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Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s note
ReferencesReferences 2


1. What is Wilson's central argument?

Wilson’s central argument centered on administrative study and how being a critical

field for the development of the United States and yet remains neglected and

understudied. He places forth his argument stating that the main objective of

administrative study is to discover the tasks for the government that can be properly

attained by them and how the task is to be undertaken with maximum efficiency and

minimal application of resources and energy. He also stresses that the administration

should not be meddled with politics and how the former should be utilized to

effectively implement the policies set by the nation’s political leaders.

2. What factors contributed to the science of administration to become of greater

importance to the United States?

Wilson stated that in the past, the government mainly focused on the constitution and

its various reforms, the sovereignty of the state instead of administrative study. He

also stated that during those times, governance was simpler due to less population and

minimal public opinion. However, the advent of modernization has provided a

different and a varied spin to the functions of the government and its administration..

Therefore, the science of administration has become vital in the US.

3. Why does the United States need administration now?

The United States need administration now due to the complex standards that are to

be maintained by the public machinery and how today main function of the

government is is to maintain proper governance while leading a nation with crucial

ReferencesReferences 3

public opinion.

4. What is Wilson's view of democracy? Does it relate to your view of democracy?

Wilson was an ardent believer of democracy and believed that the proper

administration of the federal government was crucial towards maintain proper

democracy that stood free of corruption, improving economy, maintain ethical

businesses and providing a better society. He believed that democracy was integral in

America to expose the fraudulent workings and their elimination. He also provided

much importance to public opinion and therefore it aptly relates to my view of


5. Should politics be separate from administration?

Wilson states that administration is a field of business and therefore it stands totally

different of politics. He states that politics must not meddle with administration as the

former ends when the elected officials take hold of their seats and that is where the

democracy starts. It is integral for politics to remain separate from administration as

unless it is done so, a major conflict of interest brews within the state. Therefore, such

conflict aims to seek personal gain rather than proper public service.

6. What should be the responsibilities of administrative agencies?

The responsibilities of administrative agencies center on formulation of various

programs and policies, resource mobilization, collection and implementation of

revenues as well as critical planning process for the utilization of administrative

resources for the benefit of the nation.

ReferencesReferences 4


Wilson, W. (1886). The study of public administration.

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