!” Raven listens unable to be of assistance to anyone.”
politely to the predicament, applaud- for the last couple of months. Clock-
work worlds. Bah!” she shudders. “I’m sorry, only my lord decides
ing the party’s daring and initiative.
“Now, that was a clever trick, if I do
Passing through yet another portal, Won whom to bestow his artistry, and
the party finds itself standing on a he is, at present, making no deci-
say so myself. Well,” and he spreads sions.”
his wings wide, as if stretching, “there giant wheel suspended in space, a
disk made completely of copper. They “Ahem, he appears to be enamored
is a simple Solution. You may have the of one who returns not his affections.”
Hunt Master’s spear and horn, for one are surrounded by other wheels upon
wheels upon wheels, all interlocked “A fey lass, beautiful of counte-
simple little service to me. Perhaps
you may have noticed amongst my and all slowly turning in unison. It nance, Yet Cold of heart, Lliira by
trinkets those lovely, lovely red and does look like one gigantic clockwork. name.”
blue globes? Those, kind sirs, are the The jester leads the way from the The PCS s h t t l d recognize Lliira’s
fabulous Enki’s Spheres-surely portal and, with her customary speed, as a patrongoddessOf CormYr,
you’ve heard of them? I blush to admit flies across the disk of copper. Should and know that while ‘‘beautiful of
the PCsstop to examine the disk, they countenance” is appropriate, “cold of
it,” and indeed, he does somehow
manage to look bashful, “but the thing find that everything-ground, trees, heart” is nowhere near accurate. if
the party disputes the doorkeeper’s
I desire above anything is the cities, even birds-are made of cop-
third Sphere. I’ve tried reasoning with per. The jester leads them across the assessment, he replies, “I have only
copper disk, then up at a right angle to the evidence to 90 on. At first she led
Enki; he refuses to sell it to me, or bar-
ter, or trade, or even speak to me. Art- a forested disk of hills and dales. The my lord On with choice words and
ists can be so temperamental at party speeds across the center of the embraces, then refused to
disk, then across to a counter- make any reply to his entreaties, not
times.” Here Raven sighs. “So, get
me the Sphere, and the horn and rotating, cultivated disk with rows and even granting him the courtesy of a
farewell. What else is he, or am I, to
spear are yours. Now, if there’s noth- rows Of green plants, tended by four- think?”
ing else, 1’11 be taking my leave.” And legged creatures wearing lilac robes.
The doorkeeper should add at
Raven flies gracefully away. Unfortu-
(or isturn,
it up?)and
to a a
disk governed
right angle some point that “the one who could
nately, his possessions disappear unfreeze her heart, to such a one I am
shortly after he does. by a splendiferous sun, with nicely-
warmed sand, then over to a water sure my Lord Enki would give any-
The party is left in the forest glade,
disk, spanned by gold and thing in his power. If you desire the
surrounded by the animals that W d - By this time the third sphere, that is the only foresee-
ed them there. The jester remarks that finely-crafted
party has traveled about three hours, able path to it. Lately, the report is that
if the beasts wish the party to leave as
and the jester has occas~ona~~y taken this female is practicing her trade as
much as the party wants to do so,
they’ll them to the out a timepiece, examined it, shaken chief attraction at Zannibar. Seek her
even more. there. Good day.”
entrance to the Inn. An owl speaks up, it, and then ’ped
At last, the party comes to a stop in The jester, informed of this latest
saying such an outcome is certainly development, is depressed by the
desirable, and appoints an “appropri- front of an ornate stairway leading to a
ziggurat-shaped, multifaceted palace additional prolongment of their task,
ate escort”-a rat-to lead the party. but her eyes light up at the prospect of
After acoupleof hoursfinding paths made Of quartzite and jade. The jester
(accompanied by baleful glares from sighs. “This is it. Letss find that sphere a trip to Zannibar, “and on the clock,
and get this job over with.” too!”
any animalSthey happen to meet On
the way), the rat reaches a pool and The party is met at the head of the
Jungle Pleasures
tells the party to jump in. Jumping in, stairs by a ruddy, bald servitor wearing
the party finds themselves brought to a white sarong trimmed with green. Zannibar, the jesterexplains, isaplea-
a standing position in the middle of Intricate gold stitchery is worked into sure palace in a jungle world, run by
their leap, perfectly dry, at a portal into the hem and the green armband he Tazy (Tlazolteotl) and Soshi
the tavern. wears. He bows deeply. (Xochipilli)-now they know how to

throw a good party! “If I know the course, admits one to the first floor. stagehand is wandering through the
Powers like I should,” the jester con- Higher levels run several times more kitchen or the third floor rumpus room,
tinues, ”Enki has cast a temporary than that.” expect him to be challenged.
conduit to their realm, and it should be If asked about the goddess, he smil- On the other hand, there won’t be a
located,” looking around, ”right over ingly answers, “Yes, Lliira is here. native servitor everywhere all the
there, on that little island covered with She’s our chief attraction, at the high- time. PCs just have to pick their times,
ruby hearts and golden stars, unless I est level.” providing appropriate alibis and diver-
miss my guess!” Throughout this conversation, peo- sions, and they’ll succeed.
The jester runs across the water ple and other forms of life are con- By the way, just because there are
with the PCs in tow. (“Don’t think stantly arriving through other portals, finally people the party can actually
about it, just do it.”) Diving backward and being shown, with many deep hurt doesn’t mean wholesale slaugh-
through the portal with a shout of bows, into Zannibar by the doorkeep- ter of the staff is the proper approach.
anticipation, the jester disappears. er. All the portals they appear by are Someone is likely to notice. Give a
PCs who follow find the jester being one-way;the party cannot escape that Wisdom ability check to anyone who
borne up into the palace by (if he’s way. In fact, should the party try to suggests this approach or hears such
male) two beautiful, laughing women return by the portal they used, they a suggestion, to figure out the likely
or (if she’s female) two husky, bronzed will discover it, too, is one way. If the consequences.
laughing men. Of course, any PCs PCs claim anyone is good for their bill,
the doorkeeper will reply, “We should
who jump through find themselves
sprawled on the ground. As she disap- have someone heading in that direc-
The Layout
pears inside the palace, the jester tion in another month or so. We’ll First Floor
cries out, “Let me know when you’re check and, if you’re right, there will be
The front stairs lead into a large, open
ready to go, but don’t hurry too no problem.” Messages to Lliira go salon with plants, waterfalls, and hid-
much!” unanswered, and bribes to send these
den alcoves throughout. A large, gild-
Zannibar is a pleasure palace messages drain the party’s resources ed, circular stairway leads up and
indeed, appealing to all five senses even further.
down toward the back of the salon.
the party possesses (and probably a The doorkeeper is unmoveable and To the left is the kitchen area with a
couple they don’t, as well). It consists unanswerable. The PCs must find
smaller staff stairwell and adumbwait-
of spacious rooms filled with beautiful, employment (as guards, servers,
well polished furniture and thick, rich dishwashers, actors, card dealers, or To the right are the guardroom and
carpet. The walls are hung with works whatever), or try to sneak in. Of staff lockers, and another small stair-
of art; statues and ancient vases are course, the problem with sneaking in
scattered throughout. The sound of is that the entire exterior is patrolled The auditorium and stage occupy
carefree and joyous music is heard by ocelot-headed guards in loincloths the lion’s share of the first floor. Back-
always, lovely enough not to annoy. while monkey-headed guards are stage, a third small stairwell leads to
Musks and other arousing scents perched above all the likely routes up the crosswalks above the stage.
envelop the patron in a pleasing the sides. Hallways connect the whole.
cloud, while tasty tidbits from a thou- Each PC must find an excuse for
sand worlds can always be had. The getting in, and must prove his ability.
Second Floor
temperature is kept at a constant 78 Thus, potential guards must spar
degrees F. It is perpetually evening ably; actors must strut their stuff; serv- The main stair opens onto a large din-
here-truly a seductive assault on the ers and dishwashers must show they ing area with more large plants and
senses. can do the job. Don’t hire anyone on hidden alcoves. A small stream runs
That much the party can tell from just his own say-so, but reward any- completely around the stair and sup-
the outside, and it’s probably better one who devises a clever approach plies the first floor waterways.
inside. Unfortunately, between them with admittance. All three staff stairs extend to the
and Zannibar’s delights is one very Once inside, again, they can’t just second floor, as does the dumbwaiter.
determined doorkeeper-a dark- ask for Lliira and walk up to her door. If A balcony and private boxes over-
skinned, muscular man with gleaming they have a job to do, they are given look the stage.
white teeth, dark flashing eyes, and a the uniform for the job and expected
furrowed brow. to do it. Weapons are impounded, and Third Floor
He is dressed in a feather robe -a guards are given fancy clubs (d6/d3). Smaller than the first two floors, this
tumultuous riot of color. “Admission,” If a PC is found where he shouldn’t be,
floor is dominated by a large “rumpus
he informs the party, “is (10 times the he is called on the carpet and, if no room”, complete with more plants and
total worth of the party, expressed in good excuse is provided, is fired. Oth- alcoves.
ounces of gold, per person). That, of er servitors won’t be blind to them. Ifa

A Simple Deed, Well Rewarded

Private rooms circle the exterior, love, and imprisoned here at Zanni- grabbed. The Master arrives, a hound
broken only by the two staff stairs and bar. Although,” and Lliira places one at heel. Mitchifer frowns briefly, then
the dumbwaiter. hand dramatically on her head, the turns to a helper. A large bone and
other at her breast, “if Ican never love sandbox are quickly fetched. Hecate
Fourth Floor again, then let me remain here, shut kneels by the hound, looking into its
away from the world!” Realization of eyes. The exchange of red and green
Smallest of all, only four suites occupy
the fourth floor. Lliira’s, to the south of the terrible fate that befell her strikes flashes are eerie, even for the Inn.
her afresh, and she falls wailing into a A strident horn announces Raven.
the main stair(and across from the top
pile of cushions. The Master rises in anger, fists
of the stairs), is indicated by her tristar
Further questions can reveal that clenched. Raven, in human form,
on the door, and is briefly described
below. “that woman” is Hecate (have Lliira enters, notes Enki’s parcel immedi-
call her “that witch” if the party is slow ately, and tosses horn and spear to the
The other three suites are marked
to catch on), and that Hecate no long- Master. “Had to get one more good
by two interlocked circles, a trident,
and a spout of flame. PCs venturing er desires Enki, but has negligently blast out of it,” he grins.
into these suites will be greeted with a left Lliira cursed. Hecate turns to Lliira, waves a fin-
The party will be unable to leave ger at her, and then tosses a sack to
voracious appetite.
Lliira in Zannibar, even temporarily. the PCs. (The sack contains 20 coins
The two staff stairs and dumbwaiter
She has taken new hope and insists for each PC.) She takes the hound by
service this floor as well.
on leaving with them. If anyone sug- the scruff of the neck as they leave
Lliira gests leaving her, she fixes him with a together. The Master leaves too, horn
steely gaze and says, “I don’t think and spear in hand, as though late for
Assuming they locate and reach that would be wise, do you?” Remind an appointment.
Lliira’s suite, the PCs find her alone, the denser PCs that she is a Demi- Lliira and Enki, locked in an
sobbing quietly. She is a lovely young Power over Cormyr, despite her cur- embrace, are oblivious to anyone
woman, seeming about eighteen, with rent predicament. else. Raven uncovers the shining yel-
dark hair and fair skin. She is dressed Allow the party to smuggle her out, low sphere carefully, then just as care-
in a flowing robe of white, decorated if they’re careful. (Also, they might try fully replaces the cover. If the party
with a cascade of orange, yellow, and to find the jester. That could be an has done well, he turns to them and
red stars. Jewels gleam in her hair. adventure itself, if the jester isn’t says, ”If you ever need a trick that
Her suite is decorated with some ready to leave.) works well, let old Raven know.” After
orange, yellow, and red motif, with no The exit portal is the only opening handing the parcel to Mitchifer for
furniture except some bright cushions downstairs from the first floor: a door, safe-keeping, he grabs a drink and
piled in mounds around the room. A locked beyond any PC’s ability to pick joins a cluster of bar-braggarts intent
tray of meats and fruits, with a it. Making the knocking gesture, and on out-doing each other.
decanter of wine, is near her on the invoking a Power or Demi-Power, Lliira eventually remembers herself
floor. It appears to be untouched. opens it into the World Serpent Inn. and embraces and kisses each PC. ”If
Drying her tears on a silk scarf, she Lliira has had no prior interest in leav- ever you need sorrow or anger turned
questions them regarding their quest. ing, so she doesn’t know the way out. to joy, call on me!” Enki, too, is grate-
Sniffling, she replies she cannot help The jester does know how to leave, ful, shaking each PC’s hand and
them. “I have no choice in the matter. but so do most other occupants of handing to:
If you could only know what she has Zannibar, so the jester isn’t absolutely each thief-type a set of finely
done to me...oooh!” and she bursts necessary to their departure. tooled lockpicks ( + 8 % on pick locks);
into fresh tears. Controlling herself Once back at the Inn, Mitchifer dis- each fighter-type a personalized
with an effort and blowing noisily into patches messengers to Hecate, the grip for his favorite weapon ( + 1to hit,
the scarf, she continues. “You see, I Master, Raven, and Enki. When Enki not transferable to any other weapon);
am cursed, cursed by an evil goddess arrives with a large parcel, he rushes each cleric-type an empty vial,
who had a momentary infatuation for to embrace Lliira, who turns a cold ornately engraved with his deity’s
my true love, my darling, my own shoulder, looking forlorn. The scarf symbol; and
sweetness and light, my adorable comes into play again, as she dabs each mage-type a finely crafted
Enki. Oh, I just go all shivery when I discreetly around her eyes. pen (+20% on chanceof successfully
see him in one of those towel things! Hecate arrives next. She slinks up copying a spell).
And, alas, that woman tricked me to Enki and pinches him on the cheek. (No more than one gift per PC, of
most cruelly into traveling to the Hells, “We could have been good, sweetie!” course.)
where Iam my weakest. What a miser- Neither Enki nor Lliira are amused.
able thing to do! Once there, I was Mitchifer discreetly removes from
cursed so that I can return no man’s Lliira’s hand the knife she has

Castle at the Edge of Time

by Christopher Mortika black rock, with dim yellow lights

The Adventure occasionally flickering beneath the
This adventure challenges a party of As the PCs are gathered to consult on surface.
four to seven 2nd-level characters in a future plans, to reminisce about past The mayor invites the party toward
visit to the Ethereal plane. Because adventures, or merely to enjoy one the chairs, as she sits on the front of
role-playing is more important than another’s company, they are her desk. After everyone is comfort-
combat in this adventure, minimal approached by an adolescent half-elf able, she will nod towards the black
adjustments can be made to chal- who bows politely and introduces her- figure.
lenge parties of characters up to 5th self as Dalia, a city messenger. She “This golem made his way to my
level. shyly asks the PCs their names, and office yesterday with the following
once satisfied as to their identities, message.” Myrrneen turns towards
produces a scroll sealed with the offi- the figure. “Pean, repeat your
DM’s Information cial seal of Arabel. The paper reads: request.”
Synopsis ”Unto (insert the name by which the In a stiff, guttural voice, the golem
party is known), Myrmeen Lhal, mayor responds, “I am Pean. On behalf of
Centuries ago, the legendary S a p of Arabel, sends salutations and my master, the Sapphire Mage, I bring
phire Mage and his young apprentice greetings to the mayor and people of
hopes of finding you in good health.
Montgomery left their home on the “A serious matter has arisen, one Arabel. As the lands about your city
Prime Material plane and took up resi- which requires your expertise in cer- are well-suited for my lord’s needs, he
dence in the Ethereal, in a castle tain matters. Should you come by my would desire to dwell in Arabel. How-
which the Mage’built near a curtain of ever, he feels it is impossible to carry
office in the citadel tomorrow morn-
vaporous color leading to the dangers ing, you would find me grateful. out his experiments in such close
of the Demi-Plane of Time. In this way, “Yours in service to Arabel and Cor- proximity to others.
the Sapphire Mage could not only “Therefore, he offers the people of
myr, (seal)”
instruct Montgomery and conduct his Arabel50 enchanted swords and half
Any inquiries regarding the nature of
experiments without interruption, but again as many spears of a similar nat-
the audience will be futile. The best con-
could also provide the useful service clusion the party might draw is that the ure, as well as potions to extend a
of warning unwary travelers away man’s life by nigh a century, and emer-
“matters” Myrmeen refers to must be
from the shadowy curtain. either subtle or less than urgent. alds and rubies equal in value to over
In more recent times, the Mage pro- 100,000 of your gold lions. In return,
nounced Montgomery’s training com- The Audience he requests that all citizens vacate the
plete and soon after departed beyond city and the surrounding lands for two
the veil of Time, never to be seen The next day, the PCs are led into the miles, and that such property be ced-
again. Montgomery assumed the mayor’s office, her letter acting to ed to the Sapphire Mage. One part in
mantle of the Sapphire Mage and con- clear their way through any red tape. fourwill bepaidtothecitywithinafort-
tinued his mentor’s investigations. The room itself is large and a bit night of her acceptance of this pro-
Of late, the castle and the curtain sparse, with walls of wood and stone, posal, the balance to be paid when the
have begun drifting towards each oth- an unlit fireplace along one wall, a evacuation is complete.
er, necessitatinga change of address. window looking out into the courtyard “My master recognizes the incon-
The Sapphire Mage has decided that of the citadel. Furniture consists of venience that willing compliance with
the PC’s home city, Arabel, would some fine oaken chairs, a padded his will might entail, but nonetheless
make an ideal headquarters and has bench against the window, a variety of feefs his offer is more than generous.
determined to buy it for a considerable potted plants, and a large desk. To the He can not be persuaded to increase
sum. The party is sent as bodyguards side of the desk is a rack of rolled-up his payment.
of the mayor’s envoy to deliver the scrolls, and behind it a sheathed “It is natural that the city should
polite answer, “No.” But the envoy sword and a shield hang on the wall. want to discuss these matters with the
has ideas of her own, and begins There are two figures in the room. Sapphire Mage. If so, I am permitted
negotiations for the sale, despite the One is a woman in her early thirties, to lead a diplomatic mission to his
Mage’s condition that Arabel’s citizen- dressed well yet comfortably in a dark sanctum. My lords asks that such a
ry be removed from the city. It is up to green robe and a tan cloak. Her atti- delegation be chosen with prompt-
the party to convince the Mage to with- tude is one of welcome, and her man- ness. The Sapphire Mage advises you
draw his offer, simultaneously protect- ner is one of quiet potency. The other that he dwells deep in the Ethereal
ing him from the envoy’s treachery is a short figure, not over five feet tall. realms, recommending that you plan
and increasingly murderous intrigues. He is heavyset, and his features are appropriately.”
impassive. Most notably, he appears Myrmeen turns toward the party
to be Carved solid from some dull and explains that, despite the Mage’s

generous offer, she cannot accede to the poisoning to take effect.
his requests for the following reasons: Although she no longer puts P f i d 8RBcIion. She wilt st
“In the Rrst place, Idon’t have the illusionist skills, she keeps with her a
authority. Arabel, as part af Cormyr, traveling spell book containing the fol-
belongs to the king, Azoun IV, and lowing spells:
only H i Majesty could agree to such Level t: Darkness.
an arrangement. Level 2 Alter sM, excetlent straps When the ne& ari
“Even if Icould, I’d refuse the offer. ultravision. es,she is quite cepab
Arabel is militarily and economically Although Lady Cheodot has as-i- A finat WardaROut
crucial to Cormyr, and the price ated herself with the mercllantHouse must concern her p
offeredwould not beginto make up for of Hiloar, her frue’byatties l i e w i t hthe
her loss. And the memory of Gonde- Zhentarim, an organization which or Hollae Hltaar
gal’s would-be empire, based as it might well benefit from
was in Arabel, is too fresh; manyofthe lapse. Cheodot seized th
Dalelands might see fit to invade. All to be appointed Onvoy to
in all, it’s a bad idea. Mage, and now intends to further the
“The matter of justice also says no. Zhentarim came by bringing tQ bear Sheoo~iders this quality eseentid

However lucrative the payment, it the following situations, in o r b r of anassassin.
would go to the kingdom coffers, or preference: Themanacmmpanyingheris
perhaps to the merchant houses in “The Sapphire Mage and Cormyr salbe,Goodnan Alex: AC 9; MU 12”;
Arabel; the populace would be sure to agree to the exchigge:’ T1; hp 8; EAiF 1; m g by weapon;
get little or nothing. “The Zhentarim gain posseSsion of THAC020; S 12, I17, W.15. D 1SC 12,
“The Mage’sdeal is tempting, and the Sapphire Mage’s payment, by Ch 1 4Cm 11; AL LN. He stands5 W
the veiled threat that he would take whatever means.” 5 inches. hrvo’b3chea k?ss,than Lady
Arabel by force if we declined, seem “The Sapphire Mage grows angry che&JLandhi$-arewelknade
strong enough; the Sapphire Mage’s at Arabel and Cormyr(’ butnattaikmd.His~isone
powers have been legendary for cen- As the envoy of aSabel,Cheodot is otsenrihrdeand&-
turies. Isummoned the city elders last certain she can at least cause the last But, libLadycheodot, he is morethan
night for an emergency council, and situation.
opinions were divided. But our final To aid in thes Gadman Alex isaspy insenrioe
answer must be no. Cheodot has the Alddphus, a sfage of iqrrabd. A friend
“To this end, I’ve asked Lady ciency of Diplomacy: of His MajesIy A2olm, Alddphus has
Cheodot, a pursuivant from the House Diplomacy (two slots, appropriate m-wsuspicionsabwt
of Hiloar, to speak on Arabeh behalf.” abili intelligence, die roilmod HouseHi~andhdyChsodot~m
Myrmeen turns to a door besides the A character with thii skill is particular, for some time. when
fireplace and calls for Lady Cheodot negotiations and pol ChetxJotwasgiven a diplomatic mis-
to enter the office. longtenn negotiatbns sion to the Sapphire FAage, Akldphus
Two humans come into view diplomacy adds 5% to madecertahtlwthsagentwould
through the doorway. The firsl is Lady each day of dealing with an NPC.Also, accompany her.
Cheodot, a former illusionist, now an a character with diplomacy can often Alex is a competent $mibe, l i t e
assassin (AC 4; MV 12”; 14, A4; hp 12; discem another characterstrue o m in moat hngmges. He is also skilled
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon; THACO 20;S tives. If the skilled character ‘is at U@bmcy. wlhough his low cha-
15,117, W 17, D 18, C 14, Ch 18.Cm approached by m e o n e else who rismaumkes A k a poor mgaiator,
14; AL NE). She looks to be in her late attempts ts persuade him ar her, a sue he l i e n s well and pislrsqmmversa-
fifties, although she carries herself cessfulProficiencyChedcwould tional r n ~ ~ r S r * .
well and has the health of a woman something abwt the speaker‘s As the adwen&mbegins, he does
half her age. Her hair is gray-towhite, tives, although not about his reaspns or Rot suspect Lady chsalot’s true all&
cut in a conservativestyle. Her garb is motivation (thecharacterwith Diploma- ghm, not daes he wen know Myr-
red and tan, of a comfortable but cy might know what somebody wants, meen’s position on the Sapphire
carefully-tailored fit, with a low collar. but not necessan‘ly why). The Mage‘s offer (no one has thought to
She wears a ringo f p m +2, and and thoroughness of t his informati00 R telthkn, and he doesnot wish toseem
carries a dagger + 2 at her waist. The left up to the DM. overbold and ask]. Aldolpbs has
weapon has the a b i l i to poison (as assigned him to nrstsh Cheodotand
the spefl) once per day, but glows with Lady Cheodot is usually p o l i and report any suspiciars actions. Alex
a dull red l i t for two turns after- refined. Her bearing gives the PCS will probably find himself involved
wards. A victim must be touched for suggestions of an age and a station in more deeply than he expects.
Castle at the Edge of Time

Alex is not a member of the local A Golem Comes Home itself on its home plane and returns to
Thieves’ Guild, but has contacted it the battle after a delay of three
The passage through the World Ser-
infrequently. Any PC thief who is curi- rounds, completely healed; AL CN).
pent is brief. A walk up one set of
ous about Alex, and who makes a suc- The shockers attackfiercely, targeting
stairs, across a balcony where two any character carrying a magical item.
cessful Intelligence Check can
umber hulks try to drink each other
recollect seeing him before, but spe- With the shockers is a fifth figure, a
under the table, down another stair-
cific information requires a roll of 1 on dim gray glow with a bright white pin-
case, and back through the front door
the check. point nucleus. This creature, which
leaves the party still in the streets of
For her part, Cheodot has given has yet to manifest itself on a Prime
Arabel, but only as ephemeral phan- Material plane, is a lodestar (AC 3; MV
Goodman Alex more thought than any
toms. Pean has led the mission into
of her other servants. Should she both- 9”; HD 4; hp 23; #AT 0; SA magnet-
the Border Ethereal.
er to assess the scribe, her conclusion ism; SD magnetism; AL CN; size S (4’
Pean changes direction, heading
would be “He whines,” and that would globe)). The lodestar communicates
deeper into the Ethereal and fading
be the end of it. Alex’s only credit in her telepathically with the shockers,
from the PCs’view. Due to the nature of
eyes is his use as a scapegoat to frame directing the assault. It has no damag-
the plane, the party can follow by the
if her plans go awry. ing attacks, but all metal within 20
desire to do so. As they travel away
Both Lady Cheodot and Goodman yards is affected by its magnetic
from the border, the city of Arabel
Alex enter the mayor’s office carrying powers. Any character within this
recedes in all directions. Soon, the party
baggage as though they were leaving range wearing metal armor of a fer-
is in the Deep Ethereal, next to a blue-
for a journey. Additionally, Goodman rous nature suffers a penalty of -2 on
green curtain. Pean is there as well and
Alex carries a set of scribe’s tools and dexterity. Anyone using a metal weap-
continues his journey. Moving slowly
a sheaf of scrolls.
enough for the party to follow, Pean
on must divert some muscle to coun-
Myrmeen introduces the party to teract the lodestar’s effect: the
takes 40 turns to reach the castle.
them as guards for the mission. character’s strength is reduced by 1.
One of the first things that transpires
“Although I hardly expect a need for Should the lodestar be killed, the
is the revelation that Jacktooth (the
armed guards, your ladyship can well shockers immediately rout, and the
short sword won during the introductory
appreciate the use of companions fight ends.
adventure) is magical. Indeed, in the
skilled in alien dimensions. These Lady Cheodot and Goodman Alex
Etheral plane, Jacktooth glows cobalt
adventurers have such experience, are useless. Alex has no means of
blue and vibrates softly. The blade is
and yet are not powerful enough to attack, and Cheodot does not wish to
imply a threat to the Mage. If this is
+ 1 to hit and damage, and can hit any reveal hers.
creature native to the inner planes,
acceptable both to her ladyship and to Pean, on the other hand, does lend
doing at least average damage anytime
you adventurers, I am prepared to a hand: ether golem (AC 1; MV 5”; HD
it is used in a backstabbing or assassi- 6; hp 25; #AT 112; Dmg 2-20; THACO
offer you payment of five hundred
nation attempt. 13; SD regenerates 1 hp every three
lions per person.
If the DM did not play the first turns spent in the Deep Ethereal,
“By the gods, I charge you the task
adventure, he should arrange other
of guarding the person of Lady immune to mind-affecting spells, able
means so the party has such a weap to enter the Border Ethereal from any
Cheodot and the interests of Arabel,
on. point of the inner planes at will; AL N.)
keeping each free from harm.”
About two hours after the party
Myrmeen sits back then, allowing a Aionias, the original Sapphire
begins their Ethereal trek, they pass by
moment forthe party to ask questions. Mage, constructed Pean and nine oth-
an irregularly-shaped copper-colored
Then the mayor addresses the golem. er ether golems centuries ago as ser-
curtain, which writhes and undulatesas
“Pean, the diplomatic mission is vants. They are sturdy, if slow,
ready to follow you.” the party nears. This curtain marks the fighters, but their primary use is non-
border to the demi-plane of Electrc-
At this, Pean animates. With the combative. Of all the golem types, the
Magnetism, and the perturbationswarn
same stiffness as characterizes his ether golem is best able to follow com-
of an imminent attack.
speech, he walks out the door. Lady plex commands.
When the party is but 14” away
Cheodot and Goodman Alex make As the fight progresses, the DM
from the curtain, five figures are dis-
haste to follow. should roll an Intelligence Check for
gorged from the stormy veil and come each party member, adding +2 to the
Pean leads the party to the Wild
racing toward the party.
Goose, where he stops and gestures chance of anyone specifically looking
Four of the figures are shockers (AC
subtly before proceeding through the out. To those who make the roll, the
0 or 10; MV 9”; HD 1 +2; hp 7 each;
entrance. Thus does he step into the DM should reveal that a shadowy fig-
#AT 1; Dmg 10; SA disintegrates on
World Serpent Inn. ure, like a human-shaped hole in the
attack; SD if a shocker disintegrates ether, is watching from a distance.
upon a successful attack, it reforms
This figure will appear later in the

Castle at the Edge of Time

adventure. Should a PC attempt to when speaking. Mostlyout of habit, he central open shaft through the castle,
investigate him here and now, the fig- completely examines a thought with encircling rooms. In the center of
ure immediately vanishes. The rest of before speaking it. A listener gets the the open area hangs a decorative,
the trip to the castle is uneventful. impression he always means what he abstract piece of metal artwork.
says. The ground floor is the largest.
To Meet the Sapphire Mage As cautious as he is, Montgomery Besides a long hallway from the doors
As the party arrives, the first thing that admires spontaneity and initiative in of the castle to the center area, a hall-
comes into view is the curtain to the others. His duties and experiments way filled with potted plants and beau-
demi-plane of Time. The pearl and sil- leave him little time for roving explora- tiful paintings, it includes the kitchen
ver sheet is nearly 20” long and over tions, so he admires those who set (Vair is a passable chef) and a prodi-
half that in height. It is brighter than forth regularly on expeditions to gious amount of stored goods.
most curtains, and illumines the plane accomplish non-evil goals. The second floor is the most used,
in a soft light. At times, large portions Montgomery is a good man and an with a library, an intimate parlor, a
of the curtain fade to translucence and honest one. He has scribed upon and music room (the Mage, even after
reveal the Ethereal beyond. In these been a part of enough dealings with centuries of practice, is an uninspired
areas appear a handful of shadowy, cunning people to be far from naive, harpist), and the dining room.
indistinct human-shapes, peering but his ideals are intact, and his posi- One story higher can be found the
back out at the PCs. tion will always be formed from his personal quarters. (Lady Cheodot
As the party draws nearer, a sculpt- beliefs in personal honor and charity. asks that she and Goodman Alex be
ed hill of dark ethereal stone rises to Montgomery is today a lonely man. given rooms a distance from the PCs’,
obscure the smallest portion of the He was Aionias’ apprentice at an early and the Mage complies.) All rooms
bottom of the curtain. The Mage must age, and spent centuries with no other can be locked from the inside with a
be sure of himself indeed to build his company. After the first Mage left, simple bolt mechanism which cannot
home so near such a spectacle. Montgomery continued his studies be picked (only forced) from the out-
Upon arrival, the party is met by a alone. Except for the occasional lost side. Alsoon this floor is asmall shrine
fortyish-looking man in blue robes and traveler or curious explorer, he has to Deneir.
a second golem, blue with white had few visitors since. The golems On the fourth level are the Mage’s
sparks but otherwise identical to make poor conversationalists, and studies and workroom. In the studies
Pean. scrying into other realms just isn’t the may be found a crystal ball with clair-
He smiles warmly as he looks over same. audience, a variety of maps and notes
the group of travelers. “I may assume Montgomery’s studies involve sum- regarding places in sundry dimen-
you are the delegation from Arabel?” moning and controlling creatures of sions, and, on top of a stack of other
he asks in a deep, friendly baritone. the inner planes, and his knowledge is tomes, Montgomery’s spell book. It is
The man in blue asks Pean to show so complete that he can answer ques- wizard locked at 7th level and con-
the party to suitable quarters, and tions as if he were a sage in this minor tains the following spells:
sends the other golem, Vair, for medi- field. He requires that the populace Level 1 : Comprehend languages,
cal supplies if anyone in the party was vacate Arabel because some crea- dancing lights, detect magic, reduce,
injured in the encounter with the tures he summons are deadly, and he friends, magic missile, protection from
shockers. dares not expose such a large city to evil, read magic, unseen servant, wiz-
Montgomery(AC6;MV12;MU10; so great a hazard. ard mark, write.
hp 34; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon or spell; Level 2: Continuallight, detect evil,
THACO 19; S 12,117, W 17, D 16, C The Castle Proper forget, locate object, magic mouth. ray
13, Ch 15, Cm 14; AL NG).Montgom- The castle was built by Montgomery, of enfeeblement, scare, web, wizard
ery was the student of Aionias, the under Aionias’ instruction and guid- lock.
first Sapphire Mage, and has taken ance, from ethereal stone and wood, Level 3: Blink, clairaudience, detect
the title after his mentor disappeared and stands five stories. Through vari- illusion, dispel magic, fireball, haste,
behind the curtain so long ago. ous powerful spells Aionias supplied, hold person, material, secret page.
Physically, Montgomery has long the lighting in each room can be Level 4: Charm monsterj dimension
brown hair pulled back in a ponytail adjusted through the use of will of the door; extension I,fire trap, ice storm,
and a short, well-groomed beard. He inhabitant with the highest wisdom, magic mirror; minor globe of invulnera-
stands at 6 feet and weighs 170 from dim night-lightingtothe full inten- bility, polymorph self, wizard eye.
pounds. sity of a light spell. Rooms which face Level 5: Conjure elemental, contact
The ten ether golems in the castle the curtain have shuttered windows. other plane, dismissal, dolor; monster
obey his exact wording at all times, so Staircases are superfluous in the summoning Ill,telekinesis, wall of
Montgomery has a cautious reserve Ethereal plane, and so he designed a stone.
The Sapphire Mage also owns sev-

Castle a t the Edge of Time

one with the higher result wins.

era1 magical items. Although he nor- The Negotiationsfor Arabel Once negotiations begin, they can
mally wears the cloakofprotection +2, be ended after any session by the vol-
Once the party is settled, the Mage untary withdrawal of any participant.
his other items can be found in his suggests that the diplomacy begin the
studies: a staff of thunder andlightning The negotiations must end when a tar-
next day. Since real time in the Ethere- get agrees with either the negotiator’s
(only + I in the Ethereal), aringofearth al flows ten times as slowly as subjec-
elemental control, a handful of potions, current position or one more benefi-
tive time, he recommends two cial to the negotiator.
and a ring of materialization. This last negotiating sessions of eight hours
item, unique to the Mage, is usable Lady Cheodot’s position has been
each, followed by a few hours, for a outlined under her character descrip-
only in the Border Ethereal, or in the daily cycle of about 36 subjective
Astral plane near a color pool. In these tion. Goodman Alex does not negoti-
hours, or little more than 3 112 real ate and hence cannot use this system
cases, wearing the ring projects the hours. Cheodot is agreeable to this
wearer into the nearby plane until the to influence anyone. Should the PCs
arrangement. wish to join in, the DM should ask
ring is removed. At that point, the char- The DM can handle negotiations
acter is immediately launched back to them to appoint a spokesman (pre-
with the following system. During sumably a character with a high cha-
the Border Ethereal or Astral plane. each negotiating session, each partic-
When using a ring of materialization, a risma) for the group, and then ask that
ipant may make several attempts to character to detail a position which
character cannot travel the planes in sway the opinions of other partici-
any other way, and neither can he be includes acceptable compromises.
pants. During one session, A may For his part, the Sapphire Mage’s
forced to do so against his will. make onlyone attempt to persuade B,
In the workroom can be found a position was explained openly by
but A may also argue with C, who can Pean. His goal is to own the lands sur-
chalking of a thaumaturgic circle-the in turn treat with B. For each attempt-
appropriate protection against sum- rounding Arabel, and to vacate those
ed persuasion, percentile dice are lands of people in the name of safety.
moned creatures-as well as vials of a rolled and the following modifiers are
variety of exotic chemicals, and He will swear fealty to Cormyr if nec-
applied: essary.
inscrutable charts and diagrams. +5% for the negotiator’s diplomacy
Whenever the Mage is elsewhere, He wants to do this while paying as
proficiency. little as possible. He does not have the
all rooms on this floor are locked. + 10% if the negotiator knows the tar-
There are no modifications to a thief’s weapons, but knows of their location
get’s true goals. elsewhere in the Ethereal, in the
chance to pick these locks, although - 10% if the target has diplomacy pro-
onlv the unwary would attempt such a hands of evil psionic monks. Mont-
ficiency, plus the negotiator’s cha- gomery has no qualms about stealing
deed. risma reaction modifier.
The fifth floor was Aionias’ private them.
-5% for each additional attempt at Other acceptable compromises, the
chamber. All doors on this level are persuasion the negotiator is
wizard locked at 24th level. Not even most desirable first, include:
attempting this session. To pay Arabel very little and have
Montgomery, who could dimension + up to 20% for the quality of argu-
door in at will, has chosen to breach the populace stay. The Sapphire
ment presented by PC negotiators. Mage would emphasize the danger
these doors, and he will not react well If a modified roll is:
to any other attempts to do so. here, perhaps by offering to demon-
under 20, the target is insulted,
The peace-keepingforce in the cas- strate just what sort of creatures he
and perhaps suspicious of summons.
tle is the ten golems, each distinct in treachery on the part of the nego-
coloring but identical to Pean in statis- To cooperate with the sages of Cor-
tiator. myr to find an alternate place. Mont-
tics. They will immediately attempt to between 20 and 80, the target
subdue (using a pummelling attack gomery’s time is limited, Arabel is
does not change his position. ideal, and this seems like a delaying
from UnearthedArcana, Appendix Q, between 60 and 100, the target is
System II, attempting to stun, the fists tactic.
impressed. The negotiator has a Lady Cheodot, of course, would
considered small hard objects, and +15% modifier for the next ses-
strength considered 16/01 +) any rather that the Mage just conquer the
sions. city. This idea is repugnant to the Sap-
character who attacks the Mage, tries above 100, the target is persuad-
to pick any locked door, or tries to phire Mage, although he believes he
ed to compromise on one point. could do so if the need would arise.
enterthe fifth floor. Should acharacter If the unmodified roll was 00, the tar-
wish to participate in clandestine get immediately agrees with the nego-
activity, he can avoid the golems by The following is an approximate
tiator’s current position. time table for events which may occur
rolling 1-4 on a d6 every turn in hiding. If two negotiators succeed with the
Thieves who fail this roll but success- during the diplomacy. As PCs are
same target in the same session, the remarkably enterprising, things may
fully hide in shadows remain

the castle. In an attempt to see if the The Incident at Dinner
elemental planes touched upon the
demi-planes, Montgomery accidental- Lady C h m W s final intrigue
ly summoned 12 fire bats (AC 8; MV place at dinner. When the ch
6"120";HD 2; hp 7( X 5), 4 ( x 7); #AT 1; beganearlier. she poured
Dmg 2-8; THACO 1 6 SD immune to drinks that the gdems ha
fire; AL NE). He also summoned six dinner.
shadow spiders (AC6 MV 18"; HD Early in the meal, the Mage sta
2+2;tvp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1.6; SA and raises his cup to Arabel.
surprise, poison; AL N). The shadw before he can complete
spiders' hit points and magic resist- M a g e sees a man at the
ance fluctuate with the available light, of the table. Wis is the
just as do those of a shade (seeMon-
ster Manual 6.Thew poison is weak, ing the shockers. Moreover,
said earlier in the and in the Ethereal, poison is im#fec-
Armed with that five in any case. A victim would have
0% more inclined to be bitten ten times before he
required a saving throw.
Quick action is required. The Maw
was completely surprised, and has
heodot hides her not sufliicientty gathered his wits to
man Alex's cab throw spells. The PCs inside the cas-
tle can arrive on the second round of
combat. Gdemsdo not arrive until the
fourth, with two joining the fight every
round until all ten are involved. At this. C M reatizes the jg
charmed or 0th under his influ- If still conscious on the third round, up. She will aatemp to escape, using
the Mage tries to retrieve his Saff.
first session is This takes four rounds.
Lady Cheodot and Goodman Alex
gather a safe distanceaway to watch, shapesoftrolls and ogre
but neither joins in combat. might adso attsmpt to db+ab hem--
After the summoned creatuces are as one of the ethergolierilzi.
dispersed, Montgomery, grateful for
assistance, cooperates with any LOOSeEndS
investigations by the PCs. He discov- The Smphireblemw4!of course se
ers the accident in the spell that thepartysaf!3&B$Q%atoArabel.Ifshe
caused him to invoke the wrong crea- -==W-,LadyC-
tures, but confesses ignorance as to might well raturntotake revenge upon
how the fire bats and shadow spiders the party.
were able to escape the cirde. Only =extend si adventure. here are
upon careful examination do thealter- several "hooks" rther develop
ations of the night before become ment:
apparent. Is Aionias stitl alive in the demi-
Lady Cheodot has another scheme plane.sf Tune? ls he fesponsible for
in mind, and so wants the talksto can- the recent d&l of ths cwitain towards
tinue, and she is more than willing to the tastle? And whai is behind the
cast suspicion on Goodman Atex or a doors of the tagwet?
PC. .Where can Montjpmery settle
care wt to be In the negotiations, the PCs find d w ~ HemighthieahePCstoiB
that their heroism has WWI the Mage tigats JWy places m different lands,
over to their side. Regardtess of or even tarsigR planes1
whether the party was enga$@ in How did an -a find her way to
negotiations, Montgomerywill be 886- the position of emmy? wass4I?work-
ily persuaded to agree with them. ing alone? b the entire Hsuse 6
The Brewhg Storm

by Thomas M. Kane The Adventure

This adventure is intended for up to This adventure begins when the PCs
ten 3rd- and 4th-level characters of meet a prince of the jann named plans for three days,
any class or race. Abdul at the World Serpent Inn. Abdul complete their trap,
wishes to speak with adventurers in encounter 10. Whe
DM’s Information private, for his father has been kid-
naped. The abduction occurred only vantage point above one
Synopsis five hours ago when Abdul and his landhdds at area 4 and st
In this adventure, the PCs attempt to father, Amir Ben-Abbas, were travel-
rescue Ben-Abbas, an amir of the jaw ling on the plane of elemental Air to
nee, who has been kidnaped from a warn a djinn caliph about a threat to
djinn landhold on the plane of elemen- his people. Ben-Abbas had heard of a
tal Air. The kidnapers left a message sorcerer who planned to enslave
demanding that “Abou” be released dozens of djinn in magic rings, and
from prison. Abdul‘s father wanted to warn his ally
When the PCs arrive at the djinn directly. As custom required, he had
landhold, they find it embroiled in not told even h isson any details of the
intrigue. Djinn may be good,but they plot. As the two jann flew towards the
are also chaotic. Abou was an espe- caliph’s palace, a great storm sur-
cially powerful sheik who tried to over- rounded them, full of noises like blow-
throw the caliph and has been ing sand. When it ended, Ben-Abbas
imprisoned for his attempt. However, was gone. A camel’s bone had been mental, as suits your cam
he had nothing to do with this kidnap thrust into Abdul’s robe, and a magic want to design more
ing. A group of ildriss grue had noticed mouth spoke from it, saying “Time is
long ago that the djinn were dmrgan- short. You may gain the release of
ized, and so conspired with wizards Abou or you may plan the funeral.” high-level magicians an
on the Prime Material plane to infil- Abdul knows nothing about Abou trap devastatethis whole
trate the caliphate and betray its loca- except that he is an enemy of the
tion. This would let the sorcerers trap caliph.
the djinn in magic rings, leaving their No jann can survive for long away
treasure for the grue. from the Prime Material plane, even a
Only the jannee threaten this plot. hardy amir, so Abdul hires the PCs to
They travel between planesfrequently rescue his father. He can get up to
and could warn the djinn, as Ben- three members of his father’s tribe to
Abbas almost did. For this reason, the help guide PCs to the point where
grue kidnaped Ben-Abbas and men- Ben-Abbasvanished, at encounter 1, below, of kidnaping Ben-Ab
tioned Abou to increaseturmoil. Once but no jann will linger on the plane of ever, his landhold was be
Air in these troubled times. When the I
they own the city, they will demand a
better ransom. To rescue Ben-Abbas, party finds Ben-Abbas, he can bring
the PCs must make a daring assault them home. The jann Will pay the PCs
deep within a raging storm. in advance, giving them both a carpet
The DM should re& the rules for and bnwm of flying for use on the
the plane of elemental Air and inner Plane of Air.
planes in general. Remember that PCs Jann (4): AC Z MV 12’cW” (MCA);
need a native guide to keep from get- HD 6+2; hp 26 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-
ting losl. When PCs can s88 aspecik 8 + 6; WAC0 13; SA spell-like powers; throne. He knew that the
objective, such as a floating cily, they MA 20%; AL NG. lace would be as happy
mmoveto it, but even a passingcloud Adventure Notes: The DM should rule as anyone, and he tru
might strand them. Therefore, the W keep careful track of time in this caliph’s disunited viziers wo
must find a guide or gingerly flit adventure. Ben-Abbas will remain unabte to oppose him.
between landmarks. Do not use raw unharmedfor 43 more hours andthen a new caliph threate
dom rolls to determine travel time; begin losing hit points, at the rate of tions too. the viziers w
encounters and distances in thii caliph- one per hour. Since he has 95 hit
points, this gives the PCs several days
~ -a
,Mependen*. Amidst this
The Brewing Storm
caliph returned and condemned his imprisoned sheik will reveal his com- great scimitar +3, the size of a two-
rival to prison. plicity. If the PCs have not described handed sword for PCs. It will be
their errand, NabihlMummas tells reduced to a two-handed sword + 1
Using the Map them about the wonderful rewards on the Prime Material plane.
The encounters in this adventure that Abou would offer anyone who Djinn (21): AC 4; MV 9”/24”; HD
have been arranged on a map (see freed him and ask the PCs to release 7+3; hp 33 each, (59 for Nabih); #AT
page 21), showing their positions rela- the rebel. This may make the party 1; Dmg 2-16 ( + 3 for Nabih); THACO
tive to each other. Although conditions suspect that Nabih kidnaped Ben- 13(10forNabih); SAwhirlwind, create
constantly change on the plane of ele- Abbas. If the PCs have told Nabih soft objects and food, gaseous form,
mental Air, this map will retain its use- about the kidnaping and the ransom wind walk; AL CG.
fulness for several months. Since message, he keeps his intentions Air Elemental (1): AC 2; MV36”; HD
change cannot occur without an intel- secret, then pretends to be worried 8; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg 2-20; THACO 12;
ligent witness on this plane, weather about Ben-Abbas and tells the PCs SA whirlwind; SD hit only by +2 weap-
patterns can last for many weeks. This that one of the caliph’s prisoners, a ons; AL N.
adventure occurs within a great mass djinn, may be able to help them find 2. The Caliph’s Capital: Rosy mists
of cool air blowing from the plane of the kidnaped jann. Should the PCs drift about the caliph’s palace like
Ice toward the plane of Smoke. agree totry to free Abou, the sheik dis- some sunrise which never ends. A
The map has been drawn using per- patches his cupbearer to guide them curtain of elemental fire surrounds
spective graphs as in the Dun- to the caliph’s palace. The cupbearer this earth pocket, and anyone who
geoneer’s Survival Guide. The grids leaves as soon as the PCs have tries to pass through it takes damage
show each object’s lateral location, arrived safely, so that if the party is as if he entered the plane of Fire for
and the distance between them repre- caught, nobody can implicate Nabih. one round. PCs may enter and leave
sents vertical distances. Because of Even if the PCs betray him, they think safely through an earthen tunnel
the natural laws on the elemental his name is Mummas. which projects from the city. Three
planes, any direction can be “up”. If the PCs refuse to try to free Abou, djinn guard it, under the control of
Clouds have been outlined with wavy Nabih remains courteous (since djinn Vizier Mustapha (see below).
lines, while pocketsof elemental earth are always hospitable), but he does Djinn Guards (3): AC 4; MV 9”/24”;
or water have rigid sides and shaded whatever he can to keep the PCs HD 7+3; hp 40 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-
interiors. Things inside a cloud are away from the caliph’s capital. There, 16; THACO 13; SA whirlwind, create
invisible from outside. Characters they could accuse him of supporting soft objects and food, gaseous form,
within cloudbanks cannot see more Abou. When the PCs decide to leave, windwalk; AL CG.
than 50 yards through the fog. Wind they find that none of Nabih’s 20 djinn An exotic mix of aerial creatures
patterns have been shown on this servants can spare time to act as ele- dwell in the caliph’s city, and DMs may
map with arrows, and the effects of mental guides. They are repairing choose them from the air encounter
specific winds are described at areas damage done by agents of the real table on page 34 of the MOP, not using
6 and I O . Mummas, vizier of the caliph, who evil creatures. Street bazaars dot
1. Nabih’s Landhold: When the PCs have been ransacking this landhold these byways, where djinn merchants
arrive on the plane of elemental Air, for several days. The inspectors left sell perfumes and incense, which PCs
they find themselves floating in an only an hour ago. PCs may hire might buy for hiring guides. The PCs
azure sky. A palace of white domes Nabih’s air elemental as a guide at the might ask any elemental they meet to
hangs suspended 2000’ ahead, with standard payment described on page guide them. However, they can be
gleaming spires pointing in all direc- 25 of the Manual of the Planes. This arrested for hiring a guide without ask-
tions, the landhold of a djinni sheik creature has little intelligence, but it ing permission. This must be obtained
whose name is Nabih. If PCs knows whether Nabih trusts the PCs from a vizier-and since no vizier rec-
approach, Nabih’s cupbearer is a or not. If the party does not agree to ognizes the pronouncements of
young djinn who wears a red silk vest, rescue Abou, the elemental leads another, the PCs will either have to get
and he invites them to feast at the them to the storms of rain, hail, and permission from all six or evade at
sheik‘s table. Since subjective time lightning beneath the thunder cloud at least some of them. The caliph restricts
flows faster on the inner planes, the area 7. guides to keep potential invaders from
PCs will realize that they are already There is little else of interest in scouting his sheikdoms. His laws do
hungry. At the feast, Nabih introduces Nabih’s stronghold. Many of the build- not prevent air elementals from being
himself as “Mummas” and talks ear- ings are actually great tents, forced guides; they only punish the explorers
nestly with the PCs. into rigid shapes by gusts of elemental that hirethem.Thiswaythecaliph’scit-
Nabih sponsored Abou’s rebellion, air. Nabih has 100 gp, perfume worth izens can freely make money by guid-
hoping to be appointed vizier under a 1,500 gp, and three potions of gas- ing strangers, and oniy the outsiders
new caliph. Now he fears that the eous form. The djinn sheik wields a face any danger.

I The B r e w i n g 7

Every 1-20 turns, the PCs encount- supporting Abou and has had his SA whirlwind, create soft objects and
er a patrol from one of the viziers. police search Nabih’s landhold, but food, gaseous form, wind walk; AL
These police bring lawbreakers they found nothing incriminating. By CG.
before the caliph for punishment. listening to Anwar’s descriptions, the The caliph’s prison is a straight tun-
When the PCs encounter these PCs will realize that the “Mummas” nel of whitewashed brick that leads
police, use a d6 to determine which they met was actually Nabih. Natu- through the center of this city’s foun-
vizier they serve (see below). If the rally, the real Mummas will be livid if dation. It has two doors: one in the pal-
PCs have hired an elemental guide the PCs say that someone named ace basement; the other 3,000 away,
without permission from that particu- “Mummas” asked them to release opening onto a city street. These
lar vizier, the guards arrest them. Abou. Kho and Assad both ignore the doors are lined with wet leather and fit
Patrolling Djinn (2): AC 4; MV 9”1 attempts at revolution because they so snugly that creatures cannot
24”;HD7+3; hp40each;#ATl;Dmg have found something even more dis- escape in gaseous form. Inside, the
216; THACO 13; SA whirlwind, create turbing to them-a settlement of doors have no handle or keyhole, but
soft objects and food, gaseous form, ildriss grue in the nearby thunder- outside, asimple bolt holds them shut.
wind walk; AL CG. clouds. They know nothing about the Once per day, a djinn guard opens
3.The Caliph’s Court: A great palace grue except that they have been sight- one of the two doors, chosen random-
of gold-painted stone rises from this ed. Assad’s police have fought with a ly, for one round to give the prisoners
city, sheltering both theoffices of state grue, but they were unable to take it air, food, and water. Four djinn guard
and thedungeons where Abou is held. alive. However, they did capture its each door. Everyone in this city will try
Five djinn guardslservants protect bodyguards and have them in prison to recapture jailbreakers.
this palace. The viziers’ officers form (see below). Djinn Guards (8): AC 4; MV 9”/24”;
a circle around the caliph’s apartment, The caliph can usually be found in HD 7+3; hp 40 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-
and the dungeons lie below them all. his central office, and PCs will only 16; THACO 13; SA whirlwind, create
Caliph Aran Nidal delegates all his see him if they are arrested for some soft objects and food, gaseous form,
authority except judgment to the six crime. Caliph Aran Nidal wears a tur- wind walk; AL CG.
viziers, who can be identified by their ban of pure white and sits with a Abou is imprisoned here, along with
sky-blue turbans. Strict laws prevent slouch that makes his shoulder blades a group of five vortices who once
the viziers from cooperating with each stick up. The caliph will judge any served the grue but were captured by
other. Supposedly, this prevents any character that is arrested for helping Vizier Assad’s police. The vortices
one vizier from overthrowing their Abou, creating disturbances, or remain inactive until someone makes
caliph, but in practice, it merely becoming caught between rival an escape attempt. Then they attack
causes anarchy. Since no vizier viziers. The first time a party appears the fugitives wildly, fearing that they
knows what acts the others have before Aran, he decides the case by will be left behind. Abou is a plump
approved, they pretend that the oth- saying, ‘7 will test your own judgment. djinni, who considers the vortices a
ers do not exist. There were once two pickpockets, terrible omen. He often laments that
The viziers are djinn with maximum and both of them jostled their victims he should be fighting these invaders,
hit points, and unless PCs specify and were caught. The first went bra- and would, if only the caliph would
which vizier they want to see, you may zenly to the constable and com- abandon petty politics and release
select one randomly with a d6: 1. Mus- plained that his victim had robbed him. The caliph sees things differ-
tapha. 2. Assad. 3. Kho. 4. Assif. 5. him. The second was humiliated and ently. Abou also knows that his ally
Anwar. 6. Mummas. Each vizier has stabbed his victim quickly so that Nabih has been under scrutiny for
one djinni bodyguard and a chest of nobody would know of his crime. several days and could not have kid-
treasure holding 500 gp worth of per- Which of those thieves was the least naped Ben-Abbas. If the PCs help
fume. PCs can get a vizier to approve evil?” If the character chooses the Abou escape, he will act as their guide
most reasonable requests by offering second thief, Aran pardons the PC, on the plane of Air without payment.
“tribute” worth at least 100 gp. saying, “Thou art right, for he knew Abou will not fight to defend PCs, but
Djinn Viziers and Guards (17): AC 4; shame, and might yet change. Emu- he might create objects or food.
MV 9”/24”; HD 7+3; hp 33 each,59 late that thief.” Aran sentences any Vortices (5): AC 0; MV 15”; HD
for viziers; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; THACO PC who chooses the first thief to be 2+2; hp 14 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3
13; SA whirlwind, create soft objects imprisoned for 1-10 years. Characters pointslround + helplessness + 5%
and food, gaseous form, wind walk; who are arrested twice will automati- cumulative chance of death per round
AL CG. cally be jailed. The djinn guards will to one spinning victim; AL CN.
Mustapha, Mummas, Anwar, and take all of their victim’s possessions Abou (1): AC 4; MV 9 ” / 2 4 ; HD
Assif are all independently trying to except for clothing. 7 + 3; hp 59; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; THACO
track down the conspirators against Caliph (1):AC4; MV9”/24”; HD 10; 13; SA whirlwind, create soft objects
their caliph. Anwar suspects Nabih of hp 80;#AT 1; Dmg 2-16; THACO 10; and food, gaseous form, wind walk;

The Brewing Storm

AL CG. Djinn:AC4;MVgf’/24’’;HD7+3; hp ice crystals from atop the nearby thun-

4. Djinn Landholds: These earth 36 each, sheiks have 53 each; #AT 1; derstorm. The djinn collect these crys-
pockets have been colonized with col- Dmg 2-16; THACO 13;SA whirlwind, tals for making a sherbet-like drink.
orful cities of domes and tents. The create soft objects and food, gaseous The djinn of area 4b do not have a
djinn invite even the humblest wayfar- form, wind walk; AL CG. “landhold” at all but live on a globule of
ers to eat with their servants, while The sheikdom of Mahomas, at area elemental water. Its citizens constantly
noble travellers can expect to be wait- 4a, is in mourning now because Maho- revel and play. A bold young sheik
ed on by the sheik himself. None of mas’s son has been killed. They are named Simet the Free-Heart rules this
these landholds can spare members holding wakes on carpets in mid-air, dominion, or at least presides over the
to act as elemental guides. Each land- which inexperienced PCs may mistake festivities. Many of Abou’s old servants
hold shelters 10-30djinn and 1-10oth- for carpets of f/ying. Everybody that have fled here, so most of the conver-
er elemental creatures, which the DM passes by is expected to kneel on a sation in “waterhold” consists of bad
may choose. All jann have fled this carpet and eat from the funeral roast, jokes about the caliph. They give
region. The djinn at each settlement an animental camel. Refusingto do so presentstoanycharacterwhothinksof
have IO-1,000(doh x 100)gp worth of is a great insult, which causes two a particularly funny jibe about the
perfumes, gems, incense and other djinn to attack the offender.Characters caliph. The first gift is a stick of incense
valuables. Use the statistics below for who ask questions will learn that Maho- worth 10 gp, and jokesters who con-
all of these djinn. mas’s son vanished while gathering tinue to amuse them will receive a bot-
The Brewing Storm

tle of oilof impact. If the PCs defend the escape to the Prime Material plane is an animental bull, and it will become
caliph, two djinn will assume whirlwind with the help from a jann friend, so he infuriated if disturbed. It attacks by
form and terrorize them by zooming by made the long journey to the jann’s holding still against the wind, using its
as great waterspouts. home. When he arrived, all the jann enormous strength and streamlined
Sheik Ayatollah Nidas rules a per- had vanished. Urbi does not know body. As the bull remains immobile,
fectly formed stone cube at 4c. The where they went, or why, and his p r e powerful winds cast victims against its
Ayatollah is one of the caliph’s cousins, dicament may help the PCs realize that horns. This gives the bull a +2 to hit
and he considers Aran Nidal to be a Ben-Abbas’s kidnapers did not serve and lets it inflict charging damage.
spiritual heir to a prophet. Nidas’s Abou. Urbi will act as an elemental After each impalement, the bull gallops
humped back is even more pro- guide in return for being transported to downwind and attacks again. This bull
nounced than the caliph’s. The Ayatol- a safer plane where he can become a was Abou’s pet, which fled when his
lah hates the disrespectful activity at general for some other lord. landhold was assaulted, and naturally,
Simet Free Hearth’s realm, but he can- 5. Frigid Clouds: A chill breeze of ice Abou would be delighted to have his
not unite the viziers to raid the land- crystals blows past PCs here, and they bull captured and returned. There is
hold. Therefore, he tries to capture cannot see farther than 100 yards in still a gold ring in the bull’s nose, worth
“infidels” himself. these cirrus clouds. The cold forces 100 gp. Characters who grab the ring
When the party dines here, the characters to make a Constitution by making a successful roll to hit, can
Ayatollah thrusts his head within inch- check at a +6 penalty each hour or control the bull with it.
es of a.PC’s face and says in a grim suffer 1-4 points damage. These Animental Bull (1): AC 7; MV 45”;
voice. “Roses are red, violets are blue, clouds shelter an animental polar bear, HD 4; hp 18; #AT 2; Dmg 16/14;
camels are humpbacked and the who follows the grue and eats the carri- THACO 15; SA charge or use wind (see
caliph is too.” If the PC laughs, or on they create. The animental looks above) for 3-12 + 1-4 points damage,
worse responds with another joke, like an ordinary polar bear, with fleecy can become ethereal, can see ethere-
Nidas points at them and shouts a clouds trailing from its fur. This mist al; SD immune to air-based spells; AL
command, “grab”. Eight trained ani- spreads into wings as the bear moves. N.
mental war dogs will attack. When one A hollow chunk of filthy ice serves as a 7. Severe Weather: As the map shows,
of these dogs successfully hits, it cave for this bear. dreadful hails, rains, and thunderbolts
inflicts damage and can hold one limb Animental Polar Bear (1): AC 6; MV hang behind this cloud, ready to con-
immobile until the PC makes a bend 36“/27“; HD 8+8;hp 40; #AT 3; Dmg verge on PCs. While in the lightning
bars roll to escape. Two dogs concen- 1-1011-1012-12; THACO 12; SA hug for area, characters have a 50% chance
trate on one victim, trying to grab both 3-18 points damage, become ethereal, per turn of being struck, lowered to a
hands. No djinn will enter combat see ethereal; SD immune to air-based 40% chance for small creatures and
except in self-defense, but while the magic; AL N. raised to 60% for large beings. Light-
dogs hold a character, a djinni will When the PCs encounter the bear, it ning victims must save vs. spell or lose
chain the victim’s hands and disarm lies in its den, sipping the airy essence 1OO/o x d6 their current hit points. Those
the prisoner. Then the dogs attack a of Mahomas’s child, remaining docile who successful save suffer 1-10 points
new victim. If the PCs defeat these unless annoyed. PCs can tell that the of damage. Characters in the hailstorm
dogs, the Ayatollah will grudgingly let bear did not kill this meal. Mahomas’s take 1-2 points of damage per round,
them leave, but if they are captured, he son was lacerated to death by tiny par- which increases to 3-18 points of dam-
will take his prisoners to the caliph’s ticles, perhaps blowing sand. Actually, age if the PCs are moving at speeds
court (area 3), and have them impris- an ildriss grue slew the boy for tres- over 120 yards per turn. Small crea-
oned for sedition. passing. The corpse still wears a mag- tures suffer only 2-12 points of damage
Animental Mastiffs (8): AC 7; MV ic dagger, which PCs can wield as a at high speeds, but large creatures lose
12”;HD2+2; hp12each;#ATl;Dmg sword +2, although it is only a normal 4-24 hit points. Rain falls throughout
2-8; THACO 16; SA see ethereal, blade on the Prime Material plane. this entire area, and should be treated
become ethereal, hold; SD immune to 6. Jet Stream: An amazing wind whips as a cloudburst spell.
air-based magic; A 1 N. through this area at 100 mph. It pre- 8. Cloudline Defense: A few dark
Craters and ashes cover the stony vents missile fire, penalizes melee clouds hover here above the gigantic
lump that is 4d. This was once Abou’s combat by -8, stops characters from storm, forming an outer defense for
sheikdom, but Assif’s police com- moving against the wind, and multi- the grue lair. Guards hide in each
pletely destroyed it. Only one djinni plies the speed of travellers going with cloud, and will attack any party that
lives here, tall and wearing a decora- the wind by a factor of six. When the comes within 2,000’ of their posts.
tive breastplate and jeweled burnoose party goes here, they see a stream- Each of these guard detachments
worth 500 gp. This is Urbi, who once lined horned creature downwind, consists of five vortices, led by one
served Abou as a general. When Abou which looks vaguely like a thin bull cov- ildriss grue. There is only one safe
was captured, Urbi had hoped to ered with white feathers. The monster way through this defensive area, and

The Brewing Storm

that is area Ea, where the guards have lldriss Grue (6): AC 2; MV 24“; HD ifthe party’s guide becomes trapped,
been captured by Assad’s constables 4; hp 18 each; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; they cannot travel without a new one.
(see area 3). When PCs fight a guard- THACO 15; SA 4 in 6 chance of sur- Any PC who enters the bewildering
post, all guards fight until the vortices prise, always attacks first; SD immune phantasmagoria that is this trap must
are slain. Then the grue leader flees to to air-based spells, +2 weapon to hit; make a Dexterity check each round to
area 10 to warn the other ildriss of an AL NE. avoid touching a hook.
impending attack. This gives them Sarum: AC 6; MV 1 2 ; MU7; hp 16; Each day, the wizards prepare more
time to bring down their trap, and pre- #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or spell; THACO 19; rings of cijinn summoning, and more
pare to change (see area 10). S10, 117, W15,D18, C11, Ch14; AL hooks appear, which makes this trap
Vortices (5): AC 0; MV 15”;HD NE. Sarum has an iron flask, a dagger visible from farther away, and hence,
2+2; hp 14 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 +2,which functions only as a normal more effective. It can be seen from
pointslround + helplessness + 5% dagger on the elemental planes, and a 1,000 yards away the first day, 2,000
cumulative chance of death per round potion of fire breath. He knows these yards the second, and a maximum of
to one spinning victim; AL CN. spells: magic missile, burning hands, 3,000yards the third. The grue plan to
lldriss Grue (1): AC 2; MV 24”; HD feather fall, sleep, magic mouth, flam- hide their trap here until it is full-sized,
4; hp18;#ATl;Dmg512;THAC015; ing sphere ( X 2),lightning bolt, dispel then move it into the djinn landholds.
SA 4 in 6 chance of surprise, always magic, enchanted weapon. Ben-Abbas is chained by one leg to
attacks first; SD immune to air-based If the grue have been warned about this earth pocket. He is a noble jann,
spells, +2 weapon to hit; AL NE. an approaching party, four ildriss will quiet and wise. The grue keep their
9. Minefields: Powerful updrafts in this enter a windstream which faces the belongings on the opposite side of this
storm hurl hail in all directions, regard- invaders and hurtle to attack the PCs. landhold from Ben-Abbas, and the
less of “up” and “down”. Near the grue This change maneuver negates the heapof treasure contains keys to Ben-
lair, vortices use their winds to direct usual -8 on melee combat and actu- Abbas’ chains, 3,000 gp. five flasks of
these stones into strategic areas and ally gives the grue a +2 to hit and the perfume worth 100 gp each, and one
leavethem there. Since missiles cannot ability to inflict double damage. When flask of oil of elemental invulnerability.
fly on the plane of Air without being the grue do not expect enemies, the They also have a book of magical for-
touched, the hailstones hang in place PCs will encounter the whole group at mulas about locating planar hooks
until someone disturbs them, then its lair. In battle, one grue concen- and moving them. These treatises are
cause damage. Characters take 1-8 trates on keeping PCs away from worth 5,000gp to a magic-user. The
points of damage during every round Sarum, so he can use his magic. jann amir can teleport up to six PCs
they spend in these missile areas. Sarum has an iron flask, and since the back to the Prime Material plane. If
10. Storm: This cloud has a few sil- PCs are extra-planar creatures here, there are more characters, once Ben-
very tips, but its vast, black body he can catch them in it. Another hur- Abbas gets back, he will send other
swells around them all. Incredible ries to area 10a to deploy the mon- jann to bring the rest home.
winds race through this storm, forcing ster’s strongest weapon. This grue Ben-Abbas: AC 2; MV 12”/30” (MC:
characters along with it. These winds launchs the trap which they have A); HD 6+2; hp 95; #AT 1; Dmg 1-
blow at 130 mph, preventing missile been assembling-a specially 8 + 6 ; THACO 13; MR 20%; AL NG.
combat and movement against the enchanted region of mobile hooks,
wind, penalizing melee by 8 on to hit which was intended for catching djinn. After the Adventure
rolls, and multiplying the speed of A grue can push this trap at a speed Depending on what happened in this
characters moving with the wind by of 1” without being trapped, due to a adventure, the party may have many
eight. The grue make their lair here, magical ward. The snare looks like a friends, or enemies, or both. You may
above all winds, on a pocket of ele- sea of spinning rainbows, 10’ in diam- develop the wizardly society that coop
mental earth in a gloomy bulge of eter. Djinn who look at it will instantly erated with the grue or the intrigues of
cloud. Sixgrue live in this cloud, along be drawn inside, and other characters the djinn caliphate. Feel free to make up
with Sarum, a wizard from the Prime will be affected as if by a hypnotic pat- more landhdds under the control of
Material Plane, and Ben-Abbas, their tern. Both the grue and Sarum have Caliph Aran Nidal. The jann might also
prisoner. Sarum’s face is concealed learned to look away, but everyone help the PCs again, providing easy
behind a messy white beard. His else must save vs. spell or be affect- transport between planes. If the PCs did
bizarre theories and experiments ed. The grue and their wizard allies not defeat the grue, large numbers of
have caused most colleges of magic created this trap by hiding hooks djinn will be enslaved in rings, and the
to expel him, so he journeyed to the (page 35,MOP) inside a cloudy mist, PCs’ next adventure might be to track
elemental planes to help position the where the traps are invisible, but their those rings down and free the slaves.
hooks for catching djinn. He hopes to radiance can refract through water This can inspire more adventures on
regain admission to a society of wiz- droplets. While PCs contend with this, many planes.
ards by providing this service. the grue attack them. Remember that

The Voyage of the Nereid

by Vince Garcia absorbing the essence of fire elemen- escapees before their vessel slipped
tals. With it, Orion and his followers through a vortex back to the Prime
The Voyage of the Nereid, set within
succeeded in routing enough of Imix’s Material plane, and for her failure the
the elemental plane of Water, is best
forces to please Olhydra. sea hag was exiled to a sunken tem-
played with four to six characters from
Satisfied with his performance, she ple on the far outskirts of Olhydra’s
3rd to 4th level.
did teach the doting wizard much coral island.
about her realm. And when he later That was three year ago. Since
DM’s Information suggested that his building a water- then, the Nereid and its crew have
tight craft would be of great aid should returned several times on salvage
Synopsis she ever desire to move the group operations, each time making good
Far beyond the Stygian depths of the again, the idea met with approval. their escape before being noticed-
sea, in a palace of black coral at the The result was the Nereid, a until their latest incursion.
heart of the elemental plane of Water, Nautilus-like submersible designed While exploring an old temple for
dwells Olhydra, Princess of the Sea and built by Orion and Cyrino, a gnom- valuables, members of the crew found
and its forces. Her enemies are many ish engineer also “guesting” at Olhy- they had stumbled into Dryllevilyn’s
and well known, but perhaps the most dra’s citadel. Ostensibly new lair. Four men were captured by
bothersome has proved to be a propulsionless, the spindle-shaped her minions as the group retreated to
human wizard by the name of Orion. craft was to be carried about by sev- the Nereid.
Long ago, he dared to journey to eral elementals when the need arose. Cursing the fact his useless leg kept
Olhydra’s citadel bearing gifts and a In the years it took to build, Orion him chained to the confines of his
request: to learn from the princess learned more of Olhydra’s realm than ship, Orion reluctantly got underway,
herself of the sea’s mysteries. the most learned of her servants. barely outrunning a huge water ele-
Such impudence amused Olhydra, Then came the day the Nereid was mental pursuing them-at the cost of
and thus she did not slay the intruder completed. two propulsion elementals.
but instead kept him as a “guest” Deep inside the vessel, Orion dis- Both adversaries know each other
within a section of her citadel suited charged his wand, releasing two fire well. Orion is aware the sea hag will
for air-breathing creatures. elementals into specially prepared keep his men captive as bait to draw
Fifteen other such “guests” also containment chambers. Next, he went him back in a rescue attempt.
dwelt there, and soon Orion became out and asked Dryllevilyn, the sea hag Dryllevilyn’s concern is to recapture
their leader, with all pinning their shaman in charge of the “guests”, to the renegade wizard on her own so as
hopes upon him to end their imprison- summon a pair of water elementals to to return to the good graces of her mis-
ment. push the vessel about the undersea tress. Thus, Orion’s men have been
In the years that passed, Orion nev- harbor “to check its handling”. placed in an air-chamber at the top of
er missed an opportunity to exercise No sooner had she done so than the the temple. Sooner or later, she
his glib tongue upon the sea princess. wizard struck her from behind. A short knows, their captain will return for
Then a conflict arose upon the Prime fight ensued, and Orion soon knocked them-and a reception will be waiting.
Material plane between Olhydra’s the unconscious hag into the water-
but not before her staff of withering
minions and those of Imix, of the plane
of Fire. The source of contention was had forever crippled his right leg. He
The Adventure
an undersea volcano populated by a then turned his wand-which Olhydra As the party dines in the World Ser-
number of Imix’s servants. Such an never suspected had power over any pent Inn, unknown to them their
incursion disturbed Olhydra, but she but Imix’s sewants - against the thoughts are being scanned by Ori-
was at a loss as to the best means of water elementals, absorbing them on’s ESP spell. The old wizard sits at a
handling the problem. within. nearby table with an equally aged
Orion stepped forth to offer his sor- Limping back inside the Nereid, Ori- gnome, and his magic has revealed to
cerous talents, in addition promising on released the pair in chambers him that the adventurers are likely
the aid of the other surface-dwellers. across from the fire elementals. A prospects to aid in the rescue of his
His only request was that if he should valve was turned, allowing contact crew.
please Olhydra that she would honor between the four opposites, and the After the group has supped, they
him by granting his request to learn resulting steam jetted out a conduit at are approached by the armorless old
the mysteries of her realm. the vessel’s stern. Slowly the Nereid gnome, who bows and introduces
In the conflict that followed, Orion submerged and slipped out of the har- himself as Cyrino.
proved victorious through the power bor, leaving Olhydra’s citadel behind Cyrino: AC 8; MV 10”; T6; hp 30; #AT
of a wand he fashioned in preparation, it. 1; Dmg 1 4 +2; THACO 19; S 10, I 15, W
which possessed the capability of A pursuit force led by the revived 14, D 16, C 13; AL NG; dagger + 2.
Dryllevilyn failed to catch the

~ ~ ~~

The Voyage of the Nereid

The gnome informs the adventurers say exactly what creatures dwell missing men’s bunks, with hammocks
that he is the retainer of a wizard seek- there. slung for any needing them.
ing to sponsor a party on a sea quest Assuming the adventurers are will- The Nereid‘s crew, it is noticed, are
to recover treasure from an ancient ing to undertake the quest, Orion asks very old humans and demihumans, all
temple, and asks if they would be them to gather their gear and follow of whom are polite but rather tight-
looking to undertake such an endeav- him to his room. As Cyrino helps him lipped.
our. to his feet, the group will become C. This is the control room, filled
Assuming the group expresses an aware of his severe handicap. Orion, with a maze of pipes along with a shelf
interest in hearing more of the pro- relying on the gnome’s assistance, is of charts and a plotting table. At the
posed adventure, Cyrino directs them barely able to shuffle along, and the center of the room, a winding stairway
over to Orion’s table. grimace on his face reveals the pain climbs to the conning tower, which is
The Nereid’s captain is an impos- he suffers. If asked about it, he says not separated from the lower level by
ing figure. Although apparently a only that the leg is a result of a battle a watertight hatch.
human in his sixties or seventies, fought years previously. Within the tower, manned by three
Orion’s rugged features suggest the Within his room, a comfortable crewmen, is a large brass wheel and a
demeanor of an old soldier more chamber decorated in a nautical series of levers controlling the ves-
than that of a wizard. His dress is a theme, Orion casts an airy water spell. sel’s hydroplanes. Speaking tubes
suit of black leather, and upon his Cyrino then opens a door to a dark- allow communication with various
head rests a billed cap emblazoned ened closet, and Orion motions for the parts of the boat, and a watertight
with a golden trident. group to follow him. hatch at the back of the tower permits
Orion: AC 5 (bracers); MV 4”; F5/ As the party steps through, a dizzi- exit to the deck when surfaced. Two
MU12; hp 50; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+4; ness engulfs them, and they feel as eyelike viewports, several feet in
THACO 12; S 17, I 18, W 17, D 7, C 15, though falling through space. The diameter, allow the pilot to see for-
Ch17,Cm15;ALLN;shortsword+3. discomfort soon passes, and they ward.
He has these spells memorized: mag- find themselves floating weightless in D. This is the ship’s mess.
ic missile, mending ( x 2), sleep, ESe a hazy blue sea. Motionless before E. A small laboratory and aquarium
strength, vocalize ( X 2), dispel magic, them hangs a spindle-shaped craft. A is here, and Orion spends much time
lightning bolt, protection from normal deadly-looking ram spouts from the in thiscompartment working on exper-
missiles, suggestion, remove curse, vessel’s prow, and lights can be seen iments.
wall of ice ( x 2), airy water ( x 3), cone glowing from both a conning tower F. This large, richly-decorated
of cold, chain lightning. above the deck and a large viewport chamber houses Orion’s parlor. A
After cheerfully greeting them, Ori- amidships. The sleek, black hull from couple of divans, a table, and a wine
on explains just enough to whet the that point gently tapers back to the cabinet may be seen, and it is here
adventurers’ appetites: he knows the stern, ending in a graceful set of that the party may relax and take
whereabouts of an ancient sunken finlike rudders and hydroplane meals.
city in which lies a temple that he assemblies. No obvious means of G. These are Orion’s quarters,
believes to contain quite a bit of trea- propulsion is evident. which are always kept locked. Inside
sure and magical items. In return for Orion and Cyrino assist the group can be found a library (most of whose
an equal share of treasure, he will pro- through the unfamiliar element, herd- books were penned by the ship’s mas-
vide transportation to and from the ing them to a position beneath the ter), a small area for magical
site in addition to any appropriate Nereid’s bow. There, a sea hatch research, and a bed. A secret com-
spells and equipment necessary for a leads into a large tank which all enter, partment in the after bulkheads holds
watery adventure. closing the exit behind them. Above is Orion’s DM-generated spellbook and
Orion avoids direct reference to the another hatch that Cyrino opens. The the Nereid’s log, a 10-minute perusal
plane of Water unless specifically party then ascends the ladder into the of which will reveal the party’s true
asked. Under no circumstances does Nereid itself. purpose in being brought here, with
he reveal the temple’s proximity to an hour of reading telling the whole
Olhydra’s citadel or his own experi- The Nereid story of the ship and crew.
ences with her.
A. The party emerges into a storage H.The hatch to the propulsion room
If specifically queried about poten- area holding non-perishable food and is always kept securely barred by
tial dangers, the Nereids captain does Cyrino, who virtually lives back here
various sorts of equipment, including
his best to be vague, admitting if with Tinker, another gnomish assist-
diving suits.
pressed that four of his crew failed to ant. At the fore of the compartment, a
B. This is a bunk area, normally
return from an incursion inside, but tank holds a captured air elemental,
home to 13 men. The party will also be
due to the fact that he hasn’t person- which when stimulated by contact
quartered here, making use of the
ally been within the temple, he cannot with the fire elemental in the chamber

The Voyage of the Nereid

next to it expands, forcing water out of listed below, with each elemental sus- fire and one water elemental (60 and
the ballast tanks when the vessel sails taining one point of damage each 72 hit points, respectively), along with
the Prime Material sea. hour of travel for every mile per hour a spare fire elemental with 65 hit
Six huge tanks line the sides of the above the listed cruising speed they points. Orion certainly wouldn’t mind
compartment, those portside meant must push the vessel. Periodically, the group’s managing to capture
for water elementals, while the star- then, various sets of elementals must another water elemental during the
board are designed for fire elemen- be taken off-line so that they may heal quest!
tals. Propulsion is created by opening up (at a rate of one point per hour). A This compartment is off limits to the
a valve between the set, allowing the listing of the Nereid’s propulsive capa- adventurers.
occupants to make contact. The result bilities follows (note that the speeds Finally, the Nereid is 250 feet in
is superheated steam, which is jetted are halved on the elemental plane of length, with a 40-fOOt beam. Her hull’s
out a conduit at the stern, pushing the Water). seamless construction was created
vessel forward (or backward, if through Orion’s specially researched
another conduit is used). 2 elementals: 1/15 mph mending spell, and has a value of 120
With nothing more than an irritation 4 elementals: 2/20 mph points. Oxygen needs are met
to the elementals, a low cruising 6 elementals: 4/25 mph through a rare variety of kelp planted
speed may be maintained. This speed throughout the ship, which thrives on
can be increased to the maximums Presently, there are available one carbon dioxide and releases large

Level Two

Level One
The Voyage of the Nereid

amounts of oxygen. Illumination is clysm struck the luckless inhabitants. ilar to those offered to the party,
provided by shuttered lamps of contin- Yet, paradoxically, many buildings
ual light. look almost entirely intact, with even The Temple
Except for Orion and Cyrino, the delicate mosaics and statuary seem.
crew are all 2nd- and 3rd-level fight- ingly unravaged by whatever even1 On departing the Nereid, the adven-
ers. befell the metropolis. turers need about a turn to reach the
Gently skimming over the rooftops temple, which sits upon a ledge over-
The Voyage of the city, the Nereid follows a line of looking the trench. Majestic columns
Forty-eight hours after getting under- ruined buildings down into a deep Support a peaked roof, and the multi-
trench, gentlycoming to a stop as Ori- Story Structure is crowned with a large
way, the Nereid halts in a safe area
on shouts through a speaking tube for dome. Outer stairways lead to three
near the rock and muck of a pocket of
Cyrino to take the propulsion off-line. potential entrances at the temple’s
the plane of Earth. For several days, front and sides.
Cyrino instructs the newcomers in the Turning to the adventurers, Orion
indicates that the temple they seek A. Main Entry. A huge marble stair-
techniques of survival upon the plane way leads to what formerly was the
of elemental Water, and proper use of lies several hundred feet directly
above them. While they depart the main entry. A series of pillars supports
the diving suits, made of a large cop- the 10-foot wide covering of an atrium,
per helmet attached by a harness to a Nereid and explore it, he will keep the
vessel hidden in the trench, lights with a pool at its center, now filled with
canvas body suit. Once again, oxygen growths and kelp of various sorts. If
is provided by kelp, in this case stored dimmed, and await their return.
To assist the group, he first of all the pool is explored, there is 75%
in a bulky back canister. chance of a character’s coming into
During this time, the DM may offers the use of his short sword +3,
and for missile weapon assistance, a range of an attack by a patch of stran-
arrange a minor encounter if he wish- gle weed.
es, although spellcasters will be at a crossbow with four bolts +3 is availa-
ble. Each of these bolts is tipped with Strangle weed (4): AC 6;MV 0; HD
minor disadvantage, finding that the 2; hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg special; THACO
breathing apparatus inhibits spell a small glass bead containing a stun-
ning poison effective against sea 16; SA crushing; AL N.
usage with verbal components (a 10% Against the far wall of the atrium, a
chance of spell failure). humanoids (duration one hour). In
addition, he provides the magic-user pair of bronze double doors offer entry
On completing the training, the into the interior of the temple.
Nereid makes course for Olhydra’s with a crystalline wand. This is, of
course, his wand of elemental entrap- B. Hall of Worship. The center por-
coral island, taking five days to reach tion of the temple’s lower level holds
it. Ifat any time the party discovers the ment. In the event of the group’s being
attacked by a water elemental, the the chief worship area. Near the main
true reason they are here and con- entryway, a large pedestal some six
fronts Orion, he will apologize for mis- wand should be fired at it. If the
wand’s magic is not resisted, the ele- feet high and 10 feet wide holds a
leading them and make every bronze statue of a sea deity, now
possible attempt to persuade the mental will be destroyed (he does not
make the party aware that the crea- unrecognizable due to defacement.
group to help recover his men, gladly To the north of the chamber, a massive
acceding to any reasonable demands. ture is in fact absorbed into the wand,
which presently has the storage altar of marble, decorated with now-
Should the party absolutely refuse to defaced carvings of sea reliefs,
help, the frustrated captain and crew capacity of up to 50 hit dice of elemen-
tals). stands above the tiled floor. A series of
will mount their own rescue operation, steps leads to a sacrificial brazier of
losing 2-5 crewmen in the process, Finally, the party may choose
whether to don diving suits (which are blue coral (value 1,000 gp with an
and then return the adventurers- encumbrance value of 2,000 gp)
unpaid-to the World Serpent Inn. not usable with plate mail!) or to use
some other means of survival. Orion mounted atop a brass tripod set in a
can cast a maximum of two airy water raised block. A combined strength of
Arrival 50 will allow the assembly to be slid
spells on those requesting them, the
As the Nereid approaches Olhydra’s first being on the party magic-user.For aside, revealing a secret compart-
island, the party is summoned by Ori- an emergency back-up, two vials con- ment in which is stored Dryllevilyn’s
on to the conning tower. On their arriv- taining a total of seven doses of treasure: 750 gp, 970 sp, a gold and
al, they observe through the forward potions of water breathing are given pearl necklace valued at 1,000 gp,
viewpoints the remnants of a vast, out. and a potion of longevily.
ancient city in the depths below them. In the forward compartment, eight Unknown to the sea hag, a secret
Literally hundreds of buildings in vari- crewmen are waiting to follow the compartment was built into the stor-
ous conditions dot the landscape. group and then take up positions age chamber. If successfully discov-
Here and there, huge rifts in the earth guarding their ship. Each is armed ered, the remnants of the temple’s
suggest that some sort of titanic cata- with acrossbow and several boltssim- valuables will be revealed: a platinum

The Voyage of the Nereid

and pearl skullcap (value 800 gp), a however, is a steam current (caused urchin.
rotted ceremonial robe of blue silk, a by the Nereid, in fact) which has been Urchin: AC 5 ; MV 15”;HD 1 +1: hp
sceptre of gold entwined with mithral circulating in the general area. There 6;#AT 1; Dmg 1-6;THACO 18;AL N.
wire (value 1,250 gp), and a rod of is a 75% chance that characters Inside the urchin’s body can be found
splendor with 10 remaining charges. exploring here will be exposed to 1-8 a black pearl valued at 75 gp.
Two sets of stairs lead from the altar points of heat damage from it. H. Bed Chamber. This room is
upward to the priests’ quarters in the Past the bronze double doors, a empty, save for the remnants of a bed
level above. The set directly on the hallway decorated with ancient sea and a closet filled with rotted robes.
altar’s eastern side leads to a trap at murals reveals two other sets of por- 1. Bed Chamber. This room current-
the head of the stairs, where appar- tals, those directly west leading to the ly is empty except for four sets of div-
ently a curiously low roof allows noth- priests’ dining area (E),while double ing outfits belonging to Orion’s men,
ing more than a crawl space to doors to the southwest allow penetra- and a long sword +I( + 3 on the
squeeze through. tion to the main worship area or Prime Material plane) all lying strewn
In fact, the “roof” is a stone slab ascension up a stairway to the second about the floor.
muscled into position over the stair- level. J. Dryllevilyn’s Quarters. This
way by Dryllevilyn’s sahuagin guards. D. Refectory. Temple acolytes took room is filled with kelp and other sea
It now hangs motionless, awaiting their meals here, and the adventurers growths, and it is here the sea hag
contact by an intelligent creature. If find surreptitious entrance through usually resides, although she current-
the slab is touched in any way, it will the outer doors frustrated by a thick ly lies in wait for the party in the dome
fall, crushing any standing within a 10- iron bar, sealing the doors shut. above this level (0).If explored, a few
foot square below it for 2-12points of A search of the room reveals little of bones can be noted lying scattered
damage, and seal off the passage in interest apart from a serving table at about.
the process. (Note that any character the north of the room, and two dining K. Hallway. This area is reached by
larger than a halfling who attempts to tables to the south. Double doors to several potential paths, and is guard-
squeeze through has a 20% of mak- the southeast allow entry into the ed by four sahuagin prepared to
ing contact with the trap, and thus main temple, while a stairway to the ambush those ascending the western
being crushed for an automatic 12 north leads up to the second level. stairway (for a full description of them,
points of damage.) E. Priests’ Dining Room. Here, the see area 8 above).
The stairway to the west of the altar chief priests of the temple took their L. Vestry. This was formerly the
is not trapped, but waiting to ambush meals. Atop a once-fine mahogany acolytes’ vestry, now abandoned and
the party from area K are four of Dryll- table, a few utensils of silver remain containing useless rubble.
evilyn’s sahuagin, who attack as the (value 5 gp), with nothing else of inter- M. Library. This was a large library
group ascends. est to be seen. used by the chief priests. A huge,
Sahuagin (4):AC 5; MV 24”;HD F. Acolytes’ Quarters. This large semicircular bookcase once holding
2+2;hp 10,8,6,5;#AT 1; Dmg 1-6 chamber on the second level held the an incredible wealth of knowledge
(trident); THACO 16;SA net; AL LE. living area of the temple acolytes, now houses only the rotted remnants
The smallest of the monsters is including a number of bunks and a of books and tomes. A long study-
armed with a net, which will be pair of tables. On guard at the head of table stands at the center of the room,
employed on the weakest-looking the stairs are two sahuagin. and to the east is a winding stairway
character in the front rank of the party. Sahuagin (2):AC 5 ; MV 24”;HD leadingto the top of the dome-and to
If a successful roll to hit is made, the 2 +2;hp 9,7;#AT 1 ; Dmg 1-6(trident); Orion’s men.
character becomes entrapped, THACO 16;AL LE. N. Barracks. Once the priests’
unable to free himself without assist- Providing some cover for them are vestry, this chamber now serves as
ance unless his strength is 16 or high- four crossbow bolts hanging motion- the barracks for Dryllevilyn’s
er (in the event, an open doors roll will less, facing down the stairs. Any char- sahuagin. Currently, there are four
suffice). acter seeking to engage the sahuagin occupants.
Because of their keen senses, the must spend a round touching a bolt Sahuaain (4):AC 5: MV 24”;HD
sahuagin cannot be surprised unless, from the side so that it may continue 2+2; hp-9, 7,’65,;#AT 1; Dmg 1-4
for instance, a thief moves silently or its flight without danger. Otherwise, (dagger) or 1-6+1 (bolt); THACO 16;
the fellowship advances under a the character must roll against his AL LE. While all have crossbows and
silence spell. Dexterity to slip around the trap, auto- two bolts + 7 (taken from Orion’s
The sahuagin have no treasure. matically being struck by a bolt for 1-6 men), only two of the creatures, who
C. Side Entry. If the party chooses, points of damage if unsuccessful. presently are standing next to the
entry to the temple can be gained G. Bed Chambers. Various sorts of secret door, have the opportunity to
through a pair of double doors in the rubble are piled within the room. Hid- make use of them, the others resort-
eastern wall of the temple. A danger, ing amidst the mess is a black sea ing to daggers.

The Voyage of the Nereid

In the northwest side of the room is destroyed. Even then, the DM should Nereid, A world of adventure awaits
a secret door to a small storage closet, bear in mind Dryllevilyn’sfirst concern both within the Prime Material sea and
inside which lies the treasure of the is that she survive the encounter. If the Olhydra’s plane of Water (the lost city,
sahuagin: 50 gp, 123 sp, a silver jew- party has defeated her minions and at least, is certainly still filled with trea-
elry box (value 40 gp), and two sets of still looks in good shape, she may sures -and the vengeful Dryllevilyn if
ceremonial chain mail +1, formerly attempt escape rather than to fight she survives!). The novel and movie to
belonging to a pair of temple priests, overwhelming odds singlehandedly Jules Verne’s masterpiece, Twenty
and now seeming quite unrnagical on (should the DM desire to generate her ThousandLeagues under the Sea, can
this plane. actions randomly, assume a 10% also provide the DM with a number of
0. Dome. At the very top of the tem- chance per living PC that she will flee, inspirational ideas to consider.
ple lies what were once the quarters of using her sanctuary spell for protec-
the high priest. The top eight feet of tion). If the DM decides she will fight,
the dome has been converted into an her first mode of attack is her death
airchamber, and Orion’s four men, gaze, which will cause a single
weakened from Dryllevilyn’s less than target-even if avoiding eye contact-
merciful treatment, lie atop a pile of to save vs. poison or die. Even so, she
rubble to the southeast, which reach- will not use this attack more than
es a few feet out of the water. once, tearing it must be saved for
A forest of oxygen kelp grows employment against Orion in the
beneath the surface of the water, event he suddenly makes an appear-
some seven feet deep. Hidden within ance.
it is Dryllevilyn, warily keeping watch If forced into melee combat she
for the inevitable rescue attempt. employs her staff, activating its wither-
Dryllevilyn: AC 7; MV 15”; Shaman ing potential only if reduced below 15
5; HD 5; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 + spe- hit points. The staff has 13 non-
cial; THACO 15; SA spells, death replaceable charges remaining.
gaze; MR 50%; AL CE;staff of wither- Once Dryllevilyn is no longer a
ing. She has these spells memorized: threat, Orion’s weakened men can be
cure light wounds, cause light escorted back to their vessel, com-
wounds, sanctuaw, chant, resist fire, pleting the party’s mission.
slow poison, meld into stone.
She will allow the group to reach Concluding the Adventure
Orion’s men; then the water in the
chamber will begin churning, and Back aboard the Nereid, Orion and his
after a round her most powerful ser- crew will rejoice at the return of their
vant will arise to confront the party. friends. For the party’s help, the ship’s
Water elemental: AC 2; MV 18”; HD master will offer his eternal gratitude,
12; hp 60; #AT 1; Dmg 5-30; THACO willingly providing funds for a resur-
10; SD +2 weapon needed to hit; AL rection if any PCs fell to the sea hag or
N. her servants. In that event, he will also
As the elemental rises, the magic- deliver to the group leader a DM-
userwith Orion’s wand may fire before determined magical item usable by
it is in full position to attack. A blue the dead person’s class (excluding his
beam will strike the creature, causing wand, which he will not part with).
it to save vs. spell or be drawn within
The Nereid gets quickly underway,
the device. From round to round leaving Olhydra’s island behind it, and
thereafter, the elemental will be several days later, the fellowship is
bathed within a blue glow, requiring returned to the World Serpent Inn with
subsequent saves at the beginning of all the goods they salvaged from the
each round, with a cumulative penalty temple.
of - 1 on the second and succeeding Their experiences with Orion, of
rounds of attack until it fails to save or course, need not necessarily end
the magic-user ceases to fire the here. Ifthe group desires to adventure
wand. further with their sponsor, Orion and
The sea hag will avoid entering the crew would be more than happy to
combat unless the elemental is have some “new blood” aboard the

Through the Fire

by Deborah Christian DM to provide characters with lands, a

stronghold, titles, and so on, depend- cowards. Courage is its own
This adventure is designed for five to reward.” His foot taps the floor as
ing on what they want and deserve.
six PCs of 5th to 6th level and can be he considers a moment, then he
The duke can give them much, though
completed in one or two sessions. speaks in a rush.
he is an unpredictable master (see
Rewards, below). “Know you’ll be happy to assist.
Have a little job. Need something
DM’s Background done. I’m generous, you know-
The Vortex
The notorius Mad Duke, Arn Morisnor, that’s something to think about.
has taken a whim to collect artwork, a The town of Regnorheim lies not far Don’t bother to haggle. No market-
compulsion he pursues to the exclu- from the duke’s capital. There, on place, this. Loyal vassals, that’s
sion of all other ducal interests. His New Year’s Eve almost a century ago, you. 1’11 reward you anyway. I’m in a
current obsession is statuary, and in a stable burned down. The fire was hurry to get the statue, and you
connection with this, the duke recalls not ordinary, and the place is said to don’t have much time before the
a tale related by Madame Molina, his be haunted, for on the anniversary of gate opens. Madame Molina han-
court wizard. its destruction the stable reappears dles details. Talk to her.”
The famed planar traveler, Kiev the and burns down again in green-tinged As the Duke waves his hand, an
Curious, wrote about his journeys. flame. Stories agree that a powerful I elderly woman enters the room.
The book, long believed to be pure magic-user once lodged in the empty 1 She bows to Lord Arn and motions
fabrication, nevertheless tells about stable; whether he caused the fire by 1 you to follow her.
the curious fire statues of the efreet, accident or design is not known.
artworks made of living flame. In par- This unearthly fire is one terminus If PCs insist on talking longer to the
ticular, Kiev detailed one that deco- of an elemental vortex, according to Duke, he humors them for a few min-
rates the home of Marshud, an efreeti Kiev. It remains open for eight hours, utes, but is easily distracted and has
who resides on the outskirts of the vanishing at sunrise, and provides nothing of substance to say. He says
City of Brass. Madame Molina was two-way access to the plane of Fire. no more about the task he expects the
acquainted with Kiev in her younger The characters can use it to go there party to accomplish, but if asked
days, and that elvish wanderer told and return. Since time on the elemen- about rewards speaks vaguely of
her the location of a planar vortex tal plane passes twice as fast as on lands and titles.
which gave admittance to Marshud’s the Prime, the party actually has only Duke Arn: AC 3; MV 12”; F12; HD
estate. It was, indeed, the same vor- four hours in which to accomplish 12; hp 65; #AT 2; Dmg 1-3+ 2; THACO
tex used by Kiev to visit the plane of their tasks-or be stranded on the 10; SA ring of protection + 2;AL N.
Fire. plane of Fire. The elderly woman is Madame
Lord Arn has set his heart upon Molina. She can answer the party’s
questions, and tells them they need
acquiring one of these fabled fire
statues. Since the one belonging to
Player’s Information merely go through the efreeti’s gar-
Marshud is the only one he knows to den, through the outer court, and take
be accessible, the duke has com- You and your companions receive the statue from the inner court adjoin-
manded that the fire sculpture be an unexpected invitation to visit ing it. She can share any of the knowl-
acquired for him. One of his loyal Lord Arn, Duke of Nimm. The “invi- edge detailed under DM’s
knights volunteered, but died in the tation” is irresistible, accompanied information. She can also warn that
effort last year-or so it is assumed, as it is by an escort of 50 of the missile fire is not possible on that
since he never returned. The duke, duke’s men and a courteous but plane; additional information may be
impatient and more obsessed with the insistent captain named Ralf. Ralf imparted at the DM’s discretion. Ifthe
fiery artwork than ever before, has explains that the duke has heard of party refuses to cooperate they spend
renewed his efforts to obtain the rarity. your reputation, and wishes to an indefinite amount of time in the
To this end, the duke “invites” the meet you himself. duke’s dungeons. If they cooperate
adventurers to pay him a visit of state. The duke is a small, dark-haired onlyforaprice, theDukeoffersthem a
He has heard of their reputation and man, given to nervous gestures coffer of gold-but he will keep it safe
adventures, and decided that they are and short, clipped speech. He does for them until they return.
best suited to fulfill his wishes. The not invite you to sit down but stares Madame Molina: AC 8; MV 9”;
duke is capricious; he can offer them at each of you in turn. MU15; HD 15; hp41; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4;
great riches if they are successful, or a “Heard about your exploits,” he THACO 16; SD 30% resistance to
long term in his dungeon if they snaps, tugging an earlobe. “You’re sleep, charm; AL NG; spells, as appro-
refuse. brave fellows. Good. Need fewer priate to 15th-level magic-user with
This is a perfect opportunity for the intelligence of 15.

Through the Fire

Preparation through the adjoining court, and into points of damage on the wearer. Metal
In a few days, the vortex to the plane an adjoining chamber where the softens and melts in two rounds; if
of Fire will open once more. A troop of statue is kept. The sculpture they worn, the character is affected as if by
guards escorts the party to seek is a fire-dragon, two feet high a heatmetalspell, suffering 2d4 points
Regnorheim, and the area around the and made of flame on a movable base of damage, and an additional 3d10
phantom stable is cordoned off. of basalt. As long as the party is pro- points from molten metal. Fluids boil
Madame Molina comes along, bring- tected from fire, they should have no away, and touching the steam inflicts
ing everything she needs to prepare difficulty moving the statue. Of 2d10 points of damage. Potions must
the party for a brief stay on the plane course, the acquisition of the work is save vs. fire. From the terrible heat
of Fire. not intended to be thievery, and four alone, the character must save vs.
The wizardess has spent moSt of the five-pound blocks of rare wood- breath weapon or die. A successful
last two years preparing for a venture mahogany and ebony-are given to save results in a mere 4d10 points of
like this, and has items meant to aid the the party to leave in exchange. As a damage per round.
party in their quest. She makes it clear final warning, Molina reminds them Throughout the plane, characters
that these valuables are the property of that if they stay on the plane for longer will be unable to distinguish the form
the Duke, and are to be returned when than four subjective hours, the gate of natural elementals from the general
the adventurers are back. That said, will close and they will be stranded, conflagaration around them. Infravis-
she gives each character a ring of fire ion shows only hot spots (like the Hot
protection and an ioun stone that sus- The Adventure Pond below); non-native materials
tains its user without air. and persons are cooler dark spots.
The ring makes the wearer invulner- An hour or two before midnight, the
eerie shape of a half-formed stable
able to normal fires and unaffected by
the elemental environment. Unique flickers into existence on the empty
The Efreet’s Estate
phenomena such as hot spots may lot before you. Yellow-green flames In the Garden
affect one to some extent; such lick at phantom posts, and wood
results are noted in the appropriate chars in a silent inferno. A hush The path of coals stretches ahead,
place in this adventure. The ring’s falls over those who watch. You feel lost in haze and glare, flanked to
wearer gains + 4 on saving throws vs. no heat from the flames. Madame each side by foliage of living flame.
fire, and damage from magical fires Molina wishes you luck as you step Behind you, a broad-based foun-
(i.e., spell or dragon breath, not ele- into the burning vortex. tain 30 feet across sends liquid fire
mental fire) is reduced by 50%. One moment you are walking spouting high into the air. The flame
The ioun stone is an iridescent spin- among half-formed timbers, the cascades down into a series of rock
dle. If exposed to attack it is treated as ghostly stable looking as if it will catch basins, finally pouring into
AC - 4 and can sustain 10 points of crash down on your head any the black basalt pool from which
damage before it is burned out and moment. In the space of a few you have emerged. The fire in the
worthless. If it is netted or snatched heartbeats, the color of the flames pool glows with a greenish tinae.
out of the air where it circles the user’s turns sharply vivid. Brilliant yellows
head, the character no longer benefits and reds lick at your feet while The green color is a result of the magi-
from the stone’seffect. Any character orange-rimmed coals line the path cal vortex. As long as the vortex is
forced to breathe naturally on the before you. Behind you is a foun- open, the odd color is visible.
plane of Fire suffers l d l 0 points of tain of fire, before you a garden of The characters have arrived in the
damage per round, and is affected as flame. You have arrived on the enclosed garden of Marshud’s estate.
if by a cloudkill spell if not protected plane of elemental Fire. The luminescence of fire and the
from poison. misty atmosphere obscures vision
Any PC capable of providing one or beyond 120 feet. The garden is circu-
the other of these functions for himself Adventuring on the Plane of Fire lar and 400 feet across, surrounded
may do so, but should be protected for Characters are protected from the by walls of seamless brass 40 feet
at least the four hours of subjective hazards of the planewhen they arrive. high. The fountain is in the center of
time that the vortex remains open, in Iffor any reason this protection is lost, the garden. The path of glowing coals
case the party stays that long on the dire and immediate consequences leads away from the fountain to the
plane. await. If PCs are forced to breathe nor- gate between garden and outer court-
Molina tells the party that they will mally, effects are detailed above. yard.
enter the plane through a fire fountain Characters without fire protection suf- The path of coals rings the base of
in the garden of the efreeti Marshud. fer the following. Flammable materi- the fountain, but does not extend
They must pass through his garden, als ignite immediately, inflicting 3d6 beyond it. Behind the fountain is a flat

Through the Fire

area glowing more hotly than the sur- hot pond suffer Id10 points of dam- ( - 4 on saving throw); AL CE; XP
roundingflames. This is the Hot Pond, age from the exceptional temperature 1,615 each.
detailed below. To either side of the for every round they spend in it.
fountain are elemental plants resem- Animental Squirrels
bling growths from the Prime Material Flame Roper
plane. Wandering freely through the With eyes like embers and a tail of
garden are several squirrel-like ani- A five-foot-tall pillar of orange-red flickering orange, a squirrel-
mentals. fire stands between low-lying shaped elemental makes crackling
The safest path out of the garden is shrubs flickering with dull blue sounds from the limb of a tree of
the one of coals that the characters flames. Flares of yellow gas shoot yellow fire.
are standing upon. If garden denizens out from the pillar and dissipate in
find the PCs of interest, or if charac- the air. A number of squirrel-like animentals
ters investigate the garden, results inhabit thegarden. In themselves they
are explained in the encounters There are three flame ropers in the are not dangerous, but they are very
below. efreeti's garden. Trained not to leave curious. On a roll of 2 in 6 they notice
the confines, they keep down the pop- the PCs and tag along for 2d6 rounds,
Hot Pond ulation of animentals and trouble- hoping for food. If the squirrels are fol-
some fire bats. PCs are not likely to lowing the PCs, it is more likely that
A cleared expanse of ground glows recognize this creature as a roper. the gardeners' attention will be drawn
bright white. Yellow-white gas rolls Regarded by Marshud as a captive, to the intruders as noted below.
gently across its surface. The area semi-sentient ornamental plant, the Animental squirrels (2-8): AC 6; MV
is circular and about 50 feet across; flame roper gladly ensnares anyone 12" ; HD 112; hp 3 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-
the gas lies on the surface to a foolish enough to walk within its 2; THACO 20; AL N; XP 5 each.
grasp. Like its mundane counterpart,
it can disguise itself as a tree of fire, Gem Trees
This is the hot pond, an area of great grabbing victims with the yellow flares
temperature even for this plane. The of gas it can release. Ropers move The garden path near the gate is
efreet enjoy it much as humans do a within attack range of characters on a lined with fiery trees, 10 on each
sauna for relaxation. Immersion in the roll of 1 in 6, checked once per turn. side of the walk. Glittering gems
super-hot gases here heals Id10 hit Flame roper (3); AC 0; MV 3"; HD 5 ; hang on the branches, reflecting
points per turn to an injured elemen- hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; THACO
tal. Although the pond is supposedly 15; MR 50%; SA rope-likeflares shoot
only for efreet, Marshud's gardeners out to a range of 20 feet; disguise as Force must be used to remove a gem
and guards use it occasionally on the fire tree; hit causes weakness ( -50% from a tree; when plucked, it flares
sly. strength in 1-3 rounds); prey is drawn briefly with a hot magical fire. Anyone
Even though protected from ele- in, 10" per round; SD unaffected by holding the gem when this occurs
mental fire, characters entering the lightning, very susceptible to water
Through the Fire

must save vs. spell or suffer Id8 device is also magically fascinating,
points of damage. These gems are of and acts upon the characters as the three sides, with walls and pillars of
three times the normal value i f trans- spell of the same name. Characters brass supported by a foundation of
ported back to the Prime Material, and passing in earshot must save vs. spell basalt. A doorway is visible in each
are especially treasured as a compo- or be fascinated by the chimes for wall, flanked by brass pillars: each
nent in magical items and spells. They 2d10 rounds. This effect can be inter- one is covered by curtains of deep
must cool for two weeks before they rupted by destroying the chimes, red flame.
can be handled, and in the meantime although the cessation of noise will
burn through any container that is not alert the gardeners. The chimes hang The outer courtyard provides access
magically protected from heat. 15 feet overhead and withstand 10 to different areas of Marshud’s estate.
Thereare2dlOgemsoneachofthe points of damage before they are Unfortunately, nothing Molina told
trees, of these types: rubies, 60%; yel- ruined. The chimes are only ornamen- them prepared the party for the deci-
low topaz, 20%; sapphires 10%; dia- tal on the plane of Fire, but are worth sion about which direction to take.
monds, 10%. at least 5,000 gp to collectors on the
Prime Material. As with the flame The Curtains
Fire Bats gems, the chimes can ignite flamma- The curtains are not harmful to pro:
ble material and require a cooling per- tected characters passing through
iod before they can be touched on the them, but they do serve to hide what is
rises from the burning foliage. Prime Material plane. on the other side. It is impossible to lis-
Wings extend, claws rake the air ten at the curtains for noise, since the
and a batlike figure swoops down- Gardeners flame of their substance gives off a
wards. The greatest danger to the party in constant quiet hiss.
Marshud’s garden is also the least vis-
Most of the gem-trees are also home ible one: the gardeners themselves. To the Right
to fire bats which live in the upper Two fire elementalstend this area, and The passage to the right leads to
branches. These creatures are indis- notice non-native intruders on a roll of Marshud’s reception court. In one wall
tinguishable from the glowing branch- 3 in 6, or 5 in 6 if the party is followed of the court is the main entrance to
es and flaming leaves of the foliage by animental squirrels. This chance Marshud’s estate, a gate which faces
until they move and attack. They should be rolled for when the party onto the Street of the Viziers in the
attack any non-native who passes first arrives, and checked once every City of Brass. Opposite the entrance
within 10 feet of a tree, or who disturbs three rounds characters spend in the gate a passage leads to Marshud’s
the flame-gems. garden. The gardeners automatically reception hall.
Fire bats (2-16): AC 8; MV 6”iZO”; notice the party i f they disturb the fire This area is attended by elemental
HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; bats, or if the fire chimes stoptheir dis- servants and phantom stalker guards.
THACO 16; SA swooping attack: once tinctive sound. It is immediately clear to characters
attached, automatic hit for a total of Fire elementals (2): AC 2; MV 12”; advancing down this high-ceilinged
three rounds, then drop off and return HD 12; hp 72, 60; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24; passageway that it gives onto a large
to tree; SD detect invisible and attack THACO 9; SA burn inflammables; SD open-air courtyard. The DM may wish
without penalty; AL NE. hit by +2 weapons; AL NE; XP 7,860. to remind imprudent characters that
The gardeners respond to intruders they are looking for an enclosed room.
Fire Chimes by attempting their capture. They Any PC who moves within twenty feet
strike to stun, and may grapple with of the end of the passage, or who
Suspended in the arch of the gate- opponents, in which case they should emerges into the entrance court, is
way is a mobile of thin plates of be treated as if they had a strength of sighted by guards, who rush to appre-
obsidian, shimmering with blue- 19. If the elementals are victorious, hend the PCs.
tinged flame. The chimes emit a they take intruders to Marshud. If one Phantom stalkers (4): AC 3; MV
harsh sound like the crackle of gardener is slain, the other flees to 12”124”; HD 6; hp 48, 40,35,30; #AT
burning wood and the whoosh of air alert the estate guards. 1 or 2; Dmg 1-8 (scimitar) or 1-4/1-4/
into a hot fire. The sound grows (clawlclaw); THACO 13; SApolymorph
, louder closer to the gate. The Outer Court self, fly; SD can cast forth life essence
as 6d6 fireball, then perish; AL N; XP
There are five chimes, making a Beyond the garden arch is a court- 2,418.
sound the efreet consider to be musi- yard, a broad expanse of glowing The guards fight to subdue, shout-
cal. The chimes are loud and notice- coals. It is enclosed by galleries on ing an alarm as they charge the party,
able within 30 feet of the gateway: the and four more guards arrive from the

Through the Fire

same direction 1d4 rounds later. Iftwo this room. The swirling gas in the cen- Inside is a deck of many things. XP:
of the original four are slain, the ter of the chamber is an intelligent fire 1,000.
remaining pair retreat until their com- elemental magically bound in service The stone jar contains 30 smart
panions arrive, but keep the party in to Marshud as punishment for insub- pills. Swallowing onepillincreases the
sight. Captives are taken to Marshud. ordination. The elemental guards the individual’s intelligence by one; two
It should be virtually impossible for valuables here, and serves as compa- pills increase it by two. Taking more
characters to get through the ny for anyone wishing conversation. It pills has no effect. The increased intel-
entrance courtyard and into the estate has the statistics of the elementals ligence lasts for 24 hours. After the
buildings beyond. If they make it that given above, but has an intelligence of effect wears off, the person’s intelli-
far, they will soon be overwhelmed by 16 and is named Faid. gence decreases by a similar amount
guards. Also, for the purposes of this Faid takes form when the charac- for 12 hours. XP: 3,000 (100 per pilo.
scenario, the rest of Marshud’s estate ters enter the chamber. He is anxious If the party fought its way past
is irrelevant and not detailed here. If to negotiate a deal; if the characters guards or servants to get this far, more
the characters get sidetracked in that free him from servitude, the elemental are soon on the way. The timing of
direction, the DM can expand the will help them get away with the valu- their arrival is at the DM’s discretion.
efreeti’s estate as he sees fit. ables. Faid promises to help the party Guards can approach the chamber
fight off the guards if necessary. from both of the passageways that
Straight Ahead Although he may promise more, Faid lead into it, but two fighters at each
is not capable of doing too much more entrance should be able to hold them
The passage straight ahead of the than this. If the characters cannot free off for a while. Faid is true to his word
garden arch is a short one, and opens the elemental, he is compelled to fight and helps in combat as needed. There
into a chamber. them and defend the treasure. are a total of 20 guards in Marshud’s
Sadly, Faid has no idea how he estate. If they cannot capture or kill
Beyond the curtain, a short 10-foot might be freed. All he can tell the party the intruders after one turn, they alert
long passage opens into a round is that the chamber was redecorated Marshud to the problem. The efreeti
chamber 60 feet wide. Directly from top to bottom just before he was arrives at the end of four additional
across the room, a flame curtain put in it. Once in, Faid has been rounds.
obscures another doorway. The unable to leave. Marshud (efreeti): AC 2; MV 9“/24“;
curtain is difficult to see, for in the Although it is not obvious, the spell HD 10; hp 80; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24;
middle of the room a cloud of dense that binds Faid is worked into the sand THACO 10; SA grant up to three wish-
orange gas hovers, swirling slowly tapestry on the walls. If the sand pat- es, assume gaseous form, detect
in mid-air. tern is destroyed, the spell is broken. magic, enlarge, polymorphself, create
Oddly-formed volcanic rock lines This can only be done by a magical an illusion, wall of fire, produce flame,
the base of the brass wall on the weapon or tool, and takes 2d4 rounds pyrotechnics; SD become invisible; AL
right side of the chamber. The wall to deface a sufficient amount of wall NE; XP 3,070.
itself can be clearly seen only near space. If PCs do not think of this on Marshud is delighted to wade into
the opposite doorway, for it is their own, the DM may wish to let the thick of the fight, not seriously
impressed all around with a pattern magic-users make an intelligence believing that fragile creatures from
of burning sand. Blue flame twines check to recognize an arcane pattern the Prime Material can do him much
around yellow, the whole bordered in the “tapestry”. harm. He also fights to subdue, since
by a ribbon of orange. The effect is If Faid fights the party, there is no the idea of Prime prisoners amuses
that of a tapestry or mosaic, worked subtlety in his tactics, just brute force. him (see Consequences). However,
in flame. He interposes himself between the the efreeti has no compunction
To the left, three basalt shelves party and the treasures on the wall. against killing an adventurer who
protrude from the wall. On the bot- The treasures are not trapped in harms one of his treasures. Invaded
tom one, five feet above the floor, any way. The glow around the wooden here in his own home, the efreeti and
rests a small chest of wood glowing chest is a protection from fire spell. his staff do not give up, retreat, or sur-
light blue. On the second, ten feet The contents of the jar are safe on this render.
above the ground, is a jar of green- plane as long as its lid is not removed. If the PCs are captured, Marshud’s
and-white marbled stone. On the The statue weighs five pounds and activities and the party’s options must
third, five feet higher, is the fire is unwieldy. If dropped or hit on the be determined by the DM. The efreeti
statue, a dragon sculpted from plane of Fire, it must save (as ivory) likes the thought of using them for
flame on a stone base. vs. a normal blow or shatter. XP: slaves, servants, perhaps even gladi-
15,000. ators in arena combat in the City of
The volcanic rocks are used as has- The wooden chest is 6 inches wide, Brass. If the party amuses Marshud
socks when Marshud entertains in 6 inches long, and 3 inches deep. enough-or makes him money on



Through the Fire

combat wagers the efreeti will even Backtracking pursuit does not follow them past the
arrange to feed them periodically, fire fountain. If they have taken valu-
The return to the fire fountain takes the ables, l d 4 guards follow them into the
although that is a troublesome thing
party through and past the same haz- fire fountain, and there is a 25% chance
on this plane. ards they encountered when they that Marshud dashes right after them.
entered the estate. Even close to the Otherwise the efreeti awaits his guard’s
To the Left fountain, it is still possible for the party report. If the guards fail to recover the
The passage to the left leads to the to be nabbed by gardeners if Marshud’s treasure, Marshud himself may pay the
servant’s quarters. This area is vacant staff is not yet alert to their presence. party a visit at some unexpected time
for the time being, but there is a 1 in 6 If the party returns to the fire foun-
(see Consequences).
chance per turn that l d 2 fire elemen- tain and is not being pursued, they
tals will enter the area. Their statistics need simply step into the flames. A Rewards
and reactions are the same as those moment later, they walk out of the
given above for the gardeners. ghostly burning stable in Regnorheim. The Mad Duke is ecstatic if the fire
If the party was delayed beyond their sculpture is broughtto him undamaged.
Marshud and the Pool four-hour limit, a chilling sight greets Hisgratitudeknowsonly the boundsthe
them in the garden. The fountain is just DM cares to put on it - at least until his
The passage out of the servants’ a fountain, with no sign of a vortex, and fickle mood changes in a day or two. If
quarters leads to the equivalent of a the adventurers are stranded on the the sculpture is damaged, the duke’s
large bathing pool. This brass-walled gratitude is cut by half. A ruined sculp
plane of elemental Fire. Whether or not
court is open to the “sky”; sunk in the ture or an empty-handed party pro-
they have been detected yet, this now
“floor” is a large depression lined with duces the following results. (The duke is
becomes their greatest problem, and a
coals and filled with a burning liquid. predicament for the DM to handle in not interested in other treasure items;
The liquid is naphtha, an elemental the party may keep anything else they
future gaming sessions. If his help has
pocket treasured by Marshud who, in brought back.)
been enlisted, Faid may be useful in
fact, is bathing in the pool during this
getting the party out of Marshud’s
time. There are two exits from this Roll Result
estate and steering them to the location
room. They lead deeper into
of another vortex. 1 Rewards party with ioon
Marshud’s estate and are not relevant Faid has a final surprii for the party
to this scenario. PCs venturing past stones and 500 gp each “for
when he leads the PCs to the fire foun- your trouble”.
this point are overwhelmed with
tain. The elemental will be spellbound for 2 Payment of 100 gp apiece,
guards, as at the entrance court.
eternity if his connivance becomes “for your trouble”.
The identity of the bathing efreeti
known, and Faid has decided it’s in his 3 Hires assassin to spy on party
should not be apparent to the party.
best interest to escape Marshudthe best for one month, to see if they
Anyone investigating this room from
way he can. He does not warn the party have somehow smuggled the
the hallway observes a fire elemental
of this intention, but simply follows them sculpture back and plan to sell
standing by the poolside (a servant),
out of the burning stable. Once on the it elsewhere.
two scimitar-armed humanoids by a
Prime Material, Faid is not under any- 4 Orders party imprisoned; kan-
fire-curtained door (phantom stalk-
one’s control. The elemental would most garoo court sentences PCs to
ers), and a massive, 12-foot tall efreeti
enjoy consuming a few houses and public punishment and 1,000
bathing in the fiery liquid. The servant
devouring some nice wood. His further gp fine per person.
and guards have statistics as given
ambitions are for the DM to determine. 5 Furious rage; party impris-
above. If characters are captured
elsewhere, they are brought immedi- oned for l d 6 months.
Pursuit 6 Duke banishes PCs from
ately to Marshud at the pool. If the par-
ty attacks the efreeti here, he calls for If pursuit is hot behind them, the PCs realm; posts reward for their
his guards and a melee ensues. can flee back the way they came. Ifthey heads if seen in the territory
have not taken Marshud’s treasures, after one week.


The Missing Kristal

by Bruce Nesmith there is a sharp edge to his voice and

a note of impatience in his response. sides. The opening to this alcove
Duke Graven’s daughter has been looks out upon a strange sight.
He does not tolerate detailed or long
kidnaped by an old enemy, a dao on A wide river flows by the alcove
questions, and will demand a yes or
the plane of Earth. The duke hires the entrance, filling the vaulted cavern
no answer from the party. The price
party to rescue her. offered is firm and the party is free to from wall to wall. The river’s sur-
go if they do not accept. face is flat and as smooth as glass,
The Adventure He is willing to provide virtually any despite its speed. Swirling eddies
While far from Arabel between adven- normal equipment in reasonable of brown, gray and blue can be
tures, the party is met by a lone mes- quantities. He will not supply the party seen. Shockingly, this river is made
senger and conducted into the with weapons or armor. of flowing stone!
presence of Duke Graven, lord of the
principality through which the group is The Vortex As is much of this adventure, the stone
traveling. In fact, his principality is river is in an elemental pocket, so the
Within the castle walls is the gate p a w will be able to move, see, and
small and of little political value, but way used by the dao to return to the
the party does not know this. What is breathe. The river is cool and solid
elemental plane of Earth. It can be enough for someone to stand on top of
known is that they are in the wrong reached in a few rounds.
place at the right time. it. In fact, anything on its surface is pro-
pelled along at the river’s speed of 1 2
A shimmering seven-sided plane of like on an escalator. The river is 50 feet
Entering the duke’s room, you imme dim light hangs suspended in the air. across in a cavern 40’ high. There are
diately notice a dozen men at arms. Through it can be seen a natural no traversable shores in sight.
These tough-looking veterans flank cavern. Strewn about the gateway Up to this point, the PCs have instinc-
two older men of distinction, one are several large chunks of stone, tively chosen a “down” direction for
seated, the other standing behind his piles of dirt, and far too much drying gravity that corresponds to that expect-
high-backed chair. The seated man blood. “The fight was bitter,” Duke ed in the Prime Material plane. They
has the clothing and bearing of nobil- Graven says in a tight, clipped voice. can of course change this notion at any
ity and authority. The greybeard “How long, Roway?” time to permit, for example, travel
standing behind him is either a magi- “Six minutes more,” whispers across the ceiling at normal walking
cian or an impressive imposter. Both the mage, “then the gate closes.” speed. Otherwise, “down” is always in
are haggard and worn, while the The wizened Roway hands you a the direction originally assumed.
men-at-armsappear to have recently scroll, saying, “Upon this scroll are The lair of the dao is downstream.
fought. written the mystic symbols to return Any upstream travel should be dis-
The seated man speaks: “My you to this world.” couraged by whatever means present
name is Duke Graven, and my themselves. While on the river, any of
mood is foul. Do not make it worse The scroll has a plane shift spell on it. the events listed below can be used to
by interrupting me. My daughter, Normally, this spell can carry up to add to the atmosphere.
Kristal, the joy of my heart, has seven persons back to the Prime
been kidnaped by an evil dao, my Material plane. If the party is larger Random Events on the River
nemesis of many years. Catching than six (save a spot for Kristal), then
us by surprise, he overcame my 1. A harmless animental phases
there are two spells on the scroll. The through the cavern wall for a “drink”
court magician and fled back to his duke has no other advice other than
own dismal dimension with her. at the river. Upon sighting the party, it
that the dao is clever and dangerous. flees back through the cavern wall.
“He must be pursued while there The party has six rounds to enter the
is still a chance to rescue Kristal 2. An elemental constrictor snake
gateway or else it closes. phases through the cavern ceiling and
unharmed. I have selected you to
return my beloved daughter to me, lands on a player. Combat ensues, of
not because of your great prowess The Elemental Plane course.
or singular abilities, but because Constrictor (1): AC 3; MV 9”; HD
you are my only option. Each man of Earth 6+1; hp 25; RAT 2; Dmg 142-8;SA
that returns will receive 2,500 piec- constriction; AI N.


es of gold and my gratitude, provid- As the last member of your group 3. Minor earthquake showers party
ed Kristal is returned alive and well. steps through the shimmering portal, with stone and rock.
Do you accept?” it fades away. You find yourselves 4. Animental fish leaps out of the
standing on a wide rock ledge “water”, possibly frightening, but not
The duke answers questions, but enclosed by cave walls on three dangerous.

The Missing K r i s t a l

Well of Thunder Xaren(4):ACl;MV9”;HD5+5; hp

dashed into smaller gravel pieces 30 each; #AT 4; Dmg 1-3( x 3)/4-16;
In the distance, a low rumble can be that fly about in all directions.
heard by the party. To a dwarf, the SA surprise on 1-5; SD immune to fire,
increased speed of the river is appar- cold; AL N; XP 295 each.
On the trip down, check once for each The xaren are nomads, and have
ent. Other characters must roll to character to see if anyone slips and
detect it. At this point, the party is a only recently entered Granite Gloom.
falls. Roll a dlOO for the height of the Having just feasted on a rich mineral
half a mile from the well of thunder-a fall; damage is normal for falling. If a
full day’s travel by unaided walking, vein, they have only a 10% chance of
rope is used to secure the climbers, attacking if not offered metal. In
but only a half day using the speed of there is no chance of falling. exchange for metal magic or 250 gp
the river to augment travel. The base of the cliff is the constant-
The well of thunder is a roughly worth of gems or coins, one of them will
ly shifting surface of the gravel lake. ferry the party to the nearest breathable
hewn hole through which the river Within 50 feet of the base of the rock pocket, but no farther. The xaren cannot
drains. By the time the party is within falls, each round there is a chance of act as a guide because it has never
sight of it, the roar of breaking rock suffering 1 point of damage from fly. been here before. It will not fight for the
has made conversation impossible ing gravel. This includes the last half party under any circumstances.
and the speed of the river has doubled of the journey down the cliff.
to 24” . Iffor some reason the party does not
The chances of this damage are obtain a xaren to transport them
determined by using the armor class through the rock, there isan alternative.
of the PC times ten. For example, one A few hours later an earth elemental, a
through which the river plunges. with AC 5 would have a 50°/o chance servant of the dao, phases into the grav-
On the wall on the far side of the each round of being hurt by flying rock el lake area. It is willing to act as a guide
hole is an arched engraving. To the chips. Characters of armor class 0 or for the party throughout the Granite
left of the hole is a shelf of rock better have a 5% chance. Gloom, but only after some hard dicker-
clear of the river. ing on the price. At an opportune
The Gravel Lake moment, specified below, the dao’s ser-
Unless the party hesitates for a fool- vant will attack the party.
ishly long time, there should be no A wide lake spreads out from the Earth elemental: AC 2; MV 6”;HD
problem reaching the haven of the rock falls underneath a vaulted 8;hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg 4-32; SA batter-
rock shelf. Anybody that falls through cavern roof several hundred feet ing ram; SD +2 weapon; AL N; XP
the hole on the river dies in the mael- high. Waves ripple and crest along 1,300.
strom of breaking rock below. its surface and small breakers lap
The rock shelf is adjacent to both the shoreline. The illusion of normal- Bear Cave
the river and the well. The party can cy is broken bythe natureof the lake.
easily peer down into the well from It is made entirely of gravel, constant- Just because the xaren or elemental
there. The wall carving above the well ly shifting pebbles, and small rocks. takes the party safely to the next Air
reads “The Well of Thunder, Gateway pocket does not mean that they are
to Granite Gloom”, in the genie lan- The surface is treacherous to walk safe.
guage of the dao. This is the entrance upon. Each round a character stands
to the lair of the kidnaper. still, he sinks 6 inches into the gravel. The smooth gray stone walls curve
Looking down into the well, the par- Movement is slowed to twothirds of away to both sides to form a perfect
ty can see the Rock Falls. To the side normal. Any character moving reck- cylinder, bending in a perfect semi-
of the falls is a scalable wall, although lessly has a 1 in 6 chance per round of circle. A rank odor assaults your
slippage would mean a fall down into falling. senses, a combination of rock dust
the gravel lake a hundred feet below. Except for the 120 feet of cliff face and animal stench. Whatever lurks
The climb might be necessary since on either side of the falls, a wide around the corners cannot be seen.
the cavern and lake have gravity, put shoreline extends all the way around
there by the dao, that cannot be the lake. The cavern walls have many The bear cave is a perfectdonut carved
altered by the whims of the PCs. dimples, alcoves, and protrusions, but with superhuman smoothness from a
none are entrances or exits from the single block of stone. On the far side
A few feet over the lip of the hole, the lake cavern. from where the party enters is a secret
Stone water of the river breaks apart The shoreline is 40 to 120 feet wide. door opening into a narrow tunnel
into large rocks and boulders. These Two rounds after the party makes it to which leads away from the donut. The
stones fall about a hundred feet into shore, a small group of four xaren donut is 100 feet across from outer
a shifting gravel bed where they are phase out of the wall at the far end of edge to outer edge.The hollow interior
the gravel lake cavern. where the party enters is 25 feet in


The Missing Kristal

diameter. The spider’s wheel is a sphere of stone accommodate an upright human.

Two bears live inside the earth in the in constant motion. There are several Mapping is impossible from within the
center of the donut. The larger bear tunnels leading from edge to edge. By tunnels. For those players that insist
moves immediately through the earth to waiting at the end of one of these tun- on following the details of movement,
attack the party. A round later the sec- nels, eventually it will line up with use the table below. Otherwise the
ond bear phases through the stone another aperture and the party can party reaches a new exit from the
walls behind the party. The bear resem- jump through. The conjunction lasts for wheel in d10+10 rounds.
ble their Prime Material equivalent only two rounds, during which the party must Each few rounds roll on the table
as any other four-legged creature decide. Anything caught between the below to see what terrain feature has
would. wheel and the outer rock is crushed. been encountered. Use common
Black bears (2): AC 5; MV 12“; HD The sphere spins on multiple axes, sense if the die roll makes no sense.
3+3;hp20,16; #AT3; Dmg 1-311-311- causing the openings to move in a
6; SA hug, 2-8 dmg; AL N; XP 165, seemingly random fashion. At any d10 Feature
149. given entrance it takes dlOO rounds 1 Deadend
before there is an alignment. Roll ran- 2 Continuation
Tunnel to the Spider’s Wheel domly for which connection is made. 3 Three-way intersection
The rolling rock is named for its pri- 4 Four-way intersection
The tunnel is only three feet across, mary inhabitants, five huge spiders 5 Five-way intersection
so narrow that the party will most likely that roam through the stone and its 6 Bottleneck (tunnel narrows)
have to crawl through one at a time. tunnels. Each turn spent in the spi- 7 Bubble (tunnel widens)
Combat is impossible here. Fortu- der’s wheel there is a 1 in 6 chance 8-10 Exit (edge of the wheel)
nately nothing attacks the PCs while that a spider will find the party. The
they worm their way through the tun- spiders look similar to their Prime When an exit has been found, there is
nel. Eventually it ends at a small bub- Material cousins, differing only in two the wait mentioned above (d100
ble of air about the size of an elevator. major areas. The spiders are made rounds) for it to line up with another
from smooth-faced, sharp-edged area. Use the table below to deter-
Spider’s Wheel stone, and the eight double-jointed mine which area is in conjunction with
legs radiate from the body in all direc- the exit. In order to get into the crystal
The cramped, rough room reminds tions, unlike a normal spider. garden where the duke’s daughter
each of you that people can sweat Huge spider (5): AC 4; MV 18” ; HD can be found, two gemstone keys
and stink as much as any animal. 2+2; hp10each; #ATl;Dmg 1-6;SA must be retrieved.
However, that unpleasant idea is poison ( + 1 save), surprise 1-5; AL N; The other tunnels leading away
quickly wiped from your minds as XP 175 each. from the wheel are all roughly hewn
you watch the smooth, slightly The wheel is laced through with stone bending out of sight. The vari-
curved, far wall grind past at a slow twisting and winding tunnels. In most ous side rooms are described below.
even pace. places they are wide enough to
The Missing Kristal

d6 Sideroom on saves; AL LE; XP 35 each. alone in the same room. They hate
1 Gameroom When the party enters the game one another with a passion. By the law
2 Fanghorn and One-eye (key) room, the bronze team takes the of the dao, the one with the horns
3 The “prisoner” court. They act as a team, employing must always tell the truth about the
4 Emerald guardian (key) superior tactics: dispersing to avoid room and his companion. The other,
5-6 Crystal garden area effect weapons, using the cubes with the single eye, must always lie
as a shield to fire from, or sandbag- about the room and his companion.
Game Room ging by leaving a kobold behind a Notice that they are not compelled to
The 80-foot twisting tunnel ends in cube until the party passes by. Play answer all questions, nor are they
one end of a 15-foot diameter, 15-foot them as smart as you can within the required to lie or tell the truth about
tall cylinder. The other end is open to rules. Ifthe party defeats a team, they any other object.
the game room. As the last member of can pass freely to the other side and This is a classic riddle. If the players
the party clambers into the cylinder, exit back into the tunnel. Any wands can deduce which face is telling the
they are all teleported into its mirror can be gathered up and taken as well. truth, they are safe. If not, they may
image on the far side. Of course, this Ifa team paralyzes the whole party, face great danger. The group can only
new location has no exit. To get back, they are gathered together and command one of the faces to open.
the party must cross the game room. dumped back into the cylinder from Both faces are impervious to destruc-
which they started. When the party tive forces, magical and otherwise,
tries to cross the game room again, a until one of them is chosen.
different team comes out to meet lfthe partychoosesthetruthful face
huge room. The walls of this perfect them. If all four teams defeat the party,
cube are veined with granite, with with the horns, it spits out a fist-sized
they are allowed to cross the game ruby of apparently great value. This is
minerals and crystals of all colors.
room unmolested. one of the two keys used to open the
Hanging inside this enormous vault
are four smaller cubes of differently door to the crystal garden. If the ruby
Fanghorn and One-eye is examined, a heart of jet can be seen
colored minerals.
~ in its center. If they choose the lying
The game room vault is 150 feet in The entrance to this room is a per- face with the single eye, it lunges out
each diameter. Each suspended cube fect pentagon. The room itself is a from the wall and attacks the nearest
is 10 feet across and hangs at a point rounded sphere whose surface is character as a tunnel worm.
exactly 50 feet in from each wall, This made of geometric shapes of all Tunnel worm (1): AC 2; MV 6”; HD
produces exact spacing from wall to kinds. You can see no other exit 9 +3; hp 45; #AT 1 bite; Dmg 2-16; SA
cube, and cube to cube. The cubes from this place. Across the room lunge at +2 to hit; AL N; XP 1,980.
are made of four different mineral are two high pentagons, each
ores: bronze, copper, silver, gold. carved with the horrible stone vis- The “Prisoner”
Inside each cube lives a team of 11 age of a demon. The demon faces
elemental kobold athletes. Each are separated by a IO-foot rectan- The tunnel opens into an irregular
kobold is equipped solely with a modi- gle of stone along the surface. One cavern. The heat here is oppres-
fied wand of paralyzation (6 charges, face has two short horns and small sive to say the least. The far half of
6” range). The peculiar magic of this tusks protruding from its mouth. the cave has walls, floor and ceiling
place makes any paralyzed creature The other has but a single eye and of flowing, molten rock. Splitting
appear to be turned to stone. The dao Dia-like snout. the cavern in half is a web forming
is a lover of games, and had this room from the flowing streams of lava.
built at great expense. Here any com- They are of course, animate. Until one Small fiety creatures scuttle across
bination of the four teams compete in of them is addressed, even if indirectly, the web, pulling and shaping the
non-lethal combat for the pleasure of they remain still. When that happens, red hot liquid stone.
the dao and his consorts. they begin to talk. At first they pour Inside the searing cage floats a
Through years of practice, the insults at the party, threatening them gaunt humanoid of stone. The
kobold athletes have refined their abil- with all manner of horrible deaths. sharply pointed head almost touch.
.. When it becomes obvious that the party es the roof and the wide flat fee
itles and tactics to a fine edge. This is
reflected in their armor class and their is not going to leave, they stop. curl a mere foot from the floor. Its
+2 modifier on saves where speed The faces then each swear that the glowing sunken eyes fix upon YOL
plays a factor, such as area effect other face is a death trap. Each pro- feverishly.
weapons, wands, and so on. claims that behind his own face lies
Kobolds (11): AC 3; MV 6”; HD 1; hp great treasure. The earth-troll prisoner was once a
3 each; #AT 1; Dmg paralyze; SD + 2 These two have lived centuries servant of the dao, but is imprisoned


The Missing Kristal

here for the crime of severe imperti- least his arm. However, if he receives demand, hinting that he obviously
nence. The elemental magma is one sufficient damage to the arm, he flicks knows everything about the party and
of the few substances that can hold it. off the ring, hoping that the party will what they carry.
Even so, the burns and scars from the leave him to sleep. For purposes of
molten rock heal quickly. combat, the arm is treated as a 6 HD The Crystal Garden
Earth troll (1): AC 2; MV 12”; HD monster.
6 + 6; hp 30; #AT 3; Dmg 5-8/5-8/2-12; Stone arm (1): AC 0; MV 0; HD 6; hp Slowly a circular brass disk as tall
SA three opponents at once; SD 48; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SA + 4 vs as a man swings into view. The rim
regeneration; AL CE; XP 765. ground-based opponents; AL N; XP is sunken into the stone. On the
The small creatures that tend the 663. disk is a bas relief of a humanoid
cage are elemental magma spiders. The first character to approach face. The head is bald and slightly
Without them, the “bars” of the cage within 20 feet of the fist is attacked. pointed, definitely not human. The
would lose their shape and sag into The stone hand shoots out, spraying mouth is an open sneer with a
the walls in a few turns. Any hostile sand in all directions. If no opponents fumanchu style mustache drooping
actions kept up for that time by the remain within striking range, it with- over it. The eyebrows are sharply
part can keep them off the web. draws back into the sand until only the pointed at angles over the vacant
The earth-troll will tell any lie, prom- fist is visible. eye sockets. No eyes are carved
ise any gift to escape from its prison. It It has a range of 21 feet in which it here; instead, there is a fist-sized
specializes in groveling and flattery. can successfully strike. Damage is hole where each eye would be.
Of course it has no intention of fulfill- normal to airborne opponents, + 4 if it
ing any promises made. If released, it can squish one against the sand. This is, of course, a portrait of the dao.
will immediately attack the party in When it is “killed” (see below), the Unless those stones are placed into
hopes of regaining favor with the dao. hand flicks free the ring and retreats the eye sockets, the door cannot be
into the sand. The silver band of the opened, even with a knock or dispel
Elemental Guardian ring is worth 2,500 gold pieces. If magic. Once in place, the door can be
examined closely, it can be seen that pushed open. It swings up and fits per-
The room is a large sphere, with the emerald has a heart of black jet. fectly into the wall, looking for all the
walls all made of sand. Resting on Jaggak willingly suffers only one world as though carved there.
the sands at the far end is a white round of damage if he cannot strike The placement of the gems in the
stone fist about 3 feet across. A sil- back at the party. If this happens, he eye sockets bonds them permanently
ver band circles the index finger. withdraws his arm completely under into place. They cannot be removed
Mounted on this ring is a fist-sized the sand for 1-6 turns. For example, if whole from the face. Persistent
i emerald! the party chooses to stand back and attempts to remove them only shatter
send magicmissiles at the fist, the first them. For each eye, this results in
At the end of the tunnel is a large vol- round after taking damage the fist d6+10 gems worth 25 gp each. The
ume of sand, about a half mile across. retreats below the sands. Remember jet center is worth 100 gp.
Sleeping within this soft earthen bed that normal missiles do not work on
is the demi-power Jaggak, a 40 HD the inner planes. The 10-foot wide shaft is pentago-
earth elemental and distant cousin to In this case, the party might choose nal, its five even sides carved with
Grumbar. His full size is 60 feet tall, of to go digging for the fist. The digging curious figures and arcane writ-
which the PCs are seeing only his fist. is fairly easy, but they may discover ings. Otherwise, the grey stone is
The room itself is about 50 feet in the true nature of Jaggak. seamless and straight as an arrow.
diameter. The sands are packed and Up until this point the party was an In the distance, the tunnel faces
can support weight easily. Walking on annoyance that he could sleep into darkness.
the surface is like walking on a beach. through. However, digging through
Any sand kicked up stays suspended in the sand to attack him is a grave A hundred feet down the shaft, a con-
the air a few inches above the surface. insult. Jaggak awakens and moves to tinual darkness spell has been cast.
As a minor favor to the dao, Jaggak put his 10-foot high face into the air Inside the darkened area are 20
wears a giant ring upon which is pocket. He tells the party that since arrows suspended in mid-air. Each of
mounted one of the keys necessary to they would not fight fair for the ring these arrows was fired from a bow by
open the crystal garden. He is under they shall have to pay for it. Blocking the dao, the centermost one having
no compunction to protect it, since the the entrance with his 12-foot tall rocky the spell cast upon it. By the normal
dao is really an inferior creature. Even foot, he demands to be paid with a laws of this plane, as soon as they left
in his semi-sleeping state, Jaggak is magical item. As DM, pick one of the the bow the arrows ceased moving,
capable of defending himself, or at three most valuable items the party hanging in the air. However, they still
has. Jaggak names it directly in his

The Missing Kristal

have all of their kinetic energy. If any- merely pet curiosities. It is not known needing 50 points of smashing damage
one touches one, it becomes active, how some of them are kept powerless to break open. Clinging to the exterior IS
releasing its kinetic energy as if the inside their prison cells. From the out- a crysmal, guarding the girl. It is impos-
character had been standing in front side, all appear to have mysterious sible to tell rhe creature from the cage.
of the dao when the arrow was fired. darkshapes moving within them. One Any attempt to open her crystal prison is
Any unsuspecting PC who blunders of these holds the duke's daughter, the signal for the crysmal to attack.
through the dark sets off d4+2 of Kristal. Each occupied crystal is Inside the crysmal are 17 rough gems,
these arrows for 1-6 damage each. described below. Unless othelwise each worlh 200 gp.
This is an almost perfect trap. The mentioned, the crystals can not be Crysmal(1):AC -40rO; M V 6 " ;HD
arrows are spaced so that there is only seen into, and only blows from smash- 6+6;hp25;#ATl;Dmg3-12:SAmis-
a foot of distance between them. If ing weapons do any significant dam- Sile; SD some spell immunity; AL NE;
touched from the front, they are dead- age to them. XP 1,075.
ly. If touched from the back, they can Crystal 1: The many jagged edges Kristal is breathtakingly beautiful
be pushed forward safely for any dis- and sharp points make it tricky, but not (Charisma 18) with long Howing blond
tance. Touched from the side, they impossible, to handle the outer sur- hair. She is small and frail, and
advance rapidly until only the butt of face of this dark blue crystal. It is 25 appears to be completely unable to
the arrow is being touched, then stop feet high and 15 across. It takes 40 defend herself, but in her bodice she
and hang in space again. points of damage to free its captive, a has concealed a dagger + 7, and she
The tunnel extends for another 100 very angry marid. Marids and dao are fights so ferociously as to be the
feet past the trap, opening into a huge visually very similar and the party equivalent of a 2nd-level fighter.
amorphous cavern. This is the crystal might mistake this marid for the dao. Crystal 4: This IS the single largest
garden, one of the dao's favorite air- Marid (1): AC 0; MV 9"/15"//24"; crystal in the cavern, measurlng 40 by
pockets. HD 13; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg 8-32; SA 30 feet. It takes only 20 points of dam-
water jet; SD immune to water-based age to break it open. Inside are 13
The huge dirt-walled cavern is filled spells, lessened damaqe from cold- exotic creatures of the elemental
with floating crystals of all colors, and fire-based spells; M R 25%; AL plane of Earth. All are animentals with
sizes, and shapes. Some glow with CN; XP 5,000. no intelligence; none is interested in
an internal light while others have sticking around for a visit with the par-
murky dark shapes moving within Tricked into the crystal by the dao, the ty. Within two rounds of the crystal
them. Some are covered with hun- marid has spent many centuries being shattered, all will have fled into
dredsof sharp crystalline spikes, oth- dreaming of its revenge. It does not the dirt walls. The characters see only
ers are as smooth as glass. Some agree to help the party in any way, but a small flood of moving dirt, stone and
are the size of a small house, others does wait for the arrival of the dao. clay figures race past them.
no bigger than an egg. All are s u s Upon his arrival, the marid attacks
pended motionless in the air. immediately. The ensuing battle is The Dao Returns
ferocious and the marid is most likely
to emerge the victor. If that happens, Just after the second crystal is
The cavern is 500 feet across and 300
he uses his alter reality power to trans- opened, or six hours from entering the
feet wide. Its walls are all of hard garden, whichever comes first, the
packed black dirt. In the cavern there port himself back to the elemental
plane of Water. oao returns home. Needless to say, he
are about 50 crystals larger than a
Crystal 2: A perfect 20sided geo- is surprised to find the party there. If
man, and hundreds smaller. theearth elemental servant is with the
A greedy PC will immediately start metric shape, this smooth-faced yellow
crystal is the home of the dao's pet basi- group, ;t chooses this moment to
scheming to take back some of these
lisk. It takes 20 points of smashing dam- attack them. If the characters can
crystals, assuming that they are valu-
age to break open this crystal. While its defeat the elemental and bring the
able. Aside from being curiosities, the
gaze is harmless to the dao, it can be oao down to less than 10 hit points, he
crystals larger than a man's fist are of
deadly to the party. Any character surrenders. In exchange for his lite
little value, but 10% of the smaller
attempting to peer into the crystal has a and freedom. he gives them Kristal.
ones are minor gem stones. Unfortu-
1 in 3 chance per round of seeing the
anything they wish from his cavern,
nately, only a jeweler or dwarf can tell and up to 30 adoitional rough gems
the difference. Each is worth 100 gp. basilisk, in which case their gazes will
meet and a saving throw is required. used 10 feed his crysmal. These 30
There are 150 of these smaller stones gems are worth 200 gp each.
floating about in the room. It takes 3 Crystal 3: An amorphous crystal
Dao (1): AC 3; MV 9"/15"(6"); HD
hours to find and gather them all. Sev- with many irregular smooth faces, this
8 + 3 ; hp 35; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; SA
eral of the large crystals hold crea- ruby red stone is the prison of the
spells; SD immune to earth-based
tures. Some are prisoners, others duke's daughter, Kristal. The gem is
spells; AL NE; XP 2,020.
huge, 30 feet high and 20 feet across,

Into the Astral Plane 1
by Bill Slavicsek intriguing legend; it was said that cesses when compared to one
somewhere there exists a magical beautiful-and powerful-magic-
This adventure is designed for up to tome dedicated to the understanding user? So, with the aid of a gem of life
six characters of 7th to 8th level. of the alternate levels of reality called trapping (a specially designed magi-
There is adventure to be had, worlds “the planes”. What’s more, this book cal item that holds astral forms within
to save, and experience to be earned oftbeplanes provided its readers with its enchanted facets) and a number of
in the Astral plane-but only if the PCs the ability to travel at will through the hydrodaemons to act as bodyguards,
are clever, resourceful, quick- many planes. Senra knew she had to the charonadaemon tricked Senra
thinking, and willing to take chances possesssuchabook. into gazing upon the gem. Now Senra
against incomprehensible foes. After much magical searching, she and her kidnapers travel through the
discovered the tome on the Astral Astral plane on their way to the portal
DM’s Information plane, under the guardianship of the to Charon’s own dread plane.
githyanki, that fell race which is native
Synopsis to the Astral plane. No matter; Senra New Magic
This adventure begins in the World was sure she could liberate the book
Serpent Inn. Here, a mysterious figure Book of the Planes: As with all magical
or offer something in trade. So, leav- writings of this nature, the metal-
in a hooded cloak approaches the ing her body in the care of her appren-
PCs seeking adventurers to enter the bound book of the planes appears to
tice, Senra projected herself into the be an arcane, rare, but non-magical
Astral plane and rescue his master, Astral plane.
the mage Senra Teridon. book. It will radiate a magical aura if a
Unknown to Senra, her apprentice, detect magic spell is cast upon it. Any
Provided with a magical jewel to Kefron Celet, is actually a githzerai
lead them to the missing Senra, the single magic-user or cleric can read
magic-user. He was assigned to the one chapter at a time (taking 1-12
PCs enter the Astral plane. After a Prime Material plane to watch any-
variety of deadly episodes, the PCs months to assimilate the information)
thing that could tip the age-old war in total isolation to gain knowledge
discover Senra within a gem of life against the githyanki in the githzerai
trapping, held by 5 daemons. about a particular plane. After that
favor. He was attracted to Senra and character has read a chapter as
As the PCs fight the daemons, her work, sure that her contact with
another group approaches. Six gith- described above, he gains the ability
the many planes would benefit his to travel freely to and from that plane.
yanki knights, riding atop six huge mission. When he learned that the
nightmares, use the confusion of bat- Once a chapter has been read, there
hated githyanki possessed such a is a 5% chance the book will disap
tle to steal the gem, making a quick potentially powerful book, he knew he
retreat before either daemon or PC pear. This chance is cumulative, so
had to retrieve it for his people. He that after three chapters have been
can counter. would wait for Senra to return with the
The PCs chase the githyanki studied, the chance of the book disap
tome, then spirit it away at the first pearing is 15% . Any non-magic-users
through the Astral plane, trying to opportunity. However, one problem
retrieve Senra. or non-clerics who attempt to read the
has nagged him these past few days. manual must save vs. spells or go
Finally, the chase leads the PCs to a Senra never returned.
small fortress built atop an island of insane.
The mage fell victim to a charona-
matter. This githyanki stronghold pro- daemon long before she ever reached
tects not only the gem of life trapping the githyanki fortress. This lesser The Adventure
containing Senra, but another trea- daemon was sent to the Astral plane to
sure as well-a fabled magical item of It’s a normal night at the World Ser-
ferry three beautiful princesses back to pent Inn. Mitchifer works behind the
great power and the true object of this his own master, Charon, who intended
entire quest. If it should fall into the bar, drawing mug after mug of potent
to offer them as gifts to get on the good
wrong hands, it could be used to wage ale for his odd clientele. When the
side of Anthraxus, the Oinodaemon. PCs arrive, they are directed to a cor-
war across the multiverse, because it Luckily, the princesses were rescued by
provides the key to unlimited travel ner table by one of the waiters. Mitchi-
a powerful group of adventurers as the fer’s best ale and a platter of ”today’s
from plane to plane. It will be up to the charonadaemon’s skiff made its way
PCs to determine this item’s ultimate special” soon cover the table as the
toward the river Styx. jovial mood of the inn wears away the
fate. Convinced that his continued exist- day’s tensions.
ence depended on securing a suitable
Background replacement for his master’s gift, the The Offer
Senra Teridon is a magic-user whose charonadaemon sailed the Astral bar-
life work is to explore, study, and map rens in search of other beauties. After three platters of food and quite a
the planes. Her efforts uncovered an When he spotted Senra, his heart few mugs of ale, the PCs notice a
soared. What are three beautiful prin-

Into the A s t r a l Plane

strange, hooded figure at the bar, Senra’s astral form. “Follow the explode to the PCs’ right. Olive,
speaking to Mitchifer in hushed tones. jewel’s glow,” Celet says, “for its flame, and diamond pools gape to
The barkeep shakes his head and brightness increases as you move their left. Soon there are portals every-
gestures toward the corner table closer to my master.” where, threatening to deposit the
where the PCs sit. With a nod of The apprentice leaves the PCs with group into some hostile, alien world.
thanks, the hooded figure approaches a final warning. “My master’s body yet For the play of this mini-adventure,
the PCs. lives, but her astral form has not this color pool storm should serve as a
The figure wears a plain, brown returned. There is something within SUSpenSeful reminder of the inherent
cloak with its hood drawn tightly about the bleak, barren realm with the power dangers of this plane. The PCs should
the head. Unadorned save for a sash to hold one’s astral form in thrall. Who still be required to come up with a way
covered with magical runes, he knows what other terrible powers it to carefully maneuver through the
appears quite monastic. He speaks possesses? Be careful, for my mas- storm, but should be in no real danger.
with a strange, barely noticeable ter’s safe return depends on your suc- It is beyond the scope of this scenario
accent, and gets right to the point. cess.” to have the PCs deposited in another
“I am Kenfron Celet, apprentice plane. But DMs are encouraged to
and student of the great magic-user, Into the Astral Plane expand this adventure as they see fit,
Senra Teridon. I have come to this inn and a side excursion into another
to seek out a group of adventurers to However the PCs decide to enter the
Astral plane, either physically through plane could be interesting.
undertake an important task,”
explains the hooded figure. “My mas- a door in the World Serpent Inn or in
their astral forms, give them a few From a Rust-Colored Pool
ter entered the Astral plane, in her
astral form, some days ago. She moments to become accustomed to As the storm abates and the PCs think
sought a magical item that would this disconcerting realm. Describe the the trouble is over, a most deadly sur-
assist her in her work, the study of other-dimensional nothingness, the prise awaits them. The last pool bursts
alternate levels of reality. She has not barren expanse of grayness that forth some distance from the adven-
yet returned and I grow fearful for her extends in all directions. turers, then the normal calm of the sil-
safety. Mitchifer knows my master and This is the plane of transit, the step- ver atmosphere returns. The PCs may
has aided her in the past. He assures ping place between the inner and out- decide to wait a few moments to make
me that you can enter the Astral er planes. Here are swirling sure the storm has really run its
plane, recover my master and the wormholes, interdimensional links course. Nothing more occurs.
item, and bring them both safely back from the Prime Material to the outer Then, as they once more set out to
to this plane.” planes. There spout glistening color follow their glowing jewel, a rust-
Celet promises the PCs adequate pools, portals to other levels of exist- colored pool gapes open before them.
compensation for their services, but ence. From out of this portal to the plane of
refuses to go into details. Besides, The jewel they carry glows softly, Hades emerge four diakka. These tall
Senra will assuredly increase any leading the PCs farther into this monsters resemble huge storks with
reward upon her return, he explains. If apparently quiet realm. bills, human-like faces, and thin,
the PCs require more details as to human-like arms. Disturbed by the
their reward, Celet will list figures until The Color Pool Storm sudden shift in their surroundings, the
they seem satisfied. (After all, it isn’t The PCs’ first encounter in the Astral diakka attack.
his money.) “And,” he reminds them, plane involves two-dimensional pools Diakka(4): ACO; MV21“; HD 6 + 6 ;
“who knows what treasures await you of rippling colors that lead to a myriad hp 46; #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; THACO 13;
in the Astral plane, lying in wait beside of alternate worlds. While some of SA weakness by touch (1 per day),
the item my master seeks?” Of that these pools are fixed and do not jump (twice per day), audible glamer
item, Celet says he knows nothing move, others pop up randomly. There (once per day), and enfeeblemenr (all
except that his master considered it are occasions when an area of the 4 must circle their opponents and hoot
important to her work. Astral is disturbed by a color pool for 4 consecutive rounds); MR 30%;
He can provide them with some storm, an area of violent color-pool AL NE.
small help for their journey, placing an activity.
enchantment spell on the PCs’ pos- As the PCs make their way across The Hunt
sessions so their items can travel in the gray expanse, suddenly bright Celet’s jewel glows brighter still as it
astral form, or giving them an amulet pools of color begin appearing. Like leads the PCs toward a jagged, rocky
that can lead them back to the Prime colorful fireworks or blossoming island floating freely in the gray
Material plane if they enter the Astral flowers, the pools burst open out of expanse. The adventurers must go
plane physically. He also gives them a the nothingness in rapid succession. around, over, under, or across the
magical jewel that will lead them to Blue, green, and jet black pools island of matter to continue on their

Into the Astral Plane

quest. Whichever they decide, they weeks’ worth of rations; only enough en beings, the astral searchers will
spot an armor-clad figure lying among for a day remains. Other odds and attack until destroyed. If the PCs
the jutting rocks atop the island. ends include a 20’ rope, spikes, a ignore them, they will take over
If they approach the island to inves- hammer, a small mirror, a tinder box, Senra’s body and will have to be exor-
tigate, the PCs see a male warrior of and an amulet of the planes. Unfortu- cised before the mage can return to
unknown origin. He isn’t moving, and nately, the amulet is broken and will her plane.
dark stains cover the surrounding only transport its wearer to the Astral Astral searchers (14):AC 10; MV
rocks. If the PCs check the body, they plane. 12”; HD 2; hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6;
discover that the figure is that of a THACO 16;SA all victims AC 5; MR
human male. He wears the armor of a Psychic Winds 50%; AL NE.
fighter, but it doesn’t seem to have If the PCs have entered the plane
The two hunters defeated, the PCs
provided much protection from what- astrally, the searchers could be
continue on their way. The jewel glows
ever he encountered. The fighter has encountered going after their own
ever brighter as they travel through
been ripped apart, his body partially bodies. If the PCs are traveling physi-
the silver nothingness. But then, the
eaten. From all indications, he wasn’t cally, the searchers will turn on them,
silver-gray “sky” rapidly darkens,
killed too long ago. trying to reduce one character to zero
turning jet black, shot with streaks of
As the PCs contemplate this trag- hit points or lower. If they accomplish
indigo, as the PCs watch ( l d i 0
edy, the hunters attack: a berbalang, this, the mind and personality of the
rounds for this to occur). As the sky
an unusual creature whose astral victim is destroyed and the searchers
darkens, the adventurers feel some
form roams the other-dimensional possess the body.
buffeting and shaking, as if the plane
nothingness in search of food, work- itself were rebelling against their pres-
ing in tandem with an invisible stalker. The Daemon Skiff
ence. This is the psychic wind. As
The berbalang seeks to slash the quickly as it comes, the wind passes, Whether the jewel finally leads the
weakest-looking member of the party, but not before it does damage. Refer PCs to this encounter, or they meet it
then flee to the rocks to hide. It knows to the “Psychic Wind” table on page as a result of the “Astral Encounter
the PCs are stronger than it, but it 67 of the Manual of the Planes for the Chart,” the enchanted jewel glows a
hopes to confuse and frighten them wind’s results. Also roll ld6 every brilliant white. Senra is near.
with lightning-quick attacks. While the three hours thereafter; on a 1, consult The adventurers notice a small skiff
berbalang makes its darting attacks, the “Astral Encounter Chart” on page traveling the silver waves. A thin,
the invisible stalker rushes from PC to 66 of the MOP. If the PCs meet hooded figure stands tall at the rear of
PC inflicting terrible wounds. The encounter number 13 on the “Astral the vessel, its attention totally focused
monsters will play this suspenseful Encounter Chart”, this is the charona- upon a glowing ruby dangling from a
game of hide and attack for as long as daemon currently holding Senra. Pro- golden chain. Four other figures move
they can, counting that the adventur- ceed directly to “The Daemon Skiff” about within and beside the skiff.
ers know very little about their powers below for this encounter. These 10-foot tall, grotesque crea-
and abilities. In fact, they are counting tures glide alongside the skiff while
on the adventurers to think they are Astral Searchers one is always within the vessel with
one creature with strange and deadly the hooded figure.
powers. Ifit is hurt, the berbalang will The jewel gives off a bright radiance This is a charonadaemon and its
hide and let the stalker finish the fight. as the PCs approach the point where skiff, sent to the Astral plane on a mis-
Berbalang (1):AC 6;MV 6”/24“; Senra entered the Astral plane. At this sion for its master, Charon. It currently
HD 1 + 1; hp 9;#AT 3;Dmg 1-4/1-411- place, the mage’s invisible silver cord travels with four hydrodaemons, sum-
6;THACO 18;AL CE. stretches across the boundaries back moning them to serve as bodyguards
Invisible stalker (1): AC 3; MV 12”; to her body on the Prime Material for its precious cargo. The cargo in
HD 8;hp 58;#AT 1 ; Dmg 4-16;THACO plane. But the PCs have not reached question is Senra Teridon, whose
12;SA surprises on 1-5;SD invisibility; this place alone. There, attempting to astral form is trapped within a gem of
MR 30%; AL N. push through the weakness in the fab- life trapping. Only cunning trickery
When the battle is over and the ric between the two realms, are a clus- and Senra’s own curiosity allowed the
monster have fled (or been defeated), ter of nebulous humanoid shapes- daemon to capture the powerful
the PCs can examine the remains of astral searchers! magic-user.
the previous victim. The human A large group of astral searchers The jewel they carry alerts the PCs
entered the Astral in physical form. seek to enter the Prime Material plane to Senra’s presence, but they should
His armor and shield are well made, via the point where Senra entered the not immediately realize that she is
but contain no magical properties. His Astral. These mindless creations want within the gem. The charonadaemon
sword, however, is a long sword + 2 . to inhabit Senra’s currently empty orders the hydrodaemons to anack,
His pack contains remnants of two body. If the PCStry to stop these driv-

Into the A s t r a l Plane

not wanting to take the chance of los- gem containing Senra down within the their grim riders past wormholes,
ing yet another potential gift to a group skiff so that he can fight freely. As under color pools, and across islands
of powerful do-gooders. adventurer combats daemon, all hear of matter as the PCs follow. If they
Any PCs who reach the skiff must the vicious approach of six night- lose the demon horses’ trail, their
deal with the charonadaemon person- mares. Atop the demon horses ride jewel will still lead them to Senra. If
ally. He first tries to trap any astralpro- armored knights-githyanki knights! they overtake the steeds, the githy-
jection travelers within the gem with Before any can react, one knight uses anki use their powers and rapidly
Senra by getting them to gaze upon his inborn ability of rapid movement to move toward a fortress some distance
the ruby. If this doesn’t work (or the reach the skiff, snatch the gem of life away. The nightmares, however,
PCs are traveling in physical form), he trapping, and return to its skeletal remain to attack.
lets his anger build and his eyes grow mount. Nightmares (6): AC -4; MV 15“/
fiery red. Any PCs confronted in this As the nightmares gallop off, their 36”; HD 6 + 6; hp 36; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/
fashion must save vs. fear or flee in hooves burning like embers, the 4-10/4-10; SD opponents save vs.
terror. charonadaemon calls off the attack. breath weapon or attack at -2 to hit
Charonadaemon (1): AC -1; MV The hydrodaemons return to the skiff and damage dice; AL NE.
18”;HD10+20; hp70;#ATl;Dmg2- to wait. Let the humans and githyanki
8; THACO 10; SA gaze inspires fear; fightoverthegem, thinksthedaemon, The Githyanki Fortress
MR 80% to first-level spells, AL NE. then we shall strike and remove it from
Hydrodaemon (4): AC 2; MV 6”/8”// the dead hand of the victor! The After the battle with the nightmares,
24”; HD 9+36;hp 76; #AT 3 (5if air- demonic crackle of laughter echoes the PCs can make their way to the
borne); Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-8/1-8/1-10;SA from the skiff as the PCs decide what structure on the horizon. If the night-
bite drains 1 life energy; SD can te/+ to do. mares outraced them, the PCs arrive
port, dimension dooc create darkness at this spot by following the jewel they
within lo’, create water; water walk at Nightmare Race carry.
will; MR 70% to first-level spells; AL Upon a jagged chunk of matter,
NE. If the PCs decide to chase the gith- floating against the silver sky, is a one-
While the battle with the daemons yanki, it becomes a race across the story stone structure. The small for-
rages, the charonadaemon places the Astral plane. The nightmares carry tress consists of four towers

Side View
Map #5--Githyanki Fortress


Lower Level
Ground Level


Into the Astral Plane

surrounding a central court. Heavy roof. necting conduits. Figures represent-

double doors, braced with bronze 3. Guard Room. This small room, ing githyanki and githzerai forces are
bands, provide the only noticeable complete with four chairs, a table, and spread about the surface. The armies
access to the fortress’s interior. Para- a keg of ale, is constantly occupied by look of equal strength and seem set at
pets line the tower walls, and an occa- four guards. These githyanki protect a standstill. A ladder in the southeast
sional form can be seen moving about the supreme leader’s quarters and the corner leads to a trap door in the ceil-
behind the protective barrier. war room, as well as watch the great ing (access to the roof).
There are actually three ways into hall through a hole in the west door. There are five githyanki in this
the githyanki fortress: 1) through the However, the guards are involved in a room, pondering the positions of the
double doors to area 1; 2) via the cut-throat game of gith-flay, and armies. If the PCs listen before enter-
secret passage to area 15A; or 3) unless the PCs make excessive noise ing, they also hear mention of “a
through the trap doors in the roof to they should be able to approach this weapon that will turn the tide of war.”
areas 2, 5, 76, and 10. The double room without the alarm being raised. The githyanki fight to the death.
doors are locked. The secret passage Gi!h-flay is a githyanki invention that Githyanki captain (1): AC 0; MV
is well concealed and requires four uses small black and white stones, a 96”; F8; hp 50; #AT 2; Dmg (long
rounds of active searching (and a roll cup, and an extremely sharp knife. Sword +3) 1-8+3/1-8+3; AL LE.
of 1 on a d6) to discover. After the first Githyanki sergeant (1): AC 1; MV Githyanki knight (1): AC 0; MV 96”;
round of searching, a githyanki patrol 96”; F4; hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; AL F8; hp 45; #AT 2; Dmg (silversword) 1-
(see below for statistics) wanders by LE. 10+3/1-10+3; AL LE.
on a roll of 1-4 on a d6. Roll each Githyanki guards (3): AC 4; MV 96”; Githyanki warlock (1): AC 2; MV
round until the passage is discovered. F4; F2; hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; AL 96”; MU4; hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg (dagger)
If no one finds the secret passage by LE. 1-4; SA spells; AL LE.
the fourth round, there is no chance 4. Supreme Leader’s Quarters. Githyanki sergeant (1): AC 1; MV
these adventurers will discover it. A This baroque chamber houses the 96”; F6; hp 36; #AT 1 ; Dmg (two-
githyanki patrol is stationed on the fortress’s supreme leader. This power- handed sword) 1-10; AL LE.
roof and must be defeated to use ful githyanki is not here when the PCs Githyanki gish (1): AC 4; MV 96”;
these entrances. All trap doors are arrive; they meet him in area 11. The F41MU4; hp 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA/
locked. room contains a desk, chair, ornate SD spells; AL LE.
Githyanki patrol (6): AC 3; MV 96”; bed, a chest covered with vile etch- 6. Dragon Room. This odd-shaped
F2; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; AL LE. ings, and a cabinet. room houses the githyanki’s pet
On the desk is a small statue of a dragons. Two small red dragons wan-
The Ground Level female lich. A crown adorns her head. der this area. They are trained to
Any lawful good characters who touch attack any non-githyanki.
1. The Grand Hall. The main doors it are shocked for 2-20 points of dam- Red dragon (2): AC - 1; MV 9”124” ;
open into an ornate, though disturb- age. In the desk are scrolls, written in HD 4; hp 24; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-16;
ing, hallway. Grim carvings adorn the githyanki, that tell of a weapon that will SA breath weapon; AL CE.
stone walls, depicting scenes of vio- finally destroy the hated githzerai. 7. Common Room. The lower-level
lence and maliciousness. Everything One scroll is a protection against pos- githyanki warriors assigned to this for-
is quiet. In addition to the patrol on the session. Under the mattress on the tress make their home here. There is
roof, there are two other patrols wan- bed is a pouch containing 120 pp. The also a chest containing 2,000 cp, 380
deringthe fortress. Every turn the PCs chest is locked and trapped. Any one sp, 540 gp, and 60 pp. Area 76 leads
spend in a hallway, roll a d12. On a 1 who opens it without disarming the up to the roof.
or 2, a patrol encounters the PCs trap must save vs. poison or die l d 4 Githyanki warriors (10): AC 4; MV
(unless all three have been rounds after returning to the Prime 96”;F2; hp9;#ATI;Dmgl-lO;ALLE.
destroyed). Material plane. The chest contains 8 . Knights’ Room. The knights
2. The Stable. This large area con- 1,000 sp, 2,000 gp, and 4,000 pp. In sleep here. There are six beds, six
tains piles of molten rock, troughs full this pile is a ring of mind shielding. chests, a table, and two chairs. Each
of boiling lava, and various pieces of Inside the cabinet (locked, but not chest contains clothes, personal
gear used for the care of the gith- trapped) are three two-handed swords items, and 1,100 pp. In addition, one
yanki’s nightmares. If the PCs did not (one is +2), a shield, a crossbow, 20 of each of these items will be found:
encounter these fearsome creatures quarrels (5 are +3),and a cloakofpro- potion of healing, oil of etherealness,
earlier, they are in this room and tection +3. scroll of protection against dragon
attack as soon as the PCs enter. Oth- 5. The War Room. This Spartan breath weapons, and a manual ofpuis-
erwise, the area is empty. A ladder in chamber contains a large 10‘ x 30’ sant skill at arms.
the northwest corner leads up to a trap table. The table is set up to represent 9. Warlocks’ and Gish’s Room.
door in the ceiling, an access to the the Astral plane, Limbo, and !he con- This room is where the githyanki war-

Into the Astral Plane

locks and gish sleep. There are four 14. Margoyle Room. Six rnargoy- 10+3/1-10+3; AL LE.
beds and four chests. Each chest con- les, left within these caverns since this Nycadaemon (1): AC -4; MV 12”l
tains 800 gp, in addition to clothing. A island of matter drifted into the Astral 36”; HD 12+36; hp96;#AT2; Dmg9-
gish is here when the PCs arrive, plane, guard this chamber for the 1619-16; SA command, dimension
studying his spell book. githyanki. They have an uneasy alli- door, wind walk (all three times per
Githyanki gish (1): AC 5; MV 96”; ance with the githyanki, but will not day); dispel magic, mirror image,
F4/MU4; hp 21 ; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SAI oppose them because they fear the reverse gravity (all twice per day); gas-
SD spells; AL LE. He has a wand of knights and magic-users. eous form, word of recall (all once per
magic missiles. Margoyles (6): AC 2; MV 6” I12” ; HD day); comprehend languages, detect
Area 96 is a storage room contain- 6; hp 33; #AT 4; Drng 1-6/1-6/2-8l2-8; invisibility, detect magic, enlarge, feas
ing six potions of healing, three AL CE. invisibility, polymorph self, project
potions of poison, blank scroll paper, a The margoyle lair contains 300 gp. image, read magic, telepathy (all once
scroll with three magic-user spells, a 15. Final Guard Room. Six gith- per round); SD + 2 weapons to hit,
hat of disguise, and a long sword + 2. yanki guard the forbidden chamber. immune to paralysis, suffer half dam-
10. Captains’ and Sergeants’ They have a table and chairs, but all age from acids, cold, and fire; MR
Room. Five beds, five chests, a table, are nervous and standing in anticipa- 100% to first level, 95% to second
three chairs, and a ladder to the roof tion of the proceedings in the forbid- level, etc.
furnish this room. Each chest holds den chamber. A secret passage (15A)
4,000 gp, in addition to personal leads outside. Expanding the Adventure
belongings. One contains a gem of Githyanki warlock (1): AC 2; MV
insight. This room is empty when the 96“; MU7; hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg (dagger This adventure does not have to end
PCs arrive. here. As long as the PCs are intro-
+3) 1-4+3; SAlSD spells; AL LE;
11. Shrine to the Lich-Queen. necklace of missiles. duced to the book of the planes and
This room, filled with grim devotions to Githyanki sergeant(1): AC 0; F7; hp the githyanki-githzerai war, anything
the githyanki deity, is oppressive and 42; #AT 2; Dmg 1-lO+2/1-10+2; AL can happen!
totally evil. Lawful good characters LE. The book can disappear through a
fight at - 2 to hit and damage while in color pool, get carried off by its guard-
Githyanki knight (1): AC 0; F8; hp
this chamber. The idol of the lich- 40; #AT 2; Dmg (silver sword) 1-10 + 3/ ian, or be returned to the Prime Mate-
queen is a disgusting edifice, com- rial only to be stolen by Celet. Senra
1-10+3; AL LE.
plete with golden crown, ornate cape can be freed, or the charonadaemon
Githyanki warriors (3): AC 3; F3; hp
and armor, and baroque weaponry. can reappear to capture her. Can the
15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; AL LE.
She seems almost lifelike. Kneeling PCs save her from Charon and the
16. Forbidden Chamber. This
before the statue is the githyanki Oinodaemon? And what about the
chamber houses the githyanki’s
supreme leader. Enraged that non- escalating githyanki-githzerai war?
secret weapon-the book of the
githyanki have entered the shrine, he How does the book fit into that?
planes. Unfortunately,they have yet to
There’s a lot to expand upon if you’re
attacks. study the magical tome, as it is guard-
Githyanki supreme leader (1): AC - up to it. Who knows where next the
ed by a nycadaemon. A protective cir- book of the planes will show up? It
2; MV 96” ; F11;hp 62; #AT 2; Dmg (sil- cle has been drawn upon the rock
versword) 1-10+3/1-10+3; AL LE. could lead to terrible wars within the
floor around the book, and the
If the statue is moved, the PCs dis- daemon constantly prowls the circurn-
cover a ladder leading down. stance looking for an opening. He is
12. Welcome Chamber. As the PCs the tome’s guardian, bound to it long
step down into this rough-hewn cham- ago by a mighty being. Currently, the
ber, they notice that the rocky floor is githyanki captain with the task of
littered with bones. Two columns of securing the weapon is here, along
rock rise out of the floor. These are with the four remaining knights.
storopers, coexisting with the githy- They hope to use the gem of life
anki in return for food. They attack the trapping to capture the daemon,
PCs, assuming them to be food pro- unaware that the powerful Senra Teri-
vided by their githyanki masters. don is within its faceted prison.
Storopers (2): AC 0; MV 1”; HD 6; Githyanki captain (1): AC 0; MV
hp 35; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA hit by ten- 96”; F7/MU6; hp 41; #AT 1; Dmg (sil-
tacle causes weakness (50°/o loss of versword) 1-10+2; SNSD spells; AL
strength in 1-3 rounds); AL CE. LE.
13. Empty Cavern. Thischamber is Githyanki knights(4): ACO; MV96“;
empty. F8; hp 40; #AT 2; Dmg (silver sword) 1-

An Element of Chaos I
by John A. Nephew
“The placid sky of Lunia was dis- ed to you-and to make it worth
This adventure, for five to nine charac- upted three nights ago by a falling your while, 1’11 arrange for each of
ters of levels 7 and 8 , takes the adven- ;tar. Ablaze, the meteor plum- you to be granted a wish if you suc-
turers to the Seven Heavens, which neted to the ocean, and the thun- cessfully contain the meteor.
they must purge of a foreign evil. jerclap of its impact echoed in the “To contain the thing, draw a
ialls of the citadel. pentagram around it with this bless-
“I would normally have reported ed and enchanted silver dust.
Background the curious incident to my superiors Guard this carefully: i f it is lost, the
There are two ways to involve the and given the matter no more only place to find more is in the cita-
player characters in this scenario. In :hought. But several hours later the del itself.
the first, the astral deva Arelsis seeks meteorite washed ashore. Though “You are certain to meet opposi-
out the characters, presents to them 3 heavy rock, it apparently had tion in your quest. Do not be afraid
all the information he knows, and nonetheless floated. to use force in the citadel, and do
requests their assistance. In the sec- “I ordered the meteorite brought not be deceived by appearances.
ond option, the characters stumble into the citadel, where it could be Though they appear to be crea-
upon the citadel by chance, and it’s up examined with more care. I did not tures of good, I suspect that all on
to them to discover what’s amiss and examine it myself, since I had an the island have been corrupted by
remedy it. obligation to fulfill on Solania, the the meteor. The only way to purge
The DM should select the situation Electrum Heaven. While there I them of its entropy might be to slay
that, with minor alterations as neces- sought advice concerning the mys- their present forms, that they might
sary, best suits his campaign and the terious object. be reborn as lantern archons.
characters’ alignments. Also note that “I was told to return immediately “As you do all this, I will go to get
the second option is best for more to my citadel, and to inspect the sit- assistance from one greater than
powerful character parties and more uation carefully. It seems some myself, such as a planetar or solar.
experienced players, since the char- powerful object or creature, some They would know how to transport
acters go into it without knowing what element of chaos, had come into and destroy the hellish stone.”
they’re up against or how they might Lunia that night. Its power was
deal with it. great and, supposing our meteor Arelsis, astral deva: AC -6; MV 1 8 ” l
was indeed the chaos element, I 42”//15“; HD 9+36; hp 74; #AT 2;
Option 1: Deva in Distress had to exercise extreme caution. Dmg 1 C-21/10-21; THACO 9;SA mace
Because I am so purely lawful and of destruction +3, spell-like powers;
To deal with a mysterious threat to his SD never surprised, immune to life
good, its radiations could corrupt
fortress (and perhaps all the Seven level loss, imprisonment of soul, and
my nature-even in the Heavens,
Heavens), the deva Arelsis has death spells; MR 65%; AL LG.
its chaos was so strong.
sought out the assistance of mortal “My return to the citadel con-
adventurers. The most logical place to Option 2: The Pilgrimage
firmed my worst fears. My former
find such persons would be the World
comrades and loyal servants, driv- A pilgrimage to the home plane of
Serpent Inn (or a similar establish-
en mad by the accursed object, one’s deity is a meaningful demon-
ment), but if no one suitable is there,
fought me away as I approached. stration of loyalty and devotion, and as
the deva might have to search the
“That is why I have sought you. such it is a good way to garner the
Astral or even Prime planes.
Because you are mortals, I believe favor of one’s patron Power. Therefore
Once they are found, Arelsis
you would not be susceptible to this it is not uncommon for characters
explains his plight to the characters:
object’s entropic power, or at leasi (especially clerics) who possess the
you could resist it. Those of you means to journey to the outer planes
“I am Arelsis, an astral deva from who follow the philosophy of lawful
Lunia, the Silver Heaven. My hum- for this reason. While the Powers
goodness do so because you themselves are almost always too
ble abode is a citadel on a small choose it, not merely because it is
island in the great ocean of that busy to have personal audiences with
an inherent part of your nature and their faithful servants, most have
plane. From there, I supervise the being. And even if you were
guards who protect against evils shrines maintained for the purpose of
changed, because of your flexible receiving the transplanar travelers.
which seek entrance to our plane. nature, you could be changec
We also provide assistance and This adventure may start with char-
back. acters being on a pilgrimage to the
hospitality to the good and just, be “I realize this is a dangerou:
they of the Heavens or elsewhere. celestial shrine of a deity. The party
task, but I believe it can be entrust. should then be mostly worshippers of

An Element of Chaos

a Power of the Seven Heavens or at slain, they will be purged of the chaos Note that some powers (for exam-
least be of lawful good alignment and be reborn as lantern archons. ple, gating allies, and detect orprotec-
themselves. The reason for the pil- tion from evil) of the creatures found in
grimage should be appropriate to the
ongoing campaign, perhaps to atone The Citadel of Arelsis the citadel have been lost because of
the corrupted alignments.
for religious transgressions or disobe- For parties fulfilling Arelsis’s request,
dience, or to personally request getting to Lunia should not present The Island
advice or aid (the pilgrimage demon- any difficulty. The astral deva will see
strating worthiness). Characters who to it that the characters arrive there The island is basically round, a mile
are not lawful good might be along safely or quickly, via plane shifting or a and a half across. From the glittering
simply to help their friends or possibly conduit. silver beaches the land slopes
to seek divine guidance themselves. Upon entering the Silver Heaven, upward, covered with low shrubs and
To get the party embroiled in this the characters find themselves in the bushes and the occasional small tree.
adventure is then easy. When the surf of an ocean. Clearly illuminated Rising higher, with a few outcroppings
characters enter Lunia, the first layer by the plane’s eternal starlight is the of naked rock, is the hill on which
of the Heavens, they will be floating in small island with Arelsis’s white cita- stands the citadel. That building’s
the ocean of holy water, and the near- del. white marble walls are nothing short
est land will be the island with the cita- Certain types of creatures are of radiant in the starlight of Lunia’s
del of Arelsis. sky.
encountered quite frequently in the
Floating around above the island’s
citadel, and therefore their common
ground are about 200 lantern
DM Notes statistics are presented here. Varying
specific details (such as hit points) are archons. These simple, benevolent
The meteor which fell from the sky provided in each encounter descrip- beings have not been affected by War-
was indeed a powerful element of tion. tle, and are indeed quite unaware of
chaos-an imprisoned slaad lord, in Agathion: AC 0; MV 18”; HD 7+7; the recent happenings. All they really
fact. This creature of Limbo, Wartle by #AT 2; Dmg 2-712-7; THACO 13; SA do is lend the island a mystical aura
name, was placed in its present form with their soft glowing. They fight only
spells as 7th-level cleric with wisdom
after losing a struggle against Ygorl. 18; SD +1 weapon to hit, immune to to defend themselves, and then prefer
That greater slaad master then had energy drain, death spells, disintegra- to flee.
Lantern archons (200): AG IO; MV
the transformed Wartle deposited in tion; psionic disciplines of clairaudi-
12”;HD112; hp3each;#AT2;Dmgl-
the Seven Heavens where, presum- ence, clairvoyance, object reading,
311-3; THACO 20; SD magic weapon
ably, he would encounter final suspend animation, aura alteration,
to hit, reforms in a day if slain; AL LG.
destruction. (In his current form, War- dimension walk, mind bac telempathic
Of danger to the party is a group of
tle could be permanently destroyed, projection, all at 14th level of mastery;
corrupted archons that patrols the
even though the Heavens aren’t his MR 35% (saving throws as 14th-level
island. It consists of two hound
native plane). cleric); AL CN. Unless otherwise
archons (hp 39, 36) led by a warden
Characters introduced by Option 1 noted, agathia can be assumed to be
(hp 42). The party has a 1 in 8 chance
have a good deal of information from in human form, armed with maces. A
Arelsis, but some of it is incomplete or typical spell list could be: aid, bestow of encountering this patrol for every
turn in which they explore the island
inaccurate, albeit unintentionally. curse, cause light wounds ( x 2 ) ,
outside the citadel.
The meteor did not exactly float in cause serious wounds, cloak of fear,
the ocean. It is physically repulsed by command, continual light, curse, dis-
The Citadel
holy water, and the nearest place out pel magic, detect magic, enthrall, hold
of the ocean was Arelsis’s island. person, know alignment, silence 15’ The exterior and interior geometries
The power of Wartle has been radius. of Arelsis’s citadel are very different.
diminished by his own radiations. No Hound archon: AC 1; MV 15” ; HD 9; On the outside, it appears to be a nor-
longer can creatures of the Heavens #AT 3; Dmg 1-411-411-8; THACO 12; mal, three-storied fortress like those
be so easily corrupted by the meteor; SA shape change to dog or wolf; SD found on many Prime planes,
it does, however, retain its power to detect invisible, astral, and ethereal although sculpted with perfect crafts-
energy drain Prime Material plane creatures, + 1 weapon to hit; MR manship from flawless, extraordinari-
natives (Arelsis was not aware of this 40%; AL CN. ly white stone.
power in the first place). The creatures Warden archon: AC -1; MV 12”; Most rooms have windows looking
already mutated by Wartle remain so. HD IO; #AT 3; Dmg 1-811-8/2-12; out on the island: those of rooms 1
The effect will wear away in seven THACO 10; SA all divination spells; SD through 6 correspond to the first floor,
months; or, if their present form is + 2 weapon to hit; MR 50%; AL CN. rooms 7 through 12 the second, and
13 through 20, the third. The layout of

An Element of Chaos

the inside does not neatly fit that of the levels. The stairs, although close rarely found, and then they are noted
outside, since the interior of the three together inside, go straight up to the in the text.
floors are located on the same spatial tops of the towers; each is about 40 Note that, among magical trea-
plane. This means that in the recrea- feet apart on the roof. sures, the pluses listed apply on the
tion room (room 5) one might look out Inside the fortress, magnetic north Seven Heavens. If the weapon or
a window and admire the countryside is as indicated on the map; this does armor is of Prime plane origin (as, for
from the ground level; and then one not necessarily correspond to “out- example, in room 4), it will “gain”
might walk to the dining hall (room 7), side north.” pluses on the Astral and Prime
without having any sense of vertical Because of space restrictions, the planes. Other weapons can be
movement, and look out a second cosmetic descriptions of rooms are in assumed to have been forged in the
floor window. most cases not very thorough. The Heavens, and they are already at their
Two special cases of the citadel’s DM is encouraged to ad-lib room natural level of magical value.
unusual geometry are the inner cham- descriptions to make encounters 1. Gateroom: The castle’s porter is
ber (room 21) and the stairs to the roof more interesting. Describe the loca- a foo creature. Formerly a wary, alert,
(room 16). The former encompasses tion and view through a window, for and fearless gatekeeper, after War-
the interior of the citadel’s round tower example, or detail a room’s furnish- tle’s influence it is more bark than bite.
(located, outside, by the entrance) ings or its resident’s personal posses- It paces the gateroom ceaselessly,
and has windows going out at all sions. Removable items of value are slavering and panting, growling at any
noise. The foo lion postures viciously
when confronted with intruders, but
the slightest gesture of confidence
N and defiance will change its growls
1 m into whines and whimpers. I f
at?acked,the foo lion will defend itself,
but will look for an opportunity to turn
invisible and evade his opponents.
Foo lion (1): AC 0; MV 21”; HD
1 1 + 1 1 ; hp 58;#AT 3;Dmg 2-812-8/2-
16; THACO 10; S D invisibility; MR
55%; AL CN.
The only furnishing in the room is
the mat, in the southeast corner, on
which the foo lion rests.
2. Guardroom: Filled with bunks,
this is the domicile of the hound and
warden archons who are the back-
bone of the citadel’s defense staff. All
but one are presently away, and they
can be found elsewhere in the citadel
or outside.
The one hound archon (hp 38) that
is here is suffering from an extreme
case of paranoia and cowardice. He
huddles, cringing, between two
bunks, moaning softly. Unless
attacked by a character, he poses no
threat; but if assaulted he will respond
violently and without cease until he or
his attacker is slain.
3. Prison: The cells are used to
hold (physically, magically, or both)
beings that have tried unsuccessfully
to raid the Heavens. Prisoners await
execution, deportation, or interroga-
tion, depending on their identity and
the circumstances of their capture.


An Element of Chaos

The individual cell occupants are as cold and gas, immune to fire; MR of good or evil, mass domination,
follows: 40%; AL LE. object reading, precognition, probabil-
3a. Safely restrained here in a pen- 4. Captain’s Quarters: The captain ity travel, telepathy, all at 9th level of
tagram is a lesser daemon. Using of the guard, a hound archon (hp 45), mastery; MR 25%; AL CN.
telepathy to lie, bargain, threat and has been quite rabid since being influ- The DM should enjoy himself in
cajole, it will try to get the PCs to free enced by Wartle. She is so far gone, in roleplaying this encounter. The shedu
it. Of course it feels no gratitude; PCs fact, that she cannot recall how to is taking a pretty straight role, but
gullible enough to free it will be fortu- open the door to get out of her room; exaggeratedly so. He proposes deco-
nate if it merely leaves the Heavens so she paces back and forth, growling rating the room with life-sized, gem-
without first slaying its liberators. and clawing the furniture. Naturally, encrusted, gilt statues of the various
Piscodaemon (1): AC (MS)l ; MV 6”/ she will not behave in a gracious way Powers who are supposedly going to
I18” ; HD 6; hp 27; #AT 2; Dmg 2-16/2- toward visitors. attend (the DM should select the most
16; THACO 13; SA seize opponents, In a trunk beneath the bed are the stuffy and dignified lawful good
venom fatal in six rounds, invisibility, possessions of the fighter Jalin Serel Powers known to the players for
telepathy; SD detect invisible, read (see room 3b, above): iron rations, a name-dropping here). The servant
magic, comprehend languages, word wineskin, a suit of splint mail +2, a says that the Powers are a bunch of
of recall, never surprised, water- long sword + 2, potions of healingand pompous, overgrown cerebral para-
based attacks do - 1 hp/die, half dam- invisibility, and twelve gems (worth sites who don’t deserve to have their
age from acid, cold, fire, immune to 1,800 gp, 3X 500 gp, 6 X 100 gp, and images sculpted in stench kow dung.
charm, suggestion, poison, paralysis, 2 X 50 gp). She thinks that if any special arrange-
and non-magical weapons; MR 60% 5. Recreation Room: This large, ments are to be done, it should be to
to first-level spells; AL NE. Note that empty space is used for various activi- place the tables and chairs in a pat-
daemons’ word of recall ability will not ties, from games and meetings to tern that could symbolize the ultimate
work in this particular room. combat practice and training. There is ambiguity of existence.
3b. A little over a week ago, the cita- a 40% chance of a corrupted hound The debate between these two can
del was assaulted by a group of evil archon (hp 41) wandering through go on for hours more, and will unless
humans. After a difficult struggle they here at the same time as the party; it is the characters break it up. Player
were finally overcome, and the only otherwise empty. characters will be ignored unless the
one taken alive was a fighter. 6. Groundskeeper: The island’s agathion and shedu must defend
Jalin Serel, human fighter: AC 8; groundskeeper is a warden archon themselves against them (although
MV 12”; F9; hp 63 (currently 12); #AT (hp 45). Wartle’s influence caused him the shedu might make use of PCs as
1; Dmg by weapon + 6; THACO 9; AL to go into hibernation, so he lies in the props to demonstrate how aestheti-
LE;S18/00,113, W 11, D16,C15,Ch southeast corner of his room in a deep cally pleasing statues would be).
13, Cm 14. Currently has no armor or slumber. A character who goes to the 8. Seneschal: The second-in-
weapons. trouble of waking the archon (no easy command to Arelsis is Kalyron, the
This human is being kept for interro- task) will have to face a very irate and sword archon. Even this mighty crea-
gation, because it is suspected that chaotic creature. ture could not avoid Wartle’s influ-
his party was acting on something The north end of the room is where ence.
more than personal initiative. Diaboli- a large collection of tools is stored. Kalyron, sword archon (1): AC - 5 ;
cal meddling seems most likely, since Among them is a military pick + 7. MV 12”/24”; HD 12; hp 54; #AT 4;
a magician in the group summoned 7. Dining Hall: The dining hall is Dmg 2-8 (x4); SA spells as 15th-level
some abishai, who were conveniently presently in disarray. While some are magic-user, Bigby’s forceful hand,
near in the Astral plane, when the bat- set up for use, many chairs and tables blink, burning hands, chain lightning,
tle got desperate. are stacked up as if for storage, and charm person, confusion, dancing
3c. Empty; a magic circle is most are just lying about. lights, distance distortion, ESF:
inscribed on the floor. Standing in the middle of it all, dis- feeblemind, fire trap, f/y, fumble,
3d. These lesser devils, awaiting cussing the situation, are the citadel’s grease, haste, irritation, Melf‘s acid
termination, were summoned by a steward (a shedu) and an agathion arrow, polymorph othec power word:
comrade of the fighter in 3b, above. servant (hp 40), both quite mad. They stun, push, ray of enfeeblement, shat-
Devil, red abishai (3): AC 1; MV 18“l have been here for about eight hours, ter; suggestion, teleport, wall of fire,
18”; HD4+2; hp20each; #AT3; Dmg debating how to set up the hall for a wall of force, wind wall; SD + 2 weap-
2-512-511-2; THACO 15; SA grappling feast that is not going to happen. on to hit; MR 70%; AL CN.
combat damage 2-5 points, change Shedu (1): AC 4; MV 12“/24”; HD When the characters enter, Kalyron
self, command, produce flame, pyro- 9+9; hp 41; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1-6; will have just slain (with a cone of cold
technics, scare; SD regenerate one THACO 12; psionic disciplines of ani- spell) an agathion who dared to ques-
point per round, half damage from mal telepathy, clairvoyance, detection tion a command. The seneschal is not

An Element of Chaos

simply violent; but rather, Wartle has respond by describing to Kalyron how mune or meet with superiors, conduct
caused him to be obsessed with the he might go about cleaning up him- secret audiences, or just relax alone.
fact that, in Arelsis’s absence, he is in self. The incensed sword archon then Of possible interest to the party is,
command of the citadel. Ever since orders the PCs to attack and does so in the desk, a quantity of enchanted
Arelsis left, things have been falling to himself. This situation affords the silver dust identicalto that given at the
pieces. An agathion getting smart with characters the opportunity to fight beginning of the adventure to PCs of
him was just too much, and he let with better odds, or escape (although the first background.
loose his ire. Kalyron would doubtless hunt down 10. Astral Exit: The northeast wall
In dealing with the characters, such deserters). of this room looks not unlike a starry
Kalyron will have regained his compo- The seneschal’s room is tastefully night sky; it is, in fact, a view of the
sure. He recognizes that the PCs are decorated. Of possible interest are the Astral plane. The wall is a one-way
strangers (and thinks wryly to himself three tapestries hanging on the walls membrane which, if passed, will trans-
that the fool porter probably just (worth 500 gp, 600 gp and 800 gp). port the individual to the area viewed
invited them in, and maybe a few They depict scenes from famous leg- (which is very close to the PCs’ Prime
demon hordes as well), but perhaps ends about lawful good Powers. Material plane).
they could be of use in putting the cita- 9. Secret Room: The secret door to 11. Messenger: The once swift and
del back in order. He therefore recruits this room bears a glyph of warding, ever-ready hollyphant who serves as
them to help enforce his directives to named “kartzah”. Its effect, which the citadel’s herald is now lost in apa-
the rest of the citadel’s staff. can be avoided by a successful save thy. She no longer even has the will to
Player characters would be best off vs. spells, is to reduce the victim’s wis- feed herself, let alone to wander over
to comply with the suggestion, lest dom by half for 3-12 hours. and gaze despondently into the astral
they wish to face circumstances simi- The room beyond is a study. portal (area lo), as she had been
lar to those of the slowly thawing Although accessed only from the sen- doing previously. Instead, she
agathion. eschal’s room, this is primarily the remains in her room, lying on her side
Kalyron will lead the party to the haunt of Arelsis, who can hardly get and staring into space. Her apathy is
nearest inhabited room, where he will time or space to himself in the inner so profound that even if attacked, she
issue a command (such as to clean up chamber (room 21, below). In this would hardly bother to defend herself
the area). The occupants of the room room he can get privacy to study, corn- -she might summon the energy to

I /
An Element of Chaos

teleport away, just to avoid the bother Polymorphed into the shape of a ysis”, “Do Gentlecreatures Prefer
of being killed. spider is a green slaad, a servant of Succubi?” and “A Brief Criticism of
Hollyphant (1): AC -4; MV 9”142“; Wartle that followed its master here. It Celestial Hierarchies”.
HD 8+8; hp 44; #AT 2; Dmg 1-3/1-3; lurks in the deepest shadows of the Gerhaund, lammasu (1): AC 6; MV
THACO 12; SA trumpet, banish, bless, room, eyeing the character party wari- 12”124”; HD7+7; hp 49; #AT2; Dmg
flame strike, light, teleport no error; SD ly. At an opportune moment, it will 1-6/1-6; THACO 13; SA invisibility,
cure serious wounds, heal, raise dead, sneak behind them, polymorph to its dimension door; spells (as 6th-level
constant globe of invulnerability, large, natural slaad form, and attack. cleric): bless, command, cure light
immune to all diseases and poisons, Green slaad (1): AC 3; MV 9”; HD wounds, detect lie, detect life, feign
+ 1 weapon to hit, psionic disciplines 9 +3; hp 50; #AT 3; Dmg 3-813-8/2-16; death, glyph of warding, hold person,
of invisibility, levitation, mind bar; prob- THACO 10; SA polymorph self, teleki- know alignment, penetrate disguise;
ability travel, reduction, suspend ani- nese, feac continual darkness 15’ radi- MR 30%; AL CN.
mation; MR 60%; AL CN. us, ESC locate object, produce flame, Despite his new, radical (and per-
12. Laboratory: This room, filled delayed blast fireball (12-dice), gate in haps in some beings’ view, subver-
with a noxious gray-green smoke, is lit other slaadi; SD + 1 weapon to hit, sive) literary career, Gerhaund is not
by a pulsing red light. The effect of the detect invisible, detect magic; MR necessarilya threat to the player char-
smoke (which had filled the entire cita- 50%; AL CN. acters. He may be provoked to vio-
del when Wartle’s strength was at its The slaad’s aim is to grasp charac- lence if someone argues in favor or
height) on PCs is disorientation and ters and touch them to Wartle, thereby any form of censorship, though, or
dizziness; each round, those breath- bringingthe master closer to freedom; refuses to accept that alternative
ing it must save vs. poison or suffer for this reason, such attack forms as viewpoints are equally valid (for exam-
- 2 on all hit rolls. Spellcasters, in the delayedblast fireball will be avoid- ple, that the chaotic neutral philoso-
addition, have a 10% chance of mis- ed. If both clawing attacks strike a phy is just as true as that of lawful
casting a spell because of the way the character, he or she has been held, good). He will, of course, fight if nec-
smoke interferes with their mental and the next round will be pressed essary to defend himself or his
processes. against Wartle. Damage totalling 15 or archives, and he will not permit any
The western part of the the room, 20 more hit points in a single round will written material to be taken from the
by 30 feet, is the supply annex. cause the slaad to drop a character. library.
Shelves here contain a wide variety of As far as the characters are con- Among the texts, there is a libram of
chemicals and rare potion ingredients cerned, Wartle in his present shape is gainful conjuration. If the PCs entered
and spell components. Normally invulnerable. But putting the penta- the module without being made aware
Gerhaund, the lammasu librarian, gram of silver dust around him will of the situation (that is, via back-
works here, continually sorting and contain him indefinitely, and also con- ground option 2), the DM should also
checking the stocks, but he has of late fine the smoke he emits. The rest of have a text in the library that describes
been concerned with another task the fumes will dissipate in 2-8 rounds. how to contain Wartle. Gerhaund
(see room 13, below). To wrap up the adventure once War- would help characters find the tome,
The pulsing light originates in the tle is dealt with, see the Conclusion though he wouldn’t allow them to take
actual work area, to the east. Its below. it.
source is nothing less than the mete- 13. Library: The citadel’s librarian 14. Kitchen: The residence of the
orite itself, Wartle. It sits in the middle and chief savant is Gerhaund the lam- agathia of the citadel, this is also the
of the floor, looking like a strange egg, masu, and like others in the fortress, workplace of several of them. Food is
gray and bumpy. From inside comes he hasn’t avoided Wartle’s entropic taken from never-empty containers
the pulsing glow, and the dark silhou- influence. The library is maintained and cooked in stoves and ovens that
ette of an embryonic, frog-like crea- primarily for guests from the Prime do not require fuel.
ture can be seen. planes, and on the shelves are many Presently in the room is a single
The smoke, which is what corrupted titles concerning such things as medi- agathion (hp 41), preparing broth for
most of the citadel’s inhabitants, is tation, the lives of great paladins, law- soup. The agathion’s helper went off
emitted by the meteor. Also, any ful good philosophy and spirituality, in search of meat for the dish (see
Prime plane native that touches War- and why the killing of evil humanoids room 20), but on account of impa-
tle’s present form will be drained of is morally permissible. The lammasu tience, this one decides that one of the
one energy level (this will also cause has decided, however, that the li- PCs would do just as well, and
the thing to glow brighter). If Wartle brary’s contents reflect too narrow chooses one to go after with his huge
were to drain enough energy levels, and biased a perspective. To rectify meat cleaver (treat as battleaxe + 2).
he could be freed from his present the situation, he has been working 15. Steward: While the steward is
form; however, that would severely day and night to produce such texts away debating decor (see room 7).his
imbalance this scenario. as, “Good vs. Evil: A Dialectical Anal- room is being trashed by a violently

An Element of Chaos

crazed hound archon (hp 38). The remaining).

once ornate and beautiful room has 20. This room is a mess of gore, the Conclusion
been reduced to shambles. Most of result of a mad agathion cook (hp 22 Any time after Wartle has been con-
what here was valuable was so on now; armed with battleaxe) searching tained, Arelsis may return to the cita-
account of exquisite craftsmanship for meat for soup (see room 18). His del with a planetar. Once Arelsis has
and artistic talent, but now lies bro- prey, a human fighter who was staying returned, the adventure is essentially
ken, shattered and worthless. About here, did not agree with the former’s over, since he and the planetar can
100 gp in gold and silver and 1,000 gp culinary ideas, and put up a com- clean up well enough. If the players
in assorted small gems may be sal- mendable struggle against the for- get to Wartle quickly, the DM might
vaged. merly gracious host. give them time to explore more of the
16. Stairs to Roof: Two corrupted Having acquired what he sought, dungeon. On the other hand, a party
hound archons (hp 38 each) are the agathion has no interest in any- of the second background option
placed to guard the stairs and roof. thing else here (including PCs). might never bother to contain the
Roll l d 6 to determine where they are Unless someone quite forcibly gets in slaad. In such a case, Arelsis and the
when the characters arrive at this his way, he’ll simply gather up the planetar should return before the par-
area: on a result of 1 or 2, both are on bloody remains and return with them ty leaves the citadel: Wartle’s power
the roof; on 3 or 4, both are inside; on to the kitchen. will have waned to the extent that it
5 or 6, one is in each area. If the The possessions of the deceased will pose no difficulties for the plane-
archons are apart and one engages in are as follows: clothing and such nor- tar.
combat, the other will arrive to help in mal personal effects, 112 pp, 306 gp, Containment of Wartle will win each
1-4 rounds. For fighting aerial oppo- 5 gems (worth 900 gp, 500 gp, 2 X 100 party member a wish. The DM mustn’t
nents, each archon is armed with a gp, and 50 gp), a potion of animal con- let wishes get out of hand, however,
crossbow of speed and a quiver of a trol, a dagger + 1, a bow, and a quiver and should be most stringent in follow-
dozen quarrels +3. of 20 arrows (two of which are ing the exact, literal wording of each
17-20. Guest Rooms: Pilgrims enchanted to + 1 magic). request. Wishes for money or magic
from the Prime Material are the most 21. inner Chamber: From this will be granted, but not in excess of
common occupants of these cham- room, which is currently unoccupied, 10,000 gp value. Unreasonable wish-
bers. Each room is furnished with a Arelsis commands the citadel. His es will not be fulfilled, but the player
bed, a dresser (with mirror), a desk, lapis lazuli throne sits in the middle on will be permitted to make a more rea-
and a chair. Rooms 18 and 19 are the chamber, on a rotating platform. sonable request.
devoid of occupants. Light is provided by globes, upon Treasure taken from any encounter
17. This room is occupied by a which have been cast continual light except the Inner Chamber (room 21)
former pilgrim. Since having the mis- spells, suspended from the ceiling. may be retained by party members,
fortune of contact with the meteorite, Glass windows display magnificent even if Wartle wasn’t contained.
he has become a juju zombie. The views of the starlit landscape from all Exactly what the planetar does with
zombie lies face down on the bed, heights of the round tower. The walls Wartle, after conferring with the
eyes open, and remains still unless and ceilings are magnificently Powers, is up to the DM. Decide on
disturbed, in which case it will attack adornedwith ivory and rare woods, sil- what is best, considering your cam-
suddenly and without respite. ver and platinum inlays, gold leaf, and paign plans.
Juju zombie (1): AC 6; MV 9”; HD a kaleidoscopic array of gems. The The simplest thing is for the meteor-
3+12; hp 26; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; total value of the precious substances ite to be taken all the way to Chronias,
THACO 13; SA climbs as 6th-level is in excess of 200,000 gp, but of seventh of the Heavens, where it
thief; SD +1 weapon to hit, piercing course the characters may not would be destroyed irrevocably.
and blunt weapons and fire do half remove it. Anyone bold enough to do On the other hand, it might be inter-
damage, turned as spectre, immune so will be struck by a curse (no saving esting to have Wartle around to spice
to mind-affecting magic, poison, elec- throw permitted)that causes his or her up the outer planes, now that the play-
tricity, magic missile, death and cold hands to glow bright red whenever er characters have had contact (of
spells; AL NE. within 20 feet of a native of the Seven sorts) with the slaad lord. The lawful
The possessions of the former cler- Heavens. A lawful good cleric of 12th good Powers might decide to return
ic, kept in the dresser, include such level or higher is required to remove Wartle to Limbo (this task could be
mundane things as normal clothing, the curse. assigned to the PCs): he’d then con-
provisions, armor and weapons, plus Apart from nice decor to gawk at, tinue to give the other slaadi a hard
a scroll of clerical spells (cure serious there is nothing of real significance in time and possibly discourage them
wounds, command, find traps), a this room. from trying to use Lunia as a garbage
potion of mountaingiant control, and a dump in the future.
wand of steam and vapor (63 charges

An Element of Chaos

In case Wartle is kept around, his INTELLIGENCE: Genius erful bite not only inflicts 5d6 damage;
standard statistics and description are ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral it also drains two life levels unless a
provided below. Keep in mind, when SIZE: M (5-1/2’ tall in slaad form) save vs. spell is made at -6. Wartle
playing him, that he is not actually PSlONlC ABILITY 286 may use any of the following powers,
evil-just mindbogglingly, uncaringly Attack/defense modes: Alllall one at a time, once per round, at will:
chaotic. He might treat player charac- LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:X/20,190 advanced illusion, darkness 15‘ radi-
ter acquaintances with some kind- us, flaming sphere, fire ball (8 dice),
ness (especially if he thinks they might Though not as powerful as such mas- shape change (humanlslaadlnormal
be of use to him), or he might pretend ters as Ssendam and Ygorl, corpulent toad), teleport no error, true seeing,
he doesn’t know them as he sells Wartle is nonetheless a dangerous and attempt to gate 1-3 green slaadi
them into slavery to another slaad. beast. In slaad form, he is a short and (55% chance of success). Once per
bloated toad, grayish brown with day he may use any symbol, say a
Wartle spots of sickly green. His skin is dry power word: stun, transmute rock to
and leathery. Small, backward- mud, and create a wallofstons or iron.
FREQUENCY Unique (Very rare) pointing horns make a crest atop his Flippant, whimsical, inconsistent
skull. In human shape he typically and (most of all) crude, Wartle is also a
appears as a short, pudgy fellow with distinguished liar. He is generally
MOVE: 12”
a whining, raspy voice. Though he looked down upon in Limbo, although
HIT DICE: 132 hit points (16+ hit dice)
appears to be weak, cowardly, and some lesser slaad take a liking to him.
LAIR: 35%
inept, he can deftly strike twice per He rudely and regularly insults the
round with a strength of 19. His other slaad masters, and has more
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 or 2
favored weapon is a morning star + 3 than once suffered from their violent
DAMAGE/ATTACK:2-16/2-16/5-30 or
that can fight on its own, like a dancing ire. He does not generally follow the
by weapon +7
sword. In any form, this slaad’s body practice of having slaves, human or
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Energy drain,
is profusely bespeckled with warts. otherwise, since he finds them more
In battle, Wartle will typically begin trouble than they’re worth. He happily
in human form, then leave his weapon uses them to trade for favors from oth-
spells, + 2 weapon to hit, immune
to fight on its own, as he shape er slaad lords, though.
to fire
changes to slaad form and attacks
with a clawlclawlbiteroutine. His pow-
A Friendly Wager

by Ray Winninger venture forth to win Zeus’s favor. For- mpris, near the Mount Olympus
tunately, the old shepherd just hap- conduit (see the large area map)
“A Friendly Wager” is an adventure pens to know of a particular wood which leads to Gehenna, Hades, Tar-
designed for five to eight player char- nymph that has recently caught the terus, and an almost infinite number
acters of experience levels 9 to 10. As ever-romantic Zeus’s eye. If the PCs of alternate prime planes. If you wish,
usual, a party with a good mix of char- can get the nymph to agree to become you can use the inn as the means by
acter classes and races will have a one of Zeus’s many brides, the shep- which the party members make the
much easier time overcoming the herd informs them, the Thunderer will journey between their home plane
many challenges the PCs will surely be pleased enough to allow the and Olympus. On the plane of Olym-
encounter during play. adventurers to return home, perhaps pus, however, the World Serpent Inn
A basic knowledgeof Greek mythol- offering the party a reward as well. has an unusual property. Once a mor-
ogy would be very helpful to any DM Everything that Hermes tells the tal traveler leaves the inn, he cannot
running this adventure. Interested PCs is true, but he is not sharing his re-enter until Zeus verbally grants his
Dungeon Masters are encouraged to information out of any interest for the permission. This effect is one of the
consult the local library for basic refer- party’s well-being. The god is actually results of a powerful spell that Zeus
ences. Such works may provide the out to create as much mischief as pos- cast in order to control the traffic in
inspiration for hundreds of other sible. He knows that Zeus’s jealous and out of the realm’s Greek domin-
AD&D@game adventures on the plane wife, Hera, will eventuallydiscoverthe ion. In fact, the inn is invisible and
of Olympus, as well. party’s quest and take some sort of intangible to any and all travelers who
action to stop it. To Hemes’s delight, arrived on the plane via the Greek
DM’s Information this will most likely result in a first- dominion until Zeus gives each one
permission to leave.
class scandal among the Olympians.
The mere fact that many of the great To make things worse for the adven- If you have decided that the World
gods of legend reside among the out- turers, shortly after talking to the play- Serpent Inn does not appear on your
er planes makes traveling to and from er characters, Hermes boasts to the campaign world, or have simply cho-
these realms a risky (perhaps deadly) god Apollo of his brilliant scheme to sen not to use the inn for this adven-
proposition at best. This adventure drum up controversy. Intrigued, the ture, the party members can reach
has been specifically designed to Sun God then proposes a wager on Olympus by climbing Mount Olympus
illustrate this principle, while allowing the success of the party’s quest. Apol- itself-why they would want to do so is
the player characters to interact with lo bets fifty golden apples that the PCs up to you if “because it’s there” is not
some of the famous figures from the will return home, while Hermes bets a good enough rationale. In the
Greek myths and legends. his best lyre that the party will never FORGOTTEN REALMS” campaign
The adventure begins when the be able to secure the favors of the setting, Mount Olympus is located on
player characters arrive on the plane nymph for Zeus. the small island of Achea (see 113,
of Olympus, home of the ancient What makes “A Friendly Wager” Adventure Pack I, “Blood and Lau-
Greek and Elvish pantheons in the interesting is that the party members, rels”) which lies several hundred
AD&D game multiverse. Shortly after in addition to overcoming a number of miles away from the territories depict-
the party members arrive upon the more traditional obstacles, must enter ed in the campaign setting.
plane, they are approached by a wiz- into a strange political struggle with In order to reach Olympus, one
ened shepherd, who is actually the the various Olympians themselves. must reach the mount’s absolute sum-
god Hermes in disguise. Always Zeus, Hera, Hermes, and Apollo all mit. Climbing the mount should be an
amused by the many mortals who have a vested interest in the party’s adventure unto itself, probably OCCU-
attempt to make their way through the actions, and for every god the PCS pying the PCs for as much as two
domain of the gods, Hermes decides please, they are almost certain to months of game time (the mount has
to have a bit of fun with the player bring down the wrath of another. Clev- an elevation of 60,000 feet).
characters. In the guise of the old er players, however, will be able to dis- Because of Zeus’s peculiar spell,
man, Hermes informs the party mem- cover a “perfect solution” which was anyone reaching the plane by scaling
bers that Zeus himself has placed a built into the adventure, enabling Mount Olympus cannot begin to
magical barrier around the entire them not only to return home in peace, descend again (or leave the plane by
realm which prohibits any mortal but with a handsome reward as well. any other method) until Zeus has
entering via the lands dominated by granted his permission. No matter
the Greek pantheon on Olympus’s how hard they try, the party members
uppermost plane from leaving without Getting to Olympus will be unable to find the proper peak
Zeus’s own verbal consent. If the PCS The “World Serpent Inn” appears reg- to descend back onto the Prime Plane
ever want to see their home plane ularly on the uppermost plane of Oly- until Zeus has given his consent. It is
again, Hermes tells them, they must also impossible for a traveler who

I A Friendly Wager

entered the plane via the area con- essentially mere super-powered In addition, everything on Olympus
trolled by the Greek gods to use plane beings, instead of omnipotent, omni- seems laced with an almost inexplica-
shift, a book of the planes, or any other scient creatures of eternity. The Greek ble extravagance. The geographical
magical means of leaving Olympus deities possess all of humanity’s flaws features are all perfectly formed and
without Zeus’s consent. including rage, jealousy, lust, and sparkling, the architecture is intricate
greed. In fact, the Greek legends are and breathtaking, and the denizens all
filled with incidents in which mere seem to possess an unusually noble
The Gods of Legend mortals are able to outsmart the gods demeanor.
Remember that the gods involved in themselves!
this adventure are not “monsters” in Complete AD&D@ game system Encounter One:
the usual game sense. It is almost stats for the gods that participate in The Shepherd
inconceivable that the party members this adventure can be found on pages
No matter which method the party
would ever manage to kill any of the 63-74 of Legends and Lore.
members use to travel to Olympus
gods (take another look at divine (the World Serpent Inn, climbing the
powers found on pages 124-126 of the Olympus:
mount, plane shift, or other means),
Manual of the Planes, and pages 8-9 of General Description
they enter the realm high atop one of
Legends and Lore); nor is it very likely When describing the various features of its many lofty peaks (marked “BEGIN
that the gods would simply choose to Olympus to the players, try to stress HERE” on the Olympus area map) in
attack the PCs (it really isn’t worth the the domain of the Greek pantheon on
size and extravagance. Nearly every-
effort). In fact, unless the utterly Olympus’s first level. The PCs find
thing on the plane (geographical fea-
extraordinary happens there will not
tures, buildings, creatures, and so on) is themselves on a broad ledge over-
be any direct conflict between the
between five and ten times larger than looking a vast flatland. To their backs
gods and the mortal party members at
its counterpart on the Prime Material is a vertical cliff that ascends out of
plane. Mountains that are hundreds of sight. Leading down onto the flatland
The Greek gods are different from
miles high, strongholds the size of is a gradually sloping trail approxi-
most other pantheons described in
nations, and trees that stretch far out of mately ten miles in length (half a day’s
Legends and Lore in that they are
view are not uncommon. travel on foot).

’ Since the cliff is impassable to non-
thieves and stretches up for nearly thirty
miles before sharply descending into a
slightly lower mountainous region, the
party should, sooner or later, decide to
er? Zeus himself has put up a mys-
tical shield which prevents those
mortals entering the land of the
gods from leaving without his own
A Friendly Wager

vast mountain chain. If you could

somehow win Daphne’s favors for
Lord Zeus he will almost certainly
allow you to return home, and may
descend into the flatland. If the party express permission-and Zeus even reward you as well. If you man-
members possess magic enabling does not take kindly to trespassers! age to succeed in your quest, you
them to f/y, and attempt to sail over the Indeed, if you ever wish to return to should bring Daphne to Zeus’s ora-
cliff, you may have to steer them back your home again, you are going to cle located to the west in the flatland.
on course a bit, or simply reverse all have to go out and win Zeus’s favor, He will certainly notice you there.”
directions on the map and place the first and that is none too easy.
encounter wherever they eventually “Say, 1’11 tell you what. I think I Hermes then gives the PCs a roughly
decide to land. know a way that you can gain sketched map with the locations of
At the base of the sloping path on Zeus’s sympathy. For 200 silvers, Daphne’s village and Zeus’s oracle
the broad flatland is a small cave 1’11 share it.” scribbled in.
which immediately catches the PCs’ If the player characters ever ques-
attention. Once the party members The old man is actually the god Her- tion the old man as to his background
approach the cave they hear rustling mes in disguise (shape change). If the or origin, he will claim that he is but a
from within, and a wizened old man player characters decide to pay him humble shepherd whom Artemis sen-
wearing tattered robes steps out to the 200 sp (10 gp) he requested, he tenced to wander across the plane of
greet them. relates the following. Olympus forever because he once
mistended his flock.
“A beautiful woman always
“Ahh, mortals you be! You were catches Zeus’s eye, and I happen Encounter Two:
very foolish to come here, you to know that his current interests lie Traveling to Almiador
in Daphne, the young wood nymph After receiving Hermes’s information,
residing in Almiador, across this the party will probably attempt to

A Friendly Wager

make its way to Daphne’s village, Encounter Three:

across the high mountain peaks. Trav- Daphne’s Village
eling through the colossal Olympian “Thus, I propose a test. If you can
mountains is grueling. The movement When the party members finally make complete three labors of my design, I
rate is approximately two miles per their way to the point on Hermes’s shall be forced to accept your words
day on foot, across incredibly rocky map which marks the location of as truth and allow my daughter to
terrain (mounted movement is impos- Daphne’s village, they find a vast accompany you to her fate. What say
sible and extremely strong winds slow clearing in the center of which stand you now?”
flight to five miles per day). Each party several large, isolated trees. The
member must make a Constitution clearing is a good two hundred yards If the PCs refuse Hiyawat’s challenge
check once per day of travel through in diameter and is ringed by very he and his guards retreat into their tree!
the mountains. Failure indicates that dense forest-there are only two until the party accepts. There is no way
the character suffers I d 8 points of access trails, on opposite sides, lead- the player characters can force Hiyawat,
damage that day, due to exhaustion. ing to the clearing. The isolated trees Daphne, or any of the other villagers to
YOU should also roll for one random at the clearing center are giant oaks, leave their trees.
encounter (on the Olympus Encounter approximately eight hundred feet tall If the heroes agree to undertake the
Table at the end of the chapter) for and eight feet in diameter. No other labors, Hiyawat continues.
each day of travel. features or signs of life are visible.
Approximately halfway across the The creatures of the nymph village “Good then. For your first task, you
mountain chain, the party runs into a actually live inside the trees them- must retrieve a golden egg from the
Vast gorge approximately two miles selves, with the help of an innate nest of Brobane, lord of owls. After
across. The gorge descends five hun- dimension door power. The villagers you have the egg, bring it here and
dred feet down to ground level, and it rely upon magic for their subsistence rap on this tree three times to learn
is impossible to cross the mountain (food, shelter, and so on) and rarely
chain without traversing it. No matter leave their arboreal homes. They
how far north or south the players ignore the player characters’ intrusion Hiyawat then indicates the location of
attempt to cut through the mountains, for as long as possible, but as soon as Brobane’s nest on Hermes’s map and
they find a thin, rickety suspension any of the PCs disturbs any of the retreats into his tree, refusing to answer
bridge in sight just as they come to the trees, the head of the village, King Hiy- any further queries.
edge of the gorge. Unless the party awat, and two of his bodyguards come
members are all capable of flight, they forth from their trees and demand to Encounter Four:
know the party’s intentions. Hiyawat Zeus’s White Eagle
have to cross the bridge.
The suspension bridge is construct- and his guards are Olympian wood
elves(AC 3; MV 12”; HD 2+2; hp 18, As the player characters are traveling
ed of two-foot-wide wooden planks and toward Brobane’s nest, roll on the Oly-
rope. Anyone attempting lo cross the 15, 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; THACO 18;
SA + 1 with swords; SD 90% resistant mpus Encounter Table at the end of
bridge must make a total of three Dex- each day of travel. Just after the party
terity checks. Failing a check indicates to charm and sleep spells).
While conversing with the party members cross into the vast mountain
that the character has slipped through a chain on the way to Brobane’s nest,
members, Hiyawat exhibits a some-
series of weak planks and is now hang- they see a huge white eagle (wingspan
what gruff but seemingly benevolent
ing by his arms. Such a character must of 50 feet) perched upon a distant peak.
manner. Early on in the conversation,
then make a Strength check. Success Make it clear to the players that investi-
King Hiyawat reveals that Daphne is
indicates that the character is able to gating the eagle will be very difficult and
actually his daughter. He will not let
pull himself back onto the bridge. Fail- time consuming. If the party attempts to
her accompany the PCs of his own
ure means that he slips and falls down check out the eagle anyway, the bird
free will for any purpose, unless the
into the gorge (500 feet straight down- flies away just as the group scales up to
party members specifically inform him
30d6 points of damage) unless res- its location. The party members find
that Zeus is interested in the girl, in
cued. It take twenty seconds of free fall only a makeshift nest in which the crea-
which case he will relate the following.
(four segments) to reach the bottom of ture was perching.
the gorge and strike the solid granite Though apparently inconsequen-
below. “You say Zeus fancies my daughter,
do you? Well, Idon’t believe it. Not for tial, this encounter may be of great
Once the party reaches the edge of importance later in the adventure.
the mountain chain, the foot move- an instant. Still, it is most unwise to
take matters involvingthe gods lightly. This bird is actually the great white
ment rate increases to thirty miles per eagle of Zeus (AC 2; MV 6“148“; HD
day (all other movement rates are nor- If I were indeed to deny Zeus’s wish-
es, his fury would most certainly 16 + ; hp 100; #AT 3; Dmg 1-1011-1013-
mal). Continue to roll for encounters at 30; THACO 7).
the end of each day.

7- I

A Friendly Wager

Behind the Scenes 4; hp 30,18,29,24,23; #AT 1; Dmg 1-

6; THACO 14; SA sting).
While the players are attempting to A. Insect Nest. This area of Bro-
complete the first of Hiyawat’s labors,
bane’s nest has been overrun by a
Hermes bumps into Apollo just out- huge colony of Olympian insects. All
side of Zeus’s palace and boasts of his told, there are eighteen giant warrior
clever scheme to stir up controversy ants and four giant ticks. The insects
among the Olympians. Using magic to are all so tiny compared to Brobane
look in on the PCs, the two gods dis- that she doesn’t notice them.
cover the party’s efforts for King Hiy- Giant ants: AC 1; MV 18”; HD 4; hp
awat. Amused, Apollo offers Hermes 30, 18, 29, 24, 25, 23, 24, 20, 31, 28,
a wager. The sun god bets one hun- 14, 16, 26, 24, 22, 20, 19, 22; #AT 1;
dred golden apples that the party Dmg 1-6; THACO 14; SA sting.
members will indeed succeed in Giant ticks: AC 1; MV 3“; HD 8; hp
returning home, while Hermes bets 57,53,50,61; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THACO
his best lyre that the party members 12; SA blood drain.
will never succeed in their efforts to The insect colony is comprised of a
bring Daphne to Zeus. The two gods number of tiny passageways (too
then begin carefully observing the small for humans, but large enough
party’s progress. for halflings) burrowed into the walls
and floor of the straw nest. Half the
Encounter Five: colony will be scampering about the
Brobane’s Nest main corridor when the PCs arrive,
Brobane’s nest lies on one of the vast while the other half will spend the first
Olympian peaks. The same rules for two rounds of combat inside the
Constitution checks apply for travel- smaller passageways, emerging to
ing through the mountains that reinforce their comrades on the third
applied in the second encounter. In and following rounds. Scattered about
order to reach the nest, the PCs must within the smaller insect tunnels are: bane.
climb a good four miles up the side of 450 gp, three gems (each worth 20 Brobane: AC 4; MV 3”118”; HD 16;
a mountain, taking about two days. gp), and a flame tongue sword, all of hp 128; #AT 3; Dmg 2-16/2-16/2-20;
The climb is automatically successful. which were possessed by earlier vic- THACO 7; AL N.
At the top of the mountain, the play- tims of the insects. Strewn across the If disturbed, Brobanewill fight to the
er characters find Brobane’s vast main corridor in this area are 350 sp. death to protect her young. Each egg
nest, lying on a slightly elevated out- B. Oily Area. The straw in this is approximately three feet from end
cropping of rock in the center of a flat area is entirely soaked in a strange to end and any egg returned to the
located just below the mountain sum- slippery oil. Clever PCs can scoop up Prime Material plane can fetch a price
mit. The nest is approximately sixty some of the oil into a vial and use it as of 5,000 gp or more. Brobane’s golden
feet in diameter and is constructed of oil of slipperiness later. There is eggs are quite fragile. The player
huge pieces of dried straw and grass. enough oil in the area to fill only two characters may wish to take the
The cracks and spaces between the vials. The oil is apparently part of the appropriate actions to prevent them
blades of straw are large enough to carrion remaining from one of the from breaking during the stress of
permit a man-sized creature to enter, Olympian monsters that Brobane had combat or climbing, such as wrapping
forming a sort of maze leading out killed and eaten. the eggs in blankets and keeping
onto the nest bed itself (see map). C. Outside. Once the party pene- them toward the rear of the party.
Without the use of flight or some other trates the maze of straw and muck, Remember to make the appropriate
magical power, the PCs cannot see they find themselves out on the main saving throws against breakage for
inside the nest until they make their bed of Brobane’s nest. The nest walls any eggs carried by a party member
way through the “straw maze.” about them are 15 feet high. As the that falls, is struck in combat, and so
party members approach they find the on. The golden eggs save as though
Straw Key 30-foot-tallowl sleeping in one corner made of glass, and a broken egg is not
of the nest, with two barely-visible enough to fulfill Hiyawat’s request.
Every round that the party moves golden eggs protruding from under- The value of a broken egg is only 500
through the straw, there is a one in six neath her. It requires two successful SP.
chance of encountering 2-5 giant ants Dexterity checks (both at -3) to After gathering at least one of the
like those in areaA(AC 1; M V 18”; HD remove each egg without waking Bro- eggs, the party must make its way

A Friendly Wager

back to the nymph village. Again, roll The aerohydra is essentially a huge Encounter Eight:
for encounters daily. lernaean hydra with wings. Clever Hera Becomes Involved
party members will notice that the
Encounter Six: dead aerohydra’s carcass is large Remember that both Hermes and
Damming the Eiphrates enough to make an excellent dam for Apollo are using magic to keep a close
the stream. eye upon the party members as they
After the party members return with a attempt to win Hiyawat’s favor. Both
golden egg (they may keep the other Aerohydra: AC -2;MV 9”/18”; HD
22; hp 162; #AT 11; Dmg 1-10 ( x 11); are quite determined to win the wager.
one if they managed to retrieve two), If,in your opinion, the PCs have had
Hiyawat once again comes forth from THACO 7; SA grows new heads.
Hiyawat’s unusual closing state- an easy time on the quest so far, Her-
lis tree. mes (who will lose the bet if the party’s
ment should tip the players off to the
fact that there is something unique mission is successful) drops the
“You have performed rather admi- and valuable about the aerohydra’s appropriate hints at Zeus’s palace,
rably, but the first task was merely a teeth. There is almost no way that the causing Hera to discover the adven-
test. I believe you will find this labor PCs would know this, unless there is a turers and their quest. Angered, the
a much more difficult undertaking. sage in the expedition or a party mem- goddess then sends forth a plague of
For your second task, I require you ber casts a legendlore or similar spell. insects to harass the party and
to go forth and dam the stream Ifthe aerohydra’s teeth are planted in impede its progress. These insects
Eiphrates which occasionally over- the ground, an army of 50 gargoyles attack the PCs while they are on the
flows, flooding our forested valley. will arise from the spot and follow the way to Mount Aetna. The insects are
Be warned, however, that the hid- planter’s instructions for six turns, giant Olympian stirges (AC 5; MV 3 “ l
eous aerohydra often suns itself then dissipate. Because of Hiyawat’s 18”;HD 5+5; hp 45,42,38, 40,38,
downstream and has thus far comment, the player characters will 45,33;#AT 1 ; Dmg 1-8;THACO 15;SA
devoured every band of carpenters probably take the teeth after defeating blood drain). Hera sends seven of the
we have sent to accomplish this the hydra, in hopes of discovering creatures in all.
task. Return here when you are their function at a later date (any sage
ready for your third and final chal- or an identify or legend lore spell can Encounter Nine:
lenge. And by the way, you may clue them in). If asked later, Hiyawat or Mount Aetna
keep the aerohydra’s teeth.” any of the other NPCs refuse to reveal Mount Aetna is one of the tallest
the true nature of the teeth. The teeth peaks in the range that the party has
Before they set out, Hiyawat shows radiate strong magic if a detect magic been traversing back and forth
the PCs exactly where the Eiphrates is cast upon them. throughout their quest. Prometheus
is located on Herrnes’s map. The par- lies chained to a huge rock at the
ty may choose to dam the stream at Encounter Seven: mount’s summit.
any location they consider appropri- The Final Task The climb up Mount Aetna is very
ate, using any method they choose. grueling. It will take the party exactly
The stream is approximately twelve After the players have dammed the
14 days to scale the mount from base
feet deep and forty feet across. Possi- Eiphrates and returned to the nymph
to summit. During this period, each of
ble methods include a permanent wall village, Hiyawat comes forth to
present them with their final task. the PCs must make a Constitution
of force or stone, felling a couple of the check each day. Failing this check
colossal Olympian trees into the means that the character suffers l d 8
stream (requiring at least a + 7 blade “You have completed my first two points of damage due to exhaustion.
to fell a tree), or the use of a dig spell tasks without much effort, but the Thieves may make a climb walls roll in
or other dweomer to somehow alter most difficult leg of your journey place of the check. You should con-
the stream’s flow. Try to encourage still lies ahead. For your third and tinue to roll for random encounters
the players to take a good look at their final labor, you must travel to Mount during each day of the climb and
characters’ abilities (magical and oth- Aetna and ask omniscient Pro- improvise any encounters or events
erwise) and solve this problem without metheus, the rebel Titan, to proph- as you see fit. As the party members
any prodding on your part. esy the fate of our people.” climb, remember to describe the
Two rounds after the PCs begin to fierce, howling winds, exotic flora and
make any sort of attempt to dam up Before returning to his tree, Hiyawat fauna, and unearthly majesty of Aetna
the river (successful or otherwise), the shows the player characters the loca- and the surrounding peaks.
colossal aerohydra appears in flight tion of Mount Aetna on Hermes’s map. When the party members reach the
on the horizon. The beast is coming to As the party travels to the mount, roll very pinnacle of Aetna, they find Pro-
investigate the threat to its watering for random encounters as usual. metheus (100’ tall) chained to the
hole, and certainly attacks the party. giant rock. The chains binding the

~~ .~

A Friendly Wager

Encounter Eleven:
Zeus's Oracle Olympian Encounter
At some point, the party will probably Table
finally make it to Zeus's oracle with Roll Encounter Roll Encounter
either Daphne, the eagle, or both. As
they approach, a voice booms out, 1-10 ld12 Centaurs 65-70 Androsphinx
"So, mortals, you wish to return to AC3(2); MV18"; HD8;hp45, AC -4; MV 18"/30";HD 24;
your home. Give me one good reason 61 33, 40, 23, 36, 40, 58, 51,
I hp 140; #AT 2; Dmg 2-12;
why I should allow such a thing." At 48, 39, 26; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6; THACO 7; SA see Monster
this point the party can offer up either THACO 12; AL CG. Manual p w e 89; AL CG.
the eagle or Daphne. No matter which 11-18 Chimera 71-75 Gynosphinx
they offer, the voice booms once AC 41310; MV 9"118";HD 18; AC -3; MV 15"124";HD 16;
again: "Forgive my earlier impolite- hp 123; #AT 6; Dmg 1-311-311- hp 103; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8;
ness, my children. Of course I will 411-412-813-12; THACO 7; SA THACO 7; SA see Monster
allow you to return to your home breath:.~AL CE. Manual page 89; AL N.
realm. You have pleased me. Accept 19-23 Gorgon 76-78 Titan
these trinkets as a reward." With that AC 0: MV 12";HD 16; ho 99: AC -5; MV 21"; HD 44; hp
the adventurers find themselves #AT i;Dmg 2-12; THACO 7, 265; #AT 1; Dmg 8-48; THACO
wherever they started (back on the SA breath turns to stone; AL 7; SA see Monster Manual
Prime plane or at the World Serpent N. page 94; AL CG.
Inn) with an additional 15,000 gp, a 24-32 2d6 Harpies 79-86 l d 8 Cyclopskins
shield + 3, and an apparatus of Kwal- AC5; MV6"115"; HD6; hp25, AC 1 ; MV 12"; HD 10; hp 47,
ish. 27, 31, 16, 23, 32, 40, 26, 14, 40,32, 49, 60,38, 22, 48; #AT
19,21,20;#AT3;Dmg1-3/1-3/ 1; Dmg 3-13; THACO 10; AL
1-6; THACO 13; SA charm; AL CE .
After the Adventure CE. 87-90 Gorgimera
Zeus's dismissal may not end the 33-35 Hydra AC 310; MV 12"115";HD 20;
adventure. If the PCs managed to AC 3; MV 9"; HD 18; hp 108; hp 120; #AT 5; Dmg 1-311-312-
aggravate any of the gods with their #AT 9; Dmg 1-10; THACO 7; 812-1213-12; THACO 7; SA
exploits (the most likely candidates SA see Monster Manual page breath; AL CE.
are Hera and Apollo), the Olympians 54; AL N. 91-94 Thessalhydra
in question will bear a grudge against 36-43 1 d3 Manticores AC -2; MV 12"; HD 24; hp
the heroes, even after the adventurers AC 2; MV 12"118";HD 12+6; 136; #AT 10; Drng 1-6(x8)11-
have returned to the Prime Material hp 78,83,69;#AT 3; Dmg 1-31 12/1-20; THACO 7; SA acid;
plane. The exact penalty that the 1-311-8;THACO 9; SA spikes; SD immune to acid; AL N.
heroes incur due to these enmities is AL LE. 95-00 Giant Hornet
up to you; the Olympians' wrath can 44-46 Medusa AC 012; MV 24";HD 10; hp 70;
serve as a springboard for many AC 3; MV 9"; HD 12; hp 84; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THACO 10;
adventures. Some examples may #AT 1; Dmg 1-4;THACO 9; SA SA poison, incapacitation; AL
include, from the enmity of Hera: fre- gaze petrifies, hair of asps poi- N.
quent attacks by insects, loss of a sons; AL LE.
47-55 ld6 Minotaurs Remember that all Olympian crea-
spouse or loved one, - 1 to all saving tures have double Hit Dice, - 2 to their
throws for one game month; from the AC 4; MV 12"; HD 12+6; hp
listed armor classes and certain other
enmity of Apollo: - 2 to all missile 91, 83, 71, 68, 70, 59; #AT 2;
Dmg 2-8; THACO 9; SD sur- bonuses (see Manual of the Planes
weapon fire for one month, the sun will page 93).
not shine on any of the party mem- prised only on 1;AL CE.
bers' holdings for two weeks, the sud- 56-64 1 d4 Giant Owls
den loss of all musical ability. In any AC 4; MV 3"118";HD 8; hp 42,
case, the grudge will probably not last 40,51,38;#AT 3; Dmg 2-812-81
more than a month or so and the pen- 2-5;THACO 12;SA surprise on
alty is likely to be frequent but minor. 1-5;AL N.

The Sea of Screams

by Rick Swan into the Abyss and destroy her. only her layer of the Abyss, but all of
“As much as we longed to believe the outer planes and ultimately all
This adventure is designed for four to planes of existence. Recently, Kali
him, we were frankly skeptical. “Eller
six characters of levels 9 to 10 who tra- had a series of dreams which revealed
had anticipated our reservations.
vel to the Abyss. The adventure to her portions of a complex ritual
There was, he said, only one way to be
begins at a meeting of the Council of sure: to journey into the Abyss and involving thousands of worshippers
Guilds (or appropriate governing view Kali’s dead body. He came to ask participating in a ceremony for a thou-
body) in a city with which one or more sand years. The climax of the ceremo-
our permission.
of the PCs are affiliated. “Again, we were shocked. Only a ny resulted in Kali gaining powers far
lunatic would make such a request, beyond those she currently possess-
Player Background and certainly Eller was no lunatic. Nor es. She was uncertain whether the
could we doubt his motives, as his sin- dreams were hallucinations or actual
The PCs have been summoned to cerity was obvious. premonitions, but she wanted to take
appear before an emergency meeting “We at last reached a compromise. no chances. For the past two months,
of the Council of Guilds. No reason We would grant permission if Eller she has been sleeping in a black crypt
was given, but the messengers indi- agreed to take a company of body- in the middle of an ocean of blood in
cated a matter of utmost urgency and guards for protection. Eller resisted, the Abyss layer she controls. To nour-
secrecy. saying it was foolish to endanger oth- ish her while she sleeps, she has sum-
Just after dawn, the PCs gather at ers, but on this point we were unyield- moned worshippers to sacrifice
the hall as requested. After thanking ing. Reluctantly, he agreed. themselves so she can feed on their
the PCs for coming on short notice, “We sent for you because you are souls. Demon servants are sent to
the council gets down to business. all highly regarded and experienced. snatch up those more reluctant. Since
“A few days ago in these cham- If you accompany Eller on his quest she has been gulping down sizable
bers,” begins one of the grim council and get him back to us in one piece, quantities of worshippers for the past
elders, “we heard what we might ordi- there is a 5,000 gp award for each of two months, there hasn’t been much
narily dismiss as the fantasy of a char- you or for your designated heir. Since Kali-related activity on the Prime
latan if it had not come from the lips of Eller has renounced all possessions, Material planes.
Gustofsen Eller.” anything you find in the Abyss is yours Eller has misinterpreted this inactiv-
The PCs recognize the name imme- to keep.” ity as proof that his attempts to kill her
diately. Even in the most desolate The council members answer ques- have been successful. In truth, his
regions of the Forgotten Realms, tions, but have little to add. They all efforts have had no effect on Kali.
there are few who haven’t heard of vouch for Eller’s integrity; if anyone is
Gustofsen Eller, an honored and capable of killing a goddess, Eller is Meeting with Eller
respected cleric who has selflessly the most likely candidate. They don’t
devoted every waking hour to oppos- The PCs find Eller’s home on the edge
know any of the details of how Eller of a dense forest several miles away
ing the forces of evil. operates or how he plans to get to the
“As I’m sure you know,” continues from the city. Eller lives in a two-story
Abyss, as they trust him to make his tower made of mud and bricks. From a
the elder, “Eller has spent much of his own arrangements. If the PCs agree
life attempting to contain the activities distance, the tower blends in with the
to serve as his bodyguards, the coun- surrounding vegetation completely.
of Kali, the hellish goddess whose cil members direct them to Eller’s
minions have plagued this region for Eller meets the PCs at the door. He
home on the outskirts of the city. Eller is 60 years old and barely 5 feet tall.
centuries. Still, Eller is only one man, will answer their questions.
and one man can do only so much. It His body has been ravaged from a life-
was a rare week that didn’t bring word time of brutal battles with the forces of
of another cult killing or another DM Background Kali. One shriveled arm hangs limply
at his side. His face is criss-crossed
bloody ritual, all attributable to Kali Eller is sincere but wrong. Kali is still
and her minions. We long ago with deep scars, and one of his eyes is
very much alive. His attempts to kill covered with milky film and rolls life-
resigned ourselves to maintain con- her have not only been ineffective, but
stant vigilance just to keep the forces lessly in its socket. His back is bent,
have gone completely unnoticed. Kali and his slurring voice is punctuated
of Kali in check. is and always has been unconcerned
“But two months ago, it all seemed with raspy coughs.
with the trivial activities of mortals, Gustofsen Eller: AC 4; MV 12”;
to stop. It was as if Kali had ceased to leaving it to her minions and worship-
exist. C14; hp 46; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (mace) or
pers to torment them as they please. spells; THACO 12; S 10, I 14, W 18, D
“And that was precisely the claim Kali has much grander ambitions.
made to us by Eller. He had killed her! 10, C 8, Ch 5: AL LG. Equipment:
She desires to control and rule not chain mail, mace +3, potion of heal-
Somehow, he had managed to reach

The Sea of Screams

ing (five doses), ring of feather falling, four inches across. Eller says the hole laws are different here, realms aren’t
power compass (see below), scepter is a permanent gate to Kali’s realm. By always mutually adjacent; just
of passage (see below), silver holy pouring magical poisons into the gate, because the Silver Realm leads to the
symbol. he says, he was able to destroy the Yellow Realm doesn’t necessarily
Spells: 6/6/6/5/3/2 hated goddess. mean it leads back to the Silver
In spite of his appearance, Eller is Eller has two other magical items he Realm. This is all detailed in each sec-
proud, even arrogant. His hatred of shows to the PCs. One is a special tion of the Encounter Key, but for con-
Kali has become an obsession. power compass, a ruby in the shape of venience, a list follows:
Eller has been expecting the PCs a serpent’s head that glows to detect
and greets them at the door. He is any activity of Kali or her minions. Adjacent Realms in Layer 99
courteous but guarded. He isn’t too Proudly, Eller points out that the gem
keen on bringing the PCs along as he is completely dark. The other item is a
Realm: Leads to these Realms:
assumes he’ll be burdened with their special scepter of passage which will Gray Lightning, Swirling, Yellow
protection. enable them to instantly traverse vast Lightning Swirling, Fog, Silver
He solemnly seats the PCs at a distances. Eller will demonstrate this Swirling Lightning, Silver
clean wooden table. After perfunctory device when they reach the Abyss. Yellow Lightning, Gray, Silver
introductions, he addresses them, If asked how they will get to the Fog Swirling, Silver, Yellow,
using a tone an adult might take with Abyss, Eller says this will be explained
children. tomorrow. If there are no more ques- Silver Lightning, Swirling, Yellow
“It is unfortunate that our leaders tions, Eller suggests they get a good Star Fog, Silver
see fit to needlessly endanger the night’s rest so they can get started
lives of well-meaning but unprepared early in the morning. The PCs may The Star Realm also contains a con-
innocents,” he says. “But that is the spread their gear on the floor and duit to Layer 500, and that’s what the
way of it, and we shall make do the sleep in Eller’s house, or they may party is looking for. For the DM’s refer-
best we can. If you do as I say and stay sleep in the forest under the stars if ence, the most direct route is Gray to
out of my way, your safety is assured.” they prefer. Lightning to Fog to Star. The party will
He describes the Abyss as “an ugly The DM should do his best to see have to discover the route to Layer
and violent place where evil flourishes that Eller makes it through the entire 500 by trial and error. They will be
and the laws of nature are in chaos”. adventure. If he dies, however, see helped by clues they may pick up
He explains that although the layers of “Troubleshooting” below. along the way, but hindered by an
the Abyss are thought to be infinite in overconfident Eller who thinks he
number, he has identified the layer Into the Abyss knows more than he actually does.
controlled by Kali and knows a meth- There are at least 666 layers of the The Encounter Key details what
od to get there directly. They will be Abyss. The PCs will visit two layers in happens to the party on their first visit
going to a place with a cloudless sky this adventure. They will be referred to to each realm. Since it’s likely the PCs
“as red as your blood”. The layer is as Layer 99, a layer with many dispar- will have to make return trips to some
overgrown with blood-red vegetation ate realms, and Layer 500, the layer of the realms as they try to find their
and towering crimson trees. Kali’s ruled by Kali. These layers have way, the Encounter Key also tells what
grave is in the midst of this scarlet jun- breathable atmospheres, and time happens on subsequent visits.
gle, on an island in the “sea of flows as it does in the Prime Material
screams”. If the PCs are unfamiliar planes. Physical laws, such as gravity, Movement in Layer 99
with the outer planes, Eller answers may differ in the various realms, and
any general questions they have. Visitors to the realms of Layer 99 can
these differences are spelled out in get visual clues as to which realms are
If asked about his interest in Kali, the Encounter Key.
Eller grimly recalls that as a boy, he adjacent by the horizon. If visitors are
watched as his entire family was in the Yellow Realm, for instance,
The Realms of Layer 99 about one-third of the horizon has a
slaughtered in a ritual sacrifice by the
cultists of Kali. If the PCs press for Layer 99 is composed of a number of gray haze, one-third has a silver glow,
details, Eller backs off; he has no strikingly different realms. The PCs and one-third has lightning flashes.
interest in sharing the details of his will have an opportunity to visit seven This indicates that the Lightning,
personal life with strangers. of them. Each realm is identified in the Gray, and Silver Realms are adjacent.
If asked how he was able to kill Kali, Encounter Key by a name referring to Even though physical movement is
Eller takes them to a stone altar in the a feature of its sky (such as the Silver normal, getting from realm to realm
corner of the room. In the center of the Realm or the Lightning Realm). Each can be a problem. The easiest solu-
altar is a pentagram drawn in char- realm is adjacent to two, three, or four tion is to use Eller’s scepter of pas-
coal, surrounding a jagged hole about other realms. However, since physical sage, an amber scepter studded with

The Sea of Screams
star sapphires that can teleport up to attracts a number of demons. The
seven characters at a time an unlim- music drifting from behind a hill demons are fascinated by the music
ited distance to any location they can about 50 yards ahead. The sounds and won’t attack him.
see. To use it, the party must be within resemble lute music, but the tones Two rounds after the PCs first see
5 feet of the scepter. Everyone must are metallic and discordant. Rolly, eight dretch come shambling
stare directly into the area into which over a hill.
they are teleporting for two uninter- It should be obvious that the party is Dretch (8): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 4; hp
rupted rounds. If their concentration is not where Eller said they would be. 24 each; #AT 3; Dmg 1-411-4l2-5;
broken, say by an attack, they must Even Eller is confused -where are THACO 15; SA darkness (5-fOOt radi-
start over and concentrate for another the red skies, the scarlet jungles? If us), scare, stinking cloud, all once per
two rounds. By staring into the gray the PCs call his attention to this, he round; telekinese (500 gp weight), tele-
haze, for instance, the party will be won’t take the blame. When in doubt, port, both once per day; SD gate in
teleported into a random area of the he says, “head for the light”. He Type 1 demons (5% chance); MR
Gray Realm. The scepter has 16 explains the use of the scepter of pas- 30%; AL CE.
charges; it takes a full year to regain a sage if he hasn’t already, then If the PCs aren’t next to Rolly, the
single charge. announces they must head for the dretch attack them on sight. If the PCs
It is assumed the party will use the swirling colors. This is a totally arbi- huddle near Rolly while he plays, the
scepter to get around in Layer 99. If trary choice and, as it happens, a dretch ignore them and sway awk-
the scepter is lost or all of its charges wrong one. Eller agrees to go to one of wardly to the music.
are used up, see “Troubleshooting.” the other two choices providing the Two rounds after their appearance,
PCs offer a strong enough argument. the dretch gibber belligerently at the
Getting Started Before they leave, Eller plants his holy party; they don’t want them there. Rol-
symbol in the sand; they will use it as a ly panics. He drops the lute and
On the morning of their departure,
marker when they are ready to return begins to dig in the sand, searching
Eller takes the PCs to the World Ser-
home. for his amulet of the planes. It’s every
pent Inn.
The PCs may wish to investigate man for himself.
the music. Wisely, Eller insists they When the music stops, the dretch
Encounter Key
stay together and not squander the attack. They attempt to teleport
The facilities of the World Serpent Inn, scepter charges on such small direc- behind random PCs, cast scare and
combined with what Eller knows about tions. If they go to the hill, they can stinking cloud, then attack with claws
the Abyss, allow the party to pass peer into the valley below and see a and teeth. They won’t attack Rolly;
directly through the Astral plane and gaunt human about 20 years old, they need him for music. None of the
into what Eller assumes is Layer 500. wearing tattered clothes and playing a PCs will be able to duplicate the lute
But unknown to Eller, Layer 500 isn’t lute. After plucking the strings in an music to soothe the demons. Four
where it’s supposed to be, due to the unusual way, he places the neck of the rounds after the appearance of the
chaos of physical laws in the Abyss. lute against a sand dune, which ampli- dretch, four more appear. All attack
Instead, the party find themselves in fies the music into the eerie, sustained the same way.
the Gray Realm of Layer 99. tones heard earlier. It takes Rolly nine rounds to find his
The musician nervously looks amulet If the PCs bribe him with a
1. Gray Realm around and immediately spots the choice weapon or a magical item, he
PCs if they peek over the hill. He can be convinced to play his lute and
You are standing in a desert of smiles and calls for them to join him. If lull the dretch, allowing the party to
black sand and rolling hills which they hesitate, he sheepishly adds, escape. Otherwise, Rolly will use the
stretch in every direction as far as “Uh, You’d better come down quick- amulet to escape, leaving the PCs to
the eye can see. The desert is com- ly.” fend for themselves. Under no circum-
pletely barren. The sky is filled with Rolly: AC 8;MV 12” ; F2; hp 15; #AT stances will Rolly let the party use the
dense gray clouds. It is dark and 1; Dmg ld4; THACO 19; S 9,I8, W 9, amulet. He has no interest in them,
silent as a tomb. 0 12, C 7, Ch 10; AL LN. Equipment: and has no information.
About a third of the horizon is lute, dagger, leather armor. Subsequent Visits: If the party
tinged with a yellow glow. Another Rolly is a would-be bard who came returns to this realm, read the boxed
third is saturated with a mass of here by way of an amulet of the planes, text, omitting the information about
swirling colors. Lightning bolts now safely buried in a nearby sand the eerie music. Two rounds after their
silently rip the black sky over the dune. He uses the strange acoustic arrival, the wind begins to blow. Two
final third. properties of the black sand as an rounds later, a blinding dust storm
The silence is broken by eerie amplifier. His practicing invariably blows up so heavily that the party
can’t see the horizon; choose a ran-

The Sea of Screams

dom adjacent realm if they use the service of Demogorgon, who has sent ing saving throw vs. poison, paralyz-
scepter to teleport out. Three rounds hundreds of similar teams to assault ing touch on those failing saving throw
later, three dretch attack; attacks the bone shacks. While the slugs dis- vs. paralyzation; SD imune to sleep,
against the dretch are made at - 2 solve the shacks with their acid spit, charm; AL CE.
due to the blinding dust. The wind the bodaks are to drive out the min- The wights and ghasts ignore the
subsides after 10 rounds. ions of Orcus inside. This particular slugs and attack the PCs; the bodak
bodak is having problems herding the stays out of sight. The slugs continue
2. Lightning Realm uncooperative slugs. He intends to spraying the encounter if unmolested.
force the party to help him and is bel- Eller joins the PCs in attempts to turn
Rain falls as streaks of lightning lowing a demand for their assistance. undead (remember that good clerics
crackle across the black sky. The As soon as the PCs attempt to function as if two levels lower when
only natural features on this other- move, they discover that this realm turning evil undead in the Abyss).
wise blank white landscape are has a heavier gravity field, reducing When half of the undead are killed
stone pillars which rise miles into their normal movement by 75%. or turned, a ?’-foot black skeleton with
the air. The pillars appear in small (Native creatures aren’t affected.) a single horn on its head leaps from
clumps every 50 yards or so and There is no chance to teleport while the shack’s roof onto a random PC.
are no more than 3 feet thick. the bodak is in the area; even if they Babau: AC -3; MV 15”; HD 7+14;
A battle of awesome magnitude manage to slip over the hill, they will hp 52; #AT 1 or 3; Dmg 1d6 + 7 (sword)
has taken place here. Ripped be confronted with a similar team in or 2-512-512-8; THACO 13; SA gaze
bodies of dinosaurs and giant three rounds. affects as ray of enfeeblement if victim
snakes bleed into the white earth The bodak would prefer not to fight fails saving throw vs. spells; SD dark-
next to decomposing bodies of right now, but if the party attacks, he ness 5-fOOt radius, fear by touch, flH
huge apes and immense birds. and the slugs fight to the death. A sim- levitate, dispel magic, polymorph self,
About a third of the horizon is sat- ilar team arrives four rounds later, heat metal, gate (another babau, 25%
urated with swirling colors. Another although the party has time to teleport chance), cutting and stabbing do only
third is shrouded in fog. The final if they hurry. half damage; MR 50%; AL CE.
third gives off a soft silver glow. Warning of the bodak’s death gaze, The babau is the leader of this pla-
Eller urges the PCs to cooperate, at toon of undead. He fights with his
This realm is a battlefield for the least for the time being. If they do, the sword, using fear whenever possible.
demon princes Orcus and Demo- bodak motions for half the party to The babau battles the party for only
gorgon. Currently, the forces of Orcus mount one of the slugs and the other three rounds, then attacks the bodak.
are in control and are entrenched in half to mount the other. The bodak After the undead are defeated, the
small shacks made of bone that are gives the two PCs in front a silver whip party may take advantage of the fight
scattered throughout the realm. The and shows them how to beat the slugs between the bodak and the babau to
forces of Demogorgon are now to get them to move. teleport to another realm. The babau
mounting a surprise assualt. With the bodak behind them, the will win the fight in l d 6 + 4 rounds. If
No sooner does the party arrive slugs carry the PCs ahead about 100 they like, the PCs may take three
than they hear a spine-chilling roar yards towards a bone shack. If the rounds to search the shack and dis-
behind them. They turn to face two PCs resist at any point, the bodak and cover a dagger + 2, a sword + 3, and a
giant slugs followed by a humanoid the slugs attack until they relent. huge star sapphire worth 3,000 gp.
creature with pearly gray skin and When they reach the shack, the However, if the party is still hanging
huge white eyes without pupils beat- bodak orders the PCs to dismount. around after the babau finishes off the
ing the slugs with a silver whip. He The slugs begin to spit acid at the bodak, the babau will fight them to the
motions for the party to join him. shack. When the first acid spray hits, death. (The babau will have suffered
Eodak AC 5; MV 6”; HD 9+9; hp five undead minions of Orcus stagger 6d6 points of damage from the bodak
50; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (silver whip); from the shack to attack. battle.)
THACO 12; SA death gaze; SD struck Wight (2): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 4+3; If the party has not yet been to the
only by + 7 or cold-wrought iron weap- hp 22 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THACO Swirling Realm, Eller suggests they
ons, immune to charm, hold, sleep, 15; SAenergy drain; SD silver or mag- head that way. If they’ve already been
slow, andpoison; AL CE. ical weapons to hit, immune to sleep, there, Eller suggests the silver glow.
Giant slugs (2); AC 8; MV 6”; HD 12; charm, hold, and cold-based spells. As always, the party is free to settle
hp 65 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; SA spit AL LE. the argument of where to go next any
acid; SD not affected by blunt weap- Ghast (3): AC 4; MV 15”; HD 4; hp way they please.
ons; AL N. 19 each; #AT 3; Drng 1-4ll-411-8; Subsequent Visits: If the party
The bodak and the slugs are in the THACO 15; SA 10-foot radius stench returns to the Lightning Realm, first
causes - 2 on attacks from those fail- read the boxed text. The balance of

The Sea of Screams

power has shifted to Demogorgon, by an ochre jelly. Attacking PCs do so thick grove of golden bushes. Eller
and now Orcus’s minions are conduct- at -2, due to interference from the insists that they investigate. Eller
ing assaults. The PCs see hundreds surging ocean. accuses any PC who argues with him
of ghostly forms swooping through the Ochre jelly: AC 8; MV 3”; HD 6; hp of siding with evil. If the PCs do some
rain. For every three rounds they 30, #AT 1;Dmg 3-13; THACO 13; AL N. fast talking, Eller will continue on, but
remain, there is a 30% chance of a Adjacent realms are the Lightning demands they investigate.
wight shrieking out of the rain to attack and Silver Realms. The confused If the PCs check out the cries, they
them. (They won’t be attacked more Eller has no preference this time. discover a large red bird with stumpy
than three times.) Gravity will be reversed again when wings and four legs standing over a
moving from this realm; a mid-air fall mortally wounded pig-like creature.
3. Swirling Realm to the soft earth of the Lightning The bird is ripping the flesh from its
Realm causes 1d4 points of damage, still-living prey.
As you pass into this realm, you are but falling on the hard ice of the Silver Achaierai: AC 8 (body), -1 (legs);
momentarily suspended in a sky of Realm inflicts 2d6 points. MV 18”; HD 40 hp (body), 15 hp (each
swirling colors before plunging Subsequent Visits: If the party leg); #AT 3; Dmg 1-811-811-10; THACO
straight down into a churning returns here, read them the boxed 12 (beak), 15 (claws); SD toxic smoke;
ocean below. text, and follow the same instructions. MR 35%; AL CE.
A roaring multi-colored waterfall This time, however, use id20 instead The wounded creature is a baby
which appears to be at least IO of l d 8 when rolling for the headache thunder beast. The achaierai
miles wide spills into the ocean. membrane and the ochre jelly. swooped from its nest and attacked
The waterfall empties from a glis- After three rounds in the ocean, a the helpless creature as it wandered
tening hole in mid-air more than a vrock flies over the floating PCs. by. The achaierai is eating it alive.
mile from the surface of the ocean. Vrock: AC 0; MV 12”118”; HD 8; hp Thanks to its keen senses, the
Half of the horizon is saturated 32; #AT 5; Dmg 1-411-411-811-811-6; achaierai is instantly alerted to any
with streaks of lightning. The other THACO 12; SA detect invisible objects, approaching PCs. It attacks them,
half gives off a soft silver glow. telekinese 2,000 gp weight, gate in chasing them if necessary to protect
another type I demon (5% chance) all its kill. If it loses half of its hit points, it
The waterfall originates in a conduit at will; MR 50%; AL CE. releases a cloud of toxic smoke in a
leading to the Abyss layer controlled The vrock fights to the death, hover- radius of 10 feet, then flees. All PCs
by the loathsome demon lord Juiblex. ing just out of range and swooping in caught in the cloud take 2d6 points of
The waterfall and the ocean are made when it sees an opening. damage and must make a saving
up of puddings and jellies, dripping throw vs. poison or suffer insanity for 3
rot, and fungoid secretions pouring 4. Yellow Realm hours (treat as feeblemindspell of lim-
from Juiblex’s layer. ited duration).
The gravity field is reversed in this This is a lush tropical forest, similar If the PCs defeat the achaierai, they
layer. When the PCs hit the ocean, to those existing in prehistoric may search its nest, located in a low
have each make a Constitution check times. However, blades of grass are tree near the body of the now-dead
on ld20. Those who fail take 2d6 50 feet high. A palm leaf is the size thunder beast. The nest contains four
points of damage, and those who suc- of a house. The bright yellow sky chunks of solid gold (4,500 gp, 1,300
ceed take l d 6 points. This represents can barely be seen between the gp, 900 gp, 700 gp), and a wand of
damage from the fall and nausea from tops of the trees which rise over a magic missiles and a ring of protec-
the foul ocean. mile into the sky. tion, both taken from an unfortunate
The ocean is as buoyant as regular visitor to this realm.
sea water, and is filled with large float- If they hack their way through the Six rounds after they first hear the
ing fungus chunks. To regroup (neces- brush in any direction, they reach a cries, they hear a bellowing sound in
sary to teleport into another realm), clearing of high ground after journey- the distance followed by the sound of
the PCs may swim, or they may grab a ing 100 yards. The trip through the rapid movement through the brush.
fungus chunk. jungle is uneventful, accompanied One round later, two thunder beasts
Each PC must roll ld8. On a roll of only by the incessant chattering of charge toward the PCs.
1, the PC has come in contact with a unseen insects and the occasional Thunder beast (2): AC 4; MV 9”
fungus membrane that induces split- unsettling sight of a tree that turns (18” charge); HD 6+6; hp 37,35; #AT
ting headaches for the next l d 6 toward them after they pass by. 1 ; Dmg 2-12; THACO 13; SA trampie
hours, causing all attacks to be made After the PCs have gone about 50 (Dmg 6-24); SD fog cloud; AL N.
at - 1 (no saving throw allowed for yards, they hear the agonized wail of a These are the parents of the mur-
this). On a roll of 2, the PC is attacked dying creature coming from behind a dered baby. The thunder beasts first
attempt to charge, then attack with

The Sea of Screams

their bite and fog clood(affected oppo- ter while in the fog, they feleport ran- horizon. About a fourth of the horizon
nents attack at - 2 for 1-4 rounds). domly to one of the adjacent realms. is saturated with swirling colors,
The thunder beasts fight to the death. Eller strongly urges them not to do another fourth is filled with stars in a
However, if the PCs ignored the this. Instead, he suggests they walk to black sky, another has a yellow tinge,
advice of Eller and didn’t investigate search for a clear area from where another gives off a silver glow.
the baby’s cries, the thunder beasts they can see the horizon. This time,
charge right past them to attack the Eller is correct. If the party walks 50 6. Silver Realm
achaierai, allowing the party to con- yards in any direction, they enter a
tinue on their way, unharmed. clear area. The walk, however, is not You are standing on a smooth, flat
When they reach high ground, the without its dangers. Every 15 yards, landscape of silver ice that extends
party sees that one-third of the hori- each PC must roll 1d6.On a roll of 1, for miles in every direction. It is
zon is saturated with a swirl of colors, there is a random encounter. Roll l d 6 blindingly bright and bitterly cold.
one-third features lightning flashes, on the list below to see what happens About 50 yards ahead is the skele-
and one-third has a dull gray haze. If to the affected PC. ton of a large animal. Aside from
the party hasn’t yet been to the Swirl- 1. Snapping Embryo: A demon that, the landscape is featureless,
ing Realm, Eller suggests they head embryo snaps at the PC as he walks with no sounds of any kind.
for the swirling colors. Otherwise, he by, attacking as a 2 HD monster. If it About a third of the horizon is
is admittedly uncertain. hits, the bite causes 1-6 points of dam- tinged with yellow. Another third is
Subsequent Visits: If the party age. The embryo is immobile and saturated with swirling colors. The
returns to this realm, read the boxed attacks only once unless the PC stops final third is dark and streaked with
text. As before, if the party journeys to fight it. In that case, the embryo jagged lightning.
about 100 yards in any direction, they attacks until killed. It has 8 hp.
find a clear area high enough to see 2. Shrieking Spawn: The PC steps Physical laws of this realm are such
the horizon. The trip should be on a tiny demon spawn, instantly kill- that sound waves are instantly
uneventful, but if the party is exces- ing it. The spawn lets out a piercing absorbed. The PCs will have to com-
sively noisy or otherwise draws atten- shriek as it dies. If this encounter municate by some means other than
tion to themselves, a group of circling occurs a second time, the shriek speech.
vrocks is alerted. Lured by the prom- attracts the attention of a hovering Eller frantically motions toward the
ise of tasty human flesh, three vrocks vrock, which attacks the PC. swirling colors, indicating that the par-
dive from the trees and attack. (Use 3. Slippery Tissue: The PC slips on ty should waste no time in teleporting
vrock statistics from encounter 3.) a chunk of slippery tissue. Failing a there. (If the party has already visited
Dexterity check on ld20, the PC falls the Swirling Realm, Eller indicates the
5. Fog Realm into the muck. Failing a Constitution yellow horizon instead, even if they’ve
check on ld20, the PC takes l d 4 already been there.) If the PCs want to
You are surrounded by thick grey points of damage from immersion in examine the skeleton, Eller shakes
fog, heavy with the odor of decay the filth. his head frantically to discourage
and rot, so dense that visibility is 4. Fume Burst: The PC steps on a them. The bones are nothing more
reduced to three feet. bloated embryonic sac, bursting it. than the remains of an unfortunate
The surface underfoot is sticky Any PCs within a 5-fOOt radius must dinosaur who died from the cold.
and wet, like walking on jellyfish. make a saving throw vs. poison or suf- No fires can be started here. Like-
The sounds of bubbling and p o p fer 1-6 points from the fumes. wise, heat and fire-based spells won’t
ping surround you. In the distance, 5. Spore Burst: As above, but this work. After every two rounds, the PCs
you hear the echoed wails of what one is infested with parasitic spores. must all make Constitution checks on
sounds like babies crying. Far over- Those within a 5-foot radius who fail ld20. Those who fail take l d 6 points
head drift the sounds of birdlike their saving throwsvs. poison suffer 1- of damage from the bitter cold.
screeching and cackling. 6 points of damage. Subsequent Visits: If the party
6. Sticky Tissue: The PC steps in a returns, the encounter is repeated.
This realm is an incubation area for sticky mass of demon tissue which Eliminate the reference to the skele-
demon spawn. The party is standing adheres to the sole of his boot. Move- ton.
in a shallow, swampy pit which ment is cut in half unless the goo is
extends for miles in all directions, scraped or burned off. The goo 7. Star Realm
filled with demon embryos. The cack- instantly rots any metal it touches.
ling above is from circling vrocks look- Magical weapons are not affected. A desert of black sand spreads out
ing for tasty embryonic morsels. After the party has gone 50 yards, before you, pocked with vast, shal-
If the party attempts to use the scep they enter an area where the fog has low craters easily 100yards across.
dissipated, allowing them to see the

The Sea of Screams

Eller points out the red glow in the dis- attack at - 2 from the interference of
tance, saying it is the entrance to the cultists. The mephits fight to the
Kali’s domain they’ve been seeking. death. The cultists do no damage.
Eller says they must move quickly, but Assuming the party wins and con-
he refuses to use the scepter to get tinues walking, Eller stops at another
there; the activity in the sky makes it crater. He grabs a gibbering cultist
too risky. Eller also gestures to the and shakes him, screaming, “What’s
souls in the craters. “It is our duty to happened to you? What’s hap-
minister to the anguished,” he says. pened?” Unless the PCs quickly shut
Any PC who is a magic-user recog- him up, his outburst attracts the atten-
nizes the risk of feleporting in these tion of a chasme.
conditions. Eller’s idea of attending to Chasme: AC -1; MV 6”/21”; HD
the victims is admirable, but 7+2; hp 42; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-8/14;
ridiculous-there are thousands. THACO 13; SA darkness 5-fOOt radius,
Be that as it may, Eller steadfastly teleport, defect good, detect invisible,
refuses to use the scepter-they will felekinese 1,500 gp weight, all at will,
walk, and that is all there is to it. If the touch causes fear, drone induces
PCs rebel, Eller leaves them and sleep for 2-8 hours (1000/0 chance
starts off by himself, reminding them minus 10% per level or hit die of oppo-
that they were ordered to serve as his nent); SD gate in another chasme
bodyguards. (15% chance); MR 40%; AL CE.
One way or the other, Eller coerces The chasme hovers about 50 feet
the PCs to join him. The walk isn’t as over the heads of the party, then tele-
bad as it looks. The lava streams are ports directly in front of them to attack.
easy to avoid. The victims outnumber Its strategy is to put the party off-guard
the mephits by a hundred to one, and with fear; then kill them with its fangs
the mephits ignore the PCs for the and claws.
time being. The victims grope and Assuming the party survives, Eller
paw at the party, but don’t hurt them. learns his lesson. Unless the PCs try
After walking a few yards, Eller to attract the demons’ attentions, the
bends down to minister to one of the rest of the walk is uneventful.
humans in a crater. Eller holds the The glowing red opening is a con-
hapless human’s hand, then recoils in duit to Layer 500,one of many leading
disgust. The pupils of the eyes of all to Kali’s domain from this realm. The
the captured humans have been PCs reach it after walking about a
changed to a scarlet silhouette of a mile, and have to step through it to
snake’s head. If asked, Eller admits arrive in Layer 500.
that it is a symbol of Kali. Eller checks
the power compass again; it’s glowing Layer 500
brighter. Eller’s outburst also draws
the attention of two lava mephits dis- You have entered a realm over-
guised as pools of lava. They shape grown with tangles of scarlet vines,
changeandattack. fields of crimson flowers, and red
Lava Mephits (2): AC 6; MV 12”/ tropical vegetation of every imagi-
24”; HD 3; hp 20, 17; #AT 2; Dmg 2-91 nable variety. The sky is cloudless
2-9/1-6; THACO 16; SA 1-8 points of and brilliant crimson. There are no
heat damage if touched, spit lava 10- special features on the horizon.
foot range for 1-6 points of damage, Directly ahead of you is an
touch dissolves wood (one inch per astounding sight-Eller’s mud and
hour) and metal (3 melee rounds); SD brick home.
regenerate two hp per round if in con-
tact with lava, gate 1-2 mephits in per This is Layer 500, controlled by Kali.
hour (25% chance); AL CE. The building is not Eller’s home, but is
As the fight begins, tortured victims an illusion cast by the rakshasa who
swarm from the craters and grope at guards this conduit. The rakshasa
the PCs. During the battle, the PCS
The Sea of Screams

used his ESP to pull this image from the ocean. The PCs occasionally of mind, he’s no fool. The party has no
the minds of the PCs. He hopes to lure catch glimpses of chasme and other trouble locating a conduit. If they
them close enough to attack. flying demons dropping cultists search for two rounds, they spot one
Rakshasa: AC -4; MV 15”; HD 7; through the conduits. that leads back to the Gray Realm.
hp 45; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3l1-3/2-5;THACO No sooner have the PCs taken all Once there, they may use the scepter
13; SA ESe create illusion; SD only this in than Eller gasps in pain and to take them to their point of entry
magical weapons hit, magical weap- falls to the ground. He clutches at him- (marked by the holy symbol), from
ons below +3 do one-half damage; self; his robe is burning. If the PCs where they can return home.
AL LE. help him, they discover that his power If the PCs are stupid enough to
The astonished Eller can do little compass is red hot and burning him. remain near the ocean after the image
more than gape. Because the raksha- (If the PCs touch it, it inflicts 1-4 points of Kali appears, see “Troubleshoot-
sa’s magic is fortified by the strong evil of damage.) Once they get the com- ing” below. If they retreat, the image
of this layer, the PCs cannot dispel pass out of his robe, Eller recovers. As vanishes and Kali goes back to sleep.
magic or disbelieve the illusion. they watch, the compass glows until it
If the PCs approach the building, explodes in a ball of flame.
they see it is complete in every detail. Eller shakes with anger. He turns to Wrapping Up
The rakshasa is safely hidden in the the island and screams at the top of The adventure is successful if the PCs
branches above the house. The his lungs, “Kali! Kali!” Regardless of return with Eller in one piece and
moment a PC steps near the door, the what the PCs do next, the ocean report back to the council. They thank
rakshasa assumes its beast form and begins to bubble as if boiling. Sudden- the PCs for their efforts and reward
attacks as the building vanishes, sur- ly, thousands of black serpents erupt them each with 5,000 gp. There are
prising automatically. If the PCs don’t from it and rocket into the sky. The other benefits from a successful com-
approach the house, it attacks any- PCs have one round before the wrig- pletion:
way, without the benefit of catching gling serpents fall. Armed with the new knowledge of
them off-guard. The serpents rain down for two Kali’s minions and domain, both the
After the encounter with the raksha- rounds. Have each PC roll l d 6 per council and Eller will be able to deal
sa, the party may continue through round. On a roll of 1 or 2, they are bit- more efficiently with her cultists in the
the jungle. They notice a number of ‘ten by the poisonous snakes. If they future. After the disturbance, Kali nev-
other conduits scattered throughout make a successful saving throw vs. er quite regains her deep sleep and
the area, some suspended in the air. poison they take l d 6 points of dam- eventually gives up, thus abandoning
The conduits are used by Kali and her age. If they fail, they take 2d6 points. If her plan to tap into the premonitions
minions for passage into other realms the PCs are smart enough to take cov- that could make her even more power-
and layers of the Abyss. If the PCs er in the jungle (or come up with simi- ful. The PCs also gain a permanent
check them out, they notice that some lar protection), they are bitten only on and valuable contact in Eller, who
lead to the Grey Realm, the Silver a roll of 1. gains the first true friends of his life.
Realm, and other areas of Layer 99 Eller will not give up. After the rain
they visited previously. of snakes, he races knee-deep in the Troubleshooting
Shortly, the party hears the sound of blood ocean and shouts. “Show your-
If Eller Is Killed: The DM should try to
a roaring ocean mixed with the self! We will kill you with our bare
make sure this doesn’t happen, but if
sounds of screaming. Eller freezes. hands if we have to!” One round after
circumstances dictate otherwise, the
“The screaming sea!” he exclaims, Eller begins ranting, the ocean boils
adventure is a failure. The PCs may
moving quickly in that direction. again. The island shakes, the red glow
continue their quest, but the council
After following the sounds for 90 intensifies, and the top of the crypt
won’t be impressed. If Eller dies in their
yards, the party emerges from the jun- blasts off. An instant later, a mon-
care, the PCs are disgraced.
gle and finds themselves on the shore strous Kali looms before them, stand-
If They Lose the Scepter or Use
of avast ocean. But this is not ordinary ing on the surface of the ocean. She is
up Its Charges: Since the distances
ocean-it is filled with rich, red blood. nearly a mile high; her foot alone is
involved are dramatic, the PCs could
About a half mile from the shore is a 200 yards long, and she nearly blocks
be out of luck. However, a kindly DM
barren island containing a solid black out the sky with her black form.
might stage things so conduits corres-
structure with no doors or windows. Luckily, this is only an illusion cast
ponding to the appropriate horizons
Thestructure givesoff a red, pulsating by Kali. She will fully regain con-
are available in each realm.
glow. This is where Kali is sleeping. sciousness in a few minutes.
If They Decide to Tackle Kali:
High in the sky over the ocean, con- If the party has any sense of self-
Fighting Kali is tantamount to suicide.
duits continually open and close. preservation, they will run as fast as
Respect their wishes, and let ’em
When a conduit opens, a screaming they can. If they hesitate, Eller leads
have it.
cultist drops through and plunges into the way-even in his distressed state


To Hell and Back

by John Terra During his stay, Gar1 may get bored with such impunity. They are also not
and start playing practical jokes on pleased with the fact that this place
This adventure can be played by six to
unsuspecting patrons. has portals that can give access to the
eight characters of levels 11 and up.
Sitting close to the fireplace are four layers of Hell to any stupid creature
For best results, the party should
include at least one each of magic
erinyes. They are eating deviled eggs, that has enough gold to be a cus-
deviled ham, and- you guessed it- tomer. It is a threat to this faction’s
user, cleric, and thief, and two fight-
devil’s food cake!. idea of absolute power and control of
ers. A paladin or a ranger is almost a
For entertainment at the World Ser- Hell. This faction is led by Asmodeus.
necessity. Other good-aligned PCs
pent Inn, no mere bard will do. Oghma “He and his allies will destroy the
are also needed in the party.
himself, joined by Bragi, the Norse place the next time it lands in the ninth
The DM should read this adventure
god of poetry, regale the clientele with plane of Hell, which by my reckoning
carefully. There is a possibility of three
epic tales, poems, and rowdy drinking will be in one month. Believe you me,
different NPCs joining the group. The
songs. he has the ability to do it, too.
role-playing abilities of the players
Later that evening, after the music “The reason I tell you all of this is
and DM will be sorely tested here.
has died down and the patrons attend that Asmodeus is my...ahem, rival for
DMs may increase the number of
to their drinks, an arch-devil walks in power in the infernal regions. Nothing
monsters by 50%. Feel free to add
with a brown haired human female would give me more joy than to see his
encounters and islands of your own
over his shoulders. Using one of the plan fail. The resulting loss of prestige
providing they are consistent with the
many hidden gates that lead to this would make my cause all the more
spririt of the adventure.
nexus, he appears to pass through a attractive.
Before the adventure starts, the DM
wall and into the common room. Turn- “1 picked you out because you are
should find the worst fear of each PC
ing back to face the wall, he beats mortals from the Prime Material, and
and log it for future reference. away five dragon heads, a red, a not a traceable part of any faction from
green, a blue, a black, and a white, Hell or any other plane. Hence, Asmo-
Darned If You Do, then walks away, shaking his head in deus would not start an interplanar
annoyance. war or such.
Darned If You Don’t This is Baalzebul. He drops the “Furthermore, he will not avenge
The party is enjoying a drink and din- woman to the ground, looks around, himself against you, for once you save
ner at the World Serpent Inn and tak- sees the party, smiles, and heads the inn, the grateful Powers will keep
ing in their surroundings. toward them, dragging the woman him at bay.
At one table, four tridrones eat a behind him. The four erinyes bow “All you need do is to sail down the
lawfully balanced meal: one hot dish, respectfully, then resume their drink- River Styx and reach a small island
one cold dish. Their intake of solids ing. located in Stygia. A keep was built
and liquids is exactly equal. The deva glare at him and turn their there to house the Devilbane, a gem
Quite a ways from the party, three backs, while Gar1 blows a raspberry at that will protect this place forever
frost giants ramble on about how him. Moradin merely stares at the against diabolical powers. It was put
they’d like to smash Thor’s face in one Archdevil, absently fingering his there by some chaotic Powers with a
of these days. warhammer. quirky sense of humor. Devils cannot
A group of six drow, their features Blithely ignoring them, Baalzebul enter the keep.”
mostly hidden beneath black velvety sits at the party’s table, a smug grin on The party may at this point refuse.
cloaks, stare at the party from across his diabolical face. The woman This does not bother Baalzebul, who
the room and glare most balefully at groans as she is dropped at his feet. languidly points out that if the patrons,
any elves. They are clergy of Lolth, “I would say ’good day’, except that past and present, ever caught wind
and get quite a wide berth. time is relative here at the nexus of all that the inn’s destruction could have
To the left of the PCs, the next table the planes,” he starts, as he signals been prevented by the party but they
over, three astral devas consume a for his favorite drink, a flaming diablo. refused to help, then the party will
light, airy meal, washing it down with a “I hope you are enjoying your stay become the most hunted beings in the
sparkling golden drink. For dessert at the World Serpent, since it won’t be multiverse. And, Baalzebul assures
they are eating a spongy white baked around much longer,” he continues them with a wicked smile, he’ll per-
confection (angel food cake, of after the barmaid gets out of earshot. sonally see to it that the Powers are
course). If pressed for details, he gives the duly informed.
On the other side of the party the following story, with what appears to A legend lore or other divinatory
gnome god Gar1 Glittergold enjoys a be much reluctance. spell will tell the party nothing. Baalze-
mug of very strong brew with the “Certain powers-that-bein the polit- bul will point out that the spell cannot
dwarven god Moradin, both incognito. ical structure of Hell do not take kindly work in this tavern, and that many
to this inn bouncing here and there spells in fact will not work in the tav-

To Hell and Back

ern. Of course, spells cast from the 21 ”; R10; hp 54; #AT 1; Dmg 4-12 (+3 new riders, and defends himself if
outside, against the place, are a differ- frostbrand); S 18/01, I 15, W 16, D 18, attacked. He can summon a group of
ent story. This is all a lie. Spells do C 15; Ch 18; Cm 20; AL LE (disguised charonadaemons to his aid as well as
work in the Inn, but the gem has been as CG); hat of disguise, bracers of toss violent members of the party into
mysteriously protected from divinato- archew, amulet of proof vs. detection the Styx.
ry spells and abilities. and location, longbow + 2, 24 arrows Eventually, the PCs arrive at the
As an aid, Baalzebul insists that the + 1, frost brand long sword, cloak of shore of a rocky island. Wordlessly,
party bring along “this wretched elvenkind, erinyes dagger, rope of Charon gestures them to disembark.
rangeress” that he found on his entanglement, ring of shielding. He then casts off, and with a hollow,
plane. She was looking for some leg- Arlea uses the hat of disguise to mocking laugh, leaves the party to its
endary cure for her parents’ disease, give her at least nominal ranger skills, fate.
rumored to be found in Hell. Since she and the bracers make her a convinc- Each island in Stygia is about 500
has already been to Stygia as well as ing shot with a bow. Her identity is yards from either bank of the Styx,
his home plane, she could act as a safe thanks to the ring and the amulet. and has a diameter of 3d20 x 10 feet.
guide. She will not use the rope unless sorely Unless otherwise stated, the islands
Baalzebul further states that he can pressed. She passes herself off as are made of barren stone. These
only send the party to the Styx in the chaotic good. She does speak that islands are all interconnected by iron
next two minutes, so they had better alignment tongue, which is why footbridges. Arlea traveled on a differ-
decide quick. He further tells the party Baalzebul chose her in the first place. ent set of bridges, so she is unfamiliar
that they had better not try to use a She should be played as what with this route. Her information is lim-
tavern portal. First of all, none leads to everyone expects a ranger to be like: ited to general questions.
Stygia. Secondly, he does not want grim, determined, defending the par-
the party to be caught wandering ty, and always looking for tracks. She Landfall
around another layer of Hell looking can also eventually “warm up” to one Island 1
for the gate of Stygia. or two of the party, perhaps even a
All of this is a lie. Baalzebul is trying male with a high Charisma or Comeli- The 150’-diameter island is barren
to overthrow Asmodeus, certainly, but ness. She should not be played as an and situated right in the middle of the
the inn is in no danger. Note that a assassin. The DM should take every Styx. It is 500 yards to either shore,
detect lie will not work on him. He’s far opportunity to show her as a helpful, and this itself is not promising, since
too powerful. The gem is a conduit for loyal person. the shore is nothing but frozen ice of
diabolical power. In the hands of an Once the party agrees, they see the the Stygian swamp.
arch-devil, spells work at full effect, walls of the inn fade. They appear on Screams of the damned, their souls
range and duration. Victims save at trapped waist-high in the ice, ring in
an alien shore. Any item capable of
-4, and their magic resistances are the party’s ears. Any who look out over
granting wishes or causing plane tra-
cut in half. the ice can see it dotted with these tor-
vel is gone. Spells that enable plane
Its prime function, though, is to act travel are mysteriously wiped from the mented souls, squirming in their icy
as a barrier, preventing devils from prison and resembling so many writh-
spell casters’ minds, and their spell
overrunning the Prime Material plane. books have been left behind. This is ing tombstones. The air has the sharp
It was set in a keep by some deva, stink of frozen-over ordure.
Baalzebul’s work.
high-level archmages, paladins and There is no sun; the sky is covered
minor deities. In order to work proper- in smoky black clouds. Maximum
Rolling on the River
ly, it had to be placed in the middle of range of vision is 60 yards. Light and
the plane that is home to the creatures A skiff approaches them, guided by a continuallight spells cast here take on
hooded boatman. This is Charon him- a soft grey lumination.
meant to be barred. The keep they
built is magicked to keep out non- self, hired by Baalzebul to ferry the For random encounters, a 1-5 on a
good beings. party to Hell. Charon refuses the par- d20 indicates an encounter. This
Baalzebul is living up to his reputa- ty’s gold, conversation, or commands. should be rolled every hour. Use the
tion of Lord of Lies by misguiding the The trip is uneventfulsave for the hor- devils listed in Monster Manual and
party to do his will. Even the so-called rifying sights of the different planes Monster Manual IIto create a frequen-
ranger is but an erinyes with a poly- they pass through. Remember that cy table of the assorted denizens and
morph self in effect. She is supposed Hell is itself evil, so that a detect evil visitors on the fifth plane.
to keep an eye on the party, and even- shows evil all around rather than at Note that the party will not run into
tually take the gem from them. If she one subject. any other adventurer parties down
manages to dispose of one or two par- Charon deliberately travels the here. Baalzebul and Geryon have
ty members, so much the better! “scenic route”, which takes 10 days. seen to that.
Arlea Brightarrow: AC 2; MV 6 “ / He answers no questions, picks up no The final detail of the island is a

To Hell and Back

black wrought-iron footbridge caked chance); M R 40%; AL LE. attracts worshippers!” If Set sees any
with frozen algae and slime. It leaves When the last devil dies, the island obvious good holy symbols or trap-
the island, arching high into the infer- shimmers. It was covered with an illu- pings, he does not make this state-
nal sky, disappearing into the black- sion to appear smooth, hiding the ment, but rather demands a sacrifice
ness. islands’s little crags and crevices. of a powerful magical item from each
It comes down upon another island This is why the party had to check party member.
1,000 yards away. The bridge is 30‘ their Dexterities. The party has a free round to react.
wide. This bridge system connects a If they are smart, they’ll flee the
string of islands that will eventually Ready, “Set”, Go! island. If they foolishly choose to fight,
lead to the party’s goal. Arlea tells the Island 3 use the stats provided below.
party this, and that these bridges are Set: AC - 4; MV 18” ; #AT 2; Dmg 7-
This island appears manmade. It is 70 (spear of darkness); THACO 4; SA
the safest way to get around. Almost 100‘ square and made of large, lime-
as if on cue, Sekolah, the sahuagin change victim’s alignment to LE by
stone blocks. It is topped by an incorn- touch; SD poison skin, +3 weapon to
god, burst forth from the ice, stares at plete pyramid 90’ high. The base is
the party, and licks his chops. He then hit; MR 50%; AL LE. Set has the abili-
90‘ square, so there is a 10’-wide ties of a 15th-level cleric, 17th-level
dives again, but not before saying: walkway around it. Eleven men are
“Before you leave, at least one of you fighter, 30th-level illusionist, and 15th-
working on the pyramid, putting stone level assassin.
will grace my stomach.” blocks into place, using sheer physi-
Arela shivers at this, then explains cal strength.
that the bridges are quite slippery. If You Can’t Join ’em, Lich ’em!
What the party is seeing is the Island 4
Each time someone crosses one, a lunacy of a god. Set, not content with
Dexterity check must be rolled at +2 his reign in Avernus, has hatched a As the party hits the apex of the next
penalty. If this first roll fails, a second far-fetched plan to gain territory. bridge, a sickly green lightning flash
roll, with no penalty, must be attempt- Against all reason, he is building a lights up the sky, followed by a dull
ed. Ifthe second roll fails, the hapless pyramid as a focal point for his power rumble. A red rain falls, and in two
character plummets off the bridge and in an attempt to gain a “beachhead” rounds becomes a torrent. A howling
lands on the ice (45% chance), or in on Stygia. wind kicks in. The party must make
the Styx (55% chance). Using safety Arlea looks especially angry at this another Dexterity check at + 4 penal-
measures, such as rope, can be a life- and charges into battle. The men are, ty, since they are still on the bridge.
saver. naturally, minions of Set. The island at the end of the bridge
The bridge ominously trembles Minionsof Set (11):AC -2; MV 12”; looks promising. There is an iron for-
when walked upon, but no further det- HD 10; hp 25; #AT 3/2; Drng 1-12 tress 20’ square and 30’ high in the
rimental effect occurs. Due to the nat- (bite), +2 khopesh swords 4-10, or by middle of the island. It is a Daern’s
ure of the bridge, consider a careful form; THACO 12; SA polymorph into instant fortress and has been here for
crossing from one end to the other to giant snakes or scorpions; MR 10%; millennia. Strange, vine-like growths
take two turns. AL LE. cover it, giving some obscure clue to
These minions are fanatically loyal its age.
Dem Bones! to Set and need not check morale. If The only way to get in peacefully is
Island 2 they polymorph into snakes, they to politely knock. The Hell-storm is
This island appears totally barren, inflict 1-12 points of damage by bite. getting worse; visibility is down to six
its surface smooth and flat. However, As scorpions, they cause 1-10 points feet. The wind is threatening to lift PCs
there are eight bone devils under of damage with each of their two off the ground and toss them across
invisibility and ready to attack the par- claws, plus a sting that requires a the icy surface of the Styx.
ty when it lands. Their invisibility ends save vs. poison or death. The sting If someone knocks, a flesh golem
after they make a free first strike. itself causes 1-4 points of damage. answers the door and lets the party in.
When the party closes in for melee, The pyramid has a secret door on The room has a roaring fire in the fire-
have each PC make a Dexterity check the side opposite from where the party place, and soft chairs and divans to sit
or trip and fall, to prevent losing the landed. Inside, they find a small basalt on. There is a stairway leading up, but
attack that round. altar flanked by two black candles. the golem motions for the party to sit
Bone devils (8): AC -1; MV 15”; Laughing in exultant madness is Set and wait as he takes his leave of the
HD 9; hp 63 #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; THACO himself. party.
12; SA bone hook, fear; create illusion, This encounter must be played very Atop the fireplace is a jeweled skull.
flx become invisible, all once per carefully. Arlea will not charge Set. This is the demilich, lgnatz the Evil.
round, wall of ice, once per day; SD Upon seeing the party, he explains, Details for playing this special mon-
summon another bone devil (40% “Behold, even unfinished, my temple ster can be found in the Monster Man-

To Hell and Back

he’ll emit a shrill whistle. One turn lat- Geryon. Geryon chose not toslay him, scantily clad women and men loung-
er, a black pegasus will land obedient- but as a perverse joke chained him ing about, each with 18 charisma and
ly by Perrin’s side. here instead. The only way the chains 24 comeliness. There are two of the
Expressing his undying gratitude, can be broken is to answer the riddle: appropriate gender for each of the
Perrin will explain that he still has a What is the sound of one hand clap- PCs and NPCs. There’s even the
quest to fulfill and leave. He does tell ping? androsphinx’s dream come true: two
the person in the party as closely The answer is best acted out by lovely gynosphinxes with the intelli-
aligned to him as possible, that he slapping someone’sface. It takes guts gences of a twig.
doesn’t trust the ranger. He thinks she to do this to an angry androsphinx. Scattered about t h e island are
is a fraud. Perrin and Arlea do not know the gems, each easily worth 1,000 gp.
He has never heard of a gem called answer. Arlea recommends that the There are 583 such gems, all pre-
Devilbane. For that matter, he has party not bother, since the sphinx cious. Swords, staves, shields, robes,
never heard of the World Serpent Inn. looks scruffy and shiftless. Tet-Nabu maces, rods, wands, helms, girdles,
yells: “Shut up, you stupid female! It gauntlets, books, boots, suits of armor
It’s the Mind matters not ifyou are in human form or of every type for every race, rings,
Island 6 sphinx form, all females are pathetic potions, scrolls, and other miscellane-
and useless!” ous items lie cast about randomly.
This island is cloaked in a sickly gray Of course, the party could just take Over the island is a vast marble roof
fog. When the party lands, the DM held up by intricatelycarved columns.
the sphinx’s treasure away, some-
should consult his list of PC fears. A thing which Sir Perrin, if he’s there, The floor is smooth, golden marble,
phantasmalkiller is cast at each PC at and the air smells like flowers, a wel-
will object to, as should any lawful or
complete surprise. chaotic good. The treasure contains come respite from the Stygian stench.
The monster that appears is the 100 diamonds worth 500 gp each, a Sweet music drowns out the screams
fear of each PC. Arlea feigns being + 2 shield, a gem of brightness, a of the damned so they become noth-
attacked by her worst fear, Asmodeus. wand of wonder, a dicerion of light and ing but a bad memory. Once under the
Perrin truly fears that he is being darkness, a pair of winged boots, and canopy, the terrain of Hell is replaced
attacked by his deity. The DM should an egg of reason. by idyllic woodland scenes with cute,
play out Perrin’s fight, since he may If the sphinx is freed, he is grudg- furry creatures to soothe the Hell-
die as a result of it. ingly grateful and offers his services to weary eyes.
the party. Arlea still objects, but not Amazingly, it is all real, and here for
A Bedeviled Melee strongly. Tet-Nabu says that he has no the party’s taking. They may eat,
Island 7 way of getting home, and believes in drink, romance, and take items to
This is a straightfotward encounter. security in numbers. He has his full their heart’s content. Any item that a
Nine barbed devils guard the next powers, and would love to unleash PC is searching for can be found here,
bridge, and the party has to kill them them on “those horned idiots”. Tet- except vorpal blades, wish-granting or
to get by. The terrain has large enough Nabu should be played as ornery and plane travelling devices and spells,
boulders and deep enough gullies tough, but loyal. A Wisdom check for any item that slays, controls, or pro-
that only three devils are visible. The Perrin can be made. tects from devils, or any item of good
other six wait until the party closes for The sphinx utters a nonsense word, alignment. There is only one of each
melee, then leap out and join the fray. and the chest shrinks to a one-inch item.
Barbed devils (9): AC 0; MV 12”; cube. He places it in a pouch fastened This is the Island of Temptation, and
HD 8 ; hp 36 each; #AT 3; Dmg 24/2-81 to a leather thong around his neck. if the party succumbs, the effects will
3-12; THACO 12; SA touch causes Tet-Nabu does know a little of the not be felt for a while. They may stay
fear; SD spells, never surprised; M R Devilbane. He knows it was created as long as they like and every turn
35%; AL LE. three millennia ago, and that Gar1 Glit- they do, there is a cumulative 1Ooh
tergold, three paladins, and a deva chance that a PC will want to stay per-
Something Sphinx Around Here were among the creators of it. He manently, saving throws, magic or
Island 8 knows it is a powerful artifact that charm resistance notwithstanding!
should not be disturbed. Anyone experienced enough to
When the party approaches, they have an 11th-level character should
hear a growling and rattling of chains. What’s Lunch Got to Do with It? know by now that there’s no such
Eventually they see an androsphinx Island 9 thing as a free lunch, especially in the
chained to the island, an open chest of heart of ultimate evil.
valuables just out of his reach. Awaiting the party is a banquet table The food causes the eater to wish to
He is Tet-Nabu, and was chained with each PC’s favorite foods and return to the island to eat again, when
here after losing an argument with drinks, even the sphinx’s. There are next mealtime hits. The hungry PC

To Hell and Back

uses every means at his disposal to Bridge over Watered Troubles badly. He asks for it, and if refused,
get back. Island 10 attempts to take it by force.
Getting involved with the lovely peo- Power-lust: The PC proclaims him-
ples makes the PC suffer the effects of The bridge to this island lost its
apex, but an illusion exists of an intact self as leader, all-wise and powerful.
a love philter, with no saving throw Any objection is met by a challenge to
allowed. The effects will not wear off span. When the party crosses, they
plunge through the gap onto the thick fight to the death for the right to lead.
by themselves. Arlea is immune, and will attempt to
Taking items or gems has no imme- ice below. It is a 40‘ drop, so each per-
son takes 10d6 damage, and items play the heroine. If by horrible luck of
diate effect. All seems normal. The PC the die she is the only one unaffected,
becomes more and more enamored save vs. crushing blow.
Worst of all, Sekolah, who has been she will rescue a PC by bodily carrying
with the item, never letting it out of his him onto the next bridge, stopping the
monitoring his morsels’ progress,
sight, until the thirteenth time it is enchantment. If she is not alone, she
used. After the melee or situation is smashes through a weakened part of
the ice and attacks. will aid the PCs who are still in their
over, the PC will find himself to be irre- right minds.
sistibly forced to continue using the Sekolah: AC 0; MV 36” (swim); hp
329; #AT 2; Dmg 6-60; THACO 7; SA If Perrin makes his saving throw, let
item non-stop. With swords or other him have the idea of carrying some-
weapons of destruction, this could swallow whole; SD +2 weapon to hit;
MR 47%; AL LE. one off the bridge. This heroic act
prove disastrous. allows him another Wisdom check. If
The gems are more insidious. The Sekolah fights as a 16 HD monster,
and casts spells as a 15th-level evil he fails his roll, assign him “discord”.
PC will not wish to cash them in nor
spend them. No experience points will cleric. He also gains the advantages
listed in the Manual of the Planes, Expensive Bridgework
be granted for them. The PC must Island 11
never be parted from the gem. If he is, Appendix I[ for lesser Powers.
Sekolah is driven away if he takes This island has a small, black keep
he will take every measure needed to
get it back, his safety being no object. greater than 50% damage of if he on it. This is not the gem’s home, but
The only way the effects can be devours two victims. After the melee, rather a toll booth to the next bridge.
halted is a remove curse and an atone- if the party shows no signs of returning Five malebranche and eight hell
ment from a 16th-level cleric. Once to the bridge, the ice begins shifting hounds patrol this place. The toll is a
and cracking, thanks to the violence of large gem or a magical item worth
cast, the item or gem in question van-
the fight. If they cannot make it back over 10,000 gp.
ishes in a puff of nauseous vapor. This
procedure must be repeated for every up to the span, hint that the next The keep itself is made of blackest
island is not that far, and the ice has basalt. A heavy iron door, requiring a
item or gem taken by the party.
not broken in that direction-yet. total of 48 strength points to open,
The foodldrinkllovesickness re-
quires a neutralize poison, remove When the party, cold, scared, and leads into the 90’ x 90’ keep. It is all
curse, and atonement for each PC probably smelling like Stygian swamp one chamber, with benches and
who partook. water, finally makes it to the island, a tables. Furs from creatures best left
change comes over them. Have all unnamed cover the floor. A winding
As for the NPCs, Sir Perrin is too
busy feeling guilty. He just waits for PCs make saving throws vs. magic at stairway leads to the roof.
-4, with no bonuses or magic resist- Under the skins is a trap door that
the party, crying and pacing. Arlea
ance allowed. opens into a lO’-square pit. At the bot-
pretends to be interested, and even
picks up items to show the party that Those who succeed feel a shiver. tom is a locked iron chest. Inside are
they are not trapped. As a devil she is Those who fail, take on one of the fol- 34 gems worth 500 gp each, a + 3
invulnerable to all the effects, but will lowing: dagger, a large bag of holding(empty),
Discord: The PC is irritable and and a oouch with 13 pinches of dust of
not take anything, saying that she has
all that a ranger is allowed to carry. quarrelsome, disagreeing with even i//usioA.
However, she will take a gem or two, the most simple or logical suggestion. Malebranche (5): AC -5; MV 9“/
Blaiming that some widows and
The PC will certainly not help if he .- , HT)
18“. . .- 5+5; hD 27 each: #AT 4 or 1
sees someone getting attacked. with weapon;.Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-5/1-3,or
mphans back on the Prime Material
Paranoia: The PC sees all his com- 1-3 and 2-12 (fork).THACO 13; SA fear
plane could sure use these. (Devils
panions as enemies. None may 5’radius, tail causes wounds to bleed
don’t play fair!).
approach him, lest sword or spell be 1 hp per turn until bound; SD + 7
Tet-Nabu, the big dumb fool, falls
unleashed against this supposed foe. weapon to hit, spell use; MR 50%; AL
hook, line, and sinker, and will need
Possessions are jealously guarded, LE.
ihe party to get him out somehow.
not to be shared. Hell hounds (8): AC 4; MV 12”; HD
The lovely people are not combat-
Envy: The PC sees an item on a fel- 7; hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10;
ants, and a single successful hit slays
low adventurer that he wishes for very THACO 13; SA breathe fire; SD sur-

To Hell and Back
prised on a 1, surprise enemies on 1- The White Tower it. Two platinum candlesticks hold
4, spot hidden or invisible creatures island 13 burning candles of invocation (lawful
50%; AL LE. good), that do not seem to shrink. A
This island is substantially wider then solid silver incense bowl burns
Arlea, Perrin and Tet-Nabu have no all the others, there being only 100’
money to pay, so they must rely on the incense of meditation. Eight more
from each shore of the Styx. Two blocks lie on the edge of the altar.
party’s generosity. The devils refuse bridges span this small distance, one
the gems found on Temptation Island. Atop the altar sits a 1,000-sided
on the left and one on the right. True to emerald of deep green with a light
form, another bridge lies opposite the
No Dragon Is an Island green fire burning in its center. The
one the party takes to get on the gem is the size of a man’s head. A
Island 12 island. The island is a perfect circle. small gold plaque in front of the gem
The ground at the foot of each bridge In the precise center lies a white says:
leading to this island is a jagged, tower whose very bricks shine with a
crystal-encrusted, brownish soil. The pure white light. The tower is 100‘ tall.
The surface of the island is a golden “Reasons against this gem’s
rest of the island is a hemisphere 20’
sand that resembles gold dust, but removal I am not allowed to give.
in diameter, and is a rough black sur-
has no value. There is a pool of clear, Nevertheless, if you are pure of
face. heart and motive, ye shall leave it
Should the party step onto the cool, wholesome water near the
entrance. Not only is it good to drink, it where it is. Take ye the candles and
island, they’ll be surprised when a
is holy water: the incense if ye must, but leave all
black dragon’s head breaks through else as is. Goyner the Archmage,
the ice and attacks. The island, which Closer inspection of the edifice
Head of the White Order of Law.”
is his back, heaves several times and reveals holy symbols from every good
sprouts the wings so carefully hidden. faith carved on the outside walls and
filled with real gold. Five rounds after the good PCS
The dragon’s first order of business
entered the tower, those outside stick-
is to buck everyone off his back. Have There is no door, only a shimmering
ing around see a horde of bone devils
everyone make a Dexterity check at a blue barrier. Carved on the door frame
(521, barbed devils (65), Styx dev-
+ 2 penalty. Those that fail hit the ice, in the common tongue are the words:
“f et not evil folk, nor those who can- ils(78), erinyes (39), pit fiends (521,
taking 6d6 damage from the fall. manticores (26), beholders (6), blue
The dragon’s name is Blaffthatarus, not decide, cross this threshold.”
dragons (13), green dragons (13), rak-
and is a male, ancient, huge black The barrier repulses evils and neu-
shasa (26) riding the manticores, and
dragon. He can speak and cast spells. trals who attempt to cross. Only those orcs (1,300). All are arranged in
He is not dead, but has been geased of good alignment may pass through
squads of 13. They are being led by
by a lawful evil archmage to remain the haze. If any others make a second
Geryon, flanked by 13 minotaurs, and
here, serving as an island. If the party attempt at getting through, they must
Asmodeus, riding on a nightmare.
attempts to negotiate, he will be most save vs. magic or be turned to stone.
When first observed, they are on
grateful and break off further attacks if Most spells bounce off the wall and the shore of the Styx, advancing
they could dispel the geas somehow. hit the caster. Spells may hit the rest of
across the bridge as well as across
Should this somehow occur, Blaff the party if it has an area effect. The
the ice. In this area, the ice is miles
allows one rider in order to scout the wall was put up at 25th-level ability. A
deep, so it cannot be broken by mere
area a bit. Further persuasion may get dispel magic or Mordenkainen’s dis-
mortal spells or weapons. The pure
him to fly the whole group to the next junction are the only two spells that
light of the tower makes the area as
island, but no further! He can take may possibly break the wall.
bright as day, so the armies can defin-
three riders at a time The inside of the round tower is all
itely be seen.
Blaffthatarus: AC 3; MV 12”124”; one chamber. The floors are white
The blue barrier in the doorway
HD 8; hp 64; #AT3; Dmg 1-411-413-18; marble. The walls are painted with
blocks sound and light, so no one
THACO 12; SA acid breath, spell use; scenes of various good pantheons
inside knows what is going on outside,
AL CE. Blaff has no treasure. He was and their servants. Columns of solid
and vice versa.
exiled to Hell by the 18th-level arch- platinum hold up the roof, which is
It will take the army one turn to
mage Doultherien 200 years ago. covered in a mosaic depicting devas
arrive at the island. Asmodeus caught
Doultherien is now a lich, and will holding aloft a green gem, holding
wind of Baalzebul’s schemes and is
eventually find out about Blaff’s back a horde of devils from attacking
now attempting to “pull out all the
release if it happened. He will not be innocent people.
stops” in getting the gem, or at least to
too happy. At the point in the chamber farthest
prevent the mortals from getting it.
away from the door stands an altar
Seven rounds after the armies of
carved from a single pearl. A carpet
Hell set out across the ice, a mighty
made of spun gold thread leads up to
To Hell and Back

lorn blast will be heard from the oppo- ty’s heads. All the materials become permanent ally.
site shore. The sound is clear and worthless slag. The diabolical army If good won and the party just sat
lure, removing fear from the hearts of howls in triumph. Their first objective back and did nothing, judgment will
any, and audible even to those in the will be to get the gem, if Arlea has not be most harsh. The gem is restored if
ower. already done so: their second, to kill it was taken. Then, the party is
IfPerrin is around and still in a state the party: their third, to fly up through admonished for their stupidity and
C)f despair, he suddenly realizes that the hole that is even now opening up selfishness in not joining the fight.
c?venthe hordes of Hell cannot prevail in the sky 1,000’ directly over of the Each member must fulfill aquest to be
iagainst good, and his faith is restored. tower ruins. This hole is now a perma- dictated by Tyr, who takes an espe-
t-lis holy avenger flares to life, and his nent gate to the Prime Material plane, cially dim view of cowards. Further-
Ilowers are back in full. He summons and the armies intend on giving its more, each member must give up one
tlis mount, but this time, he sticks inhabitants a night of hellish gore and magical item in sacrifice.
iuound for the fight. plunder. After they have done so, they are
If Arlea is still around, her deception Each night afterwards, the devils transported back to the Prime Materi-
is blasted away by the all-purifying will strike again and again. Random al plane, specifically to their homes.
rnusic, and she stands revealed as the encounters in the PCs’ world can be They are forbidden from entering the
c?vi1thing she is. If Perrin is around, he adjustedto reflect the increase of dev- World Serpent Inn for one decade.
IJets a free strike unless the party ils. They each must also find a 9th-level
interferes. The DM may run this encounter any cleric to cast an atonement on them. If
The source of the beautiful noise is way he likes. The first evil troops to they fail to do this, they suffer an
a vast and wonderous gathering that land will be the manticore-borne rak- encounter with a group of devils every
he glooms of Hell never imagined shasa, wielding +2 nine lives stealing night. These devils should be an exact
vould ever be found down here. Even longswords. match for the group.
he sufferings of the damned seem The battle takes place on the island If the good armies lost and the gate
nomentarily lessened. and in the air above it. The party may was opened, then any PCs that man-
The host consists of: astral devas be pitted against an equal number of age to escape and return to the Prime
49), monadic devas (56),solars (7), stragglers from the evil army. The rak- Material are visited by their deity. A
ilanetars (14), gold dragons (14), sil- shasa, the orcs, and the minotaurswill quest to close the gate will be given to
rer dragons (14), shedu (63),lamma- be especially plentiful on the ground. the party.
jU (56), ki-rin (7), warden archons (21), The outcome is open-ended. If the Regardless of the outcome, the par-
;word archons (21),and 1,400 einhe- party helps the hosts, victory is cer- ty has incurred the enmity of a major
,iar. All the hosts are deployed in tain. If they just sit back and gawk, the devil, namely Baalzebul. Further
groups of seven. result is uncertain. One option is if the adventures may require a confronta-
They are being lead by Osiris and party has, up to this point, played tion to resolve this enmity.
1ryr, the former riding an androsphinx, exceptionally well, then let good tri-
he latter riding a pegasus and escort- umph. On the other hand, if they half-
?dby 14 valkyries. Tet-Nabu, if here, heartedly waltzed through this
,ecognizes the sphinx as his cousin, adventure, not doing much good or
Carlam Aram-Haphet. role playing, then let evil win.
The hosts of good were tipped off by Should the forces of evil triumph,
he three devas back at the World Ser- they spare the party out of sheer mal-
lent Inn (remember them?). It just ice, taking all their magical items and
ook some time to get the hosts spell components, then fly up the hole
ssembled, as well as smoothing over to wreak destruction. The party will be
any differences between Osiris and stuck on this island, the results of their
ryr, who usually do not associate with actions weighing on their con-
?achother. sciences, wracking them with guilt.
The hapless party must try to fend Should the hosts of good prevail
iff the armies of evil for two rounds. and the party helped, the gem is
The good host is travelling far faster restored to its place. The leaders do
md will arrive in the twelfth round not fault the party, and send them
after the evil army appeared on its back to the inn, where Tyr accompa-
;hore. nies them and buys them a round of
If the good PCs in the tower have drinks. Perrin declines and goes
I,emoved the gem, a thunderbolt hits home, but Tet-Nabu joins the party,
i he tower, shattering it around the par- and may even consider becoming a


lanterns alert the hound archons to the ments with divination spells. Non-good-
ARCHONS ( 1 2) new arrivals, and the hounds reach the
party no more than one turn later.
aligned characters are told to go, and
will be cast out forcefully if necessary. If
by Deborah Christian Houndarchons(4);AC 1; MV 15"; HD the party is looking for Ephram and
9; hp32; #AT3; Dmg 1-4/14/1-8(fist/fist/ explains this, they remain under hound
Terrain: Seven Heavens guard while the wardens investigate
bite) or by weapon type; MR 40%;
Total Party Levels: 58 (average 9th) their claim, beginning with detect illu-
Total Magic X.P.: 8,000 THACO 12; SA shape change into dog or
Total gp X.P.: 0
wolf; detect invisible, astral, and ethere- sion spells on those around them.
al at will; SD + 7 weapon to hit; AL LG. Ephram (werebear form): AC 2; MV
MonsterX.f?: 9" ; HD 7 + 3; hp 45; #AT 3; Dmg 1-311-31
The hound archons are human in
Kill: 12,770 Defeat: 9,580 2-8; THACO 13; AL LG. Ephram is dis-
form, with dog-like heads and powerful
Retreat: 3,200 guised as a warden archon, and looks
fists. They keep a watch on new arrivals
in the beach area, since it is not uncom- like a bear with human hands, but his
Set Up mon for unsavory creatures and trav- statistics are those of a werebear. He is
Ephram, a lay brother, has van- elers to blunder ashore. The hounds are the only warden wearing a ring; the
ished from the monastery of a lawful naturallycautious, and questionthe par- amulet of the planes is obscured by the
good sect. His note said he was going to ty about themselves and their reason for shape-changing dweomer, and allows
the Seven Heavens "to experience the being here. him to imitate the archons' teleportation
wondrous archons firsthand". He also If anyone in the party is clearly evil (by ability. PCs looking for Ephram recog-
"borrowed" an amulet of the planes and word, action or manner), the entire nize his ring; PCs who know nothing of
a ring of lycanthropy (see below). The group is asked to depart immediately, the man should make a saving throw
priest is certainthat Brother Ephram has returning to the astral plane through the against their Intelligence. If successful,
done the unthinkable, as he often jested ocean. If the party refuses to go, three they notice the bear carved on the ring.
he would; namely, disguised himself as archons stay to guard the group while Magic-usersand clerics recognize it as
an archon in order to pass among them. the fourth teleports away to bring a war- a ring of lycanfhropy.
The party is asked to bring Ephram den. If the party attacks the hounds, If the hounds summon wardens,
back. The priest provides them with the three archons fight while the fourth tele- Ephram joins them. If wardens are not
means for planar travel. ports away for help. summoned, Ephram visits the charac-
* While traveling through the Seven The hounds do not let a non-good- ters to ask questions about his monas-
Heavens, the adventurers notice some- aligned party leave the area. Instead, tery without explaining his interest. If
thing unusual about a warden archon they confine the party to their present Ephram is attacked by the PCs, war-
they encounter. location, with force if necessary, until dens come to defend him. The man
wardens arrive. Once hounds are con- answers questions truthfully; if his "fel-
vinced of the party's goodness, or if they low'' wardens or PCs ask about his true
The Lair are okayed by a warden, the characters nature, he admits his deception. Chas-
When the party arrives in the Seven are free to go where they wish- tised, he returns meekly back home.
Heavens, they find themselves on the althoughthe hounds may follow at a dis- Ringof lycanthropy: XP 2,000; 10.000
beach by the sea of Lunia, the Silver creet distance, out of curiosity about gp. Complete or partial change to were-
Heaven. Drifting toward them come what the adventurers are doing and bear, once per week until willed to stop.
many softly glowing lights, resembling where they are going. Holds 20 charges.
will-o-thewisps. Personal adornment is not commonly DM Note: The party for this adventure
Lantern archons (6): AC 10; MV 12"; worn by archons, but some do have may be of any level if they do not plan on
HD 1/2; hp 3 each; #AT 2; Dmg 1-3/1-3; rings, armbands, and the like. If PCs can fighting the archons. Good-aligned par-
THACO 20;SA continua//ight, infra- and spot the ring of/ycanthropy. they will find ties should get half the full experience
ultravision, tongues, teleportafion with- Brother Ephram. In fact, two of the for cooperatingand accomplishingtheir
out error; SD magical weapon to hit; AL hound archons wear rings, but if asked mission without violence.
LG. to show them more closely, their reac-
The lanterns hover close to the party, tions depend on their response to the
bobbing and alighting on characters. If party, as described above. If the charac-
ters mention their search for Brother
any lantern is attacked by a nervous PC,
all of these archons attack in return for Ephram, wardens are summoned. by Deborah Christian
one round, then tejeport instantly away. Warden archons (2): AC - 1; MV 12" : Terrain: Pandemonium
If left undisturbed, they finish their HD10; hp70each; #AT3;Dmg1-8/18/2- Total Party Levels: 48 (average 8th)
investigation of the party, then travel 12; MR 50%; THACO 9; SA all divination Total Magic X.P.: 1,500
towards an inland hill, reaching it in one spells; SD + 2 weapon to hit; AL LG. Total gp X.P.: 2,600
turn. This is the same destination to If PCs are fighting hounds when war- Monster X.P.:
which they teleport if they have been dens arrive, the wardens join the fight. Kill: 9,000 Defeat: 6,750
attacked. Whether or not PCs follow, the Otherwise, they determine PC align- Retreat: 2,250


Set Up their chances of disbelievingthe illusion body in combat, resulting in half dam-
are improved by 75%. If they perceive age from cutting, stabbing and similar
The party has acquired a map, per- only a minotaur-like demon, they attacks; cold iron inflicts +2 points of
haps from the spined devil encounter encounter an illusion with the statistics damage per hit; AL CE; barbed spear, 1-
elsewhere in this book, which shows the given below. They must fight the phan- 6 + I damage, plus strength bonus.
location of a gate to the Prime Material tasm to get past it. If characters truly Ifthe adventurers are not easily slain,
plane. It is in the tunnels of Phlegethon believe the creature is Baphomet, they the second babau breaks off after two
on the plane of Pandemonium. fight an illusion with the statistics of the rounds of combat and goesfor help. The
* While on the Plane of Pandemoni-
demon lord as given on page 36 of the reinforcing babau has the same statis-
um, the party wanders into the caverns Monster Manual I/. tics as given above. As the new arrival
and tunnels of Phlegethon. Minotaur demon (illusion): AC (MS)I; joins the fray, the one that brought it
* Adventurers stumble across a pla- MV 15" within 30-foot stretch of tunnel; stands back to spell-cast. It uses heat
nar gate on the Prime Material plane. HD 10; hp 60; #AT 3; Dmg 1-10/1-10/3- metal and dispel magic to best advan-
The portal delivers them into the plane 18; MR 40%; THACO 10; SA petrification tage, then joins the melee, casting fear
of Pandemonium, where the exit is breath as a gorgon once per turn; SD as its first attack.
guarded by babau demons. + 7 weapon to hit, demonic abilities. Babau fight to the death, and pursue
The ilhsion fades if destroyed, but reap- retreating characters completely out of
The Lair pears undamaged after one hour. the tunnel. If one babau is slain, they all
A planar gate guarded by babau retreat.The encounter continues before
Ambush the gate.
demons is located at the end of a rela-
tively narrow side tunnel in Ph!egethon. The tunnel beyond the illusion is 30 feet
The mouth of the passage is partially wide. One hundred feet farther along, Gate
obscured by stalactites and stalagmites two babau demons guard the tunnel. A small chamber 40 feet wide opens at
of glistening black rock. Wind shrieks Since gravity here is outward from the the end of the tunnel. The wormhole is a
through the stoney teeth and howls into center of the passageway, they stand on gray foggy spot in the wall opposite the
the tunnel, drawn by the pressure differ- opposite sides of the way. These tunnel. Wind blows into the portal. Char-
ential created by the gate. For all its demons are extremely difficult to detect acters emerging from the gate surprise
noise, the wind here has no greater in the poor sighting conditions of Phle- the single babau on guard duty here. At
chance of plucking up lightweight gethon. The first babau encountered the DM's option, this can be a one-way
objects than elsewhere on this plane. fights; the actions of the second may portal. In a corner are bits of treasure
vary. If the party is obviously more pow- collected from previous intruders;4,000
The Illusion erful than the babau demons, the sec- ep, 6 chrysoprase gems (100 gp each),
ond one runs off for reinforcements. If and a scroll of protection from elemen-
One hundred yards down the length of the adventurers have approached more tals.
the tunnel, the passageway narrows
or less on one side of the tunnel, the sec-
and the wind blowswith greater force. At
ond babau takes advantage of this to
this point there is a 10% chance for
objects weighing less than 100 pounds attack by surprise. It does so by leaping BERBALANGAND
strongly towards the center of the tun-
to be snatched up by the wind and blown
down the tunnel. Characters approach- nel. As the gravity changes there, the BAS1LISK
ing this juncture see a massive, babau then "falls" to the other side of
the passage, in effect leaping upon its by John Nephew
rninotaur-like figure crouched in the
chosen opponent from above. The Plane: Astral or Prime Material
passageway, illuminated by a sullen red
light given off by its body. demon drifts downwind a bit in the proc- Total Party Levels: 24 (avg. 4th)
ess, but the creatures are practiced in Total Magic X.P.: 1,100
This is an illusionin the form of Bapho-
this technique and land on the selected Total gp X.P.: 3,210
met, the demon lord. Any creatures
victim on a "to hit" roll of 6 or better. Monster X.P.:
attempting to pass it are attacked by it,
Babau(2): AC -3; MV 15"; HD7 +14; Kill: 1,307 Defeat: 980
including any living object blown down
the passageway. The illusion is meant to hp 50 each; #AT 1 or 3; Dmg by weapon Retreat: 327
+7 or 2-512-5/2-8; MR 50%; THACO 13;
frighten off the more ignorant demons SA strength 19, cause darkness 5' radi- Set Up
who might wander into this tunnel. Such
us, abilities equal to 9th-level thief, gaze
creatures are not likely to question why Traveling along the edge of civiliza-
functions as ray of enfeeblement, spell-
Baphomet glows with red light, nor tion, the characters find the village of
like abilities, once per round: fear by
what, exactly, he is doing crouched in Traldorf. Every full moon a terrible,
touch, levitate (as 10th-level MU), fly (as
this tunnel. Party members are unlikely winged creature comes from the forest
11th-level MU), dispel magic (as 12th-
to recognize the form of Baphomet, but level MU),polymorph self, heat metal(as to slay and devour a villager; and, it
if they do, the above questions may being the full moon again, the berbalang
14th-level druid), gate in another babau
occur to them as well. In such a case, (25% success); SD reddish slime on is expected to return this night for its

morbid ritual. The village leader, whose four feet wide and two feet high, hidden Elevated Outcropping
own young son was lost a month before, behind bushes. There is a slightly worn
This formation is hollowed out on the
pleads with the PCs, begging them to area in the grass (quickly noted by a
inside, and there is found the berba-
remain and slay it. ranger or barbarian) where the basilisk
lang’s body (normally entranced, but
‘ Characters encounter the astral passes to go hunting.
now either animated or dead, depend-
projection of the berbalang. ing on what happened in the rest of the
* Using a color pool to view some The Cave
cave) and its treasure. The steep walls
part of the Prime Plane from the Astral, may be scaled by normal or magical
The entrance passage grows wider and
the PC(s) see the basilisk‘s locationrath- winds down into the hill, opening into a means (thieves’ ability, spider climb,
er than the one desired. roughly elliptical cave, fifty feet long, potion of climbing or flying, etc.).
* Rumors in a local tavern refer to a
thirty feet wide, and twenty feet high at If the berbalang is still alive, it will
basilisk, beneath a hill in the forest, its highest point. Stalactites and stalag- emerge from its bed if characters are
which guards a great treasure and a mites are found here and there. To the climbing to attack it. Otherwise it will
sleeping demon. northeast of the room is an elevated out- hope the party will leave it undisturbed.
cropping of rock, rising about twelve (If the characters slew the physical pro-
The Lair feet and nearly touching the ceiling on jection earlier, they might be very sur-
Since berbalangs spend most of their one corner. (The inside of this rock has prised to find a carbon-copy.)
lives on the Astral plane, with their phys- been sculpted out-see below.) There The combined treasure of the mon-
ical bodies in a trance, they have an are strangely-shaped large stones in sters, found in the outcropping, consists
incredibly long lifespan. The one addition to the stalactites and of 1,257 cp, 687 ep, 362 pp, 8 gems
described here is easily a millennium stalagmites-statues made by the basi- (base 100 gp value), a silver tiara (worth
old, and most of that time has been in its lisk. Most are small animals that wan- 250 gp), a flask containing oil of ethere-
present lair. It only recently discovered dered into the cave; there are also a alness, and a clerical scroll with the
the nearby human village of Traldorf, bear, two wolves, an orc, a goblin, and a spells create water, cure light wounds,
which has provided an excellent source human hunter. and negative plane protection.
of victims for its monthly feedings. Action in this room will depend on how
Another recent development (to the the character party gains ingress and,
berbalang’s perspective on time), and a again, what Set Up was used. First off,
the basilisk will fight intruders from the
fortuitous one, was the coming of the by Thomas M. Kane
basilisk to the cavern where the berba- Prime Material, Astral, and Ethereal
lang’s body is kept in a trance. The ber- planes; this should more than distract Terrain: Elemental Plane of Earth
balang knows enough to carefully avoid characters pursuing the berbalang’s Total Party Levels: 25
the gaze of the beast, but intruders projectionand allow it to animate its real Total Magic X.P.: see below
(especially from the Prime Material body. Characters who remain off the Total gp X.P.: 30,150
Plane) might not be aware of its pres- Prime Material can only be attacked Monster X.P.:
ence. Thanks to the basilisk’s gaze with the creature’s gaze weapon and in Kill: 8,356 Defeat: 6,267
extending into the Astral and Ethereal most cases cannot return the attack. Retreat: 2,089
planes, the berbalang has a very secure Basilisk (1):AC 4; HD 6 + 1; hp 28; #AT
location for hiding the body. 1; Dmg 1-10; THACO 13; SA petrifying
gaze (extends into Astral color pools Set Up
The action in the lair will depend on
what the Set Up was. In the first two and the Border Ethereal); AL N. The PCs learn of a foolish dao
cases described, the characterswill first If the berbalang was not previously named “Rockhead” who trades pre-
face the projection(physical or astral) of encountered, it will, at the time of the cious gems for lead. If they want to buy
the berbalang, which functions as if it party’s arrival, have recently returned lead for trading, assume that it costs one
were the real thing. If the projectionis hit from the month’s astral voyage. It will be gold coin for every hundred gp weight.
(the DM should not allow it to be slain at altering its trance to produce a material * While adventuring in an area which
once, regardless of what the dice indi- projection, and this projection will might lead to this lair, the PCs discover
cate), it turns and flees to its lair. Charac- emerge to attack the party four rounds an abandoned crate holding 5,000 gp
ters may pursue it. after melee with the basilisk begins. encumbrance of lead, marked “For
Berbalang (1): AC 6; HD 1+l; hp 9; Unlike projections elsewhere, a projec- Rockhead. Receive on Delivery, 2,500
#AT 3; Dmg 1-411-411-6; THACO 18; SA tion here will fight to its death. The sys- Gold Coins.’’
astral and physical projections; AL CE. tem shock of the material projection
In the third and fourth Set Up sugges- being slain will kill the actual berbalang The Lair
tions, the characters find the lair itself 75% of the time. In such a case, the
body in the elevated outcropping No matter what Rockhead pays for his
before they encounter the berbalang. lead, he can always sell it back for a
The lair is a natural cave beneath a (below) will be found dead.
profit. A vein of pure uranium-235 sur-
wooded hill. The entrance is an opening rounds this lair. Travelers in this radioac-



tive cave must protect themselves with you.” PCs find two dead pech slaves in tools are available. Characters with a
leaden shields or die, as they learn affer the tunnel loop. The corpses are bald, blacksmith proficiency (see the DSG)
the lead has been sold. This lair is a cir- and bits of fallen hair dot their clothing. can halve this time period.
cular, air-filled, tunnel, 10’ high by 10’ While the PCs are exploring the tunnel, The PCs will probably have to return to
wide, with an entry cave which connects Rockhead hides the lead he bought Rockhead’s lair and buy their lead back.
it to other areas. Rockhead himself lives from them behind his walls, with the oth- This time, Rockhead is cold and business-
in a bulge which he has shielded with er treasure. like. He demands the return of his gems
lead, but the rest of the tunnel loops for The radiation in thisvein forces every- and one human slave. Clever bargainers
three miles through radioactive soil, one to save vs. death magic once per can persuade him to accept sums of
until it returns to the entrance, and then turn. Even characters who leave the tun- money over 10,000 gp or some powerful
the lair again. nel by magically passing through earth magical item. The patty can trade...or
When PCs arrive, an obsequious dao suffer radiationpoisoning, since the lair fight. Once the PCs have left, these dao
servant greets them and leads the party lies at the center of a uranium vein, and use dig to destroy their walls of stone, and
directly to Rockhead’s lair. The area the deposit is five miles in radius. Failing let the mud dry, resetting this trap. Who
looks like a round cave, 30’ in radius, the first save means nothing, but after a said “Rockhead” meant “stupid”?
with an exit on either side. Rockhead character fails two saves, he experi-
appears to be the only occupant. This ences nausea which halves Strength,
dao buys lead with foolish delight, Dexterity, and hit points. Also, the vic-
eagerly fingering the metal, and tossing tim’s hairstarts to fall out, halving Come-
PCS 1-3gems per 200 gp weight of lead. (BATLESYSTEM“ rules)
liness. If a third saving throw fails, the
He keeps 100 topazes in his sleeve, victim loses 1-10 hp and will suffer that by Thomas M. Kane
worth 100 gp each. Behind the walls of damage again every day, until dead or
this chamber are 5,000 gp weight of Terrain: Elemental Plane of Fire
magically cured. Any victim that fails
assorted lead plates, a set of metalwork- four saves dies instantly. Cure wounds Total Party Levels: 75
ing tools worth 100 gp, 200 more topaz- Total Magic X.P.: Variable
spells will restore lost hit points, but only
es worth 100 gp each, and a five-foot ahealor regeneratespell can cure radia- Total gp X. P.: 0
thick lead shield which surrounds the Monster X.P.: (see BATTLESYSTEM
tion sickness. After three weeks, radia-
whole lair. Rockheadcan reach this trea- tion survivors start healing naturally, rules 16.2)
sure cache with his passwall ability. recovering one point of each damaged Total: 75,300 per slain efreet unit
While PCs sell their lead, the porter statistic per day.
and two invisible dao creep into the tun- Objects which become soiled with dirt Set Up
nel to an area between the lair and the from this vein become permanently
cave exit. They each plug the passage radioactive. Living beings can wash the * Several units of high-level merce-
with a wall of stone, then use rock to radiation away, but, while dirty, a con- naries ask the PCs to lead them on a
mud on the cave floor. Now, characters taminated character transfers radioac- raid to the elemental plane of Fire. They
have to circumnavigate the whole tun- tive dust to everything he touches. have learned of a smithy there where
nel to return to the entry cave and leave, Since radiationcan only be detected by ordinary blades can be given great
Dao (4): AC 3; MV 9”/15”(6”) (MC:B), its effects, PCs should be very suspi- powers. Someone who could seize the
move in elemental earth as if ethereal; cious of anything they carried during workshop, even for but a few hours,
HD 8 +3; hp 33 each, 67 for Rockhead; this encounter. For every week that a could forge an arsenal of incredible
#AT 1;Dmg 3-18; THACO 12; SA change victim spends within 1‘ of a contami- weapons.
self, detect good, detect magic, nated item, he must make another sav- A djinni hires the PCs to form a
passwall, spectral force, wall of stone, ing throw against radiation, as body of mercenaries and harass this
rock to mud (x3), dig (x6); SD misdirec- described above. Although this contam- efreeti forge.
tion, gaseous form, change self, immune ination may force PCs to discard trea-
to earth-based damage; AL NE. sured items, devious characters might The Lair
find uses for contaminated objects.
Radioactive Earth Award characters 200 experiencepoints Even as smelting iron turns it to steel, the
for successfully using radioactivity, as if incrediblefires of the efreet can forge steel
When the PCs try to leave, they discover into something stronger. Bemeyal, a great
the mudpit and dead end. Rockhead they had found a magical item.
Lead blocks radiation, and the PCs ruler of efreet, has built a smithy in a
grins at them, then soothingly describes poverty-stricken area of the City of Brass,
his lair’s circular nature. He explains could travel through this area safely if
they covered themselves with a leaden where slaves and cheap workers are avail-
that they need only walk around the lair able. This location, however, makes the
shelter. Assume that ten gp weight of the
to escape-but an “evil” radiates from smithy vulnerable. A raiding party may be
the dirt in the tunnel, which must be
soft metal can be hammered into a plate
that covers one square foot. Fusing lead able to stom the smithy and enchant many
blocked with heavy metals. Rockhead weapons before the efreet militia could
plates into a shelter requires one turn
completes his speech by saying, “Only penetrate these fetid slums to stop an
per square foot or twice that time if no
your lead-I mean, my lead-can save attack.


Unit # Level AC HD/Fig MV AR ML DL #FIG Drng weapon with ten worker-hours worth of
20 14 12 1-10 work. By workingthree times this long, ten
FM 3 F2 3 20 6" 14
1-6 people can make the weapon + 2, but this
P 1 F3 8 30 12" 18 9 9 5
is the maximum possible bonus. These
ZR 1 82 0 20 15" 16 13 12 5 1-6
effects are not magical: they involvea spe-
cial hardening of the steel. For purposes
Level AC HDlFig MV AR ML DL #Fig Dmg of this adventure, assume that the PCs
Efreet 2 20 9124 20 15 16 5 3-24 can forge as many blades as they have
workers and time for. Award PCs who
acquire powerful weapons experience as
Bemeyal's smithy is a round brass speed for three days. You may assume
if they found magicalblades of that power.
dome, 240 yards in diameter, with four that the mercenaries already have pro-
With an army of workers, the PCs may
doors around the perimeter, and ten tection from fire, or require the PCsto go
make many powerful blades-but the
small forges inside. On either side of the on a quest for such magic. Should you
decide that the mercenariesare already mercenaries want them, too. PCs may
room is a furnace, open at one end, ten take one weapon each. If they hoard
yards wide by sixty yards long. The equipped, they have: 20 scrolls of pro-
more, their troops may revolt. Each unit
areas inside these furnaces can be tection from fire,two bottles of oil of ele-
mental fire resistance, and three rings of checks discipline once for every extra
treated as "hot spots", which inflict dou- weapon a PC takes, and if morale fails,
ble normal heat damage on unprotected fire resistance 10' radius.
the unit attacks its own leader. The mer-
PCs, but cure 1-6 points damage per Once mercenary units come within one
hundred and twenty yards of the smithy, cenaries will also be extremely reluctant
turn for creatures of elemental fire. See to abandon this forge. When PCs order
BATTLESYSTEM" rule 14.16 for the the defense begins. Two units of efreet
them to go, each unit must make a disci-
effects of this healing. Outside the workers try to drive the invaders away.
pline check at a +3 penalty. If this fails,
smithy, streets wind between randomly They can heal wounded figures in the fur-
the troops insist on forging more weap-
shaped shanties and tenements. Other naces. The two efreet foremen act as
ons, thus giving the efreet militias more
efreet live here, but violence is so com- commanders, while Bemeyal himself
time to arrive. So the PCs have two
mon in this seedy district that they flees, in any direction that seemspossible,
problems, getting in...and getting out.
ignore invaders. This terrain can be sim- including "up", to get help. Fifty
ulated with assorted cardboard boxes, BAlTLESYSTEM game turns later, efreet
and you may use any of the one inch militia begin arriving, invisibly, at a rate of
counters from the BATTLESYSTEM box 1-4 units evety turn. Militia units have the FARASTU (TARRY)
same statistics as Bemeyal'sworkers. All
to represent efreet.
The mercenaries that the PCs control efreet units have the same statistics and
have been described in the table above. can use efreeti special abilities (listed with by Rick Swan
No commanders have been listed, Bemeyal's statistics). The efreet can use
polymorphself and gaseous form to return Terrain: Mountains
because the PCs should direct these Total Party Levels: ;IO(average 4th)
units. All of them have been given a to their furnaces when wounded, and they
will use walls of fire to block doorways. Total Magic X. I?: 1,400
morale modifier for possessing magical Total gp X.I?: 8,898
equipment, since, without it, they could Even fire-resistant troops may take dam-
age from these walls, as fire resistors do Monster X.P.:
never survive on the plane of Fire. Kill: 4,408 Defeat: 3,306
on the Prime Materialplane. Naturally,the
efreet will try to use their power to force Retreat: 1,I 02
Mercenary Units
mercenariesout of the safe areas created
FM =Fortune's men. These troops by fire-protection items. Set Up
wear plate mail and wield halbards.
There are three identical units of this Journeying through the mountains,
Efreet you are approached for help by a fright-
p = Pepperers. The pepperers are Efreet leaders (3): AC 2; MV 9"/24"; ened merchant. The merchant sent his
skirmish troops and have all specialized HD IO;hp 46 each (80 for Bemeyal); #AT team of mules ahead of him to cross a
in the longbow. They use this weapon 1 ; Dmg 3-24; THACO IO; CR 16"; SA stone bridge. Halfway across, they fell
and wear leather armor. produce flame, pyrotechnics, enlarge, and seemedto vanish before they hit the
ZR=Zhar's Runners. A group of polymorph self, wall of fire, illusion; SD bottom. He is terrified that evil forces are
eager barbarians make up Zhar's Run- invisibility,gaseous form, attacks based at work and begs you to investigate.
ners, who were named after an ancient on normal fire do no damage, magical Senguine, a renowned magic-user,
chieftain. They wield spears and wear fire attacks are at -1 on "to hit" and decided two days ago to inspect a stone
only leather armor, but all have a dexteri- damage dice; AL LE. bridge crossing a deep canyon that has
ty of 18, hence their armor class. These When the mercenariescontrol Bemey- long been rumoredto be haunted. If the
characters have the running special al's furnaces, they can create one + I community could be convinced the
ability, which lets them move at double bridge was safe, it could be used as a


short cut by travelers and merchants. The Bridge of Bones hp 55; #AT 3; Dmg 2-712-713-12; THACO
He never returned. You are asked by city 10; SA detect good, detect invisibility;
authorities to investigate. Anyone sucked through the conduit
passes into Tarterus. Once there, the detect magic, dispel magic (twice per
victim plummets about 100 yards day), ESFj fascinate, fog cloud (three
The Lair through the air and lands directly on the times per day), gaseous form, invisibiliw
bridge under construction by the faras- tongues, weakness, all once per round
A hundred years ago, an ambitious unless indicated otherwise; SD tar-like
magic-user named Loriford decided to tu. The bridge is 500 miles long and is
about 50 feet wide. Its surface is a sticky skin sticks opponents and objects for i-
build a stone bridge over a deep canyon 6 segments (25% chance opponent
between two high mountains. Linking tar, similar to the substance naturally
secreted by a farastu. When completed, loses object, farastu gets + 4 on next
the mountains would provide quick pas- attack or opponent forfeits next attack),
sage for merchants; he planned to the bridge will be entirely covered with
the bones of victims who fall through the harmed by + 7 weapons, immune to
charge a toll and becomewealthy. Since acid and poison, cold and fire causes
building a bridge of this type was conduit. Right now, about 20 miles are
covered with the bones and remains of half damage, can summon' 1-2fellow
beyond his abilities, Loriford conjured demodands when in Tarterus (25%
up a farastu to help him, promising the humans and animals who've had the
misfortune of crossing the stone bridge chance); MR 20%; AL CE.
farastu he could have the first 10 souls Note: Becausethis farastu is in exile,
to cross the bridge. The farastu agreed. on the Prime Material plane. The farastu
has a long way to go, but he has an eter- no others will come if summoned.
When the bridge was completed, Lori- The farastu has no choice but to fight
ford sent 10 ducks waddling across the nity to finish it.
PCs sucked into the conduit fall onto to the death. If he doesn't finish his
bridge to fulfill his part of the bargain. bridge, his shator will kill him anyway,
The farastu was not amused and killed the tarry surface. Falling PCs take 1d6
points of damage when they strike the He attacks with his teeth and claws,
Loriford. using fog cloud and gaseous form to
The farastu's shator ruler was not hot tar and are stuck tight for l d 6 seg-
confuse the PCs, and attemptingto stick
amused either. To punish the farastu for ments. Whether they free themselves or
not, one round after they hit the surface, them to his skin when possible.
his humiliation at the hands of a mortal, If the mephits and farastu are
the shator ordered him to construct a three fire mephits swoop in.
Fire mephits (3): AC 5; MV 12"124"; destroyed, the PCs may search his
bridge linking two of the worlds of dome lair, but will find nothing; all of his
Cathrys on the plane of Tarterus. A thick HD3+1;hp17,19,21;#AT2;Dmg1-3/
treasure was confiscated long ago by
:ar platform was laid between the worlds 1-3;THACO 16; SA 15-foot flame jet (2-9
points of damage, half if saving throw is the shator. However, they may search
as a base for the bridge.The farastu was the bones on the bridge. They find a
sxiled to living in a dome on the platform made), S-fOOt square blanket of flame (4
points of damage, no saving throw total of 90 gp, 160 sp, a ruby pendant
Nhile he finished the bridge. (worth 5,000 gp), a sword + 7, and a ring
allowed), touch causes 1 point of heat
of feather falling. They also find
!Slippery Passage damage, heat metal, magic missiles (2),
gate in another mephit (once per hour, Sengine, barely alive. Sengine was a
The stone bridge is located in an iso- magic-user who attempted to investi-
25% chance); AL LE.
ated region between two mountain The fire mephits are directed to kill gate the mysteries of the stone bridge.
'anges. A winding path leads up the new arrivals, a job they truly love. Once City authorities will pay a reward of
nountain to the bridge. The stone killed, the bones are put in place on the
3,000 gp for his safe return. Sengine
>ridgeis 10 feet wide and stretches 200 bridge by the farastu. The fire mephits can also answer any questions the PCs
lards over a canyon that appears to be attack the PCs with their flame breath, have about the bridge and what's hap-
lottomless. PCs staring into the canyon hovering just out of reach. When they pened.
i:an see nothing but darkness. Hovering about 200feet in the air near
have breathed three times, they attack
The middle 100 yards of the stone the dome of the farastu is a silver con-
with their claws. (If the PCs manage to
]ridge act as if coated with an oilofslip- duit which leads back to the PCs' home
avoid falling on the bridge by flying or by
ieriness, thanks to a treatment by the Prime Material plane. It was through this
some other method, or if the PCs figure
arastu. The canyon below contains a conduit that the farastu journeyed to the
out a way to get here without being
last conduit which leads to the plane of Prime Material plane 100 years ago.
sucked into the conduit,the mephits still
rarterus. Any person or animal crossing PCs with a potion of flying or who can fly
attack when they see them, chasing
he bridge and reaching the middle 100 magically can get themselves and their
them as necessary.)
lards has a 95% chance of slipping and companions through the conduit. Other-
About 50 yards away, the farastu is at
alling in. Once a victim falls 100 feet, wise, if the PCs wait patiently, in a few
home in his iron dome. He ignores the
he conduit acts like a vacuum to suck hours the conduit drifts under the
battle as long as it looks as though the
iim in. Similarly, any character bridge, allowing the PCs to leap through
mephits are holding their own, but if
approaching from below will be sucked and return home.
things are going badly for them, he lum-
nto the conduit when he gets within 50 bers out of the dome and angrily flies
eet of it. The force of the conduit vac- over to join the attack.
ium is irresistible by all normal means. Farastu: AC - 1; MV 1 5 130" ; HD 11;

Lairs I
of a red dragon which gave him an cial holy significance for his race; if he
GITHYANKI (4) inspired idea. Drawing upon his great brings one back, his place in the afterlife
intellect, the mind flayer created a con- is assured. (This is all nonsense, of
by Rick Swan duit inside the egg from this Prime Mate- course.) If the PCs would help carry it to
Terrain: Mountains rial plane to his home in the Astral plane. his cave, he would reward them gener-
Knowing the githyanki’s great affinity for ously. To demonstrate his sincerity, he
Total Party Levels: 20 (average 4th)
red dragons, the mind flayer has left the offers them two black pearls, worth 500
Total Magic X.P.: 11.000
egg in plain sight of the lair. When the gp each. “There’s plenty more where
Total gp X.P.: 10,500
githyanki bring the egg into their lair, the that came from,” he says. If the PCs hes-
Monster X.P.:
mind flayer will thrust himself through itate, the githyanki loses his temper
Kill: 3,474 Defeat: 2,606
the conduit and attack the githyanki by again, but just as quickly recovers. “For-
Retreat: 069
surprise. give me,” he says sheepishly, “I’m over-
The githyanki have spotted the egg. ly excited about this discovery.”
Set U p They suspect a trap, but they can’t quite If the PCs attack the githyanki, he
While hiking through the moun- figure out what it could be. They want pleads for mercy, defending himself
tains, you meet a traveler who breath- the egg badly and need someone only if the going gets rough. If things get
lessly tells you he spotted a dragon’s expendable to check it out for them. really rough, he summonsthe rest of his
egg in a cavern just ahead. You know of That’s where the PCs come in. partners (see statistics below), who try
a collector who has a standing offer of a to convince the PCs of their sincerity,
handsome reward for a dragon’s egg. Discovery fighting only if necessary. If the PCs take
* The local merchants guild says that As soon as the PCs approach the the egg, the frustrated mind flayer
traders no longer visit the city because opening to the cavern, they spot the egg attacks them at the first opportunity; if
of rumors of dragons in the mountains, sitting on a cliff inside. Even a cursory the PCs explore the githyanki lair, the
fueled by the recent discovery of a examination verifies that it is indeed the githyanki project back to this plane and
dragon’s egg in a mountain cave. They egg of a red dragon. The thick shell is fight to the death.
request your aid in investigating the intact; it would take a sledge hammer to If the PCs agree, the githyanki asks
truth of these rumors. break it open. This is a very unlikely them to carry the egg, saying that he’d
place for a dragon’s egg, as there are no help, but his back is bad. As the PCs car-
other signs of dragons anywhere ry the egg, the githyanki watches ner-
The Lair around. vously, obviously relievedwhen no traps
An opening in a tall stone mountain Hidden in the rocks above and keep- are sprung.
range leads to a vast cavern nearly 100 ing an eye on things is a githyanki fight-
yards in diameter. There are many rocky er. The Trojan Egg
cliffs along the cavern walls, and the Githyanki: AC 0 (splinted mail +4); The githyanki leads them to the lair, a
floor and ceiling are covered with mas- MV 12”; F3; hp 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10 smaller cavern about 100 feet across.
sive stalagmites and stalactites. Just (two-handedsword); THACO 16; AL LE. The cavern contains an elaborate castle
inside the cavern opening is a cliff that Like all of his kind, the githyanki made of stone; the githyanki construct-
rises about 30 feet from the floor. A huge despises humans and all humanoid ed it to look like their homes in the Astral
dragon’s egg sits in plain sight on this races, but since he’s been charged with plane.
cliff. About 50 feet farther in is another luring guinea pigs to examine the egg, When the partyenters, they are joined
opening, this one about 20 feet in diam- he intends to do his best to contain his by three other githyanki. These githy-
eter. This opening leads to the subterra- feelings. When he sees the PCs, he anki are also smiling and thank the PCs
nean lair of four githyanki fighters who comes down from his hiding place, for their help. The githyanki intend to kill
occasionally make raids into the out- greeting them cheerfully, and holding them as soon as they’re sure the egg is
lands in search of mind flayers and his arms wide to demonstrate friend- safe.
humans to destroy. ship. Githyanki (2): AC 0 @late mail + 4 ) ;
The humans in the area are unaware The githyanki attempts innocuous MV 12“; F5; hp 34 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-
of the githyanki, but the mind flayers conversation with the PCs, asking them 10 (+ 7 two-handed sword); THACO 15;
are. The githyanki recently succeeded what they think about the egg and if they AL LE.
in wiping out an entire mind flayer out- have any ideas where it came from. If Githyanki leader: F6; hp 41; THACO
post, with the exception of one lone sur- the PCs say anything obvious, such as 13; all other statistics as above.
vivor. The survivor knows the locationOf how unusual it is for an egg like this to be No sooner do the other githyanki
the githyanki lair, but wisely has here, the githyanki’s temper flares and appear than the egg begins to vibrate
refrained from attacking them on their he snarls, “Don’t you think I know that, and crack. A moment later, it splits open
home ground. Unfortunatelyfor him, he you stupid, filthy-” He cuts himself off, and a mind flayer leaps out of the con-
has been unable to lure them out. then smiles at them, apologizing for his duit inside.
Recently, the mind flayer stumbled rudeness. He eventually gets around to Mind flayer: AC 5; MV 12”; HD 8+4;
across the infertile and abandoned egg telling them that a dragon’s egg has spe- hp 52; #AT 4; Dmg 2 each; THACO 12;


SA psionic blast; MR 90%; AL LE. The tower is a large cube, but the size books. Their area also has a locked
The startled githyanki panic, having appears to fluctuate, so accurate mea- chest with 300 pp. Jars along the walls
no idea where the mind flayer came surement is impossible. The tower has contain spell components.
from or how many more there are. The four levels, each 22’ high. Access to the The zerths each have their small spell
githyanki shield themselves behind the ground level is by a 10‘-wide silver door books tucked in a chest under their
PCs, then project themselves back to that is wizard locked at 7th-level ability beds. A sergeant, a zerth, and awarlock
the Astral plane. The mind flayer is furi- and has an alarm cast upon it. Access to can always be found here, with the pos-
ous at the PCs’ interference and attacks upper levels is by a ladder in the middle sibility of 1-4 fighters.
them, fighting to the death if necessary of the room leading up to a trap door. Level 4: This level is split into three
to avenge himself. The roof has a trap door that can be bolt- rooms and a small corridor that contains
If the mind flayer is defeated, the PCs ed from the inside and wizardlocked. the ladder. The left room in the supreme
may search the castle to find 10 more Ifthe party marches up, they are met leader’s. The door is locked and wizard
black pearls (500 gp each), a miniature by the captain, warlock, sergeant, zerth, locked.
gold statue of the castle (worth 2,000 and five fighters. They demand the party The leader is usually found here, and
gp), a ring of regeneration, and a rod of disarm. The two warriors on the para- will take a dim view of the party’s intru-
smiting. However, five rounds after the pets have ballista trained on the party. sion. There is an alarm gong here, as
battle is over, the githyanki return from The “warheads” are glowing with a well as his spell books and components.
the Astral plane to retrieve their trea- black light. A locked and wizard locked chest is
sure; if the PCs are still there, the githy- If the party agrees, they are escorted trapped with a poison needle. It contains
anki will fight them to the death or until into the ground level. If not, the ballista 250 pp, 2,000 gp, four beryls worth 500
the PCs retreat. operators let fly with one arrow every gp each, and a potion of storm giant
The conduit in the egg dissipates into other round and melee starts. The strength.
the earth along with the yolk once the defenders attempt to capture the party. The room to the right is locked and
shell is broken. However, the broken Parties that go peacefully are told that belongsto the captain. He is rarely here.
shell pieces are worth up to 2,500 gp to a they are not really welcome here. They It contains a locked chest with 100 pp,
collector. will be allowed to rest for four hours from 1,000 gp and an obsidian steed. A scroll
the chaos outside, but then they must be stuck to the outside bottom of the chest
on their way. If asked politely, water and is for protection from demons.
GITHZERAI a greyish paste are provided. The latter
is food, tastes like chicken, and is very
The center room is also locked, and is
barren except for a simple mat. Sitting
by John Terra nourishing. cross-legged on it is a githzerai monk in
Terrain: Limbo Level 1: This one big room contains a a trance.
Total Party Levels: 56 (average 7th) long table with two dozen chairs. A The monk is actually keeping the
Total Magic X.P.: 27,000 hearth is located opposite the door. The place together by exerting his intelli-
Total gp X.P.: 4,125 floor is covered in animal skins, and is gence. He is unaware of the party’s
Monster X.P.: Variable comfortable. presence. If he is harmed, he loses his
Level 2: This room has nine 10’-wide concentration and the place collapses
stone cells along its perimeter. This is into chaos. He has no treasure.
Set Up where the party is taken if they are cap- Roof: Contains four ballistae, one on
* Thanks to an aberration in a plane tured. Three cells are occupied. The each corner. The bolts have Nystul’s
traveling spell or device, the party lands doors are locked and wizard locked, and aura cast on them, to look more danger-
in the chaos of a storm on Limbo. The are made of silver. ous than they are. There are always
weather prevents concentration needed One contains four mind flayers three fighters on guard here.
for psionics, spells, or magical item acti- another has a githyanki warrior. The last More details of typical githzerai lairs
vation. Desperate for shelter, the party contains three green slaadi. All pris- can be found in the FEND F O L O tome.
sees this tower. oners wear odd silver necklaces and are
* A geas placed on the party by an manacled to the wall. The slaadi ask for Supreme Leader Geratjh: AC 4 (ring
evil wizard allied with githyanki requires release, promising a service in of protection + 4 and 16 Dex); MV 1 2 ;
them to go to this tower to find a missing exchange. F4/MU7; hp43; XAT1; Dmg310(+2sil-
silver sword. A sergeant, a zerth, and three fighters ver long sword); THACO 18; SA spell
guard this floor. The zerth holds all the use, psionics; MR 50%; AL CN; XP 900.
The Lair keys. Geratjh is the harsh leader of this
Level 3: This floor contains the 16 beds complex. He is calculating, and has tak-
This is a githzerai outpost. If the party of the sergeants, zerths, and fighters. A en prisoners in order to bargain for
approaches the tower without conceal- curtained-off section hides the semi- power. He has a wand of fire (34
ment, the guards see them 150’ away, privateareas for the two warlocks. Swords charges). Under his bed is the Githyanki
challenge them and alert the rest of the and daggers line the walls in racks. warrior’s silver sword, a + 3 two-handed
tower. The warlocks share a set of spell

I Lairs I
sword. The Lair 5. The floor of the passageway turns
Captain Gurth: AC 4 (leather +4); MV into a muddy bog for 3d10 yards. Vari-
9”; F6; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg 3-10 (silver Floating amidst the swirling, convolut- ous harmless, fluorescent, pin-striped,
long sword +2);THACO 16; MR 50%; ed, ever-changing chaos-stuff of Limbo, and plaid snakes, rats, lizards, and frogs
AL CN; XP 600. the lair of Zdronvas might seem to be a slither and crawl in the muck. Curiously,
Gurth is second in command and sanctuary of order and sanity. It is a cir- though apparently filled with rotting mat-
hates his leader. He knows that he is a cular garden, 600 yards diameter, ter, the swampy floor smells not unlike
better fighter than his so-called superior. divided into six regions by stone paths. cheap cologne.
Warlocks (2): AC 8; MV 12“; MU5; hp The whole appears much like a color 6. Three monkeys come running
20 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 (daggers + 7); wheel, with each region having flowers down the corridor, squealing with excite-
SA spell use; MR 50%; AL CN; XP 305 and foliage of the primary and second- ment; the last two are carrying a
each. These warlocks carry wands of ary colors. strange, metal machine (a typewriter),
magic missles. The paths radiate from the center of and the other carries a pile of papers. As
Sergeants (3): AC 5 (chain armor): MV the garden, where there is a hexagonal they run by the party, the top sheet of
9”; F5; hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-9 (long building. Each of its six faces has a door. paper flies off into the hands of a player
swords +7); THACO 16; MU 50%; AL Upon entering any door, the characters character: it reads “Hamlet, Prince of
CN; XP 280 each. will find themselves in the maze. Denmark.” If the monkeys are attacked,
Zerths (3): AC 5 (chain armor); MV 9 “ ; they dissolve into haze.
F3/MU3; hp 17 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 The Maze 7.Wildflowers suddenly sprout from
(long sword); THACO 18; SA spells; MR A map of the maze would be useless the Characters’ ears. They can be easily
50%; AL CN; XP 165 each. because it is perpetually changing. removed.
Fighters (10): AC 5 (chain armor); MV Beyond the doors to the maze is a hall- 8. The ceiling begins to bubble and
9”; F2; hp 15 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; way. After 6d6 yards, the hallway comes boil, and splatters hot ooze on those
THACO 20; MR 50%; AL CN; XP 58 to a %shaped branching. Taking either beneath it. Characters under the boiling
each. way leads to an identical intersection, ceiling (which extends 2d10 yards in
Silvernecklaces: These are rare items again after 6d6 yards. This process each direction) suffer 1-4 points of dam-
of githzerai magic. They nullify inherent could go on forever. Even if the charac- age per round as the bubbling ooze
powers, psionics and spells when ters backtrack, they will only face more burns them and then dissolves into the
placed on a victim. XP 500. Sale value: intersections, and corridors which may air. The boiling subsides after 2d4
4,500 gp. be different lengths than those taken rounds.
Note that like the githyanki and their when the party first passed that way. Escape from the maze is not a matter
silver swurds, the githzerai will launch Nothing short of a wish will return the of where the characters go, but how
recovery raids for the necklaces. party to the maze’s entrance. they go. The imposition of order is what
As the characters travel the maze, defeats the chaos of the maze. In practi-
random events may occur; check once cal terms, this is simply any pattern of
movement carried out six times (e.g., six
GREY SLAAD per turn. An event occurs on a roll of 6
on ld6. Roll Id8 todetermine the nature left turns, or left-right-leftsix times). For
by John Nephew of the event (DMs are encouraged to this reason the DM must keep track of
expand on this list): the turns taken by the party until a pat-
Plane: Limbo tern emerges (or, preferably, is intention-
Total Party Levels: 66 (avg. 11th) 1. A horde of 100 blind, bright orange
mice, squeaking loudly, drops from a ally created) and is repeated five times.
Total Magic X.P.: 14,000 By the second repetition, Zdronvas
Total gp X.P.: 10,000 hole in the ceiling and scurries away.
2. Loud music (rock, j a u , classical, will fear the characters are on their way
Monster X.P.: to success. To thwart them, he’ll come
Kill: 10,994 Defeat: 8,246 country-DM’s choice) begins to blare
from nowhere. It stops abruptly after (walking through corridor wall which
Retreat: 3.31 1 turns to gelatin for his passage) and
ldlO rounds.
3. A cloudburst spell takes effect over attack until wounded. He will then
Set Up the characters’ heads. escape as he came. If the characters
Journeying through (or lost in) Lim- 4. From the substance of a wall near continue the pattern, the slaad will con-
the party emerge 13 bugbears, which tinue to harrass them.
bo, the characters discover the lair.
proceed to assault the party. Apart from Zdronvas, Grey Slaad: AC 1; MV 12” ;
* A powerful wizard (or similar being)
HD 10+6; hp74; #AT3or2;Dmg2-16/
hires the PCs to acquire the symbol of being 1.5 feet high, aquamarine in color,
armed with teaspoons, and having mag- 4-10/4-10or 2 sword attacks; THACO 10;
the grey slaad Zdronvas. (Though the
ic resistance, they may be treated as SA once per round fear, darkness, know
characters may only receive “Defeat” alignment, infravision 60‘,illusion, flame
monster X.P., the reward in money and normal bugbears (AC 5; HD 3 + 1; hp 15
strike, wind walk, shape change (slaadl
magic from their employer whould easi- each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; THACO 16; SA man), invisibility, ball of lightning (dam-
ly make up for the difference.) surprise on 1-3; MU 25%; AL CE). They
age 8d6+6); once per day Symbol Of
carry no treasure or items of value.

pain or fear, power word: blind, gate 1-3 through the gate to the plane of Air. can be glimpsed in and around the hall;
grey slaadi (60% chance of success); * As the party travels through the in the air 200 feet from the pocket hangs
SD immune to cold, disintegration; MR plane of Elemental Air, an ildriss flies an electric-blue light in the form of a
55%; AL CN. In frog form, the slaad swiftly through their midst, grabbing an hook.
fights with claws and bite; in human item or items which will prompt the party Characters knowledgeable about the
form, appearing as a comelyfemale, the to follow it: a belt pouch, weapon, loose outer planes may recognize the hook as
slaad wields a sword of sharpness. pack, etc. The ildriss flits away, heading the planar end of a conjure elernenfa/
After the fifth repetition is carried directly toward an elemental pocket of spell. If all party members are ignorant
through, the characters will be in a corri- earth in the distance. of the hook’s meaning, the DM should
dor leading directly to the Innermost allow a magic-user to make an Intelli-
Chamber. The Lair gence check. If successful, the form’s
nature is recognized. Any characters
Innermost Chamber Pursuit touching the hook must save vs. spell or
This appears as a plain, domed, gray The creature’s destination, a free- be affected by the conjure spell as
room. There are five exits besides the floating pocket of elemental earth, can explained on page 5 of the Manualof the
one through which the players came; be seen in the distance. The ildriss’s Planes.
each is a one-waygate to another place form is visible on the plane of Air and The wizard Felian of Everith caused
in Limbo or another plane: Astral, Glad- can be followed without difficulty. Even this place to be built, intending to use
sheim, Pandemonium, or Prime Materi- though the elemental is likelyto outpace the pocket and its buildings as a stop-
party members, characters moving at a over during his planar travels. The
al (via wormhole).
If Zdronvas is still alive, he will make rate of 12” can reach the earth pocket in magic-user has compelled the ildriss
his stand here. If defeat looks inevitable, two turns. and other elementals to aid in his
+e’ll run through a random gateway to Ifthe ildriss is aware that it is beingfol- abode’s construction. Only the ildriss
$scape. lowed, it turns about in midflight and are there now, supplying the hall with its
There are two piles of treasure. The changes in order to run off its pursuers. finishing touches. They cease work
arger one is actually chaos material lldriss (1): AC 2; MV 3“ as rolling fog, immediately to repel intruders who
Nhich, if taken to another plane, turns 24” otherwise; HD 4;hp 25; #AT 1; Dmg approach within 200 feet of the earth
3-12; THACO 15; SA twirls in a misty pocket. If their companion, whom the
nto a random hostile monster. The sec-
md pile contains 5,000 gp, 1,000 pp, form, striking with three fog-like tenta- party has followed, is still alive, it aids
md a wand of conjuration. cles which carry small particles causing the group.
abrasive wounds; attacks first in any lldriss (5): hp 25 each. Other statistics
round; surprises on 4 in 6; SD +2weap- as above.
on to hit; immune to air-basedspells; air- The ildriss are of average intelligence,
ILDRISS (ELEMEN- based spells fail to function within 50‘ and fearful of the wizard who has
TAL GRUE) (6) and effects are dispelled; AL NE. enslaved them. They carry out their
Unless successfully attacked at a dis- orders to protect his property and keep it
t)y Deborah Christian tance, the ildriss flies into and through secure, and do not communicate with
the party at top speed, attacking as it interlopers. If they are pushed back by
1krrain: Elemental Plane of Air
does so. If the party fails to scatter dur- the party, the elementals take advan-
rota1 Party Levels: 24 (average 4th) tage of spireson the rock to dodge some
btal Magic X.P.: 1,300 ing or after this attack, the ildriss gives
this tactic up and flees to the earth pock- characters and sneak up on others.
btal gp X.P.: 500 There are three 100-foot-tall spires in
donster X.P.: et. If characters have scattered, the
ildriss continues to attack, singling out the melee area; this number can be
Kill: 2,200 Defeat: 1,665 changed at the DM’s option. If all of the
Retreat: 555 individuals and striking as it flies by. If
characters retreat, the elemental leaves ildriss are wounded, or if half lose half
them alone and departs. Otherwise, it their hit points, the entire group falls
j e t Up flees for the earth pocket after losing back to the hall.
* An ildriss has recently been raiding half its hit points, or if it’s injured before
he World Serpent Inn, snatching ale attacking the party. The Hall
nugs and dishware, then disappearing The gold-and-glass hall is 50 feet long,
hrough the door to the plane of Elemen- The Elemental Pocket of Earth 30 feet wide and 20 feet high. It is
al Air. The elemental grue lashes out at intended as shelter from the constant
The pocket of earth is an obloid 150 feet
)atrons in its way, or who don’t readily windsof this plane, and therefore has no
long and 50 feet wide. Half-built spires
iurrender their ale mugs. Mitchifer, pro- dot its surface, and natural caverns rid- open windows except near the top of the
)rietorofthe inn, asks the party to inves- spire, and only one entrance. The ildriss
dle the rock. The largest and most com-
igatethe nuisance and put a stop to the have supplied the hall in preparation for
plete spire tops a hall made of glass and
clisturbances. He suggests they wait Felian’s expected arrival. They do their
gold. The misty shapes of several ildriss
Linti1 the ildriss’s next raid, and follow it best to repel intruders from this place,


but if any three ildriss are killed, the midway oasis so that the rival raiding sess each of the other party members in
remaining three attempt to escape. If army could not use it to refresh its turn, until it has succeeded.
prevented from leaving through the troops. One of the samurai was of the Kuei: AC -4; MV 18”; HD 6; hp 32;
entrance portal, or from fleeing up the Nakatomi clan (the owners of the territo- #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; THACO 13; SA see Ori-
spire, they are cornered and fight to the ry bordering the desert), and the other entalAdventures, p. 124.
death. If the adventurers are defeated, was of the allied Soga. During their mis- As the party continues to travel
the ildriss do not pursue. If the ildriss are sion, the samurai had their waterskin through the desert with one of its mem-
defeated and the hall plundered, Felian torn apart in a battle with a giant scorpi- bers unknowingly under the domination
may wish to have revenge on the on, leaving them with but a single bottle of the kuei, the possessedcharacterdis-
thieves. That is for the DM to decide. of water to last them all the way to the creetly begins drinking the party’s water
In the hall are mugs and tableware oasis. Just before the pair reached the supply at an abnormally rapid rate. You
stolen from the World Serpent Inn, mis- desert’s center, it became apparent that may wish to give each of the other mern-
matched furnishings, and odds and there was not going to be enough water bers of the party Wisdom checks to see
ends of clothing and jewelry. Items of for the both of them to survive. At this if they notice their comrade’s unusual
interest to the player characters include point (perhaps partially due to the strain consumption. The possessedcharacter
asapphire necklace(500 gp), a potion of of having gone without water for days is drinking the water because the kuei is
gaseous form, and a broochof shielding. under the harsh desert heat), the Soga trying to satisfy the unbearable thirst
samurai went insane and killed his that was its last memory prior to death.
Nakatomi ally so that he could have the Unless one or more of the PCs notices
entire bottle to himself, allowing the this threat in time or the group is carry-
Soga to reach the oasis and eventually ing an extraordinary amount of water or
by Ray Winninger escape the desert alive. (Even if the takes some other precaution, one or
Terrain: Desert desire still remained, he could not poi- more of the party members are certain
Total Party Levels: 60 (average 7th) son the oasis because only the Naka- to run out of water five or six days before
Total Magic X.P.: 0 tomi samurai knew how to mix the the group reaches the oasis or the des-
Total gp X.P.: 0 proper poison out of the roots and ber- ert’s edge. If this happens, use the rules
Monster X.P.: ries found around the water hole.) found in the Wilderness Survival Guide
Kill: 977 Defeat: 521 Because the Nakatomi samurai died or the following simple system: for each
due to the Soga’s dishonorable action, day of travel in the desert without water
Retreat: 303
he became a kuei spirit, and was perma- a character must make a Constitution
nently tied to the Prime Material plane check. Failure indicates that the charac-
Set Up until he could complete his unfulfilled ter instantly takes l d 6 damage from the
* The so-called “Sea of Dust” is a mission. intense heat.
vast desert that separates the territories As the party members are traveling
of two powerful rival clans. Passage through the desert, they come upon a The Oasis
across the desert is extremely hazard- dusty skeleton partially buried in the
sand. In its hand, the skeleton is clutch- It is probable that the party will be head-
ous. There is a well-known oasis almost
ing an ancient parchment. This reads, in ing toward the oasis when they meet up
exactly halfway across the desert,
the tongue of Kara-tur, “Buntaro-san with the kuei. If so, the creaturedoes not
between the two rival territories. The reveal its presence until the group
size of the desert is such that it is almost and Shoji-san, you are to proceed to the
central oasis located deep within the arrives at its destination. If not, the kuei
impossible to cross without stopping at
Sea of Dust, and foul its waters such that uses its possessed victim to try to con-
the oasis. vince the other PCs to head for the
Approximately seventy-five years Lord Ichi’s massive raiding party will be
unable to refresh itself. Bring honor to oasis. If the other party members are not
ago, the two clans separated by the Sea
your clans and ancestors-Uji.” The convinced, the spirit’s possessedvictim
of Dust entered into a bloody war which
parchment also bears a date (the cur- bolts away and heads for the oasis him-
lasted the better part of a decade.
rent year minus 75). This is the skeleton self.
Though most of the main battles were Once the kuei reaches the oasis, its
fought in a third territory bordering the of the Nakatomi samurai who was
betrayed at this spot more than three possessedvictimbeginsto mix a poison
desert, both sides frequently sent raid- out of crushed berries and roots, which
ing parties out onto the desert steppes decades ago.
If any of the party members disturbs it then dumps into the watering hole.
as well. While mixingthe poison, the kuei tries to
the skeleton or the parchment in any
way, he will become the target of a pos- be very discreet, meaning that the other
The Lair session attempt by the kuei. If the PCs will notice only if they are keeping
Many years ago, during the war, a pair of attempt is successful, the kuei will not close tabs on their comrade’s actions
samurai were detached from their army reveal its presence to the rest of the par- (or, perhaps, if they pass Wisdom
and isolated in the desert. The samurai ty for the time being. If the attempt is checks). The poison is such that anyone
were sent out on a missionto poisonthe unsuccessful, the spirit attempts to pos- looking at the water after the kuei has


added the poison can automatically rec- The Lair um where sea life of every description
ognize that the water is unsafe to drink. thrives. Sea shell mosaics cover walls,
Anyone drinking the water must save vs. Padisha Alahad wanted to rule over his floors, and ceilings, depicting the
poison or die. marid brothers. But his chaotic evil ten- powers and glories of the marid’s das-
Once the kuei has poisoned the oasis dencies and his disregard for his peo- tardly existence. Each room is filled with
it will have performed its mission, ple’s independent nature led to a war a different colored water, creating exotic
releasing it from the Prime Material that rocked the elemental plane of seascapes from different planes. Some
plane with a great flash (its possessed Water. Alahad lost, and as punishment have waters of rainbow hues that
victim will remain unconscious for ld3 he was banished from his home, strip- change color as the currents flow by.
hours after the kuei departs). If, how- ped of his titles and lands. The first sign of occupation the PCs
ever, there is a member of the Soga clan Now he resides in a water pocket encounter is a majestic bedroom.
in the party (substituteclan names from upon the elemental plane of Earth, plot- Couches of kelp and seaweed float here
your own campaign if you wish), the spir- ting his plots and planning his plans. He beside a bed made from a giant shell.
it remains long enough to attempt to kill schemes of a triumphant return to his Four young women, actually nereids,
the Soga(s) to exact vengeance for his own plane when the time is right and his tumble and lounge upon the living furni-
clan brother’s actions seventy-fiveyears powers have reachedtheir fervent peak. ture. They are Alahad’s harem, but can-
ago. Until then, Alahad is content to shape not resist using their charms on any
this plane to his image,to battleits occu- males that happen by.
Treasure pants as he hones his skills at war. The Nereids (4): AC 10;MV 12”;HD 4;hp
marid especially enjoys tormenting the 24; #AT nil; Dmg nil; SA spit, control
There are no real items of value to be minor dao lord who ruled this area
found. If, however, the players recog- water; SD kiss, mesmerize men; AL C.
unchallenged until Alahad moved in. Alahad owns these nereids’ shawls,
nize the kuei’s threat in time and suc-
thus controls them utterly. They are shy,
cessfully deal with the creature, you The Coral Path flighty, but love to work their spells on
may wish to reward them by placing a men. Men are incapable of causing
few valuable trinkets around the oasis. Upon entering the water pocket, adven-
turers see a watery kingdom filled with them harm, but will watch their flirtatious
phosphorescentcurrents, shell and cor- antics with growing desire. Regardless
al sculptures, and all manner of sea life. of spells or devices used to breathe in
Additionally, a path of coral leads to a this realm, a nereid’s kiss causes instant
by Bill Slavicsek castle of the same material. The vibrant drowning if a save vs. breath weapon at
reds, yellows, pinks, and purples of the -2 fails. If it succeeds, the PC finds
Terrain: Elemental Plane of Earth sea growth glow, illuminatingthe watery ecstasy. But getting that close alerts the
Total Party Levels: 48 (average 8th) depths in magical light. harem’s protector-a water elemental.
Total Magic X.P.: 12,250 The coral is actually the first defense Water elemental: AC 2;MV 18”; HD 8;
Total gp X.P.: 80,842 of Alahad’s fortress. No matter what hp 58; #AT 1 ; Dmg 5-30; THACO 12;SA
Monster X.P.: route the PCs take, the path and castle nil; SD +2 weapon to hit; AL N.
Kill: 10,000Defeat: 6,500 are always in front of them. As PCs walk
Retreat: 2,400 along the path, the sharp coral cuts for The Marid
l d 6 points of damage. Then, without “Born of the ocean, currents as mus-
Set Up warning, the path twists and entwines cles, pearls as teeth.” Of this is a marid
* While travelingthe elemental plane
the travelers, causing 6d6 points of made, and Alahad is no exception.
of Earth, the PCs happen upon a large damage for anywhofailtosavevs. petri- Strong, handsome, and utterly crazy,
water pocket filled with wonders that fication. While those caught by the coral Alahad sees intruders as playthings to
demand exploration. attempt to free themselves (a Strength use, abuse, and ultimately destroy.
check), the path’s guardians attack. Alahad the marid: AC -2; MV 24”;
* A dao from the elemental plane of
Earth enters the World Serpent Inn to Twelve ixitxachitl rise out of the sur- HD 13;hp 102;#AT1 ;Dmg 8-32; THACO
hire a group of adventurers to rid his rounding coral to battle trapped adven- 9; MR 25%; AL CE. Twice per day Ala-
domain of a geniekind who has moved turers. had can detect evil/good, detect invisibil-
in. lxitxachitl (12): AC 6; MV 12”;HD ity, detect magic, become invisible,
There is said to be a place upon the 1 + 1 ;hp 7;#AT1 ; Dmg 3-12;THACO 18; assume liquid form, polymorph self,
SA cause light wounds, protection from purify water; seven times per day he can
elemental plane of Earth where a coral
castle floats in majestic glory, filled with good; AL CE. assume gaseous form, lower water; part
treasures and wonders beyond imagin- water; create a wallof fog,bestow water
ing. What’s more, one’s fondest wish The Castle breathing for 1 day; he can always cre-
can be granted if one can defeat its ruler. Alahad’s home is a chaotic wonderland, ate water; water w a k once per year he
decorated with a hint of evil. The coral can alter reality.
halls and corridors form a living aquari- Alahad has two pet sea lions con-
stantly at his side.


Sea lions (2):AC 5 (head)/3 (body); The Lair really slaad who broke out, but had to
MV 18”; HD 6;hp 60;#AT3; Dmg 1-611- wait for an outsider to drop the barrier.
6/2-12; THACO 13;AL N. This is a jail guarded by nonatons. The slaad supposedly polymorphed the
This marid ignores lesser beings Four beings are jailed for breaking the “true” modrons to their present forms.
unless they enter his feast hall at an strict laws of Nirvana. She also says that the alleged shedu
inopportune time. The PCs should Touching a side of the odd rock and opinicus are charmed always to lie.
barge into the hall (unknowingly)just as causes 8d6 points of shock damage; a The real modrons strongly deny this and
Alahad’s meal is served. Then the con- save vs. spell halves this. Give the party tell the party to leave.
tests begin. Alahad loves contests of a cumulative 5% chance per attempt to The shedu and the opinicus agree
strength, eating, drinking, magic, and find the entrance, disguised by illusion with the succubus, saying that they are
riddles. He is a champion tale-teller, to resemble a wall. polymorphed modrons and that the
weaving stories that emphasize his Touching the correct side breaks the woman is telling the truth. With any luck,
power and majesty. All through his lofty illusion, but reveals a symbol of fear. If the party will see that the shedu is giving
speeches, Alahad belittles the PCs. He the entire party succumbs to fear, they them a vital clue. He’s playing the suc-
calls them creeks, stagnant puddles, have only a 10% chance of finding the cubus’ game, so if the party believes
and other marid insults. jail again. her, they will know that the prisoners are
It is a capital offense to offend a marid, The entrance leads into a tunnel 30’ not modrons.
and Alahad is easily offended. Did the wide and high and 90‘long, and ends in The githyanki for his part declares that
male PCs look at his brides? Ignore his a wall of shimmering yellow. The yellow there is a chest of treasure for the parly if
brides? Kill his selvants? Insult his chaotic barrier is designed to allow only lawful they free them. Sure enough, in an open
decorations? Any of these acts offend the beings to enter. Others making an iron chest, the hilt of a sword, a few bot-
egotistical and crazed Alahad. (Female attempt must save vs. magic or be para- tles, rings, and the tip of a wand jut out
PCs, at least the pretty ones, are likely lyzed for I d 4 turns. from a pile of gems and gold coins.
harem candidates.) As soon as any member of the party The shedu will gauge whether or not
successfully crosses the barrier, they the party believes the succubus. If so,
Treasure yellow wall vanishes, as it can confine make all his statements contrary. If not,
only eight beings at once. The entire let him speakstraight. He wants to show
Alahad’s treasure can be found through- party can now see a perfectly spherical them that he is a lawful being, and
out the castle. He has a fortune consist- room 70‘in diameter, with four alert non- though he does not agree with the spirit
ing of 80,842 gp. a ring of diinni atons on guard duty. of the law, he will obey the letter of it and
summoning and a ring of protection + 2 Bound in glowing platinum chains are serve his sentence.
(which he wears), a cubic gate, and a a shedu, an opinicus, a githyanki and a If the party refuses to go, the modrons
scimitar +3. succubus, the latter shape changed into attack. There will be severe alignment
an attractive young woman. The latter problems if a lawful character joins in
two plea for release. Due to their posi- against them.
MODRONS (4) tions, spells cannot be used to pinpoint
whether any of the prisoners are evil.
If even one prisoner is freed, the
chains fall off all the prisoners. The suc-
by John Terra The modronspolitely but firmly tell the cubus will kiss her rescuer at least once
Terrain: Astral Plane party to leave, this being none of their before the shedu and opinicus react. A
Total Party Levels: 60 (average 10) affair. By Primus’ order, no visitors are pitched battle between good and evil will
Total Magic X.P.: 9,650 allowed. certainly break out.
Total gp X.P.: 8,300 One modron holds a scroll, which Nonatons (4):AC 0; MV 18”118”; HD
Monster X.P.: contains the spell to recreate the yellow 11+11;hp55each;#AT9;DmgI-6(~9);
Kill: 17,032Defeat: 12,774 wall thrice more. It is in common and THACO 9; SA spell use; SD + 2 weapon
Retreat: 4,258 can be cast by anyone. to hit; MR 20%; AL LN; XP 4,258each.
If asked politely and a reaction vs. the Haramin the shedu: AC 4; MV 12”1
speaker’s Charisma is positive, the 24”; HD 9 +9;hp 49 each; #AT2;Dmg 1-
Set Up modrons explain that this is a jail for 611-6:THACO 10: SNSD Dsionics; AL
The party encounters a 20-sided those who break a law in Nirvana, which LG; XP 2,958. ’
rock 150’in diameter. Someone remem- is inexcusable on a plane devoted to the Fuddle the opinicus: AC -2; MV 21”1
bers a rumor of four riches guarded principle of perfect law. 30”; HD 7+7;hp 42;#AT 4;Dmg 1-311-
inside such a rock (actually, it’s four The chains nullify the prisoners’ 311-611-6; THACO 12; SA clerical spell
wretches!). powers. All have been sentencedto 500 use, glowing gaze; SD never surprised;
* The party is sent by some shedu to years, though none will age during their AL CG; XP 1,275
search for their missing brother terms. Tara the succubus: AC 0; MV 12”1
rumored to be in an odd rock. A reward The “girl” bursts into tears and says 18“; HD 6;hp 40;#AT 2;Dmg 1-311-3;
of 3,000 gp and a treasure map is that those in chains are the true THACO 13; SA energy drain, spell-like
offered. modrons. The apparent modrons are powers; SD + 7 weapon to hit; MR 70%;

AI CE; XP 590. entity (Vishnu, for instance, is the deity of inside of Sattyamasagraha’s shrine lies
Vithar the githyanki: AC 0 ( + 4 spht); light, truth, knowledge, justice, and mer- on a tiny demi-plane slightly removed
MIV 9”; HD 8; hp 45; #AT 3l2; Dmg 1-10 cy). Each of the gods and goddesses can from the Seven Heavens, and has an
( -I-3); THACO 14; AL LE; XP 1,425. This display many different personalities, infinite interior area. The interior walls
G ithyanki is an 8th-levelfighter. depending upon which of their particular appear to be constructed of sandstone,
Treasure: 4300 gp. 13 100-gp rubies, aspects is dominant at the time they are and running all along the walls are
2:2 500-gp emeralds, a silver sword + 3 encountered (Vishnu can be fiery and exquisite bas-relief inscriptions.
bislonging to the githyanki, a wand of hardheartedwhile he is the god of justice, The infinitelylong winding corridors of
CCmjuration (34 charges), an elixir of life, meek and forgiving when he is the god of the shrine make movement within the
a pearlof wisdom, and a periapt of proof mercy). Likewise,many of the deities have structure confusing and difficult. The
V!5. poison (+3).A raid will be launched specialfollowers that representor cooper- layout of the corridors is so confusing
bly the githyanki to recover the silver ate with one or more of their individual that any party moving about in the
SIword if taken. aspects. The deities’ various aspects are shrine will tend to walk around in circles
Tara will attempt togafe in help, as will often called avatars, and the gods are endlessly until the party leader is able to
thle modrons. Vithar will lunge for his capable of allowing several of their ava- pass an intelligence check, in which
Sbword and attempt to kill any spellcast- tars to exist at once as separate beings. case the group can move to a new area.
er’s he sees. Tara will try to kiss PCs to Another successful Intelligencecheck is
di.ain them. Fuddle and Haramin will The Lair required to move out of this area into
dt?fend the PCs. The modrons concen- another, and so on. There are an infinite
triHe first on defeating Tara and Vithar. Sattyamasagraha,a planetar and one of number of such areas within the shrine.
Should the evil creatures be killed or Vishnu’s powerful servants, resides in an Every time the party enters a new area,
SLIbdued, the shedu voluntarilyresumes elaborate stone shrine on the fringe of the roll ld12. A roll of 1 indicates that the
his term, though Fuddle giggles mis- jungle. Sattyamasagrahaserves Vishnu’s party has stumbled into Sattyamasagra-
ctiievously and attempts to flee the aspect as the god of knowledge. Vishnu ha’s grand chamber.
PIace. The modrons may make the party has charged him with the taskof constant- Sattyamasagraha, the planetar: AC
ctlase him, which could lead to all sorts ly keeping watch over the multiverse and -7; MV15”/40”//24”; HD 16+; hp 144;
of’ new adventures. recording as many of its secrets as possi- #AT 3; Dmg by weapon +7; THACO 1;
Heartless DMs may wish to penalize ble. The planetar observes the various SAsee MM2, pp. 101-102.
th‘e party by giving negative XP values planes and demi-planeswith the aid of the In the grand chamber, the planetar
fosr creatures that get away. pearl of the infinite reaches, a powerful sits and views the other planes and
The modrons may even imprison the magical item which was placed in his dimensions by staring into the pearl of
PCZs for I d 4 centuries for their interfer- keeping by Vishnu. As he collects knowl- the infinitereaches. Each time he learns
erice! edge, Sattyamasagraha records it by a new fact or discovers something of
making bas-relief inscriptions upon the
- infinite walls of his shrine.
interest, he retreats into the chamber
and carves a bas-relief depicting the
F’LANETAR The Shrine
knowledge into the wall (taking about
three hours).
blI Ray Winninger From the outside, Sattyamasagraha’s If and when the party members confront
TE!rrain: Jungle (Seven Heavens) shrine appears to be a huge octagon him in his chamber, Sattyamasagraha will
Tc)tal Party Levels: 110 (average 19th) sculpted out of a single massive hunk of ask them if they have brought him any new
Tc)tal Magic X.P.: 10,000 jade. Each side of the octagon appears to knowledge. If so (DM’s discretion), he per-
Tc)tal gp X.P.: 0 be approximately thirty feet across, and mits them to stay and wander around the
Monster X.P.: the entire structure is topped off by a complex. If not, he attempts to forcibly
Kill: 65,040Defeat: 42,000 grand pyramidal roof of ivory and rare remove them. If the party members man-
Retreat: 14,003 woods. Access to the shrine is provided age to slay the planetar, his corpse will be
by asingle door, molded in solid gold (due reanimated immediately by Vishnu as an
to its weight, this door is extremelydifficult avatar of the deity’s aspect as god of justice
Set Up (seethe notes on avatars on page 75 of
to open-treat it as though it were wizard
In an isolated section of Chronias, locked). On the door are several raised Legends and Lore. Treat the corpse as
e seventh heaven, lies a vast jungle reliefs depicting Vishnu in his five aspects though it had double the planetar’s hit
hich is home to Vishnu and Surya (the (god of truth, light, mercy, justice, and points and all of the creature’s normal abili-
dian deities of light and the sun) and knowledge). A sage or cleric worshipping ties. The avatar will not rest untiljustice has
eir followers. Vishnu and Surya each the Indiandeities will easily recognizethe been served and the party is destroyed.
we colossal palaces hidden deep nature of the reliefs.
ithin the jungle. The first thing that anyone entering Treasure
Unlike any other mythos, the Indiandei- the shrine notices is that the structureis There is no monetary treasure in Sat-
?s are each a collection of individual many times larger on the inside than it tyamasagraha’s lair, but clever PCs will
;pects rather than a complete unified appeared from the outside. In fact, the be able to recover much of great value.


Carved into the wall are reliefs depicting the wretched creatures. It seemed more each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6;THACO 15; SA
a good portion of all the knowledge in lawful to reform them. So the general drain one point of constitution per hit,
the multiverse.The reliefs are laid out in took them to his factory on Nirvana, create drought; SD + 7 weapon to hit;
a certain set pattern, so that anyone where gifts from the gods are made, and AL CE.
seeking the answer to a specific ques- ordered the spirits to redeem them- General Ox runs a treadmill deep
tion who can pass an Intelligencecheck selves with diligent labor. General Ox inside the machinery, isolated from the
can find the way directly to the proper appointed the common oni foreman, workshop. He keeps his armor and
inscriptions within the shrine. Note that because of the creature’s lawful align- mace in a vast armor chest beside the
the inscriptions are all in a strange hiero- ment, and made the other prisoners toil treadmill. If the PCs tell General Ox that
glyphic language and cannot be inter- under him. The evil spirits, of course, production has not been adequate, he
preted without comprehend languages hated to work. So they sabotaged the becomes quite upset and asks a charac-
or a similar spell. Anyone passing an workshop in a way that lets them deny it. ter to whip him, so that he will turn the
Intelligence ability check can also dupli- During a rest period, one p’oh entered treadmill faster.
cate the results of a contact other plane, the machinery, removed a vital gear, and General Ox (1): AC -81-1 without
legend lore, or augury spell by finding began cleaning it. After some time, the armor; MV 18“121” (MC:A); HD 36; hp
and reading the proper inscriptions. Sat- foreman noticed. He ordered the p’oh to 183; #AT 2; Dmg 2-1212-20; SA ESe
tyamasagraha might also be persuaded shut the machine’s trap door at once and comprehendlanguages, tongues, defect
to swap pieces of knowledge with the stop tinkering with things. The p’oh magic, know history, spells of 29th-level
PCs on a one-for-one basis. obeyed. Naturally, he never replaced the wu jen, cloud trapeze for i,000 people
If the PCs manage to slay the plane- gear. After the rest, the crew found that (llday), +4 on “to hit”, mace + 5 which
tar, they can recover his pearl of the infi- their machineswould not operate, and the casts one meteor swarm per day, sum-
nite reaches. Anyone gazing into the p’oh explainedthis plot to the oni, warning mon 10d4 gozu oni; SD regenerate 5 hpl
pearl(six inches in diameter) who is able the foreman that he would look like either round, + 5 weapon to hit, astral
to pass a Wisdom check can view a ran- a fool or a conspirator if the story was ever protection, etherealness, shape change,
dom location within the multiverse for revealed. The gullible oni commited hari- teleport without error; MR 80%; AL LN.
l d 6 hours. kan‘ in humiliation. Thus, the p’oh can Investigators can find the following
claim that he was ordered not to replace bits of evidence:
the gear, and a defect lie spell will not con- 1. All couches are warm with body
heat, since the workers spend most of
P’OH (6)A N D tradict him. The p’oh can claim that he
would never disobey the wishes of the their time lounging there.
GENERAL OX (1) dead. Without the stolen gear, this work-
shop can no longer draw power from Nir-
2. A trap door which leads into the
machinery has dry cracked areas on it,
by Thomas M. Kane vana’s wheels and hasto be operatedwith which match one p’oh’s claws.
Terrain: Nirvana a treadmill. GeneralOx himself consented 3. This same p’oh has the missing
Total Party Levels: 30 to run on the mill, to set a good example. gear hidden in his headband.
Total Magic X. E:Variable This lesser source of power makes the 4. A white banner on one wall com-
Total gp X. P.: 5,000 factory run much slower, giving the p’oh memorates the death of a common oni,
Monster X. P.: (see below) time to loaf and laugh at General Ox. who had beenforeman but committed sui-
Kill: 2,430 Defeat: 1,823 The workshop looks like a bewildeilng cide after the machine was sabotaged.
Retreat: 608 array of gears, forges, and wooden super- While the PCs investigate,they notice
structure to PCs. A series of bamboo that one p’oh is doing two jobs, dashing
rollers pushes products past each worker, back and forth between both worksta-
Set Up like a modern assembly line. There are six tions. If questioned, he claims to enjoy
* Shukenja can no longer cast workstations,and at each one, a p’oh working so muchthat he beggedto work
reward spells-it seems that the spirits hammers, pinches or otherwise adjusts two posts. Actually, one of his comrades
have no more gifts to give. The famous an intricate framework. Every hour, one is invisibly destroying evidence; he will
Denki temple offers 1000 ch’ien to randommagical item, rolled from the table eliminate one clue every 1-6turns. This
adventurers who will visit the Celestial on pages 131-133 of OA,is created and creature’s invisibilify power works on
Bureaucracy’s workshops on Nirvana instantly feleported to one of the many Nirvana because it is an innate ability,
and restore their efficiency. shukenja who have cast a reward spell. If not a magical spell.
* While the PCs are pursuing a p’oh, anyone attempts to steal these items, all When the PCs realize what has hap-
they learn that it has taken refuge in a rewards vanish, and the thief suffers an pened, they face another
workshop on Nirvana. ancient curse, Soft couches have been tactfully convince General Ox that he
placed at certain points between worksta- has been tricked. Unless the PCs can
The Lair tions. A banner hangs over each one, politely prove what the p’oh have done,
which instructs the p’oh to “Work and General Ox may chase the adventurers
Dairika Ox, General of the Animal King- Rest In Harmony.” away. However, if the PCs can prove the
dom, captured a band of p’oh and one P’oh (6): AC 4; MV 6 “ ; HD 5; hp 25 workers guilty, General Ox will assign
common oni, but he did not want to kill

der,the spined devil attempts tottyaway /l5” (Mc:C); HD 14 +a; hp 1- 119; #AT
without giving them the map. If the party Z;Dmg2#2-8;THACO8;SAFkMperson
acquires his pouch, they find within It the gaze,her-, -pmm or Inom
map to the planar gate, a le,ooOgp value - , e - ?= * * ,b
*, SWW-, -, ma&bV
~ 6 , O O O g ~ w e i g t r- ,t . wd
of- (Ilday), symW(lW,&la& b m h

ULTRODAEMON (2) (llday); SD 1IO%; MR to firsMevel spells,
105% to seumHm4 spells, 100% to
i by Thomas M. Kane thitd4evel spells, etc., affected by certain
Terrain: Lower Planes (Khalas) -Iwms:acid(half~hcdd
Totat Party Levek: 50 fherlf), elecbicity (full), magicsl fire 0,
Total Magic X.P.: 7,750 Qas (hdl), magic (full),
%tal gp X.P.: 8,800 iron ancl silver (full),poison yud paralysis
Monster X.P. (none); NE.
Kin: 22,138 Defeat: 16,603 whenthePcsanive,theyfindthem
Retreat: 5,536 ~ O n a p r e c i P i t M lcascadeofwarm,
s Each
oily water, limed from above by &red y..‘vwwy 3f pay
glare. characpers maydknb upor down,
Set up at 12‘ per round, or twice that speed f a 1 12”124”
* After a PC has flagrantly violated thk?mf&.cIimbars~dralt~their. I I, ,AT 2; Dmg
some alignment code, the party meets climbiqRa!ingewaytinse~- ?athe every 2
an old hermit who stares at them and iage and 50%
says, “Fods! tf you deny the god% who II ly IuI round, boiling
will protect you?” Then one of these 2 points damage (llday),
ultrodaemons summons the PCs to wses one
r c h a m of OUOC~~S equal t~ 3% their -
planes, they into the domain of ChiMCe of climbing. If this dl also fails, ave left or been
thesedaemone. znvor Degins to yearn for
cal item a PC carries. He
r leaves Nacruel,
The Lair ’
md sepa-
#s. using
fig#&ergainsa+ I andtte3awlscsuffers P, and
a 1on “to hit” rdls. Wherever a char- hope-
selves by happing matures from other acter suffers damage in &aUk, he must --, and
planes and gambling on w h i victims ..roll &gain@his climbing fating or turn while the
cansurvive tongest. The PCs are their Iat- ble. The WSG contains more infome returns to
est P- - s e c r e t r y d l v i p e ~ p a r t y tlon on climbing techniques a d heqins to
into two equal groups: one.for Nacrud proficiencies. acruel
and one for Envw. Thase desmons play The waWaH Borlrr er)erylhiag:h ’lusion
their “game”by waiting until lthamem PCs carry, damaQing unpmtected
b e r s o f a n e t e € u n d i e , a n d t h q l ~ scmils end other items. Any character fill
d a s # m w r s e k s c h e d t h e ~ t e a m g e t s that drinks of this flow must save vs.
- to kaep theparty’stmsure, E- plays spells or pass into a coma for Id10
onlywtdlustfwriches,whileNatxt@J turns, treated as the spell mgn &ah.
cales~ngaboutbak.he~mptykwles Nacrueland Envor l i e 3 , W below the
LIIG party
hasily provoke
ghting each other, or,
’ tocmp#eaRdwin.Eachdeemanhasa
stack @f pMes from prsviowi games.
PCs. on a milelong le&p~Characters
that approach the daemone will hear
ly collude
a bargain
NaauelornnSthlWfireOpalS~1OOO them wthpering, boasting about “their wem
gp-, 500 W ,andonescrdl afptvm- team”, and reminiscing about previous
. b b n ~ ~ . E ~ n v o r ’ s s t a gmbtes. d c ~ Any character that falls to this Sven fight
600pp, ascFdl dpu&fkm Ram&w&, a Mge sutiers 1.6 points of impact dam asure.
m e o e o f ~ k o m t h e P n mMateri- e ageforevefylO’Wef~.Iftbvictimsur- eopardize
a l ~ , a n d a t i n g a f ~ ~ . vi-, Nmrueluses fear to chase himor xking his
her back updope. The wqteddl is mly own “team”, no more
-(2):AC -5;MV15”/15”/ 500‘wide, and dry stone l i s on sither than one enemy.

o YY
46363 09225 ' 2

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