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Vincess Deeanne R.

Ga STEM 11-B

From Distress to De-stress: Overcoming Academic Setbacks

In these times of pandemic, staying alone without any kind of interaction is only
tolerable for a certain duration of time. Aside from the unsettling lockdown,
the implementation of the new remote learning modality in consideration to the
pandemic has also negatively affected the well-being of many students. Distance-
learning has eradicated the spirit of school life prior to the pandemic, wherein the
comforting presence of one another alleviated the pain of doing schoolwork. Some
students have struggled to cope with the abrupt changes that have resulted in burnouts,
which are situations that must be addressed before they cause detrimental effects to a
teenager’s mental health.

Balancing the different aspects of life can be a challenging task, especially for a
student. Stress, undoubtedly, has been a normal part of their lives. Having school work
stack may feel suffocating, especially when one is not used to it. These apprehensions
have different roots; for instance, being overwhelmed by the sudden flood of school
work. This can be attributed to the transition in grade level—as the difficulty increases
level by level—or to new learning modalities introduced as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic. Many students struggle with adjusting to the new norms in education.
Additionally, pressure, either from peers or from family, also contributes to stress. Even
though pressure can be a motivator to excel at school, it can also worsen a student’s
concentration and induce anxiety while studying (Durrette, 2020). Apart from these
factors, academic stress can also be worsened by improper time management. Shah
(2012) asserts that unsystematic use of time is a main source of stress. Students who
do not monitor and control their time often procrastinate and cram. Although for some
students, cramming is effective, most of the time, it leads to falling behind in school. All
Vincess Deeanne R. Ga STEM 11-B

of these bad habits can negatively affect a student’s mental health, academic
performance, and their social well-being.

Dealing with school work, particularly with the difficult ones, may inevitably result
in a surge of stress hormones due to a feeling of helplessness and the fear of not being
able to escape or finish it all. As previously stated, this can lead to disarray and
frustration. Students, particularly the younger ones, often struggle with maintaining their
focus. A study conducted by Godwin (2016) revealed that most young students have a
shorter attention span and are distracted for one-quarter of the time, resulting in
difficulties in completing school tasks and affecting a student’s competence.
Nevertheless, with proper time management and self-care, one can transcend the
hurdles brought by school workloads. To begin with, organization is a crucial step to a
more effective and less strenuous school life. Planning and scheduling for the day may
help in keeping track of time, as well as having a to-do list for monitoring progress and
backlogs. Using a systematic approach to daily tasks helps reduce the burden of heavy
workloads. It also helps to avoid confusion about which task should be completed first
because students can work at their own pace. Other than that, determining priorities
properly and avoiding potential distractions such as gadgets is helpful for preventing
delays in progress and agitations on the verge of deadlines. Furthermore, focus only on
things that are manageable or in the scope of control. By studying and working
effectively, school fatigue can be evaded.

While these mentioned strategies encourage productivity, it should be noted that

taking breaks at regular intervals is equally important in mitigating stress. During hectic
times, incorporating breaks is seen as a nuisance. Some people also set their minds
that they are not deserving of a break, when in fact, it brings positive effects. A short
break done habitually does not totally imply taking a nap every 30 minutes or doing
nothing. Watching an episode of personal comfort series or movies, playing with your
Vincess Deeanne R. Ga STEM 11-B

pets, or any kind of entertainment are forms of active resting or breaks. This is done to
get rid of tension for a while and refresh. Moreover, according to Waber (2012), social
break is also a type of break that involves interacting with someone physically or
virtually. Having a support system is potentially essential, especially in times of remote
learning. After all, eternal social isolation is impossible for human beings because
humans are naturally social creatures; we are hardwired to create connections.
Communicating and venting out to a family member, a friend, or a classmate can give a
feeling of relatedness that was found to be correlated with stress recovery. Overall,
these strategies can increase focus, productivity, and enhance cognitive functioning, as
stated by studies (Hadani, 2020). Not only does these advices produce good academic
performance, but also pose health benefits and regulate dopamine levels.

On the whole, maintaining an equilibrium between the different domains of life

can be made possible through these simple healthy habits. In order to avoid serious
health consequences, develop a positive and firm mindset that can surpass any kind of
struggle. Transition into a healthy and productive lifestyle. Most of all, do not forget to
have an outlet for negative emotions and time to breathe, which is commonly called "me
time". Likewise, it is important to remember that relentlessly complying with activities is
out of the question when the mental health and the entirety of a person are at risk. The
pandemic has indeed aggravated the situation of the majority of students, but despite
these challenges, all will prevail and withstand the adversities together.

Vincess Deeanne R. Ga STEM 11-B

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