(1066) 16. Affidavit Verifying Statement Pursuant To O 52, R 2

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16. Affidavit verifying statement pursuant to O 52, r 2(2)

(Title as in the Action)


I, (name of deponent) (NRIC No. S____) care of ___ Singapore

___ do solemnly and sincerely affirm and say as follows:-
1. I am a director of the Plaintiff.
2. I am duly authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of the
Plaintiff. Unless otherwise stated, the matters deposed to
herein are based on my personal knowledge and from
documents in the possession of the Plaintiff.
3. I make this affidavit in support of the Plaintiff’s application
for, amongst others, an Order that the Plaintiffs be granted
leave to apply for an order of committal against (name of
defendant), the Defendant in this action.
4. I have read a copy of the Plaintiff’s Statement filed
pursuant to Order 52 Rule 2(2) of the Rules of Court and I
am able to state from my own knowledge that the facts set
out therein are to the best of my knowledge information
and belief, true.
5. I respectfully urge this Honourable Court to grant the
Plaintiff an order in terms of their application.

at Singapore this ___________ )
____________day of ___ 20___ )

Before me


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