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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Self-Learning Module
English for Academic and
Professional Purposes
Quarter 1– Module 4

D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456


Thesis statement is the overall idea or argument of your work. It makes all
parts of your work stick together.

In your previous lesson, you have learned techniques to summarize and

have applied them in summarizing academic texts.

This time, this lesson will provide you with information and activities that
will help you identify the thesis statement of an academic text, may it be a good
thesis statement or otherwise.

After going through this learning material, you are expected to:
1. state the thesis statement of an academic text (CS_EN11/12A-


Before going on, let us check how much you know about thesis statement.


Directions: Draw three bubbles in your notebook. In a word or a phrase, write
inside these bubbles your idea of the word THESIS.



Directions: Write your reaction to each statement in your notebook.

Before the lesson

Yes, I agree. No, I disagree.
1. Usually, a thesis statement is in a question
2. Sub points are not important in a thesis
3. A thesis statement can be a word or a
4. Thesis statement is often found in the
introductory paragraph.
5. “The world is a magnificent place to live” is
a good thesis statement.

Teacher’s Note: Write what you know, not what the people around you believe.


A thesis statement is a complete sentence that contains one main idea. This
idea controls the content of the entire essay. Thesis statement is the overall idea or
argument of your work. It makes all parts of your work stick together. A thesis
statement contains sub-points which will support or strengthen the main idea.


1. A thesis statement states the main idea of the essay in a complete sentence,
not in a question. That is, it is in a declarative form.

Poor example: Why do I want to be a teacher?

(in question form)
Improved version: Being a teacher is a great profession because it allows
me to work with students and be creative.

Poor example: The sport of mountain climbing.

(not a complete sentence)
Improved version: The sport of mountain climbing has allowed me to get in
better shape and meet some interesting people.

2. Thesis statement is typically the last sentence in your introduction.

Example: For most of my life I have lived with bad health, smelly clothes,
and a chronic cough. My children and husband begged me to stop the habit
that caused these conditions, but I couldn’t. The habit of smoking had
wrapped its addicting arms around me and was slowly strangling me until
one day I realized I had to stop. This realization came after three terrifying
events occurred in my family.

3. A good thesis statement often expresses a writer’s opinion or attitude on a
particular topic. This makes the thesis statement more specific and requires
the writer to explain or prove his/her opinion in the essay.

Poor example: I learned to play many musical instruments when I was

This would not be considered a good thesis statement because it is only
expressing a fact. It doesn’t give the writer’s opinion or attitude on
playing musical instruments. This thesis statement doesn’t give the
writer very much to explain or prove in his/her essay.

Improved version: Learning to play many musical instruments when I was

young helped me to become a more intelligent and well-
rounded person.
This thesis statement is much better because it expresses how the
writer feels about the experience of learning to play musical
instruments. This thesis statement requires the writer to explain how
and why playing a musical instrument made him/her a better person.

4. A good thesis statement often lists sub-points or subtopics.

Poor example: La Union is a great place to visit.

Improved version: La Union offers various tourist attractions, delicious

native cuisines, and a relaxing climate.
The underlined ideas are the sub-points which will be
elaborated further in the body of the essay.

5. Good thesis statement does not state the obvious or announce directly the
topic. Avoid using starters like, “The essay will discuss…” or “I’m going to
write about…”.

Poor example: This essay is about the effects of smoking to a person.

Improved version: Smoking has disastrous effects to a person’s health,

relationship with others, and to the environment.

Teacher’s Note: Now that you have already learned the features of a good thesis
statement, let’s put your learning to practice. What you are doing in this
learning material is likened to your life. If you are taught to be honest, you
don’t just keep that teaching, but you apply it in your doings. Right?


Decide whether the statement is a GOOD thesis or a POOR thesis. Write
GOOD or POOR in your notebook.
1. School breakfasts should be funded because they have benefits for all
2. How can women make better decisions for their family?
3. Computers have changed our society.
4. The topic of this paper is alcoholism.
5. How to Grow Prize-Winning Roses

Teacher’s Note: Yes, you are right. After Practice 1, you do Practice 2.
Realigning will be on the next page, and don’t even dare to go there without
finishing these. You will be lying to yourself child. That’s another sin added in
your list. You don’t want your list to be as thick as a book, right? Good! God
bless you.


In your notebook beside your answer on Practice 1, write your reason for
your choice. Make sure to consult the features of a thesis statement.
1. Good/Poor Why?__________________________________________________
2. Good/Poor Why?__________________________________________________
3. Good/Poor Why?__________________________________________________
4. Good/Poor Why?__________________________________________________
5. Good/Poor Why?__________________________________________________

1. School breakfasts should be funded because they have benefits for all
POOR: There are no sub points; the benefits of having school breakfast funded
are not listed. (Feature #4)
2. How can women make better decisions for their family?
POOR: This is a question, not a declarative sentence. (Feature #1)
3. Computers have changed our society.
POOR: This statement is a fact and too broad. (Features #3-4)
4. The topic of this paper is alcoholism.
POOR: It announces the topic directly. (Feature #5)
5. How to Grow Prize-Winning Roses
POOR: It is a title. (Feature #1)

Teacher’s Note: Congratulations! That was great. You already know how to
identify a good thesis statement. And for that, you will have more and more
activities to hone your greatness. It’s time to explore.



Read the following sentences. As you read, complete the following tasks in
your notebook:
A. Identify sentences which are too broad or too narrow (TB/TN)
B. Identify sentences which announce the topic (A)
C. Identify incomplete ideas (INC)
D. Identify the thesis statements that are fine as they are (OK)

1. Ilocos Norte is famous for its landscape, weather, and delicacies.

2. Miss X can make fifteen different types of pie.
3. If you quit eating out, you may save more money.

4. If more people quit smoking there would be fewer government resources needed
to pay for long hospital stays, expensive equipment and costly awareness programs.
5. James listens to hard rock every night before bed.
6. This essay identifies Philippines’ greatest presidents and senators.
7. The movie’s graphics made the audience feel like they were fighting aliens too.
8. Religion is a controversial issue.
9. How I arrived at the library.
10. This essay concerns the role of moss in the ecosystem.


For each pair of sentences below, select the one that you think would make
the more effective thesis in the introductory paragraph of a short essay.
1. A. The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel
of the same name by Suzanne Collins.
B. The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political
system that is dominated by the wealthy.
2. A. While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a
leash, compelling users to answer them anywhere and at any time.
B. There is no question that cell phones have changed our lives in a very big
3. A. Finding a job is never easy, but it can be especially hard when the
economy is still feeling the effects of a recession and employers are reluctant
to hire new workers.
B. College students looking for part-time work should begin their search by
taking advantage of job-finding resources on campus.
4. A. For the past three decades, coconut oil has been unjustly criticized as an
artery-clogging saturated fat.
B. Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat that is used in frying, baking,
and other types of cooking.
5. A. There are several steps that teachers can take to encourage academic
integrity and stop cheating in their classes.
B. There is an epidemic of cheating in Philippine schools and colleges, and
there are no easy solutions to this problem.

6. A. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who directed the building
of the first atomic bombs during World War II, had technical, moral, and
political reasons for opposing the development of the hydrogen bomb.
B. J. Robert Oppenheimer often referred to as "the father of the atomic
bomb," was born in New York City in 1904.
7. A. The iPad has revolutionized the mobile-computing landscape and created
a huge profit stream for Apple.
B. The iPad, with its relatively large high-definition screen, has helped to
revitalize the comic book industry.
8. A. Like other addictive behaviors, Internet addiction may have serious
negative consequences, including academic failure, job loss, and a
breakdown in personal relationships.
B. Drug and alcohol addiction is a major problem in the world today, and
many people suffer from it.
9. A. When I was a child I used to visit my grandmother in Luna every Sunday.
B. Every Sunday we visited my grandmother, who lived in a tiny house that
was undeniably haunted.
10. A. The bicycle was introduced in the nineteenth century and rapidly grew
into a worldwide phenomenon.
B. In several ways, bicycles today are better than they were 100 or even 50
years ago.


Congratulations for diving this deep! You already have a grasp of what a
thesis statement should look like.
At this moment, you are going to write a thesis statement that will suit each
of the paragraph below. Do this in your notebook.

1. Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________
People with good attitudes tend to be more effective problem solvers, and
team-players which are the types of people most employers are looking for. Being
able to see the positive side of a negative situation is a valuable character trait in
the workplace. Positive thinking contributes to more productivity and workplace
harmony, whereas someone who is negative and complains a lot could affect others
with their negativity and result in less productivity in the workplace, which is why
most employers steer clear of pessimists.

2. Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________

Nothing is more frustrating to an employer than someone who cuts corners
or leaves work incomplete. Employers want to hire people who are not just positive
about doing work, but are willing to put in a bit of extra effort to get the work done.
If you can show an employer that you are willing to break a sweat to get a job done,
they will take you more seriously as a capable candidate for the position you are
applying for.

3. Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________

Passion and willingness to work hard can only offer a prospective employer
so much. Unless you can show how your experiences have helped prepare you for
the position you are interviewing for, the employers may decide to go with a
candidate who has completed the appropriate training already. It is costly and
time-consuming to train a new employee, which may make many employers
hesitate before hiring less-qualified applicants.


Directions: Which is a thesis statement? Read the statements carefully. Then write
the letter of your answer in your notebook.
1. A. Teachers can fight teenage drug abuse by educating young people on its
dangers and by being good role models.
B. This essay will discuss some ways teachers can fight teenage drug abuse.
C. Fighting drug abuse of teenagers is the job of teachers.
2. A. Music therapy is useful in relieving stress and other conditions.
B. There are different kinds of music.
C. Music makes people happy.
3. A. This paper will discuss why Internet providers should be required to
deliver all online content at the same speed.
B. The Open Internet Order requires Internet service providers to deliver all
online content at the same speed.
C. Internet service providers should be required to deliver all online content
at the same speed.
4. A. A complete ban on smoking in public places is an appropriate response to
mitigate the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.
B. Research has shown that exposure to secondhand smoke in public places
can be harmful to people’s health.
C. I intend to show how exposure to secondhand smoke in public places is
harmful to people’s health.
5. A. Several studies have found that eating meat can increase your risk of
cancer and heart disease.
B. Can removing meat from your diet actually help to lower risk of cancer or
heart disease?
C. Becoming a vegetarian is the best way to lower your risk of cancer or
heart disease.
6. A. Because middle-school children who consume sweetened energy drinks
are more likely to experience hyperactivity and inattention, schools should
not supply these drinks in their canteen.
B. A 2015 study found that middle-school children are sixty-six percent
more likely to experience hyperactivity and inattention when they consume
sweetened energy drinks.
C. How can removing sweetened energy drinks from our school’s canteen
help reduce hyperactivity and inattention in middle-school children?

7. A. Although many over-the-counter weight-loss supplements are marketed
as being safe and natural, they are not subjected to the same safety
measurements as prescription medication.
B. Although many over-the-counter weight-loss supplements are marketed
as being safe and natural, they are too dangerous for long-term use.
C. What can be done to better inform consumers about the safety and
effectiveness of over-the-counter weight-loss supplements?
8. A. The rate of concussion is consistently higher in football than in any other
high school sport—by more than eleven percent.
B. Due to the risk of significant head injuries and brain trauma, primary
and secondary schools must ban football.
C. How can we protect school athletes from the threat of significant head
injuries and brain trauma in sports?
9. A. Genetically modifying plants can make them more pest-resistant and
increase growth, so it is essential for farmers to grow genetically modified
food crops.
B. Genetically modifying crops has reduced chemical pesticide and increased
food production.
C. In this essay, I will show why farmers should grow genetically modified
food crops.
10. A. Teachers have the important job educating our children and should be
paid higher wages to reflect the importance of this task.
B. This paper will explore reasons why teachers across the country should
be paid higher wages.
C. I think teachers are hard workers.

Answer Key


Learner’s answer may vary.


Learner’s reaction may vary.



1. OK 6. A
2. TN 7. TN
3. TN 8. TB
4.OK 9. INC
5. TN 10. A
1. B 6. A
2. A 7. B
3. B 8. A
4. A 9. B
5. A 10. B


Answers may vary.

Printed Materials:
Valdez, Paolo Niño M. 2016. English for the Globalized Classroom Series English for
Academic and Professional Purposes. Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing

Electronic Sources:
2012. July 17. Accessed July 26, 2020.

Arunski, John. 2012. March 7. Accessed July 26, 2020.

n.d. Accessed July 26, 2020.

n.d. George Brown College Educational Resources Tutoring and Learning Centre.
Accessed July 26, 2020.

n.d. Accessed July 26, 2020.


n.d. Accessed July 26, 2020.

Nordquist, Richard. 2019. Practice in Identifying Effective Thesis Statements.

August 7. Accessed July 26, 2020. n.d. George Brown College Educational
Resources Tutoring and Learning Centre. Accessed July 26, 2020.


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