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First Quarter – Module 1:
Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Community Dynamics and Community Action

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ma. Marsha D. Navarro - Jeresano

Evaluator: Juan E. Esperida

Editor: Divina M. Diaz, Ph.D.

Fatima D. Doma


Layout Artist: John Paul D. Figueras


Think about this…

Take time and look at the photo above. Is the common façade familiar to you?

Have you ever wandered around your own community? Have you ever thought

deeply and realized what is really happening?

The study of community entails us to understand our very own community life.

It gives us the idea on how to perceive reality by becoming involve in the day to day

process which is socialization. In the interaction process, people grasp the

challenges of the contemporary community life.

Using the imaginative yet rational ideals of social sciences, we sought to

investigate how socialization may impact the dynamics within the community –

whether it has improved or worsened the present condition. In this module, we are

geared towards explaining the importance of studying community dynamics and

community action using the social sciences perspectives by building framework in

dissevering basic information in the following concepts: in Lesson1, we will try to

appreciate the importance of one’s own community and community dynamics; and in

Lesson 2, it explains the concept of community action amid the changes.

Let us now get to know what community is!!


Explain the importance of studying community dynamics

and community action in relation to applied social

sciences and the learner’s future career options.

Hi! in this lesson, we are guided by the following specific objectives:

Cite the importance of community dynamic.

Share significant community-based activities describing the community life.

Identify the importance of studying the community action.

Express ideas about the importance of studying community action.

The following are some words that shall be used in this discussion. Read and

understand the words carefully.

The word community was derived from the Latin
word communis, which means “common” or

is any activity that aims to increase the

Community Action
understanding, engagement and empowerment of
communities for the intention of giving services to

The changes in the community brought about by

social, cultural and environmental experiences
Community Dynamics
whether it is positive or negative development that
impacts within the community.

enable the people to independently decide, plan-

Empowerment out and take action to control the situation they
have in the community.

Non-geographical It is a community formed based on needs, ideas,

Community interests, identity, practices, and roles in social

It is a community where members share the same

Geographical Community
geographical vicinity such as a village, province or

A community wherein a group is formed based on

Micro-level community
personal ties.

Social capital is a positive product of human

Social Capital
interaction. The network of relationships within
particular society, to function effectively.


Can you remember different activities in your locale? In each box, name at

least 2 activities related to each structure.


Community 1.

Religious: Education:
1. 1.
2. 2.

Let’s ponder on and write:

1. Was there some difficulty in writing down activities in different structures?

Why do you think so?

_ __

_ _.

2. Were the activities diverse in each structure? Why? Why not?


3. Can you describe your community based on the answers you have

provided above?


Lesson 1: The Community We Live In!

What is Community and Why is there a Need in Studying this?

Individuals having significant interaction within a specified area becomes one

of the contributory factors in forming community. The word community was derived

from the Latin word communis which means “common” or “shared”. 1

It may share a certain sense of place whether it is geographical area or

through a virtual space. Geographical community is a community where members

share the same geographical vicinity such as a village, province or neighborhood.

Non- geographical community is a community formed based on needs, ideas,

interests, identity, practices, and roles in social institutions such as at home, all

work, in government, society, or the community at large.2

Communication and relationships are imperative in building community. As

people communicate and interact, relationships foster. It develops pattern by which

adopted in the environment.

Communities may also be in two levels: Micro-level community, a group is

formed based on personal ties. This may include groups formed for pursuing

common interests or goals like forming a small organization to hold a fund-raising

activity such as concerts. At macro-level, large group affiliation is formed such as

national communities, international communities, and virtual communities.

Companies and corporations may develop various programs that would include

different members across the country. They will work on meeting certain objectives

and expand on the aspect of community involvement.3

Mores, values, and identity is a commonality that form culture. Hence, the

interest of social sciences focused in the study of communities. The following are

the importance of studying community:

1. It motivates people to work together – people feel a sense of community and

recognize the benefits of their involvement. 4(

2. It encourages social, religious, or traditional obligations for mutual help. 5


3. People see a genuine opportunity to better their own lives and for the community. 6


4. It understands policies promoting community participation that values social

capital.7 (

5. Community participation could be understood as the direct involvement of

citizenry in the affairs of planning, governance, and overall development programs at

local or grassroot levels. 8(

Understanding community life makes us value the things we have on a

daily basis, social encounter constructs reality and affects some changes within –

this is Community Dynamics.

Have you noticed some recent changes in your community?

The changes in the community are brought about by social, cultural and

environmental experiences whether it is positive or negative development that

impacts within the community. People adopt the changes and it has shaped their

way of life.

Can you remember different activities in your community? Do these

activities have changed overtime? Post a picture in different structures that showed




Religiou Educatio
s n

1. As social science student, do you think it is necessary to study community? Why

do you think so?

_ _.

2. Can the dynamics in the community affect the lives of the people? If yes, why?

How? If not, why not?

Lesson 2: Importance of Community Action!

Amid the corona virus scare in the whole country, there have been

various organizations who have continuously given their efforts to at least lessen the

impact in education. One of which is ERDA Foundation Inc., a non-governmental

and non-profit organization which has been in service for not less than 45 years


to helping the poor but deserving Filipino children have access to education. Read and

study the short text below.

#ErdaFrontliners #ERDAHeroes

Here are the ERDA Parent Leaders who are actively facilitating the Covid Pulse Ph project of

Zero Extreme Poverty (ZEP) 2030 and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

through Code-NGO.

Before this project, they and their Council of Leaders have already been important partners of

the ERDA Social Workers in the Education, Family and Community Support Programs of the

Foundation. During this very challenging global health situation, we need to sustain their

worthwhile activities and livelihood.

Photo taken and news clip from: https://

Let’s ponder on and write:
1. Can the community facilitate action for their own community? What is your idea

about this? _

2. Is it possible that we consider individuals in the community as social capital?

Why? Why not? ___

What is Community Action?

Community Action is any activity that aims to increase the understanding,

engagement and empowerment of communities for the intention of giving services to

people. There are 3-key points in grasping the definition more meaningful:

 Understanding – raise an awareness about certain communal issues that

needs to be addressed. People develop the feeling of involvement once they

truly comprehend the situation within. They come together to support

advocacies that will overcome community needs and difficulties.

 Engagement – Once issues are assessed properly and people in the

community understand the needs, they work collaboratively to act on it. The

main goal of engaging in the community is to improve the partnership and

coalitions among the community. It is important that engagement occurs so

that members will be able to involve meaningfully in the activities that they

have created.

https ://

 Empowerment – enable the people to independently decide, plan-out and

take action to control the situation they have in the community. This means,

initiative and decisions come from internal group organized for the benefit of

everyone. It is also necessary that the community can provide significant

networks and linkages that will genuinely serve the advocacies that they have


Hence, the study of community action is imperative in the field of social

sciences and other related disciplines as it lays on the foundation that individuals and

families – as basic unit, are embedded in different social structures that shape the

behaviors in the system. Having knowledge in community action makes an individual

understand better by being aware in the environment, have meaningful engagement

and accept empowerment to create significant impact.


Picto-Analysis: Examine the photo below and read the corresponding texts.

Analyze the current situation and express your ideas on how to understand,

engage and empower your own community amidst the challenges.

Sorsogon under State of Calamity
ALBAY, Philippines – The provincial government has

placed Sorsogon under a state of calamity even if it has

no recorded case of the novel coronavirus disease

COVID- 19 as of Monday, March 16.

The provincial government passed Resolution

no. 156 on March 16,

declaring the province in a state of calamity, as a proactive

response to the localized

COVID-19 transmission in the country. This declaration

acknowledged the

Sorsoganons' right to health and safety and to instill health

consciousness among

them, especially the most vulnerable. According to the

resolution, "at least 15% of the

forecasted affected population based on science-based

projection are in need of

emergency assistance. Hence, more than 15 % of the total

population is at risk

province-wide." Those most at risk are seniors, and people

with diabetes, kidney

problems, heart diseases, and other pre-existing conditions.




“Individuals and families – as basic unit, are embedded in

different social structures that shape the behaviors in the system.”

1. Make a short essay and ponder on the statement above. Do you agree that

individuals and families shape the behavior in the social system? Why? Why



2. Is it necessary to study community action along the field in social science?


Modified TRUE or FALSE: Examine the underlined word

from the given statements below. Write T if the statement is True and F if the

statement is False. If false, write the correct word or words to make the statement


1. One of the importance in studying the community is that the

people see an opportunity to understand the policies within and values cultural


2. The interaction taking place in the community is community

dynamics itself.

3. Changes in the community can be brought about by social,

cultural and historical experiences.

4. Geographical communities are formed based on needs,

ideas, interests and identity, practices and roles in social institutions.

5. Macro-level perspectives are focused on pursuing common

interests or goals like forming a small organization to hold an advocacy.

6. Empowerment is to raise awareness about certain communal

issues that needs to be addressed.

7. Community Action is any activity that aims to increase the

understanding, involvement and empowerment of communities for the intention of

giving services to people.

8. It is important to identify the different needs of the community

that should be addressed.

9. People in a community share something in common.

10. It is important that engagement occurs so that members will

be able to involve meaningfully in the activities that they have created

Awareness on community and community dynamics makes us realize the

value of individuals’ involvement in different communal undertakings. Social capital

strengthens the community link and create a diverse network. It entails us to

understand external resources that may be beneficial in the development process

aspired by the community leaders.

Research about non-governmental, non-profit organizations and write their

vision, mission, goals and objectives focused on community development and

community dynamics. Identify their plan of action in order to attain the VMGOs.


- Answer will vary


- Answer will vary

1. F – Social Capital
2. F – Socialization
3. F – Environmental
4. F – Non-Geographical
5. F – Micro-level
6. F – Understanding
7. F – Engagement
8. T
9. T

Semorlan, Semorlan; Community Dynamics and Community Action, “Community,
Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship”
Semorlan, Semorlan; Community Dynamics and Community Action, “Community,
Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship”
Semorlan, Semorlan; Community Dynamics and Community Action, “Community,
Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship”
Accessed June 22, 2020,
Accessed June 24, 2020,

Accessed June 26, 2020,
Accessed June 27, 2020,
Accessed June 28, 2020,

Cover photo credit: Melody D. Legaspi (Rizal Integrated National School, Sorsogon City)


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