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1. A PQR was qualified in 5G position using a new welder. But production welding is to be done by the same
welder in 2G position. Which of the following are applicable as a minimum.

A. Both procedure and welder shall be re-qualified in 2G position.

B. The qualified procedure can be used ,only welder needs to be re-qualified in 2G position
C. The welder is qualified, but the procedure needs re-qualification
D. Both procedure and welder need not be re-qualified.

2. A procedure is required with preheat temp = 250ºF. Two WPS were made based on this PQR. All other
parameters being same WPS (A) showed preheat temp = 280ºF and WPS (B) showed preheat temp = 145ºF,
will you,

A. Reject (A) & (B)

B. Accept (A) only
C. Accept (B) only
D. Accept both

3. In a certain PQR for SMAW, the electrodes used for all passes were of AWS classification (E 7018).
Corresponding WPS also showed filler materials as E 7018. Now the manufacturer proposes to change the
filler material in WPS to E 7015. Will you ask manufacturer to:

A. Qualify new PQR with E 7015 electrodes.

B. Revise only WPS showing the change from E 7018 to E 7015 and submit WPS as a new revision.
C. Revise only the PQR document showing the change and resubmit for approval.
D. Revise both WPS and PQR showing the change and resubmit for approval.

4. A PQR in GTAW process was qualified with PWHT with A 516 grade 70 material, ¾ inch thick. The thickness
for production welds is 1.0 inch, but without PWHT. Manufacturer claims that same PQR will be O.K. What is
your assessment?

A. It qualifies required conditions hence no new PQR is required

B. It qualifies thickness but not It does not qualify “no pwht” condition, hence new PQR is required.
C. It qualifies “no pwht” condition, but not thickness. New PQR is required.
D. It does not qualify both thickness and “no pwht” condition, hence new PQR is required.

5. For 515 gr 60 material, following results were obtained for two tensile test specimen in PQR qualification.

 Specimen T1 : failed in B.M. at 57,400 psi

 Specimen T2 : failed in weld metal, at 59,500 psi

Your assessment is

A. PQR test is ok since both are within acceptance criteria

B. PQR test is rejected as both T1 and T2 are not within acceptance criteria
C. PQR is rejected because T1 is ok but T2 has failed
D. PQR is rejected because T1 is failed although T2 is ok

6. A procedure is qualified with Base metal thickness = 20mm. Two WPS were made based on this PQR. Other
parameters being same, WPS (A) showed Base metal thickness = 38 mm and WPS (B) showed B. M. thickness is
6mm. What will you do?

A. Reject (A) & (B)

B. Accept (A) only
C. Accept (B) only
D. Accept both

7. Calculate estimated inspection period for external and internal inspection for a vessel whose remaining life is
estimated as 12 years.

A. Internal = 6 years, external = 10 years

B. Internal = 6 years, external = 5 years
C. Internal = 5 years, external = 10 years
D. None of the above

8. A 2.0 inch thick vessel data-sheet shows MDMT= 50 deg. F. The minimum pressure-test temperature for Hydro test
to be carried out after alteration shall be:

A. 70 deg F
B. 80 deg. F
C. 60 deg. F
D. None of above.

9. For vessel 1.0 inch thick, MDMT specified was +20ºF and material of Construction used was SA 515 Gr 60, A insert type
patch repair is proposed to be carried out. Based on code requirements, will you specify impact testing of repair plate.
After repairs, vessel will be hydro-tested but not stress relieved. Vessel does nor undergoes temperature / pressure
fluctuations or cyclic loading during service.

A. Specify impact testing.

B. Impact testing need not be specified
C. Specify impact testing if API 510 inspector feels it is necessary.
D. Specify impact testing if Pressure vessel engineer feels it is necessary.

10. Following is full scale pitting pattern as observed on inside surface of a pressure vessel during the recent planned
inspection vessel thickness required = 7/8” including C.A = 1/8”

(See diagram on last page)

Your assessment is:

A. Pitting pattern is not harmful hence acceptable

B. Pitting pattern is unacceptable
C. Pitting pattern is too scattered for correct assessment
D. Pitting pattern is too close for proper assessment

11. A procedure qualification test was carried out for a groove weld on a plate with weld metal thickness of 16mm
thickness by SMAW process. The test was found satisfactory. This procedure can be used with SMAW for weld
thickness of:

A. 5 to 32 mm
B. 0 to 16 mm
C. Any thickness
D. 0 to 32 mm

12. For a vessel which is planned for internal inspection after 8 years what should be the minimum remaining corrosion
allowance in the vessel if corrosion rate is 150 microns per year.

A. 2.0mm
B. 2.4mm
C. 1.2mm
D. None of above

13. Which of the following is / are to be undertaken in case the Service conditions of vessel are changed

A. The vessel shall be hydro tested only

B. The vessel shall be internally and externally inspected before it is re-used
C. The allowable conditions (MAWP, Temp. rating) for new service shall be established and the next period of
inspection shall be established for the new service.
D. None of above

14. The period between External inspections for vessels (remaining life > 4 years) shall not exceed which of following

A. Smaller of : One half of the remaining life of the vessel and 10 years
B. 5 years
C. The lesser of “a” and “b”
D. The higher of a. and b.

15. Following combination of Base metal and welding electrode was qualified by a certain PQR. Impact testing is not
required. Base Metal = SA 285 GrC Plates, 3/4" thickness, Welding electrode = AWS E 6015. This PQR will qualify
which of the following combinations.
A. 1" thk SA 515gr 60 plates, E 6013 electrodes,
B. 1 ¾ " thk SA 285 grc plates, E 6013 electrodes,
C. 1 ¼ thk plates plates SA516gr70, E 7018 electrodes,
D. None of above

16 In liquid Penetrant Testing, a procedure is qualified to a temperature of 15 0C. Pick up a correct statement.
A. The same procedure is qualified to the temperature from 10 0C to 52 0C
B. The same procedure is restricted to maximum of 15 0C only
C. The same procedure shall be applied to 5 0C to 10 0C
D. The same procedure shall be applied to temperature more than 15 0C

17. Calculate the remaining life of a vessel given the following data: Actual thickness = 0.955 inch. Minimum thickness
required = 0.787 inch Thickness at pervious inspection 5 years prior to present inspection = 1.015 inch
A. 20 years
B. 14 years
C. 28 years
D. None of the above
18. The minimum thickness available for a seamless tori spherical head for following data are as given in options. Select
suitable head thickness for a new construction of vessel with design pressure 200 psig, Safe stress 17500 psig and
internal diameter is 96 inches and has no corrosion allowance provided.

A. 1 inch thick
B. 1.25 inch thick
C. 0.75 inch thick
D. 1.125 inch thick

19. For given configuration, correct minimum weld dimension (x) required as per ASME sec. VIII Div. 1 shall be:

A. 10 mm
B. 12mm
C. 14mm
D. none of above

20. A pressure vessel constructed according to ASME Sec VIII Div 1 with shell thickness 7/8’’ (Material of Construction SA
387 gr 11 cl.1) is to be repaired by using insert plates. The requirement of radiography to be incorporated in repair
procedure shall be:.

A. Full radiography
B. Spot radiography
C. May be a, or b depending on joint efficiency
D. Data is not adequate

21. A vessel with seamless 2:1 Ellipsoidal head 60 inch ID, 400 psi design pressure, (corrosion allowance = 0) and (S =
20000 psig) was inspected. Available thickness of only 5/8” was observed on the crown portion. The Knuckle thickness
was found to be adequate. Your assessment is:

A. Head thickness in crown portion is still ok for operation

B. Thickness is inadequate.
C. Depends on the opinion of third party inspector
D. Depends on the opinion of API -510 inspector

22. Choose correct hydrostatic test pressure from given options for a vessel with following data.

Design Pressure = 200 psi

Design temp = 675º F
Material of construction (M.O.C) = SA 537 Cl. 1
Allow stress (Ambient) = 18000 psi
Allow stress (675ºF) = 15000 psi

A. 350 psig
B. 260 psig
C. 312 psig
D. none of above

23. The temperature measured at a weld layer for a magnetic material is around 45 0C. But the weld is in vertical position.
It is decided to carryout a surface NDT method. Choose a suitable NDT method.

A. Penetrant testing wet developer

B. Magnetic particle testing with wet particles-prod type
C. Magnetic particle testing with dry particles-yoke type
D. None of above

24 If anchor bolt corrosion is anticipated for vertical vessels what testing methods are recommended?
A. Tensile testing of equivalent sized bolts
B. Hammer testing
D. All of the above

25. A weld procedure is qualified on pipe OD=2”, in 1G position. This procedure can be used for welding

A. 6” OD pipe in 1G only
B. 2” OD pipe in 1G only
C. Any  pipe in any position
D. Pipes smaller than 2” OD in 1G only

26. A procedure qualification test was carried out for a groove weld on a plate of 16mm thickness by SMAW process. The
test was found satisfactory. This procedure can be used with SMAW a thickness of:

A. 5mm to 32 mm
B. 5mm to16 mm
C. Any thickness
D. 8 mm to 16mm

27. In one of the External inspections, observed resistance of electrical grounding connections for Pressure vessels
was 42 ohms. your advise is:

A. Accept.
B. Resistance must be reduced to 25 Ohms maximum.
C. Resistance must be increased to 25 Ohms minimum,
D. Depends on opinion of electrical engineer.

28. A pressure vessel (M.O.C. 516 Gr. 70) has external jacket spread over 72 inches length of the shell. (Jacket pressure
200 psig, Jacket temperature 3500 F) the vessel OD 36 inches. Shell thickness is 0 .5 inch and with no C.A. Decide
which of the following are applicable in the present case.

A. Shell thickness is ok.

B. Shell thickness is not ok
C. Data not adequate.
D. Acceptance of shell thickness depends on opinion of vessel engineer

29. For a certain nozzle to shell joint (No corrosion allowance is required) following data is presented. Shell thickness
provided is 0.42 inch, Nozzle I.D. is 3.2 in., Pad size is 6.4 in. O. D., Thickness of pad is 0.42”. Your assessment is:

A. Nozzle is adequately reinforced

B. Reinforcement is inadequate
C. Data is inadequate- Nozzle thickness must be given.
D. Data is inadequate- Design shell thickness must be given.

30. SA 516 Gr. 70 (normalized) Plates of 1 inch thick were impact tested at -35 F. Now the MDMT is changed to –50 F. If
the vessel was not given PWHT earlier now receives PWHT,

A. May be still used for new MDMT

B. Needs fresh impact test at new MDMT.
C. Did not require impact testing in case of both MDMTs
D. May be still used for new MDMT only if E=1 (Full Radiography)

31. A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.75 inch is to be radiographed using a film side penetrameter. The penetrameter
designation should be

A. 25-4T hole
B. 30-2Thole
C. 35-2T hole
D. 40-2T hole

32. A welder qualifying by making a groove weld on pipe with an O.D. of ¾” in the 5G position is qualified to
weld groove welds in :

A. ½” O.D. Pipe in the overhead position

B. 6” O.D. Pipe in the vertical position
C. ¾” O.D. pipe in the horizontal position
D. None of the above

33. For procedure qualifications with the GTAW process _______ is Non-essential variable.
A. Change of P No
B. Change of F No.
C. Change of S No
D. Groove Design

34. An ellipsoidal head has an internal diameter of 80 inches and depth of 22 inches (including a straight face dimension of 2
inches). What should its spherical (crown) radius be?

A. 76.9 inches
B. 72.0 inches
C. 68.4 inches
D. All of the above

35. For non-continuous corrosive service with remaining life 25 years, external inspection shall be performed not later than:

A. 10 years
B. 12.5 years
C. 5 years
D. None of above

36. The crown portion for tori spherical head ( ID=40 inches) may be considered as the portion lying entirely within a circle
whose center will be same as head center and diameter will be

A. 36’’
B. 40’’
C. 32’’
D. 200’’

37. For 2:1 Ellipsoidal head (ID=75 inches), The crown portion would lie within similar circle of diameter

A. 60”
B. 30’’
C. 54’’
D. 48’’

38. After completion or repairs, a pressure test

A. Must always be conducted

B. Shall be applied if the authorized pressure vessel inspector believes that one is necessary
C. Must never be conducted
D. Shall be conducted only if repair is done on pressure parts.

39 Authorization for which of the following approval from pressure vessel engineer is not mandatory

A. Repairs for vessels that comply with sec VIII Div 1

B. Alterations for vessels that comply with sec VIII Div 1
C. Repairs for vessels that comply with sec VIII Div 2
D. Alternations for vessels that comply with sec VIII Div 2

40. One PQR was qualified for Austenitic Stainless steel plates in GTAW process. This PQR will support a WPS made with
Austenitic Stainless steel plates but process changed to SMAW

A. yes - Provided The material thickness is within the range qualified

B. yes - Provided The material P Nos. are same.
C. No.
D. both a and b

41. Identify incorrect statement from following

A. A welder performing procedure test is also qualified in that position.

B. All supplementary essential variables become essential variables when impact test is specified.
C. For procedure qualification, the test can be performed in any position, as the position is not essential variable for
procedure qualification.
D. Welder can be qualified by conducting Tensile test.

42 The maximum permitted reinforcement on circumferential welds with plate thickness up to 1 inch will be:

A. 1/8”
B. 1/16
C. 3/16”
D. ¼”
43 For a vertical with column int. dia. = 48'' and height ( tan-tan) =98 ft, The Hydrostatic heead for bottom dished head
(2: 1 Ellip type) will be

A. 40.6 psi
B. 42.4 psi
C. 43.3 psi
D. None of above

44. A pressure vessel has been in service for 12 years and has a history of corrosion over its service life. The original
thickness was 1.9375 inches; the current thickness is 1.405 inches. What is the corrosion rate for this vessel?

A. 0.044 inch per year

B. 0.089 inch per year
C. 0.266 inch per year
D. 0.532 inch per year

45. Leak tightness of the relief valves is tested by conducting :

A. Water Bubble test with water head = 0.5 “ at the Set pressure.
B. Water Bubble test with water head = 1.0 “ at Set pressure
C. Water Bubble test with water head = 0.5 “ at 90% of the set pressure
D. NONE of above

46. Vessel 60“ ID, a nozzle opening of finished opening = 8 inches was present in thinned out patch on inside surface and
lying close to a reinforced nozzle with R.F. pad OD=8”. what length will be taken for corrosion averaging is taken for
corrosion analysis

A. 8 inches
B. 16 inches
C. 20inches
D. 30 inches

47. What will be total thinning (metal loss) up to next inspection due after 10more years if Corrosion rate is 6 mills per year

A. 0.05 inch
B. 0.06 inch
C. 0.006 inch
D. 0.6 inch

48. Radiographic density obtained for a radiograph at the IQI (2T hole) was 3.6. The variation of density over the examination
area on film was 3.2 to 4.5. The film shall be

A. Rejected, the value for Density at the IQI is beyond the acceptable range.
B. Rejected, the lower limit of range is beyond specified lower limit
C. Rejected, the upper limit of range is above specified upper limit
D. Acceptable.

49. A PQR was qualified by GTAW process using Austenitic Stainless Steel plates (ss304) this PQR will quality

A. Base metal SS 316

B. SS 316 L base metal
C. SS 304 L base metal
D. NONE of above.

50. Which of the following documents referenced in API 510 addresses the Hot Tapping requirements.

A. API 2201
B. API Recommended practice 572
C. API Publication 576
D. None of above.

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